During today's Nintendo Direct presentation at E3 2018 Nintendo lifted the lid on the much-anticipated Fire Emblem title for Switch. Titled Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the game launches in Spring next year.
The footage shown reveals that Three Houses will retain the character art-style seen in Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates, but in battle, the perspective will shift smoothly from the map screen to combat. The characters also have a more realistic look when viewed on the map.

It looks a bit tasty to us, but let us know what you think by posting a comment.
Comments 58
Looks great but I need more info on mechanic changes. It looked like multiple characters cluster in groups now?
This looks amazing. Super excited.
Looked great, just wish it was coming this year!!!
This was all I wanted and it looks fantastic!!! The wait is gonna hurt so much.
The graphics are not appealing at all. I hope gameplay compensate this.
Announced in Pride month, gay supports better be included in this is all I'm saying. And PLEASE don't release 3 versions, this is not a kpop album.
Looks amazing.. definitely needs work as framrate was all over the place
Bit sad it couldn't keep the 2018 release but daaaaayyyyuum this gave me the organismings. Can't wait.
This looks like a glorious return to form for the series. Super SUPER excited for this.
Hope they right the censors they did with fates and give us loveplus elements be neat if you could kiss your ingame wife and not have It scripted like in fates heck add the rubbing feature from fates and hav Camilla back as dlc and cammy (its a nickname I gave her don’t judge) will be mine once more
This is a day one purchase. I still cannot get over that 20 + minutes of Smash. It was so wrong. They wasted a grand opportunity.
Love the new look of the game
@bratzdoll I'd prefer some gay support too but I don't see what pride month has to do with it. The whole month-long social media campaign is mostly just a western thing. I'm just hoping you can adopt a child instead of Niles just being a dead end.
Besides, pride month is literally a 12th of the whole year so it doesn't actually matter. It's not like announcing it on a special holiday that people care about, the whole month of June is now supposed to be tied to annoying your facebook friends and as a result it kinda ends up not mattering after the first week.
@FTPinkRabbit Happy Pride to you too! Personally, I'd rather they completely dropped the children concept.
@bratzdoll Excuse me, some of us in the world love parenting. Don't take that away from us just because you don't like talking care of little ones.
@-Juice- Fair enough! As long as they do a better job than Fates at explaining it in the plot, I'm down. A post-game campaign with the children would be nice, for example.
Tree houses...I see what they did there!
Looks great!
This looks interesting. It kind of makes me think of that old Saturn classic Dragon Force where a unit would actually have a large number of soldiers fighting it out. Makes the battle look more epic and more believable that armies are fighting instead of stray bands of soldiers.
Main character(?)'s weird suit jacket cape thing looks weird.
But I enjoy FE games in general so I'm looking forward to learning more about this.
looks great - but wish it was in 2018
I love that there are grunts on the field, battles look so much much more dynamic now; but good Lord, please let "Three Houses" just be a working title.
The only thing I ask is that Nintendo not sell three separate versions of the game, with a fourth version being the true one with the canon storyline like they did with Fates.
To this day, I have not played any other version of Fates besides Birthright because they ended up putting out Echoes and other must-have 3DS games before I could ever get the other paths.
I hate multi-version games that are not Pokemon.
Looks fantastic! 2019 hurts my soul though. The wait is going to be rough.
Not sure if I like the look, but I’m sure the game will be as fantastic as always.
Looked amazing, but I am disappointed that it's going to be a 2019 release. I had really hoped for a winter 2018 release window at worst. Having zero interest in Pokemon Go or Smash Bros. 2018 looks rather barren after Aces and Octopath =(
Still, very excited for this in 2019! The tone - as far as the trailer allowed for any conjecture here - looked alot more on par with PoR than with Fates, so that's like ... huge to me. I don't want grim-dark, but I do want a consistent tone befitting of a game dealing with issues of war & death.
I also like how the incorporated (what appears to be) grunts into the game. Makes it feel alot bigger in scale, and should help the actual game fit better with it's story and cutscenes - two parts that were oft disconnected in previous games, with CGI cutscenes showing epic battles, the game portraying maybe two dozens units at most though.
The visuals itself looked kinda bare bones to me tbh, but I think there is still room to improve until release, and honestly, that is only a secondary concern at best. Anyways, best part of an underwhelming E3 (again, not a smash fan at all) presentation by Nintendo.
Otherwise, the only stand-out (besides Octopath, which we already knew about at length) was that Daemon X Machina game, which looks like a potential winner as well with that stylized, old-school AC appeal (loved the AC games on PSX).
Looked really good. Would you say Fire Emblem is more tactical than Disgaea. I loved that game too.
From the look of the trailer it seems like they're finally toning down some of the fan service elements that have been cropping up on the recent fe titles which is a good thing in my book
@BensonUii Ikr. This English title, hopefully, is not the final English title. The Japanese title feels so much prettier: FE 風花雪月(ふうかせつがつ/fuukasetsugatsu). It is a Chinese idiom, referring to beautiful things in nature (風: wind, 花: flower, 雪: snow and 月: the moon) and changing in seasons, which now is more often used when talking about beautiful romances.
What the what is this Three Houses thingy lol??? It's so bad that it is making so many people thinking Nintendo and IS may pull that 3 versions crxp again. (They better not :/)
@Ralek85 It's probably a good thing for Fire Emblem tho. Clashing with SSB is not a wise move. It will definitely hurt how many copies it can sale.
If we don't want them to make Fire Emblem a multi-version series, it's probably best we only buy 1 copy of this. A thought!.
Looks really good. Big shame about the delay.
It's something to look forward to for this Spring. I'm mildly impressed with how it looks. Not that I'm a snob, i just don't always get interested in FE games.
@RGnsd Yeah sure, I mean, realising it right next to SSB would have made no sense. But September and October could have been viable slots as well. I'm glad they are taking the time they need, but hell, I'd be lying if a part of me had not hoped he'd be playing this later this year, esp. with little else being announced besides Pokemon Go (meh) and SSB (great but not my cup of tea, barely touched the WiiU version I bought).
Looks amazing. I'm excited to see more of this, considering I already like what I've seen so far.
this looked great and possible the only other than MHGU title that ill buy in the next 10 months.
I love what we've seen with the grunts and all. It was the highlight of the presentation but that 2019 release absolutely stabbed me through the heart.
And this new lord, edelgard, is MADE for smash. She increases the number of female characters which is good and she uses an axe instead of a sword. Perfect! But no, we had to keep Lucina and Roy and have next to no new characters. It honestly feels like edelgard was designed specifically to get into smash only to be met with this kick in the teeth. Here's hoping for dlc!
Also, since the Japanese name seems to be different, I doubt there'll be three versions thankfully.
I can't wait for this!
Around the 1:10 mark it seems to show a character walking freely. Would be cool between stages to have some freedom/exploration elements as I often get a tired of being tied to a grid all the time in FE games.
Can't wait for this, it better not be loaded with too many pay DLCs though.
@bratzdoll always pushing crap where it doesn't belong and has absolutely no relevance.
@Grant007 am I that memorable?
I take your comment somehow contributed to the conversation more than mine, thank you!
Day one!
This didn't look like any Fire Emblem I've played.
I'm intrigued though.
This trailer quite honestly made the Digital Event worthwhile for me (besides the Ridley reveal). I'm definitely intrigued by this one! Unlike some, I don't mind the wait; I still need to play through Fire Emblem Echoes, tackle Sacred Stones on the VC, and MAYBE pick up FE Fates: Birthright before going after this one....
I cant wait for this. Looks amazing.
This was my one "wow" moment for Nintendo this year at E3. When this was shown so early in the presentation, I was pretty hyped. It looks good and I am pumped to play it. Little did I know that would be the extent of my excitement.
It looks like they are taking a cue from Advance Wars. Rather than each fighter being a lone dude and "armies" of like 20 people, each character will be a platoon leader of sorts. Presumably the "red shirt" soldiers will die off, in proportion to that leader's health.
This looks fantastic. I wonder, and this is purely speculation, but could this end up being an M rated game?
The delay is disappointing. I'm sure Sega is super happy about that though
that music was so good
That tactical view looks super bland and I think reading unit position may be a bit difficult without some kind of grid overlay. Gameplay is definitely more important than graphics, especially in tactics games, but this looks just unappealing.
That tactical view looks super bland and I think reading unit position may be a bit difficult without some kind of grid overlay. Gameplay is definitely more important than graphics, especially in tactics games, but this looks just unappealing.
That tactical view looks super bland and I think reading unit position may be a bit difficult without some kind of grid overlay. Gameplay is definitely more important than graphics, especially in tactics games, but this looks just unappealing.
Next spring, that means next summer after E3 2019, a year away. Same as Mario + Rabbids Donkey Kong dlc was supposed to be a spring release; that's March April or May but June 26th is a month into summer.
Fire Emblem or not I'm not wishing my life away for a game a year away just because Nintendo had nothing better that a Christmas port of a Wii u Smash Bros game to offer us this year 🤑
I'd also like to see ports of the other games as I haven't played them yet.
@bratzdoll Its being released in Spring next year. Pride Month will have nothing to do with it. You're just like the people getting mad over the fact that Toothless isn't gay
@Belatarr Did you skip the 3DS games altogether? If so, there is a marriage and parent system at the core of these games as of Awakening. It just so happens that we only got 1 gay and 1 lesbian marriage option out of dozens in Fates, while Awakening had none. There was also “censorship!” outcry when localization edited sexualized outfit, dropped a gay conversion therapy storyline, and completely cut a creepy petting mechanic where you got to treat the characters like nintendogs, only they made weird faces and noises. Hope that helped! Now if you didn’t skip the games and you knew all of this, that would be an obtuse take, don’t you think?
I am getting a Dragon Force vibe from this Fire Emblem and I am loving it!!
To the people who complained about the graphics:
1: It can still be improved since the game is still many months off.
2: Fire emblem is never really about the graphics. Not in the vain of a strong Zelda or 3D Mario anyway. Its about the gameplay. The new army mechanic looks intriguing.
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