After looking at which Wii U games and 3DS games we would like to see make the transition to Switch, we drank even more moonshine and really started dreaming, looking back even further and imagining which games would be ripe for the HD remaster treatment from Nintendo's entire back catalogue.
Before we begin, let's clarify what kind of remaster are we talking about. Think along the lines of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for Nintendo 3DS. Both games were graphically updated but also allowed for some subtle gameplay changes – nonetheless, the emphasis is on visuals, not a full, ground-up remake. Another example would be Okami HD. With us now? Good.
Another deciding factor to consider is how well the game would work today or how underappreciated it was at the time; perhaps a new audience would understand it better a second time around? With those ground rules established, let's begin!
1. Super Mario Sunshine (GCN)
Super Mario Sunshine is probably one of the most 'wished for' remasters for Switch. The game itself has divided fans over the years, however, so it would be an intriguing release for Nintendo; perhaps it would afford the chance to set the record straight as to how good this game actually is, once and for all. Tidying up the way the camera works and a few other gameplay tweaks – along with the fresh lick of paint – would surely make this a must buy for all Mario fans, and would perhaps help rehabilitate an underrated classic.
2. Viewtiful Joe (GCN)
If you're aware of The Wonderful 101 on Wii U then you'll probably be familiar with Hideki Kamiya's Viewtiful Joe, originally part of the "Capcom Five" series of games developed for Nintendo Gamecube. This beautiful side scrolling beat-em-up would be a perfect addition to the Switch library, with only a minor visual update required. Colour us interested.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
There is a strong argument for a full remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but we would also settle for a full HD remaster instead. The historic '90s release has already been updated for Nintendo 3DS, but fell short of the resolution upgrade that would be possible on Switch. Whenever we think about this game, we get excited for a remaster and we surely cannot be alone. C'mon Nintendo, make it happen!
4. Super Paper Mario (Wii)
It's interesting looking back at the Wii now that more than a decade has passed, the initial memory is based around its huge success, the controller (the waggle) and the avalanche of mediocre third party releases. However, when you take a moment to sift through the detritus there were actually some fantastic games, one of which was Super Paper Mario. A slightly different take on the franchise as it leaned more on puzzle-platforming than RPG elements, this remains an amazing game with a strong visual style which we would love to see get the upscale treatment.
5. Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
Never say never. It's the festive period and we believe that Microsoft and Nintendo are on the best terms they've ever been, so why not? Banjo-Kazooie has already been remastered for Xbox as part of Rare Replay, so surely it's more of a license question at this point; Microsoft could probably release this one on Switch tomorrow if it really wanted.
6. Star Fox Adventures (GCN)
Never say never, again. Okay, this one might be more of a stretch. Star Fox Adventures has a well-documented unconventional history starting out life as original IP Dinosaur Planet, but we have extremely fond memories of the Zelda-like GameCube adventure. It's a game we feel deserves a second chance in life with a new audience, and given that Nintendo owns the Star Fox licence (and presumably the game code), you can't rule anything out.
7. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
This is surely a no-brainer. While we adore both of the Galaxy games; the second had more to offer as a package, but Super Mario Galaxy was the ground-breaker, the innovator, the masterpiece. Nintendo's mascot gets a bad rep for being samey in the eyes of Sony and Microsoft fans, but this game shows that Mario is actually one of the most diverse series in the history of gaming. A great way to remind people of this would be by releasing a proper HD remaster of Galaxy.
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8. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
Teased, rumoured and speculated. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is right up there as an expected release from Nintendo for Switch. We saw excellent HD remasters of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess on Wii U and therefore the natural conclusion is that Skyward Sword is next. Originally released in the (ahem) twilight of Wii, the game deserves to run harder, better, faster and stronger on Switch in glorious 1080p. Yes please.
9. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
While the dominance of Mario Kart is no longer under threat, it wouldn't hurt to have another kart racer under the Nintendo umbrella. The long-rumoured Crash Team Racing is finally, officially, going through the remake factory and we would love to see the same happen with Rare's Diddy Kong Racing, which previously saw a re-release on Nintendo DS. We were denied a sequel, so can't we at least have a remaster?
10. SSX Tricky (GCN)
Remember when games were just fun? SSX Tricky consumed a huge amount of time for gamers back in the early '00s; its sense of fun was simply off the scale with its ridiculous concept of gravity and more tricks than a magician's encyclopedia. It's been a while since we've played anything quite like this, and we'd love to visit the Tokyo Megaplex once again.
11. Micro Machines 64 Turbo (N64)
Another game that oozes fun is Micro Machines 64 (or Micro Machines V3 for you PlayStation fans). With its eight-player local multiplayer it was the perfect game for larger groups and initiated pure mayhem on any screen. The series was recently rebooted on other platforms with a mixed reception, so we'd rather have an upgrade of the original N64 classic, if that's OK.
12. Beyond Good & Evil (GCN)
With the pre-sequel in already development, Beyond Good & Evil is another GameCube classic that we'd like to see get the upgrade treatment on Switch. Already remastered for Xbox and PlayStation, Ancel's action-adventure game could easily happen if the right people give the green-light to the port. Ubisoft, are you listening?
13. Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)
Do we really need to justify this one? With Metroid Prime 4 on the horizon, it seems certain that Nintendo will re-release Metroid Prime Trilogy on Switch. We suspect it will just be waiting for the right time – perhaps 6 to 9 months ahead of the fourth entry? Fingers are crossed.
14. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Okay, this is the only game in the list where we'd like to bend the rules slightly. With Nintendo having already developed a 3D game engine for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, rather than just an upscale of The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, we'd love to see it rebuilt in that new engine instead. Surely that's where the idea came from anyway?
15. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Wii)
This fan-favourite shooter from Treasure is another Wii game that we feel deserves more exposure. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor would make a phenomenal addition to the Switch library; the murky Wii visuals would need to be cleaned up and some additional control options would be welcome, but that's about it. This is one of those titles that reminds you of just how amazing the Wii's library really was.
16. Pokémon Snap (N64)
When was the last time you played an on-rails photography shooter? Exactly. It's going to be a huge year for Pokémon in 2019 and we would love to revisit the bonkers Nintendo 64 game, Pokémon Snap. Gotta snap 'em all, after all!
17. F-Zero X (N64)
Okay Nintendo, we get it. You don't want to make a new F-Zero game, that's fine. But can you please give us a remaster of the impeccable F-Zero X? This lightning-fast racer was uncompromising at the time, boldly chasing 60 fps with 30 vehicles on-screen and therefore taking a hit in the visual and even audio department. Coupled with the procedural automatic track generator and level editor included from the 64DD Expansion Kit, we could have an 'F-Zero Maker' on our hands. Mouth-watering stuff, indeed.
Oof! Some great games there. If you had to look back over Nintendo's back catalogue, which games would you like to play again, in HD, on Switch? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 201
Honestly id take just a HD port of Thousand year door, and throw in a Galaxy hd collection. I still believe we will be getting a Metriod Prime HD trilogy.
Look at all of these ports!
The Switch may get F-Zero. I think it was Reggie who said that all Nintendo IPs will come to Switch so hopefully they'll bring F-Zero!
Mario Galaxy and the Metroid Prime Trilogy are both great choices. Also I agree with @illmatic20xx about Thousand Year Door.
I'd really love to see an HD remaster of the first Xenoblade Chronicles. Also Fire Emblem Awakening in HD would be lovely as well.
"17 New games, ideas, or dormant franchises we'd like to see on Switch"
Imagine we could get articles like this! Ports and remasters are fine to fill out a lineup but sometimes it seems like the Switch is relying on them too much.
F-Zero GX >>>>> F-Zero X
No, honestly, they could just re-release F-Zero GX and I'd buy 3 copies. 5 if it had a working 30-player online multiplayer mode but... if Nintendo ain't going to have servers for Splatoon they're certainly not going to get some for F-Zero ^^
How I'd love a Star Fox Adventures remaster... That game is the ultimate kid nostalgia for me.
Voice acting would need a revamp as well though, seriously outdated. To the point it's cringeworthy.
Yes, MP Trilogy please. But I guess you go back to the GCN control scheme? In mentioning MP4, I expect it will get the BOTW treatment in that, the Switch version will be the "Wii U" one in a sense and the Switch successor will launch day and date with MP4, complete with higher resolution and better frame rate.
Yes too all the above, except OoT, it is a classic, leave it alone
Great list - I'd be happy with even one of these. Although I'd rather see TTYD than Super Paper Mario.
Nope, sorry, I agree with most of the other suggestions in the article, but OoT (if not all of the mentioned N64 games) definitely has to be a remake!
Ideally with a remake of Majora's Mask in tow, while they're at it.
Both Galaxy and Sin and Punishment I feel should just include both games as opposed to just one.
But yes to all of these.
Hell, go all out with link to the past and give me link between worlds, minish cap, the oracle games, the four sword games (including the GameCube), triforce heroes, BS Zelda, ancient stone tablets, and link’s awakening.
And somehow get the adventures of Link remade and the DS duo with it...
With Tingle’s Balloon Fight/Trip.
I wish for Donkey Kong Returns HD on Switch! Diddy Kong Racing is also welcome, but would rather want someone to make Donkey Kong Racing (based on the canceled game).
Since Nintendo assures us they don't know what else to do with the F-ZERO franchise... might as well just give us the old games all over again. Heck, even a 'simple' F-ZERO collection would go down well.
Anyway, perfect excuse to post this.
We need gamecube games in switch online ☹
Slow week.
Wow, tried commenting "slow week" only and the site gave me a message saying "can you think of something more to say?" Yes, how about "obnoxious?"
@Nintendofan83 I don't disagree, we need new games as well, but that is up to the developers to come up with new ideas for games and franchises. Hopefully 2019 will bring us a good mixture of both.
No more heroes, please.
@Dr_Corndog yep, there isn't a lot of news during Christmas week as most companies are on vacation. That's why we decided to post up some fun content like this to fill the void.
After seeing MARIO sunshine levels in Smash brothers I'm totally keen for a HD remaster of Mario Subshine.
Zelda skyward sword is also a no-brainer. Late in the console life with dodgy controls that could easily be improved and have a graphical enhancement like Twilight Princess.
No Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)?
Let’s look past the lowest of low hanging fruit like Mario Galaxy.
Chibi Robo.
Kid Icarus Uprising.
Beyond Oasis.
Zelda a Link Between Worlds.
Donkey Kong Country Returns (should have been part of a bundle with Tropical Freeze!)
Kirbys Air Ride.
Captain Rainbow.
@Garage we skipped that as it already has a sequel on the system... but it, of course, would make a fine addition!
Super Monkey Ball and Kuru Kuru Kururin get my vote.
@Strumpan i have a feeling suda51 is planning on bringing the first 2 to the switch soon.
@Shiryu an f zero collection with gx, accessible ax tracks, and the cancelled 64 disc drive track editor would be great.
can we please stop re-releasing/remastering Zelda and Mario games?
@GrailUK funny, I thought you might say that with that avatar Super Monkey Ball would be great, I have to agree.
@Roam85 the level editor was released in Japan, it's great fun. You are right about GX, if they ever release it then it should include all the AX content too - that would be great.
Paper Mario TYD >>>>>> Super Paper Mario. Everyone is with me, right??
Also, F-Zero X? Really?? GX was way better imo. But I'd rather get a new one, anyway... Same with Starfox, Diddy Kong Racing, Viewtiful Joe, SSX/1080...
I'd love to see Metroid Trilogy remastered though. Same with Skyward Sword, Banjo Kazooie and the Mario Galaxys.
Yessss Star Fox adventures
Please no more remakes, remasters etc.
new games, sequels etc. Majoras Mask 2 etc. Id love to see something similar that way. More magic in zelda as it was. Give Link more powers like ocarina of time and majoras mask.
Dins Fire attack, power gloves, ocarina flute (that was beautiful)
same as for the other games, give sequels.
I’d swap Super Paper Mario and Ocarina of Time for Thousand Year Door and Majoras Mask any day of the week.
@The-Chosen-one ports and remasters don't mean you don't get new games too...
As a collector I already own most of the games on this list. I am less and less interested in ports as I get older. With a family my gaming time is limited and even though I enjoy playing the big Nintendo releases like breath of the wild and odyssey I have found a lot of enjoyment in rougelike games like dead cells and the binding of Isaac which I missed on other platforms and is honestly my most played switch game to date.
I'd like Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Little HD spruce up, combine both into 1 story. Easily 100 hours worth of challenging SRPG content
''There is a strong argument for a full remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but we would also settle for a full HD remaster instead.''
Don't settle for less, gimme that full remake of OOT!
Metroid Prime Trilogy is my no 1.
Totally agree with your first choice, as long as they did tweak the gameplay and camera rather than just rezzing up a ROM.
Thousand Year Door over Super Paper Mario any day.
Metroid Prime Trilogy I think we’ll see very soon. Not sure what they’ll do with the third games controls but the first two can happily be a rezzed up ROM.
F-Zero I’m itching for but it needs to be a collection. Use the MK8 engine, include a stack of old tracks from across all the previous games, then add 30-player Online.
Others I’d like to see:-
Chibi Robo
All the Pikmin games
The Mario Galaxy games of course (especially if somehow dewaggled)
The GC and Wii Fire Emblem Games
From the ‘will never happen obscurity files’ a Wario World/Wario Land Shake It Double Pack
I'd much rather see F-Zero GX than X remastered, but eh.
@BensonUii Uh... yeah, no, most NES games aged horribly. SNES aged beautifully, but not the NES. Of course, Metroid has Zero Mission, Final Fantasy got remade, Kirby's Adventure had Nightmare in Dreamland, The Super Mario Bros had the All-Stars treatment, and Zelda and Punch-Out actually aged well.
But that still leaves Kid Icarus, Startropics 1/2, Zelda II, Castlevania 1/2, Earthbound Beginning and more that could use more love.
Agree with many games on this list, love to see Sunshine remade. I'm seriously thinking I'm the only one but I love the criminally overlooked Snowboard kid games on N64... I'll never understand why they still don't get their due... Would love to see them remade in HD and online!
It would make no sense to re release one Galaxy and not the other, that one screams to be part of a double remaster pack
Skyward Sword will happen at some point, but I'm more interested in a Prime Trilogy HD remaster with traditional and motion controls
I'd love to see Viewtiful Joe on Switch. I'd be happy with either a collection of the series or a new entry.
Where are the remasters from Xbox or PS consoles? Like San Andreas or GTA5
@Dr_Corndog Well at least it's not clickbait or another Glen Fox article, spreading false information, lol.
@Paulman4ever you aren't alone, Snowboard Kids was one of my favourite N64 games. I'm not sure it could be remastered for this list though, it would need a full remake. I'd love to see that franchise come back though
@Dman10 we have another article that will cover those
I'd vote a definite yes to all of these. I'm with others on a TTYD remaster (as I haven't played it) and still think Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Switch is logical since Prime 4 is (eventually) coming.
On the irony front: I've just started playing Super Paper Mario on my Wii U. I'll get to see for myself how good/bad the game is.
@antdickens @Garage I'm with you Garage, not having the original Xenoblade Chronicles was A HUGE oversight. If they took that game and turned it HD is could be off the charts good!
Will you ever get to a list of NEW games you'd like to see?
Also, confusing the definition of remasters and remakes doesn't help anyone. GCN/Wii era games could be okay with a remaster, but anything before that (like ALTTP and Pokemon Snap) would need to be remade.
Remasters and remakes are two entirely different concepts and I wish people would learn that.
Please, Nintendo.
Remaster Paper Mario The Thousand Years Door for Switch and i can get the game with cheaper price than on Ebay (Secondhanded but still expensive on Ebay).
Half of these would be day 1 for me
I agree mostly with this list, just swap Star Fox Adventure for Star Fox 64 and Super Paper Mario for Paper Mario Thousand Years Door.
Never heard of SSX Tricky though
Been asking for at least HD assets for this one since i can remember...
#18: Eternal Darkness.
What a great list. Great games you won’t be disappointed.
A big waaaahuuuu
Chibi-Robo. Yep.
Anyone who thinks Banjo Kazooie will ever come back to a Nintendo platform is on some serious drugs. It’s just as likely we’d see Halo, Gears of War or Forza on Switch (or even Mario or Zelda on Xbox).
Back on the topic of actual, feasible remasters, F-Zero GX, please. Why the author of this article would choose X over GX is beyond me.
Star Fox Adventures was a great game.
Diddy Kong Racing does hold up. I still play 64 regularly. If they released it, it would either be a failure, or a lot of people would be upset.
OoT doesn't need rereleased again. Just put the original on Switch online and a 64 classic.
If its on Switch, is rather just see new games from these series. Nintendo has rerepeased games when things have been slow. Not slow now. Finish rereleasing all the good games on Wii U and just make new games.
Is this what we're going to do today? We're going to fight? Alright, fisticuffs it is...deep inhale...
These would all be nice, especially Gamecube games since it has been so long since I have played any. Plus the Gamecube was similar to the Wii-U in terms of lower sales and many gamers missing out on many of the games.
Pokémon Snap would be cool, but if they didn't make one for Wii-U, which seemed like a no-brainer with the gamepad functionality, I don't see them making any effort other than what they did by putting it on VC.
i dream of a Viewtiful Joe HD remaster compilation followed by an anouncement of VJ 3 , and yes i love to see Mario galaxy and metroid prime collections too.
And please Nintendo do a remake of Majoras Mask but with the art of the manual , like more shadows around the characters and more creepy look.
Good list but SSX 3 over tricky - or even better the first 3 in a collection.
And Wave Race.... give me wave race!
Pretty stellar list; I agree with about fifteen of the seventeen titles you suggested.
Battalion wars, the winemaker and paper mario would be nice
Yes. I would love to play many of the Gamecube games again since it has been so long now. Chibi-Robo, Wario World, Luigi's Mansion, Baten Kaitos….
Sin and Punishment would be great. I’ll take Pokémon Snap and Viewtiful Joe too.
@Stocksy I'd prefer a remaster collection of Nintendo's best sports games that don't feature Mario or Mii's.
Excitebike 64
1080°: Ten-Eighty Snowboarding
Wave Race 64...
Actually, those are all I can come up with. Even so, I think those three go together pretty well.
@CharlieSmile I’m with you there. It’s all fine and good but I’m feeling like a clean slate would be better than milking people’s gaming memories. A lot of this fondness for games of old is misguided with people not remembering some of the outdated aspects of their design. In any case, Nintendo going into remake mode would be a step backwards.
@KayFiOS sports games are entirely redundant. If you wanna play a sport, go outside. Sports games on game consoles just sound idiotic. 😂
Sunshine needs a full remake, not a remaster. The game is divisive because of certain gameplay decisions like having only 7 full levels and designing the levels so that FLUDD can skip most of the tough platforming, a remake that improves those flaws would be better received.
Ok I’ll be honest, have not had time to read this article yet, but I did quickly scroll through and did not see eternal darkness from the GameCube listed! Now I did scroll quick so I could have missed some criteria but how can this not be a game to have remastered?
Otherwise good list!
Pretty solid list honestly. I would add a few games though. Whether ported or remastered wouldn’t matter so long as the prices reflected the effort in the transition
What I would add
Wii games
Fire emblem- radiant dawn
Wario Land Shake It
No More Heroes
Red Steel 2 (the first one wasn’t all that enjoyable but the second was pretty solid)
Last Story
Pandora’s Tower
Xenoblade Chronicles
Fire emblem Path of Radiance
Killer 7
Eternal Darkness
Luigi’s Mansion
DK Jungle Beat
Tales Of Symphonia
Beaten Kiatos 1 & 2
Skies of Arcadia
Smash Bros Melee (change nothing but resolution)
Mario Kart Double Dash
Super Mario Strikers
Custom Robo
Paper Mario thousand year door
Paper Mario
Donkey Kong 64
Fighting Force
Conker’s bad fur day
Jet Force Gemini
Blast Corps
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party 1/2
Smash Bros
I probably missed some gems as well
That or a Melee remake. There are actually people that refuse to play Ultimate because Fox isn't as broken. Ergo, it would satisfy those entitled nitpickers, and world peace would be fully achievable.
1080 avalanche is better than ssx 😒
Dormant francises? Yes, and the game that should top that list is Skies of Arcadia.
Sin & Punishment HD collection please and thank you! Would also love an SSX game on the Switch.
If I had to choose, I will definitely choose Metroid prime trilogy with splatoon like controls.
And please any Fire Emblem games, latley there has been a big Fire Emblem drought (not really counting the movil game)
My most requested would be:
-Silent hill shattered memories.(or any silent hill really)
-Eternal darkness sanity requiem
Then bonus options are:
-Super Mario galaxy
-Zelda trilogy (twilight, windwaker, skyward)
-Fire emblem (cgn and wii)
@Roam85 Oh, F-Zero X Expansion Kit wasn't cancelled, it was quite real but only released in Japan for the 64DD system. I would also like the three GBA games on that collection.
Whatever happened to asking for sequels? Why are we just begging for nothing besides ports and remasters these days?
@VHSGLITCH Oh, sure! Let me just get my snowboard so I can race down the totally snow-covered mountains that Phoenix, Arizona is so famous for! We also got a lot of large bodies of water here for the summer, when I can break out my Jet Ski that I totally have because they're just so inexpensive! Can't wait to break my arm doing stunts on a motorbike! ✌😁👍
All of these would be very welcome, although I have 9 of them readily accessible on my Wii U.
Along with Game Cube Games (would love to get a Rogue Squadron Collection with the unreleased Wii Game) I also want to see more Sega Ages (Saturn, Dreamcast, Arcade) Games announced.
@Medic_alert The way wall jumps are executed could be changed to be like Samus Returns, where you just tap the button instead of pushing in the opposite direction first, then pressing the jump button with absurdly precise timing. That said, the physics of the jump itself should remain the same, and not like how it is in Samus Returns. Also, the Power Grip should be added. It could potentially break some areas, like parts before the sunken ship where you need the Grapple Beam, but speedrunners can already get past those areas without it anyways.
Banjo Kazooie
Starfox Adventures/Assault
Galaxy 1/2
Diddy Kong Racing
Beyond Good & Evil
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD!!!
That's my list from here
Good list I would add Zack & Wiki, No more heroes 1&2 & swap out x for F-Zero GX
30 players online?? Yes please!!
Wario Land Shake It
Some great choices there.
I agree with this list . I want those as well
Skies of Arcadia and Mystical Ninja!!
@Medic_alert Definitely, but I've seen the series improve since then, and I think those improvements should be brought back to Super Metroid...
...Also, I would REALLY love to see a completion percentage after beating the game, like in Zero Mission and Samus Returns! I've never gotten 100% in Super Metroid, like I have in those games, and I feel like knowing how close I am without having to beat the game again to find out would make it a lot more motivating to keep searching everywhere!
I mostly agree with this.
But i'd rather have Mario 64 instead of sunshine or galaxy.
And while they're at it, how about finishing "Metroid 64"? The tech that wasn't there then, is here right now...
remember when people used to ask for new games?
@Medic_alert Yeah I am pretty tired of the same old excuses, most of the games we have been getting ports for still have zero plans for a sequel because they have the port. Same with remasters, I mean it's fine in some cases but too much can become a bad thing. The Switch needs to be more than just a place to dump ports and remasters onto.
Somo sorta of remake for Mario RPG would also be appreciated. Maybe even in "Paper style" just a thought...
Square and Nintendo seem to be buddy buddies again, so why not? Since a sequel is probably completely out of the table.
@KayFiOS sheltered life you must lead...
Of the games on this list I've played:
Super Mario Sunshine: Sure
Viewtiful Joe; Sure.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: I'd be fine with just bringing it to the Switch as it is. It's one of the few games from its era I still play and still enjoy. Flaws and outdated mechanics and all.
Diddy Kong Racing: Would love it. In fact, I recall being a bigger fan do to actually owning DKR and not MK 64.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past: Not necessarily needed. Game is still top notch and nearly perfect, IMO. Though I wouldn't be opposed to given it a shot. See if they can add something to the experience they didn't think of before
I'll lump the Galaxy games in with Skyward Sword in that I think a remaster with new controls schemes would do both some good. I didn't necessarily dislike the motion controls. They just got boring and tired after a while.
F-Zero: long overdue for sequel or a remake of some sorts
Pokemon Snap: With 700 or so Pokemon added since you would have thought another one or two would have been pumped out. And it's not like there isn't a market for Pokemon spinoffs. Seems like a missed opportunity with a formula that on paper seems silly. But in execution, it was perfect and really embodies the "Gotta Catch 'Em All" spirit.
Mystical Ninja 64 pleaseeeeeeeee
@VHSGLITCH Well, to put it another way, all games can be considered redundant. Why play Mario Kart instead of go-karting? Why go on an adventure in Hyrule, when you could just explore the outdoors? Why play Kirby when you can just stuff your face anytime? It's because they're more fun to do in a safe, virtual environment... Okay, maybe not that last one. If I want physical activity, well that's why I go to the gym.
@Garage The greatest video game of all time. I would buy it a fourth time no question
@Archius9 Do you have a source for that Reggie quote? I don't think I've heard it before and I couldn't find it anywhere
@antdickens wait wait.... I absolutely remember you could unlock all AX content in GX .... it was hard but I remember tracks and ships.
I 100%’d that game .... one of my favorite games ever
@Borshi Super Mario RPG was the first game I thought of when the 3D Classics series was announced, since I always did terrible at the platforming parts without being able to tell how far away platforms were from the screen. But alas the 3D Classics never expanded to SNES games
My list of want-to-be-ported games is:
1. Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water
2. Mass Effect Trilogy
3. Dead Space Trilogy
4. Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 Remastered
5. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Remastered
6. Paper Mario Color Splash
7. Yoshi's Wooly World
8. Deadly Creatures Remastered
9. Red Dead Redemption 1 Remastered
10. Red Steel 1 Remastered
11. Super Metroid Remastered
12. Street Fighter 3 Remastered
13. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Give Nintendo Switch those games, and make some noise.
No Wario Land Shake It? Eh, it’d be $60 anyway...
Never been a fan of ports, remasters or remakes, but there are some Nintendo games out there that are close to impossible to play legally these days. Fire Emblem and Paper Mario on the Cube. So while it would be nice to play those, I think the Switch already has more than enough ports and remasters. New games please! Especially when Nintendo don't have people like bluepoint who exist solely for this kind of thing. When Nintendo do it, 99% chance it means we're missing out on something new.
I want to see Gyromite and Stack-Up re-released in HD.
I'm really happy to see some love for Super Paper Mario from Nintendolife. Still my favorite game in the series.
@Kirazy we ask for new games too, they aren’t mutually exclusive.
Metroid Prime Trilogy AND F-Zero X AND Sin & Punishment 2
Now that’s a legit list
@fafonio I think it was on the disc, but only accessible with a cheat disc like game shark.
Snowboard Kids, Wave Race 64, Earthbound (with a similar graphical style to Octopath Traveller), Tatsunoko vs Capcom
@antdickens @fafonio
You could unlock it (I have it unlocked). You had to beat everything on the hardest difficulty, master mode, which was extremely challenging and had to first be unlocked iirc, and I think you had to buy some tracks.
It was insanely difficult. I treasure my save data that has the AX Cup unlocked like my life depended on it. Backed up on 3 separate thumb drives and an external HDD
@Nagi_Nagisa you’re welcome, I loved Super Paper Mario
@JaxonH ah, maybe that’s why I always used the cheats!
some of these are too ambitious like the pokemon snap (pokemon go replaces this doesn't it?) and ocarina of time (highly unlikely)
metroid prime trilogy and a link between worlds has a more chance of seeing the light of day, don't forget skyward word too.
@VR32X i wouldn't mind seeing a wario land trilogy remake some day maybe.
@N00BiSH poor little robot guy is truly forgotten, love the games.
I’d kill for an Eternal Darkness HD remaster.
@Archius9 Thanks! It's on Facebook, which is why I didn't see it at the time lol
Just Pokemon Snap.
Everything else from this list that I"m interested in, I'd rather have a sequel.
I’ve got all these games so it’d be a pass on buying em again, except for Subpar Mario Sunshine which desperately needs a tune up.
I've already tried countless different sacrifices to countless ancients.. It hasn't worked yet
Thousand Year Door would be my top pick.
A re-master, re-release, re-make or re-anything will do!
Please Nintendo, I'll happily triple dip for an MP Trilogy HD on Switch, even if its full price.
Talking of remakes, here's an Ocarina of Time update from a fan in Unreal Engine:
I would love to see Beach Spikers HD for Switch, as well as Mario Strikers.
A new "Switch Sport" title with all the best parts from Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort would be great.
Again...the wishful thinking for Zelda: SS on the Switch. I absolutely love that game for it's art style, music, characters and story but the motion controls SUCKED BIG TIME!!! The game is entirely built around these mechanics. The joy-cons aren't wiimotes. You can't point at the tv with the joy-cons like you can with the wiimote. How do people expect this game to work on the Switch unless Nintendo would drastically alter the core game play mechanics? Zelda: SS on Switch is a pipe dream imo.
Same goes for Mario Galaxy. How can you collect stars without pointing at the screen? However, this would be less difficult to remedy than the the motion controls for Zelda: SS though.
Edit: Also Metroid Prime Trilogy! MP 1 and 2 can be played with a standard controller, but MP 3 can't. This game would need some drastic redesigning in order to be playable on the Switch.
I'm still waiting for Treasure to re-release Mischief Makers. I don't know why that game has just fallen out of existence. I never got to play it on N64... it would be nice to do so without emulating, but if I must, I will...
My wishful thinking:
1. Wind Waker and Twilight princess HD
2. Banjo-Kazooie (licensing issue, so never gonna happen)
3. Wave Race: Blue Storm
4. Super Monkey Ball
5. Super Mario 3D World
6. Super Mario Sunshine (remade AND improved)
7. Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 (Not sure if technically possible).
8. VIRTUAL CONSOLE!!! (NSO's retro game offering is an insult!)
I want to play all the VC games that I bought on the Wii and Wii U!
Super Mario Someone would be great. I felt the level design in Sunshine is better than Odyssey and FLUDD is better than Cappy IMHO.
A Diddy Kong Racing would be awesome though and F Zero GX while they're at it, it's much better than X. Also Paper Mario TTYD over Super Paper Mario.
Would love a port of SSX Tricky or 3 but would probably be difficult due to music licensing. SSX on PS3 seriously sucked (wasn't any fun), so I'd love it if they did another shot at it and made it... fun.
Nop... Can play most of this on my PC. Not woth $60 to only play on the GO.
Jyst spend the time and money making new games 🙄
I'd certainly get Sunshine, Ocarina, Super Paper Mario, Galaxy, Skyward Sword (especially this one, due to the nice fit with the joy-con controls), and A Link to the Past. And I know my brother would love the Prime Trilogy.
However, I'd also be fine with them not bothering, and focusing on new games. Because, I mean... they've been leaning heavily on remasters in the last few years. The time could probably be better spent on new stuff.
Also, ditto to The Thousand-Year Door. I finally just sold my GC copy, since I haven't had a system to play it on for years. I had only been holding on to it because it hadn't been remastered or made available as a VC title. But it's clearly one of my favorites, since one of my SMM music levels is for the title theme to the game.
How about a list new games you want, or is the consensus that the switch only is good for repurposed content
Link to past would look like garbage in the Link between worlds engine.
I find it difficult to get excited for ports that I’ve already played, when I could be thinking of getting new games. What’s wrong with asking for sequels instead? I realise ports take less time but they often don’t cost less and I’ve already played them. Hard pass from me.
SSX 3, Paper Mario 64, Mario Galaxy would be great though I would rather they make a 3rd one, Super Mario Land 1&2 in a 2D Artstyle and maybe Kirby’s Dreamland in a 2D Artstyle maybe even 16-bit with beautiful backgrounds and some new levels. Zelda Four Swords for Switch maybe a new Adventures style game.
@Shiryu Yeah looking at this list I wouldn't mind seeing a F-Zero X remaster, but GX was such a great game. Honestly at this point a compilation of X, GX and AX would be amazing especially with a track editor for X. Nintendo collaborated with SEGA on GX and AX so it seems at this point they would need to pair up with either SEGA again or Shin'en Multimedia would be another option.
I would honestly buy most of these if remasters or remakes were made. Super Mario Sunshine would be amazing as would Diddy Kong Racing in a modern engine. Reggie recently nixed the Skyward Sword remaster, though that only likely meant it wasn't actively being remastered but could be in the works soon for all we know.
I'd love to see a NEW Diddy Kong racing or F-Zero game. Maybe a Starfox Adventures 2 and a new Sin and Punishment game. For remasters I would want see Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, and Windwaker for the switch, similar to how they made the HD ports for the WiiU. I'd be happy to see the Metroid Prime trilogy make it's way to the switch.
Galaxy and Metroid are the only things that make sense on this list
Another open world Zelda game with a Majora’s Mask twist to it. Take my money.
I’d like to see the N64 wrestling games brought back to the Switch in modern form. Tweek the gameplay, update the roster and graphics. We all know the disaster that was 2K18 on the Switch, so let the other platforms keep the 2K series. Update the better classics for the Switch.
I hope either PM or PMTTYD get a remake/port on to either Switch or 3DS, so that it shows Nintendo that there is still interest in the original PM formula.
@huyi I guess if you wanted to site the picture feature on Go, you could argue it does. I personally don’t see any comparison between the two. Pokémon Snap actually involved real strategic gameplay. You didn’t just take pictures of Pokémon , you had to use the tools given to put Pokémon in various poses and to open up other areas.
@thefly0810 - Why not Nintendo do their own? I mean, they do have a wrestling IP. How else do you explain, "The Winner is You."
This list is a solid list. But I know something about one on that list that we may be seeing soon.
But excuse me as I lament on VJ.
@Nico07 GX is my favourite game of all time. All. Time.
How about Baten Kaitos tho? <3
@Vriess Yours is a really really good list. I'd add Xenoblade Chronicles X, Maiden of Black Water and Diddy Kong Racing. Diddy Kong Racing most of all because the other two I have on Wii U. So yeah more old games remade (N64, GameCube...) and fewer Wii U ports.
Super Paper Mario over the original and Thousand Year Door? Cheeky.
@jtmnm Agreed! The Thousand-year Door is the best Paper Mario game ever. Also Beyond Good & Evil and not Eternal Darkness??
Ports are ok in the first 2 years as there are fewer games. Now that Switch has taken off, there should be more original games.
Remasters I want to see in 2019: NONE! I am so sick of remasters.
Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy, and Metroid Prime Trilogy would be excellent. An Ocarina + Majora bundle (remasters of the 3DS version) is one of my pipe dreams.
I’d love to see a full fledged new F-Zero game honestly. Same with Star Fox, this time without gimmicks.
Super Paper Mario? Well it's a good game but the first 3 can all use a rerelease especially Thousand Year Door.
Xenoblade Chronicles (And possibly a collection of the past Xeno games)
Skyward Sword
Skies of Arcadia
That Fire Emblem Gamecube and Wii game in a collection (Because some of us don't wanna spend the high prices they go for)
Kid Icarus Uprising (Yeah Sakurai deconfirmed it but still...)
Super Mario Galaxy Collection
The Christian Whitehead Remasters of Sonic 1+2 (Hey, a guy can dream can't he?)
Great list, although I'd swap out Fzero-x with the superior gamecube gx.
Few other considerations...
Space Station Silicon Valley
Body Harvest
Blast Corps
Paper Mario 1000 yr door
Pokemon Snap
@kukabuksilaks perhaps a blood sacrifice to the blood goat is in order?
Golden Eye 007 64 please!!!!!
Favourite game of all time
I am in the minority, but I'd rather have Super Paper Mario over The Thousand Year Door, any day of the week. I've never been too fond of the rpg paper Mario games. I feel jaded from not having a proper sequel to Super Mario RPG The Legend of the Seven Stars.
I just wanna way to buy ports ONCE and not have to re-buy games every console cycle!!!
Viewtiful Joe and Sin and punishment 2?
Great list.
@huyi Hand the Wonder Boy: Dragon’s Trap team the keys to Virtual Boy Wario Land.
Can't believe Pokemon hasn't been mentioned. Almost two years and we still haven't got a main series game. Would have thought something like an Emerald re-release (with jazzed up graphics) would be quick enough to do, and scratch that Pokemon itch before the new Switch iteration is released.
@Yas Because next year is bringing the next main series games.
Good call with SSX @AntDickens — I played that game to death and would love to revisit.
Starfox I’d like to see reimagined a bit too — the end was a let down
I just love my portstation!
If we could get Microsoft to port Perfect Dark HD over to the Switch I’d never okay another game ever again.
I'd love to see galaxy released that'd make me very happy.
@ALinkttPresent it’s all good. I wanted to check to make sure I hadn’t just made it up myself ha!
@Yas next year is Gen 8. ‘Lets Go!’ was the scratch to the itch. Next year will be great for the switch!
Metroid Prime Trilogy, F- Zero GX and 1080 Avalanche. And a new one for each series. 😌
I like these lists. Looking forward to other lists, e.g. ports from other consoles or dormant Nintendo IPs. Keep em coming!
@Mathias_Wolfbrok Sorry, F-Zero GX sux. Sega added too many gimmicks like dumb track design and obstacles that halted the ball busting game play. F-Zero X is the best version and pure F-Zero. It deserves a remake complete with track generator and editor. I add some classic 16 bit tracks too, complete with 4 player options. Add the better ones from GX for an ultimate version.
Agree most with Metroid Prime Trilogy and Galaxy games. Definitely Diddy Kong Racing needs an update and release. A proper Star Fox game combining the best levels from SNES, GC and WU would be great, not that horrible adventure game.
I am happy to see much support for Diddy Kong Racing remaster or sequel (or Donkey Kong Racing). I would love a new 2D Donkey Kong Country game with K. Rool!
@Archius9 I liked F Zero GX better than the N64 version, money left waiting on the table there, got fast RMX to try to scratch the itch but as good as it is i'm still itching here.
Honestly if we're going to get a port of any Paper Mario, make it TTYD.
Ugh. I could do with never playing or even seeing The Legend of Zelda: Awkward Sword ever again.
Out of that list I would choose Skyward Sword, A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Beyond Good and Evil, and Super Mario Galaxy, and would also like to see Eternal Darkness and Super Mario Strikers (although this one i would rather they made a new game in the series)
@HalBailman I mean, it's your opinion and I respect it. I also think a F-Zero remake has more of a chance at ruining F-Zero X than F-Zero GX, especially if they go for all of the expansion content. (64DD isn't really the most known or optimized thing dev-wise) They might as well just do a new F-Zero with a track editor... Or work on a 64DD emulator, we kinda really need that.
'Cause, darn it, the 64DD isn't cheap these days...
id honestly prefer an HD ttyd cause it'll probably our only chance to have traditional PM again
Earthbound 3d.
I would love Starfox Adventure. And PN03. Those with SSX3 and Medal of Honor: Frontline got most of my GCN time.
Excellent list!
Mario galaxy need a remaster/port or a new one. I would be happy with just a port alone
I would love Mario sunshine on the switch. Port would be amazing still to this day as the graphics were amazing. A HD remaster would be glorious.
"It's going to be a huge year for Pokémon in 2019 "
What? How? All they've announced is the next main games for 2019. How does that make 2019 'a huge year for Pokemon'?
Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, and Metroid Prime trilogy absolutely need HD makeovers. Please make it happen, Nintendo. I'd throw my money at you so hard.
Not a bad list, I agree with most of the games on there, but come on, it doesn't matter how buddy-buddy you think Nintendo and Microsoft are NL, Banjo Kazooie back on a Nintendo system just ain't gonna happen, even if they did somehow make into Smash, which I still highly doubt that they will.
Star Fox Adventures and Beyond Good & Evil however, I'd love to see that happen. I still have my GameCube copies, I'd also add Eternal Darkness and the Fatal Frame game as well.
Along with F-Zero I'd add Wave Racer and 1080 Snowboarding,
And as for Metroid Prime, I'd rather a Meroid Prime HD Collection over just the Trillogy. Put Hunters and remake Federation Force to look like a "proper" Prime game.
Like you said Metroid Prime 4 is coming, but if they plan to go with the likely storyline with Sylux, Hunters and Federation Force have key parts to that story, plus if they keep and improve the multiplayer parts of those games, it could help the series out with replayability and gain a solid player base, something similar to Halo.
While I'd like to see Sin & Punishment and Metroid Prime Trilogy in HD, both would suffer without a Wii remote.
@shoeses There are two movies, as well. Including a major Hollywood production
If Microsoft released those Rare games on Switch, I would expect it to be part of their Game Pass subscription service.
I could see that happening.
It was for all intents and purposes Mario's first true outing into the RPG genre. Personally i think it deserves far more love than it gets.
Nothing against Mario&Luigi and the Paper games, but i would most definitely like to see more of the one game that started it all.
@Kainbrightside @Kainbrightside
See I’m the opposite. I badly want Metroid Prime in the Switch. But I am worried they use the motion controls. I loved the controls on the GameCube.
I hope they allow both personally. I think that would be the best way about it.
Pure and simple - Advance Wars. Bring it back please, I miss you dearly.
No thank you to a Star Foc Adventures remaster
I'm a huge pokemon fan but i think we can all live without the Pokemon Snap or Hey you PIkachu! They were both terrible games. Remaster/remake all mainline Pokemon games instead
The lack of Twilight Princess and Super Mario Rpg is disappointing
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