Gaming accessory maker snakebyte has unveiled the 'Tough:Case' for Nintendo Switch, giving players a way to keep their console safe from nasty bumps while playing in handheld mode - and making sure that you'll never misplace it ever again.
Designed to fit perfectly around both the tablet part of the system and its connected Joy-Con, the Tough:Case cradles the console when in handheld or tabletop modes, aiming to prevent any damage to the console that could come as a result of dropping or knocking.
The rugged design is made out of a protective rubber shell which includes a scratch-resistant polycarbonate back cover. Quickly wrapping around the console, the case is designed to be strong enough to protect, but light enough to never intrude on console controls during intense gaming sessions.

It probably goes without saying, but this could be a great solution for any younger players who use the Switch almost like a tablet, or even those who find themselves prone to accidents. Nick Repenning, CEO for snakebyte USA, said the following:
“The Nintendo Switch is on course to become the best-selling console in 2018, and seeing more and more gamers use their Switch hardware in the wild is now a very common site. The Tough:Case offers Switch owners superb protection, guarding their console from damage and managing to look stylish in the process. We think it will prove a must-have accessory for all handheld lovers.”
Shipping is expected to begin this August for both the black and delightfully bright 'strawberry pink' versions. No pricing details or product listings have been shared just yet, but you can keep an eye on snakebyte's website if you're interested.
Will you be rocking a bright pink Switch in the future? Or is this one a little bold for your tastes? Share your thoughts with us down below.
Comments 30
How does it prevent me from misplacing my switch?
This is just a rebranded version of the Mumba case that has been available on Amazon for months now.
Link for those interested: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mumba-Nintendo-Switch-Rubberized-release-Black/dp/B072M2G7S8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1531832624&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=nintendo%2Bswitch%2Bmumba&dpPl=1&dpID=51F8tsrO2xL&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1
@CCore28 Nope. See post below yours.
@Daftbomb I believe the joke was the pink is so bright you'll always be able to spot it.
I think you're right, but it's so misleading. I was half expecting it to have some kind of a tracking device built in!
God I hate it when I misplace my Switch! The last time, I found it under my dresser next to my car keys, a pile of unmatched socks, and some old library books!
I'm starting to wonder if Switch will outdo GameBoy in accessories absurdity.
So either choose the bright pink or risk losing your Switch? LOL No.
Also, with the heat from the Switch causing cracks in the plastic, won't this make it even hotter.
After all the complaints of cracking and warping, perhaps this will help. Nothing like a thick layer of insulation holding the machine at tension, lengthwise, to alleviate such problems!
I'd like a protective case but Fortnite already makes my switch quite warm. I'm worried it would melt in one of those.
It will make your Switch so ugly that no one will want to steal it.
@SmaggTheSmug well the taiko drum controller comes out this week and there are numerous different keyboards. I think all we need is a fishing rode controller that Namco Bandai can bring out with a Switch port of Baku Tsuri Bar Hunter and an exercise bike to put the Switch into the top spot.
This isn't new, just a new branding of a product that's been on the market for a year now. I bought this case back in June last year. Mine has a blue back panel and black grips and it's from the Mumba brand. I love it and use it 100% of the time in portable mode. You can still get them on Amazon right now for $18. Just search "Mumba Switch Case" or check this link:
My eyes! What an awful design. What with all this nonsense on the back of the case?
inb4 it bricks the system
So basically this is just a copy cat of the Mumba case that is already available 😂😂😂.
I have the Mumba case in black and not only does it do a great job of protecting the Switch in handheld mode, it makes the Switch so much more comfortable to hold that I refuse to play in handheld mode without it (big hands).
@Kiz3000 yep exactly. Ive had the Mumba case for over a year and its fantastic. If young kids play your switch its a must buy
This has to be an endorsement.. I mean c'mon switch cases have been out for a bit over a year now and can easily be found on Amazon. Many of them are relatively affordable and imho look better than this clunker!
The hot pink would be nice for my little niece I guess. (Shes 8) but even the black one just doesn't really appeal to me!
As others have pointed out, your title is pretty dang misleading too. The product is clearly for protection not locating. Its not going to be of any help if you lose your switch.. but I dont feel like thats really an issue with this console, probably due in large part to the dock. (Having a designated storage AND charging place)
It was probably ment to be a clever joke, but if that was the case it should have gone in the opener not the header. And it wasn't funny- it made me confused. Frankly the whole article reeks of bad journalism. (Again, endorsed much? Old news/product, misleading title)
I apologize for the rant it is simply just my opinion. I remember now why I only visit this site once a week though. Its the community and comments not the authors and articles. See ya next week maybe.
I own this particular grip. It's a necessity for someone like me, who suffers from arthritis. It helps make the Switch much less cramped in handheld mode. And unlike that vertical grip on Kickstarter, this grip has cutouts around the intake vents so it won't overheat as easily.
Aluminium Case for Switch, Ahoy !

I would be worried about it overheating with something like that, and a protective case like that simply feels unnecessary. It is not like I am walking around with my Switch in my pocket taking it everywhere with me like it's a cell phone. I just keep it in it's protective travel case when traveling with it and use it without any of that nonsense when I want to use it.
Who misplaces their Switch?
Is this like that Nerf case that the DS and 3DS had?.... Cause those where Awesome and durable! Would love to add it to the switch.... If only they made it so I can still play docked mode without having to remove the case
I want a case that I can wear, Problem is how does anyone make a case for 45709? An ever moving living changing case, how is this possible? Of course as time means nothing to me and I am everything, everywhere at once I know the outcome
I love the Internet, where you can literally put a picture of a blindingly bright Day-Glo pink case under the headline "never lose your Switch again with this case" and people will accuse you of misleading writing because they imagined you were talking about some kind of radio transponder.
Aaaaanyway, yeah, I actually love this idea. I love me some hot pink, and I think it would probably be more comfortable to hold than the thin Joy-Con are. I'm a touch concerned about possible overheating, but it could be a winner for me.
I was wondering the same thing. Those nerf cases were awesome, I had one on my Vita.
I have a Mumba case. Stopped using it because I got the RDS Go Play kit. I used an extension cable when I used it so I wouldn't have to take it out. Very protective and the green is awesome, but the RDS is better if you aren't reckless when it's out.
Edit: I never had any heating issues.
This is the Mumba case. It works great, and adds a connection point so you can attach a wrist strap. Been using it for over a year now, and no overheating or anything. It feels fine and still goes into my carrying case. If I ever want to dock, I use a 2' USB C extension cable and put it in the Hori stand.
@GauBan There already is a fishing rod controller... In LABO.
@SmaggTheSmug yeah there is but I'm thinking of a fishing rod accessory that replaces the JoyCons.
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