If you missed it, earlier this week the season six update arrived in Fortnite, adding new items and pets to the game. That's apparently not all, though. Kotaku reports how players have noticed the new Calamity skin in the game has an "undeniable jiggle" when the character performs the jubilation emote.
It became more publicised when a streamer shared a short video via Twitter, with other fans of the game quickly noticing the changes as well. A spokesperson for Epic Games called it out as a development mistake and said a fix was on the way:
This is unintended, embarrassing, and it was careless for us to let this ship...We are working now to fix this as soon as possible.
When asked about how such physics could be unintentionally added to the latest update, the spokesperson did not elaborate.
As explained by Kotaku, this cowgirl skin is one of the two main new character skins within the latest update. This particular skin unlocks in the first tier of the paid battle pass and as you collect XP you unlock more new outfits, emotes and cosmetic bonuses.
Have you played the latest Fortnite update? Did you notice this? Are you also wondering how this made it into the latest version? Tell us in the comments below.
[source kotaku.com.au]
Comments 99
It was intentional by someone on the staff otherwise it wouldn't have made it in!
I didn't even notice myself. Mostly because the only thing I notice from my opponents is them shooting me in the face and my character's backside... which I hope /never/ gets jiggle physics, to be honest... XD
Probably a prank be someone in the staff, I am really trying to think how this could have happened unintentionally, so probably a prank.
Aww poor PC world.
Decency in video games has declined once again.
Lol it's taboo to make something more accurate.
I don't bother trying to make sense of things anymore.
Won't someone please think of the children?
Personally, as long as it isn't exaggerated and keeps to within the laws of physics, I'm fine with it.
I'm all for removing it.
Kids need to be protected from this barbarism while enjoying their game of shooting other people in the face...
Maybe someday i'll understand this sheer and utter fear of the female body...
It was a wardrobe malfunction
I don't see what the problem is. It's somewhat realistic to the point where I barely even noticed it. Definitely not a "Chun Li in SFV versus screen" level jiggle. This is more like a side effect of maybe trying to apply cloth physics.
Yeah, a little bit of jiggle is going to scar millions of young girls and turn all young boys into serial rapists. Good that games like Call of Duty or the billion other shooters they play don't have worse things in them.
"Unintended", but appreciated.
The puritan censors strike once more. Its like the 90s moral panics all over again.
Worse. These idiots today try to censor everything. In the 90s it was really only Mortal Kombat that freaked everybody out.
I don’t know, man... I feel like the clothes she has on and the moves she makes justifies the physics we see...
Personallly I think people are way too easily offended today.
@Gamer83 - As someone who had to live with MAGs (Mothers Against Gaming) in my town growing up, where they chased off Gamestop from opening twice, I can say it wasn't just Doom and MK that got them flustered.
It took a new coat of paint. Instead of censoring for morality and the children, it's for ethics and the sensitive.
I haven't seen the degree of jiggle on display here (gee that felt strange to write) so I can't speak as to whether it should be removed or not. Assuming that it's not DOA6 levels of jiggle then I think there isn't much of a problem. It's just a natural effect of gravity on the female body, after all.
Eh, it’s not something I’d want to see in my games by any means, but it’s not the end of the world. I think it’s good of them to remove it, and I can see how people would be offended by it, but it’s really not that huge of a deal. Mountain out of a molehill.
Does it matter either way? Like I could care less which way this went I'm surprised its actually becoming news and people have to apologize for it.
I didn’t even read the article and scrolled straight to the comments.
Why even bother to fix this. It's fine and no exaggeration stupid of them to say it's embarrassing and who'se even complaining? I don't think anyone complained and why should they?
@AlternateButtons A man of culture
This just looks bad and I could see accidental but also not worth being upset by.
Suuuure it wasnt!
And.... why? Looked up a clip, didn't see anything that wasn't realistic. Boobs exist, get over it, it wasn't even fanservicy.
The type of person that would complain about this probably hasn't even played the game and just saw the post on Twitter. If they are so offended by realistic jiggling boobs then surely they'd be even more offended by being shot in the face and tea-bagged?
Sick and tired of this tiny minority of backwards people getting their way in all walks of life. Screw the 99.5% of normal folk as long as the 0.5% are happy.
As someone else wrote here, this is an article and a subject intended for children aged 9 and below.
I am more concerned about the performance issues that still continue in the Switch version.
Getting sick and tired of my shots not registering half the time.
I mean I haven't seen it because I haven't played Fortnite in a long time but... boobs move. What's wrong with that? Is the jiggle like, really strange or unnatural or something?
Never had to deal with that, sounds like it must've been pretty damn annoying. Worst I saw was a couple of my friends who weren't allowed to play DOOM because their mothers didn't like it, and my aunt didn't want my cousin playing Mortal Kombat on the Sega Genesis withe blood code input. Of course, my cousin went and entered the code anyway.
In truth, I haven't seen any complaints about it either. I have seen people on twitter, lots of women actually, making fun of Epic for its hilarious response. What most likely happened is the moralist idiots at Kotaku, Polygon and a few other mainstream websites saw this, lost their minds and started pestering Epic. Being the idiots they are and living in the bubble that they do rather than pulling their heads out of their backsides for two seconds to join normal people in the real world, Epic overreacted and gave us this lovely situation.
What? Fortnite has jiggle-physics!? Time to give it a shot.
So shooting people is cool but people's bodies need to be censored?
...what a healthy message.....
This comment section is a big ol' yikes from me.
The artist who made the character and skin did nothing wrong.
A women with this kind of outfit and proportions will look just like that when doing such a move. I can't see the problem, it's just realistic bouncing.
If that is a problem for someone, then you should remove the whole character or outfit. Remaking unnatural and stiff breast bouncing is even more desturbing to me.
Give the character a tight sports bra, and leave the physics alone!!!
As if women jiggle in real life. Fix this rubbish Epic.
Honestly, if this is offensive to you, are women offensive to you too? We have boobs, they bounce, unless you squish them into a sports bra, and even then...! If you can't handle this in a game world, I hope you never have to come across boob jiggle in your day-to-day life. You know what would make it more realistic? Boob sweat. Underneath, and in between. If they jiggled and her shirt got a little stained under the boob over time - that's a character I can relate to!
Man, lotta salty people in the comments. Didn't realize people cared so much about their precious boob physics.
@lillith Men jiggle too!
Next up: no more moving feet, some people may feel slightly uneasy at the sight of feet moving. Keep shooting at each other though, nothing wrong with that, it's what humans do.
@Gedgenator Yeah, most likely story is that someone did it as a joke in development and forgot to remove it before shipping.
Or they wanted to see how fast would people notice.
Hahahahahahaha Hilarious 🤣😂
@GrailUK Excellent!! You get jiggle physics! And YOU get jiggle physics - you ALL get jiggle physics! — Oprah Winfrey
Leave it in on all females. Adds to the realism. Looks great if u ask me
Breaking news, Nintendo Life reads that Kotaku saw somebody on Twitter has seen boobs move for the first time in his life and got all excited. Which in gamer land is bad for the kids, who aren't allowed to see how half of the world's population appear physically and should only be shown constant shooting and death instead 😁
People thinking this is a "Ess jay double you" deal, lol.
@Mew No problem... Deleted.
They ought to save the jiggle physics for the sequel: Foreplaynite.
I nearly freaked out when I saw this jiggle. I immediately called Epic when I noticed this almost unnoticeable bounce and yelled at them intensively. We've been trying so hard to keep our innocent son away from these curves of lust. At last it's fixed, now he can safely continue to massacre other people. (In case you're wondering, yes our son is only allowed to marry flat girls or other guys)
@KirbyTheVampire Yeah, apparently people want 'realistic' physics in a game that isn't even trying to be realistic. Kind of pathetic, actually.
Unless these girls have Dead or Alive physics, where their knockers are filled with Jell-O and helium, then there's nothing to fix. Boobs don't just stay in place, and devs shouldn't feel the need to save face when someone gets triggered over something so blatantly insignificant. Just keep it in and ignore the whiny 12-year olds that play this game.
@Shane76 Who tf doesn't?
Gosh, Epic are really getting good at putting unintentional bugs in Fortnite. I can't remember the last time they updated the game and didn't break something. This boob jiggle fiasco seems like the most harmless and non-game-breaking 'accident' they've introduced so far. I think anyone offended by this has serious issues with the female anatomy.
@KayFiOS Did people complain? It's not in the article, and most people in the twitter thread seemed pretty on board with the update. Maybe we're missing some large-scale reaction that isn't covered here (please tell me if this is the case), but it seems like the emote got attention and then Epic stated their intentions to change it.
So who got 'triggered'? Isn't it possible Epic just made their choice and we should respect that?
@turntSNACO I read the title of the article, and went straight for the comments, because how much does the article really add? It says people were starting to notice the jiggle, but doesn't go into any more detail on whether the reaction was positive or negative, and why would Epic feel the need to change it if people weren't complaining? No way this didn't make it into the game on accident, because someone has to test models in-game to make sure they function properly; rigging models to bonesets is very much a thing in 3D games, in case you weren't aware, and if handled poorly, animations can look weird at best, nightmarish at worst.
First, it cannot be “unintentional “, it’s a feature needs to be manually implemented. Second, there’s nothing wrong with it, this apology is BS.
How to fix wobbling mammaries? Give them bras?
I could be wrong, but I thought there was already real world physics that were applied to the racer wearing a helmet and black tank?
Apparently cooties is the weapon that breaks the game? Don’t see why this is a problem. Are folks afraid that someone will go attack others with a pickaxe to see if their bodies shake?
Breasts bounce. There's nothing embarrassing about this. Just needless, completely mindless censorship.
@KayFiOS Can't speak to the animation side of it, but there's a good comment chain on the Kotaku article where people who know more than me discuss how this could've been accidental. Maybe they're wrong, I can't say either way.
From Epic's PR standpoint, the game's player base obviously includes a lot of children. I'd imagine they wouldn't like the optics of been seen to include sexual content aimed at said children. Whether this qualifies as sexual content is a whole other discussion of course, but Epic doesn't need a bunch of parents reading articles about Fortnite trying to be sexy (whether it's true or not). "Ignore the 12-year-olds" is not a sound business strategy when those 12-year-olds are why you're making money.
Mainly the point I want to make is that there are other explanations besides "triggered" twitter activists or whatever. Something like this doesn't have to be a battle line in the gaming culture war.
@lillith Thank God we need more women speaking up, because seeying all these men trying to “protect” women and children from the most natural thing is tiresome.
As a men, why fix something that looks good? Give me 1 argument that doesn’t make you sound like a douchebag.
thank god Kotaku were on the case to flag up this unwanted boobery & objectification. both they and I respect women far too much for this sort of immature content.
"When asked about how such physics could be unintentionally added to the latest update, the spokesperson did not elaborate."
Looks pretty realistic to me
@turntSNACO ...Yeah, that's fair. I was probably too quick to point my finger at SJW's (not completely unwarranted, they do some stupid crap, nevertheless it makes me no better than them when I haphazardly jump to conclusions), and maybe when I'm a dad, I'll think about how these things affect gaming for children more. Still, I'm not going to read the comment chain. I avoid Kotaku like the plague for personal reasons.
I hope the unintended part is that they now add jiggle physics for all females and they make it even more pronounced just to mess with people.
@Shane76 that whizzing noise above you was a joke, but if you turn around you might just see it flying off into the distance
@dougphisig I hope all the male character models also now get jiggle
@Gamer83 - I agree, it's much worse than the 1990s. Back then there was an attitude that games were for children, which may have been misguided, but I can understand some objecting to Mortal Kombat etc. Nowadays the censorship is political, with the internet allowing vocal activists to have their way.
@KayFiOS Thanks for sharing a productive conversation with me here in the comment section under an article about video game boobs. 2018 is weird.
@Mew Well, its a fair asumption since SJW's tends to want these kinds of things censored.
I mean, it depends what the physics applied are. If it's like DoA that has a slider for "Jiggle: Off/Realistic/Classic (elastic water balloons)" that's not really appropriate. if it's using the actual physics engine, isn't the quest to make everything look like real life in which case body parts of "ugly bags of mostly water" that is us humans tend to move, as we are not animatronic wax figures. DoA does it in the extreme to highlight "hey! Look! Boobies!", but human body physics simulation would make sense in photo realistic games, otherwise. Fortnite isn't photo realistic, but it's at least simulating a form of realism. Not saying it should be added but reaction that it can't be added and that characters must remain static and artificial is also weird and unnatural looking."
Of course it's 2018 and everything must be in extremes. Either all humans are made of Labo and are entirely a rigid composite, or female characters are surreal bikini models to view their DDD's bouncing like sea buoys in a typhoon.
Even right in the middle of the Kavanaugh debate, gamers still manage to remain entirely behind the times.
@NEStalgia Hit it right on the head. Realism is fine, DoA/boobception is not.
I like this site and I'm not usually one to complain but this isn't really newsworthy. I fully expect this type of crap to show up and stay on Kotaku and not pop up on Nintendolife.
@Gamer83 - My mother was pretty ostracized for her being for games. Always believed context of content before turning around and pointing fingers. Though, hindsight, her running a fetish shop was not exactly swaying any prude to her favor.
But stepping back and looking at the now and the then... it's scary how much parallels are made between the two thought processes.
I can't stop laughing. The video actually looks like the cowgirl needs to use the restroom, when she's facing directly forward. The jiggle is only noticeable. Such a non-issue. Maybe Epic is concerned about the optics of this?
More than likely, they're probably concerned about this because if it was kept in Kotaku and Polygon would roast the game every time they write an article about it. What these idiots don't realize is that normal people, who make up the majority, don't care what the morons who make up those websites' staff and community think. If anything articles that crush a game for 'controversial' stuff like this usually end up helping sales. I don't think Mortal Kombat ever would've gained the notoriety it did in the 90s without the constant articles sending up moral panic about its over the top violence. GTA was thrust into the mainstream because of people losing their minds over kids being able to commit whatever crimes they want in the game without penalty and I can guarantee Dead or Alive never would've found an audience (because it's no where near as good a fighter in the gameplay category as the likes of Tekken, Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter) without all the articles b*tching about fan service. These devs need to stop listening to the overly sensitive crowd who usually don't buy games anyway.
@Gamer83: I agree with you; news coverage has indeed helped many games, and consoles.
Something about it looks weird. But either way she may need more support of she going to be this active.
I was expecting something really extreme. This is a total non issue...
Yea the jiggle physics were intentional. I don't see how something like that could be regarded as unintended. I wish we could just ignore all of this PC garbage and just play games and have fun, but now we have to deal with people slandering spider-man for helping the police, getting offended by insulting literal demons, and people getting upset over things that don't even impact the gameplay.
The split second jiggle in The Incredibles (you know which scene) is more noticeable and erotic than this removed animation.
The problem here is that in the game murdering everyone until the last one standing is alright and encouraged but stuff like this caused an uproar.
Reminds me that time in Miiverse (RIP) someone asked why Fatal Frame 5 is still rated M if the swimsuit costume is removed in western version. Apparently many people think that blood, gore and depressing things like human sacrifice and suicide are wholesome family entertainment but swimsuit is the evil. And I also found out Miiverse banned the word 'suicide'.
So we've still got daily stories on this one.
Can't wait for the next undeserving phenomenon.
but they DO jiggle....
I can indeed echo the sentiments of many here and confirm, yes they do jiggle.
@OorWullie "Screw the 99.5% of normal folk as long as the 0.5% are happy."
99.5% of people are not on your side on this. Most players of this gamep are now genuinely "normal folk", the vast majority of them don't know what jiggle physics are nevermind care about them. More to the point a significant female proportion of the player base may well find this sexism off putting. (If there were jiggling cod pieces then this wouldn't be sexist but there aren't.) Your assertion that every one agrees with you is the product of what they call a social media bubble.
Epic have a very successful game on their hands that has achieved mainstream success, they need to go beyond the core "horny teenager" demographic.
What's "embarrassing" is that they're commenting on it at all, when their position on the matter is this weak.
Anyone who complains about jiggle physics need to set their prioritities straight. They clearly have never seen a woman walk or move around in sudden motion, it happens in real life so why complain about it happening in video games? So stupid.
Of course it was intentional considering Fortnite's target market, and the change almost certainly passed through multiple layers of approval within the company. You'd be naive to think otherwise.
So If my son watched a woman’s tennis game on TV, is that now rated pg13 for boob physics?
"Oh wow, we don't know how that got in there! Maybe there was code from an SNK fighting game on the same computer and the jiggle just spread like a virus."
Whatever Boob did this made it the Breast update EVER!!! I mean it's so titilating!
I thought boobs jiggled?
Funny how these physics only affected the boobs. Not bums, or manboobs. I mean, I'm a male of average weight for my height and even my boobs jiggle. It's fun.
"Why fix an improvement?"
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