Today, The Wall Street Journal ran a report which claims that Nintendo plans to release a revised Switch console towards the end of 2019. As rumours go, it's certainly on the believable side of things; Nintendo's track record in this area speaks for itself, and it has consistently iterated on its portable hardware over the past few decades, right back to the original Game Boy.
Nintendo practically wrote the rulebook on baby-step hardware upgrades and has been hammering out updated hardware with alarming regularity; over the years we've had the Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Advance SP, DSi, 2DS, New Nintendo 3DS and – most recently – New Nintendo 2DS XL, all of which offer minor changes to the base system and are intended to give sales a shot in the arm, as well as subtle improvements (or regressions, in the case of the 2DS line).
But what form could this new and improved Switch take? In the past, Nintendo has iterated slowly with its hardware; 1996's Game Boy Pocket was smaller than the brick-like original, had a better screen and consumed fewer batteries, but was otherwise the same internal hardware that had launched in 1989. The Game Boy Advance SP changed the form factor of the original GBA hardware and added an illuminated screen and rechargeable battery, but took away the 3.5mm headphone socket. More recently, the New Nintendo 3DS line offered improved 3D via head-tracking and a small power boost, although very few games have been released which take advantage of this.
Looking at this handful of examples, it's clear that Nintendo walks a very fine line when it chooses to refresh its existing – and successful – portable hardware. Huge, sweeping changes are off the table as they would not only divide the market but would drastically alter the core message of the platform. So what will this 'new' Switch look like? Will it offer more power? Will it sacrifice core features for portability and cost? We've outlined some of the potential scenarios below.
A Better Screen
The Wall Street Journal's report has stated that the display technology to be used in this upcoming Switch refresh is already a key area of consideration. Nintendo's key aim – according to sources the WSJ has spoken to – is getting a brighter screen which will tax the internal battery less. Most would assume then that this would be an OLED panel, which not only offers plenty of punch and amazing contast but is also kinder on the battery as black pixels are effectively turned off, whereas on an LCD display they are lit and therefore continue to consume power.
However, the WSJ is also reporting that OLED tech is not being considered for the new Switch; it's still rather expensive when compared to LCD, and is also harder to purchase in large quantities (even Apple has to use arch-rival Samsung as a source of OLED screens for its iPhone range). We assume, then, that Nintendo is simply looking to upgrade to a better quality LCD panel which will offer superior brightness and contrast; LCD screens in 2018 have come on leaps and bounds and many people feel they give a more 'authentic' image than OLED, which can often be a little aggressive.
Will Nintendo stick with a 720p panel, though? While the Switch's screen is perfectly adequate for handheld gaming, a resolution boost would be an easy way to set the new console apart from the existing model; it could even have a larger, edge-to-edge screen so the unit itself doesn't need to be any bigger than the existing Switch – a key consideration when you take into account that the console's dimensions are somewhat confined by the fact that it has to allow for the Joy-Con rails on either side.
Any resolution jump is going to have to balanced out by a larger battery, as in portable mode, the console is running at reduced power. Perhaps Nintendo will choose to include a powerful but more efficient chipset in this new model to enable this? Which leads us neatly onto…
More Powerful Specs
As a rule, Nintendo usually avoids boosting the power of its handhelds when producing iterative updates – the one exception is the New Nintendo 3DS range, which introduced a relatively minor increase in power to allow for titles like Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. The reasoning is pretty simple; if you suddenly add more processing grunt which in turn means exclusive new software, then you're splitting the market between those who own the original hardware and those who have the newer model.
However, Nintendo could potentially adopt the approach taken by smartphone and tablet makers, where the specs are enhanced by compatibility is maintained across the majority of software. In this scenario, some games might run better on the newer model than they did on the original. A better analogy is Sony's approach to its 4K-ready PS4 Pro; developers are not allowed to make Pro exclusives, but instead can leverage the additional power to make their games run even better on the newer model.
We have to admit, as tantalising as a more powerful Switch sounds, we can't see this happening next year – perhaps further down the line, but not as soon as 2019.
A Change In Form Factor
Given that Nintendo has spent millions promoting the fact that the Switch is a hybrid console that can be used on your TV and on the road, we can't imagine it would throw all of that hard work away on a system with an entirely different design – but then again, this is the company that released the 2DS, so all bets are off.
A 'Switch Mini' wouldn't be the stupidest idea in the world, if we're honest. The Joy-Con functionality could be removed entirely in favour of traditional 'built-in' controls, turning it into a pure portable console, aimed at filling the void that the 3DS will leave when it finally gets put out to pasture. The machine could have a slightly smaller display to make it more pocket-friendly and could come clad in a robust shell which would make it perfect for younger players.
Despite the drastic shift in design, the core functions of the Switch could still be retained; Joy-Con could be purchased separately to use in tabletop mode, and a special cable could be manufactured which allows the unit to work on your TV in 'docked' mode.
On paper at least, it sounds like a good idea; Switch is too fragile and expensive for many parents to consider as a handheld for their kids, so this smaller, cheaper and sturdier variant would tick a lot of boxes. The only thing that doesn't sit well with us is that such a device would totally change the core message Nintendo has been shouting from the rooftops with Switch; is it still 'Switch' if there's no switching between TV and handheld?
A Bigger Battery
One of the biggest complaints Switch owners have relates to the console's internal battery and its frustrating lack of stamina; this has led to the release of products like the SwitchCharge, which bolts onto the console and offers more juice. We'd imagine that a larger capacity power cell is one of the many things Nintendo has on its list for the new 2019 model, but how much difference it would make is unclear; unless Nintendo wants to make the Switch thicker than it already is, there may not be a massive scope for improvement in this respect.
Battery technology is, of course, improving all of the time, but it remains a sticking point for pretty much all portable consumer devices. Each year, new smartphones from Samsung, Apple and LG hit the market, but none are capable of offering more than a day or so of usage on a single charge. Instead, companies are focusing on 'quick charge' and wireless charging tech to make their devices stand out from the crowd; perhaps Nintendo will do the same with the 2019 Switch?
More Internal Storage
The fact that the Switch comes with just 32GB of internal memory is a bit of a joke, but Nintendo has at least made it easy enough to upgrade the amount of storage you have by using MicroSD cards, rather than an expensive proprietary format like Sony did with the PS Vita.
Even so, it would be nice for the base console to have a little more wiggle room when it comes to this kind of thing, even if it's just 64GB or 128GB. The price of flash memory is dropping all of the time, so we'd imagine that Nintendo will do the right thing and give its 2019 upgrade a little more memory out of the box.
512GB would be the dream, but it's perhaps wishful thinking to expect Nintendo to go quite that high – after all, this is the company that, in Europe at least, doesn't ship a power supply with 3DS and 2DS consoles.
A Better Price
Whenever new hardware is released, it's a given that the existing model takes a drop in price, and given that Switch sales are slowing down, we'd expect the company to look at cutting the RRP of the current model sooner rather than later. However, what effect will an entirely new console have? If it offers improvements over the existing version then you could argue that it will cost more at launch, but a more likely scenario is that the 2019 Switch will arrive at the same price as the current model, which will then take a price cut to clear out old stock.
If Nintendo is working on a 'Switch Mini', then the picture is harder to read; with its reduced functionality, this new console would presumably retail for much less than a full-fat Switch, perhaps a little higher then the current cost of the New 3DS range. That then means that Nintendo can maintain its margins on the 2017 Switch and simply slot the 'Mini' in-between the outgoing 3DS and the Switch Mini.
Maybe the 2019 Switch will simply be a cost-saving revision, like the Wii Mini. In that case, we'd simply see a reduced price point without any real benefit in terms of hardware.
Which of these points would you say is the most important to you personally? Do you want a better screen, more storage, a new design or just a lower price point to encourage more people to join the Switch revolution? Vote in the poll below and let us know your thoughts with a comment.
What do you want to see most on next year's rumoured Switch refresh? (595 votes)
- A better screen
- More powerful specs
- A change in form factor (EG: Switch Mini)
- A bigger battery
- More internal storage
- A cheaper model
- None of the above
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 307
Link cables!
Eradication of piracy I think would probably be their first port of call.
Battery life, better internal storage, a performance boast, and BLUETOOTH. Easy peasy. Do not need a better screen, and the price has proven to be fine.
FOLDERS !!!!!!
we don't need some stupid Xl or MINI because the switch is already both the portable is the mini and the XL is the TV screen so theirs like no point. But fix the stand, battery, and make the switch run better FPS for their games, plus give it more power to run new games like the new assassins creed without playing it on the cloud. but other than that
> A kickstand that can rotate so you can play tate mode on a table top.
> Analogue triggers for racers / GC games.
> Longer battery life to reinforce it's hybrid form factor
> MOAR POWAH so third parties can suck us all dry with their unethical practices.
More Power
What I want to price, because I'm not buying another Switch.
give us a bluetooth option for headphones. so we can talk to friends while playing fortnite on TV mode. so you don't break your switch with wired headphones and pulling it off something.
YouTube, soundcloud, kodi...
Hopefully not a more powerful version. Sure, some people will argue that more 3rd parties will come, but anyone who had bought the original for the past 2 years would then be forced to upgrade for certain games. Significantly more power is a bad idea.
@Joeynator3000 I'd buy that! You can't say no to something that's free!
Forget a new Switch, I just want Pikmin 4.
Nice Mini mock-up, looks very similar to the one I've been posting the past 2 years.
You could still have a Switch Mini with removable joycons. It doesn't have to retain the design like the one in the image...
@Matthew010 Agreed. I would be pretty miffed if I already had to upgrade my console to keep playing Switch games.
Just let us play are video games in piece
I'm fine with the Switch the way it is.
Less bezels for a bigger and better screen (1080p).
Longer battery life.
Bluetooth support for headphones/earphones.
More power would be nice.
I'm still sticking with a New 3DS XL and haven't bought a Switch yet because it's just too darn big too carry around in a pocket, and too expensive for my budget. All I want from the Switch at this point is a smaller pocket-friendly and cost reduced model for dedicated portable play.
I voted for the switch mini because it would be a perfect thing to move people from the 3ds. Also better for kids. I know people let kids play the switch now but i have a six yrs old neice. I let her play the 3ds at 5. In a year and a half we went through 5 3ds due to her dropping it, using a pen instead of a stylus, throwing it when mad. With the switch at 300 dollars and the screen not durable, im not taking the chance. Now a switch mini i would test her out on. This is my opinion.
For improvements i would like the cable option to hook the switch without a dock. Also maybe a bag or cover to use when playing on tv. Don't like the dock that out now. Definitely better battery life, more durable and scratch resistant screen. The internal storage does need more storage. Finally i agree with people add youtube, netflix, and maybe internet browser.
are the Switch sales slowing down?
At least we must wait for the end of october's investors meeting to see if they low the HW sales predictions. They're still sitting with the 20 millions mark by the end of march 2019
Cue in the people that will complain about a more powerful switch. Then they praise the pro or x of the other systems. Life is strange.
I wish they wouldn't release a new model at all.
Tired of being screwed on handhelds half way through their life cycle.
I think a combination of a slightly bigger battery and maybe slightly more energy-efficient components may improve battery life, but not by a ton. And unless there is a revolution in battery technology happenning right now, I wouldn't count on significant improvements, which also kills the idea of a 1080p screen, as this would consume a lot more battery, and would probably make it runs a bit hotter as well.
Is anyone aware of Nvidia working on an updated chipset? I mean, of course they do, but if no one has heard any rumors on that front, I think this would rule out anything boosting performance significantly. And as many said before, that would be a bad idea because it would segment the userbase. Unless it's like the PS4/PS4 PRO thing where the new one only makes games play slightly better.
What I think it'll be, is a slightly cheaper (very slightly) model, maybe a tad wee bit smaller (not much), and maybe a better quality screen, although still 720p. Slightly better battery life as well, but not by much. Maybe 10-20% more.
Too soon for an upgrade,we need more games honestly.2018 is pretty underwhelming,average line up and average NSO.
The best way to sell more switch is to add more killer games,it would be really pretentious to release a new one atm...especially when they could improve it even more.
I’m half expecting a portable only “mini” console. It’ll be slightly smaller. The height will be the same, but the length will be shorter with the face buttons on the front where the screen isn’t. The portable only aspect will make the console weaker in specs because it won’t have to achieve the docked level powers. This will also allow for a much better battery life.
Honestly, if a Switch revision was strong enough to play Xenoblade 2 somewhere near 720p undocked and 900/1080p on TV, I'd probably nab it. I don't think that's what we'll be getting, though, and I'm not paying through the nose for mostly cosmetic stuff or even improved battery life (all things being equal, I've had very few issues with the Switch's battery life).
Switch XL:
Bigger battery, more internal storage, larger screen and larger joy con, with a larger joy con grip. Micro SD and 3DS/DS/SD card reader on the console.
Dock is significantly larger. Contains a disc drive that plays Wii/Wii u/ GameCube games. Contains a sensor bar port. Contains four GameCube controller Ports and two gamecube memory card ports. If using the disc drive, switch console acts as Wii U gamepad.
Wii motes and game pads can connect to larger dock.
Larger screen does DS/3ds emulation either by using the tv screen (where main switch console works like a gamepad doing the same thing, or the few Wii U owners can use an actual gamepad).
Internally saved games on your Wii, Wii U, 3ds, dsi can all be transferred to the switch xl. Including VC games.
4K video where games support.
Increased processing power from the souped up console and the souped up dock. Compatible stylus included.
Retail price: 400 dollars.
MORE POWER (hopefully)
and HDR support.
actually just HDR and a better battery would make it a day 1 purchase for me.
Better specifications... so we can play Gamecube VC
I want it to not supersede my current Switch, as I can't afford a new one!
I don't care about denser blacks or higher ref, but I was truly gutted when I was in Tenerife on a sunbed and the screen in the sun rendered it unplayable. To make things worst the missus was happily laid there reading a kindle no bother. The battery life has never been an issue for me really, the on-board memory is ridiculous in this day and age though as is the lack of Bluetooth headphone support. I think they will definitely release a handheld only version although I do love to have mine docked. On a side note, why don't devs have different font sizes when docked/handheld, mode, I can barely make out text sometimes and it seems needless
Are you kidding me?
That means I'd have to get a new Switch, at least if it features stronger hardware and better/more features (like longer, high-quality video sharing/streaming, browser, apps, etc.).
It would also be the ultimate proof that this is a handheld and not a stationary console or a hybrid (which it never really was) - because Nintendo only does that for its handhelds.
IMHO, if they're introducing new hardware, it should be a real stationary console that can use the Switch's as an additional computing unit.
But are we even sure this is not just an unfounded rumour?
@Damo And what does Donkey Kong (that's where the link in your first sentence is pointing to) have to do with it?
Actual games. We have what exclusives? Xenoblade, Odyssey, and Octopath?
If it isn't just a mini, Nintendo literally is committing suicide.
Then again on facebook people have wanted or were asking about a new model a year ago. Consumers gonna consume.
A Switch mini around the same size of the Vita, with no detachable controllers, a regular D-pad, an option to back up my saves to a PC (or something like that) and yes some more games I actually want to play on it (and they better be good if I am going to pay 60$ for them).
Actually I would prefer a successor to the 3DS with dual screens, 40$ games etc.
Analog triggers would be my most desired upgrade, because racing games are one of my favorite genres, and not having analog throttle and braking prevents more realistic racing gaming on the Switch.
Otherwise I'm very happy with the Switch. More computing power and builtin storage would be nice to have, but not essential.
I want these for New Switch :
1. WHITE COLOR !! Please add More Color Options like White / Blue / Red / Green / Aqua / Pink / Purple like 3DS models, NOT just Black color only.
2. Smaller Bezel, Larger screen size.
3. Long lived battery (6 - 8 hours)
4. Sturdier Kickstand
5. Larger storage Capacity by Default (64 or 128 GB)
6. Colorful interface like 3DS.
7. Folder to organize the game Apps.
8. Playtime History like 3DS.
9. A Cover that can protect the screen.
10. More Power so New Switch can handle Heavy specs games atat least like Kingdom Hearts 3 XBOX1 version.
11. An Additional slot to play 3DS & NDS games (Cartridges) on Switch and can be played it Verticaly.
12. More Sensitive Touch screen. Just make it like NDS / 3DS Touch screen style.
13. Microphone, so Nintendogs / Cooking Mama on Switch will be come True.
14. Camera, so Switch can take photos or read QR Codes for Animal Crossing Switch to share Clothing / Path / Wallpaper designs.
15. Revamped Game box cover design. Switch game box looked so plain and boring from sideaway (Just Red banner with generic Fonts). 3DS game box cover design is the Best for me.
16. Cheaper price with bundles.
17. Sturdier Analog buttons for Joy Cons to play Street Fighter 30th Anniversary.
18. Back Up Save Data like 3DS.
19. Replaceable Internal battery like 3DS.
20. 32 GB Cartridge in the future.
A left analog stick that doesnt drift after 6-8 months of normal use.
Thats literally all i want at this point.
A Switch Mini, comfy like the PS Vita. I'd marry it. <3
I'm not sure if Switch Mini might be a failure than PS VITA. It depends competition. So does not worth it Switch Mini. By the way we need feature for Switch VR Headset next year.
@Anti-Matter The Switch touch screen is much more sensitive. Switch uses modern tech. DS/3ds use pressure sensitive screens.
Since 3rd party games are important to Nintendo, I would like to see a Switch that can play NEW third party games as good as they are on the PlayStation.
it needed an upgrade before the first unit was sold; unfortunately chips aren't there yet for portable systems. sure we can shove an i7 in but i'm not sure connecting to a gas generator is going to be 'portable'.
if we keep the same speed then just make everything a bit more power efficient. more internal space for those that are allergic to sd cards, and allow saves to sd (yeah, i'll never be happy with N's assanine ways with this).
More Nintendo games and
But i cannot use NDS / 3DS stylus to give touch command on Switch screen.
It won't be detected unless if you touch with finger that has bigger area.
ok, they REALLY should have allowed you to pic TWO, like for me, I play mine hard, so I eat my battery big time, but also, 19.8GB of internal storage (after all of the crap Nintendo has already put on it) is pretty bad,
personally, size wise, it's perfect, no need bigger, and to keep pic quality on a smaller screen, they would have to put a better more expensive screen, defeating the purpose of a cheaper, smaller version
but I think they should have asked about more "practical" improvements (not just bigger battery)....
1: Seal the analog sticks from the dust and debris that collects causing the haunted/possessed stick moving by itself
2: make the battery replaceable, I don't want to call up Nintendo in two years and find out it will cost me $200 for them to replace my worn battery
3: the locking mechanism that holds the Joy-Cons to the unit also wear out SUPER fast
4: an unmoderated internet explorer, I want to check my email and watch my Netflix damn it, and I'm not the only one
5: a more slender dock with JUST HDMI, no USB or anything, and a sized down power supply, so people can pack all their stuff in a nice
compact case, not a big bulky or two separate
6: add a 1080hd video camera and mic
7: who's dumbass idea was it to put Bluetooth on the Switch, then block it from use except with controllers ???
FIX IT !!!
8: not necessary, but when the screen is turned up vertically, it can be used as a 2DS, so add a slot for DS & 3DS carts
honestly, the system doesn't need much other than Nintendo to realize they need to give the people the GAMES they want, not just the hardware they want, don't just port classics, remake SNES, 64, & GC games as new
I'm very happy with the screen as is, 720 works at that size perfect, and it outputs 1080 on my tv, so opinion is, screen is perfect, faster and cooler running processor and more ram would give a huge boon to games that can be made and ported true, but I say let's fix it before we improve it
Is no one gonna mention the compatibility with Bluetooth headphones and integrated voice chat?
Are we really going to be talking about this for the next year?
I don't want a revision, more and more it's becoming obvious that the best time to buy a console is it the end of it's cycle.
Better screen, the power to run it. Everything else, meh.
@Anti-Matter Use a smart phone stylus.
DS type touch screen is outdated.
Only thing I actually hate about my 2ds xl.
As much power they can cram in, Bluetooth support and a fully integrated Pizza oven
@bluedogrulez @Audigore0733
yah, it seems asinine why Nintendo would add Bluetooth but then block it, only allowing the Joy-Cons to use it, I mean, wired headphones are a pain in the tukus when playing
1 - Decent Kickstand
2 - D-pad
3 - Fix Syncing issues for Joycons
4 - Better Battery life
5 - slightly more comfortable Joycons
6 - more internal storage
7 - Better sound quality
8 - improved dock
9 - better screen
10 - backward compatibility with the 3DS
Last one needs to be followed by the 3DS cut-off.
3 Switches. 1. Switch (today's model or upgraded version), 2. Switch Mini (for younger people, non-removable controllers), 3. Switch Core (TV only model, no screen, non-transportable). Not everyone plays in the handheld mode. This would offer people the ability to play for less manufacturing cost.
Folders. For the love of God, Switch games need to be organizable! And quit displaying all the games you own on card when they aren't plugged in. It's pointless. (Hmm...unless they seriously streamlined the UI to the point of getting rid of a system check lol)
Nintendo I'm guessing must be quite annoyed with this news leaking just as we get into the build up into the holiday season. A Feb/March leak would have been much better... I play mine mostly docked so battery and screen improvements are of little importance to me, but I can see the appeal for those who play portable regularly.
Better voice chat, even though I don't use it ,better kickstand because it's rubbish, I'm happy with the internal storage the screen the battery I think joycons detachable is important to keep. Best thing you could do is improve online and dash board
Don't care about power, you can have all the power in the world but it won't make a crap game suddenly good, it will just be prettier crap. Don't care about voice chat, the screen is fine as is, probably battery life and larger storage I reckon, but much the same as digital cameras, Nintendo told us from the get go you'll need to get a micro SD. I'm generally pretty happy with mine as it is to be honest.
But yep yet another reaching article based on a bit of gossip for clicks. Good work.
My guess is with the internal storage.
If you look at a tear-down, you can clearly see that they designed the internal storage to be modular.
@BANJO yeah but funnily enough this leak could actually force them to vastly improve their online offering so people wouldn't want to wait till after Xmas... Like drop 30 SNES games all at once, do the voice chat properly and bring back VC with GC and Wii games for sale.
If they did that then people would quickly forget about waiting till end of 2019 to get the Switch.
I don’t see any need for a hardware revision. Hardware revisions just kind of seem like an insult to early adopters of the system.
Just build a system, let it run its lifecycle and then move onto the next legitimate system.
yah, sealing the sticks from dust and debris was my first on my list
I noticed your list was mostly like mine, functional improvements and fixes before the wanted extras
@Anti-Matter Dream on hehe. Though Id like all that too. Ultimate Console!!!!
@datamonkey Yes the switch mini wouldn't have detachable joycons bc its be smaller and the joy cons wouldn't fit. Also imagine having even smaller joy cons theyd be unusable so itd be worth cutting them to cut costs.
I've heard a lot of complaints on other sites about the Joycons. I wouldn't mind seeing Nintendo take a second look at them and maybe making some tweaks to their dimensions and button layouts. Other than that, I have no complaints about the existing unit so I doubt the minor changes I expect from the "upgrade" will be all that enticing.
Hope the build quality is better mine has cracks through no fault of my own but Nintendo want £150 to repair it I’m in a sticky situation as I have loads of physical and digital games so don’t really want to sell it heat from the dock has cracked it so hope this problem is eliminated with a new design
All I would want is for the new games to work on the Switch I have now. None of that New 3DS only stuff.
@marck13 Marck13, a "Pizza Oven" ???
God help stupid people like you.......
obviously it has to be a George Foreman, DUH !!!
(havin fun with yah bro, good times, LOL)
We're getting a new one??? Why? Oh well, whatever. When is preorder available?
No possibility for cracks to form.
Long battery life.
I want it to be more powerful and have more internal space.
Nvidia and Nintendo together great! The new tegra chip should be perfect
I would prefer a system that doesn't suffer from expanding batteries, joy cons getting loose while in handheld mode, and joy cons not working right cause a few specks of dust get in them.
The Switch is a great system, but there's some crucial things they need to fix.
You know what, "More comfortable Joy-Cons", I'm surprised i didn't think that, the L1&R1 could be easier to get at and when playing docked, they are very uncomfortable after about 15min. or when playing high active stuff while docked, my hands sweat and they are always sliding out.
Awesome Call !!!
More MicroSD cards slots, so we can expand the memory in steps.
A united online store (Wii U, 2DS/3DS and Switch) so we do not have to buy the same game more than once and virtual console.
Nothing immediate springs to mind. Love the wee thing as it is, tbh.
@jhewitt3476 @bluedogrulez @Audigore0733
You know you can already use wireless headphones, right? I was playing a friend in Fortnite a while back who was using his wireless PS4 headset on his Switch through the USB port on the dock.
The dock is rubbish a better screen would be nice. I hate the silly flap you have to open to slot cartridges in and they go in the WRONG WAY ROUND!!! So annoying after 20 years of slotting cartridges in the other way!
have had Switch for a year, used the hell out of it, wife, kids and about a dozen Bluetooth devices in my house running at all times, interference has never been an issue, so yah, Nintendo needs to fix, besides, the fact one Switch can host up to 8 controllers proves internal interference is nonexistent also
I virtual console. I also love the idea somebody posted about 3DS compatibility
I would love wireless headphone support also
A Switch Mini would be an insta-buy for me. I never use it on a TV, but we could still plug it in via a cable if needed
trying to hookup Bluetooth sound throught the USB ports on the dock may be a "work around", but not a practical one nor the intended reason, 90%+ of people are just going to listen to the tv when docked anyway, people want to use their headphones in HANDHELD mode
I would hope that we would get a more powerful console and dock without the need to change the form factor at all. That makes the most sense, because the joycons would need to slide into the console the same exact way, and I seriously doubt that Nintendo would abandon the joycons because of their popularity. It would also make sense to only sell the upgraded console and dock without joycons in order to reduce the cost. The current console also has enough room to add more screen space by simply reducing the size of the bezel.
I would say more power, but that would mean they would have some games able to run on the new device but not on the 1st gen one, so having bought a switch already, I would like to be able to play any upcoming game, and hence it would please me more if they upgraded anything but that.
@MrJuancho as stated in the article, they'll probably do the same thing as smart phone games, Sony and Microsoft "Nintendo could potentially adopt the approach taken by smartphone and tablet makers, where the specs are enhanced {and} compatibility is maintained across the majority of software. In this scenario, some games might run better on the newer model than they did on the original. A better analogy is Sony's approach to its 4K-ready PS4 Pro; developers are not allowed to make Pro exclusives, but instead can leverage the additional power to make their games run even better on the newer model."
A lower price point so I can actually afford to buy a Nintendo Switch.
what the Nintendo switch needs is a more efficient cooling and heating system. i heard complaints about how some users had heating issues with their Nintendo switch systems. that needs to be fixed before Nintendo makes any other types of hardware changes to the unit.
another thing that would be nice to see in the console is no have a more power efficient system. that way Nintendo won't have to get a better battery for the system.
if they want to increase the power of the system, they can just create a new version of the Nintendo switch dock that will take over certain hardware operations when the Nintendo switch is plugged into it.
A YouTube and Netflix machine that can run The Elder Scrolls VI for 10 hours portable. What else can one want?
Speaking seriously, nothing I didn't buy the original model for to begin with. And the new revision will exist exactly if/when Nintendo announces it - until then, a rumour is a rumour. It was funnier to read the previous post and discussion's worries about all the potential new buyers who might sit out on Pokemon and Smash (and a truckload of big third party titles released alongside now) for twelve more months because rumours.
Mooorrre Pooooowaaaaa!!!
A Switch mini just like the one in the picture without joy cons, add save local backups and slightly more powerful so it can have a better UI, themes, an activity log, browser, Apps like Netflix and bundled it with a pro controller for Tv mode the joy cons never feel right for adults hands and feel uncomfortable, that would fix pretty much all my gripes with the current console
usually the cooling issue is because when it's held certain ways, the air intake is too easily blocked, the routing/placement could use some reconsideration
a big concern I have, the fan cooled system is a great idea, BUT, the intake has no filter and in handheld mode, it sucks up an assload of dust and debris, those who smoke and/or vape can really risk the lifespan of this machine, it really needs some kind of replaceable filter
Gah! I was going to buy my Switch next month... I can’t wait another year to play BOTW so I’m just gonna go for it. I don’t think this revision will bring too much extra, but if it does I’ll have to take the hit and upgrade within 12 months. Bah!
6 inch screen with switch and android dualboot. Phone design with joycon mount. Ok this is just a dream of mine but something along those lines would be cool.
I don't really want a different screen per-se, but I do definitely want decreased bezels. Other than that, more powerful specs is a must and I would love a larger battery. It dies far too quickly in handheld mode for my taste
Well as I already have a Switch nothing short of a dramatic increase in power will make me buy another. That being said they are unlikely to release anything that would rival my PS4 PRO as a home console and PS5 would be right around the corner anyway.
Logically it needs to be a cheap Switch mini to drive sales but Nintendo need to be concentrating on getting some first party exclusives out. So far we have Splatoon 2, Zelda (which is on Wii U) and Mario as the only top tier efforts from them with a couple of third party offerings in Xenoblade and Octopath. This is by far their biggest problem at the moment and no amount of Wii U games is going to plug those holes
Joycons that are reliable. Ive got 4 of those buggers, treated em well and sl doesnt work on ANY of them, the lights dont work on 2 of them and r3 doesnt work on the two right ones. Useless ... cant play ANYTHING in table top mode as I cant connect any of my joycons when split up!
As much as I want it, I just think adding more processing power is just gonna extend development times and add extra costs, aswell as bloating the memory required to store the games.
Everyone moans about the costs of cartridges and having to download half the games as it is. Having games work with 2 different Switches will just make things worse.
All I really want the Switch to have is better battery life, a better screen, analogue triggers and more internal memory.
Don't bother, just make a new console instead in a few years ... Hate all this remodel system crap, when will it end??? Nintendo Switch/ Switch plus/ Switch mini/ Switch Pro etc
Really, I think coming out with new hardware is a big mistake. Even if it checks every box in everyone’s fantasy scenario, it’s going to be dwarfed by what Xbox and PlayStation are sure to do in 2020. All the Switch needs to do is reverse course on a TON of software decisions
-Bring in multimedia apps
-Bring back some form of the Virtual Console
-Enable the Bluetooth chip in the system to take wireless headphones
-Create a native party system
-Allow themes to be placed on the home screen
Do all these things, then come talk to me about a Switch revision. Nintendo needs to sit back, see what their competitors do, then attack their weaknesses. Right now, they’re playing with house money, and only they can mess it up
Don't really care as the whole thing seems like an educated guess instead of anything solid.
Funny you're worried about risking the lifespan of the machine. 😄
(from smoking)
@cripesdude a revision that adds things, maybe not, I don't think they are going to put out a better processor just yet, and honestly at the screens current size, a 1080p or 1080HD would be almost unnoticeable, a backwards compatibility with the DS/3DS game slot probably won't happen this quick either.
it will probably be small things like fixing the analog sticks, locking mechs for the Joy-Cons, maybe even a better battery life, perhaps some other minor things, but they won't do any huge revisions after only 18-24 months out
As soon as I started playing it..even though I loved it... I was noting several things that could use upgrades...but little things like bluetooth, more ergonomic joy-cons, better location of charging/docking port (or multiple ports so you have options), better kick-stand, etc. I'm excited to see what kinds of upgrades they install if they go through with it.
And this is something they could do right now...but alternate styles of joy cons. I really liked the Wii U config with the two thumb sticks at the top and the D pad and buttons below the sticks. So I'd love a new right joy con with the stick and buttons swapped
@Nater no, but i do have a spouce who vapes in house and in car, and I have actually watched the Switch suck that shnizzit up in there, and at $300, yah, I can replace her lung, our insurance will cover 100% of transplants, but won't buy me a new damn Switch
i know that causes the issue but Nintendo can do something better than some kind of replaceable filter.
i was thinking of some kind of cooling system that does not require vents, like liquid cooling for example. but i am not sure of how to do that in a unit the size of the Nintendo switch or smaller.
i once managed to put a liquid cooing system in one of my older laptops, but it kept having hot and cold flashes. that would be horrible for a handheld unit. some people won't mind that kind of cooling system as long as the parts of the system don't start to warp over time due to heating issues. imagine the system going back and forth between 32 degrees and 87 degrees in less than 2 seconds every few moments. or worse both burning hot and freezing cold at the same time.
The poll results are depressing. What does anyone want in a console: "More power!" (Binford really ought to have got into the console business.) That's the specific death trap Nintendo's intentionally avoided since the 80's.
"he only thing that doesn't sit well with us is that such a device would totally change the core message Nintendo has been shouting from the rooftops with Switch; is it still 'Switch' if there's no switching between TV and handheld?"
Is a 2DS still a 3DS if it can't display 3D? Iwata was clear about "NX" maybe being a family of systems sharing the same OS and architecture. And Nintendo's been clear they want every member of the household having a Switch like 3DS. They've also been clear they recognize a $300 console isn't suited for that. Plus Pokemon is coming in 2019. It would change the core message, but they'd be changing the message 2+ years in, long after they cemented public understanding of the platform as a hybrid, and thus able to sell the Mini as a lesser version.
That, by far, especially with mainline handheld Pokemon moving to Switch, makes the most sense. A "New Switch" will happen at some point, but not yet, this rumor is for the very predictable budget form factor.
I want nothing. I like the Switch as it is (and my comment is number 127 - that's my hi-score).
Nothing. I don't want my Switch to become obsolete.
1) 4g internet with a dataplan rolled in.
2) Cameras for AR support and backwards compatibility with the 3DS line, complete with a 3DS cartridge slot. With a resolution bump, this would add new life to that line as well, perhaps adding cross-over 3DS software sales while baking 3DS hardware sales into Switch hardware sales numbers. Blurring that line might work for investors.
3) Pokemon Go Switch pre-installed. It's pokemon go, except single-player encounters are now based on the core pokemon games ruleset. Pokemon have moves from the game. Captures can be transferred to Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee.
Funny how people on here think I am a graphics elitist for wanting 1080p 60fps on cartoony games and then 43% ask for more powerful hardware...
@stevenw45 liquid cooling is a double edged sword, cooling is very efficient true, but it not only still requires a source of airflow to cool the liquid, the amount and speed of air needed to cool the is also dramatically increased, (just like a car radiator) otherwise, the liquid actually acts as an insulator, increasing heat retention (just like a car radiator with a broken fan belt), as you may have noticed on your laptop, so unfortunately, so no liquid cooling for Nintendo, they just need to help the air cooling system be more efficient and NOT suck in all sorts of stuf that will kill it
1080p undocked with more horsepower to run games at consistant FPS in TV and handheld mode plus a larger screen. I’d gladly fork over $400 for that.
I think almost perfect as it is currently but a standardized USB-C port so I don’t have to be a bit cautious with what I use to charge it would be nice. And move the ambient light sensor from the bottom of the display to the top or on both sides.
I would hope that Switch Mini is what we get, ideally it would be amazing to transfer my DSiWare/3DSWare to it and play my DS and 3DS games on it. I would sacrifice the 3D effect to have one gaming device.
@RadicalThe_Tay that light detector don't work for squat anyway
Three things: 1. Better Joycons (They have a weak connectivity signal if literally anything is blocking the Switch’s eyesight+ better analog sticks please)
2. Add folders
3. Bluetooth so I can use my apple airpods.
Other than that they should NOT make a Switch Pro and do exclusives. Also a Switch mini would not fit in the dock thereby making it no longer a Switch. Just extra upgrades and software details to inhance what they’ve already created.
A huge trade in bonus for the stupid early adopters and HDR function. And get rid of the online service please. I'm so pissed because of this. I don't want to pay for almost nothing
@jhewitt3476 haha yeah... that’s why moving it somewhere practical might help
Nothing, I'll just wait for the Switch successor.
BTW: How do you think, this mini Switch in the picture above could work with the dock? 🤭
i know that liquid cooling can be a double edged sword and whatnot, hence my joke about the hot and cold flashes. for now we have to wait and see if the "new" Nintendo switch will have a slightly better cooling system for if the "new" Nintendo ever comes (with or without are requested features).
It would be really cool if you could use the switch screen and your TV at the same time. Like in Zelda if you actually had something like the Sheika slate while you played the game! That would be awesome! I don't know how they didn't think of that.
Some stuff most smartphones have these days.
Bigger battery.
Gorilla Glass screen.
These are not hardware issues but...
The ability to back up saves to the SD card for free.
@Anti-Matter "1. WHITE COLOR !!"
While not an objectively important thing, that's all it would take for me to immediately go buy a Switch, as you're already aware.
Non-reflecting screen, more brightnes. Tighter fit of the joy con.
Add extra usb-c port on top, so you can charge Switch or play with wired controller on tabletop mode.
Better specs and battery would go a long way with me.
1080p LCD (only really dark games like Outlast would benefit from oled), higher capacity battery, higher performance, double internal flash storage.
waterproof would be more or less useless on an air-cooled device like Switch. They would still have to have the vents directly in to the machine.
an idea that might help everybody, could be....
instead of one single Nvidia Tegra X1, running at 1.02GHz, have two capped off, running at .75GHz, they would give most people the power they want and the system could cool easier
@sportvater ??? more brightness ???
I have to manually turn of the auto sensor and turn the brightness down on mine, maybe you should check your settings
To preface, the Switch as is and idea behind the hardware is marvelously fantastic, love the ability to swap play portable and on the big screen. It's not quite -perfect- yet though imo, there are nuances that could refine it to be more ideal (at least, for my style of gaming).
I'm wishing for Switch XL with wii sized controllers (be much more comfortable for single joycon use)... sacrificing some portability (and battery life) for a much stronger tabletop mode experience for local multiplayer gaming on the go. It'd be perfect for smash and the other couch co-op games coming out, and for such experiences, you don't need hours and hours of battery life, just enough to bring it to a party for 3~5hrs. I personally would pay up to $400 (per new, initial release price) for something like this.
The main other things I would like are a better kickstand with multiple viewing angles, and a non-reflective screen. The reflection can hamper outside play almost completely (at least here in very sunny Arizona).
I don't want a Switch mini, although some extra portability and a slightly more compact size would be nice, the joycon are already small (and hard to get people / nongamers going on, at times). If it's just built into the console, then you lose the flexibility which make joycon awesome (for single joycon play, motion controls, flexible positioning when not on console), plus if the buttons go bad the console is much less useful, whereas the switch you just replace the joycon then you're good to go (from a hardware standpoint). If you lose the dock-ability also, you essentially aren't a 'Switch' anymore, you're an advanced GBA. So, Switch XL is much more desired and consistent imo.
That said, is there any official word of a new SKU, or is that speculation? If it exists, is it for sure a Switch SKU? If not, couldn't it be a successor to 3DS instead, potentially?
More powerful specs,More powerful specs,More powerful specs
What we'd end up with if Nintendo listened to comment sections:
Not higher specs, we saw this with the 3ds and then a few new games only worked on the NEW one forcing people to upgrade the basically the same system.
I think the screen is fine, people are asking for 1080 which make no sense in a screen that size as you wont really see a difference.
Internal storage would be a great idea.
Either way..just..maybe finish the current version before you ship a new one. The UI is still missing some major features that people want, get that done first before you announce a new system.
"As a rule, Nintendo usually avoids boosting the power of its handhelds when producing iterative updates – the one exception is the New Nintendo 3DS range"
Oh please, did you forget the DSi? Bigger relative increase in power than New 3DS - though even fewer games made use of it.
(I think like four total? worth a look-see later)
As for the New 3DS it's been utilised in a plethora of games, that all made sure to have their own settings based on which iteration of the console was running it.
Not very unlike how the GBC (again a bigger relative increase in handheld power than 3DS->New) had a few GBC-only titles but also a bunch of cross compatible ones with the older GB machine.
It's too soon (as in late 2019 is too soon). Let the damn thing live a little. This isn't a booming iPhone that has to be reinvented each year or two. The Switch is 1.5 years old. Battery is ok.
The screen is wonderful - really don't care for improvements there. A spec bump would dangerously fragment the system (wait at least 4 years for that). All we really need is a decent software upgrade with themes, folders and at least one more system on the online service (GBA please).
A lighter model would be fine as that wouldn't damage the brand - and a bit more portable. Maybe a smaller model with non removable controls - AS LONG AS - it still can connect to a TV.
A small price drop could help rather than hinder the brand.
Bluetooth for REAL chat, keyboards, etc. Thats it. Otherwise it's perfect.
What is funny with this is how "Nintendrones" are deep inside of them.
How many time, right here, they explained to me that, WE DON'T CARE ABOUT SPECS, WE DON'T CARE TO HAVE A BETTER FRAMERATE, WE DON'T CARE TO HAVE 1080P GRAPHICS etc...etc...
And then, what is the most wanted stuff for a 2019 new Switch ?
MORE POWERFUL SPECS ! Muhahahahaaaaa...
Really insane the gamers of today...
1 TB of internal Memory
the power is irrelevant, it's good, but no matter what, it will NEVER be enough, we live in a greedy world, the Switch could have TWO "Core-i7" 8086K, 5GHz, 28 core processor and TWO Nvidia Titan XP 1.6GHz GPUs, 64GB Ram.........
and do you know what will happen ???
Those same people whinning about power will gather and.....
"In The Midnight Hour, They Cry MORE, MORE, MORE !!!
With A Rebel Yell Babe, They Cry MORE, MORE, MORE....MORE, MORE, MORE !!!!!!"
My hope would be VR. My bet would be on a mini version.
@Cheez Switch U! I like that!
Folders and Voice Chat!
@Cobalt You may have had a point, but having been on this site since before the Switch launched... I can tell you that there was a LOT of complaining, moaning and Nintendooming about the Switch's capabilities. You still see people thinking the Switch isn't powerful enough to run chat (despite the original xBox managing it yeaaaars ago). A lot of people wanting more power have always wanted it but just gone quiet when the Switch was a success.
I don't think developers have actually managed to tap into the Switch's current power yet - it usually takes time to get the most out of new hardware.
A couple problems you run into with storage and power. Flash memory is actually quite expensive,if it had 64 GB of on board memory, you could be looking at the Switch costing $400. Then there's people asking for 128?? Yea... Funny enough, you could buy a Switch now(with its 32 GB) and a 128 GB micro sd card and that's would be cheaper than what Nintendo would charge for a Switch with 128 GB. Seriously, micro sd cards are cheap, people.
Thing about power, once again you run into high prices, but also third parties would be interested in developing for the new Switch iteration and NOT the vanilla one altogether. Nintendo would probably support both, but you never know, they did make Xenoblade 3D exclusive to the n3DS.
I dunno, I understand why these improvements would be great, but people want more storage but would freak out of it was $400. They want this alleged new Switch iteration to more powerful, but don't want it to have any exclusives....
I would like better graphic and more ram so we can have some of the newer games.
Screen is fine, battery is ok but a bit more power would be nice.
I love the switch but it's always a little disappointing when new games are announced and no Switch version.
@jhewitt3476 LOL, so sadly true. And that was also Gunei Yokoi's point (without the lyrics ) that Nintendo's been following as a template ever since! As Sony and XB more and more directly compete with PC, it seems he was wiser than ever.
I think Nvidia already had the next version of the Tegra out when switch released, though it probably wasn’t available at the time switch went into mass production. I believe switch uses the original tegra, however looks like Nvidia is on Tegra 4 already
4K capability and bigger internal storage is all i want, really.
Already got the new TV, Pro and X. Now i just need to be able to play Ninti games in 4K.
I dunno about a "mini switch" i think i'd rather replace my 3DS for a completely new dedicated portable device.
I did get her a used 2ds xl. She wasn't given a brand new one, only a used hand me down system. Try giving her a case and she ended up using it for her toy not her system. It been a learning experience but i know she ain't ready for a switch yet. Maybe a couple years from now.
I want easy transfer. I have over 100 games on my Switch, save data included, so I want the transfer to be seemless and painless, even if I have to leave it on overnight.
Personally, I only really want the Switch's design refined & fixed so things like the catches don't break so easily. While I can see Nintendo upping the RAM a little, anyone expecting 4K resolution and a battery life longer than 5 seconds is kidding themselves.
Oh, and if Nintendo could start using the full USB-C compliance so dock's don't fry the Switch... that'd be nice.
My last post was for @Baller98.
There will be a snowball fight in hell before Nintendo cares to give us 4K. Just sayin' and for what it's worth I'm with them. HD Mario is more than enough for this generation.
Bluetooth and folders. That's it.
I wanna be able to truly go into the game, like sword art online. If they can't give me that then the switch is fine the way it is.
NINTENDO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T change the size! I don't want to buy more Joy-Cons or docks or cases or anything like that!
All I really want is better battery life, maybe more internal storage. I could care a whole lot less about graphics, and the screen is more than enough for me. But that's me. If the Switch wants compete with the Xbox Scarlett and PlayStation 5, it needs to be as powerful as the base Xbox One or PlayStation 4. Otherwise, Nintendo will be far below the minimum performance that developers want.
on another thread, i had mentioned that Sony and XB are already just disguised and restricted P.C.s and trying to make more powerful base consoles will be pointless, they will want to charge more money, but the prices of gaming P.C.s & laptops have dropped, and they offer far more, so people will eventually stop buying those consoles in place of computers and the software makers will go where the money is, both Sony & Microsoft's gaming section is in danger if they can't bring anything new and unique to the table, like Nintendo does,
I like the mini switch idea, especially adding the D-pad.
I still find it silly that the right joy cons have the analog joystick lower the buttons. It should be higher like the Wii-U. That should be changed or come up with 2 different joycons for preference.
@pedro2nr @17Eclipse07
The problem with a Switch mini (imo), is the screen is small enough as it is. Unlike the DS/3DS era, we're dealing with HD graphics with a lot going on the screen at one time. Some of the fonts and text sizes in Switch games already are a bit small to read as it is. And don't forget the draw distance we see from these open world games like Botw and Skyrim. Imagine that on a screen the size of PS Vita? The screen size we have now, is the minimum we should go for this level of portable graphic intensity.
I mostly agree. I'd like to see a bigger screen at the very least. Not something that increases the size of the joycon necessarily but at least minimizes the thickness of the current bezel.
Switch Mini, so I wouldn't have to upgrade so soon, but also so that they can finally retire the new Nintendo 3DS/2DS and focus their on-the-go experiences to be tailor-made for Switch.
"One-Switch" is very important, at least for the next 2-3 years. Start breaking up the system to have more powerful and less powerful versions would remove the rational for having a singular device for all your gaming needs (whether at home or on-the-go). But some people don't want or need the home console variation.
If they can buy-in to a TV adaptor later, they'd be more likely to buy the Switch. At the same time, by making Switch the focus of all their games, regardless of demographic, they can robustly support the system.
While it would be nice to have a Switch running on a more powerful Tegra chip, the Tegra X2 (and the Xavier by extension) is designed for a completely different sort of platform than the gaming tablets that the Tegra X1 thrived with. The X2 is laser-focused for smartcars, and is probably a bit of a "square peg, round hole" scenario for the Switch. When the Switch successor eventually comes, it's far more likely that Nintendo will commission a custom chip from Nvidia, one that's focused on the needs of hybrid entertainment devices.
As for upgrading the current Switch until then? I still haven't given up on a Deluxe Switch Dock that can give than extra boost in processing power to any Switch docked into it, and allow games to scale up to 4K on compatible TVs, etc.
Some games that aren't Wii U ports
A sturdier kick stand and a second USB port that isn't on the bottom so that we can charge it when in tabletop mode
it's not necessarily unrealistic to add about .40" to screen size by reducing the border area, the system would remain the same size and power consumption may only increase 5%+
This is just a guess based on zero evidence.
The new Switch will be able to take advantage of 4k tvs in some way, and with that comes the boost in specs. With how fast microcomputing is moving, and with how the Switch came out with outdated internals already, the can probably update chipset, update screen, keep the same price tag and drop the OG Switch in price.
I love my switch, but I don't see it staying relevant without a spec boost. The idea of taking ANY game on the go is far too tantalizing, but for that to happen successfully it needs to appeal to the publishers by closing the development difficulty gap.
Ultimately platforms are investments, and businesses are less inclined to make a choice of high risk/low rewards.
In a few years who knows what the landscape will look like. It's changed by leaps and bounds in 25 years, cloud games may become more prevalent in less than a decade making hardware much less relevant.
Hmmmm......what is that sound ???
I swear i hear singing again...
"In The Midnight Hour, They Cry MORE, MORE, MORE !!!
With A Rebel Yell Babe, They Cry MORE, MORE, MORE....MORE, MORE POWAH !!!!!!"
A VR headset for the switch could be nice, but i also think they could go for a standalone device like the Quest.
Now they can surely make an actually decent new "Virtual Boy" if they want.
I'd be good with that. But I'd really appreciate bluetooth headphone compatibility w/o a dongle.
Menu themes! Let me decorate the menu screen like the 3DS does! That's all I want.
Gpu to get more current gen games
@Turbo857 I don't consider Bluetooth a power gripe, that is a practical item which i agree with, The Switch already has Bluetooth, but Nintendo "bricked" it from all use save for the controllers, the dumbest thing I've seen since the live action Super Mario Bros. movie
How about an actual camera and a built in T.V. remote like the Wii U gamepad?
With games becoming increasingly more expensive to make, I've been wondering whether PS5 and Xbox Whatever will set any limit on parts of the tech. We've seen a few studios go under lately and cost of game production is undoubtedly fueling the unfortunate craze for microtransactions.
I'm thinking about how feasible it is for consoles to keep becoming increasingly powerful and whether we will reach a threshold. Nintendo must surely be aware, so it will be very interesting to see what they do. I'd like them to make a more powerful console, perhaps a dock only. But I think they will probably go for the mini because that is their niche. They could do both, I suppose, but that would definitely fragment the user base. Would a more powerful system sell enough units to warrant publishers sending their games to it? Especially if it still lags behind the competition?
For now, I think they need to add apps and folders, but they don't need a revision for that.
Boy did Nintendo Life open up a can of worms with this thread
@Sakura Read post #181
@Sakura I'd just like to add that while it's true some studios have gone under due to large projects failing, this isn't necessarily related to the rise in micro-transactions. Large companies such as Ubisoft & EA actually boast in their board meetings that their games make millions in dollars in profit before even taking into account the DLC, micro-transactions, loot boxes and pre-orders.
Yes, there are some smaller studios that go under or are bought out due to their name recognition.. but these are not usually the studios pushing out micro-transactions. A few companies actually throw valuable properties out for worse selling games that they can squeeze more micro-transactions into (EA actively killing first person properties & their studios).
Some developers don't just want some of your money.. or most of your money. They want ALL of your money & don't care if they make your game worse to get it.
@Turbo857: A switch mini could work if done properly. I don't think there would be any problem reading text or moving around in game. It would be HD. Plus i would prefer to have the mini for the kiddie rather than a 300 dollar switch. If they don't create a mini then they need to either 1.] create a slot for 3ds games or 2.] allow some way to transfer game data on the 3ds to the switch. I invested alot of money on my 3ds and games.
@Baller98: that why i say used. They already been broken in and worn down. Like something you buy at a pawnshop.
I would like a thinner model with better battery life and no fan.
I think a Switch mini would be a good idea, at least for my family. I do not have any desire to buy multiple switchs but if there was a smaller, cheaper version that played all the same games but didn't have the detachable controls or expensive docking station I could see getting that for my kids. They seem to prefer playing it n handheld mode anyways, even if the TV is not in use and they are sitting right in front of it.
I think if Nintendo wants to put a Switch on everyone's hands a Switch mini would be the best way to do it.
Whatever they do with the new model, I hope it enhances handheld play first and foremost. Whether they keep the joycons or get rid of them (a Switch Mini per the article) to bring the cost down, I don’t mind.
If it was up to me, I’d, use better screen technology to increase battery life -like they’re planning to-, drop the screen bezels but keep size and resolution the same. I’d also double the storage as a bonus. Those are rational demands from a Lite/XL revision, no?
Edit: and and AND...please let me choose my joycon colors if you decide to keep them! These are the cosmetic details we are looking for in a first revision.
@Luigi_Skywalker GEEZUS Skywalker, LOL, "Thinner" ???
a little unappreciative don't you think ???
It's only around a half an inch as is, when separated, the controls are actually a little uncomfortable after a while because of how thin they are, lighter i can understand, smaller surface area, for some people sure, but thinner ??? it's only as thick as my pinky tip, damn, get realistic man : O
@Ralizah That’s the dream goal, honestly. Xenoblade 2 running smoothly at 720p in portable mode. Maybe one day.
I really hope they don't do this, but of course they will. I guess better battery life would be nice.
Honestly I'd be happy with that Switch Mini listed in the article.
@they have stated the per person model, so I’d agree. I’d buy a switch mini in a shot.
I don't want to want any Switch revisions, so I hope they just pump it up with stuff that I can think would be nice, but isn't necessary. For example, pretty much anything they did for the DS and 3DS revisions. Nothing was a necessity, so I stuck with my original DS and 3DS and had no problems.
All 3rd party games
All 1st party games, including those from Sony and Microsoft
8K resolution
120 FPS mandate for all games
Nintendo pays us to play online
Anything less than this would be a miserable disappointment.
@jhewitt3476 The point wasn’t to show appreciation. The article asked what I wanted. That is what I want. My iPhone Xs Max is a fraction of the size with more computing power and has no noisy fan. You are entitled to your opinion as am I.
What I want from a new Switch would be:
-A better display (the one on the current Switch is very reflective in sunlight, bleh)
-More internal storage
-Bigger and more efficient battery
-More power (of course)
Even if all they do is bump it up to docked speed in portable mode with a more efficient cooling solution so it can handle it, then even that would be a considerable upgrade.
Just want games that aren't a muddy 720 and especially SUB-720 DOCKED.
Better screens, specs, and battery life sound good to me.
Digital Foundry did a guesstimate on the new SKU a while back assuming that Nintendo would possibly go with the Tegra 2 chipset which would be a substantial boost. They have already stated the two (Nintendo and Nvidia) plan to combine forces for the next few generations at least. It's not all that impracticable to assume that a new unit may provide more power boosting visuals of existing titles to 1080p and beyond using existing assets. At one point a new dock was assumed could just boost the resolution when playing in docked mode and then the console would remain the same when undocked.
It would be great for those (like myself) who are okay paying a little bit of a premium for a better experience that isn't fundamentally different than what the base console offers.
But on the other hand simply offering a more powerful console isn't a very "Nintendo" thing to do. Typically new features are the reason Nintendo pushes new hardware. So maybe 3D, enhanced resolution for VR, etc would be a more natural reason for Nintendo to push a new version. It'll be interesting to see what happens out of this if anything at all.
@dereq If Nintendo did a Switch Mini I would say it definitely would have non-detachable joy-con is the only way it could happen. Much like the 2DS from the 3DS, sacrifices have to be made in order to make a cheaper console.
@Dang69 That's only going to happen if a new processor is used like the Tegra 2. Doing so they could allow games to scale to the potential of each unit, so for example Doom would run at around sub 600p docked on Switch and then on "Switch 2" may push closer to 1080p/30 at best. Splatoon 2 would then likely go from 900p to a full 1080p, same with Breath of the Wild. Some games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe could then even potentially push out 4K 30fps especially if some clever techniques like checkerboard rendering or Nvidia DLSS is used. It'll be interesting to see what happens for sure as it will just offer more options for the "Switch Family" of consoles.
@bratzdoll I've run XBC2 handheld 90% of the time since I first got it and never had any problems or annoyances, curious
My wish list in order of priority:
1) Better battery performance...not by using a bigger/heavier battery but by using more efficient components and a better battery using latest advancements.
2) Bluetooth support for headphones and mics. It’s a shame they didn’t include this in the first place.
3) Double internal memory capacity. This will help when native file sizes of games might start to get bigger in the least we can surely save 1 or 2 large games on the switch.
4) A much better performance in docked mode (for graphic intensive games). Maybe this change can be done on the switch itself or they can release a new dock with its own GPUs that crank up docked mode experience. Frame rate drops should never happen in docked mode.
5) A lighter switch (same size).
@BEEFHAMMA I also LOVE top analog sticks!
The poll has spoketh. I wouldn't worry too much about splitting the fanbase if I was Nintendo, I would buy a 2nd Switch just for that alone. Just look at the games skipping the Switch for lack of power, and you can see it's a no brainer.
If one is happening, I'd like to see two sub-SKUs for a lower price for fence sitters. You have one that only works as a handheld (so a few games are out) as the joycons are anchored to it killing off motion games. The other would be one that again, no motion out of the box, but is a TV version only. In either case you'd be reducing the price not having the added motion parts of the controller, and for the handheld the dock is removed to drop the price too. In either case, the buy could opt into the other parts to make it whole later if they so choose.
What I do NOT want to see is them pull some GB->GBC, DS-DSi, 3DS-New3DS garbage with unique games only working because they bump up the Tegra to the X2 and double the memory and so forth. That would piss me the hell off and I think a lot of other current owners as it's too soon. A nice moderate internal change, like the GBA SP to SP 101 that's brighter, or a body change like I said (like how GB went Pocket or GBA went to SP or micro.) That would be the right thing to do.
Honestly, I don't think a better screen, a better battery, or more internal storage (individually or all together) would be enough to make most current Switch owners upgrade, and I don't think it would really convince someone who held off on buying a Switch to finally get one either. And if a more powerful Switch would be banned from getting exclusives, I think that probably falls in the same boat.
So the only ones that make sense to me are a "Switch Mini" or a cheaper model. Both of these would allow a Switch owner to get a cheaper second console if they needed one, and it would be a good way for non-Switch-owners to be able to play big Nintendo games in a low-cost, low-commitment kind of way.
i want the system to get so hot that i can cook hot dogs on it while im paying. #multitasker
No reason for a redesigned Switch. Just focus on making great games for it. That's all I want.
No changes to how powerful the system is but rather improvements in other areas. Like longer battery life, clamshell design and doesn't get hot when you put it in the dock. So pretty much like comparing the GBA and GBA SP.
The more I think about this the more it makes sense. The current model switch has a hardware vulnerability that allows it to be hacked. Nintendo is likely revising the system to close that security breach.
I would definitely say more powerful specs, first and foremost. It needs to be able to play the AAA games that are on their competitor's platforms. The main draw could be that you could play these games on the go.
And of course, with that comes a desire to have a better battery life and better storage. AAA games would no doubt suck up quite a bit of juice and storage space, so having more of both would be lovely.
More storage, more sturdy build, usual upgrades, and maybe more USB ports along with the option of using an external HD while docked....
same size, bigger screen - no borders, right to the edge. And better battery life
Don't make it more powerful, it's still relatively new, people don't want to be forced to upgrade
Wii/Wii U compatibility.
@Luigi_Skywalker if people want to hack or mod their Systems who cares, they are not borrowing or renting it, they own it, if i want to use it to play my mp3s or someone wants to make it so they can do whatever, who cares, no one's business
@SMW what way do you mean "Wii compatibility"?
@FourBs i have a feeling thats one of the main reason why their making a new model with better projection from hackers in general plus maybe increasing battery life.
@Angelic_Lapras_King a USB hub will solve your issue, I would actually rather have a slendered dock and a slendered or compacted power supply, I have a great case, and it is very compact and holds lots of things, but it would be great if i could put my power supply and dock in it
Of course this obviously was gonna happen at some point, knowing Nintendo’s history of revising their latest releases, but I think 2019 is too soon.
Previously I’ve been pretty lucky, jumping onboard the GBA and the DS train when the better models released, but with 3DS I upgraded from the first XL model to the ”New” 3DS XL. Not sure if I would do that if they inject more power into a ”New” Switch. But it’s more tempting to do that than if they just release a new smaller model or improved the screen or battery somewhat.
I think people are getting too excited (or upset) over this news. I really doubt they are going to release a higher performance Switch (but this is Nintendo, so who knows?). I'm guessing this will probably be improvements like battery, memory, and maybe more rugged, but I don't see them putting higher performance chips in it and splitting the library like they did with the 3DS. My guess is this is to quiet the technical complaints, but not really aimed at getting Switch owners to replace their consoles. And when it is revealed, the general reaction will be, "Oh, it's still just a Switch."
I would be happy with a form factor that actually fits in the hands of a 6’ tall adult.
Support for Bluetooth headphones. I want to use my Bose QCII's without the cords!
Anyone for some Nintendogs??? 🌭🌭🌭
@Katelyn1223 Smaller bezel means guaranteed scratched screen though. Where that rubber rubs is on the bezel right now.
Yeah screen protector....but still.
I want a more powerful Switch and I use it mostly docked... however I think a 3DS-replacement version of the Switch, however Nintendo can accomplish it would be best for the future of Nintendo and the Switch.
@rjejr I'm still thinking clamshell solves more issues, myself. That's because I'm not sure it will be possible to get much smaller and keep the price down and the clamshell design can make it more pocketable without reducing the mass too much.
No one wants a Switch mini . We all want Switch Pro or deluxe or whatever they want to call it.
Why? Because i said so
@aaronsullivan New Switch XL
Would make sense to put all the power in the bottom, thin screen on top, vent out the back, connector on the bottom, goes in the dock closed. Or, ya know, just screw that big overgrown ugly piece of plastic and have it to TV out via HDMI mini when you close the top and it's plugged in.
Do the Joycon slide off and on? They could as long as it's open, not while it's closed. Then you can fold it back like a notebook/laptop teepee style to play tabletop, screen would just have to auto upsidedown itself. Would probably stand up better than it does now.
Get on it, I'm good to go. Though with everything I just said it probably costs $350 now, so much for it being a cheap version for the kids. Still need my GBA version for $199 to throw into a backpack.
It's late, I'm tired, and my dryer just died with all my wife's clothes for work tomorrow in it, so sorry if I'm rambling more than usual, I'm delirious.
Gorilla Glass.
@aaronsullivan not going to happen this revise switch will have the same specs if you want it to be more powerful wait for switch 2 sometime 2022 or 2023.
closer to 2020-2021, acording to Sony, the next PS "won't be seen untill 2021", so id count on the big change then
I like my Nintendo Switch the way it is, I don't need another one
I was ok with the 3DS's getting larger screens, but, this is just perfect, the way it's designed, to expand the screen without expanding the unit, you would only gain about a third of an inch total, not worth it, and size wise, i don't want the unit getting any bigger, so I'm good with it as is
I add my vote in for a rotating kickstand for TATE gaming. That's been on my mind since buying my first vertical shmup for the system.
Well if you give the switch the ability to use its dock more you can really do some nice stuff.
Like have a HD that can store digital games for backup or swap out.
Or you can pop in a game card with the Wii / Wii U OS on it and have it access the dock for access to a CD-drive and have one of the MicroSDs function as the system memory for that OS.
Is short you can have a Wii with switch CPU, graphics and RAM
I would hate to see a "new" switch come out that is ends up being a straight upgrade to the previous, cause I don't want to feel like I just have an inferior product. I just bought my switch!
@Slitth an intriguing idea, one I'd be interested in as a Wii owner also, but unfortunately since Nintendo stopped support of ALL kind for the Wii in Jan, and they are worming the Wii U out by 2020 completely also, that's a nifty idea that will not come to fruition
I would like AMOLED screen and many new games
@Kriven the clamshell wouldn't work very well in dock mode, plus I'd really only be ok if it covered the analog sticks also, a "clamshell" design may be more feasible in the unlikely event they created a Switch Mini, the joycons would not be removable, so it could be a thing under that circumstance
More power/Ram. Improved storage capacity, maybe a better screen, but by no means essential, although a better screen could bring better battery life so maybe those things should be improved together. I think the power is the most important thing. When the Switch is able to have games release on it's platform at the same timne as the competition and the experience be the same or very close to without framerate and graphical compromise then the world is really going to wake up to this device. I know it is already great but the ability to run games and the porting issues are exactly that.
You're gonna think about me at E3 2019...
PS5 = Christmas 2019 !
and why do people keep asking for OLED ???
the benefits of OLED over others for screens this size are almost useless, the complete shutoff effect would only have a noticeable effect on contrast and crispness on larger screens like computers and tvs, even 8"+ tablets, but, the Switch could not take advantage of it, and the added price woul shoot it up to $400 easy, I don't think so
@jhewitt3476 nintendo stated switch will have a much longer lifespan so 5 to 6 years at most for it.
in a recent interview with Sony's John Kodera asking if the new PS5 will be a console or a "hybrid", he replied they have not yet decided and we are going to let the PS4 & Pro live a good life before we decide, you won't be seeing it until 2021 anyway
this was late September, any supposed "official" or "confirmed" reports of anything are rumor and supposition, so Dec/2019 ???
may be when they confirm what form factor it will take, other than that, don't hold your breath
Sony is not stupid... They know that if they announce the PS5 for christmas 2019, the sells of the PS4/PS4Pro are gonna drop heavily.
PR talk is a key to "control" the masses... ^^
PS : Trust me, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2 are all PS5 titles... There is no Sony Experience this year, I have my little idea why...
I'm convinces that 2019 is the year of PS5 and next XBOX.
Nintendo is stretched to the very limit now and we start to hear about a New Switch, more powerful etc...
Understand that the difference in horse power between Switch and PS5/NextXBOX will be insanely more important than now (and it's already a problem for 3rd party...)
E3 2019 is gonna be massive.
With a reliance on mobile phones, maybe Nintendo could piggy back mobile phone contracts and retailers could start offering phone / Switch contract bundles, or maybe free Nintendo Online etc etc. From a commercial stand point there is bloody loads you could do with incorporating mobile phones into the eco-system. Maybe the Switch Pro will offer a smarter solution to it's integration.
Wow, these Nincompoop alt accounts are everywhere.
Anyway, I guess I'd like a bit more power, and a better battery. I'd like Switch to not get a browser, youtube, netflix and all that other bloat. I'd like it to remain a 100% gaming only device. Sadly, we're going a bit away from that already, but one can dream.
I want it to be able to make pizza! I love me some pizza!
I don't want a new Switch. I want new, great first-party retail games on my current Switch. I didn't buy it for the Wii u ports and downloads. The downloads I can get anywhere, at better prices!
If I had to change anything at all, it would be battery life.
BUT. I don't want Nintendo wasting time and resources on an update that isn't necessary. Focus on first-party games - and quality first-party games. You've got third parties on lock. Get your stuff together and focus on the content that sells systems, rather than iterations of systems.
@SharkAttackU I had absolutely no issues with joycons after 19months and I have two pairs that I switch all the time
In general I am happy with what we have right now and the only thing I would really like is a screen that works better under sunlight. I was hopping for a specs version later in the day (one year after PS5) só it can be competitive with the new generation while backwards compatible with the current one.
I would prefer them to offer a dedicated home console with more power, as well as the switch concept. I never play handheld so the whole concept is wasted on me
More power
More internal Storage
A portable dock (or a HDMI port on the switch)
A cheaper model (to increase the user base and make the Switch as big as the 3DS)
I don't want a new Switch. Unless I can transfer my entire 3DS collection to it (and play the 3D games in 3D). Then I'd only need one system. Oh, also it should have a CD drive for my Sega Saturn and Gamecube games.
The real question about the new Switch is: will it blend?
@DanteSolablood So greed prevails. I'm not that surprised. I do find it interesting that consumers still spend vast amounts on micro-transactions.
@Cobalt even though I did not respond better specs I have to say that I believe most here would like better specs to have more AAA games and not because they are expecting to have a PS4 quality on the go
@Balta666 Yeah but PS5/NextXbox are around the corner now...
So, even if Nintendo boost the Switch, the problem still remains (and probably even bigger :/ )
The only way for Nintendo to succeed is to have a really strong catalogue of exclusives. You know, I have some numbers of the sells from March to end September, let me tell you that Nintendo can be grateful to the Japanese market because, in the US and even worst in Europe, the momentum is clearly over... :/
The simple reason is : the lack of 1st party exclusives...
@jhewitt3476 That must be on the minds of Microsoft and Sony and it will be interesting to see what happens. They do have ecosystems that bind people to their brands and they are much more plug and play than PCs, though it's not that hard to configure settings. The one thing that puts me off PC gaming is the forced updates in Windows 10. They nearly always break some of my software and I need to wait a week or more for patches, which creates a drop in productivity and potential earning. I try deferring but the PC just slows to an unworkable speed. I have a mostly offline back-up PC to get round the issue, but it really does drive me nuts. I just don't want to give anything more to Microsoft than I absolutely have to.
"PS5 = Christmas 2019 !"
That will NOT Gonna Happen !
"in the US and even worst in Europe, the momentum is clearly over."
NO !
It just Only Beginning of PS4 Fall Down, Nintendo Switch On The TOP Again.
Different choice for joycons
The screen so far is fine, if they really want to improve it, maybe an 8" reducing the black borders.
The of course anything in the list can be useful, more internal storage memory, little more powerfeul hardware, although it proved that great games already exists with this hardware.
I think people would appreciate more other accessories ( D-pad hint hint) and eventually some better features with the online service
@jhewitt3476 Well you may be good, and other people too, but you just know Nintendo is going to make at least 3 or 4 different versions of Switch.
There will be a smaller cheaper version to replace the 2DS for kids to play Disney Magical World and Paw Patrol with the Joycon built in so parents dont' have to worry about their kids losing them.
There will be a more powerful version to try and keep up with PS5, and they wont' wait 5 years for Switch 2, it will be New Switch.
A clamshell design would work for people who liked GBA SP, DS, 3DS and New 2DS XL. It will probably happen.
The Switch is a tablet, Joycon, and dock, lots of things Nintneod can do with it, and they probably will.
Tegra 4 is very old. The current Tegra chipset (used by Switch and Shield TV units) is the Tegra X1. Specs for Tegra X2 are detailled online, but the chip hasn't been made available yet (and I don't think a definite timeframe for release has been announced), so who knows.
The only way I'd see the Switch using the X2 (if available by 2019, which I think it could be) would be to make the unit a bit more energy efficient, as the X1 has a tdp of 10-15 watts, and the X2 seems to be rated at around 7.5-15 watts, so probably more efficient in low-power scenarios and probably more efficient as well for running the same tasks as the X1. I don't think Nintendo would allow developpers to make games that works only on the X2. Maybe make those games run better on the X2 (better framerates, for instance) but then that would probably negate (or diminish) battery life gains if using more power to improve those games.
But I'm no expert at this, and we don't have a lot of info, so really, who knows? Everything is just speculation at this point.
@Cobalt I don't disagree with you that sales this year are affected by lack of better first party support (even though it is not actually selling bad as it has topped us 3/4 times this year and it's software is selling particularly well) and it can in certain way be "fixed" by two major titles this holiday season (I am not interested in them but both are expected to sell on the 10M+ untill the end of the finantial year).
However you are ignoring that next year is building itself to be an excellent year first party wise ( and I am even assuming metroid prime is not 2019 anymore) and that should be the first year with bigger AAA support as they were not expecting for the system to sell well in the first place and started late.
I already said that in a comment here but I would prefer for a new revision with better specs to come only after PS5 to try to have the best specs possible at an affordable price (and keeping it backwards compatible as I would like to have a new iteraction only 2/3 years later than that.
@Audigore0733 In piece? That would be hard....considering I might lose one of the pieces.....
@Cobalt Stop, just stop. Stop trying to ruin people's lives with your nonsense.
It makes me a little sad to see 40% of users answer better specs. It would make development a right hassle, as devs would now have FOUR target configurations, for which a game must be optimized, instead of the already troublesome two.
And that's just for an exclusive title!
Making a console exclusive used to be all about working with ONE specification and one specification only.
We'll see come Christmas how "over" the momentum is.
never said they would or wouldn't make a clamshell version, all I said was that a clamshell would be pointless & unrealistic for a "FULL SIZE" version...
*it could only go over the tablet/base section
*it would dramatically increase the thickness
*it couldn't cover/protect the controllers as they would need to remain removable
*a new dock would have to be designed for the increased thickness, killing backwards compatibility, and if docked to an older dock while open, it would actually be dangerous to itself since the part hanging out would have a greatly increased risk to catch on or knocked over by things (raising the hight also makes it balance unstable)
*unless the screen is going to be put on the top portion, all it would be is a cover, since the unit would need to stay wide, that would leave a huge empty space in the bottom area
I did however agree that if there was a "mini" version with permanently affixed controllers, a clamshell would be a realistic option, but NOT screen on top, again, same problem, a huge empty space on the bottom, you might think that since the controllers would be permanently affixed, they could move them inward and have the bottom portion be the controller section, however, the button configuration would become cramped and very uncomfortable as well as many games (and many more to come) rely on actively using touch screen and controls at the time, trying to hold the unit with one hand while you touch the upper screen with the other, knocking the unit around would also be extremely uncomfortable AND frustrating
an already foreseeable issue with a permanently affixed controller mini is, some games coming up cannot be played in handheld mode, Nintendo has made it clear that Mario Party for Switch requires tabletop/docked mode to be able to play the games, so you would have to shell out an extra $60-$80 for extra Joy-Cons to be able to
play some games
I never argued they would NOT make revisions/upgrades, just the timing, there is nothing wrong with this version that requires an overhaul really, just minor stuff, the rear stand, Joy-Con locking mechanism, sealing the sticks from dust/debris, ect., so making a form factor change 18-20 months after birth would be suicidal and with the looming threat that the next Sony and/or XB could be a "Hybrid" also, Nintendo will wait to find out what they would be bringing to the table before doing a major physical and function overhaul, so sure, there may be a bug and issue fixed "New" Switch come the next few months, but don't expect to see any big guns until 2020-2021
they almost had a monopoly on the portable market for many decades, and the several revisions of the GBA/DS/3DS didn't really have any real risk of business loss to the PSP's/Vita's, so playing with them was not an issue, but now, even though it is "portable", it is technically considered as a "console" that is in DIRECT competition with two major competitors, so Nintendo cannot afford to experiment and make half a dozen versions, each company is now watch-dogging each other like never before and now, system design evolution is a major game of chess, Nintendo has made the first move..."The Fried Liver Attack", so things are about to become VERY interesting
@Mykillvee That might be an option, but not the one Ninty has taken before, remember New 3DS? and how long was it from PS4 to PS4 Pro? I bet it was way longer than 2 years.
@jhewitt3476 Sorry if I misread your statement. None of what you said, no matter how true or accurate it may be about the past, holds Ninteod to anything in the future however.
Nintneod made a 3DS, then a 2DS without 3D to play 3D games, even though the 3DS had a slider to turn the 3D effect off.
Nintneod changed the memory card type from SD to micro SD going from 3DS to New 3DS. Who does that? You needed to buy a new system AND a new memory card.
Nintneod made the Wii to play Gamecube games, then they very quietly dropped the Gamecube ports and Gamecube support without ever really announcing it, they just did it, no name change, announcement tor anything, poof the ports and memory card slots were just gone.
Nintneod then made a Wii Mini, in Netflix red no less, that didn't have ANY internet, even though Netflix was huge on the Wii.
And they bundled Wii Mini with Mario Kart Wii, the best online game on Wii. On a system with no online.
So you could be right, Ntineod might not do things, but you can never be too sure of what they might do, almost anything is possible with them, they do whatever the heck they want.
I don't disagree at all about your points, but as I mentioned, Nintendo's portables had no real risk of people getting mad and dropping them for Sony portables, so yes, they went "Games Gone Wild" on the handheld section, and they admitted the screw up with the Mini Wii, but all the time, they were on a different level of competition with Sony/Microsoft, they weren't trying to be an on par competitor with their systems, they were still being....Nintendo, crazy, unique, nifty, ect.
But now, they opened up "Pandora's Box", they made themselves a real threat to Sony/Microsoft, the Console aspect is almost on level now being able to play bigger better games and now game makers are flocking to port their games to this new system as well as put out ones optimized for Switch, that combined with the "Hybrid" aspect of the console, it puts it over the ledge, and standing on the same level of the hill as the others,
Nintendo has forced themselves into a corner, Sony/Microsoft will have to evolve or risk dropping out, and when they do, Nintendo HAS to continue to be a major threat or die, because, when (not if) Sony/Microsoft go to the next level with their systems, Nintendo will not just be able to say "I give up" and hope to fall back on a handheld only market, Nintendo forced console and portable to become one, so Nintendo would not be able to compete as a handheld only company with far less powerful systems, the people will just flock to Sony/Microsoft to have their more powerful and portable cupcakes and eat them too,
Nintendo will end up like Sega, making Mario games for Sony/Microsoft if they slack off,
Nintendo opened up this can of worms, now they HAVE to deal with the consequences
@jhewitt3476 I think all of the 3rd parties are rushing to Switch now with their old ports b/c once PS5 and Xbox 2 come out with their 4k games they won't be able to run on Switch, in either home or handheld mode.
Now nobody knows when PS5 or X2 will launch, and nobody knows when games will stop being made in 1080p and only in 4k, PS3 still gets a game here or there or so PS4 should have many years of gaming left. But at some point the Switch will be left behind.
And nobody knows if or when Sony or Microsoft will jump into the hybrid space, so that's something Ntineod will have to react to.
I dont' know what Nitneod will do, only that they will do something with Switch, probably something unexpected. And just bc/ they do, doesn' tmean they'll stop making normal Switch. For awhile I think you could buy 3DS, Nw 3DS, 3DS XL and New 3DS XL, and 2DS. So they could make a Switch clamshell, a Switch Mini, a New Switch, and sell them all at the same time for different price points. Price points are a key selling point, cheap systems to kids, more power for adults. I dont' think Switch, New switch or Switch 2 will ever get a 4k screen, but at some point we'll all have 4k tvs, so it will need 4k out. Maybe extra power in the dock, maybe a Switch "Pro".
But they won't drop the current Switch entirely, maybe some minor improvements, like 64GB memory to start, 32 is so inadequate.
I think you keep misunderstanding me, I have agreed with most of your points, Nintendo won't give up on current Switch, they will evolve new Switch's, all I was saying is Nintendo forced Sony/Microsoft onto the same chessboard as them, a double edged sword, because now they have to be more proactive with gaming system abilities, Nintendo can't try to back off, it's done, they cannot close Pandora's Box or they WILL die and Mario will be bouncing around PS & XB systems from now on
I don’t think a new version of the device will give Nintendo that more sales or keep up the momentum. I also don’t think the switch really needs a revision. What Nintendo needs now is better online experience with in-game-voice chat and getting rid of those old fashioned friend code-things. They might as well make people send the codes as letters and force people do game-chat vai phone calls. Also they need to make the online-service more desirable. Adding more games from varied platforms (snes, gba, gc) and other reasons for people to actually want a switch and the service (like discounted prices for digital games).
And the last thing: they need more and more quality games that no other companies have. That way more people want to own a switch. Maybe add some social media and other services besides games too (like youtube, netflix, etc).
If they do make a revision, I would not necessary want to see a more beefier machine as it might separate the old and the new consoles and the software. Also the screen is large and bright enough as it it. A better battery life would be nice, maybe trying to get like 8-10 house of handheld zelda-time? Bigger joycons with same rails so they’d fit to the old switch too. And maybe some joycons that have a real D-pad. The kickstand could use some improvement too, and maybe bump up the storage up to at least 64gb so any single game would actually fit digitally.
If it’s gonna be a switch mini (liking the idea) then make it smaller, ditch the joycons but make it so normal joycons and pro controllers can connect, lose the dock but make the system docable and allow people to share ther games & stuff between the two consoles. One to game at home (docked or handheld) and the other to take on the go.
True, but a Switch with built in DVD/blu ray drive would be a nice extra accessory.
If the Switch can support it.
First step to a cheap entertainment center.
I just need Netflix and the other service.
And the next step for a Wii classic OS game.
@jhewitt3476 Normally it's fine for me. Did turn it to manually as well. Would be nice to play it outside on a sunny day as well, though. The non-reflecting part would be more important to me.
@Pod I said " from March to end September"
@Balta666 I personally don't count on the "fake" Pokémon. I think it's gonna sell a lot in the beginning because the PokéJunkies are gonna buy 10 times each versions but seriously, I see a big slowdown after the 2 first months.
Smash is something else, even if I don't care about this game, I'm confident about the sells !
im more of a foot long guy myself...
I'm sure enough people have said it already, but Just no "New" Nintendo Switch Exclusives...
Mini idea without detachable controllers defeats the whole idea behind the Switch. I do not see this happening. Too many experiences are geared towards local multiplayer which is integrated into the very design of the Switch. So you buy a Mini and then have to carry extra controllers for every person that wants to hop in and play. I'm guessing the size of a Switch Mini + 1 extra controller would be about the dimensions of a standard Switch. If they are smart they will upgrade things life battery life, add proper voice chat, upgrade screen possibly. Make the current hardware more efficient if possible.
I just don't want to have to buy a new console. Have a downgraded 2DS like version as switch mini, thats great, more people can experience. But I bought a switch and I think we don't need a newer one anytime soon.
it is for this very reason, now I am not going to go for a Switch this holiday season. :/
I will kick myself if I get one now, and the new release has a better battery/screen/something I haven't thought of.
I will also kick myself if I wait till "late 2019" and it is a Switch SKU that was not worth waiting for.
I feel like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
Thanks for the great info, didn’t realise they’d gone from numbered to numberedX series chips
Probably same approach as Sony would be good if that were to happen where you can’t develop solely for ps4 pro.
I think the switch chip would be upgraded at some point in the future, but that could be several years away
Bluetooth headset support. Would very much like to just switch from my phone to my switch without pulling out a 3.5mm wired headphone set.
Additional hardware resources to be able to run background apps like cross game chat.
If we are going for a performance bump, adding HDR and 4k upscaling would be nice. Don't even need 4k.
Heheh, Mario Kart Wii might have been the Wii's best online game, but it was also a terrific offline game.
I would have voted for a change in form factor but your example implies that a smaller version should exist. The Joy-Cons are small enough as it is. I want larger Joy-Cons. I am sick of having to buy peripherals for nearly every portable system I own to avoid hand cramps.
I have give this some extra thought.
I do not see better spec as a Switch upgrade, but as a Switch 2.
So I do not think that we will see this in a Switch ½.
A better screen would be nice, but it would add to the cost.
So it will more likely be a Switch 2 feature.
More memory can be done easily without much extra cost.
Not by upgrading the internal memory, but the expandable memory.
MicroSD ports are not that expensive to make, so adding a few more should be easy.
Want 256 memory? buy one 256 card. Want upgrade to 512? just get extra 256 card.
If we want more battery time, then a power bank support or an external battery would do the trick.
And if we want a cheaper model a stationary version would do the trick. No screen and no big battery should lower the price.
And if you put it a robust case you can still go from place to place and game. You just need to find a TV and power outlet.
@jhewitt3476 I don’t personally care, however, Nintendo really really cares. They make a small amount on the hardware, but the bulk of their revenue comes from software sales. Also, they are pretty much against piracy. People play pirated games on the hacked Switch that they don’t pay for.
@Pod "but it was also a terrific offline game."
Terrific yes, but there were other games on Wii without online that they could have bundled the Wii Mini with. By bundling MKWii with the Mini it makes it look like the decision process was - 'Hey, Wii Mini doesn't have any internet access, what's THE BEST online game we have to bundle with it?". SMG would have been better.
I respectfully disagree.
The process is likely to have been "What do kids and parents like to play together? Mario Kart! Let's put Mario Kart in the bundle with the system for people who don't care about playing online, but enjoy playing together."
The mini wasn't really successful anyway, but in general, with over thirty million copies sold of Mario Kart Wii, I think it's pretty certain that and astronomical amount of people enjoyed it together on the same tv instead of bothering with online. I know my group of 10-15 MK playing friends and collegues tally in there, for what it's worth.
@Pod Well I suppose if you look at just the game your way makes sense. When it released I was looking at Wii as a Netflix box that people used to watch NF. They even made it red to match those ubiquitous NF envelopes that were in everyone's mailbox. But they left out the internet. On a machine that had VC, Nintendo, News and Weather channels, DS demo downloads. And online play. MK was just a small part of my looking askew at that console bundle, not the only reason it seemed off.
Maybe it was a good decision putting MK in the box, but it would have been an even better decision to give the Mini Internet access. Can't sell VC and Wiiware games on a Wii that can't get online.
Number one: a user-replaceable battery like the Wii U had. I will keep going on about this although I know it won't happen. But it instantly guarantees the longevity of a device when the battery is not sealed into the unit. ('Longevity' in terms of still being able to use the thing in twenty or thirty years time. Unless every game eventually needs online connection/downloads to work in which case I guess no games would still be operable decades after servers have been switched off, but that's another topic...)
But basically I'd rather they wait a bit before they release a successor because I've only just got a Switch!
@jhewitt3476 "Nintendo forced Sony/Microsoft onto the same chessboard"
Well I'm sorry but I'm really misunderstanding you now. We dont' know if Sony and MS will go the hybrid route. For all we know PS5 and Xbox 2 are mostly finished home consoles with just the final tweaks being made. Sony has said they are out of the handheld market, MS never got in it, and they wont' start now, they are already giving up on smartphones and playing nice with Android.
Dont' try to download the Win X update, they shut it down, too many problems.
I think Sony may settle in as THE home console and Switch as THE handheld console and they'll just play nice together. So Sony will play checkers, Nintneod chess, MS tic-tac-toe, no competition to worry about.
@Fake-E-Lee I also think that it's too soon for an actual upgrade. I feel we need to give developers time to get things from the units we already have. The rush to more power is making some developers lazy in my opinion. Often releasing poor unoptimised code.
The are some key games that have proven that we have enough power here already.
However if they use better hardware that can make play smoother but not lead to a split of user base. I'd be OK with that. To attract more people.
I find it strange that companies like EA are not releasing MADDEN /NHL / NBA I feel FIFA has proved there is a market for sports games on switch. I'D Accept an adapted FIFA19 engine MADDEN 20 and am sure many others would too.
Also Sega could clean up with some of their bad ck catalog of racing and action games. I would wager that there is a good portion of switch owners that are also Sega fans.
I'm surprised how obsessed the seem to be with Sonic, when they have such a vast catalogue of great games.
I'm sure giving the Wii a WiFi receiver would have giving it more life.
Maybe they thought they would cut it to the core, and get away with it. Do away with the motorized slot-in drive, GameCube ports/compatibility, WiFi module, separate vertical stand, it doesn't even have an SD-card slot. It's shaved down even further than the Wii Family Edition, and had it taken off, it would make good money.
BECAUSE: Nintendo's online indeavors on Wii weren't making them a lot of money. And fun experiments like the weather, news, astrology, and Everyone Votes channels weren't proving poplular with the intended mass audiences anyway.
A system like the mini would require users to buy boxed goods, which Nintendo enjoys, and it was vertually unhack-able to the common user, launched at a time where piracy for Wii was rampant anf very accessible to new owners.
The color red comes from Nintendo's Mario branding, that was entirely red for the Wii as well.
I understand the decision making all the way, but they underproduced and undersold it, and they perhaps made a mistake in thinking the Wii U would be more important to focus on that extending the tail life of the Wii.
@rjejr Wow. Late to return to this subject. I'm generally very busy right now. My thought is that there are no removable controllers on a 3DS targeting Switch.
I'm really not sure what Nintendo needs with this refresh, though. Maybe, it is simple. Maybe it is just cost shaving and the functionality will be almost identical but swapped out for cheaper convenient parts with one key feature to make it feel like an improvement. Like that screen that was mentioned. The goal being just a small price drop.
If it's meant as "second Switch" or for the family, they could leave the dock out (and probably the charging cable in some countries).
That way they could knock a good $50 - $75 off, maybe.
I'd prefer the one targeting 3DS users, or (only in my dreams) the beefy powerful one.
@PrincessBowsette Right, right. A more powerful Switch is more what I want not what I expect.
@aaronsullivan "Late to return to this subject."
Sometimes I feel like this is our most important subject, what to name the Switch Mini Lite Boy Advance Go.
I turned my Switch on tonight, wanted to see if the clearance Joycon I bought at Target held there charge for a week without being plugged in. Everything seemed ok so we're keeping them, now I just need some games to play, so they can keep their hardware revisions, give me Netlfix or Amazon Prime or Sling or Philo if we aren't going to get games to our liking. Well my kid does like MP10 but even he doesn't think it's worth $60, that's a $30 or $40 game for him.
@Pod "a mistake in thinking the Wii U would be more important to focus on that extending the tail life of the Wii"
Oh yeah, I forgot that one. You can add to all my problems with the Wii Mini the problem with the fact that at least in the stores I shop in having the $99 Wii on the shelf next to the $349 Wii U was also a bad decision. The Wii Mini looked nice enough and new enough from the Wii that people were probably tempted, and the Wii U, well nobody knew what that was anyway, "A Wii with a Gamepad in the box?".
They didn't launch the same day or week but they were close enough,a t least here in the US stores I frequented, that I think it may have hurt Wii U Sales in the beginning. Still no Wii U Mini though, not with all the Wii U games being sold for $60 on Switch.
Haha, but Rjejr, the Switch -is- the Wii U mini!
@Pod "the Switch -is- the Wii U mini"
@jhewitt3476 To play both digital and physical Wii and Wii U games with full support for the Wii remotes and peripherals including a Wii U gamepad.
I can't see anything other than superficial changes, like a better kick-stand, more internal memory (128gb would be the max they'll do), and battery/screen improvement. Nintendo don't like making their existing user base feel left behind.
What do you want to see most on next year's rumoured Switch refresh?
1.A better screen
Not if it cost more....current screen I have no issue with it's the small detail become harder to see in smaller screen that is across the board.
2.More powerful specs
Make it 1080ti...not consider the heatwave you'll get playing BoTW. More doesn't equate to better gaming without consequences. Forgot battery drains with more POWER remember that.
3.A change in form factor (EG: Switch Mini)
Not going to happen they will split hairs and kill the NSW brand.
4.A bigger battery
As long as it still fits into the current NSW and doesn't explode or go into Nuclear we've seen as of lately
5.More internal storage
At least 512gigs - I can live with that. Especially true for Digital only gamers.
6.A cheaper model
Called a New 3DS XL....they be shooting themselves in the foot and ruining the NSW brand.
A Switch Pro would be nice with 4K support, better graphics and battery life as well as better storage.
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