Today, Nintendo hosted the first of what appears to be a new, regular format for the company going forward, the Nintendo Direct Mini: Partners Showcase.
At eight minutes long, today's show gave us a very quick look at just a small handful of games, providing release dates and content updates for titles on Switch, as well as several more announcements in the Japanese-specific video. The reaction, however, has been mixed to say the least.
Now, it's worth noting that Nintendo came out with a warning right from the off, saying that the Direct would be "focused on titles from our development and publishing partners" - so no Mario, Smash Bros., etc. In its announcement posts for the show, Nintendo said, "We'll share a few updates on a small group of previously-announced Nintendo Switch games", clearly attempting to dampen the levels of hype such an announcement would usually spark.
Still, though, a quick search for 'Nintendo Direct' on social media brings up plenty of comments from those who have been left feeling angry after wanting and expecting more. For every angry comment, you'll find another from those who are in disbelief that any anger can even exist following Nintendo's hype-killing comments, and a similar story can be seen across our very own comment sections.
So, we hand it over to you. Were you happy with the show? Did it meet your expectations? Or were you hoping for more?
Feel free to expand upon your answer in the comments below, and make sure to check back later to see the poll's results.
Comments 261
The Direct itself was meh. It was the announcement of more of them in the future that has me excited! (FUSER info incoming!)
I’m happy a Direct happened at all, as all the pessimists in the Next Nintendo Direct thread gave up all hope.
Well knowing beforehand that it was short and only aimed at third parties... I can say that it met my expectations.
Way better than I thought it would be, solely for the Atlus stuff.
It was exactly what they said it would be, which is why I'm sure most people here will say it was the worst, most disappointing presentation ever. [makes popcorn]
Not sure what I expected but I came out of it with two SMT games and more Zelda content. You better believe I'm a happy camper.
I was hoping for a release date for Doom Eternal at least but didn't get it so I'm slightly underwhelmed...
It was alright but wwe of all games like wut? I didnt have any expectations. I hope we get an august full direct
Like I said, the format can't compete with the amount we usually get in more spacious directs (duh), but I'm leaning towards "impressed" regarding this one. NEVER saw Nocturne coming.
Eh. Not really THAT into SMT, but for fans I'm sure this was exciting!
I didn’t read the announcement from Nintendo, so I was a bit disappointed. I expected a new reveal or two at least but happy for SMT fans and the Cadence DLC was pretty cool. If they do these monthly, that would change everyone’s tune I think!
Didn’t expect a direct so it was good as good can be
I tried to play Cadence of Hyrule several times, but I couldn't understand the mechanics / rhythm.
I can see where people could be disappointed if you aren’t into SMT but I was expecting literally nothing or something worse and came out pretty happy. Hopefully this means Atlus is going to provide more games in the future! Hope there’s another mini/regular direct within 4 months tho :/
Atlus should have done their own livestream for the SMT stuff. It would have gotten the more appropriate audience and the most realistic of expectations that still could have been surpassed.
Some DLC and shovelware didn't warrant a direct of any size.
it was a mini, I get it. but the few games that were announced did nothing for me personally.
So just like the likes to dislike ratio on the channel were relatively close to 50/50
The problem wasn’t no Smash/Mario/whatever, the problem was that there was pretty much NOTHING. That wasn’t even a “handful” of games.
Not even SMT could save this.
I know that it was supposed to be small. That's fine. But after months of being quiet, it was dissapointing.
Only like 5 games in total? and only niche games? come on! I'm sorry but very few cares or give a damn about SMT. It's a super niche series. That wrestling game look awful. Another uninteresting battle royale game and cadence of hyrule getting DLC is just meh.
I find hard to believe that Nintendo cannot do a proper Direct with trailers because of the goddamn Covid when even smaller companies can do it. I don't know why they are so apathetic.
They are so drunk with the Switch success that they are forgetting that good will can be damaged if they on't strike that apathy soon.
It met my very low expectations. This is an awkward poll to write as you have to try to toe the line between people expecting Zelda and people who had realistic expectations. An actual Direct in the near future is a dream but I might have to resort to watching older ones just for the sake of it.
I mean as soon as I heard it was about third parties I assumed it would be underwhelming. I was hoping maybe some Bravely Default 2 news or something. But really this was like the stuff that gets tacked in the middle of a Direct normally.
I know some people are worried about them having no big game for the holiday, but absolute worst case, if the pandemic really slowed down production, then they could just release 3D World, Twilight Princess HD, and Wind Waker HD.
There will be a ton of people who haven’t played those who would buy them.
I think Nintendo likes the strategy they took with the new Paper Mario game. They want to keep the hype cycle short. Announce, give a little time for anticipation, and then release. Keeps people’s expectations from getting too high.
I said I wanted SMT V trailer, Bayo 3 trailer, Doom Eternal release date, or Digimon Survive release date and I'd be happy and I got what I was looking for. Honestly, more than I expected, I thought SMT V was vaporware and I'm getting a chance top play III finally as well as V.
Atlus saved this direct otherwise it was not my thing.
Depends. The SMT announcement was great.
If these happen regularly, then I have no problem with them. If this happens once and we don't get another one for a while, then yeah, not great.
I understand we're in a pandemic and all that but I don't understand why sony and microsoft are still able to show us more than nintendo is showing right now
I heard there were no shmups, so probably not had I watched it
Once I heard that it was about 2nd/3rd Party Titles and was 10 minutes long, it met my expectations.
But to be fair, for anyone who's not a die-hard Nintendo fan, they wouldn't have read that fine print, so I do understand their frustrations.
I expected it to be ALL "we already know this, the only news here is a release date at best" kind of announcements once the length of the video was given out. Wasn't expecting SMT V, let alone a Nocturne remaster announcement, so it's definitely an "impressed" vote for me.
I had reasonable expectations thinking that there'd be a bunch of 3rd party games releasing in 2020 shown and even that turned out to be way too high expectations.
Shin Megami Tensei.
After seeing how it was advertised I didn't even watch it so I'm not disappointed
I was certainly meh on the first few announcements. Maybe someday I'll play Cadence of Hyrule, but I'm terrible at rhythm games, so who knows. And I'm definitely never playing that shooter or the WWE game.
My number one want was news on SMTV, and we got that. I wish we'd gotten more, some actual gameplay footage, but it's good to have a date now and to see more. And I'm thrilled about Nocturne, even if I wish it were coming out sooner.
I also wish we would've had Sakuna and Ryza 2 in the Direct, that might have made this seem a bit more substantive.
I recognize for non-Atlus fans, this was obviously low-impact announcements. A lot of this is just from lack of Directs. If these sort of short mini Directs were more common, there not being earth-shattering news in them would go over better.
This direct would have been fine had we gotten a full normal direct around the time E3 would have been, but seeing Nintendo still drag their feet on announcing new 1st Party games is pretty worrying.
It’s coming to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if we only get 1 proper game from Nintendo themselves around the holiday season and that be it.
Well with no E3 and everythibng seemingly being hush hush, any annoucement is better then nothing, expect for those last 2 nintendo did.. mobile gaming crap.
I expected very little and was still left underwhelmed honestly. Hope there is another Direct with SOMETHING in store for the holiday season.
Nocturne was left field and I’m absolutely stoked. They labeled the direct as brief and third party focused, encompassing previously announced games. Nocturne wasn’t announced prior to that to my knowledge so I can easily say I’m impressed. SMTV finally got some love and a release date.
Aside from WWE everything shown looked good. Mini’s are like snacks maybe we aren’t feasting but I enjoy a bag of chips now and again.
I was not expecting physical release of Cadence of Hyrule and was glad to see SMTV. I was disappointed that P5 Scramble wasn't announced in the West.
@DK-Fan Pretty sure the problem is not that they cannot make a direct but that the games that were to be shown are no longer projected to be released soon. Therefore making a direct or even a mini pointless if everything will just be TBD or 2021. Overall the direct wasn’t great but there will still be more of these with likely bigger announcements than SMT as Nintendo has to fill the annual lineup in some way or another.
I’m glad they are doing it, but didn’t feel like there was much there for me. I’m intrigued by SMT but it’s too far away for me to be excited about. Would have been nice to have more upcoming game’s for 2020 that wasn’t DLC or shovelware.
Low expectations, still slightly dissapointed.
Hate to be "that" guy and its not like im losing any sleep over anything Nintendo related, but damn was that a terrible direct. Didn't expect anything major, nor should anyone have expected that, but just the announcement of another Direct Mini is dissappoiting.
Sony, who is also a japanese company had recently a big E3 like event which showcased a new console and a bunch of new games. Isn't Sony also affected by Covid? Why is Nintendo hiding their first party games? It's beyond pathetic that they give us a direct mini every few months and also makes a statement in everyone of them saying that more information will come in another direct soon. What the hell is the point of that?
Just give us a general direct showcasing games that are ready to be shown and create some hype, instead of feeding us tiny bit of info every mini direct and make us play the guessing game of what their plans is for the near future.
As it has been 3 months from the last mini, 10 months from the full direct, and there is approximately 0 offerings from Nintendo for the rest of the year and no big holiday title, I can't say this was all that exciting, though just having nothing I am personally interested in of course contributes to that.
At this point I just have that disheartening feeling that Nintendo truly has nothing else for 2020 or early 2021, which is not a good position to be in.
Well, they told investors that development of 1st party games haven’t been affected by COVID-19..
I don't know what people were expecting. It was confirmed to be small and less than 10 minutes. Frankly its impressive we got an announcement of a remaster of a great JRPG and news about SMTV after nearly 4 years. Plus they said wed be getting more news soon and other partner directs so theres not much to complain about imo
I went in hoping for SMTV, Bayonetta 3, and No More Heroes 3....but getting SMTV and the surprise of Nocturne HD softened the blow of not getting the others.
@GeoChrome I would agree except that in their investors brief they said that everything is on schedule and hasn't changed. Which makes it more baffling.
Atlus had two games in it. I'm more than satisfied.
@Ninja84 I’d like for that to be true but the entire second half of 2020 is really unaccounted for which doesn’t make sense at this point.
There weren't any announcements that personally interested me, but I am happy for SMT fans.
Also, Nintendo was clear from the get-go that there weren't gonna be any first-party announcements. Some people will complain about anything. =/
SMT V and SMT III next year, I walked away satisfied.
It was a complete waste of time. What was the point? Publishers and developers are capable of releasing their own trailers and announcements, are they not? I'm not completely opposed to the idea, but it needs to be at least 15 minutes and have more reveals. No one watches a Direct to see WWE Battlegrounds for Christ sake.
@TheMadManSFX Whats the point of us waiting for more news soon when they already have that info? I dont get it. Just tell us what we can expect of games...
Please, stop defending Nintendo. We should expect more tbh..
@Reprise I really don't like people using the Lord's name in vain. However this presentation was so poor I translated your reference to Jesus as He being the only one to be able to save this sinking ship.
I knew that it was a small direct involving 3rd party stuff, but it was more a micro direct than a mini one. I was expecting a little more on 3rd party updates. Hopefully we'll get a fair number of mini/micro directs if this style is to continue.
Very happy with the SMT announcements and interested in the CoH DLC. That is all though.
Seriously. Origami looks so so. Nintendo thinks everyone loves Animal Crossing New Horizons; well I don't like that genre and don't like Pokemon as well. So, not much for me out from Nintendo. Where are the updates on Bayonetta 3, No More Heroes 3 (and maybe 1 and 2), Metroid Prime, BOTW 2, etc? What about the rumored Mario Remaster games? How about something new altogether? What happened to those EA mystery games? I would have loved a surprise announcement of something akin to Borderlands 3, Nier or something else. How about Mario Odyssey 2. Please tell me you got something up your sleeve the last quarter of this year. I want to be excited about Nintendo's future, don't wait until 2 months before release to tell about the game, I want to know years in advance.
This is the third Nintendo related announcement video in a month to get slammed with dislikes, after the second Pokemon Presents and the Treehouse stream.
Nintendo needs to get their act together. I think the response is less warranted this time because expectations were largely set with the announcement, but they leveraged WayForward's reputation to get people hyped about a cheap soulless Bakugan game and Pokemon Unite...Pokemon Unite is just gross. Maybe that's more on the end of The Pokemon Company, but you can't deny that Nintendo isn't looking too hot right now mere days before what could be a blowout Xbox Series X event.
More click bait by Nintendo Life ! How low will you go ?!!
So, that's how you search for opinions? Of course first impressions about something they expected won't be perfect, but wait for a few hours of days, reflect on the presentation, and you will see most things here made sense, well except for the timing of the presentation, that was (once again) a big mistake.
And I actually liked it... the presentation itself was really short but at least the games there were really big, and there was even one surprise announcement.
I also hoped for No More Heroes 3 however, but I also forgot about SMT V, and I'm glad it still exists and it's coming simultaneously! I hope we get more info there.
I really like this format actually, it's a perfect excuse to release a new small presentation every week or month or so, only related to (mostly unannounced, but also with some surprises) third-party games
BUT, I'm still waiting for a proper direct that announces new content, both first and third party, and I hope it comes out this month because...
1. For August, we will have a Gamescom event and Nintendo will likely drop a new Indie World by that month and also a new Partner Showcase Direct. It doesn't need a general Direct there.
2. With PM:TOK out, there are no other announced first/second party games coming to Switch this year, well except if you count Bravely Default II, which I am surprised was absent here.
3. Many profilic leakers stated there was going to be a main Direct this month (or day) that was going to feature a lot of games and would please Mario fans.
Since these usually air by Thursday and are announced on Tuesday on Wednesday, there definitely needs to be something bigger this month, or else...
Please, there be a big Direct this month. Either next or this week 'cause if that gets announced, I'll have serious talk about timing.
Didn't have any expectations for the Direct Mini and am happy to say I was not disappointed because there was nothing to interest me.
Hate how the poll options are always named. Definitely should be a "I didn't expect much and still was somehow disappointed."
Super underwhelmed over all but I wasn't expecting much anyways.
Didn't have much expectations but even still I thought i was lackluster. All of these couldve just been blog posts or twitter announcements to be honest. Its almost worse for them to call it a direct imo.
Also, is it possible that they're just cutting up the E3 Direct into multiple parts? Because these could easily be mashed together to make the exact same Direct format as last year's.
Honestly when I found out it was a mini I didn't expect anything like BOTW2 news or a big reveal. Yet somehow I was still disappointed. Like I would've been satisfied with some short, possibly new clips of previously announced games, especially Bravely Default 2!
Instead we got just 4 games I had little to no instead in that didn't even last 10mins. Barely seemed worth a direct.
So basically:
@PikaPhantom In Nintendo's defence, it's just got to be Covid related and adjusting to working from home, hasn't it? I mean, I really doubt last year Nintendo decided they were going to release two games and do **** all for most of 2020. It does suck though. I wish they would just forget marketing and be direct (no pun intended) with their fans, announce the games that are in the pipeline, explain they have been delayed and provide a new rough release schedule.
@PikaPhantom I agree with what you are saying. However, them saying "updates on our partners", I for one assumed something like a Doom release date update and a Bravely Default 2 release date at the very least,...and at the very most an update on NMH 3 with something indie probably tossed in. Instead we got Cadence of Hyrule and WWE mobile game. The SMT stuff was cool, but didn't show gameplay for V (other companies would get slammed for that this late in the game) and was for stuff sometime next year.
In the UK we have Christmas commercials longer than the Direct Mini.
If I am to rely on third a party's games to play on the Switch, then the time is getting closer to a PS5.
Why would Nintendo hold back games?
1. They have run dry and are having to space what they have sparingly.
2. The Pro is around the corner and will launch with a few built for the Pro games.
I knew this poll was coming, lol. It was very disappointing, considering there's no major games to look forward to. This drought is reminiscent of the Wii U days. Not good.
I was expecting no news about games I really cared about, and I was right. Cadence of Hyrule is cool, but I REALLY didn't like Crypt of the Necromancer, so I'm never going to bother with that one despite Zelda. SMT news was super unexpected but cool. The other news was just bleh.
I didn't expect much. I was happy to see more support for Cadence of Hyrule and SMT news but it felt like it was over before it even started. So I guess I'm little disappointed but I don't really care. I'm not exactly in a need for new game announcements.
The games won't come any quicker even if they are announced earlier and it's much harder for the developers to estimate when a game will be out right now.
We knew that it was going to be about ten minutes focusing on already announced third party games so I don't know what people were hoping for. The fact that we got new announcements at all meant that it passed my expectations. I was pretty indifferent after I finished watching but actually quite happy after finding out about the announcements from the Japanese one.
I got Ryza 2. So 1 new game on the list (even if 4-5 months from now) is an improvement from endless rehash or being skipped.
A cutscene trailer of a game for 2021, does not help my Switch from collecting dust on my desk in 2020 🙄
This all could have been a press release. Nintendo needs a real Direct.
@SPL64 I played the original Crypt of the Necrodancer to death, and almost was able to beat it with every character.
Then I played Candence of Hyrule, and exactly zero of those skills transfered over. I basically had to relearn how to play from scratch. I got there eventually though, and once you do get the hang of it, there's a fantastic game underneath it all.
Try starting as Link, as I think his beginning area is a little more approachable.
To be honest with 8 min you can t expect the world..
Although i think shin megami tensei 3 remake is a great new announcement i think if it was p5 from atlus everyone would be hyped and would be ok with this..
Instead we got the less known franchise.
The one thing i didnt like is that none of this great games will come in 2020 so what is the nintendo game for august??
Probably we wont get one
@Reprise I agree. But what better time to release a few games, than during Lockdown when most of us have more free time.
I was really hoping to hear about the Mario games. Or if it was only 3rd party then what about the EA games?
If Nintendo is only going to show 7 minutes worth of games they might as well not try at all.
Give me all the ATLUS. It's never enough.
Get the impression Nintendo not really trying at the moment, maybe they are chilling and leaving the two new generation consoles to release and have their limelight.
Then next year come out firing on all cylinders, like at the start of the Switch life cycle.
Shin Megami Tensei V news and a SMTIII Remake? Amazing Direct.
The only thing I didn't really like was the WWE game, but I guess that it has some fans.
@ImagineerNik “the most appropriate audience” = “preaching to the converted”. This Direct gives them the chance to speak to people who’ve never seen an SMT game in action before (e.g. me) and hopefully expand that audience.
Nintendo used to have to worry about putting out games on both a handheld and a console. Now they only have one hybrid Switch to put out games out on, but seem to be struggling. If they only have Switch, shouldn't they have more amazing games?
I'm excited about Sakuna of rice and ruin, but also worried it will run at 60fps on PS4 Pro and 30fps on Switch. It looks like it could be a fun game though!
Im happy with it because I did expect nothing.
You can see in this poll everybody has way to high expectations, it was a mini direct with only 3party support, what did people expect?
And now it’s al Nintendo’s fault, no it’s your own fault for having to high expectations.
That’s why you always need to put your expectations at zero it’s afterall Nintendo we are talking about.
As a SMT fan, I was overwhelmed with joy after waiting 3 whole years for an update on SMTV.
That alone would've made it worth it for me, but SMT Nocturne HD really was the cherry on top.
So yeah, it was very good to me personally, but I appreciate that those who don't like SMT might not be that happy with this Direct.
I'm stoked. The Megten games aren't even this year, but i'm happy. I wasnt expecting much so it was a pleasant surprise.
I think anybody seriously upset with Nintendo about this should maybe reflect a bit. Ninty couldn't of planned for 2020. The drought sucks, but we're all feeling it.
I expected the bare minimum, and was still disappointed. 😂
I was bored until the end, two SMTs in 2021!? Let's end this year already and bring on the demon fusing!
If I wasn't a huge SMT fan I would understand why it wasn't an interesting direct...but I've been waiting 3 years to get a release window for SMTV and a bonus remaster before that is more than I could have hoped for
@Dang69 Agreed. Not a fan of this NL article.....there are two others that highlight the disappointment from readers already in the Comments section but it doesn’t help either if the poll itself isn’t clear.
I wasn't able to catch the Direct, and I've never played an SMT game, but I'm glad I can look forward to both titles in 2021.
I think Nintendo's strategy is weird — but, I suppose, valid.
What I'm guessing they're doing is trying to space announcements and games out, to give each a time in the limelight. First Animal Crossing, then Paper Mario. I think this worked for Animal Crossing, which was a hit. Paper Mario, not sure...
From a personal, anecdotal perspective, it's true the dearth of announcements for 2020 means I've already started gaming elsewhere. All my most anticipated titles for 2020 (Death Stranding, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Halo 3) are old games finally being released on PC. And on the Switch, my most hyped title is... Herzog Zwei, a Genesis classic from 1989.
@status-204 did you just compare cadence of hyrule to the cdi games!?!?
@BabyYoshi12 Ditto
Honestly, considering that most of the major western and Eastern developers have shown their hands—especially Sony, who had the PS5 showcase, and Microsoft who is about to unveil more info on the XBX—I’m starting to question the reasoning behind Nintendo’s silence. If the pandemic is really affecting their schedule this badly, what is stopping them from beefing up NSO with additional content? At this point, they could add N64 games to soften the blow, which wouldn’t require nearly the manpower as a new AAA release.
Someone had leaked last week that Nintendo was doing a Direct on Monday and they were going to announce the 35th anniversary 3d Mario game during it so when I saw that there was actually a Direct today but that it was a 3rd party mini one it was all around disappointing.
An actual Direct would be nice sometime.
I didn't mind today's direct, but I miss the old days of 40-60 min directs with tons of 1st party reveals and Reggie Fils Aime/Satoru Iwata/Satoru Shibata/Bill Trinen/Shigeru Miyamoto appearances.
Just feels like there's too many mini directs these days, even when they aren't called that
More Cadence of Hyrule is ok by me. Very good game, brilliant music in particular. I’m waiting patiently for the next main direct which is ok I guess as my backlog is the size of a small country.
People always get their hopes up then moan when what they want to have seen isn't shown. Stop speculating on what could be in a new Direct and then you will not have your expectations shattered. I always go into a Direct with no expectations so I can just enjoy the news. Besides the WWE game I quite liked everything they showed in this Direct. Nothing groundbreaking, but still enjoyable.
Didn't know it was coming before today and really didn't expect anything from it. Can't say I was disappointed or surprised as it was essentially an informercial for upcoming products.
Perhaps if they had did like Microsoft did for Windows 95 and brought in Matthew Perry and Jennifer Anniston....
@Norwegianguy They want to hold off because they dont want to announce projects that could face delays because of the pandemic and may reflect badly on Nintendo for showing it off too soon.
Honestly just didn't see any games that I would even really consider purchasing. I'm glad for the people who saw some games they like. For me, however, after hearing only silence for so long from Nintendo to get only this micro Direct this was massively disappointing. I honestly just wish there were more to look forward to on my Switch.
Oh... it already happened? Hmph.
Not sure what people honestly expected. Any news is good news, and SMT hasn't been brought up much since Switch was first announced, so that's over 3 years coming to fruition. Also the Rogue warrior game is one to keep an eye on. I personally would have liked Doom Eternals release, but clearly that's still in the oven and has been disrupted.
The presence of SMT III HD Remaster and SMT V with an actual release date made this potentially my favorite Direct ever. I'm so happy. I don't even care about the forgettable announcements before those last two.
I'm still on an adrenaline high for early this morning.
Still can't believe Nintendo hasn't got anything really big to show us. I'm getting concerned that they are just relying on indie games. Unfortunately its not enough, Nintendo need to create or buy quality development teams like Sony. Least then they would have an amazing stream of titles, while they created there own. I don't know maybe it's me being impatient, but its bloody frustrating especially when I know how good they are
Was hoping for a Nintendo Mario direct, but as a basic Direct, I enjoyed 3 out of 5 announcements. Can’t wait for Shin Megami Tensei 3&5 and a physical copy of Candence
Shin Megami Tensei 3 and 5 was what made me happy. There was too much time wasted on that shooter and the WWE game was a complete waste.
I'm sure that I was indifferent.
SMT III HD, amazing. SMT V still in production.
Very happy.
I went in with zero expectations and it was still disappointing. It’s like it never happened
It was good and all, but the shift from hyper excitement when I saw the beginning of the title to reading the rest of it was just painful.
"Wow a nintendo direct! ...partner..."
Cadence of Hyrule was a nice surprise, but it's the kind of news that should be a nice extra alongside truly substantial releases, not the only bit of news. Happy for fans of the other titles, but they're not for me.
It was way better than I thought it would be, but not really impressive. Just better than horrible (which was what I came in expecting).
I saw the Atlus logo, and hoped for some Persona 3,4,5(r) ports! Not huge into SMT...I’ve tried 4, wasn’t my thing.
Gotta say, this made their last mini-direct look exciting by comparison (which I didn't think was even possible). I get that it's a mini, but this followed months of no Real News, cancelled E3, no known upcoming first-party releases (the Mario remasters are nothing but an internet rumour and rehashed games aren't even that exciting to begin with, nothing is known about Metroid Prime 4 or Breath of the Wild 2), and so on. Which is truly unprecedented. Even in the supposedly barren Wii U era we knew about their major holiday game by now. COVID-19 doesn't seem to have stopped Sony and Microsoft, and even these mini-directs have disclaimers that release dates aren't final. They surely could've given us something more (especially since they claim COVID-19 won't affect their release schedule unless it gets another wave). The only saving grace is that a lot of the time a mini-direct is followed by a longer one in the near future.
I am starting to wonder what Nintendo's waiting for in regards to their own announcements. Maybe their strategy is to force all of their releases to be a success by making it seem like there are no other options. Or maybe they're hoping to foster relations with third parties by stepping back to spotlight them?
I'm not mad, I'm just puzzled.
More to the point, I'm completely indifferent to the announcements here. Nothing I'm getting. I'm wondering if this new plan of doing shorter and shorter directs will work out for them, or if it's just going to keep feeling like it's too short. I'd prefer that all the Direct minis be taped together to watch in one go, rather than all the "stay tuned for the next 1-2 things later!"
They're trapped by the Origami King at Nintendo HQ - this direct was paper thin...
I "expected" much more than that. But to be honest, can't really be mad at Nintendo given the current situation. Hopefully a lot of good stuff will be stacked to a glorious post apocalipse direct.
Chuffed to bits Cadence is getting a physical.
Really stoked SMT is getting two games not one.
Can take or leave Rogue thingy.
That wrestling game looks like ass.
Overall, well happy. It's not like I could afford everything if it was all A-star, this is what Grail loves, stuff (if ya get me!)
Did it leave me wanting more? Of course. I'm a fan. Am I crying because none of the games I'm looking forward to got mentioned? Nah, I'm an adult and can happily play stuff and wait. Cba with analysts and investors trying to dictate the pace of the hobby. Greedy vultures, the lot of em.
What expectations. I live on pacific time. I literally woke up to a direct and then saw the announcement...
Exactly as i expected. Nintendo is holding back till after the Xbox showcase this thursday.
The direct was fine, I just felt a bit disappointed.
SMT III AND SMT V. This was the best Direct ever!
The options for this poll were a little limiting. I was extremely disappointed, but I also had very low expectations. So were my expectations met? Yes. I expected garbage, and I received garbage
Also I am a huge Zelda fan and loved Cadence of Hyrule. But am I excited about paying for updates to a game that is already a year old, has already received character & story updates, and I have already completed multiple times? No, not really. I may buy the physical if DLC is included and price is okay just as a Zelda collector, but would have preferred news about literally anything that hasn't already been announced.
At least they gave us something even if it is the equivalent of finding a tiny bag of chips when you’ve not eaten in days.
I mean, we only learned about the Direct yesterday, and being a 'mini' would mean no 30 min presentation. Good to know I can get a Cadence of Hyrule bundle later this year, and that they FINALLY showed us SOMETHING from SMT V!!!
@ritouf yeah what you just said
wow toxic nintendo fandom. they said it would be a partner showcase you people complaining for SMTV for 8 years you get it and youre still dissapponted.
@Artbydan you realize there would be no persona without SMT? persona is a spin off its like an anime fan trashing manga. just please stop.
@NoxAeturnus yes it is, because persona is a SPIN OFF game.
The announcement of the 2 Tensei games was more than enough. The mini directs are great and to be honest, there needs to be a reality check about what games will be announced in the middle of an ongoing pandemic! Nintendo will have games to announce but maybe they are aware that not everyone has the money right now to be inundated with loads of top quality games. Expect to see games you will enjoy playing and maybe quit with the moaning?
I didn't have any expectations, it was announced after I went to bed
My expectations were low after the announcement so I got what I expected.
I am still disappointed by Nintendo latest press releases though.
No expectations. I only would have liked for an update on Nintendo's first party schedule before hearing an update about their partners' games.
I’m not into what was shown, but the stuff from Atlus is making people very happy so I’m impressed by that! I like that they will be having more of these mini announcements, I’m hoping we get one that features Cyber Shadow, Bushiden, and maybe even Dark Souls 2!
Why bother airing a Direct like that? Just don't do it at all and when time comes, do a decent one. It was bellow my lowest expectations.
Hoped for smt4 and smt5 news.
Got smt3 which i didnt expect but happier than 4 tbh
When they said 10mins and partner i set expectations low.
Knew we would probs get news on atleast a known exclusive.
So yh.
+more directs to come.
Prob easyier to make 10min directs and not full blown one.
I half expect another direct this week having said all that.
So we'll see
The Switch is an absolute snooze fest at the moment, IMHO. Wake me up when something good gets announced. There’s just nothing happening and the stuff that is seems rushed and half-baked. There’s something off about the whole thing. The priorities are not where they should be.
It wasn't good. BUT, i am happy for more SMT news.
the Direct in Japan was even better. why didn't they have Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles or Atelier Ryza 2 in the west direct? we know that those two are coming to west.
Considering we’re in the middle of a global pandemic I don’t see how anyone can be angry/have expectations.
Disappointed that over half of teh thing was to announce updates to existing games. But over the moon with the first true peek at SMTV and the surprise announcement of SMTIII Nocturne HD coming to Switch. Will defo get both, massive fan of SMTIV and SMTIV Apocalypse here.
ok i guess... i was expecting this but it was too short
I didn’t have high expectations for it, since it was a mini direct, put I was pretty happy. I’ve been waiting some SMT V news and wasn’t expecting to hear about it today. SMT 3 was definitely a surprise, can’t wait for that.
@gaga64 If it was a regular direct I would agree. But not this. Their own livestream would have had its own fan fare for the people waiting years for it. People like yourself would still find out about the game through this site or on a future direct.
@NintendoPok Uhh...what? I didn't say anything about Persona, but I'd be happy to have those too. I'll take whatever ATLUS games they'll give me. Digital Devil Saga would be great, Devil Summoner would be great, bring back Trauma Center and Trauma Team that'd be... you know what I think you probably get what I'm saying. Remake and port ATLUS's whole library to Switch. In the meantime I'm pumped to play Nocturne again.
@iNintendo a port? Can we expect ports during a pandemic? What should we expect? What is an ethical expectation? Or is 2020 a whole year off. I'm confused. Surely it has to be more than what we have been given. PlayStation has figured it out. Xbox has. All major North American sports are about to start. Apple is releasing phones. My news is still being broadcast. But Nintendo seemingly told their employees they will see them in the new year.
I suppose it met my low expectations, but still a bit bemused as to its necessity.
It was strange as some big games have been announced without the need for a direct, mini or otherwise.
Still, Nintendo has been quite bad at managing expectations of late, so should give credit where it's due I guess.
We need Doom Eternal on Switch ASAP!
@peanutbuttercup also consider that Microsoft is in the us and Nintendo is in japan. Japan has been doing waaay better than the US in covid deaths and cases. A lot of recovery there. So there really isn't an excuse
The Direct exceeded my expectations… in how terrible it was. Seriously mediocre.
I’m sure some are happy with some of the announcements, however, I’m not. I was expecting much more since there hasn’t been a mainline Direct in over a year. Absolutely pathetic on Nintendo’s part. They came out strong this year, but now they’re really starting to sh— the bed as far as the rest of the year goes.
I will try! But I swear I couldn't understand the mechanics. Even changing to the other style. The game looks great and really deserves new chances!
I just went expecting nothing and that's what I got, NOTHING
@Reprise I'd give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt on that if they weren't insisting development is going fine
Im guessing 3d mario remasters, and Mario 3d world, are never coming. Because... Why wouldn't they tell us Something by e3 time? I'm giving up on Nintendo until the next console. They abandoned VC. Abandoned 3d world. I never liked new metroids.
I didn't expect anything from today's mini, but i did expect by e3, or by now, SOMETHING about Mario 3d world. I never got a wii u, so i missed out on that.
Ps5 will give me something to look forward to this fall/holiday season.
No option for 'I expected nothing and was still disappointed.'
I think at this point Nintendo would be better off just coming out and saying that they are just going to work away as much as they can and there won't be any announcements until things have calmed down with the current situation.
There must be a reason why they can't/don't want to talk about any upcoming releases. Maybe they think it's a bit disrespectful to try and promote entertainment products when such a serious issue is going on, which I would understand. I guess trying to push your company at the moment is a bit off.
I came with no hopes at all
Good for smgt I guess
I like what i saw, i watched both the English and Japanese versions and i really liked what i saw!
(except for the shooter game, I'm not into that genre...)
Candace of Hyrule getting those cool DLC is really neat, i am genuinely curious about how they choose to give the Skull Kid (the actual kid and not the Majora's possesed one) a genuine story, that character had been left completely forgotten after Majora's Mask was over so this is super cool in my opinion! What has my hyped then most is the physical copy announcement, lucky me i haven't bought the digital game yet and i never expected a physical copy of this game so i am thrilled!
The new Atelier (sequel) game looks fantastic and I bet it will be fantastic, that series never disappoints.
Shin Megami Tensei 3 remake looks really awesome, i wonder if they added an easier mode or something cause the original PS2 version is really hard! As for ShinMegaTen 5, looking pretty cool so far, that game was teased so long ago so I am pleased to finally see more of it, I kinda almosy forgot it was a thing.
I am also curious about that other Japanese platformer RPG game, it looks super cool and I hope it comes to the west also!
Overall, I think the mini Direct was great! 👍
@WoomyNNYes they couldn't tell us about the Mario collection in case porting got too difficult for them and they miss Mario's 35th. Smh. This is the logic going on around here.
Because i knew it was just third party/partners i didn’t sit down to watch it live but i skimmed through it afterwards. There wasn't anything for me but i expected that. I am craving some new games on my switch though so i did slightly hope for something to my tastes, so i am a little sad there wasn’t. Ah well.
I found nothing interesting from the English Mini Direct.
But, only Ninjala caught my attention from Japanese Mini Direct.
It was cadence of hyrule dlc and shin megami tensai only really. The rest was forgettable filler.
I wasn't expecting anything so it was a pleasant direct for me. Love Nocturne & SMT in general plus I'm genuinely interested in the WWE game. Reminds me of All Stars and I had a lot of fun in that game.
Kind of a forgettable presentation. All of this could have been announced with tweets and/or trailers without a Direct. Really, they need to do an actual big Direct at this point. It's been way too long, we know way too little of what's on the horizon, and yes I know there's a pandemic going on, but if you don't know exact dates yet, just give rough estimates, even if it's just ''Coming 2020/2021'' or such.
@Roibeard64 filler in a 9 minute direct. Lol
I couldn’t think of anything announced we might see other than SMTV, so technically my expectations were met. I expected an almost bizarre array of games, and one big thing that may actually be borderline niche, would be announced. Nocturne was a great surprise for me, so while this was underwhelming, I’m satisfied. Not sure that’s a positive or not, the embrace of low expectations.
Stuff shown wasn’t bad but not for me. Concerning though that this is all they had to show right now. Not that I need more on my Switch right now, I have a massive backlog to get through, but still.
The Shin megami tensei reveal was very nice. It is still next year though so it was definitely underwhelming. I expected axiom verge 2, hollow knight:silksong or bravely default 2. At least some interesting third party game before christmas? I get that there are still more to come but its still a shame big sigh
It was eight minutes. Barely a Nintendo Direct at all.
Well, it was very short and only about "partners", so I didn't expect much. From what I have seen on this site I didn't miss much.
To be honest: I already expected a bit that it would be too soon for a proper Direct/some first party anouncements so close after the Paper Mario release. My prediction: If they don't show first party stuff in August either, then we can say the years done. Nothing to show, probably building up to Switch 2 already (install base doesn't mean a thing, new console might result in big sales). And then complaining why the Switch holiday sales collapse (since everyone goes for the newest kid in town, PS5). If Nintendo hasn't planned some proper stuff for the rest of the year or at least the holiday they deserve the punishment. I don't feel this has anything to do with Corona anymore!
The main issue is with the direct leaks themselves, in June a leaker said there would be two directs a mini one and a normal direct, it turned out we just got the mini, so ever since then it has been assumed by everyone that the next direct would be a proper first party affair, and once again we get another leak which gets the date right again, but does clearly not know what type of direct we were going to get, this was always going to lead to people hyping this potential reveal too much.
I had no expectations so I can't say I was disappointed but it was still very underwhelming. The Japanese version of the direct had more games and less rogue company so I recommend watching that if you wanted more. I know anime games aren't everyone's cup of tea but I personally enjoyed it more than the version we got here.
Overall it's a fine mini-direct but I can't say it was very noteworthy
If you thought this was good then you have low expectation for stuff. And that’s ok.
@Mgene15 SMT 3 and 5 are the result of a low expectation? lol
I was expecting nothing, but got a release year for SMT5 (I was expecting it to be 2022) and SMT3 Remaster. So the mini direct greatly exceeded my expectations.
Yeah, the conference was grea- AHHAGAHAAHAHAHHAA
[yeah it sucked]
Even compared to the most mini past minis, it was a weak selection to show after such a long dry spell. I think we were expecting a big full direct this Monday - and I think it was a fairly reasonable expectation at this point.
They need to get some big announcements out soon(ish) - some good surprises and some more news on the heavy hitters.
I feel like they need to get some of that Mario news out pronto.
However - It did remind me that I do want to play Just Dance: Zelda Edition sometime.
@nessisonett same, SMT III and V coming next year is huge news.
@TG16_IS_BAE when you drop next to nothing besides animal crossing for a long period of time,(not much since last November) and we get this? Yes that’s very low. Nintendo has these gaps and gaps like this. Let’s sprinkle in indies to distract them! You’re sheep.
@IronMan30 coming next year. Wtf have u had this year?
@TG16_IS_BAE only if you like those games
@Dman10 Right! Just because something isn't for you, doesn't mean it isn't for someone else!
@Mgene15 Whoa! It's an internet-tough guy! Watch out!
Maybe nintendo wants to beat us, the ones who hated Origami King so we say "well, there will be no new games, they will have to buy our piece or trash game now!!!" Haha nice try Nintendo! My backlog is huge!! I'll remain angry for the time being at how bad you handle your business
Ah, btw, SMTV is cool and all (a remake of 3? No thank you), but even though I bought all the 3ds ones I never finished them. They are really hard xD Persona games are difficult as well, but much more approacheable. Bought Persona 5 and Royal, amazing games. Not enough to hold months of abandonment from Nintendo
@sixrings It’s almost like there are bigger issues to get upset about right now. What do I know.
It was okay given the parameters they set up in the announcement yesterday evening, but in the grand scheme of things, we haven't had a full Nintendo Direct in nearly a year, and even that one was super lackluster.
If this were a year where we had normal Directs and Nintendo was like "Here's this extra Mini Direct with some third party announcements" it would be great, but in our current situation we're really starved for information for first party and I come to Nintendo for first party.
They would’ve been better off just dropping four trailers on their YouTube channel. Calling that a Direct just created a massive disappointment.
it was bound to be disappointing...
we only got 4 announcements..
1 was DLC
1 was an actual game we haven't seen updates for in years
and the other 2 were ok..
6/10. courtesy of Playable Skull Kid and Shin Megami Tensei V
The more I think about it. That whole direct must've been some sort of troll joke nintendo wanted to pull on us. For the life of me; I cant think of why they thought it would be a good idea( SMT aside of course). Drop a SMT V trailer and 3 separately fans wouldve went nuts. But bundled together with the other stuff, actually seemed like a joke..if not a joke, who's idea was it and what are they thinking over there?
Now if once a month we get these 8 min update videos, im ALL for that. But if its every few months like this, all I have to say is, oh boy..
These suits need to get out more, or reorganize the marketing department of late.
@SPL64 man I got it, I just didn't enjoy it.
I understand why some people love it though.
2 SMT games, walked away happy. Prior to that was ... tumbleweed ...
A game of 2 halves.
Not voting because my opinion isn't an option. I expected to be underwhelmed becaus it's a mini and focused on "partners".!!!! Hahahahhahahahah
Glad to finally see some news on SMT V but if you're not an Atlus fan I can understand that you'd feel underwhelmed.
Summer of gaming sucks. That is all.
I was personally pretty excited by this direct. I see a lot of people bouncing off of Rogue Company, but I personally think it looks like a very interesting and potentially solid entry in the "battle Royale" genre. Also, Cadence of Hyrule getting new content AND a physical release is great, and I love to see this kind of collaboration between Nintendo and Indie developers. Finally, while Shin Megami Tensei isn't my thing personally, I know it has its fans and I can tell even as a non fan that both SMT V and the HD remaster of the older game look like very high quality releases. Overall, very positive direct.
It was meh. And that’s an overstatement.
I was slightly underwhelmed and disappointed but I understand it was just a mini.
For those of you bending over backwards defending this Mini Direct, I offer this:
They had eight minutes. They dedicated part of it to a piece of crap like Chibi WWE. Sorry, that’s really digging deep for something to show.
SMT V is great!
Everyone can have an opinion, but for the people saying it was a bad presentation... Well, sorry you don't like Atlus games.
Eh. Nintendo said it would be crap beforehand, and it was. So my expectations were met.
It didn't, but here's hoping for more Mini Directs, or Directs in general.
imagine expecting news of botw2 only to get cadence of hyrule or expecting news on metroid to get rogue company , i think that was my initial feeling , but i was happy with shin megami tensie
@TG16_IS_BAE lol what made me the internet tough guy?
I was expecting SMTV to not be there, and got sucker punched by Nocturne being there. So yeah, it exceeded my expectations
Didn't really expect anything I cared about to be announced or talked about in a Mini Direct, and I was right, but Cadence of Hyrule getting DLC was and SMT 5 getting a release year was nice I guess.
I felt most of the announcements were solid. The WWE Battleground trailer was cringy as heck though. It reminded me of skippable ads on YouTube.
Very meh basically. :-/
The Japanese Direct was much more enjoyable, with Sakuna and Ryza 2. Throw just those two games into the Western version and it would have felt much heftier, not to mention the Western version also was missing a montage at the end like in the Japanese Direct.
Seeing Cadence of Hyrule featured has actually renewed my interest in the game, so in a way the Direct was a success!
Shiren the Wanderer, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Sakuna, ACNH, Paper Mario, other Indies + personal backlog + old Switch library is enough for me. On one hand I firmly believe that Nintendo hasn't yet fully utilized their handheld branch of developers, but on the other hand, I'm pretty satisfied.
there's no option in the poll for "I expected nothing and still felt worse than before"
A little underwhelming, hoping for a few more games to be shown, but overall cadence dlc, smt 3 & 5 for 2021 were solid, whatever else was there was forgettable
The announcement of SMT games were great, but it's not the presentation Nintendo needs to be showing at the moment and it's not the information the fans have been asking for.
We skipped E3 and there's now a massive hole in the release schedule, I believe this direct would have been better received if we at least knew even one or two of holiday titles.
It's better to think that Nintendo at least gave us a warning of what we should expect in these Directs, just like giving us a warning that there wouldn't be any Fighter reveals in the Min Min video.
Besides, this is no different than the Byleth Incident (nickname for the Byleth reveal for Smash). Where Fire Emblem fans were satisfied with Byleth's inclusion in Smash, Shin Megami Tensei fans were satisfied with the reveal of not only a remaster of their favourite game, but also more information on another game; one that they were highly anticipating since its announcement all the way back in 2017.
I will say though, that if Nintendo was intending to ease the pressure from the Zelda community, they clearly failed. As much as I love Cadence of Hyrule, I know there is a number of Zelda players who don't care about this game at all and only want BotW 2.
If there is a 'main' direct next week, then Nintendo at least knows how to schedule events far better than TPCI. New Snap followed by a MOBA was abysmal.
I didn't bother watching and have no interest to do so. I'm happy we are having such a quiet period and Nintendo has no major titles announced for the imminent future. It's given me the opportunity to go play games I put on hold. It's been wonderful!
As much as I’m thrilled about SMT the rest of the direct left me wanting more.
@Norwegianguy Would I like more first-party news? Yes.
Do I want some of the rumors floating around confirmed/denied? Yes.
Do I want to know what Nintendo has in store after this month? Definitely!
Do I also recognize that these are unprecedented times, where many businesses, including Nintendo, have to carefully evaluate their next steps? Yes.
Are there any guarantees that game announcements will go on as planned? No. That's why any and all recent Nintendo news contains a disclaimer at the very front of each presentation.
Was anything "mind-blowing" promised with this Mini Direct? No. Again, none of the content was for me, but I'm sure there are plenty who are happy with at least certain parts of the presentation.
8% of people here, are blind cheerleaders
My expectations were already pretty low but that Direct couldn't even live up to them.
I'm indifferent to Nintendo in general the last 5 to 6 months. Some of the 3rd party stuff has been good, with 2K, and Need for speed, etc.
My interest has gone toward what Microsoft and Sony have been doing. Even whipped out my PS3 to play games recently.
Nintendo has had goodwill with the Switch, but that can quickly be lost when significant competition pops up and the game schedule goes barren.
Nintendo really needs some cool third party releases and those won’t do. I’m happy for SMT fans but this is a niche audience... They need something from Rockstar or more from Bethesda/EA/Warner Bros. Considering that you can’t play RDR1 on the current generation of consoles, it would be a huge plus to get it on the Switch and I am sure it would sell some hardware. Come on Nintendo!
@MrAsild 100% agree.
I was hoping that this direct at least finalize the Need for Speed confirmation. Or that they announce that the Tony Hawk Remasters will come after all to Switch.
Sony, who is also a japanese company had recently a big E3 like event which showcased a new console and a bunch of new games. Isn't Sony also affected by Covid? Why is Nintendo hiding their first party games? It's beyond pathetic that...
@Norwegianguy Are you for real? Do you remember Sony's 2019 E3 presentation? No? There's a reason for that... I don't mean to be harsh or attack you personally. I just find your post... severely lacking in perspective.
Yep I knew I'd find a good amount disappointed people who expected too much despite Nintendo saying what the mini direct was going to be. It was alright for what it was as I watched it with no expectations. Those of you complaining about Nintendo not doing what Sony and Microsoft are need to look at the whole picture. They have new consoles to hype up, new consoles that cost alot more than even triple AAA titles to make, there is more incentive to do E3 style presentations. Alot of you act like you've played and beaten all your back catalog of games which is most likely not the case. Nintendo is being themselves but I too would like some new announcements and updates but I'm not going to go out of my way to trash talk a company. Another thing to think about is what if Nintendo has been waiting for the ps5 and xbox series x announcements to pass and then plan to announce more games. Some of you miss the normal so do I but these are not normal times and even the new consoles may face delays in the planned release dates, only time will tell.
@TheMadManSFX I cannot help but admire your profile avatar/image.
I wanted to say something, but better not, only I will say that I'm just disappointed in the fandom, again, I'm more disappointed in the fandom than Nintendo ...
Nah, I'm an adult and can happily play stuff and wait. Cba with analysts and investors trying to dictate the pace of the hobby.
@GrailUK Ahhh, perspective! What shocks me about the responses I'm reading is this: Nintendo Life is supposed to be riddled with company fanboys. And yet people here are foisting the old "Sony and Microsoft are ready!" lines with, apparently, zero recall of the relatively weak or literally non-existent E3 presentations of the other two platform holders in 2019, or even 2018.
I will not say that this post is "clickbait!!!", but it almost seems designed to channel discontent. A more honest question would be, simply, "Did anything in this Direct pique your interest?" I swear, Nintendo could announce the Mario remasters, BOTW 2, and Metroid Prime 4 in a single presentation and there would still be dozens of negative comments. Something like, "Nintendo leans too hard on their core franchises!"...
I got the one thing that I wanted the most, which is of course SMT5 (could've used some gameplay but oh well). Nocturne Remaster was a nice cherry on top too.
Rest of the stuff was decidedly whatever, but getting the SMT5 info that I've been waiting for so long pushes it up for me massively.
@Michaelrojelio84 ; I'm sure you're correct. I have a backlog. Seeing MS and Sony pumping out info consistently makes it feel as if Nintendo is twiddling their thumbs. But the truth is likely that Nintendo, as well as Sony and MS know customers may be significantly limited when it comes to purchases for entertainment options as the rest of this year progresses and 2021 drags. When funds become limited, frivolous purchases drop. It would probably behoove Nintendo to drop their fall schedule sooner than later because the piece of the pie they want will be quite small this and next year.
I'm just glad SMT V showed up in our radar.
Now if Bayonetta 3 can do the same.
@Cyberbotv2 Exactly people are not looking at everything from the companies' perspectives and the launch of the consoles could be pushed back. They are hoping to maintain their plans but if people keep being stupid and not doing their part to stop the spread it will cause further delays. I mainly said about people acting like they've played their entire catalog because I haven't played all of mine and I'm a year and 9 months behind those who've had a Switch since day one. Another funny note is people complaining about it being about 3rd party games when some of them complained about the lack of 3rd party support for the Wii U I am sure.
@NoxAeturnus whats hilarious is people are whining for scramble a rehash of a dynasty warriors game. i will take new SMT IP and a remaster of III anyday over persona 5 only babies
@Cyberbotv2 PS: nintendo doesnt want to be #1 nor does it car its funny watching Sony and Microsoft arm wrestle like 5 year olds. nintendo just keeps being itself which it should be.
@COVIDberry It's funny because I just mentioned this in a previous response that some of these people complaining about this being about 3rd party games were most likely complaining about the lack of 3rd party support for the Wii U. I agree with you that even if the big first party games were included people would still cry about it, some just love being pessimistic I guess.
@MrAsild "this is a niche audience" like persona right? nintendo fans are straight up babies........they whine for the next mario game or metroid when people waited 8 years for SMT.
nintendo fans are big fat babies FYI they literally told you what to expect and here you all are crying like someone touched your significant other......seriously get a life.
@NintendoPok I feel the same way, I watched it not expecting anything because I knew what it was going to be since I actually read the description. I thought it was good for what it was and I can see myself enjoying each game they presented.
@Michaelrojelio84 I really am trying to see the perspective of many of those protesting. But... yes, as you say, the complaints I'm reading now are inconsistent with the complaints I've read over time. I won't deny that I've an older (thus: longer) perspective on gaming, but it just seems to me that there is so much more to this hobby than hanging on the first party/platform holder's every release. Nintendo can only do so much; and I am sure we all know they are holding some of their most important cards close to the vest, especially now.
It felt like when Harold from Neighbors returned to Ramsay Street in 1996 with amnesia. I was pleased to see a return, after such a long time, but for some reason he thought his name was Ted. Maybe this was just me...
I had no expectations because by the time I knew about it, it was already over. SMT III and V were great, plus some news about Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin and Atelier Ryza 2 from the Japanese direct was nice too.
As for Nintendo not showing anything themselves, I have a huge backlog, and not just on Switch. My 3DS and Vita deserve some love too. I need to finish Diablo III (I'm almost done with it). I've also been trying out games I've had for a while like Hollow Knight, Forager, Mario+Rabbids, Code of Princess and RemiLore. I still need to get around to Kirby Planet Robobot and Star Allies, LoH: Trails of Cold Steel, Etrian Odyssey Nexus...
There is so much to play while I wait for Nintendo to show new things is the point. lol
@COVIDberry There might be something to the "older gamer perspective" thing, as I have also been gaming for a long time. The first game I remember playing was the arcade version of Street Fighter II and my first console was a Genesis.
@COVIDberry Yeah I am an older gamer as well I will be 36 next month so like you I have an older perspective on gaming. I highly doubt Nintendo isn't going to have anything for the holidays as you said I too believe they are keeping certain games close to the chest.
It was very boring, but I'm kind of glad since I have a backlog to get through and want all releases to stop just for me to catch up.
@nukatha I agree that the timing there could've been better, but the fault actually belongs to the people who convinced everyone that they were going to announce a new mainline games. I bet Pokémon Unite was going to be announced in May as part of a conference, and then New Snap on the originally E3 2020 Direct in June.
Nintendo may hold their first general Direct of the year either this or next week, but I feel they should've held it before this first presentation, it makes more sense to first unveil the biggest announcements and then detail some previous ones in a smaller scale.
@PikaPhantom Yeah, I agree.
it sucked big time
I read the original announcement properly, I knew to not expect any first party content. But I still expected some BIG announcements from the likes of EA, Bethesda, Capcom etc etc. You know maybe something like Mass Effect Andromeda, Doom Eternal release date, maybe Resi 7 etc. All of the announcements in that 'Direct' could have just been released as tweets and no one would have been arsed that they weren't announced in a bigger way
@COVIDberry Man, it's nice someone else gets it.
All this direct proves is how little 3rd parties have planned for the Switch.
A couple of games and a handful of DLCs.
It's a bit embarrassing and if I were Nintendo, I wouldn't of done it.
From absolutely no expectations, this was a mind blowing direct, admittedly i'm more talking about the full one in Japan but still.
SMT3, SMT5, Ryza 2 and a new interest in Sakuna are all; great announcements.
Although I will admit, if you don't like JRPG/niche, you won't think much to it at all.
I think one further thing we should realise (that going by the poll most haven't), this is a 'Mini' direct, not anything huge so shouldn't be treated as such.
I guess the majority of us were expecting them to pull an Apple “one more thing”. Just that one more thing to salivate over until an official announcement. I mean THAT would have been a wise business decision. However going into this majorly micro direct - it was pretty transparent that that was all it would be.
So I’m not hugely disappointed. None of these games are for me. For you? FANTASTIC, enjoy.
But I seriously believe they have plans coming our way. They just aren’t doing it in a very smart way by being so incredibly mute. Silence is deafening. And damaging.
Nintendo, quite notoriously, is known for stubbornly marching to the beat of their own drum. And here's hoping that this is what we're witnessing with this subpar mini-Direct. I imagine they have some impressive 1st-party titles waiting in the wings to be announced in the near future. If this mini-Direct served as a stopgap then so be it, but Nintendo really needs to step things up soon.
If you thought an extensive showcase was going to happen under a video with the word “mini” in it, well that’s all on you.
I’m extremely excited about Shin Megami Tensei V. Can not wait to play it!
@Andymad People been saying those things for years. Nintendo always comes out unscathed. Learn from their big mistakes and push forward. Successful as ever.
if this was a monthly-type of deal, I would see no issue. But the only things of interest to me were the two Atlus games (and STILL no P5S!) and neither of them are 2020 games.
It was pretty weak in the context of no communication for 5 or 6 months
I was indifferent to it.
Though Nocturne Remaster and SMT V news was amazing the direct itself was awful. They should have shown the stuff in the Japanese direct as well.
@COVIDberry Thank you I made it myself
Let me remind you that Nintendo doesn't make a living on these niche japanese titles and DLC. Yeah, sure some people are excited by these games, but the majority of Nintendos profit comes from the likes of Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Smash etc..
Covid or not, Nintendo is a company that lives off their customers and their money. Games, games and games of first party titles every year is essential.
@Norwegianguy While I generally agree, I still think it's important for Nintendo to give some airtime to other platform partners; not only does Nintendo get a slice of the pie, but it's good for business relations and game variety.
If rumors are anything to go by, Nintendo does have some heavy hitters waiting in the wings; they're holding off from disclosing them for now. Due to how odd this year has been already, it's hard to predict when, how, and with what format any upcoming games will be divulged.
But, being dead silence is also reflecting badly on Nintendo? Why can't they show some games coming next year? Create some hype. Its clear they didn't have any games to begin with this year.
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