It's been another crazy week in Nintendo Land, with the announcement of a brand new Zelda game on Switch and more rumours of Nintendo diving into the world of 4K, but enough about that – let's talk about our weekend gaming plans.
Members of Nintendo Life have done just that below, and we'd love for you to join in via our poll and comment sections. Enjoy!
Gavin Lane, features editor
Despite a near-total lack of free time, I’ve had a real hankering this week to dip into a big RPG-style game. Looking through my Switch, I’ve got Octopath Traveler and Fire Emblem: Three Houses sitting practically untouched, and either would scratch the itch very well.
Otherwise I’ll be pottering around in Animal Crossing, as usual. I’ve totally ignored my island’s star rating since launch but, at the behest of Isabelle, I only had to pick up a bunch of items left lying around (mainly surplus DIY recipes and timber I’d stashed in my designated ‘Lumber Region’) to achieve 5-star status. Result! Following a minor (well, major for me) waterscaping project, my island is starting to look more like a natural paradise and less like a fish tank-filled warehouse.
Ryan Craddock, news editor
This week I managed to fill one of the glaring holes in my Nintendo collection by picking up a NES with Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Bros. 3 (the seller also threw in Ikari Warriors for free, which was nice). It's in absolutely wonderful condition and I plan on trying to fight my way through the original Super Mario Bros. this weekend.
I've also got into taking photos of my collection and have started up a new Instagram to show it all off and get more enjoyment out of new finds. As such, I might also take some time to pick out some old, quirky items and get some decent snaps to post at a later date. You're very welcome to follow me and join in the fun if you'd like (shameless promotion, I know). Have a good one, folks!
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Hello. This weekend I’m going to be greedily tucking into the smorgasbord of excellent Indie titles that have been served up on the eShop of late. I’m already hard at work on the superb Paradise Killer – if you love completely bonkers detective games this one’s a must-play – as well as the hilarious Lair of the Clockwork God and very pretty Hotshot Racing.
I’ve also grabbed Moonlighter from the current sale - I’ve only heard good things and it’s 68% off at the moment so why not - and am preparing for my annual Dark Souls playthrough, a ritual I’ve been indulging in for what feels like several hundred years now. Have a good weekend whatever you’re playing and stay safe out there!
Liam Doolan, news reporter
It's been another exciting week for Nintendo fans with the announcement of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, so this weekend - in celebration - I've decided it's time to return to Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. I was originally playing this game alongside Fire Emblem Warriors and well... it didn't really work out in the end. I wouldn't advise trying to play two Musou-style games at once.
One other game, or should I say collection, I'm looking forward to returning to over the next few days is Super Mario All-Stars via the Switch Online SNES library. I've been playing through Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, which I admittedly haven't touched since the 25th Anniversary Edition was released on the Wii. And last, but not least, I'll be playing the original Super Mario Land via the 3DS Virtual Console - just because I can. Happy gaming, everyone!
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
This weekend, I've got Zelda on the brain. The announcement of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity has me so pumped up, I'll pretty much just be playing every Zelda game I have over the weekend. The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess... I could go on forever. I'm so dang excited! This is exactly what I needed to tide me over until the sequel to Breath of the Wild comes out. And I think Nintendo knew that.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 127
Well I have an old school gaming weekend.
Wifey is a weekend with her sister and she takes the dogs with her.
Indie games this week!
Death and taxes
Batu ta batu
Intertial drift
Children of morta
One step from Eden
Have a great weekend al!
I'll be playing BOTW on my master mode file. All this talk of Hyrule Warriors AOC coming out soon has me excited. Also i'll play Captain Tsubasa rise of new champions. I haven't had the time to play it since arriving last week.
This week I will be mostly playing
Mario + Rabbids (working on Challenge stages, but losing interest)
A Little Bit Of Brain Training Maths
Street Fighter
I want to clear the decks a bit before Friday...
My daughter is obsessed with Jack Black and so I promised her I’d unlock him in Tony Hawk....before I investigated the requirements for doing such. I’m proper <explicative deleted>.
I've been playing Ni No Kuni and FFIX
Smash Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Disgaea 5. Such an amazing game! And it's -66% off on eshop
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash Bro’s Ultimate, Splatoon 2
I've been on a Slay the Spire kick for the past week and will be playing some more today.
Ring Fit Adventure, I'm Level 190 and have just entered the penultimate world (first time through). Trying to complete as many of the side quests as I can. Unfortunately this requires playing a lot of the minigames which almost all suck. Whoever invented Squattery Wheel, I hate you.
Aside from those, I don't know if I want to go back to SoS:FoMT or DQB2. I stopped playing both a while ago and am feeling guilty about abandoning my little townspeople.
Don't want to start anything new as I'll be buying Mario next week.
Continue my daily dip into Animal Crossing and will also be playing Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Switch.
(Youngest will play RPG maker and nexomon)
Working on a Red Tearstone Ring run in Dark Souls, it really changes the tension of the game, only being allowed a single hit to live!
I started Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this week. 16 hours in and I’m completely hooked!
I spent over 200 hours on Xenoblade 3D. I can easily see myself matching that with this game.
I’ll be continuing my play through of Baldurs Gate 2 on switch. Only played the first game twenty odd years ago and now playing through it all on switch. Loving it even though I’m taking the easy mode route because who has the time for replaying difficult bits over and over.
After seeing the new Hyrule Warriors I've returned to Breath of The Wild and have had to relearn the controls. Its funny going back to this and seeing how outdated pretty much all other open world games feel compared to this, still not keen on the weapon degradation (and slight lack of story) but in every other way it blows the competition out of the water. A truly wonderful game
Finished my third run (VW) and DLC on Fire Emblem Three House. Was planning on starting Xenoblade Chronicles but have gotten distracted by the excellent Dead Cells instead.
Complete the excellent Knack 2 yesterday which means that's another game I can tick off my backlog.
Today I'll be going back to Death Stranding and continuing my adventure in Tokyo Xanadu Ex.
On Switch it will be Animal Crossing as usual and I may carry on with Paper Mario which I haven't played in about 3 weeks.
Gonna finally try and beat BOTW since I only beat 2 divine beasts despite being 75 hours in.
I really get too distracted easily, man
I’m playing toonstruck on my laptop and I’m planning on playing curse of monkey island afterwards. Also watching the boys now that I have a prime subscription.
Maybe I’ll finally go back to animal crossing new horizon, also started the force unleashed on my ps3 last week.
@carlos82 That's interesting, I found botw to be a regression for open world style games.
Animal Crossing every day I can since launch.
Lonely mountains downhill is a great game that I have sunk hours into this week. It is incredible. I love the balance/tension between speed run and exploration. You can't get down the mountains fast unless you find the short cuts, you can't find the short cuts if you go too fast. I foresee putting many more hours into this game.
@TG16_IS_BAE In what sense? I found it refreshing to just go and explore rather than something like RDR2 which is a game of chase the yellow dot and do exactly as told
@carlos82 You can literally do just that in RDR2, if you want. But I found botw to be way too empty. I don’t mind exploring in Skyrim, cause that game (on PC) is gorgeous. So the parts that are more empty at least have some great scenery that evokes my imagination and wanderlust. Botw is ugly, with outdated visuals so the empty parts are tedious. Not to mention, every single item you pick up has that annoying chime to it. Yeah, no thanks lol
Been distracted by City Skylines. Finally figured out metro train layouts. The other point of interest has been a 70K population, which is my highest yet. I'll probably show my face in ACNH to keep them happy.
I wanted to play some Galaxy 2 in preperation for next week... but my burned wii disc from back no longer works after so many years. So instead I bought Super Mario 3D Land, which is a game that I wanted to complete anyway before 3D World comes out.
Also going to continue my DQXI file, I'm currently 52 hours in.
Trying to wrap up Xenoblade DE before 3D All Stars is here. But the boss at chapter 14 is holding me back.. 😭
XCDE, got back into it again.
Maybe some comp in OW & VAL?
Atom RPG, Spiritfarer, and FF7 for me still. Loving these games!
Mainly focusing on Hyper Light Drifter; already beat it on Newcomer difficulty (it's still difficult regardless), and will try to get as close to 100% as possible on Standard difficulty (putting aside a certain challenge that's apparently very stressful...)
Regardless, I love this game, and its OST is legendary.
Greedfall. A cross between The Witcher and Assassins Creed but with a low budget and low tech visuals. Pretty good though. Fuse on Xbox 360. Never even heard of this Insomniac game until I saw it in CEX for £1. Polished Gears of War clone with some nice graphics.
The amount of time I've been spending gaming lately has been woefully small due to me being on a huge Jojo's Bizarre Adventure kick. I have been binging the anime, and now the manga, and I tell you, it's taken a long time to get to the final part. When I'm finished up, my gaming schedule will open back up. But for now, Jojo takes priority.
When I do find a few moments to game, it will be playing more Adventure Pals in co-op with my wife, and maybe a few races in Hotshot Racing as I get adjusted to its controls. I only tried one race a few days ago, and while I love it, I cannot get the hang of the drifting for some reason.
I bought Lapis X Labyrinth on the sale and it's pretty good! It reminds me of a 2D Diablo but with less intriguing levels.
You get better loot if you can play without getting hit. The higher the combo counter the more money and stuff you get. It's fun to see gems and coins flying all over the screen when you have a good run. It's very arcade-y feeling.
If you want a hectic hack'n'slash looter then it fits the bill.
Odd time to get a NES and Mario Bros. games with All-Stars recently released on the online service, but OK.
The retro streak may apply in my case as well - I beat Super Mario World yesterday (not enticed enough to bother with all the routes and secrets left, but impressed overall) and wouldn't be surprised to see myself starting Yoshi's Island right away. While I'm in the app, I might as well do a few more Super Mario Kart cups, too. Otherwise, it'll probably be Burnout, Bioshock 2, hopefully with some Xenoblades, Eternia and Valentia inbetween.
Warframe sessions usually go without saying lately (after all, I've been mostly just doing Nightwave for a long while), but it may deserve a separate mention now - courtesy of the Deimos update on the one hand and finally beating Sargas Ruk on the other (yay for my first and hilariously free prime frame - I mean, I don't even have a Twitch, but it seems like the reward-promising stream went UbiForward and they ended up giving the stuff out to everyone😅), I now have access to two more worlds, including a new open area. I guess that's how you end up with 400+ hours in an F2P game.😆
This morning I downloaded a 2D Sonic inspired platformer called PolyRoll for £1 something (on sale) which looks real nice! And I'll be playing Splatoon 2 turf war as always. Maybe some Trials Rising too, although I have all my Gold medals now...
Finally found a copy of Taiko No Tatsujin Drum n Fun on Switch with the drum controller (Argos for those interested), so im gonna be playing that and I've just picked up Eledees on the Wii for a rather nice price of £2.50, so gonna try and get some time on that too
This weekend I mostly be playing...
Windbound, and World of Tanks: Blitz
Pretty much just some Hotshot Racing and Inertial Drift on my Switch along with Beat Cop which I recently got on sale.
I started fallout 3 for the first time but today i am out of the house and decided to dust off my GBA SP and start golden sun (it has been some time...)
Runner 3
Pikmin 3
Twilight Princess
M&L Dream Team Bros
World of tanks? Oh.... yeah.....that.....mobile game....
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Just encountered the main choice in Black Eagles route. Chose the more interesting option. Quite interesting to see how the chapter differed from my first playthrough with Golden Deer.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
The final trial is about to begin. Time to see how the game ends.
Hana (/Sakura) Samurai: Art Of The Sword
I was interested in this game back when it came out but it took me a while to get it. Bought it earlier this year and started playing on Thursday. I believe I'm about half way through already. The enemies are getting more complex. I hate the spear guys who attack multiple times.
Back to the XB1, between the past few days being very good on the Xbox front and being stuck in DQXIS made me decide to focus on XB1 for the weekend.
Breath of the Wild and Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition for me. You'll never guess why!
It's all about Okami HD for me. Have returned after 14 years and it's still a very lovely game. You could make a case for it being one of the best-looking games ever, the visuals are timeless.
Just finished Xenoblade Chronicles two nights ago after 95 hours of game time. Great game, loved it every step of the way.
I currently have New Super Lucky's Tale and Doom on the go so I'll try and crack on with them this weekend, but I'm working an extra shift so time will be limited.
@Steelhead I’m at about 30 hours and I think I’m coming up to where I left off on Wii all those years ago. I’m wondering how much time I have left with this awesome game, did you do a lot of side quests etc?
Torchlight 2 and Paladins are one the list for me.
Playing Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn on the Wii, decided to do something that I barely ever do, which is to pick up an old save file and continue on from there, IIRC this save is from roughly 4 months ago or so. Old save was left in Part 1-E and now I've managed to make it up to Part 3 CH4, really fun game, one of my favorites in this series for sure.
On the side I have been working my creative muscle with both a mini-project on the new PC RPG Maker and building some stuff in Minecraft.
@Tommy-and-Timmy Yep. I played WOT:Blitz for free on mobile up to tier IV. So now I've still got all the tanks that I unlocked and a much better controller than a mobile screen. It's a good (if not tough) game... for free!!!
Continuing my marathon with Partners in Time. I should finish it today and move on to New Super Mario Bros. Added the Mario vs. Donkey Kong games past the first one back to my list because I may actually try to play them...
PROLOGUE: Star Children
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi's Island DS
PART I: Let's-a go!
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Wrecking Crew
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros 2 - The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 2 USA
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Land
Super Mario World
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Donkey Kong 94
Super Mario RPG
PART II: Adventures Untold
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario
Luigi's Mansion
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Princess Peach
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time <------At Star Hill
PART III: A New Beginning
New Super Mario Bros.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
PART IV: The Stars Align
Super Mario 3D Land
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
New Super Mario Bros. U
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
New Super Luigi U
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Super Mario 3D World
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Super Mario Run
PART V: Jump Up, Super Star!
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Super Mario Odyssey
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Doom 2 - Started over again last week. I'd previously only made it as far as Map 18. I'm now up to 19. Absolutely superb game.
Rocket League - I've been on fire the past few weeks. I feel like I've moved up a skill level and am now much more confident in my air game.
Too many games. Too little time.
Monster Party on Nes and Tailspin on Nes
@Cosats So true.
@Kid_Sickarus yeah I did most of the sidequests I came across except for a few that required really specific weather conditions. I rarely made a point of finding sidequests though, mainly just did the ones I found.
Also, about 12 hours of my playtime was for the Future Connected epilogue.
Meeting a friend today to play some Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Needless to say I'm psyched!
I'm going to try Conker: Live and Reloaded this weekend. It's a remake of Conkers Bad Fur Day on the N64 with better graphics so am looking forward to trying it out.
Also might play some Dyna Bomb on Switch and Rhythm Paradise Megamix on 3DS.
@carlos82 @TG16_IS_BAE Spoken like a person that has never played RDR or any open world game not called BOTW.
All Stars and Oddworld Munch's Oddysee
Tony Hawk 1 + 2, Tomb Raider Definitive edition which I picked up for $2 off the Playstation store, and possibly Dark Souls 2 if I'm feeling masochistic.
Switch will continue to gather dust unless I feel like playing some All-Stars from the recent Online update.
I'm still working on blasphemous. I'm definitely towards the end but having a hard time with one of the bosses. Will hopefully beat it soon to get ready for 3d all stars
@Ambassador_Kong who me? I've played a lot of open world games and most are a bit dull these days as they stick to very similar tired formula's
Actually the most recent game I platinumed was Ghost of Tsushima
Great! I’m really glad you are enjoying it! I personally don’t like it.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses and the first Bioshock. I am around 30 hours in FE and on the Neptune's Bounty stage in Bioshock.
Just Ys VIII now I’ve beaten Catherine.
Both have surprised me with how much fun they are.
Lately I've really got into Lonely Mountains: Downhill. What a surprise gem of a game. Once the beers start to flow though I probably won't be able to play it much.
As more and more beers are consumed I'll play more Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Friday the 13th The Game, and MAYBE Tetris 99 (depending on how sauced I am).
However tonight being Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals Vegas Golden Knights vs. Dallas Stars the Switch goes handheld during intermission.
@dugan Yeah Lonely Mountains took me by surprise. At first I was like "eh it's alright". But then it "clicked" for me after a day or 2 and I've already sunk a bunch of hours into it. It's so basic yet so deep at the same time!
First time I've gotten to use all 3 votes at once! Been playing lots of Mario All-Stars, lamenting the fact that I'm no good at SMB anymore...sigh. I remember when I had tons of time to practice games.
Other than that, I got Hyrule Warriors for my birthday, and still playing lots of DQ11. Story doesnt feel like it's even starting to wind down, which is great cause I'm loving it
Rocket League and HotSh*t Racing 🤪. ...the only directions in HotShot Racing are the tips on the short load screens. I'm still figuring out how to be fast. Beat all normal difficulty cups, working on hard cups now. Spent 30+ minutes doing a time trial. Trying to beat the staff ghost taught me a good deal about how to be fast. Drafting anyone that passes you in a race is also a crucial way regain the lead. It's a good game.
I love the Marcus character. His sayings are awesome, best I've heard yet. And the music beat i heard racing with him was awesome with that red &black lamborghini looking car. I dont know if that music is tied to the character, car, or track. Its probably tied to one or more of those attributes. Marcus is the s**t! Haha
I've been playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, trying to get all 180 emblems. Currently, I have 176, and I just need to finish up Cannon's Core, the final stage of the game. I don't think I want this journey to end, though. I'm still in the mood for more Sonic, so I think I'll start Sonic Adventure DX afterwards. I'm not sure if I'll go for all emblems, but it would be easier to do, since you don't have to worry about ranking in that game. Then again, you do have to worry about fishing...
Currently Playing Super Mario Galaxy 2, about to beat the world 3 boss. than gonna do Super Mario All Stars (not the NSO version, i picked up the cartridge version last week.) and maybe Animal Crossing: New Horizons, to fix my town a little bit.
Was tempted to play more Fire Emblem Warriors after the Hyrule Warriors trailer but I'm trying to complete some of my backlog so have decided against it.
Finished Sparklite Monday which is a nice little 7/10 game. Also finished Halo Reach on solo legendary which wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.
Will definitely be playing more Children of Morta, fantastic setting and narrative, gameplay is addictive as anything!
Also try to squeeze in a few more Captain Tsubasa matches!
In celebation of thirty-five years this weekend, I'll definitely be playing Super Mario Bros. on the NES app. Honestly, this is the first game I remember ever playing (well that and the Duck Hunt game, that was on the same cartridge, yeah I'm old). I also plan on playing Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, as well on their respective apps.
I think I'll continue Octopath Traveler after three or so weeks ago. Then later on I'll play Ys VIII if I can.
Continuing to play Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town <3
Between playing that and Stardew Valley lately, I'm really enjoying a more relaxing bit of games.
I'm gonna try to play through After Party on Switch this weekend. Fun quick little indie that I started last night. Has a unique style I'm enjoying so far.
Super Mario Odyssey 64
Super Mario 64 - Ocarina of Time
Super Mario World - All Power-Ups
Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2
Lately I have been getting back into Majora’s Mask (3DS) after taking a break from it for... well... about 2 years. I am hoping I can finish it before I start on Mario 3D All Stars Friday.
to prepare for 3D AllStars in 6 (!!) days, i'll be playing Super Mario All Stars, and hoping to try out HotShot Racing.
@Ambassador_Kong Nope, try again.
After 60 hours, still enjoying Atelier Ryza. My first Atelier game, and now that I have a better grasp of the synthesis system (a journey, not a destination), it's a little addicting. The combat system is deep and fun as well IMO. The plot and dialog ... err ... did I mention the synthesis and combat?
TLOU2 - will prob pick up Mario 3D all stars when it comes out if I can get a physical copy
Animal Crossing. Just island maintenance.
Still on Dragon Quest II. I don't know how much more I have of it, but after that it's on to Dragon Quest III.
Vampire the Masquerade: Coteries of New York probably, since the new one is out now. Although I'm a little hesitant to start yet another visual novel when I still have not finished Arcade Spirits and Cinders.
Othercide just released on the Switch and I'm looking forward to playing it. Just played about 5-10 minutes yesterday before going to bed and it seems pretty good!
Nearing the end of my first run though of Catherine now. I'm have an idea which ending I've gone for, but I don't know what that's really going to end up meaning. I've enjoyed the game but I may just YouTube the other endings as I imagine getting them in game requires playing through lots of it again.
Animal Crossing and Streets of Rage 4
Playing The Witcher 3..
Started the backlogged Transistor. Liking it, especially the general mood of the game. Not sure what's going on though, but I likenthe way it makes you speculate and try and figure out what's real etc
My hope is to finish up Ghost Trick on the DS this weekend; I last stopped in the middle of Chapter 17 (because sleep) and feel like I'm very close to the end. The plot thickens, and I'm dying to get some answers.
I also plan to return to the world of Xenoblade Chronicles on Switch in order to play through the Future Connected epilogue. I needed a break after nearly 100 hours with the main game, but now I'm ready for more Monado action!
If I have time, I'll also play a little more Donkey Kong Country 2 on the Wii U VC. I've only been playing a few levels every now and again when I need a break from all this text (or just feel like playing a platformer).
Have a good weekend! Happy gaming!
I'm so excited for 3D Allstars that I'm mostly playing Mario Odyssey and Mario 3D Land. I'm also playing Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Rouge Squadron, Perfect Dark, and Banjo Kazooie, when I'm off work.
Fallout 3 (Games For Windows) - Finally making my way toward the end.
Flowerz (Windows Phone) - Back on this again.
Secrets and Treasure: The Lost Cities (Windows Phone) - Some of these puzzles are very obtuse...
@Tommy-and-Timmy That's fair enough bro, been playing the original World of Tanks on PC for years. Its not an easy game to get on with.
Nearly through a second playthrough of Super Mario Odyssey, but primarily with the Pro-Controller and on a TV this time (first time through was in handheld mold), and also in Japanese! The Switch is a versatile little system. Odyssey is definitely best on a TV; and playing with the Pro-Controller is a nice nostalgia booster to help get ready for replaying the games in 3D All-Stars collection.
@Dragwhite I had literally clocked over 150 hours before I beat my third divine beast. The world is endlessly rich.
Half way through Assassin's Creed III. I haven't played an Assassin's Creed since the first one. I haven't played many Ubisoft games, so I am not getting that 'Ubisoft burnout' just yet. I am surprised how fast the time goes by playing it despite it not being a great game. It is enjoyable, but mainly 'meh.'
I've been playing Super Mario 1, Lost Levels, and Super Mario 3 this week. I needed a fun escape from some real-life troubles, and Mario 3 is a good one for that. I played the Famicom version. I might dive into the SNES version a bit this weekend. I had never played the Lost Levels before. It was hard, but not as hard as I was led to believe. The reverse warp pipes are really nasty though. I'm considering a run on the SNES version of Mario 2(Mario USA) as I've never been able to get into that one on the NES or GBA.
Pikmin 3 on the Wii U, NBA 2K 21 on the Switch. Staying inside to avoid the smoky air from all the West Coast fires. Luckily, we're far enough away to be safe.
Been playing Children of Morta. Soo good. Also been dabbling with neon abyss buts it's pretty tricky on the switches small screen. I did pick up child of light so I may be playing that as well.
Currently trying to 100% Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, and beat Paper Mario the origami king as well! I just recently finished Doom 64 and The Witcher 3!
Rimworld has dragged me back into it so probably that
@Kid_Sickarus it took me around 126 hours to finish while doing all the side quests. I reckon if you play through it pretty casually you’ll finish at around the 100 hour mark, give or take a few hours. It’s a wonderful game but I do warn you of a pretty hefty difficulty spike around the 80 hour mark that set me back some time! Might want to smash out some side quests to level yourself up for that particular boss
@MajorasLapdog thanks for the tip, I'll do just that. I love RPGs but can't seem to balance progressing the story with levelling my team, then I'll hit a difficulty spike and be woefully unprepared >_<
I loved bravely default for that- being able to 'automate' and speed up the grind battles (although then I ended up way overpowered and steamrollered most of the rest of the game)
Finally popped Undertale off my backlog and am hooked. Also some Ori from the last sale.
Link's Awakening 😀
ACNH (I recently decided to redo about 60% of my island)
Child of Light (which I said I was going to do last weekend, but ended up playing Splatoon 2 instead, oops)
Bravely Default II Demo
Might also download A Short Hike this weekend, but if I don't get to it, maybe next weekend.
I've also already played the demo for Summer in Mara this weekend. Wasn't just wowed by it. May get it far in the future with a good discount (or once I've worked through some my backlog. . .whichever happens first).
I started Murder by Numbers this week so I’ll be continuing with that. Seriously Glad I picked it up on sale- the puzzles are fun and the story/ writing is entertaining! I should have no trouble finishing it before the Mario Collection is delivered 😁
Had to run from the fires in the West coast of the U.S. So I am at my parents house with 7 game systems. Want to play Avengers and Tony Hawk, but will probably settle for DARKSIDERS: WARMASTERED and LONELY MOUNTAIN on Switch. Maybe I will see what is on sale.
videogames Im playing this weekend
Witcher III
Assassisn Creed Brotherhood for my Playstation 3
Batman Arkham Origins and the Mr Freeze DLC for the rest of this month anyway.
Batman Arkham Blackgate for my Nintendo 3DS but ill play it after im done with Arkham Origins
Just beat Super Princess Peach. What a wonderful game. Why hasn't there been a sequel?
Now playing:
Wario: Master of Disguise
Super Mario World
Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light
Octopath traveler, after a 1 year break (that battle music is sooo good) and Avicii Invector (amazing artist, I don know how I did not listen to him until now)
Just received my new Blue Hori split grip ( off of the recommendations from the NL community) which looks absolutely beautiful. I'll be playing quite a few games this weekend, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil Zero, NBA 2K20, and whatever Mario anniversary stuff Switch Online has.
Ys VIII is half price right now so, probably that
Also might go back to Octopath because It's been a few months
Well, I figured in honor of Mario's 39th(I know what I said), I'm sitting down to play Super Mario Bros. Deluxe on the GBC.
Over the past few days I've put in almost 30 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles DE so I plan on continuing that today. Before I went to bed I progressed to Chapter 10 (I think), I just finished the Prison Island confrontation, and roughly 47 hours in. Man oh man, is this so freaking good. I'm so glad I never played my Wii copy more than a few hours back in the day so I could experience this version new.
Mario Odyssey... again! Apparently I’ve played 380 hours in it now according to the stats screen on the Switch.
I was re-playing Link’s Awakening and was trying to 100% it again but I got really burned out on the tedious dungeon builder stuff so started another Odyssey run. I might go back to Zelda after Odyssey, but I suspect I’ll be finishing just in time to start 3D Allstars.
DQXI, Slay the Spire and more NG+ in Children of Morta.
Also thinking of picking up Crosscode, heard nothing but good things and it sounds right up my street.
I finally got Tokyo mirage sessions and I started it yesterday. Absolutely love it and I’m so upset I didn’t pick it up earlier(although I made a very respectable dent through my backlog these last couple months). I’m going to be playing that and only that until it’s completed. I’m sure I can do it before Friday.. can’t not play the 3D Mario all stars as soon as it drops... it’s too nostalgic
My re-introduction back to World of Tanks BLITZ on Switch actually did lead me back to firing up the full World of Tanks on XBox, which I didn't even bother doing back when I got my XBox ONE S All Digital (go ahead, laugh, I deserve it). So I'm grinding it out until tomorrow, when both my Premium time ends and I have to go travel for work again this week. The true test is if I'll keep going when I get back. There are a ton of new maps, and new versions of old maps, that I haven't got accustomed to yet as well as tanks that I had back when I stopped on XBox360 (about 5 years ago) are suddenly brand new tanks. There's been a lot to take in.
Switch- Super Mario All-Stars Lost Levels
Xbox One- Hotshot Racing, THPS 1+2
PS4- Spongebob Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
Getting over my cat's death by playing some Smash Ultimate and maybe a little Super Mario All-Stars (SMB2).
@OorWullie my lady and I play Doom 2 regularly!! It's always a great time. Plus there's all those extra levels they've put out for free!! Easily up there for "best 5 bucks spent".
I'll be playing Super Mario Maker 2, Tetris 99, Sonic Mania, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Nintendo Switch.
Since I skipped the Wii generation I've got some catching up to do.
Currently playing project zero 2 at night and metroid prime 3 during the day.
Ashen. So far 15 hours +
@rdm22 Absolutely, I've still got an entire two areas I haven't even mapped yet because I saw something shiny and ran after it like some sort of demented child
Im playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, Wolfenstein 2 and Pokémon Sword mainly
As some other people, I'm getting the rest of the moons in Super Mario Odyssey before re-playing the best Mario 3D games that will be available on Switch soon 😎.
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