As long as YouTube videos have been the behemoth of entertainment that they are, videos of people opening boxes full of stuff has undeniably been the zenith of perfection through this particular artistic medium. The smell of the tape, the thrill of that first flap swinging open to birth its sweet contents; yes, there's nothing like an unboxing to get the blood pumping or catch the eye of someone you fancy.
So when Capcom ferried over just such a cuboidal vessel, we felt it absolutely imperative that we record the entire event so as to document this moments act to inspire future generations. So please, allow yourselves to take a moment from your hectic lifestyle to breathe deeply and indulge in the calm audio-visual splendour of a man opening some cardboard full of Monster Hunter stuff. Thank you Capcom, and thank you, the viewers, for joining us on this momentous occasion.
Comments 15
Rubbing more salt into the wounds that we don't have underwater monster hunting anymore.
Bet it was intentional!
God, what a load of garbage.
A few of the items were decent enough, as in not just cheap crap, but this is the kind of junk we're literally destroying the planet for.
@impurekind I am not sure if you are serious or just trolling
If it's the first ask for help. Plz
Capcom UK must be desperate. Too bad they didn't send merch to sites like GoNintendo. Those guys are awesome when it comes to reporting on factual news..
you're one of those rare fellows out there that look better without a beard. great vid tho
And this is how you buy good reviews, positive articles and top spots in "Monster Hunter Games Ranked Worst to Best" lists!
@SonOfVon I hate to tell you this, but almost everybody looks better without a beard. I can't wait for the current beard fad to be over. It's horrible.
Share the wealth, run a comp!
Is Leon Kennedy on the box a hint that we're getting the Resident Evil 2 remaster on Switch?! That would be awesome!
@ozwally That would be absolutely amazing. I haven't played the original RE2. I have it preordered for PS4 at the moment but will cancel in an instant to play it on switch instead.
That was cool of them to send some MH trinkets.
The MH division at Capcom has always been good to their fans. Always listening, always with the merch... total respect.
@arpaktiko Hey, you can disagree with my point if you like, but it just makes you ignorant. Companies are mass-producing this garbage and most of it isn't even justified as being good or cool at the very least. It's largely just utter throwaway crap that will be chucked in a corner and forgotten about minutes after something gets it, and these companies really shouldn't have bothered wasting the finite resources of the planet to create it in the first place. I mean, seriously, what was that utter crap plastic monster-purse-looking thing? We're destroying polluting the planet . . . for the sake of peddling crap like that to a bunch of morons. If we're gonna ruin the world for products then, Christ, at least make something frikin' decent that someone could argue was at least cool or useful or fum . . . or something. But that is literally just landfill in the making--and it should never have been approved and put into production (which is true of a lot of the stuff in that box).
It was a great game, my favourite RE, me and my cousin played the demo to death on PS One. I think it was a timed demo, 20 minutes, and we tried to get as far as we could - good times This is one of the few games I've actually completed
@ozwally it looks great. I've finished the remake of Re1 on GameCube and also code veronica, revelations and I believe another back in the day. I'm not crazy about the monsters they've used in the new ones like revelations so I really hope they bring 2 to switch. I'd love to go all in on some zombies again Like RE1.
I need that Felyne hat.
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