We recently looked at which final Wii U games we'd like to see make the transition to Nintendo Switch, the other natural candidate for ports is Nintendo 3DS, which is now deep into the twilight of its lifespan.
So, before we put our 3DS consoles into long-term storage, I started thinking about which games from its vast library might be worth porting over to Switch, so we can all continue to enjoy them anytime, anywhere.
This author has had a mixed relationship with the 3DS over the years; not being the biggest fan of handheld gaming I feel like I've missed out on a number of 3DS games. Looking at the library of games available, I've selected a handful of titles that I'd personally welcome on Nintendo Switch and, critically, are feasible.
The Nintendo 3DS received a bunch of games that were ported down to 3DS resolution, but only a few that were ported up to console resolution, such as Resident Evil Revelations, which of course began its life on 3DS. I'm not a game developer, so can't vouch for how realistic it is to port some of these games, but I can dream, OK?
It's also worth noting at this point that the argument of "no more ports" doesn't really make sense - if you don't want to buy a port of a game you already own, you don't have to buy it. More often than not this kind of ports are given to either smaller studios or small teams within larger studios and can be a great way for new(er) developers to learn a system, I don't believe they have a negative impact on the number of new games that are developed.
1. Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS)
My first choice is a strong one – Metroid: Samus Returns, the "remake" of the original Metroid II Game Boy title. I feel it is one of those games that deserves to be presented in 1080p on the big screen. Also, with Metroid Prime 4 on the Switch schedule, you can expect Nintendo be re-releasing a number of previous Metroid games, so why not start with this one?
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2. Detective Pikachu (3DS)
Another obvious choice, with the (in)famous movie just around the corner, I'd be surprised if Nintendo didn't want to capitalise on its universal appeal. It would be an open goal, given the incredible amount of publicity that will surround the upcoming Hollywood flick. I feel that this title would really benefit from a Switch visual upgrade, too.
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)
Depending on what day of the week you asked me, A Link To The Past could be my answer to the devilish question, "Which is your favourite Zelda game?". A Link Between Worlds breathed new life into the world from the SNES classic and in many ways is the perfect sequel; it takes everything that made its predecessor so essential and adds its own unique elements. With that in mind, it certainly deserves the upscale treatment and could become the Switch's second Zelda best-seller.
4. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
When Luigi's Mansion first launched the Nintendo GameCube it was met with a muted reception, probably simply because it wasn't a Mario game. The 2013 sequel was well-received on 3DS and sold enough to convince Nintendo to commission the development of Luigi's Mansion 3. Since then, the original GameCube game has been ported to handheld, and I'd love to see Dark Moon get the HD treatment.
5. Nintendogs + Cats (3DS)
Remember Nintendogs? I do and feel it's time to bring it back on Switch. The anytime, anywhere ability of the console makes it the perfect system to take care of your cute little puppy or kitten, and while the 3DS version was welcome, the time feels right for a full-blown revival of this underrated and often overlooked series. Yes, it's a throwback to Nintendo's 'casual' days, but it was so much fun I don't care. At least I didn't ask for Brain Training!
6. Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash (3DS)
Chibi-Robo! is one of those franchises that was massive during the GameCube era but has struggled to replicate that success in the years since. The game received a slightly unexpected (and arguably underrated) 3DS sequel before Nintendo used the character to tease the internet in a tweet; this plucky robot is clearly part of Nintendo's plans somewhere, so surely little Chibi-Robo's 3DS outing deserves another chance on Switch?
7. Ever Oasis (3DS)
Ever Oasis was developed by Grezzo and is the brainchild of Secret of Mana creator Koichi Ishii; it was one of the games released in the 3DS' later years, and reviewed really positively. As a new IP, I feel this one would be a great candidate to port over to Switch – especially as I have the sneaking suspicion that it was unfairly ignored because it came so late in the console's lifespan and everyone was going potty over the Switch.
8. Metroid Prime: Blast Ball (3DS)
Got you! I'm just checking you are actually reading these descriptions, because we often post these lists and people leave comments which suggest they haven't read any of the words on the page. Of course we don't want Blast Ball on Switch – sorry Nintendo!
That's my list. Now, obviously I've skipped out a number of games that are too reliant on dual screens, either already available (Mario Kart), or announced (Animal Crossing), on Switch in one form or another, but if you had the choice of playing some 3DS games on your Switch, which would you want? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 144
While we're at it, let's get the 3D Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask remakes on there.
The Switch is a failure unless it gets a 240p Nintendo Badge Arcade port.
Samus Returns definitely. I'd also take the Fire Emblem games in a heartbeat. Especially Shadows of Valentia.
@MasterGraveheart Absolutely.
Agree with most of these. Super Mario 3D Land and Tri Force Heroes would also work, no?
I wouldn't mind if they made the ice boss for Luigi's Mansion a touch easier... been trying and trying to get past that one and I just can't seem to get the timing down.
In terms of portable ports, I’d love for Nintendo to make a portable Zelda collection for Switch — or a top-down Zelda collection, better yet!
The Capcom titles would be trickier to get a hold of, I’m sure. But I missed out on all of these games (Switch is my first portable console since Gameboy, more or less), so I’d love to give them a go!!!
Unless there's some serious remastering going on I dont think ds games would look that great blown up on a 55 inch hdr TV
I can understand having Wii U games on Switch because not everyone had a Wii U but I just don't agree with this kind of content. Yeah, it would be nice to have those games on Switch, but a lot of them we've got sequels to/are in the process of getting.
Nintendo have had multiple platforms for years and these wishlist articles just feel like gamers being a bit too spoilt as they insist on having everything on the one platform. Would be great if it was like that, but that's not life. Life is about settling for what you do get and being grateful for it.
Also, porting a 3DS game is not like porting a Wii U or Wii game, there is a lot of gameplay and a second screen that you need to work around. Ports seem irrelevant if it's just easier to work on a next instalment.
I really want kid icarus uprising on switch or a sequel...
Is it wrong to say blast ball wasn’t that bad? Lol!
Let’s see who is gonna crucify me......
Monster Hunter Stories
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest VII
Samus return definatly but as for other 3ds titles they can stay put!
Codename STEAM
Codename STEAM
Codename STEAM
Dragon Ball Fusions should get ported
Finally someone asks the real question!!!
I’d love to see a bundle cartridge that comes with Mario 3D Land and 3D World.
I’d absolutely ADORE an expanded port or sequel to Tomodachi Life. Some of my fondest 3DS memories are on that game.
And call me crazy, but Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. That game was/is relaxing.
I want :
2. Yokai Watch 3
3. Fantasy Life
4. Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo HD Remastered Deluxe OMG Edition
5. Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers
6. Style Savvy series
7. Tomodachi Life or Miitomo 2
8. Cooking Mama series
9. Mario Kart 7 HD Remastered (with Option to play Vs with CPU, choose the tracks individually)
10. LEGO CITY undercover : The Chase Begins
Castlevania Mirror of Fate, already ported to 360, would Love to see it on Switch
I'd be more interested in GameCube games I haven't played in a long time. The 3DS is still in the market and you can get those games at any game store.
Really? Chibi Robo Zip Lash? But it has pretty much killed one my favourite childhood game series
A port of the first game would be nice though!
I consider Ever Oasis a hidden 3DS gem. It's not quite GotY material IMO, but I quite enjoyed it and believe that there's potential for the new IP.
I agree with most of the rest of the list, but I'm not sure how many of those would actually be ports vs. new series entries (As is the case with Luigi's Mansion).
This list should be Nintendo Badge Arcade 8 times because of how boring the Switch OS is
On a more serious note, my 8 would be:
Nintendo Badge Arcade
Metroid Samus Returns
Kid Icarus Uprising
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates
Codename STEAM
A Link Between Worlds
Switch: number one portstation...
You got Metroid, Zelda and Luigi right. But the rest of the list is highly suspect. Including Blast Ball and Ziplash really weakens your list significantly.
I'd add to this list: Kirby Planet Robobot and Super Street Street Fighter 4 3D.
Of the list, I'd buy Dark Moon, A Link Between Worlds, and Samus Returns.
I'd love to see Super Mario 3D Land's levels be ported into the Super Mario 3D World engine, perhaps a few adjustments be made for 2D, and be sold with Super Mario 3D World as a single package on the Switch. Maybe even toss in the excised Super Mario 3D World stages from Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker that were removed from the Switch port to further sweeten the deal.
I'd also like to see Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 3D be further upgraded and ported. And hopefully the remaining Sega Super Scaler arcade games that the 3DS received but that have yet to be announced for the NS, happen eventually. Especially Turbo Outrun.
I know Sakurai said it's not happening, but Kid Icarus Uprising would be amazing on the switch. The controls would benefit a lot. It's gorgeous, ambitious and epic on the 3DS, imagine on Switch. And the multiplayer was really really good as well!! It's a tragedy it's not happening.
Kid icarus should be here
3DS for Switch Remade:
Luigi's Mansion
Animal Crossing Collection (Not just New Leaf and HHD, included the Original, WW, and CF as well. But, i see no point in this right now. as we already got a mainline switch game coming.)
Mario & Luigi 1 & 2 DX
Ever Oasis
Tomodachi Life (or a Tomodachi Life 2/Tomodachi Collection 3)
Okay but... Zip Lash? That was an awful game. Give us Clean Sweep HD instead please!
I’d love for Fantasy Life to be ported (it’s a fantastic game and would be right at home on the Switch), as well as the 6 Layton games in one huge collection. I know they are both EXTREMELY unlikely options, but I can dream... 😜
No love for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D? For shame Nintendolife. For shame
Make a new game like Zelda Four Swords and have the internet integration. I wanted to get the one for 3ds but I got the 3ds a week after the promotion ended and never saw a release on the eShop.
New games for Pokemon ranger, that brain training game with the guy with the glasses, Rhythm Heaven (I'll even take a port of the newest one), Pokemon Dungeon, Ever Oasis, miitopia (with the minigames somehow put online)
To all those saying it'd never happen, tell that to SquareEnix, and Capcom who successfully ported over DS/3DS games to Switch. It IS possible, but takes some work.
where is my port of Fluidity Spin Cycle for Switch
I'd rather have a new 2D Zelda and Metroid
@Leuke Ugh I frickin hate that ice boss. Most frustrating part of the game, if you ask me.
I don't get it.🤨 People are complaining, the Switch are getting so much ports, but here you are with the second article, basically begging for more ports.
And then such dumb ones like from the Wii U and the 3DS. How about ports (or better) remakes from Wii and Gamecube games. THEN I would also beg for one or another port.
I'm just thrilled that nobody wants Blast Ball on Switch. That would be ridiculous!
I’ve got a 3DS. Not hyped for any ports to be honest. Thanks though
@Kimyonaakuma - No game is killed by one series.
Just look at Metroid.
I would absolutely love a Luigi's Mansion (1+2) collection to drop before the third one next year. Both games (1 in particular) aren't super long so a combo pack would be perfect for $30 or so. Make it happen Nintendo!
The first three games are great. Not sure about the others on the list. There are so many more 3DS titles are deserving of being on Switch.
Oh, I would put Monster Hunter Stories up there.
I loved it on 3DS and they did a great job with the Zelda crossover. Also, a sharper looking "The Alliance Alive" would be great on Switch. The 3DS could not do the art justice.
Just can not be $60.
I’ve yet to play any of these surprisingly, so all these games are welcome for me
Also Metroid and Zelda would be nice. And Ever Oasis, which I've never had the chance to try.
I'm absolutly fine with playing most 3DS Games on my 3DS, since many of them are specifically made for the System.
Some i still would like to see on the Switch are:
-Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate
I know many people don't care for this Game, but i really enjoyed it. Since there is already a HD Version of the Game it would be great if they bring it over to Switch.
-Puyo Puyo Chronicle
Looks like this Game won't get a western release now, so making a new Version for Switch and releasing it Worldwide would be fantastic.
RE revelations...
Pokemon XY
But please Nintendo 30$ is fair price. I bought new Pokemon Ultra Sun steel case for 25$, i don't want to pay 60$ so i can play it in 720p
ever oasis, ever oasis, ever oasis.
A wonderful game that was sent out to die on the 3ds. I'll even take a straight port with the 3ds graphics as is. But it should not have been 3ds game.
Porting from a 240p dual screen device to a 720p/1080p single screen device isn't a great idea. Capcom and Level 5 have gotten away with It, but ultimately time would be better spent working on sequels that are developed from the ground up for the Switch.
Detective Pikachu is the only title on this list that will/should be ported from 3DS to Switch because Nintendo probably wants a Switch version of the game to launch alongside the film next summer, and it seems highly unlikely that a brand new game can be developed by then.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is already confirmed, and a new 2D Zelda and Metroid on Switch are likely already in production.
Nintendogs is no longer relevant unless its on mobile, and Chibi-Robo is no longer relevant period.
Ever Oasis bombed, but a brand new Switch iteration has a shot at success if it displays some level of ambition.
I think 3DS games are largely still accessible. I want Nintendo to make their older back catalogue available, so Ds over 3ds. Wii U I think is different, its just not got the userbase and the games are good and deserve a second chance.
That said, as I mentioned on the Wii U article. I really want to have one console where I can play all the Mario/metroid/final fantasy/etc series. Port them all!
Tomodachi would be nice. Bit more
Importantly: we need Advance Wars *
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Expand the online multiplayer options.
Replace the controversial stylus with Gyro aim / R-stick
Revive the trading card series by using the IR camera on the bottom of the joycon to scan cards.
I would love a combined package of Luigi’s Mansion 1 and 2 in time for the release of the third game. Just like with Bayonetta, it would be nice to have all the games in the series next to each other on the shelf.
Yes, I read the descriptions. Your lack of faith is disturbing.
I own these 3ds games already so why would I want them on the switch too? I don't get these stories, guess it's a slow news day or week! How about we get new, original games on the switch, enough with the ports already......
...I want Monster Hunter 4U HD. TwT
@MrBlacky don’t worry, we have another article for those
tomodachi life
miitopia but an updated rerelease with no twerkey
Lucky I still have & play my 3ds and the games are priced well so I prefer them on the 3ds. Who needs new games right.
Am I the only person in the world who actually enjoyed Metroid Prime Federation Force?
I really want Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D ported to Switch so we can finally play it in HD
ALBW made heavy and very effective use of the stereoscopic 3D feature on the 3DS, so I don't think it's a good candidate for a Switch port.
Mainly, I just want new games. Nintendo doesn't need to port every old game ever made to the system.
I’m not opposed to ports of any type as long as their good and have some effort put into it. I think more Wii U ports eventually are a given. I would love to see GameCube or Wii ports over 3DS ones if I had to choose
Fire Emblem Awakening is the one 3DS game I keep coming back to; whether it was revamped or a standard port, I’d love to revisit it on Switch. I can’t really say that for any other 3DS game.
My other favorite 3DS title is Shin Megami Tensei IV but it would take a proper Crash Bandicoot level of remaster for me to buy it again; with V on the way, probably a Nocturne remaster as well, and whatever else Atlus has in store, I don’t think that’s in the cards anytime soon. Also, what’s definitely not in Atlus’s cards that I’d love is Radiant Historia: Perfect Chrobology, remade in Octopath Traveler’s engine. Yeah...
I keep stressing the importance of remakes or remasters cause it would take A LOT to charge the full $60 for some 3DS titles without backlash. This isn’t quite another WiiU situation.
I agree with most of your choices, but I would add Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. A DX version would be great, I love the pick-up-and-play nature of that game it is addictive and by far my most-played game on 3DS.
Someone mentioned the different Fire Emblems and I agree and I would add the Radiance Saga from Cube/Wii. And also from Intelligent Systems, Code Name S.T.E.A.M. deserves another chance. Great concept, great art.
I really love my N3DS. I could list games for ever, most have already been thrown out there: Kid Icarus: Uprising, Bravely Default and Bravely Second. And many more.
I can say no 3DS ports if I want to. I'd rather see sequels to these games brought to the Switch. It's my personal preference and people can disagree.
Fantasy Life Please!
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure
WarioWare Gold, but with more emphasis on the Joy-Con's motion controls. Wario Dance Company should NEVER DIE.
As for Zip Lash... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFFREGXa_Gs
@MasterGraveheart YES. I am very much a champion for porting 3DS games to Switch... quite frankly, I'm a champion for porting just about ANYTHING to Switch, especially the classic games Nintendo refuses to let me buy on Virtual Console...
Enough ports. I want original games.
I just want a bundle that lets me play every 2D Metroid game on Switch with all the wonderful advances made for Samus Returns. Is that asking too much?
I'd like to see Ever Oasis on the Switch. It looks like an interesting game, but I've stopped playing my 3DS in favor of the Switch so I never bothered with the title. I would be more willing to get a Switch port.
I'm still confused why Luigi's Mansion 2 & 1's remake were on 3DS instead of Wii U & Switch respectively, especially when 3 is for Switch...
Anyways, if they did remake any of these games for Switch, they'd have to add enough to justify buying the game again and at a higher price, other than 'muh graphics'.
It was really sad to see Samus Returns and Ever Oasis not hit the Switch. I feel like they would have benefited with better visuals, a bigger screen, and sold much better.
id rather have a remake of the gamecube chibi robo (i have never played the game before but i really want it.).
they remade katamari demaci so why not chibi
Nintendo need to start porting 3DS games on Switch in HD,I'd like to see all the Zelda games,Kid Icarus,Samus Returns and others I can't think of.
I don’t want any 3ds games ported to switch. I want NEW Nintendo games on switch.
I want these:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition
Tomodachi Life
Mario Party Top 100 (With real boards)
Mario Party Star Rush
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion 2
Decent list, though if we’re sticking to only 8 games, I’d swap a few:
Fantasy Life
Kid Icarus Uprising
MP Federation Force remake (design style wise and more so just to be apart of a MP Collection, along with Hunters),
Instead of:
MP Blast Ball.
Or just buy a 3ds and play them on that?
Why do people want these games on a clunkier handheld? I am surprised a 3ds player didn't come out for wii U. Too bad we cant have it on switch. Unless they rerelease the Wii U tablet as a switch controller.
I whole heartedly agree with this list, but I would add Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and StarFox 64.
I really, really want a Metroid Prime: Hunters remake. I know it is actually a DS game (hard to believe), but that game really deserves a second breathe of air.
Enough port begging, only a collection of the Layton games is needed!
Who needs Prime 4 when we have Federation Force, sitting there ready?...
@N00BiSH Very funny, I have Zip Lash but haven't played it yet.
Samus Returns definitely deserves a port because of how late in the 3DS life cycle it was released. Problem is people miss out on the 3D effect which was awesome.
A Link Between Worlds was hugely addictive too.
Fantasy Life
Fire Emblem Awakening
New Style Boutique
Professor Layton
Virtue’s Last Reward
I didn't bother reading the article because I'm sure you didn't include Metroid Prime: Blast Ball, which is such a good game and always gets left off of lists like these.
@SuperWeird I can tell you didn't bother reading the article, either!
Metroid Samus Returns, ALBW, and Kirby Planet Robobot would be my picks. Don't really care much about the rest.
Let me list all the 3DS games I want ported onto the Switch:
Not interested in any of those games being ported to the Nintendo Switch, except Ever Oasis.
Ever Oasis is SO GOOD! One of my top 5 3DS games. Wish more people would have given it a fair chance.
So most of these I’m down for, several I’d prefer a sequel (Ever Oasis, Detective Pikachu) but no harm in porting the original.
But Zip Lash!? As if it existing on 3DS wasn’t enough of a nail in the coffin for the poor little guy you want to bring it back!?! No let’s have a remake of the original or a complete reboot. Zip Lash have us a cool amiibo and now needs to be forgotten.
I’m curious to see if and how the Mii franchise would transfer to the Switch seeing it doesn’t really have a space for Mii’s separate to games.
Are we seriously going to be port begging 3DS games now?
@Mailman You're just supposed to zip it and be happy that Nintendo is rolling in the cheap cash!
...You'd be surprised at how many people on this site actually think like that. They value Nintendo rolling in tons of money over Nintendo putting out fresh, new content.
And the "If you don't want it, just don't buy it" is one of the worst lines in the book. Just because we don't buy it (and I wouldn't) doesn't mean that it was created in a vacuum where other new content couldn't have been created instead. It's a particularly bad argument with 3DS ports which would take a heck of a lot more effort porting than Wii U games. Resources would be taken to do these ports.
Fire Emblem Awakening. Those animated cut-scenes would look glorious in HD.
@JayJ Agreed. Just buy a 3DS. I mean seriously, who has a Switch and does not have a 3DS? I have FIVE in my house.
Radiant Historia, Zelda TLBW, Zelda OoT and Majora’s Mask, all of the new MARIO + Luigi RPGs.
@Al_Godoy yes! Ive played so much of The a mercenaries 3D and love it. Really would like to see it brought over in HD
I would love to have Fire Emblem Awakening revamped on the switch. also Fantasy life needs a reboot its a unique take on well Fantasy life simulator.
Metroid would be good too or a new Prime but were getting one so I am not complaining.
Miitopia or Miitopia 2 while Miitopia was really good it didnt have enough funny events it need more and more frequent.
@MasterGraveheart I'm still vacillating on buying a Switch. That would likely put me over the edge. And I already own the damn games multiple times each.
While they're at it, WW HD and TP HD. A fourfer.
@SuperWeird You obviously didn’t read the description for Blast Ball
I'll take stereoscopic 3D over HD anytime. So yeah, screw this list.
Port everything except Mario Kart 7 and Chibi Robo Zip Lash!
I wouldn’t mind having Metroid Samus Returns on Switch.
My picks would be;
New Super Mario Bros 2
Metroid 2
And the one I would love the most would be Kid Icarus Awakening it would be phenomenal to have an HD port of Kid Icarus with proper controls . There is another title that would be great for an HD remake Castlevania Mirror of Fate., I had a lot of fun with that game.
@bratzdoll Cosign your whole post. The only games I'd be interested in porting would be FE, SMT, maybe Codename STEAM like a few other people said. But they would all need some major upscaling, some added content to make them into Ultimate Editions, and a lower price point too. Otherwise, I'll just keep playing them on my 3DS.
The RPGs and puzzle/story games would be great. Give us:
-The Alliance Alive
-Shin Megami Tensei games
-Professor Layton games
-Stella Glow
-Ever Oasis
-Mario and Luigi series
You know we're getting Blast Ball after this story.
Nintendo loves to give us games nobody asked for.
And, glad that they'll keep that Mother 3 thing in Japan too.
Not all are 3DS games, but I really want all of the Mario & Luigi RPG’s on the Switch.
I just wanna play Fire Emblem Awakening on the TV!
Kid Icarus Uprising should be the number 1 3DS port. Like any Sakurai games: it's choked full of content... but without a stylus it's near impossible. Every Kirby games on 3DS should be ported, they are better than the Switch one.
We need all the Professor Layton and newer Ace Attorney games ported as compilations, Etrian Odyssey as well.
How about a list of PSP/Vita games that could make their way onto the Switch??
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins anyone????
Kid Icarus would lead me to finally pick up a Switch. It was so close to being a masterpiece, but the controls definitely held it back.
Unpopular Opinion- Happy Home Designer.
But it'd have to get a serious revamp.
I want zelda oot & mm hd snug on 1 cart..
@Medic_alert Mmm, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call "nitpicky" on that video. While I understand purists want to maintain every little thing, games should also have a degree of accessibility. I love and cherish the original Majora's Mask. It's my favorite Zelda game. But I don't diminish what the 3D remake accomplished. It created an accessible version of a difficult game while maintaining it's amazing story and themes of grief that made me fall in love with the original. The 3DS version is a worthy version in my personal opinion, especially if you're more interested in experiencing the story than being pushed to your limit.
Though, honestly? I never found the original Majora's Mask to be a difficult game, so... ^^;
So, we'll just have to have them port both versions to the Switch.
Also, yes, Kid Icarus Uprising, abso-freakin'-lutely! Sound the foghorn and warn the lighthouse, because the Switch is-a portin' machine and we love it for it!
And the new stuff, of course! I don't think we could live without Breath of the Wild and/or Super Mario Odyssey at this point. Well, we could, but would we want to?
@Painkiller_Mike Same here lol.
@Nagi_Nagisa how about the other lord of shadow games too?
Also Kid Icarus makes the most sense to port (from a first party perspective) given that it has a decent sized single player and great multiplayer it would be a great fit for the Switch and it would be great the play the game with proper controls.
@MasterGraveheart I like new games, how about those?
As much as I would buy some of these, I do believe these Port Requests are getting ridiculous. We seem to be driven by an obsession with convenience and that all games we want MUST be under a single roof (console). New consoles are for new experiences, not reliving old ones. You want that, go get the old harware and play them there.
The Wii U is kind of a special case due to its low sales number and cost on the second hand market. Same applies for some of the older arcade classics re-released that only be acquired via Importing. But 3DS? Can pick up a 2nd hand 3DS easily these days and most of these games are in the budget range bar a few.
On that note I really should pick up Ever Oasis but it remains an evergreen price title.
Dang! You're right they got me with that one. @Voldemort807
Not many TBH. And those that Inwould take would be more remakes to improve the graphics than ports.
The only ones I’d really be interested in are Samus Returns, Ever Oasis and Kid Icarus Uprising (though that would need better controls and a substantial reworking as a result). A Luigis Mansion Collection would be nice at some point but not top priority with the new one on the way.
I’ve no interest in Detective Pikachu it I think that’s a very this year when the film comes out.
And Chibi Robo Zip Lash? Really? Such a nothing game.
Ever Oasis HD. Day One.
I don't see 3DS ports working on Switch. 3DS HD remasters on Switch, THAT could be pretty awesome.
Give us both Luigi's Mansion (maybe in a double release before Luigi's Mansion 3?)
I'd also love to see Fire Emblem Awakening HD with all the DLC content out of the box.
Kid Icarus Uprising would be amazing in HD as well. Also without having to use an add on, or those HORRIBLE touch screen controls.
Overall I agree with the rest of your list. Though I don't care about Nintendogs or Chibi, I am sure others would enjoy them.
@JayJ Hahaha. Either you're an avid 3DS collector or you're like me, married with children. I'm placing my bets on the second one.
EverOasis, that's the one from this list that I'd like to see.
That and the Pushmo games.
And I wouldn't object to having that Professor Layton X Ace Attorney crossover come over either.
Just Metroid and Luigi's Mansion 1 and 2
Chibi Robo Zip Lash is one of the worst games I've ever played. Really dont get its inclusion on this list
Professor Layton - all of them. They're the only games my wife will play so good if we could play together on the big screen.
I want Blast ball on Switch! Unlocking paint jobs for Mech skins was challenging.. The one for "Beat 10 Challenges" I thought was impossible at first....
@Farts_Ahoy i enjoyed it too, you're not alone.
Definitely Zelda, and possibly Metroid. A Pokemon game should be a candidate too. Otherwise we are not missing much.
How about the Food Network cookbooks (real game) and Cooking with Martha Stewart😀👍🏻😀
How did Chibi Robo get picked over Fantasy Life?
Before these articles are written, please do research on all games and give careful consideration to each one. I know it's easy to overlook or forget a game, but it's not that hard to look at top sellers lists or top 10 best reviewed games lists.
If Nintendo still believes in Chibi-Robo as an IP (they probably don't), then they should make a real Chibi-Robo game, since the Switch can actually output realistic HD graphics.
Mediocre platformers without a popular IP attached to them haven't been relevant since the end if the Wii/NDS era.
I don’t think they do see a future for it but I’d love to see them do a HD remaster of the first. It slipped through the cracks being released so late in the Gamecubes life, then the Wii port never made it out of Japan. Maybe it just isn’t a popular character but its not been given a chance.
Zip Lash?? Really!? A decidedly average platformer that's a stain on the series.
StreetPass Mii Plaza is almost certainly the "game" that I have played most consistently on the 3DS. I never got tired of collecting miis and using them for minigames. I also miss MiiVerse. And I am sad that Nikki never writes me anymore in SwapNote.
I liked Federation Force
Lol at the last one!
Anyway, I say it again: New games please!
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