During the same chat with GameSpot about the Switch version of Diablo III, Blizzard senior producer Pete Stilwell shot down hopes of StarCraft 2 being ported across to the platform.
The Nintendo 64 version of StarCraft was cited as the reason why Blizzard likely wouldn’t make an attempt to port the insanely popular RTS across to Nintendo’s latest hardware:
The N64 version of StarCraft was cool but you had to change the game quite a bit to make it work properly on console… StarCraft 2 is next level requirements from how much dexterity you need with a mouse and keyboard, so I think that would have been a very difficult port. It would have [to] change the core gameplay.
Considering Starcraft 2 is still exclusive to the PC many years after its original release, this response isn’t all that surprising.
Overwatch appears to have better chances of a Switch release, given the fact Stilwell said it was "feasible" and it’s already been made available on other current generation console hardware.
Would you like to see StarCraft on Switch? Do you think there's a chance it could be released on modern consoles? Tell us below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 53
Until the Switch sells 20M this year and they're forced to put every game they have on the console since their investors are beyond pissed they're missing out on profits!
POINTER CONTROLS!! Where there's a will there's a way. Must not be a will.
Never did get around to playing starcraft 2. My jam was supreme commander for awhile
I guess pointer controls are out of the question
Perfectly understandable. There are some games that just wont work with certain interfaces and a full scale PC RTS that has you flying across a keyboard isnt going to work.
...It's like no one cares about the motion/pointer controls or think they don't exist on the Switch.
I couldn't even imagine trying to play StarCraft 2 on console. Outside of the pointer there's a ton of other stuff they would have to account for.
That would probably be a ton more work than they're really willing to put into it.
it's Starcraft 64 all over again...
That’s obvious. Some games just don’t belong on consoles.
A mouse and keyboard are indispensable for a game like Starcraft and trying to forcefully hammer it into a console would most likely break the game.
@Joeynator3000 they know they exist and while they are a good alternative they are not keyboard and mouse. If we hold Nintendo to their standard of no compromise when it comes to gameplay, why not the others too?
I can see the reasoning. I have Starcraft Remastered on my laptop, and plan on getting the 2nd one as well.
Playing StarCraft 2 on console would not work. It’d be like trying to play Mario Odyssey on an iPad.
A big chunk of StarCraft 2 is free to play, I can’t recommend enough giving it a go on your pc or laptop. Blizzard makes outstanding games.
It seems like almost every game is "perfect for Switch!" but this is one of the few that are not. It could be made to work, yes, but I think it would be pretty frustrating. REALLY needs a mouse and keyboard for optimal play.
I've not played any Starcraft games. They just don't hold any interest for me, but doesn't the Switch already have support for keyboards? If so, what's stopping Hori or some other 3rd party from making a mouse accessory for the Switch?
@wollywoo RTS is a genre that really doesn't work on console.
There's a reason Starcraft 2 is PC exclusive, there's TONS of other games Blizzard can bring over instead.
StarCraft 64 was good enough, especially in a local multiplayer. Also Switch have touch controls in a portable mode & gyro emulating a wiimote pointer while docked. Almost perfect for any kind of strategy, also dock station have USB ports so it's not too hard to add a mouse/keyboard support for a hardcore audience. But at least we have Diablo 3 which is a great deal too.
Why not just throw Starcraft Remastered on there since the system requirements wouldn't be as stressful on the Switch as Starcraft 2. They could offer a variety of control options (Standard Analog stick & buttons, Motion, Touch Screen and Mouse & Keyboard through the dock). Also throw in some wireless and online multiplayer. It would be a relatively cheap port to "test the waters" on Switch for stuff like the RTS Warcraft series. Just a thought.
RTS would work on the touchscreen, though. And for TV play, pointer controls...
Just give me Overwatch. Then I'd have the Holy Trinity (Splatoon, Fortnite, Overwatch) on one console, with handheld play to boot.
Meh RTS don't belong on console to begin with. Now that I think of it who's idea was it to port StarCraft to the N64 anyways cause I'm impressed as they are not as lazy as today's developers. It's seems that as we got better techs and format as the gaming industry evolve, developers got more and more lazy.
All the console makers should just add proper support for keyboard and mouse across all their systems/games and be done with it. For multiplayer just add a filter for matches, controller, k&m or both.
Starcraft 2 is free on pc. Same with 1. But i’d take Overwatch on Switch
This is 100% understandable because we have given up some power for portability.
We cant expect every single multiplatform AAA game to show up on the Switch because it just isn't possible.
Blizzard can easily make up for no Starcraft by giving us Diablo 3 with Nintendo features and content (done) and eventually Overwatch (will be done after we show our support). Hearthstone would also be nice and easily doable.
Nope im fine with this.
@Rika_Yoshitake StarCraft 2 is a PC exclusive despite PS4 and XBO having strong numbers and market share. Wings of Liberty actually predates them both by three years and there was no PS3 or XB360 port. What's more WoL is free to play now.
Switch version of StarCraft 2 is simply not happening. Maybe some spin off game, but a full on RTS? Until Switch has good Keyboard and Mouse support, forget it.
@sanderev Hahaha, no.
Maybe some "RTS" that does most of the work for you, like Mushroom Wars or Crush Your Enemies. Maybe a Herzog Zwei style one like AirMech or Tooth n' Tail.
But the high difficulty and micro intensive kind of RTS like StarCraft is simply impossible to translate to those controls.
Wait a second... Hold up... This is a PC exclusive?
Why does this even need to be addressed?
Are people actually upset this won't make it to the Switch? 😂😂😂😂😂
“It's seems that as we got better techs and format as the gaming industry evolve, developers got more and more lazy”
Ironically, blaming lazy developers is really lazy. Games have got massively more complex in the last 18 years which means they demand much more time, resource and money. You have to take that into account before heedlessly blaming developers.
The thing that hasn’t changed is that developers need someone to pay for the development. If the chiefs at Blizzard don’t see a market for a reduced Starcraft 2 with bad controls on the Switch (and they’re almost certainly right) it isn’t getting made no matter how motivated the developer.
P. S. Starcraft 64 was published by Nintendo of America suggesting they had something to do with funding it.
That’s what I thought. It doesn’t even vaguely make sense on Switch. Yet people are upset.
If you have to change the gameplay... then change the gameplay! I want some good old RTS on my console. Of course it needs to be changed. But with the slower speed C&C on PS1 worked pretty well.
If we're talking about an modern attempt take Halo Wars for example. RTS on consoles works! You just have to change things or build it from the ground up with a console in mind.
Easy. Starcraft II-branded Nintendo Switch keyboard and Mouse pack!
@Tisteg80 but this is a PC exclusive? Sony has a install base of 80 million users on their PS4 and this game isn't available there.
Isn't it slightly bordering on entitlement to expect the Switch to get a PC exclusive?
Chill out man. If that's entitlement then we're all entitled when we want our favourite games to be released on the Switch.
Starcraft is designed from the start to be used with a mouse and just wouldn't work with a gamepad. Overwatch could and should be ported to the Switch though.
Hearthstone instead would be a great compromise
That's why I wrote "consoles". I would love to get a classic style RTS on a console which plays just fine. Even with the looks of a C&C Red Alert.
The biggest problem with RTS on console is the game's speed IMO. C&C 3 on Xbox 360 was not my cup of tea. The demo felt like it was a straight PC port and therefore I never had the feeling of being able to handle all the stuff that needs to be done fast. But on PS1 with C&C 1 and Red Alert it worked pretty well because it had a slower speed. So I think a C&C "The early years" collection on Switch would be awesome! We loved to play Red Alert on two PS1's connected with a link cable. It was too much for the poor console which first got pretty hot and then it slowed down so badly that it was nearly unplayable. Too much pixel soldiers and tanks on the screen with two players doing their best to defeat the common enemy.
All I want to say is that I miss these times and I would be glad if a big company like Blizzard would bring a cool RTS game to Switch or other consoles.
I don't think starcraft is the game for the Switch, but I have always wondered why Pikmin in the Wii's lifetime was really one of the only RTS to take advantage of motion controls.
@link3710 Not really no, their library consist mostly out of iterations of WoW, Starcraft, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch and Heartstone. These are all good games in their own right but that's not tons of other games.
Still, I would not mind to see Heartstone and Overwatch make an appearance on Switch as well as WoW, though that last one might be a bit unrealistic.
@MichaelHarvey lol would you say the same if the roles were reversed?
What would you tell a PC gamer if he came here and said "hay why doesn't Nintendo put Mario on the PC..." It's entitlement issues.
People see gaming device, they see games... They want games on device... One track minded with no thought to the going on behind that, like hardware limitations and exclusivity, contracts around exclusivity...
Just... Games... And device to play games.
No my friend we don't all suffer from that sickness of ignorance and self entitlement, not saying you do either, but you can see how the "want" projects a not so good image?
@Tisteg80 i would actually like Lord of the ring: Battle for middle earth, its exclusive though, it actually looks like most decent RTS games are tied to exclusivity contracts which really is a shame...
There even seems to be some limitations around what EA can do with C&C games.
Edit: changed my original reply after re-reading your comment.
I wouldn't care like you seem to care. I can understand if PC players would love to play officially released Nintendo games. Putting it mildly, it is extremely unlikely due to Nintendo's business interests and supporting their own hardware. I still wouldn't call them entitled or question their right to call for Nintendo to release games on PC and vote with their wallets.
You make it sound like we are all Nintendo fanboys and are acting "entitled" to games for free. We are paying customers.
@Razer hey - the PC got the exclusive Mario game “Mario teaches typing”. The master race got the best in the series and it’s been a PC exclusive ever since...
@Razer seriously though the thing about “PC exclusives” in the year 2018 (or indeed any exclusive on any format) is that they’re rarely exclusive for technical reasons. Since everything is made in middleware and all “consoles” are just bespoke PCs games can be pretty easily made to work on anything.
The reasons for not porting are; audience, sales projections, interface (I.e needing a keyboard and mouse or a touch screen or a physical controller or a kinnect etc.) or other marketing arrangements. It’s the interface that would keep a game like Starcraft off Switch.
It’s a different world from the 16 but era when a game like Sonic simply wouldn’t have been possible on SNES and a game like Super Castlevania couldn’t have been done on the Mega Drive.
@StuTwo it's not just user interface though, that, like middleware programming is an easily passable hurdle... You can't actually tell me an external keyboard and mouse isn't feasible on the Switch... With the right money it is.
The entitlement comes when someone (@MichaelHarvey) thinks because they are "paying customers" that it negates any contract obligation held by the publishers and developers.
We live in a world where people break their words for money and power, trade in their honour for riches and reneg on contracts for gain...
To even think about justifying that with the classic consumerism line of "we are paying customers"... It's such a disgusting cliche to even suggest it.
"We're paying customers"... You are right about one thing though, i am bothered with it more than you (i really hate the line "we are paying customers, its the height of entitlement)... But that's probably because i am more worried about where that mentally is taking us as a species... It certainly isn't good.
You are a zealous fanboy and believe you need to defend the publishers and developers from nasty people like me and others that call for games to be brought to the Switch.
I find this very strange, and not at all rational. The more games that lose exclusivity and come to the Switch, the better the experience for everyone that owns a Switch. As someone that invested in a Switch, I want the best experience possible.
Part of me says it couldn't work. Part of me says Halo Wars works really really well, and more importantly, Supreme Commander II, a game I'd consider even more complex than SCII runs on XBox, it's not actually impossible...
@maruse Could just be a $79.99 release like Starlink, and come bundled with a keyboard and mouse. Give it touch controls for handheld mode.
While not impossible, I think the argument against bringing StarCraft 2 to the Switch does hold some salt.
@MichaelHarvey Zealous fanboy in what respect? I only own the Nintendo Switch as my main and only (current gen) gaming device and I'm defending a PC exclusive, because i know what it's like to be obliged to commit to my contracts and keep my word.
In light of this... Tell me exactly how am i fan boy? Far from being so, im defending the PC (a platform i do not game on).
@Zeraki i never even mentioned power... I know power isn't the issue... Its contract exclusive.
Star craft is an exclusive on PC. It's contracted to be so... I mean both the PS4 and XBOX One could easily have a keyboard and mouse (I think the XBOX already does?), together they easily have the install base to justify a port. But theres no point... Not because of hardware or power or install base...
Because its a contract exclusive.
If less people were motivated by money to break agreements, this world would be better.
Edit: i do actually own a 3ds, ds, n64, snes and an xbox 360 but they dont actually count within this context.
I hope they give us StarCraft Remastered at least. That’s all I need.
Starcraft 64 had great shortcuts made for the controller and played fine. Maybe not SC but I would like to see a real RTS on Switch.
@steve_1978 I love your profile picture.
(Please don't ever change it to a picture of yourself as my comment would still be here and I'd look odd)
I built a tablet specifically to play RTS games on the go with a touch screen and virtual hotkey overlay. I really want this to exist. But while I think it would be possible (phantasy star uses a keyboard in japan for MMOs), it probably wouldn't sell well with the necessary keyboard + mouse or keyboard + gyro option to be competitive in multiplayer. You could go LAN only or not have cross-play, but with starcraft 2's always online DRM, you've already lost portability if you want to give the same leveling system as PC. Starcraft 2, as it is on PC, just isn't the right game.
I would love to see a traditional RTS for switch with gyro controls and shift-style buttons for hotkeys, similar to what was done for Battle for Middle Earth 2 on xbox, but with gyro. But is there even a market there?
Maybe start with a tycoon game first. Less hotkeys needed, slower paced. Prove the controls can be enjoyable, at least to critics, before shooting for the moon.
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