What a week it's been! Nintendo revealed a Switch revision with improved battery life, locked in the release date for Luigi's Mansion 3 and announced two new sets of Joy-Con. On the third-party front, we found out when Resident Evil 5 and 6 would arrive and Sega finally confirmed Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD. Brushing aside the week that was, it's now time to focus on the final Splatoon 2 Splatfest, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and the many other games we'll be playing this weekend. We're also joined by a special guest from a certain other website you'll likely be familiar with!
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
Well - my weekend plans will likely be the same as last weekend’s, but I’ll be replacing What Remains of Edith Finch (which I finished and wept over), with the final Splatfest (which I will also likely weep over). I also plan to acquire the full version of Dragon Quest Builders 2 and get lost in that - I checked out the demo last weekend and loved it, so you’ll find me splatting and building all weekend long.
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer
This weekend, I'll be a busy boy with three very different games occupying my free time. Firstly, I'll be taking FIA European Truck Racing Championship for a spin to see if big rig racing can really work on Switch. Then I'll be channeling my inner Ragnar Lothbrok as I brave the elements and attempt to survive (and thrive) in the survival RPG realm of Dead in Vinland: True Viking Edition.
Finally, I'll be trying out a game that's been on my to-do list for a while now: Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. I've never been the biggest fan of tactics-style games, but the art style and the fact you can play as a grizzled-looking mallard has me seriously intrigued. Look out for reviews of all three in the coming weeks, right here on Nintendo Life.

Liam Doolan, news reporter
My main gaming priority this weekend is to help Team Order win the Splatpocalypse event. Who knows what will happen to the world of Splatoon if we let Pearl and Team Chaos win? It's just a pity my expensive Splatfest-themed t-shirt won't arrive until well after this event has finished.
When I'm not fighting to the bitter end in Splatoon 2, I'll be saving the galaxy or at least attempting to save whatever else needs saving in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order. I'm still trying to work out my ultimate team. I'm thinking Wolverine, Spider-Man, The Hulk and Captain Marvel might be a good combination to start with. I should probably revisit Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night as well.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
The Summer of Switch relentlessly continues to bombard us with quality titles. I had a ton of music-related work due to the release of two individual projects, so I ended up not playing as much as I wanted during the week. I will make up for it this weekend with sessions of The Messenger, Blazing Chrome, Rise: Race The Future, Arcade Archives The Ninja Warriors (Zuntata turned up to 11, of course) and by participating in the Splatpocalypse.
Game of the Week naturally falls onto Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order. I have always enjoyed the series and no way I was not going to snap up the ultimate, Switch exclusive edition of the franchise. A true shame I have no local buddies to play it with...
Gavin Lane, staff writer
I’m currently on my holidays and the 4G/3G reception in this particular corner of rural Portugal means internet distraction is (thankfully) being kept to a minimum. Therefore, I should have plenty of time to finish GRIS, Abzu and one or two others queued up in my backlog. I’d love to get involved in a match or two of the final Splatfest, but that’s dependent on the hotel WiFi, so we’ll see. I sided with Team Order purely because it’s Marina’s team and as tentacle-haired ladies go, Marina’s particularly lovely. Stop judging me!

Alex Olney, senior video producer
I’ve not got a whole lot planned this weekend actually, which to be honest is just what I need right now. I’ll no doubt be dipping my ever-soggy toe in the waters of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate again, but seeing as I’ve just treated myself to a Micro SD Card that can actually hold more than one game over 128GB, I should probably dabble in some DOOM and do some extra missions in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. And if I’m feeling really adventurous I might even have a pop at Spiderman on the PS4 in total disregard for my traitorous habits.
Robert Ramsey, Push Square deputy editor
Yes, you read that right -- I'll be sitting down to play some Nintendo Switch this weekend. Naturally, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is on the docket -- a family favourite and once things get heated, it's incredibly difficult to put down. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is also on the agenda, I think. I've loved me some Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled over the last few weeks, but there's only one king of the kart racers, and it's Mario.
Which games are you playing this weekend? (335 votes)
- Splatoon 2
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
- What Remains of Edith Finch0.3%
- Dragon Quest Builders 2
- Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden0%
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- The Messenger
- Blazing Chrome
- Rise: Race The Future0%
- Arcade Archives The Ninja Warriors0%
- GRIS0.3%
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
- Super Mario Maker 2
- God Eater 3
- Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus0.9%
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 127
Currently pretty addicted to Atelier Lulua so just playing that in between my Splatfest sessions.
Still playing Trails in the Sky: First Chapter on PSP - seriously, Falcom, get with the programme - but I think I'm going to have to dip into Splatoon 2 again for the first time in about a year. Great game, but it totally got sucked into the backlog.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate (Switch)
Zoo Tycoon 2 (PC)
Dauntless (PC)
Timesplitters Future Perfect (PS2)
Just played a bunch of Splatoon 2. Wanted to hit Queen/King level in this last Splatfest. Also gonna play some more of Star Wars: Thrawn's Revenge, which just got updated with a bunch of new content. Playing a bit of Hearthstone too.
I then might start one of the 4 games sitting on y desk right now waiting to be played: Super Neptunia RPG, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, FF12, and Atelier Lulula.
Splatoon 2 - Team Order. Surely I can start winning some matches soon, right?
Crash Team Racing - We just got it and I'm hoping to take it for a spin. Let's hope I don't crash and burn!
MUA3! Hoping to unlock more X- men soon. It's tons of fun. My main atm is Scarlet Witch.
Maybe I'll continue Sushi Strikers too. Super underrated game.
@Suicune Agreed on Sushi Striker. Got it at launch and it was a real blast.

I will continue my progress of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (Switch) after my drawing time at PC.
And maybe i will play Wii Music too if i have spare time.
MUA 3 been playing all day since release. Wonderful game better than the first two.
I've been playing Tangledeep which is totally amazing, with brilliant music. That and Pinball FX. Bite sized quality gaming.
Celeste! Intended to get it since I got my Switch, finally got around to it a couple of weeks ago. Love it, so good but so so hard if, like myself, you just cannot ignore those strawberries! Have a nice weekend everyone.
Busy downloading marvel ultimate now. In the mean time will rank up my hunter in destiny
Planning to play some EarthBound Beginnings this weekend as I downloaded it for Wii U earlier this week, and hoping to squeeze in some Splatoon 2 rounds in as well.
I thought we usually got to make multiple choices with this poll?
This week I will be mostly playing
Mario Maker 2
Smash Ultimate
Wario Land 3
Spla2oon if I get the time. Team order
Splatoon 2 for the Splatfest and maybe some CTR after it's over.
@Suicune nice to see scarlet getting the love she deserves. I'll be maining Star Lord or vanhelsing
Found Zeltik on YouTube this week, and watching all his Zelda videos has got me in the mood so I restarted Majora’s Mask on 3DS from the beginning, aiming to 100% it for the first time 😊
Splatoon want the King rank too show my support!
Some collection of mana (trials) grinding for the lasts????? Seeds.
And ofcourse some Mario maker 2 online in the mix its so fun hahah.
Bought also marvel 3.
Not sure if I play it this weekend already though.
Have a great weekend all!!
What are you playing this weekend (20th of July)! We are British.
I'll start my two last picks from the shop: Iconoclasts and Legrand Legacy. In the meantime, I'll see if I can finish Yakuza Kiwami 2! Almost there! Have a nice weekend you all!
I have a backlog of games I should be playing, but I can’t pull myself away from Super Mario Maker 2.
Discovering the joys of endless mode yesterday won’t help the situation.
@MartyFlan I thought it was hard with out getting many strawberries at all! Enjoy the game, I put it in my top 3 platformers.
Well my weekends seem to be like a broken record but in a good way as I will be busy with Octopath Traveller and Graveyard Keeper for Switch and Assassins Creed Odyssey for Ps4 again but I MAY try going back to Zelda Breath Of The Wild which I only did forty hours of originally and haven't played it in over a year.But do I jump back in to my save or restart the game again..?
@JoeDiddley Super Mario Maker 2 is a great game, i also cannot pull my self away. I am finding new things in that game each time I play and make. I am amazed at some of the levels that people make.
Also: Rocket League and i bought Riptide on sale: it is not too bad of a little racing game.
DQB2. Haven't booted up another game for 4-5 days. Don't know what happens next week though, having pre-purchased Fire Emblem. Scary, in a good way.
MUA3 for me but this is my first MUA game and I'm struggling to get into it. There isn't very much of a tutorial and I'm learning more from reviews and tips articles than I'm learning from the game itself.
Shenmue 2, in anticipation of part 3. Do you want to have a go at Lucky Hit?
I bought a new PC monitor last week so started Homeworld Remastered. Still one of my favourite games of all time!
Just started Witcher 2 on Xbox360. Surprisingly smooth and decent looking port. Also trying to complete Grip on Switch but later events very hard and frustrating. Can't wait for Wolfenstein: Youngblood next week.
After a week of evenings dedicated - besides Bloodstained and the handful of titles I've mentioned often enough here - largely to FFXIII (SECOND playthrough, and Breshan basses still wiped the floor with my carelessly overconfident butt on the first attempt - tell me more about "one button battles"😏) and actually finishing SMB2 (yes, I used rewind function; no, I have no shame), this weekend has seen me resume a couple other games in the backlog, namely Tales of Destiny (pretty sure I'm in the endgame by now) and Dragon Quest Builders. I'm also hoping to revisit and advance one or more VN/adventure journeys of mine (among Dual Destinies, 999 and the Diabolical Box), but such greedy plans are all the more susceptible to jinxing.
I do so love Goncalo's taste in games! I too will be giving Blazing Chrome another go this weekend, but when Rise: Race the Future hits the US on Monday, I'll be racing again . . .and somehow balancing that against the mid-week release of Super Mega Baseball 2.
Splatoon 2 for the Splatopocalypse of course. And since this is the only time a Splatfest has run for three days, it will be the first time I ever hit "King" rank.
That's really the only Switch game I'm playing this weekend. When I need a break from splatting, I just got Samurai Shodown on PS4.
I broke down and bought MUA3, played a good 3hrs Fri night and liking all that Marvel mayhem so far. I’ve 90%’ed Hollow Knight and would like to get back to that, too. We’ll see.
I'm trying to finish 100%-ing Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+ which is proving to be a huge chore. Then I want to 100% Ace Combat 5 which shouldn't be as bad I don't think considering I've already unlocked all the planes in that game.
I might play a few Splatfest sessions too. Also trying out the demo of Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble.
Ultimate Alliance 3! It’s like seeing an old friend who’s changed their appearance, but it’s still the same friend you knew 10 years ago. Really liking it. It’s just good dumb mindless fun.
Might bounce into Splatoon 2 for a little bit too.
@Krull Same! I started the Evo edition on Vita and it’s been brilliant so far. Still don’t reckon I’ll catch up in time for Trails of Cold Steel III though.
Mega Man 9 &10 (my favorites in the series) on Legacy Collection 2.
@dugan thank you, it’s brilliant one of the few games on Switch I’ve used the capture feature to share a few clips! I think I’m near the end, have just over one hundred strawberries, haven’t used assist mode at all.
I'm setting aside some time for Splatoon 2's final splatfest with team chaos.
After that I'd like to get into Dragon Quest Builders 2 some more, and if I can find the time, both Mario Maker 2 and Smash Ultimate keep beckoning.
MUA 3. Going off on 4-player co-op with my kids.
A trinity of 3DS RPG’s to whittle down my backlog - Xenoblade Chronicles, Stella Glow and Mario & Luigi Dream Team.
I’m really storming through Xenoblade - I’ll hopefully complete it before the end of Summer
No time today but tomorrow I will carry on chipping away at Child of light - it’s such a beautiful game but I seem to be playing it in 10 min intervals which isn’t ideal.
Also got mark of the ninja to start and I really need to complete world of light on smash bros so I can trade it in for something new.
Pretty much given up on assassins creed 3.
What the ever living chuff is @ShogunRok doing playing a Nintendo console? I just bought Assassins Creed Odyssey after reading his article. SHAME!
Just kidding. I will be finishing off Stick of Truth on Switch this weekend. Still waiting on those patches before starting Bloodstained.
We can only vote for 1 game this week @Liam_Doolan? I'm a multicultural/lonely man and play many games.
Gonna play Marvel UA 3 and Mario Maker 2 on Switch. Then i am gonna keep building in DQB2 on ps4. Might also trow in Judgment as well.
This weekend is fun. In preparation for Borderlands 3 in September, my brother in law has convinced me to start replaying Borderlands 2 with him. Besides that my alone time is spent working through Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. If I get tired of that continuing my adventures in visual novel Clannad on the Switch is certainly a way to go. Been going for over forty five hours and have still barely scratched the surface on the games many stories.
Mostly boardgames as I've got a couple of new ones to dig in with, but I'll definitely take some time out for Spla2oon.
This weekend is the last quiet weekend for games. I’ll likely be finishing Steamworld Quest, and maybe dip into Starlink or dabble with Mario Odyssey. There hasn’t been a game release I was excited about since April, and it has been very quiet...
Next weekend is the beginning of the flood! Fire Emblem, Oninaki, Spyro, Links Awakening, Dragon Quest, Luigi’s Mansion. With the Witcher 3, New Super Lucky’s Tale, Darksiders: Genesis all shoved in there too. Maybe I should take this weekend to go to the beach or something!
This reminds me of 2017, right before Sonic Mania dropped. I just wasn’t interested in any of the games between that and LEGO City, but after Sonic Mania I bought like 9 other games, and it was amazing
I picked up Skyrim VR and Fallout VR which I will be playing as aswell as FFXIV.
For the Switch I just picked up Hollow Knight physical so looking forward to playing it for the first time.
@charlieonholiday the pacing of the first Xenoblade is just so so good. It’s easy to put that first 60 hours into without thinking
Poll is broken: only allows one vote.
For me, Final Splatfest in Splatoon 2, Smash, Blazing Chrome, and Lethal League.
@BacklogBlues Fixed!
Playing lot of games at the moment but mainly focusing on FFX since I'm finally at the final set of bosses. Defeated Seymour yesterday.
Arms, Botw, SMM2
I’m playing Rally - Rock N Racing which for 3 quid I thought would be rubbish but just had a punt on it. It reminds me of the 90’s and Sega Rally - graphics are 32 bit style with clipping which is somehow comforting to a 40 year old gamer like myself!
I’ll also be getting stuck into Smash Bros now I have my Wireless GameCube controller.
Other than that I’ll be carrying on my love affair with Active Soccer - the nearest thing to sensible soccer and continues my EA amnesty.
Recently got a code of Vane on PC for review, so I'll be blitzing through that to get it over with as quickly as possible (spoilers for my review, it's not good...)
Once I'm done with that I'll dip back into Kill la Kill IF, which I'm also reviewing. It's an excellent tribute to the anime with gorgeous visuals, a diverse and well-balanced roster, and simple yet engaging combat mechanics.
If I can get both of those finished up, I hope to squeeze in some quality time with Final Fantasy X HD. I started it back in April and I'd like to finish it before the end of the year, at least!
Just bought and started Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
If it wasn't for the art style I had played it much earlier. I would prefer a more realistic look, like the original or like X.
Love it so far though
I'm still playing Lunar as I did last weekend. What a GEM !
Even though my prime day copy of crash n sane trilogy arrived yesterday. Im playing bloodstained bug of the night instead on switch, as well as tons of Mario maker again. Such an addictive game
@PCkid my favorite! What are you playing it on?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 with a few rounds of Tetris 99 here and there.
This weekend we are hosting a VR party, with First Steps, Beat Saber, Space Pirate Trainer, RacketNX, Job Simulator, Tea for God, Exorcist, Superhot, Ritchie's Plank and a bunch of other games/experiences all on show for the Oculus Quest. Should be a fun time.
After the dust settles on Sunday I'll be continuing with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 on the Switch. Loving this game so far.
I’m about to finish up Bloodstained Ritual of the Night. Get in some Samurai Shodown and a little bit of Dead or Alive 6. That’s all on PS4. As for the Switch I’ll be on Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8.
Getting back into Final Fantasy XIV after being away for almost a week. Also losing more time in Dragon Quest Builders 2.
Already a King rank in the Splatocalypse, TEAM ORDER MUST WIN!
Splatoon 2 - Representing Team Chaos in the Splatocalypse
L.A. Noire (Switch) - Made it to the Arson Desk and I can tell I'm nearing the end.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified (Vita) - More TDM as usual.
Microsoft Flight (Games For Windows) - Still on a Let's Play.
Mirror's Edge (Windows Phone) - Still on a Let's Play.
Panzer Geekz (Windows Phone) - Still on a Let's Play.
@MJL zeltik does a great job on his videos. And its all zelda related which i love. Surprised he's able to have so much material on 1 series that releases a game once every few years in the best case
Splatoon 2 - Team Order, Smash Ultimate triple EXP and SP event and Gargoyles Quest on Gameboy (3DS VC).
Gargoyles quest is really neat, one of the best Gameboy games I'd say.
@Aslanmagic Looks like he's playing the PlayStation version by the box art in the picture. It's making me want to play it too as I'm sure I have Lunar downloaded on my PS3.
Picked up both Steamworld Dig games during the sale, finishing up the first one.
Then finally picked up SMM2, so working through story mode atm
My weekend is a pretty lazy one for the most part (finally!), barring some of the usual housework. I've finally had my fill of Pokemon Ultra Sun and intend to start Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS) for the first time in a little while. I'm heading on vacation for about a week in early August and think it will be the perfect RPG to take along.
On the TV console front, I picked up Yoshi's Island on the SNES Classic again last night after a long break. It seems I have to be in just the right mood to play it.
Finally, tomorrow is Community Day in Pokemon Go. I'll be bagging an unhealthy amount of Mudkip since they aren't common spawns around here to begin with. Why yes, I DO liek Mudkipz!
Everyone have a fun, safe, and blessed weekend! Happy gaming!
Team Order in Splatocalypse and a little Pokémon Fire Red.
Crash Team Racing and Pokemon Platinum for me this weekend.
All I'm playing is Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I picked it up last week and can't stop playing. I love it, and now everything has finally "clicked"'; the systems, mechanics, etc are all finally making sense to me.
@NintendoByNature Shouldn't it have been titled Bloodstained: RotN - Cursed Edition?
Like @MJL, I've also run across Zeltik's channel recently and have been giving some of his videos a listen/watch while at work. Very interesting channel for Zelda fans. I've enjoyed a lot of the content so far.
Picked up Darkstalkers 3 on my PSTV for 3 bucks so I'm gonna be mainly playing that.
Gonna play
Splatoon 2 - Who’s gonna win the Splatfest?
Mario Maker 2
Crash Team Racing Nitro Fuled
Dragon Quest Builders 2
I’m also going to play some PlayStation 1 games as well like
Spyro Year Of The Dragon
Need For Speed High Stakes
@Tyranexx I think the cursed edition is the patch dropping next week 😋. Considering it's not fixing any major issues lol
Spent last night playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance with a friend last night. (I'm a big X-Men and Spiderman fan, he's mostly into Avengers and the expanded universe). Great game so far!
Also going to get back to Dragon Age Origins on the Xbox One. Love me some Dragon Age.
Ahem... I'll be playing Prime World Defenders...
Bloody simple, yet highly addictive game.
Atelier lulua and DQB 2 for me. And I'm waiting for a Bloodstained patch.
Crash Team Racing, and bloodstained ritual of the night
Splatoon 2 for the last Splatfest and Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled.....
Splatoon 2 and maybe some of the octo expansion. Killing time before FE:3H.
Just started playing Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest on N3DS and Megaman ZX a few days ago. Also continuing Bravely Second.
Playing N64 games for a big project but also dusted off the Wii and was playing some Kororinpa yesterday. Can't get enough of marble rolling type games!
Absolutely nothing until I get this godforsaken stick drift fixed
I’m playing Okami HD, with little bursts of Mario Kart 8 DX in between.
Okami is truly great, I can’t believe I had never played it up until now!
I do hope I can finish it this weekend, though - Fire Emblem will become everything I play beginning next Friday. I’ll probably take a couple of months to beat considering how long it is and how little time I have to play.
Its vaca time. One whole glorious week off so that means waterparks with the kids and videogames. I'll be playing MUA3 and leveling up my character in Dragon's Dogma. Just picked up Rogue Legacy off the eshop and may try out that new arcade racer...think its called Rise...that drops Monday. Also waiting for some FF4 or Namor MCU announcements from Saint Deiago.
I'm giving Mario Odyssey a second chance.
I don't have a ton of time this weekend, but I am finally playing through Scurge: Hive (DS), and for some RPG goodness I am going to try and finish Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS).
Bad North & Donkey Kong... (Both awesome!)
Fire Emblem Fates to tide me over until Three Houses next week
Splatoon 2 for the Final Splatfest. Team Chaos must win!!!
Once that's over I'll probably start Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. Probably a bit of Mario Maker 2 as well.
Diablo switch, and maybe some MHGU
Splatoon 2 on Switch and Disney Magical World 2 on 3DS because I need something to tide me over until Animal Crossing New Horizons comes out.
Bought my Switch last night! Playing Horizon Chase Turbo...and Phantasy Star 1.
Splatoon 2 and some Diablo 3 for me on the switch this weekend. I'll also do some work on my backlog as well.
Starlink starlink and more starlink
Wrapping up Cuphead (finally at the last world), continuing Earthbound on my Super NES Classic Edition, playing some SMM 2, and of course Tetris 99.
Picked up Project X-Zone 1 and 2 for $15! So that and Elite Dangerous (always Elite Dangerous).
@Joe-b awesome! Enjoy your new Switch
Also used the NES Switch app for the first time in a while to play Wrecking Crew... surprisingly fun game!
Dr Mario World isn’t an option.
Apex, blops4, red faction 2, minecraft
All on one X
am gonna play some mario bros 3 then sone more mario kart.☺👍
@SilentHunter382 you’re in for a treat with hollow knight. It’s pretty tough going and very long but I’d love to play it for the first time all over again
@Luna_110 okami is absolutely fantastic - enjoy. It took me about 25 hours I think so you’ll have a busy weekend trying to complete it in a weekend
Picked up the WALMART EDITION of ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES on 360 for $5.00, lol. Gonna give that a go!
Hollow Knight, FFX, SMM2 and Bloodstained.
@SterlingEyes i’ve loved it so far. I’m about 20 hours in, about to go and see what is going on with the Water Dragon so I guess I should be able to finish it this weekend.
@MartyFlan thanks! I'm excited. So many game choices!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is sold out physical in my area, I’m so upset. I just went digital for Yoshi and Mario Maker 2, for some reason I have to alternate my digital-physical ratio.
DQB2 and MUA3.
I’ll be playing in the Splatfest of course but may continue my climb up Celeste Mountain when I get the chance. I have to say I thought I was doing very good snagging strawberries until I got to the end of the chapter and saw I only found half of them. I also found my first b-side in the hotel... this is shaping up to be quite the challenge. As for deaths... Well I suppose I’m learning a lot 😂
Reach Order King in the Splatfest and having fun. Also playing plenty of online matches in Wargroove.
I'm doing the Splatfest Team Order! With MUA3 do you have to play the first two first?
Just finished up the story mode of Mario Maker 2. Really good fun! Going to dip into Splatoon 2, carry on with FFX and considering picking up the BotW DLC whilst it's on sale.
DQB2. What a game!
@Luna_110 no way you’ll finish it this weekend!! That game is so gosh darn long.
I reckon you’ve got nearly another 20 hours
@MartyFlan Over 100 strawberries! Fantastic! Without spoiling it--i can tell you that your ending will be better than mine. But like you, with out the assist mode, I am so glad to play that game to the finish, even if I clocked over 5000 deaths. Enjoy the game!
@Luna_110 Okami is great! I am glad you are enjoying it also. Even thought it is an "older" game, it is so well made that it is timeless. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game, I enjoyed every minute!
Virtua Racing, for some reason the shadows under the car have gone pale. Hmmm.
Oh and rediscovering Smash after 5 months. Something just clicked today. It's my first ever Smash game and you really need to throw yourself into it to get the most out of it.
I'm playing Splatoon 2, SMM 2, Sine Mora ex, Arms, Gunlord X, Virtua Racing, Lethal League Blaze (it's fun in docked mode where it runs at 60fps), Dusty Raging Fist, and Dragon Quest Builders (which looks awesome at 60fps in docked gameplay!). I'm always looking for more basically smooth games running at 60fps on Switch! And always on the lookout for criminally choppy games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Tiny Metal, Dragon Quest Builders 2, God Eater 3, Q-Yo Blaster, Bloodstained ritual of the night, CTR, Sonic Team Racing, Kirby Star Allies, etc
Oh, and I want to play Umihara Kawase Fresh!, Streets of Rogue, Blazing Chrome, Psyvariar Delta, and Rolling Gunner, but I haven't gotten them yet...
Played a lot of Caladrius Blaze, awesome game and definitely Moss best shmup.
To begin with, I started playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, the Boys Out of School team beat Green Goblin and I playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 and working on the first island after the initial island and oh and God Eater 3, I'm also playing Ragnarok M Eternal Love on iOS and got myself a lunatic and named him V-mon.
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