One person who has been struggling to get excited about Sony and Microsoft's next-generation hardware is PlatinumGames' studio head, Atsushi Inaba. Here's what he had to say in a follow-up with VGC recently:
I don’t want to sound like, ‘hey, I know everything about the new consoles and they’re boring’. But with the information that I have now, I haven’t seen any extremely big surprises.
So, what's a surprise for him? Apparently it's the "ground-breaking" design of the Nintendo Switch. He goes on to explain how the hybrid system opened up "new" possibilities, much like the Game Boy and DS generations.
While Inaba thinks Microsoft and Sony could still have a game-changing quality in their next-gen systems, at the moment it seems to be all about improvements, such as visual enhancements:
when you’re simply seeing graphical improvements or just ‘faster, bigger’… obviously it’s nice, but it doesn’t have that same inventive quality that really surprised me with past consoles.
Back in his younger years, he recalls how graphics had more of an upgrade, and that people were "blown away" by each gen. One highlight for him was the leap from Super Nintendo to PlayStation.
While the head of Platinum is happy developers "have better technology to work" with, he feels it's a perceivable future:
There’s not the extreme surprise or the unexpected quality that I felt from the leap to previous consoles. Now I see the announcements and I think, ‘oh, that’s cool’ and then the next minute I think, ‘hmmm… what should I watch on Netflix tonight?’
Comments 159
I mean... Why would it be?
I have to agree with him. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS4 (super excited for TLoU2), but right now I can't say I'm head over heels for the PS5. I feel like it'll just be another system I play two big AAA games on a year like I did with the PS4, and most of my time will continue to go to the Switch. The fast, snappy OS, sleep mode, and handheld play just can't be beat. Also the obvious amazing first party Ninty library and indie support. Graphics are nice but I've been gaming since as long as I can remember and they just don't impress me as much as they did when I was a teenager.
This reminds of people that complain new smartphones no longer change the world with each new model. You can only reinvent the wheel so much.
I mean, to justify buying a whole new console, once again, like every 4 or 5 years (or even less if you were into the upgraded versions of the same console), I expect something groundbreaking. Great ideas and great game design do not rely on power, and all big classics prove it.
Without any creative intervention, the console cycle is basically just on ongoing process of TV-side boxes playing catch up with PC technology.
The technical leaps are still impressive, but computer technology has already trodden the same path, and even got some way ahead, albeit in more incremental steps.
I mean, that's fair. I'll be picking up the PS5, but I feel like PS4/5 games vs. Nintendo Switch games are kind of like seeing a movie in theaters vs watching it at home.
Yeah, seeing it in theaters is definitely an experience but watching a movie at home is more comfortable, convenient and I want to do it more often.
Can't ditch the Switch.
I want a new console to fly me to the moon and let me play amongst the stars.
But there’s also raytracing and shorter load times. They’re sort of exciting.
These are my thoughts exactly. All what Sony and Microsoft do is just “bigger and better” and it’s always boring. That’s why there’s been a luck warm reception toward the new Xbox “next gen” games. People are no longer being impressed by graphics, since the same type of showcase trailers have been showed since 2006.
@Elvie You're missing the last word, starting with a "B"!
I just hope Nintendo’s next console is also a hybrid!
I've been around for every home console generation and rarely did i ever care about graphics or power over the actual game content of whatever console. Bought a genesis because i liked sonic, Bought a snes because i liked Link to the past and mario, bought a playstation because i liked resident evil and so on.
Aren't we well beyond the point now where graphics alone can sell systems? So PS5 games will look slightly better than PS4. So what? What i wanna know is what games can i play on it and how much will it cost? If it's over 400 i can easily wait until i see a game i can't live without playing.
Not trying to troll or anything, but consoles are essentially discounted PCs. No matter how much the PS5 and Xbox Series X improve on their tech for better everything, PC has already done that and will continue to do so.
Again, not trying to troll with "PC Master race", but it's just reality.
I'm not crazy about Nintendo systems' lack of power in comparison to its generational peers, but I often find them more interesting.
Exactly! If power and graphics are your main draw why are you gaming on consoles?
and so where is Bayonetta 3?
@Yas Are you itching to get someone in trouble?
Not only will "Next Gen" hardware not be groundbreaking, it will flop dramatically. The "Next Gen" will be none other than the current gen, i.e. the Switch. Nobody will buy the stupid new consoles, because they won't allow you to play any kind of game that you can't play on the Switch. There was hardly any difference between the PS3 and PS4, so I imagine the PS5 will be indistinguishable from the PS4.
For platinum it won't be. The main thing that it allows is for more standardization of fast hard drives as a rule. Basically you can just have more things in bigger areas at once. Or bigger areas being moved through faster.
Think that doesn't matter? For things like open world traversal, or cityscapes it's a big deal. Think about red dead 2 or even breath of the wild. Open world games have a limit on how much stuff can be pulled at once which has a tendency to make them feel empty. Welcome to San Denis, biggest city in the game home to 100 npcs and three streets. Same with btow. Great landscapes, nothing in it.
Graphically, things are basically at a plateau, depth is what can really be improved. Think of any war scene in a video game; five dudes doing the same animation 20 yards apart while you run past them. I'd like to see a game actually pull that stuff off.
Well technology can't stagnant for years it has to upgrade every so often or you'll be left behind for the real advancements and will use specs that far exceeds today that you aren't getting any more ports.
On boy, inb4 the salty comments. 😆
I see his point, part of the reason why I'm not interested in the PS and Xbox side of things anymore.
@Entrr_username Well, especially the xbox. They have been moving that direction amd the series x doesn't even hide it. The Ps5 you can make an argument for because Sony tries to have software on the thing that sells it. If you can afford paying twice as much for a gaming PC (which just keep getting more expensive), I can't see why you'd want an Xbox. Gamepass, maybe
This time (generation) it will be Nintendo and Xbox X.
The only thing that will blow me away about these new consoles is one or both being 599 US Dollars.
@RPGamer I don’t know how I managed before Switch. Actually yes I do, I played a lot of Wii U games on the gamepad without a TV! But before Wii U... well, I had steadier access to TVs back then. Even my PS4 is a chore so I only use it for a few games. It’s gonna be a rough adjustment for me if Nintendo drops the hybrid model... but Nintendo does like to latch onto the ideas that work for them, so I’m not too worried. I think the Switch’s successor will likely be a hybrid, but if the successor isn’t successful... who knows? 😕
@Maxz I mean, game design is still locked to consoles and that's more why the next gen is important. Graphically things are basically where they are; with the leap you kinda just go from nearly photorealistic to completely photorealistic because of photogrammetry. The main thing is the new consoles will make nvme ssds standard. PC's had them for years, but you didn't need one. If games start being designed with pulling stuff from an SSD in mind, that'll change the environment
@SalvorHardin I don't think they'll hit that, but they reasonably should. I mean, a PC with the specs of these consoles is at least 1200 bucks. Like it's hypothetically on par with a 2070 super. That alone is 600 bucks
@Xansies Gamepass is available on PC as well. It doesn't have all the games from the Xbox version but all of Microsoft's own games will come to both.
Other than better graphics, and new "monetization options", I don't feel like this generation for Microsoft/Sony and the rest of the AAA industry feels much from the 360 and PS3 generation.
The new consoles look very much to follow in the same path. Oh well.
@Zeldafan79 relatable. I always was the type to not care heavily about graphics, but I won’t lie, the graphical jumps each gen was encouragement to upgrade... until we hit HD. The differences are small enough that my blind butt doesn’t even notice anymore anyways. Nintendo gives me reasons to get excited for hardware because their new consoles always bring new functionality, whether gimmicky or game changing. The upcoming consoles aren’t interesting to me and if anything I’m just frustrated at the thought of shelling out for new hardware just for God of War 6, Monster Hunter World 2, and possibly Kingdom Hearts 3.420/9000 Rebirth in Comatose First Last Paragraph & Knuckles.
@countzero That's what I mean. The selection of games on the Xbox is much better than on the PC. To the point that only could be a selling point for the thing. I mean, unless you just pirate the games which in that case the PC wins. If you take that out of the equation the Xbox is definitely a budget PC
@ShadJV I'm pretty sure the next console will be to the Switch what the 3DS was to the DS. Basically the same form factor, improved performance, very likely backwards compatible.
I'm just curious what the new gimmick will be, because every Nintendo console needs one of those. I'm not complaining BTW, it's just that sometimes it works (Wii, DS, Switch) and sometimes it doesn't (WiiU, 3DS).
@ShadJV I may be old, but saying there's no difference between ps3 era games and PS4 is just crazy to me. Some game were just amazing looking like the Witcher 2 and GTA 5, most weren't. Plus the level of detail is much greater. I'm not saying that graphics are super important, but hardware determines the games you can make and I'd rather things that push the envelope instead of things that try to fit in a too small envelope
Lmao, it’s just a silly thing to say. Consoles are rarely going to blow you away at launch, it’s a couple of years down the line that the major big hitters will show the true potential of the console once devs know how to make use of its feature set.
@nessisonett And the Switch blew people away at launch, that's literally the point Kamiya is making.
@Xansies with my eyesight? Yeah, I don’t notice enough of a difference from PS3 to PS4 that would’ve made me want to pay money to upgrade. I got my PS3 after the PS4 released (some guy was selling it for cheap, only $100) and was more than happy. If I wanted the best graphics, I’d buy a gaming PC. It’s fine if graphics are important to you, but I barely notice a difference.
I agree with Kamiya wholeheartedly! I have high-end PC that I keep upgraded every couple of years with a new part or two that will run circles around the PS5/XBX so I'll be skipping those. Switch still excites me today and (I have 40+ games and counting) I can't wait until it gets an upgrade with better mobile tech to keep things running decently with a new gimmick or two.
As much as I like 144hz 1440p/4k graphics on my PC, its gimmicks that really excite me and will get me to pick up a new Nintendo console each and every time. I mean hell, I got a Virtual Boy over a PSX back in late 1995. I could have gotten the PSX 100% but told my aunt to surprise me and secretly hoped for the VB more. lol
@Xansies Games might look better, but they're mechanically the same. If you think back to other generational leaps, you were always met with those games that were just impossible on last gen hardware. The function of the new hardware, is clear.
I just can't think back to that many moments when I felt that this generation. For the most part, this generation felt like last gen but with better performance and visuals. And the next one looks to be yet again the same.
@countzero I expect that, though I’m more worried it’ll be the Wii U to the Wii... use the same controllers, similar names, same brand, some big new gimmick, rely on overconfidence to sell it... basically, either it’ll be like the 3DS or the Wii U. 3DS is good scenario, Nintendo succeeds and continues down the hybrid rabbit hole. Wii U is bad scenario, Nintendo fails to market it and it bombs so they try something new after that.
My only worry there is... well, the DS did well but mainly because Nintendo was already king of handhelds - the PSP legitimately held its own, considering no one had properly challenged Nintendo in that field. While the 3DS had a rocky start, no one can say it didn’t eventually outperform the DS. The 3DS was the more successful platform. On the other hand, the Wii struck gold. It mainly did because of the casual crowd, but even a large number of hardcore gamers had a Wii. It was Nintendo’s top selling home console of all time. So in game the Wii U trying to ride the coattails of success, and it bombed. Nintendo was way too overconfident. Wasn’t the first time either, though it was the more pronounced time.
The one of those two examples this rings more similar so far is Wii. Nintendo is at a high again, they captured both gamers and the casual crowd, and they’re feeling confident. This isn’t like the DS where the PSP was trying to challenge them so they had to step up their game. Hopefully the sting from the Wii U will still be fresh enough in their minds in a few years, because I’d rather it play out different here. Mostly because I want the hybrid concept to stick around for them. At this point I don’t want to see them caught up in the arms race with Sony and Microsoft. I don’t want them to abandon the hybrid in 6-7 years and try some other gimmick. I think this is a good stop for them in the long term. Who even knows if we have more than two gens left before consoles are abandoned for gaming PCs - the Series X is most of the way there. This hybrid model provides a niche that a gaming computer can’t.
@PcTV I agree. The most I can say there is games this gen could have larger worlds without having to load as much, games could be bigger... but nothing game changing. I don’t think I could put it better than you did, there’s little I’ve played this generation that felt impossible in the previous one.
There’s only so far that better, more ‘realistic’ graphics can go.
I can echo the comment section and also agree that I am not excited about the PS5 / XboX as I was when I put in the first Playstation CD, after gaming on SNES.
I always enjoyed the gimmicks Nintendo had to offer and more often than not enjoyed things they brought to the table. Even the WiiU.
With now having upgraded my PC again, and the current console architecture actually being those of a PC, I hardly see the point other than platform exclusives and ease of running games (no spec comparison, you know it just works). So far, I enjoy the Switxh more, as I am sometimes on the go, sometimes I want to play in bed a bit longer and play a session, and when I get into the big TV mood, I can go there, too.
I think with graphics we are getting to the point of diminishing returns, even more so with the current generations upgrades within the lifespan with the Ps4 Pro and Xbox One X.
The latest unreal tech demo did look great, but outside of the core tech heads most of the masses that buy consoles would struggle to see a massive upgrade in overall quality, they will just buy the next gen machines because they are the new consoles.
Yeah i do remember feeling like my nes was old junk once i saw snes! Kinda had the same reaction with N64 Vs Gamecube. I freaked at how good luigi's mansion looked!
PS3 vs PS4 not so much. I was like meh. Not much difference. Maybe a little but not like holy crap oh my god!
@Zeldafan79 exactly. And how I can really tell is when I go back a gen. Even after having a GameCube, N64 graphics already looked awful to me. When I play my PS3 games I barely notice a difference between them and my PS4 games.
Nintendo Fanboys
That is the problem when it comes to graphics.
More powerful hardware for better looking games were a huge thing in the past, because the differences were massiv.
Now, graphics are already so great, that any upgrade just does not have as much of an impact anymore.
That is not saying that better graphics are unwantend, in my book.
It just naturally isn't the killer feature anymore.
Another thing: AAA companies are already investing so much money into the graphics of a game, in a lot of cases I wonder what would have happened if they used half that budget just to improve other parts of the game instead...
Funny you say that.
I, for example, have a pretty good gaming pc which I upgrade regularly.
I love seeing great graphics, though that does not mean I disagree with what people are mostly writing here at all.
You do not need to be a fanboy to see that graphics do not deliver the kind of impact they used to anymore.
I would personally not go as far as saying it is irrelevant already (otherwise I wouldn't have that pc...), but it becomes less and less important per generation.
How important you see graphics currently is purely dependent on your opinion, but the decline in importance is hard to argue against.
They definitely have the potential to be groundbreaking but whether they just end up as prettier versions remains to be seen. I've got to be honest and say I don't get what is so groundbreaking about Switch though. Most of its games are available elsewhere, its online still doesn't have voice chat (something which the Dreamcast did) and its main selling point is that it's a handheld that can be plugged into a TV, of which we've had variations of for over 25 years
As I never had a PlayStation and PS5 having retrocompatibility with PS4, I have plans to save some money and get Sony's next console when it launches. I know there are several pretty good games to enjoy, both platform-exclusive and third-parties (my computer just don't have the power to run anything from let's say 2017?)
That being said, I completely agree with him.
I think they're talking about ground breaking in a technical sense. Even then I wouldn't say the Switch was a ground breaking idea, like the XB1 and PS4 it's just stronger hardware. Having a video out function isn't new or revolutionary, nor are wireless controllers. The design of the Switch is basically what had to be done for it to be usable.
I might get a ps5 eventually when they release the revised model in a couple of years but I'm in no rush. I barely have the time for it. That's my main draw to the switch, portability. I still play my Vita more than the PS4 nowadays.
@DrDaisy yeah my bro started talking nonsense on here and they blocked him. Children come on here aswell as adults so peeps need to hold back! 🤣😂
Totally agree. I’m sure they will build up a good library of games and show off some impressive graphics but they won’t be particularly innovative.
However sometimes you don’t need to be. You need Solid Hardware at an attractive price with a big library of games. Look at PS4, nothing Ground Breaking but very popular.
Sometimes being Ground Breaking for the sake of it is as bad as not being Ground Breaking.
Yeah personally I am totally underwhelmed by the prospect of next gen consoles right now. I think we have reached the point where the capabilities are getting harder and harder to detect while the games industry gets deeper and deeper into "live services" and always online concepts. I am fine sticking with current gen consoles that actually have good games and my Switch, the latest games hardly appeal to me anymore anyways.
I received my PS4 as a gift and only finally played it last year because I only cared about Switch games. When I saw the mandatory install and load times plus update, I was furious...until I played Switch handheld while waiting. The regional lockout for DLC with SFVCE angered me too when I bought an Asian region physical edition and the DLC code didn’t work for my US PSN account. It sucks, and while we can have multiple regions, trophies don’t transfer and you can’t switch regions.
I hope PS5 improves this all, but for now, the backlog of PS4 games is why I play now more than the upcoming games on PS5, and even before, I have waaaaaay more Switch games.
Consoles used to blow people away at launch. For example Ridge Racer PS1, Mario 64, Halo/Rogue Leader, Call of Duty on the 360
You’re absolutely right. If you’re worried about Graphics, get a good PC.
What? An increase in teraflops doesn’t paint him green and call him cucumber? Has he seen the ray tracing yet? More bloom than you could shake a stick at?
That's why I'm always leaning towards being a "Nintendo fan". Whether I like what they do or not (and as a company, based on just some stories of course, I like them better than both Sony and Microsoft, that's for sure), they play their own game in their own field. And so far I like most of what they came up with for what it is / was / did to the industry. However, with them often doing something totally different, it's sometimes sad to see the old ideas go away... 3ds for example. But hey, there's the Switch now. As long as there's quality gaming I can enjoy anywhere, I'm a happy "gamer".
PS5 and Xbox one series X (what a name) cn easily be defeated by a PC with a 2080ti. so, yeah, next gen consoles with this gen features and graphics, nothing is going to change. dont know why they advertise it as next gen.
How I interact with my games has always interested me. The haptic feedback and tension triggers in the new DualSense controller interests me more than graphics. I feel the HD Rumble, motion, and IR on the Switch is underutilized. The Switch was revolutionary because for the average person who wants a game console it's and amazing package. It changed the way we digest games, just like the WiiU did for me before it. A Switch2 would sell amazing. And it will most likely double as a VR headset. It may be 2 years away, but man I really believe it will be the total package.
@Phostachio totally agree with you, what's the point of PS5 when only few developer are able to make AAA games? Most of the developer doesn't have the money to make expensive game on PS4, let alone PS5. Nintendo switch proves that gaming doesn't need super hardware.
Nintendo Switch isn't a groundbreaking concept either. It's just a combination of 2 things Nintendo always did well. Also Sony and Microsoft have the superior online services by far. I like both sides and I see the problems on both sides as well.
There’ll never be another technological leap like there was with the N64
Series X: We focus more on Digital and pushing for streaming now! MOST OF OUR GAMES ARE ON OTHER SYSTEMS TOO! Forget gameplay, look how pretty cutscenes are! Oh, and the system could be compromised to hackers if the GPU can be a weak point for them.
PC: We can be cheaper at start, but you must upgrade the hardware to stay up to date every two months! We're also the most vulnerable platform for hackers and viruses! Also, screw physical. DIGITAL ONLY! And you need internet for a lot of games!
PS5: We want to allow all previous system games to play, but we only have the controller to show.
All of the Above: WE ARE EXPENSIVE!!!
Switch: Able to play anywhere, groundbreaking at launch, and proves Graphics don't matter. Got physical games, and is the stronghold platform of Indies. Only real issue is Joycon Drift. Costs only $300.
Switch has proven to be the more pleasurable choice for someone who wants physical games, doesn't have internet suitable for online games, and not worry about viruses and hackers ruining the platform remotely to enjoy.
Agree completely, they say they'll create more expansive worlds, but that doesn't fundamentally change anything.
He’s not wrong. 😎
It’s the fact that you should have a 4K tv also. Expensive console and tv. It’s a lot of money. You’ve to ask yourself is it worth it.
I get that. Making games look better can only take you so far. The other day, I was playing Civ VI on my PC. My wife came in and needed to use it for more important things. I saved my game to multiplatform cloud, grabbed my Switch, and resumed from the comfort of the bedroom. THAT'S the kind of thing that gives a console some edge for me.
Why I love Nintendo really. Sony and Microsoft is always bigger , better , faster, which is good but predictable. I imagine ps7 will be a more powerful version of ps6! Nintendo , u just don’t know what they will do next, and that is rock and roll x x x
I have an empty tear jar and a popcorn bucket at the ready for whenever this article pops up over at Push Square. Not Pure Xbox, mind you, I'm specifically talking about Push Square.
@Dragonslacker1 couldn’t agree more. Especially the rock and roll part.
With Sony and Microsoft it’s just the same power house every time except with improved specs, so developers will continue to throw the same games at it. Like they have to play it safe. Maybe that comes from never having their own software that’s as strong as Nintendo’s.
@AlexSora89 Well, I've learned today from the comments here that there are just as many fanboys on this website as there are on Pushsquare It's so odd seeing so many people getting incredibly defensive.
I am actually looking forward to Series X, being able to play Doom then pause it, when another game has found a party, enter that game and play a mission, when it is over, Bob straight back into Doom.
The nostalgia alone will be worth it, like PC gaming back in 2004 .
Actually I’m totally fine if Nintendo’s next console is just an upgraded dock to the existing switch that up scales resolution and shortens load times. It’s the games that really matter. If they keep backwards compatibility like they did throughout the DS line, they’ll be golden.
The most exciting aspect of the new consoles to me is that they'll finally have pretty beefy multi core CPUs in them.
Most AAA developers probably won't take full advantage of it, but it does open up a lot of potential for AI, physics and the like. Since everyone develops for consoles as the baseline, hopefully some mid size studios (like platinum) will be able to do interesting new things.
Agree with him; I sold my PS4 for money to get Switch as games exclusive on PS4 were a handful only, and still feel like I am playing with per se lightening in bottle for innovation. When I look at the whole instead of the parts; it does seem all Xbox and PS5 are doing is making it faster and higher rez to justify $500 price tag.
Meanwhile, over at Push Square...
@Mgene15 Nintendo Fanboys? On a site dedicated to all things Nintendo? Where fans of Nintendo come to read and comment on all things Nintendo? No way...can't be true.
I mean predictable, yeah, but not boring. I wouldn’t say the transition from 3DS to Switch was boring!
I think the new SSD could lead to massively reduced loading times (1-2 seconds?) which if accurate could mean the removal of level loading screens/elevators/crevices. That alone would be shocking. Imagine a game world that just is. BoTW that doesn’t disappear for 30 seconds when you teleport. That would be fantastic.
Also the new power will lead to easier game development (UE5 as an example where devs don’t waste time “baking” lighting) and I suspect, indie games will be able to use features AAA mostly won’t because they have simpler geometry and textures (120fps, 8k, ray tracing eg Minecraft), and Sony and Microsoft continue to innovate online (cloud computing, subscription services, sharing features).
These things push Nintendo forward and that’s great for us.
I think ultimately though it will depend on the developers to take advantage of the new power — just like always.
I reckon I indeed am a fanboy, so there's no offense in that. Those over at Push Square, however, are elitist fanboys. There's a difference. I've vouched for the Crash and Spyro games many times over on this website, in spite of me being a self-admitted Nintendo fanboy. And yet, Nintendo Life has a much lighter angle when it comes to games that will never come out on Nintendo platforms (barring one exception). Take the article about Panic Button wanting to port Horizon Zero Dawn: NL treated it humbly as an undeniable impossibility, while also praising Panic Button's ambition. Compare and contrast to the savagery of Push Square's coverage of the same topic, from the headline ("Let 'em dream") to the final snark ("They'll have to make do with Skyrim - helluva PlayStation 3 game, that one"). We don't call that site "the sass dimension" for nothin', ya know.
[EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot this one comment in particular. Not from a random user, but from an actual news editor. I'm discussing it here and not, well, there just because the three sites share the same profile infrastructure. Being banned on NintendoLife because of Push Square isn't among my interests.]
Technically, Switch IS the next generation already, the one PlayBox SX5 is joining. Wii U headstarted Gen 8 as well. With all the hardware differences between the latter and Switch, claiming them to be "one generation" on no other grounds than Wii U's relatively shorter production cycle (by recent standards at that) is eyebrow-raising at best. So when the NEXT generation comes by the mid-twenties or so, only time will tell what it will bring, on Nintendo and PlayBox fronts alike.
Otherwise, it's all practically common knowledge by now, at least outside fandoms - the most progressive thing about graphics nowadays is their progressive struggle to excite and immerse more than generations prior. Visuals are a pool of combinations that can keep evolving and wowing, just like any other worldcraft and artistic field involved. Graphics are just tools, and there's only so much they can advertise by themselves without digital foundries or the devs themselves shoving you nose-deep into "pixel-sized triangles" (which - no offense to the talent and effort poured in - look like the same bunch of rocks your uninformed glance would silde over in a Skyrim landscape otherwise). The recent XBox showcase already highlighted the problem with the crowds of underwhelmed audiences many of whom were most likely NOT watching the presentation on the kind of screens that would theoretically do the footage justice. Most people essentially didn't spot anything they hadn't come to expect from the current gen - which, given the latter's frequent price drops and second hand market nowadays, potentially translates to "same stuff for twice the price" from a consumer perspective. The mid-gen upgrades like PS4 Pro struggling to make a lasting impression prior only salt this scratch.
Like I said on Push Square earlier, one can see why Sony touts its SSD and overall experience smoothness so much - so far it's the only thing a userbase can FEEL without splitscreen comparisons and other foundry-flavoured crutches. The cut on loading times for players and less need for transitional design tricks among developers (which Cerny justly emphasized) are QoL advances at least legitimately comparable to what the Switch achieved, because Switch's groundbreak lies in the QoL field as well. On the other hand, outside examples like Super Mario 3D Land, the 3DS lineup eventually dropped one of its selling points and become an arguable "Super Nintendo DSi Advance" (not that it's a remotely bad thing in itself) because the image depth didn't quite add enough to a fictionverse itself OR to the audience's perception of it. Heck, Wii U was a more tangible offer in terms of marrying much of the DS functionality with home consoles, but Nintendo failed to market it and has since admitted as much. 3DS at least fared much better as the heir of the previous experience/QoL feature trinity. Now there's Switch and the rest is history.
@nessisonett I mean, the amount of obliviousness in the comments is just staggeringly laughable.
I am all for the Switch. I have two. It's an amazing console, I especially love Switch Lite, and WiiU was my most beloved console of the PS4/XBO/WiiU era, but some of the people in the comments are just sleepwalking.
"PCs already done that" LOL. No.
I think this guy has become confused between Innovating and groundbreaking.
@AlexSora89 That's a pretty comprehensive overview you've compiled there! Indeed, I've also noted some fanboy behaviour from the staff over there, but didn't realise it was that bad. I was just commenting on the user posts here on NL though, I've never seen any childish behaviour from the staff.
Alos, I suppose it also depends on the defition of fanboy whether you'd see it as a negative contruct. Is a fanboy someone who a) really enjoys a certain brand but is open to criticism and able to reflect or b) someone who blindly defends their brand? I too have a soft spot for Nintendo (I've owned every main console), but the amount of comments here dismissing some the advancements the ps4/series X will offer (some of which are really quite something) as if it's nothing, while at the same time defending the Switch as if it's the best thing since sliced bread, is quite baffling.
Compare Xbox One X to PS5/XBSX.
The last groundbreaking console ever made were Sega Dreamcast.
Now that were a huge leap over N64.
Most likely i will buy a ps5 eventually, due to 3rd party exclusives or maybe not since most of the games i bought ny ps4 for are now available on pc. Regardless, i'm not really excited about the next generation. I barely noticed differences between the end of the ps3 Era and ps4. Furthermore, sonys recent behavior (censorship and anti customer practices) during the last years turn me off.
However, if the next nintendo system is bw-compatible and is again a hybrid, i'm very excited for that since the switch would gain a lot with more horsepower.
@GUSWANG it's XBOX Series X... there is no "One" there.
Sorry, but no, PCs can't easily match next gen consoles, especially not PS5. You are looking at the issue from a GPU only perspective and that is a gross simplification. From the storage perspective this quickly becomes a very expensive value proposition. You need the newest PCIe4 NVMe storage and then everything else to support such transfers and even then, you don't have the highly specialised solutions that PS5 will have.
You easily end up with a PC that costs $2000 versus what? A console that will be $600? $500?
The next gen of consoles will absolutely be revolutionary, less so in the visual department how much they will affect the way games will be able to be made and run. It will be a huge change which will affect design processes and thus will have creative effect as well (will give more freedom to creators, setting them free of previous gen restrictions).
In either case, gamers are the ones who will benefit from all of this so I am good. Nintendo doesn't need all that and this is fine. MS and Sony do, so this is where they are going to go.
Graphical leaps and other improvements in past generations where truly a sight to behold. I'll forever have etched to my memory the first time I got a glimpse of Super Mario 64 running live in my local video store. For a kid who had only recently finished playing the great 2D Super Mario World, 64 seemed like something from another world entirely.
@ShadJV There's a huge difference between the Switch and the Wii. The Switch targets gamers first and foremost, while bringing in casuals as an aside. The Wii is the opposite. So if the casuals all jump ship like with the Wii -> Wii U, the Switch's successor would still be in good shape. Don't forget, the Wii U had the following issues:
1. Poor marketing brand
2. No killer apps (until Mario Maker, compared to Switch launch year with BotW, Splatoon 2 and Odyssey)
3. Putting off gamers in the Wii era (refusing to translate non-casual games, forced waggle, incredibly few non-casual releases )
4. Not offering anything the competition didn't.
The Switch's successor maintaining a hybrid format would at the very least solve #4, and gamers aren't feeling turned off so that solves #3. #1&2 are lessons they learned doubly from the 3DS/Wii U, and saw huge success due to fixing with the Switch. While I don't doubt there's potential for failings with the next system, I don't think it'll be anything like what happened with the Wii U. Even if it does fail spectacularly, it'll be for very different reasons.
They're new boxes with more power. Keeps working for Sony, not so much for Microsoft. I hope MS have a few aces up their sleeves, and bring something new to the table.
I'll summarize why I'm proud to define myself as a fanboy by summing up a post of a user on Italian FB group "Nintendari Incalliti" (Nintendo Die-Hards):
"I've been playing my Switch tonight, and the power went out. I simply inserted my Joy-Cons into the Switch's rails and went on playing. The power has been out for roughly thirty seconds, and then I resumed playing in docked mode. Good luck explaining to other console players the sheer magic of that half-minute, though. Hashtag, Nintendo Difference."
It really depends on developers. With super fast SSDs being the standard with zero load times it will be interesting to see if developers use this in mind with game design. Most third party games though on PC as well will need to be designed to run off physical HDDs though. Only way I'm buying a PS5 at this point though is if they have full backwards compatibility with PS1/2/3. Xbox is irrelevant since I have a good gaming PC.
Let me see... an anime girl... blushing... looking up... opening her mou--OH NO.
Switch 2 will have ps4 graphics..... Its been a long time since they had the latest graphics in their consoles.... Smart move i guess to sell last gen graphics to full price
The Wii / Wii U and DS/3DS were groundbreaking and innovative.
The Switch is just the hybrid it needs to be to survive in the market (there was no other way, I predicted it) but it is missing all the innovative features and most of Nintendo's charm and most of Nintendo's quality control. Though people still like it because Nintendo got two important things right this time: Good marketing, and tons of games!
A Nintendo/Switch successor needs to reintroduce some of the crazy good things the Wii/U and 3/DS did.
@Brydontk love your post. It’s my feelings exactly with the Switch, play anywhere or in any position, or sit at attention. Your comment wins with me.
This guy is such a clown.
Announced Bayonetta 3 over 3 years ago now, keeps telling us "it's going well" but shows no evidence of it. Their best game isn't even on the Nintendo Switch.
To top it off Astral Chain was just one big disappointment. The game is barely worth half the price they shafted us for. Freaking Indie games with more content than Astral Chain offers at a fraction of the price.
His opinions don't count for diddly squat in my opinion.
As controversial as this guy is in terms of voicing his opinions, I have to agree with him on this one. Innovation has been the thing that's been keeping the video games industry from crashing.
What matters most is gameplay, not visuals and/or most powerful hardware. That's why indie games are still successful, despite the fact that only few feature stunning graphics.
I actually left a similar comment somewhere. While next get will undoubtedly be beautiful with faster load times, but that's pretty much it. The next gen jump I want to feel is similar to how I felt with Atari-NES, NES-SNES, SNES-N64...while the graphics had a boost but the games also played differently. I meamd, let's be honest, did TLOU2 really have to be next gen?
@AlexSora89 I think I'll survive without video games for a bit when there's a power cut, so I'm afraid I don't get it either
I have to disagree. Next gen might be the biggest jump we'll ever get because ssd's are being standardized and so even pc gaming will be pushed forward.
Thanks to this new standard, game design is going to evolve as developers will have a lot less restrictions and limitations.
Graphics are unknown as you can only go so far before stagnation.
@Zeldafan79 I couldn't agree more with you and the guy in the article.
Does anybody remember the groundbreaking "Emotion Engine" that powered the Playstation 2? It was all the rage in the industry when it first was revealed. When the press got the their first peaks of games behind closed doors if I'm not mistaken one journalist said something along the lines of the "graphics were so realistic it became confusing to distinguish what was reality and what was video game footage".
@Razer That's disappointing to hear you didn't like Astral Chain. It's by far one of my favorite Switch games! I'm having such a blast with it.
I don't want to start a whole debate of the game. I totally respect your opinion. Games are very subjective to each individual. There's a lot of games over the years where the masses LOVED and I just couldn't get into it. LOL like music. I'm huge into rock, hard rock, metal and real musicianship etc. and I just can't understand how anyone can listen to anything of today's "music". Oh well to each their own, eh?
It's funny seeing so many convince themselves that next gen isn't anything special in an attempt to make Switch look better.
@RustedHero to be fair, it's not that I thought it was a bad game per say, my main gripe with the game was how short it was, how little content there was. Like I said, there's Indie games with more content than this offered for a fraction of the price.
Completed everything in under 20 hours, it just didn't warrant a full price game in my opinion.
Aside from that it wasn't a bad game. Just over priced.
I bet they can actually play Wonderful 101 with Anti Aliasing on them. It is 2020, how is there no AA on Switch.
"Boring Hardware" is being skipped with DIRT5 and F12020 and stuck with GRID Autosport - for yet another year. And plain crazy, is pretending FromSoftware (and others) have not made a game worth playing since 2009!
People will buy a "status quo" Next Gen hardware from SONY and Microsoft so they do not miss out on 3rd party games that will never come to the "Ground Breaking" Switch (or take years for a port).
It is that simple. "Better Graphics" is just gravy.
And play all our Switch games as well
@Entrr_username yeah because pcs can fit your pocket. Have two screens. Play in 3d without glasses. Use motion controls and have lightguns right?
I'm a gamer first and a Nintendo fanboy second, I have a high-end Pc , Xbox, and a PS, not to mention I bought a nvidia shield portable for my Android gaming as well. My point??? Well, is that I agree, sony and Microsoft will always do the obvious, ugly looking systems with higher end hardware to push better graphics, this model hasn't changed since both companies hit the video game scene. But Nintendo, holy cow!!! I just can't never tell what they are going to do next to enhance the gaming experience, or how they will top their previous console. Every other platform will do the same, as expected, nothing special , and you can only get so photo realistic until you realized you can't go no further. In that sense Nintendo has always been ahead of the game, they know how to reinvent themselves over and over , and while they may not be a graphically based power house they are still masters of innovation and that is what has made them a force to be reakon with in the video game industry. Graphics are great but anyone who is a well rounded gamer would tell you that great graphics doesn't make a great game, not saying Nintendo has nothing but good games, not true, what I'm saying is that graphics should be at the bottom of the list and compare to , gameplay, mechanics, aesthetics, and execution, they should be priority and high end polished graphics is just the finishing touch. Sadly most developers tend to forget that and we end up getting horrible eye candy games as they try to push next gen consoles to their limit expecting it will be enough to sell. I just can't wait to see what Nintendo will think of next, since I already know what everyone else is doing. Well that's my 2 cents anyway, was really surprised how well this article was received was expecting much messier arguments. =
I've made decision: if there will be World of Warcraft for Ps5, I'll definitely buy it. If not, excuse me princess but no
@Phostachio I recently replayed The Last of Us in anticipation of the sequel (and despite it not being the best time for a game about a pandemic), and as much as I love the game, there's not one thing about the gameplay that can't imagine being done on the PS2 just as well. Which I don't mean as criticism either of the game's design or of what gameplay was like two, soon to be three, generations ago. But it does support what Inaba is saying--whatever Sony's consoles expand upon each generation, gameplay isn't part of it, and there comes a point where improvements upon what has already been improved upon aren't exciting. Not only that, but just as the difference in capabilities between the previous generation and the following is shrinking, the talent, time, effort, and expense required to fully utilize those capabilities is growing. I fully expect The Last of Us 2 to look better than the earliest offerings the PS5 will have, especially those that are cross-generational, and don't think we'll ever see what the PS5 can truly do, because by the time developers have had enough time with it they'll have moved on to the PS6. I'll get a PS5 eventually, I'm certain; but more than ever it's only because I know that's where the games will be, not because there are possibilities I'm excited for.
I'm most interested in what PS5 will do with VR. Anyone that thinks VR is not the most innovative thing this generation should go play Astrobot or Half Life Alyx. The Switch definitely has ease of use but its a handheld that you can play on the TV, which has been a thing for the last two generations or more. The cool thing is the instantaneous switching.
There's not a single cover shooter with movement as fluid as TLOU on the PS2. That, coupled with the acting and motion capture, the enemy A.I, etc., there's no way that game would have ran on a PS2. There weren't even cover shooters like TLoU back then. I agree with your other points though.
Yeah this article says it all. Good odds Nintendo will figure out a way but Sony and Microsoft will just put out an upgrade on their current systems. Maybe they’ll try to incorporate what Nintendo has with the Switch and bring some portability to it. They usually try to take a stab at incorporating Nintendo’s innovations a little bit
Hmmm... I'm going to change my previous opinions, on Bayo 3 (production/release date).
I actually think that there is much more to his statement...
Bayo 3 will launch as a 2020 Holiday exclusive for the Nintendo Switch. I think that Kamiya is anticipating Bayo 3 sharing the shelves with Next Gen launch titles.
I honestly cannot think of any other reason, from a business standpoint, why he would say this. Is it True... Sure, at least I think that it's True. Although, I don't think that it's a wise statement to make... If you're wrong, you look "out of touch" with the industry. Worst case scenario, you risk offending the big dogs over at Sony and Microsoft.
@WoomyNNYes Not entirely true, when you thought phones didn't have any room for improvement, they came up with foldable screens, rounded corners etc.
If you watch older videos (from around 1960-1970s), people had an very different vision of the "future" technologies.
I'm still waiting for flying cars, though.
@Phostachio Metal Gear Solid 2 said hi.
@Zeldafan79 We can look at it in two ways... current generation consoles still offer very impressive power within a budget - Xbox One X in particular sits up there. PC does offer scalability but most cannot afford to plunge 1000 minimum into a top tier gaming rig. No matter the new X and 5 are guaranteed to be top tier hardware.
If you aren't interested in graphics or simpy prefer Nintendo games and portables you buy a Switch.
Its all options.
@AJDarkstar well they offer monumental potential, its up to the games designers.
An open world game like Zelda would benefit greatly... Hopefully Nintendo will see sense and strike a deal with MS to bring Legend of Zelda BOTW 1 and 2 in high definition to Gamepass.
I feel sorry for this guy. We all know what he's thinking but Nintendo are dangling a big, fat paycheck.
@liveswired I think putting Zelda on Gamepass would be very dangerous for Nintendo. Their exclusive IP is the only reason a lot of people buy Nintendo consoles, so if their games can be played elsewhere, a lot of customers will be gone forever.
Depends on what he thinks is “ground breaking”. If he looks at it as new ways to play, or something different in the console then he’s right.but The new hardware is the official start of new graphic technologies. The PC has Big Navi and Nvidia is dropping the rtx 3000 series. Nintendo is really the only ones bringing unique consoles, and innovation to gamers these days. Wii-wii u- switch. All of those changed how we as gamers can play a game.
@TheFox Nintendo could make a lot of money if they did port some games to other consoles. And let’s not forget PC has Xbox live free, Xbox gamepass, and all of the Xbox games.. << that kinda makes Xbox look irrelevant lol. But the point is Nintendo could get a ton of money on gamepass.
Eh, what's so innovative about the Switch (other then the removable controllers). I don't see it, its just a tablet-console.
@Henmii The console itself may not be that innovative, but it's keeping alive trends that have otherwise faded from the gaming landscape. It's the only console right now that has meaningful motion control options, which not only do I enjoy in casual games, but it has allowed for the innovative game, Ring Fit Adventure. Which was perfectly time for the lockdowns, I must say. And again, this is nothing new, but the Switch also offers the most for multiplayers all in the same room.
Someone is a bit pretentious. Look, I’m all about the gameplay and story. There’s a lot that can still be done on the PS4. But looking at that Unreal Engine 5, and all I could think of was FF7 Remake 2, and what can be done. I still want those big event games. That’s I have a PS4 and a Switch. There’s the Nintendo games that I like, and also some cross platform and indie games that I wouldn’t waste my time with on the PS4. Something like Blasphemous is something I would rather have the option of playing on the go. There’s something for everybody.
You got it. Perfectly expounded opinion. It s hard to sit down and play the Station. It really is FF7 remake was great but playing 250 hrs of 2k is so breezy and, snap, there it is 250 hrs have passed. DS was awesome fidelity and mind awakening and surprisingly prophetic, but how do you out down Pokemon sword or shield. Snappy and breezy, but still ended up playing Shield like a college maniac into the morning, popping off and in against friends and strangers and story, but I didn't need sleep for work, the switch was just that refreshing. Fidelity is great when it's if value to the consumer. But when you have to give more to get more than you can consume any way, then it's like resturaunt menus 10 yrs ago, and simple and easy, comfort food with a twist will always be more alluring.
Actually like 20 years ago...10 yrs ago was awesome value at the restaraunts. Now kind blows actually. I end, small quantity, rediculous price.... Like the Station 5!!
Whattttttttttttt.... Why would you say that? Write that... Or otherwise communicate it? I feel dirty... BOTW on Xbox? And... Then gamepass to boot? Like they have no value. I'm waiting for MS to make games. I am not waiting for Ntdo to make games for them. Actually MS, can crawl back to the depths of Hell where they came from, and make a decent user based operating system instead of Frankenstein window behind user data purging environments
It's almost as if the slight constraints of their hardware always implores them to craft.
And historically, if Ntdo does a power house console for the third parties to shovel out hifi, they lose. The Switch represented Ntdo's desire for game craft first, but also finally provided an easy shovelware platform for developers, wo those developers percieving worry that there will be constraints to their master modus operandi, which is that the more hifi, the more you can can bumpup the digital experience into seeming like a fun game.
Look we are in the West. We are all pretentious and embarrassingly cringe worthy levels of pampered. We're never going to collectively understand that Ntdo products like the Wii, wiiu, and switch go out the rest of the world. And there, an HD gaming device that comes e it's on power source and display, packs alot more value than a PS5.
And you are right, those big time releases on Station are digital experiences you crave in a different way. But the switch is in every way comparable and it's exclusives are just that way. I always end up back on the Ntdo, and I grew up Station (I was there for NES and that was my first gaming exp, but PS was my console after NES, and there after, except for the Gameboys lol, until the WiiU).
If you would like to co op in Super Consumer Defense Force Team Janga, after vetting your point of view, we cordially invite you to pick a non primary color, and color only, and carry the mantle of "Janga." You may represent Team Janga on any company website or discussion board, regarding opinions of consumer value. SCDFTJ, stands for user and consumer value. What ever shape or form it takes, we defend it. We champion producers who produce at a clip of most value to reach the most consumers, at the most bang for their buck. Thank you Janga, play on.
soft claps please.
Wait, are you saying bayo 3 shld hit the other platforms? Ntdo bailed platinum out of it's bayo license, so platinum makes the game and holds the license, but Ntdo has a large stake in that license. It's doubtful they LL release that IP. Before sony, me, Capcom, Sega (the original holder), and all of em weren't going to buy Bayo franchise. And it's not essentially Ntdo buying a forlorn expert developer's time up, Ntdo actually helped finance platinum to keep it's licenses in exchange for platinums and Bayo franchises future dedication to Ntdo platforms. Things change but bayo has a home now. Cereza doesn't wonder from console to console any more. But MS has been striking deals w Ntdo to sell their games on the switch, and we haven't seen Ntdo offerings. Bayo is one that could migrate back to xbone in theory.
I just would like to say:
I am so proud of this community, to have come to understand ntdo and it's products better, even inspite of the commercial deluge regarding HiFi. Back during Wii/wiiu era, the argument for good games over HiFi crap was there, but now, the switch has made you believers. We need believe a little more. A 4k dock, not w this gen, but next is very possible, despite an actual 4k Switch. But that's probably not likely. I believed that the switch was Ntdo last card. It was forcing their hand to pull an ace. It seemed this platform wld be destined for longevity, as it combines two pillars and relies on remakes and Indies, and slow moving Ntdo ips. Well the nips (Nintendo IP's) haven't been that slow, and that's too easy any way guys. I wld expect a microtized version of a former power house console. The kind of "yo what's up," thing that fits in the palm of your hand and can wireless broadcast HiFi images and produce its own projections. You have to start thinking about breaking each part of the user experience down, microtizing it for consumption, and make it all semiautonomous. Each part on its own can launch games and provide different features and slightly different experience of the game. But together more intended features can be used in tandem, as well as higher fidelity. And of course it LL look and be much simpler in practice and execution bc it has to be easy for 3rd parties. But it will go down a wild conceptual road we did not see coming. So again we don't understand ntdo, but I'm glad to the see why and how coming together to surpass fidelity in the community. It was there before or course it's Ntdo fans, but there was still a hyper insecurity regarding fidelity. Recall how wrong they said the Switch wld be. And how right it was. Graphics are only a portion of the potion.
Oh and the reason Sony and MS focus in power, is bc they have no inkling of an idea how to develop such innovation. Ms dabbles in holograms and AR and Sony is dredging out VR to find new harbors, but that's as far as they can conceptualize. That sort of overboard I saw it in a movie, HiFi reliant conceptualization, keeps them glued to a bottleneck production model. They know ntdo is coming w something that will forever change the interaction and fun of digital experiences. Scared to death, and now, they have finally pushed up against a ceiling of HiFi. Ntdo, if the tech is there at that ol so special Ntdo price-point sweet spot, will be in position to flip the wiiu scenario 10 fold this coming gen. And now your seeing that those 3rd parties in the position to know, are finally savvy to this in a way that they're confident in Ntdo.
@NeoNeoNeo so next gen is about cheaper hardware with less loading screens. wow, impressive.
@GUSWANG I'm sorry, did you try to write something meaningful there? Your reply looks like something a chat bot would produce. A 1996 chat bot. Try again.
@Kaleid-Stone Agreed 💯
And... No, I'm not implying or hoping that Bayo 3 goes multiplat. Truthfully, I'm not entirely sure how you came up with that conclusion, from my statement. Although, I really appreciate the Reply, and I can explain...
I found Kamiya's statement provocative. I believe it to be true, but also bold for any 3rd party developer on the eve of the next Gen. Basically... He has absolutely nothing to gain by making that statement. That is, unless he plans to have a current gen exclusive on the shelf, at the exact same time that the new consoles launch.
@NeoNeoNeo Source is not helping.
@ShadJV Saints row 3 remastered. Just came out. Good example. There. That was easy. Like, I don't normally argue, but this is something I commonly see on this site and it's just empirically super, ridiculously, just unbelievably incorrect as can be proven by just looking. If you barely noticen difference, your basic perception is heavily hindered.
@Xansies hardly notice a difference.
@ShadJV Dude, half of the assets can't even be made out in comparison. Like not even the improvement to the actual assets, which are worse in some cases, but my God half the original game side by side is completely entrenched in darkness. If you barely notice the difference you literally only play games based by movement alone.
Now, graphics aren't super important to me, fps is why I stopped playing my OG PS4 and don't play switch ports, but that there's barely a difference is absolutely crazy unless you are Daredevil.
@Kaleid-Stone Geez I know right??? Seems this guy doesn't realize the best thing MS did was team up with Nintendo also doesnt realize that is MS who is planning on putting their franchises onto Nintendo including Xbox life. But some people just live under a rock, thinking that high power machines is the way to go, there is a reason why sony and Nintendo hold 9 of the top selling consoles of all time and MS only successful console has been the Xbox 360. But to each their own I suppose , lol =XD
@HardcoreDaBoss No they would'nt , nobody has the most profitable franchises in gaming history like Nintendo, not to mention how poorly Xbox is doing once again. People seem to forget that is Xbox that has open up to Nintendo and it's massive success, reason why their smartest move was opening up to Nintendo and commercialize their partnership with crossplay and now their has been rumors of even Xbox life coming to Nintendo. The only ones who are benefiting Nintendo's success is Microsofts =:3
@Entrr_username exactly , not the PC master race bit, but PC , Xbox, and Ps will only be cheap PC , nothing special, but so are PC, just giant graphically powered processors. We talking about gaming innovations here, things Nintendo does or has done that PC hasn't and that is what Nintendo has over other consoles including PC, they are on a league of their on for Nintendo is always pushing innovation and not just processing power =:3
I agree that Ring fit adventure is quite a original concept (not motion control persee, since we have seen that before but the game itself, a fitness rpg). If I had a hd tv I probably would have bought it too since it looks mighty fun!
@Quix you’re telling people and yourself that Nintendo wouldn’t profit off of having games on PC, or all other consoles? I just can’t with some of you on here smh
Porting their exclusives to PC would hurt both hardware and (first and third) software Switch sales. Nintendo makes much more off that, than their exclusives that sells the hardware.
@TheFox Imagine a Breath of the Wild unleashed from the restaints imposed by a handheld. Plus it would keep expanding the franchise, heck maybe Nintendo could even go 3rd party, finally no longer hindered by difficult choices they have to make to pinch pennies.
Now Nintendo have thrown all their eggs in one basket, once the Switch runs out of steam, which is inevitable like Wii, Nintendo won't have another pillar to support itself.
@Toy_Link Nintendo have so much to gain, it might save them. The Switch is going to run out of steam as the Wii did. However this time they don't have the DS/GB line as back up as the Switch is a handheld.
Xbox Gamepass will save Nintendo.
@Xansies can I just add someone hasn't seen a recent digital foundry breakdown? You crack me up 😂😂😂😂 here there's barely a difference between the power of Wii U and Switch. That's fact.
@the4seer to be fair Bayonetta doesn't really need anything beyond a handheld power. Just fill a screen with cannon fodder. I was kinda disappointed they didn't manage to match God of War 3 visuals.
Anyway only two japanese studios can manage to run visuals that push the outgoing current gen. The rest are out of their depths with more technology to grasp.
@Kaleid-Stone lol, can I have a smoke of what you're smoking? 👽👽👽👽
Three words that will save Nintendo:
Xbox Game Pass.
@liveswired Wait, I've been saying nothing except the switch is underpowered. I don't know what you're responding to. Though you're no exactly right either. The switch is a noticable step up from the Wii U. It's definitely not significant, but it is definitely more on par performancewise with a PS3 where the switch was obviously behind that mark.
@HardcoreDaBoss Not exactly , was talking mainly about Xbox, and talking about how Xbox saw more profitable ventures by teaming up with Nintendo, but it's that what you took from it sure, why not??? But now that you brought that up, why would Nintendo put their games on other sources when they can force you to buy a Nintendo switch for their exclusive games??? Nintendo thrives from such exclusives especially since no other franchises can compare. I know you like PC and all but you gotta see this in a business standing point not a consumer fan boy who want everything on PC. =:3
@liveswired Safe Nintendo from what??? The switch is already on its way to becoming one of the top selling consoles. Xbox has been suffering from day one and Xbox one X hasn't helped one bit. I'm an Xbox one owner myself and love it way more than PlayStation but right now Xbox is not even competition to neither Nintendo nor PlayStation. Xbox is the one that went seeking Nintendo's Help or have you missed the Nintendo and Xbox crossplay commercial and articles of partnerships, now rumor has it the Xbox will put Xbox live and game pass on the switch as well. Making Xbox library available to Nintendo massive players and making at least some profit, In other words what ever your smoking I don't want non of that, is really messing you up bad, lol =XD
@Quix Lol, I just love spicing things up on these boards 😁😂😂😂😂
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