This November, Wii Sports will turn 14 years old, but the game is seeing a sudden spike in interest and resale value.
The game, which had people all around the world swinging their arms about to play tennis, golf and more in their front rooms back in 2006, has been rising in price on resale websites since February. PriceCharting, a website which tracks sale prices of games across sites like eBay, Amazon, and GameStop, shows the jump in price for both loose and complete copies of the game.

While it can't exactly be proven, it would make sense that the surge in price is thanks to more and more people finding themselves stuck in home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As people search for home-based entertainment and ways to keep fit indoors, Wii Sports has seemingly become a popular title once more. And it was pretty brilliant, so deservedly so.
Of course, we've seen a similar story for the much more recently released Ring Fit Adventure on Nintendo Switch. Nintendo has been struggling to keep up with demand since launch, with the situation only getting worse due to the coronavirus outbreak, and we've seen the game selling for as much as triple its RRP on eBay.
We suddenly have the urge to play a full match of Wii Sports Tennis. Who's in?
[source pricecharting.com, via nintendoenthusiast.com]
Comments 48
What a perfect time to remaster/remake this and Wii Sports Resorts.
They missed a trick by not adding Wii Fit/Sports compatibility to the Switch.
Or by not making enough Ring Fits!
I bought Fitness boxing to get me through!
I've seen people selling Wii's with 2 controllers and Wii sports for £200, you couldn't give them away a few months ago
@BrintaPap WiiSports HD already exists on WiiU so they should be able to port it across quite easily. An HD update of Resort would be great too.
I still have a copy of Wii Sports 😂. The kids and I will play it once and a while on the Wii U.
I also looked to see if Wii Sports Club was available for cheap. I can't seem to find it anywhere at decent enough price.
I wonder if anyone more is playing Wii Sports Club? I could go for some online golf.
Having it on the Switch would be pretty nice, the Joy Cons can accomplish much of the functionality.
Just none of that Wii Sports Club subscription nonsense. Sell the game outright, even if piece-mealed for each individual activity. The Wii U was already a disaster, but they managed to take one of their best selling pack-in titles and make it a flop on the Wii U too.
I’m sure people would buy a new hd wii if available. They could of kept it as a separate business like the handhelds
Get this on the Switch quick Nintendo, add in an improved online functionality/upscale the graphics and release it on the e-shop at a fair price.
There is easy money to be made from this, but only if they act quickly.
I've been using Wii Fit for workouts recently. I wanted to pickup Ring Fit, but its to hard to find. I have been getting some good work routines on Wii Fit though.
@UmbreonsPapa If you already have Wii Sports, you don't really need Wii Sports Club. It's the same five sports (this time in HD and with Miiverse functionality all over the place that no longer works), but it's actually more difficult to get into than Wii Sports, especially with regards to tennis. In Wii Sports, all you have to do is waggle the Wiimote when the ball is close to your character, but in Wii Sports Club, you need to make sure you're using backhand or forehand and you need to twist your Wiimote the right way to make the ball go the right way. The game doesn't ever explain this, either. I've also noticed many, many instances of unexplained stuttering and slowdown in Wii Sports Club (I'm talking about offline matches here, not online where lag is to be expected), whereas Wii Sports runs fine.
I'm pretty sure that the Joycons wouldn't be up to the task. Gyro aiming works nicely but in my experience anything involving true motion is a complete writeoff (e.g Gal Metal, Pato Box, Fun Fun Animal Park)
@blackknight77 I’ve been doing the exact same thing with the family.
Wii fit u and Wii sports club
I’ve got Wii Sports + Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit U, and Ring Fit Adventure, so I’m all set.
I still have my copy! Maybe I will dust it off and go a few rounds with Matt.
I am also predicting a return of "tennis elbow".
Heh, I was wondering thise when I was organising my games (and Wii Sports came along)
My life hasn't changed so no need, but I did buy Ring Fit (which I've been wanting for a while) and.. I think this is enough for me. Even my WiiU is there next to Switch.
I am not sure if I want to go back intense Wii remote waving. I admit "back then" - I got Wii shoulder from playing Rayman Raving Rabbids... I wonder if tennis would do the same.
I've been playing Wii Fit every morning for last 2 weeks since being confined to my house...I think I have Wii Sports somewhere but for some reason I can't get two controllers to sync if it's already synced with the board.Still,so glad I never got rid of the wii!
The one game in my 20-year game collection to have been used as a frisbee and coaster (with the exception of the GB Player disc.)
at least i already have a copy, so i don't have to worry about the price increase. i used to have a second copy, but i gave that away to one of my cousin's so that their 5 year old and 7 year old would keep active while playing video games.
Or just release Wii Sports Club for the Switch.
@chiefeagle02 Good luck.
@sandman89 "I’m sure people would buy a new hd wii if available." The Wii U begs to differ.
@TheFox Yup. Wii U and Switch is basically both HD Wii.
People should play Ring Fit Adventure on Switch instead, unless they play Wii Sports for Multiplayer.
Kind of wondering what constitutes "CIB" here since it was only released as a complete package for the Nintendo Selects print. (that even then I was predicting almost nobody bought, to put it alongside Super Mario World and Tetris for Game Boy.)
Do they mean just the cardboard sleeve otherwise?
I do remember even when it was current, sellers asking $30 for a sealed game when Nintendo themselves was selling replacement discs for half that price.
I need to throw my copy and the attachments up on ebay for big Corona money.
The Wii is still a great console.
@Ventilator I'm betting a lot of the people buying Wii Sports are so casual, they don't even have a newer system. And as far as the Switch being an HD Wii... OK, it's got motion controls and I'm sure that's the basis of your comment. But in a lot of ways, I think Nintendo has moved on.
Wii - "whacky new way to play." Wii U - "whacky new way to play... This time with a tablet!" Switch - "Well, there's motion controls, but you can just use traditional controls if you want."
Wii - Miis everywhere! Wii U - Miis everywhere! Switch - What's a Mii?
@UmbreonsPapa I don't think Wii Sports Club has -ever- been at a decent price. I saw it at Family Video a while back for $10 and snatched it up without thinking twice.
@TheFox that was a confusing mess. And not what I mean
Can't blame them, Nintendo is the greatest. Truly gods of gaming.
@TheFox Probably. Well. there is Mii's in some Switch games atleast. Smash Bros and Mario Kart.
As for HD Wii. Switch don't have much more power than Wii U and is why i mentioned both as HD Wii.
And here I was planning to retire Wii Fit U once and for all cause I "thought" I was close to getting Ring Fit Adventure, then... coronavirus. I went ahead and downloaded Fitness Boxing to complement it (despite the music tracks, don't underestimate the workout you can get from it). Looks like the Wii U/Wii Fit U won't be going anywhere anytime soon for me.
A lot of people bought Wii consoles. They must be dusting them off for their kids, too.
I wanted Ring Fit Adventure regardless but decided to wait until my birthday (March 6th). At that point, they were hard to find and expensive. I hope that somewhere down the line when production can resume and we're out of quarantine prices will drop to reasonable terms.
@BrintaPap This...x 100.. should be so easy
@romanista Also do a port of Wii Play while they are at it.
Bring it to switch, cowards
Wii Sports is popular again.
Many posters begin to port beg.
I'd get back to Wii Sports Club Wii U online if a lot of people decide to go back.
I need Sports Resort HD on my Switch please. I have fond memories of frisbee golf while intoxicated, in my USAF dorm room. 10 years ago is a long time.
Didn't this game come with every single Wii? Are there actually people who have a Wii U but never bought a Wii? Or people who bought a Wii U not knowing that it played Wii games?
I'm trying to figure out who has a Wii or Wii U but not this game...
Also Wii Sports HD and Sports Resort HD on Switch. Day 1 purchase.
And modded Wii’s are all the rage on eBay! Not only can you get entire game libraries of classic systems but they’re also tossing almost the entire Wii and GameCube libraries on a 2TB external hard drive! Awesomeness!! 👍
@AlienX If you're using the Game Boy player start-up disc like that, there's something wrong with you. That's a pretty valuable disc right there.
@joey302 Wow selling Nintendo's game illegally! What awesomeness! For real though I don't really have a problem with ppl downloading isos and roms online but anyone who sells them is a leech.
@RupeeClock : That's how it was always available.
You can either purchase a day pass to access all available sports for 24 hours, or you could buy each sport individually (Baseball + Boxing were available together for the same price as the other sports individually). Of course, the retail disc included all five sports (but it wasn't released until the individual sports were available to purchase via the eShop as they were trickled out gradually).
With that said, Nintendo monumentally screwed up with Wii Sports Club with a tedious and drawn-out digital release followed by a complete retail release with virtually no fanfare (meanwhile, the Selects release of Wii Sports + Resort was available for LESS than the cost of the Club installment, which only included enhanced versions of the original five Wii Sports activities), and with very little new content to differentiate it from the original Wii Sports (which everyone and their goldfish owned) it's no wonder that Club flopped (no doubt that the Wii U's abysmal install base didn't help either).
Thinking about it, it's one of the stupidest business decisions that Nintendo has ever made.
And even more baffling is that a port or successor to Wii Sports hasn't yet been released on Switch, even if it's just a port of Wii Sports Club to grease the wheels followed by a port of Resort later on (or ideally all activities in a single release). Games such as Mario Tennis Aces and ARMS serve to fill that void a little, but they fail to attract the broader audience that stimulated the imaginations of the masses like Wii Sports did 14 years ago.
@HammerKirby It's OK, unless the value is over 1k, I'm not interested in selling my collection. The GB Player disc can take it anyway. It's like less than 8 MB on a 1 GB disc.
@HammerKirby yea never in a million years would I know how to mod a game system but hell I’ll grab one if the opportunity Is there. I’ve spent countless legit dollars on this hobby anyway ever since the Atari 2600 40+ years ago appeared under my xmas tree so no guilt here lol 😆
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