Back in November, The Pokémon Company teased that 2021 would be a year of "very special" celebrations surrounding the iconic series' 25th anniversary. Today, the first of these celebrations has been unveiled.
The trailer above gives fans a nostalgic look back through the franchise's history, with an admittedly cute set of clips following a Poké Ball as it passes by games, trading cards, and the like from years gone by. At the end, we see that pop superstar Katy Perry will be teaming up with The Pokémon Company as part of the fun, and there's even a little snippet of a song to be heard.
"This one goes out to everyone who started out catching Pokémon... but ended up catching feelings instead," The Pokémon Company says.
As for future celebrations? Well, we can expect more of the "biggest names in music" to be involved, and starting in March, the company says it will begin revisiting the many regions from the world of Pokémon. A "line of cool themed collectibles" has also been teased, with products set to be announced and launched throughout the year – including a rerelease of some iconic Pokémon cards and a very cool skateboard.
We're sure there'll be plenty more Pokémon goodness to enjoy throughout the year too, but what are you hoping to see from the series' 25th anniversary year? Let us know down below.
[source, via]
Comments 46
I know the Pokémon games haven't really changed with the times, but Katy Perry?
Maybe the whole Pokémon company is behind. Hopefully they bring some games instead of whatever this is.
Firstly: That video was cool!
Secondly: "company says it will begin revisiting the many regions from the world of Pokémon"???
Hmmmmm... Diamond+Pearl?
@redpanda0310 to quote Avengers Endgame "Don't give me hope."
25 years of being 10 years old
@Kimyonaakuma It's surprisingly modern for them actually. Japan never actually left the 80's. That's why it's the one last place on Earth that doesn't completely suck in every way.
@Kimyonaakuma She isn't my first pick but oh well.
That video was exceptionally creative, but choosing Katy Perry as a partner shows that the Pokemon company is incredibly out of touch with what is cool in America in 2021.
...has it already been five years since the 20th anniversary celebrations?
The years really don't stop comin', huh.
Marketing confuses me at times. "Here's a hot celebrity that has nothing to do with our product! Please give us money!"
There's quite an irony of Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie being pictured with a mega stone given that they can't mega evolve.
@Kimyonaakuma Why Katy Perry?
Hey, if you're going to have a 25th anniversary celebration, you need a Firework.
(and that's the only one I got)
Katy Pory-gon
Why are there fake gameboy cartridges around 10 seconds? (00:10)
The first blue,and the second red and yellow cartridges are GBC shaped, and they even use green cartridges. While green came out only in japan and had a regular grey cartridge.
Did you ever think that maybe she plays Pokémon? And she’s one of the biggest singers. It’s not a bad thing.
What a waste of money. How about they put more money into the actual games first? I don't care about any of this stuff, if the games don't get better then I'm done with Pokemon.
@Kalmaro @NEStalgia @Kimyonaakuma
Pokémon Company going after the Sesame Street crowd w/ that Katy Perry pick. 🤣
Oh, and in case you aren't in on the on the SNL joke, Prude Moms of America or some such nitwit group lost their collective minds when Katy appeared on Sesame Street wearing this so Sesame Street cut it.
Oh and NES, my wife wanted me to tell you you're out of your mind, Katy Perry was no were near the 80's she's the 2000's. Her very first album is 2001. She's got ya there.
Oh, and let me say I only read for the comments for what I assumed would be a lot of Katy Perry comments - not disappointed.
Makes me feel old. Lol
Mostly likely the entirely video set was built by th esort of people who'd sooner 3D-print some cartridges in their workshop, than go ask their client if they could borrow some. ^^
Also explains @RupeeClock 's find to some extent. :v
The website mentions that a different region will be focused on in March (starting with Galar). 8 regions means they will be covered through October, leaving November free to focus on the release of a new game, which I expect will be revealed in an anniversary Direct.
That was the coolest video I've seen in a long time
@rjejr Oh, that much I knew, that's why I said it was modern by Japan standards.
To me she's still so super new and relevant the kiddies must be into it, though. Who's newer? I haven't even noticed any new celebrity stars? Just reality TV winners. ("Winners" isn't the term I had in mind, but whatever. If Charlie Sheen is winning, so are they. Charlie Sheen's something the kids like right?
The Prude Moms Association was probably right though. Sesame Street could really boost their ratings in a way Sony wouldn't approve if they had content like that often.
I’m so excited :3
And the trailer has some Unova love
@NEStalgia Yeah, I went back and reread your post - she was waking by and caught it over my shoulder, she's an 80's kid so "80s" always catches her eye - and I knew what you meant, but I can't fault her for a quick glance interpretation.
Newer than KP I'd go w/ Ariana and Dua Lipa. Maybe the twins in my head Lovatto and Gomez (still can't tell them apart.) Miley and Taylor I'd say are contemporaries. And someone who w/ a name like she should be singing in a mall in the 80s, Madison Beer. Never heard of her, but PS had a PSVR article yesterday.
Would be curious why Perry? Needed a paycheck and accepted the offer? Actual Pokemon fan? ACNH has been getting them a lot of celebrity press on twitter. There are certainly worse choices.
I wonder what Ueto Aya is up to these days? They need to bring her back for cat Mario pics.
Just want games, and who cares about the celeb they use for the USA market
To all wondering why Katy Perry — she's not that fresh anymore (music industry-wise, even though her last release was from 2020) but she's the only one out there who might be ready to be goofing around Pokemon. She's got a history of silly videos where she doesn't take herself too seriously. Ariana and Dua are too busy jetting around during a global pandemic to even care about this.
That skateboard makes me angry. It’s a cool shape and it can’t even be gripped. Put the graphic on the bottom always
Cool, her last album as pretty good!
I think Katy Perry is fresh enough to be considered. Sure, she isn't necessarily as fresh as an Ariana Grande or a Dua Lipa (I'd even throw Halsey or Doja Cat in that mix if we are sticking to modern female pop stars). But she still makes great music and she's at that age where she could have realistically been into Pokemon during the initial craze and has some relevant connection to that period of time. Plus, she's also now a mother. So I would imagine her priorities, as far as what types of projects she is willing to commit to, may be different
OMGS that was so cute! I love watching stuff like that. Musta taken forever to set up. Such fun!
New Pokemon Pinball confirmed?
Is Katy Perry a huge pokemon fan or something?
@thecowgoesmoo87 hehe
@rjejr Ok, I'm familiar with some of the modern stuff then. Not sure any of them are an image you'd want to associate with Pokemon.....not sure Katy is either though. They probably should skip the whole celebrity tie-in actually. Japan has clean (image) celebrities....we.....really don't.... grit, drugs, tats, and details that would warrant beams of light in the PSVR version.
Let's just borrow Aya.
@NEStalgia "Not sure any of them are an image you'd want to associate with Pokemon"
Ok Boomer. 😉🤣
Want a bright side? Katy is an actual singer, who I think predates "social media influencers". And she isn't a Kardashian.😝 Brought to you by the law firm of "It Can Always Be Worse".
@rjejr Whoa, really? I have to tell my follower peeps! Well, Ariana can sing. Dua, not really (though whoever does her arranging is decent.) Mileys the terribly singing daughter who got the chance to become famous from her famously terribly singing father. (Now THAT is what makes you feel old. You kids like that trailer trash Miley? Back in my day I remember when her DAD was the drunken-singing redneck on the radio!" Done herd it at the Walmart, see? )
Gomez just makes me think Beiber and then the gag reflex kicks in and I don't hear the rest.
Never heard of Madison Beer either, but it has me picturing neckbeards with scarves at a faux-brick industrial "ale house" with $25 IPAs. So, basically, any corner of Brooklyn. (That's the other way I feel old, I still think of Brooklyn as Little Italy and streets lined with "Union boys"......I still have to go fact check myself when I joke about the hipsters. Sounds wrong.)
@NEStalgia Brooklyn is just one big mall adjacent to an arena now, it's basically New Jersey. 😝
@rjejr That's just unimaginable. It'll never be anything but little Italy any time I hear the name... But I thought it was hipsterville. And hipsters hate malls. They lack the faux authenticity of overpriced expensive luxury brand low quality trash.
It can't seriously be as bad as jersey, can it? I mean even syrias not as bad as jersey.
Of course.
@NEStalgia Well ok no, not as bad as Jersey, but compared to what it was, it may as well be Jersey now.
But really, if you're inside one Target or Chuck E Cheese, you're inside every Target or Chuck E Cheese.
Katy Perry on The Sims 3 PC, now Katy Perry on Pokemon. 😂
@rjejr I miss old ny. Then again i miss old here, too.
I keep thinking that spidermiles is almost a photographically perfect simulation of ny... The only thing that breaks the illusion is that every corner has stores that aren't vape shops or check cashing joints. And everyone seems happy. Though they're happy and oblivious to the fact that an evil criminal mastermind is poisoning them. That's authenticity!
No hate towards my girl Katy, but Jesus... If this doesn't reek of pandering to "our youths" by corporate CEOs who are completely out of touch with "what the young folks are into these days", I don't know what is.
To be fair though, Gamefreak has always had a rocky history with it's marketing department. At best it's hit or miss, at worst it's contraversial. I got a better idea though.
You want to actually get people interested? How about just making and marketing a good game, without the lazy development and animations, excuses, gimmicks, and cutting out content that should be in said game day one (don't get me started on the whole dexit diaster).
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'm a simple man. I just want my $60 to actually feel like it's worth it when I buy a Pokemon game. And not feel like it's going towards the next cheesy pandering campaign to a demographic they can't relate to, to put new lipstick on the same old pig.
I hope they get Milli Vanilli for the 30th Anniversary!
Cute, clever promotion! And Katy Perry's a great choice to fit with the 'personality' of the Pokémon franchise. Her public persona and her song history are exciting, friendly and a tiny bit silly; qualities you don't consistently if ever get from a Taylor Swift or an Ariana Grande. Overall, well done.
@NEStalgia I grew up in a small Queens, NY neighborhood that was very working class. My friends always made fun of it that it was always the Happy Days 50's in my town even in the 80's.
This is across the street from my high school, now it's Blade Runner.
Actually....that doesn't look as bad as I pictured. It still looks like the 80's except it looks like a Koreatown in a Japanese city....which is weird in its own right...but still delightfully 80's no matter how you slice it. Not as big or dense or claustrophobic as anything in NY, but I remember when buildings and signage looked a bit more like that. That's what I miss. Anything like that has since been torn down and replaced with things "modern" - and expensive...of course anything in NY is expensive even if it looks like these.
If they did it like here, the buildings would be torn down and replaced with those samey-looking post-modern i "this tries to look faux quaint in an industrial sort of way" motif in perfectly symmetrically imperfect grids, designed with risers to look imposing, but would all be apartment blocks for "high income millennials" with built in social and fitness centers (and a dog walking trail around it), with a CVS, a Panera (or 3 of each), an AT&T store, 5 banks, 6 other expensive fast-casual-for-business-lunch-diners chains, a handful of expensive small restaurants, wine bars, bars, social bars, restaurants that are really just bars, 3 high-end humongous gyms with a visible pool so you can show the world your amazing abs through a retail display case....and literally nothing else to buy anything else for 30 minutes in any direction, and a ton of vacancies that will be eventually plowed down and turned into gas stations, another CVS, a medical complex, another Panera, or stores that sit vacant for 10 years while various services and outsourcing firms move in and out over time.
I like Koreatown. I'll take Koreatown. It's still analog and actually looks "blue collar" still. I just can't deal with the roads....not that the ones here are much better these days.
That's the thing I guess.....everything for miles and miles around was all working class....I didn't even know there WAS any other "class" - I thought that's how everything was. Never occurred to me that anyone was anything else. And that's what happened, the place got overrun by "professional class?" Would you call it. Upper-middle class. W**kers as the Brits here might say. They just one day ringed me like a military occupation and I was suddenly in an alien world I understand nothing about and can't actually participate in unless someone dumps a cool million on me.
katy perry? could be worse...
actually, we already have worse considering that theres a donald trump looking pokemon that cases away mexican stereotype looking pokemon...
Very Rube Goldberg-y.
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