
Update: The rumours were true! A 2018 Indies Highlights presentation was shared by Nintendo of Europe at the time expected. You can check it out right here.

Original Article: It appears that a brand new Nintendo Direct presentation is on the way very, very shortly, airing later today to present a new wave of Nindie titles.

Close sources of Nintendo Life have revealed that a brand new Nindies Direct presentation could well be happening later today at 5am PDT / 8am EDT / 1pm BST / 2pm CEST. If that isn't enough to convince you, a strangely high number of indie game developers have been tweeting hints and teases of news coming up at that time later today. Read into this what you will.

We'll make sure to keep an eye out for any official announcements of this presentation over the next couple of hours, but make sure to be prepared for a surprise Nintendo Direct later on.

What would you like to see?