Last week, as you might recall, the CPSIA page on the Nintendo Americas support site revealed two of the champion amiibo (Mipha and Revali) from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild line would likely be getting reprints in North America. Both were listed alongside the upcoming Joker amiibo for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Since then, the same page has been updated, and as you can see below - it lists the two other champions from Breath of the Wild. The Gerudo champion Urbosa and the Goron champion Daruk. Both appeared alongside the new listing for Hero.

The Hero and Joker amiibo are both arriving in Europe, Japan and Australia next month, and in North America on 2nd October. The dates for the re-release of the champions isn't mentioned, but the timing makes a lot of sense considering The Legend of Zelda series celebrates its 35th anniversary next year.
Will you be adding any of these amiibo to your collection? Tell us down below.
[source nintendowire.com]
Comments 22
The champion amiibo were awesome looking, but the items they dropped in BoTW were severely disappointing.
Getting us ready for BotW 2?
Is this gonna be in the next Direct?
Champions, as a new Character in smash please! 4 Characters in one. Swap them with down B like pokemon trainer each has their own moves, and abilities. I so want some new zelda characters in smash.
Falco's already in Smash. And these Amiibo are good reason to be optimistic Breath of the Wild 2 is on the way.
I wonder if the Reprints have anything to do with the pending release of Breath of The Wild 2
I still don’t really see a point in buying any of these. Urbosa is my favorite character from BOTW, and I could almost justify buying the Urbosa one if it weren’t for that hideous stand.
Four Swords Anniversary Edition available in the 3DS eShop again or we riot.
The next main Nintendo Direct is coming soon. I bet it's going to be a great one.
They're prepping us for the next big Nintendo/Ubisoft collaboration: The Legend of Zelda: My amiibo Petz!
What on earth does Urbosa have between her legs?
@Franklin : Didn't your mother teach you to lower your gaze?!
I think Nintendo is very silent on purpose, people gettong angry and suddenly a huge direct appears and everyone forgets about the PS5 and Xbox X showcase 🤣🤣
Either more WiiU ports mean more Amiibo support and Nintendo getting ready for that, or like most think BOTW 2 is going to have Amiibo support. At this point I feel like talking about a direct is like a weather man talking about rain in that it will eventually happen and you will be right.
Next year. Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask HD Combo. Full remake. I’m calling it.
So the other two. Not surprised, tbh.
Falco may be the representative of Revali's Spirit in SSBU, but Min Min literally proved that existing Spirits don't deconfirm Fighters - There was a Min Min Spirit before her Fighter was created and now there are two Min Min Spirits.
@NathanTheAsian @Euler @The-Chosen-one I'll take a BOTW Zelda echo fighter before any of the champions, although Revali would be a great echo fighter.
In fact, I wish echo fighters would explode after the second season pass is over. Each of the four champions could be individual echo fighters from existing characters: Daruk could be an echo fighter from Ike, Knuckles an echo fighter from Sonic, Zack an echo fighter from Cloud, etc etc etc.
Master Chief an echo fighter from Solid Snake aha....@Ulysses
As much as I would love to see Echo Fighters appear, I've set some pretty high standards into what goes into an Echo.
Chrom is my top ranked Echo because he's uniquely different from Roy in multiple ways, whereas Daisy would be my least favourite because she's almost a 100% reskin of Peach.
It would also be weird to see a character from a different franchise echo another franchise character. All of the current Echos are within the same franchise as their original Fighter counterparts.
If there were Echos from the Zelda franchise, I would have to go with Adult OoT Link and/or TP Link, sporting the original moveset from previous Smash games, and maybe even TP Ganondorf with his crappy Captain Falcon moveset.
Well, for what it's worth, some people would enjoy a virtual reskin for an echo fighter to play their favorite character.
Ultimately, our own personal standards don't matter as much as the standard set by the game itself, since as you said, we already have Daisy. I think a lot of people would appreciate an echo fighter like Knuckles even though it would be mostly a clone.
I think that's the point of the term echo fighter in fact; it's really just a rebranding of the concept of clone characters, with slight differences in the behavior of some attacks.
You kinda nailed it there.
Echo fighters would do indeed!
Maybe you're right. It'll also definitely shine some light on a less-known class of Fighters as well.
However, there is an amount of backlash to be anticipated. With your example of Knuckles, there's bound to be backlash around why he isn't a full-fledged Fighter, ESPECIALLY if it goes against the character's fighting style.
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