A countdown is being broadcast to in-game TV sets across the Switch version of Fortnite, and nobody is totally sure what it means.
Epic Games has used such tactics in the past to drop hints at forthcoming changes to the game, so it could be related to new content, skins or even a map change. Players of the game on other formats are currently seeing a skull symbol in the Snobby Shores area of the map, which also indicates something is about to happen.
However, the confusing part here is why Epic hasn't simply used the same skull icon for the Switch version of the game - could Nintendo fans be getting something slightly different?
Let us know your theories by posting a comment below.
[source dexerto.com]
Comments 61
C’mon! Let it be Switch exclusive gyro controls! Please! Haha, I shouldn’t get my hopes up like that, but that would make me so happy
@Metalpug79 Same here. The game is pretty fun but I'll be forever unable to aim unless they add gyro controls. Clunky stick controls just aren't my go.
The countdown could be for Fortnite to be locked for the Switch...
Just kidding, it's not Sony.
Gyro or resolution/graphics increase like with Rocket League pl00x
the same here, I hope gyro control will eventually arrive !
PC gamer with mouse and keyboard will always have advantage over console players.
I have just read a lot of request for gyro control on their website !
Likely - Gyro controls
Possibly - 60fps
Hopefully - Gyro controls & 60fps
Mario incoming!
Mmmm you can play as smashbros characters after the update lol
A way to make people speculate about future update. Always nice to know what players really want. #SonyFortheplayers...
Waluigi confirmed
Samus power armour skin
@BenAV yea, after getting Splatoon 2 last year, I’ve had a real tough time going back to dual thumbstick console controls. The gyro, motion controls only lose out to mouse and keyboard controls on PC...., in my opinion anyways.
@Nincompoop Uggh I just hate these elitist comments about control methods. Whatever works best for you is the best method, everyone is free to have their own preferences.
Furthermore not everyone is trying to be the best competitive player around. I for one prefer dual stick controls as it feels more natural for me.
I'm hoping on either gyro controls or 60fps.
Play Fortnite using the Robot Labo kit, lol
This is really exciting. And that's coming from someone who's only ever played one round since the game came out on Switch. I hadn't ever played it before then.
Every shooter on Switch should have gyro controls.
I've been playing a lot of fortnite since its release and only saw a skull not a countdown. Also I don't mind gyro vs stick. I still get those sweet pump headshots. However playing through the octo expansion recently I noticed my gyro aiming skills had weakened after all the fortnite.
The countdown is for a patch update: Slight stability.
Nintendo get Earthquake in Japan
My guess would be PvE mode. Seems like that would be pretty easy for them to do now they've got the BR part running nicely.
I really hope it’s Nintendo-themed skins. Mario, Peach, Link and Samus as a start? Master-pick? Links glider? There is a lot of ways they could bleed Switch owners dry!
@JayJ I wouldn't really call that an elitist comment tbh. Mouse aiming is probably the best and this is coming from someone who doesn't play on Switch pc. I can however imagine just how easy it is to aim with a mouse 👌
Really? I hate gyro controls as they are weaker and also require space. They are okay holding a controller, but I don't play docked ever. I have a PC... Why would I need to?
So for me gyro are awful controls and if you can't use a thumbstick then maybe shooters aren't for you. It's been this way for a long time and most people don't have a problem with them. Sure mouse and keyboard offer better accuracy, but thumb is more than acceptable.
Ever tried playing with the sensitivity?
I want it to be a countdown to FPS version... TPS suck. Looks like it’s a count down to save the world being released, but gyro would be great.
Count down til pay to play
@TommyTLG No it shouldn't. That would really annoy me as it then just says a massive f u to those of us that play handheld only.
I am glad they have kept it a real shooter and not use gyro that ends up taking all the fun out of it. By bringing it in you force everyone to use it.
If they bring in gyro you should be forced into a separate server away from cross platform and people playing with normal control schemes. Gyro should have it's own little section.
I'm sorry but why should Epic spend so much time adding a feature for a few people that only play Splatoon? Why? When they have had to do so much already. And it's free.
This is like someone giving a person a pizza for free and that person turning around and saying "all pizzas should be stuffed crust. Please make it a stuffed crust!" ... Jesus. Just enjoy the free pizza.
It amazes me that Kojima comes up with a cast, name and then trailer before even developing a story. He announced it all whilst the GDD barely had more than a dozen pages. And people act like he is a God. Epic release a game for free that becomes the biggest and they get sued by devs, have parents saying the game is evil like heroin, have fans demanding features days after release...
Just calm down. Enjoy the ride. You wanna give feedback? Do it through the game! You can do it. But Epic don't read comments on random websites.
How salty. All games are pay to play. You do get that, Einstein? I mean you realise by a game being sold it is pay to play... That is the classic model....
Did you mean pay to win, Sherlock?
@R4z0rGr1nd3r If you think you need extra space to play with gyro controls then you're doing it wrong.
@R4z0rGr1nd3r Never played Splatoon? After spending a significant amount of time playing shooters with gyro controls, I just can't go back. They're so much more intuitive and accurate for me. Stick for broad movements and gyro for fine adjustments.
@Sculptor Rocket League launched on switch with low graphics @ 60fps, and later brought on option of higher graphics @ 30fps. Fortnite launched on switch with 30fps, so you will not be seeing a similar update with increased graphical quality because they cannot sacrifice their framerate any further.
@R4z0rGr1nd3r What are you talking about?
If you didn't like it you could just go into options and turn it off.
If they used gyro I might actually try out Fortnite, I tried it on Xbox One but it's really clunky to use the sticks to aim.
It also feels really weird going back to pre-WiiU/3DS Zelda's and shoot the bow without gyro. It is really dated.
A master sword hammer or a link/zelda costume. It resembles botw in some aspect so it fits EPICLY.
@Nincompoop actually i’m faster and more accurate with gyros.
@R4z0rGr1nd3r you’re clearly the one that needs to calm down.
I hope it's stats and leaderboards
Save the World I hope! but it occurred to me reading the comments, yea I'm mad about the decision to separate Switch accounts from Sony accounts completely. But now I'm hoping it just turns into a Switch version where only on Switch can you Amiibo to play as Link! or gyro controls! If your going to separate them then let the Switch have all its features
That's like comparing apples to airplanes and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
@JayJ Ever wondered why all the winners are PC players? It's a bad idea to let console players mingle with PC users, there's a huge advantage on PC over console.
If they want the game to be fair, PC players should not be allowed to play with console gamers.
@R4z0rGr1nd3r calm down and please be nicer.
Probably Nintendo-themed skins.
@BenAV I wonder how many people clamoring for gyro controls are also joy con users? I'd imagine a Pro Controller would handle the R stick aiming just fine.
@gatorboi352 I use the pro controller and I do agree that using gyro is alot easier as aiming with without it is alot harder as you can never know when the aim assist is going to kick in and move your point of view away from a target.
@JayJ I agree that gyro controls aren’t for everyone. I personally dislike them so I wouldn’t care if it was added. That being said the controls as they are feel “off” to me. I don’t know if that is standard on all the game versions but they are bad. My only comparisons are Splatoon and Doom on the Switch so maybe that’s what all these gun games feel like?
I would love to see Save the World added. Other than it would be awesome for map rotations. Surely they’ve made money hand over foot and can make a couple new maps.
I believe Epic said they have no plans to port Save the World to the Switch at this moment. Of course, things could (and probably will) change down the line, but I don't expect Save the World to be ported to the Switch this early.
Battle Royale is where all the players and money are at. Epic could probably make a lot more money off of selling Nintendo-themed skins in Battle Royale than they would off of selling Save the World for $60 on the Switch.
For those of you that haven’t used gyro... it’s still dual stick control but you fine tune your aim with the smallest little tilt of controller and it’s revolutionary. Try them out and after Half hour or so it clicks. I’ve gone back to DOOM now they patched them in and it’s feels so much better with gyro. It should be standard on all consoles IMO
@Nincompoop Thought there was an option somewhere to keep your games with Switch players only?
@Mamabearanother thing to consider is frame rate. Switch version runs at ~30 whereas all other consoles run at ~60.
Aside from this, try and crouch + remain still when firing as much as possible (obviously it's not always possible).
I was thinking it would be Nintendo character skins. Sounds about right.
@gatorboi352 Doesn't matter if I'm using Joy-Con or the Pro Controller, it feels virtually unplayable after getting used to gyro controls. Feels like a big step backwards.
@BenAV to each their own, but no way gyro controls play better in a game as fast pace as fortnite. People dont realize how slow combat plays out in breath of the wild and splatoon comparatively.
Then again, with fortnite switch being capped at 30 frames instead of 60, it may be an equalizer. Cross play can't be very fair however.
@gatorboi352 As you said, to each their own. I don't agree with that though. Personally the faster things are, the more important gyro controls are. I can line up a shot exactly where I want in a fraction of a second with gyro controls, no way I'll ever be able to with a stick. I've only been playing Fortnite since it came out on the Switch (probs like 20ish hours) so maybe I'm wrong by to me it actually feels way slower paced than Splatoon for the most part.
Launch of the full featured game for purchase in the eShop?
Nah, probably not.
@beazlen1 I honestly hated the Gyro controls because the center axis always changes away from what I want and I make more mistakes with it but I also lean on my chair when I game into the arm rest. I feel like you need to be sitting in an upgright position directly in line with your TV for it to be worth using and I am way too lazy for that.
@Sculptor ...that's my point exactly...
@BenAV "I've only been playing Fortnite since it came out on the Switch (probs like 20ish hours) so maybe I'm wrong by to me it actually feels way slower paced than Splatoon for the most part."
Thinking about this more, this is probably actually true as Switch Fortnite runs at 30 frames while spaltoon 2 runs at 60ish.
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