While we're still waiting on news of an official western release for the Switch incarnation of Taiko Drum Master, at least we know the Japanese version will be getting an English language option when it launches in August. Well, while we wait (or sort out a pricey import), some more gameplay footage has dropped for the Switch version, and it has us itching to bang along to the beat.

You can check out the gameplay footage above. Let us know what you make of it in the comments section below...
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 34
Damn this needs 'westernised'.
Sweet! Im excited for it. Even ordered the Drum Peripheral off of Play-Asia.
Very interested, will import if not coming to the US.
Really want this to come to the west... I imported the DS game and I’m extremely tempted to do the same here.
never coming to the west, but a day 1 import from me huge fan of the series
Does this version have Evangelion and Gatchaman themes? They were my faves lol.
This should never ever come to the west, this franchise has so many licenses for every song it would make it impossible to get over here without removing a lot of them.
Prefer asian english import then.
Got my import preordered. Can't wait. Not gonna bother with the drum peripheral though as this was clearly made for the waggle of the joy con.
If this doesn't get a western release I might just have to import this.
My brother is picking this up for me on release while he is over in Japan. Am super hyped.
@Farts_Ahoy Same! Can't wait!
Got my eshop funds already.
Reminds me of Donkey Konga on the GameCube. I still have those bongo drums too, shame I can't use them. Looks a fun game though.
@GrailUK You can play the Evangelion Theme in the Switch Version
Looks fun
@Nagi_Nagisa Outstanding. I'm never fed up hearing that song!
Amazing execution.
Are we ever going to get increased framerates on those character dances? Regardless this is day 1 import material
@ReaderRagfish You don't need to be familiar with the game to know those characters,they're mainly from japanese folklore.
Wow, is the player just that bad, or is he lagging behind the beat because of the motion controls? Sure hope it's the former.
I miss Donkey Konga
Looks a lot like donkey konga!
@Sharks Definitely! The original Taiko no Tatsujin game (arcade) came out at least a couple of years before Donkey Konga, but in terms of console releases, Donkey Konga was developed by the same team at Namco who developed the original Taiko console game for the PlayStation 2.
I never realized how much this looks like Donkey Konga, one of my favorite games ever. This needs some form of western port.
Chances this gets a US release? 50%?
@JRJalapeno Considering we've had about 20 sequels that ever left japan, almost none sadly.
On my last trip to Japan this was the arcade game I played the most while there (tied with the Poken tourney machine they had just gotten in that week). I would love to import this as I think the whole family would enjoy this. Will certainly keep an eye out
Aww, i thought it might show somone playing the actual drum accesory, not just screentime.

That would be funny
I really wanted the Wii U version, but this will be even better.
I will be importing along with one of the drum controllers.
If anything, a Western version would be great as we would effectively be getting two games with two very different track lists.
@justin233 Which one? They actually released 3 of them.
@Sharks @wazlon That's not coincidence, Donkey Konga is pretty much the Nintendo-ized spinoff of Taiko no Tatsujin, made by the same people.
@JRJalapeno More like 1%. There were around 20 Taiko no Tatsujin games released in Japan, and only one of them made it to the US (it didn't even come out in Europe), and it was for the PS2. Plus pretty much all songs in it were Western pop and rock songs.
Sure, it was a different time back then, but if no other title in the series made it to the West, which includes multiple games for the Wii U and the 3DS, and even one for the PS4, its chances aren't great. Not to mention I'm pretty sure none of the ~20 arcade versions came out in the West either.
I had a few of these imported for the DS..so much fun these games are .....along with elite beat agent which I loved.
I was going to pre-order it from play Asia but I have a JP eshop account so it will probably be easier and cheaper to go digital
@Krisi I just figured he meant the first in the series for the DS, but yeah, all three were awesome. The three entries on the 3DS are also great and pretty much the entire reason I own a Japanese system, lol. I hope they'll get the drum peripheral right with this entry, as some of the past ones have been a little wonky. I always liked that the DS/3DS entries avoided this problem with their dual-stylus touchscreen controls. (The various sets of little red/blue drumsticks styluses that were packaged in certain entries are amongst my favorites!)
@Farts_Ahoy Also ordered the drums and the jpn game
My taiko and game are supposed to arrive tomorrow morning! Super excited!
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