Konami's Goemon series – also known as Mystical Ninja in the west – is one of those franchises that we hope and pray will get a proper revival one day soon. Until that time, we'll have to make do with Fangamer's amazing range of officially-licenced gear, which includes shirts, pin badges, posters and even a vinyl LP. You can check out the full range here.
The Goemon series began life back in 1986 with the arcade title Mr. Goemon, and would find its way onto a wide range of systems, including the Famicom, Game Boy, PlayStation, N64 and – of course – SNES. The Legend of the Mystical Ninja is arguably the most famous entry for western players, but subsequent Goemon titles were localised for release outside of Japan, too.
While Konami hasn't really done a great deal with the character recently, we may well be getting a spiritual successor thanks to Good-Feel, the company established by Etsunobu Ebisu, who previously worked at Konami and development many of the classic Goemon titles.

Comments 15
Goemon(mystical ninja), i truly loved that game on the N64. The cutscenes and the strange guy yelling "PLAAASMAA!" 🤣
I Would so love for a new game on the switch.
Yeah I’d like to see more of this series. Mystical ninja snes is really the only game I’ve played extensively, but I loved everything about it.
What's up with all these spiritual successors? Can't we just have an actual goemon game or an actual castlevania? For a while there i never thought we'd see another actual mega man. Instead we got crappy number 9.
Then we were eventually treated to Mega man 11 so I'm holding out hope for a true revival of the aforementioned games.
The vinyl record is a thing of beauty. If it was the soundtrack to the N64s Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, I would probably be able to justify the high shipping costs to the UK but sadly I don’t have the emotional attachment to the music on this one. Shame!
@Collette I think a Mystical Ninja remake would do well on the Switch. A lot of Nintendo fans I know have great nostalgia for it and it seems to be one of the more loved third party N64 games.
Goemon confirmed for Smash!
Sweet merch! By the way, fan translations for all the SNES Goemon titles (and I believe some of the NES games) made their way to the internet recently. They're amazing games. They're working on the PS1 game also. By the way, "piracy is bad kids, so make sure you own the original cartridge, blah blah blah".
I’ve still never played any of the Goemon games from the N64. I keep hearing they’re great. I’ve only ever played the SNES (which was awesome!)
This is just awesome, it's one of the coolest game series out there. I especially love the shirt they're offering, but everything is a bit too expensive for me.
Between this and Good-Feel's next game, it's a great time to be a Goemon fan. Now we only need a game collection for Switch and Goemon as part of Smash's second Fighters Pass, and it will be perfect.
@The-Chosen-one Well, we're pretty much getting one next year. Or at least a game that's absolutely going for the Goemon style, made by mostly the same developers.
Annnnnd there goes my money.
@Collette ha I know I know. My first thought was "oh crap! How much is this gonna cost me?"
VERY AWESOME! I love this series. Long overdue for some TLC but well y'know, Konami...
@The-Chosen-one YES! Plasma Man was one of the most hilarious things that made me fall in love with this series' charm. I used to hammer on the button so it would sound like "PU-PU-PU-PU-PU-PU-PULASIMAAAAA!! 😂
Hahaha exactly the same, my brother and i laughed so hard about it the first time, that we just spammed the pulasmaaa guy.
Loved Mystical Ninja on the SNES, also played through and enjoyed the first N64 game soon after it came out.
Finally managed to get hold of Mystical Ninja 2 on N64 (via eBay) last November, great game and need to finish it soon.
Have ordered the Vinyl from Amazon UK @ottospooky, £46.
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