The Nintendo Direct Mini that dropped out of the blue on Thursday - following nuclear level hype and the subsequent fallout that always comes with it - had plenty of exciting new titles announced, but now we're inevitably turning our attentions to what's (hopefully) coming next. Take Yoshi for Nintendo Switch - it's had a placeholder 'December 2018' in most places since its reveal at E3 2017, but if an Amazon Italy listing is to be believed we could getting it as early as June.
It could just be another placeholder, but with E3 rolling around yet again in the same month (and no current major Nintendo titles slated for June) there's certainly a hopeful chance the scenery-flipping antics of Switch-based Yoshi could be with us before Christmas.
Do you think we'll get Yoshi this summer? Will Reggie click his fingers and it goes on sale following E3? Tell us your thoughts below...
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Comments 98
Wish I was more excited for this game but we barely know anything about it and we just got Woolly World 2.5 years ago (1 year on 3DS). If there is a larger Nintendo Direct soon, I hope this game has a strong showing.
Yeah we know nothing about this game I don't know I just can't get excited for Yoshi :/
Probably after E3 if it's true
in the UK, where the weather is the true 50 Shades of Grey, I like to keep my gaming reflective of the season (it helps to keep me oriented) so a nice bright game like this would work well for a June release
Hopefully this turns into a Super Mario World 2, but right now this title doesn't excite me all that much.
These Yoshi games tend to be too easy (but great noneless). I like everything about them, minus the 'difficult'.
Seen and posted this yesterday. If it's anywhere near as great as Yoshi's Woolly World it'll be a fantastic game. No reason why not either, it's the same team making it.
So the big game each month for first half of 2018 could look like... Jan: Nintendo too bloated from Xmas blowout, still eating turkey leftovers, Feb: Bayonetta, March: Kirby, April: Mario Tennis (a guess, but would fit ‘Spring’), May: Dark Souls and Donkey Kong, June: Yoshi.
Not bad, but could do with one more big surprise. Pikmin 4? Presume Octopath Traveller will slot in somewhere too.
Am I missing anything?
Yoshi is always great to play with the little ones.
i laughed.
but yeah, heck; i'll take a wooly world port too. i love me some yoshi.
@Roarsome Pokemon 4? Do you mean Pikmin 4?
As for Yoshi, yawn. They are all incredibly boring games but they are aimed at children so I can understand not being excited for them. I must admit though, the graphics looks incredible. But I hope Nintendo aren't releasing this as the one game for June, or whenever it launches. That would be a waste.
@Dev Woolly World is a wonderful game. I 100% it and had more fun with this than any 2D platformer since the SNES. I am looking forward to Yoshi on Switch.
@FragRed yes, predictive test got the better of me once again.
I could see this coming in late June or early July. I have no clue what the name could be. I guess, maybe Yoshi's Pop-Up?
I saw some gameplay on youtube. The game looks really basic and easy. It seems perfect for the little ones. But I dont think I'll be buying it. i need something more challenging like Yoshi's island.
Eh... Um... I still haven't finished Yoshi Wolly World 3DS since last year.
I doubt if i want to buy that Yoshi games for Switch.
Plot twist- The final name is "Yoshi" and it's a port of the nes/gameboy puzzle game.
Yep I'll be getting this one. I love the way the Shy Guys are getting such a big role too
Yoshi's Island on SNES is one of the best games ever, and Woolly World on Wii U was absolutely fantastic, I 100% that game and enjoyed every minute of it.
Yoshi is my favorite Nintendo creature. Bring it forth.
Slightly off topic. I wonder how much real world seasons influence release times? Skyrim is a winter game. Yoshi is summery.
I know market forces etc play a very big role, but in terms of building a vibe / personality around the game, perhaps it is considered?
There was a fairly extensive Yoshi level playthrough last year - think we know enough about it already. Looks pretty cool, in a LittleBigPlanet kind of way, but not blowing me away. I like the look of Kirby All Stars a lot more.
I hope we don't get this until sometime in the fall or at least late summer, as we already have Kirby for March and DKCTF for May. Releasing 3 first party 2D platformers in such a short amount of time will lead to fatigue and people choosing one over the other instead of picking them all up. They really need to space these out a bit more...
I would certainly like to have it by June, although I won't mind if it comes out later. The first (and last) time we saw it, it looked a little rough around the edges, and I would like them to iron it out smoothly before releasing it. Of course they could have already done so by then, in which case, yeah, bring it on! But the longer it's in development for, the more polished it will be. Really hoping this will be another great entry in the Yoshi series!
I just hope we won't get spoiled too much again like we were with Woolly World, though. It was a wonderful game, which has gone on to become one of my absolute top-favourites, but there were barely any surprises left for that one. I think I might just try to avoid trailers and screenshots and news posts about this game.
Let’s hope it’s coming soon. As it stands, the first-party release schedule for the first half of 2018 is Wii U-level bad...
Placeholder date.
June 29 is the last Friday of the first half of 2018; the confirmed release window for Yoshi.
The graphics have such a rich tactile quality. Especially 'behind the scenes' where you see the sticky tape and cardboard boxes.
@NicolausCamp Agreed, would rather see this in November as a holiday game for the kids as we'll just be getting Kirby and DKTF. That's way too close together for 2D platformers and ports of DK and HW, makes Switch look too luck like Wii U.
@Octane Makes sense, good explanation.
And my own 2 cents, they just had a Mini ND, if this were releasing in June it would have been in there.
June sounds believable to me. Hope its a great game for Yoshi fans. I'll be grabbing up Kirby Star Allies, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, and Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition for myself though. The Yoshi series has never clicked with me.
@LegendOfPokemon “Just” less than 3 years ago? That doesn’t seem like a short amount of time to me.
@wiggleronacid I was a bit off with my math 😉, it came out in October of 2015 in the US (so that’s just over 2 years) and June 2015 in Europe (which is 2.5 years but still). You’re right that that span of time isn’t short, but it just doesn’t feel long to me come considering that very few Wii U games came out in 2016.
This Yoshi looks awesome. I suspect summer is about right for this one imo...
@thesilverbrick the 3rd Party line up looks pretty stellar to me.
@thesilverbrick Yeah. I'm not expecting this year to be as great as 2017, but the lineup right now isn't even close. It's basically like the Wii U but with more third party ports. They really need something up their sleeve if they plan to keep up momentum.
I can't wait to see how it looks when it will be released, compared to how Kirby looked at E3 and a couple days ago, I'm excited to see this game truly POP!
Coming in random here but Kirby Rainbow Curse needs to port to Switch, it’s stuck on the crappiest LCD in the world, it ain’t right
Wishing this was a direct sequel to Wooly World, but I’m still excited for it. I just hope it isn’t mind-numbingly easy.
It looked really cute. Will definitely by this one
Remember how much the graphics were upgraded in YWW from reveal to release. Kirby has also had a big graphical upgrade from E3 reveal to the most recent one. Someone pointed out the differences on Twitter and there's been tons of detail added to it. Super Mario Odyssey also received a similar upgrade. Yoshi looked really good in its original reveal but I bet we're going to see a huge difference in the next trailer.
I've no doubt the game will be great. It's the same team that made Epic Yarn and Wooly World, they will be more experienced with platformers and Yoshi himself now than they were then. There budget will likely be bigger too. I'm sure we're in for a real treat.
Hope its true! Its a nice summer addition such a nice relaxing platform.
Also, (DO YOU HEAR ME NINTENDO? ), I want to see Yoshi's Wooly World of Nintendo WiiU on Switch. (And Paper Mario Color Splash)!!!
Those 2 games got published when a lot of people given up wiiu so they didn't played them!
Mnh i haven't played yoshi before, wasnt interested. But if this really happends i will give it a try.
Watch this just be Wooly World with some added content, like Tropical Freeze is doing or MK8D did.
So is Switch Yoshi a port of his previous yarn adventure, or an original yarn adventure? Or is it even yarn?
@LegendOfPokemon Yeah i gotchu. First-party Wii U titles didn't come out all of the time so a lot those titles still feel relatively new to me. I feel like Splatoon is still pretty new yet there's a sequel out now. Feels weird but the more game the merrier!
@faint Sure, it looks fine. But Nintendo’s greatest strength has always been its in-house software. The lineup looks barren without it.
@Bolt_Strike Exactly. Third party support is great, but Nintendo should set the example and lead the charge.
@MeloMan It’s more of a cardboard pop up aesthetic. This is a new original game.
I can see why Nintendo is rushing GameFreak to try to get the Pokemon Switch game out by the end of this year, assuming lets say the only other major Nintendo game for this year is Pikmin 4, that would be worrying since all we really have are 2D platformers, and various Wii U ports from Nintendo for 2018.
@thesilverbrick @BoltStrike I disagree. From February through May they're releasing Bayonetta 1+2, Kirby Star Allies, Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition, Mario Tennis Aces, and DKC Tropical Freeze.
That's more packed than April-September of last year, where we only got 4 first party games. While the Spring lineup may be Wii U port heavy, it's still going to appeal to the vast majority of people. Us Wii U owners are irrelevant!
@nazir41330 this is spam
@IceClimbers I play third party games so I’ll be just fine.
So if Amazon Italy and Nintendo Hong Kong (who have Hyrule Warriors down for march release) are right, Nintendo plan to release games (that we know of) in the first 6 months of 2018. They're also handling DQ Builders in the West and you could count the first Bayonetta too. Some have been on Wii U before but that won't matter to most people. Chuck in growing third-party support and a huge stream of Indies and it all looks very healthy.
@IceClimbers Bayonetta might be published by Nintendo but it isn’t a Nintendo property. Plus, Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors and Donkey Kong are ports of old games. So there are only two new games featuring Nintendo IPs that we know about for the first half of the year. Not great.
@NintyNate saw like 12 minutes of gameplay on IGN. It looks great.
@thesilverbrick are games only worth playing if they are nintendo ip’s?
@ShadJV nope. Check out the gameplay online.
I'm not a big Yoshi fan, but Yoshi's Wooly World was amazing. This looks a little too similar, but I'm sure it'll still be great.
For the first half of the year, I'm more excited to get Bayonetta 1/2 on Switch, Kirby Star Allies (that game looks brilliant- Robobot made me a fan for life so I'm ready), DKC Tropical Freeze- the best 2D platformer ever created and one of my personal top 20 games of all time, and that Mario Tennis Aces game. Oh, and Y's VIII. Just beat Xenoblade 2 and am already craving another JRPG. I'll take Hyrule Warriors also but, I haven't even finished Fire Emblem Warriors. Still, it'll be great having my 2 fave Warriors games on Switch. 3DS just wasn't cutting it for a portable version. Of course, Dark Souls is hype. So I'll have to be quick about 100% DKC.
That Street Fighter Collection comes out in May also. May is gonna be packed. And Octopath Traveller should be some time in spring. I know DQ Builders is out in a few weeks but they haven't said anything about Octopath.
@MeloMan just check out the existing gameplay online. It’s a different style where you can completely flip the environment to see new paths. It’s cool and unique.
@eaglesfly76 I’ve seen it all, I wouldn’t be commenting on something I have no knowledge on. The joke was that what they’ve been shown was the added content.
Could be June. The Direct made me think Yoshi was beyond the horizon of what they were announcing, with June being the horizon.
The problem is i can't see it comparing to mario odyssey. The same way yoshi island compared to super mario world.
I'll be interested if co-op is a big part of the game : I know I won't be rocking it on my own but I'd love a new co-op game to share with my girl.
@faint No, but many people (myself included) buy Nintendo consoles to primarily play Nintendo’s own games. Third party support is nice as a complement and all, but it’s no replacement for Nintendo’s first party software. Nintendo should be leading the charge with software support, not sitting by and letting third parties pick up the slack.
Wooly world was awesome. I enjoyed it a lot more then i expected i would especially in co-op so i'm excited!
Good hopefully ill be done with kirby by then.
@thesilverbrick I can’t think of a single game company that can release a big hd game (port or not) every single month year over year.
@ShadJV certainly didn’t seem like a joke. It honestly seemed like you didn’t know what it was and you were making assumptions. Anyway, it should be a good game.
@thesilverbrick Nintendo owns the Bayonetta 2 game.
Also, so what? The same stretch from last year that I mentioned had ports too. They're still 1st party games. It most certainly is not a drought period.
Honestly what the spring lineup is missing is a more impactful 3rd party port in March/April like the rumored South Park port. The stuff releasing in those two months are super niche.
@IceClimbers It's not just a matter of quantity, but also quality. A lot of the games you mentioned are fairly niche (Kirby being pretty much the only exception). Whereas last year we had Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and Mario Kart, which are some of Nintendo's top IPs. Let me know when we see games like Pokemon, Smash, 2D Mario, and Animal Crossing and then we'll talk about this year having a good lineup.
@eaglesfly76 to each their own. I think this looks fairly derivative. The first was alright but I prefer Yoshi to not retread too much ground - anytime Yoshi has been too similar to a past title (Yoshi’s Island DS and Yoshi’s New Island) it ended up bland. And honestly, while it had it’s differences, Wooly World’s style reminded me too much of Kirby’s Epic Yarn with the craft theme... personally I’m indifferent to this outing. Maybe it will change my mind, right now it just doesn’t look different enough to me to warrant $60 (which it definitely will be).
@faint Seeing as Nintendo has many studios under its collective umbrella, two new games in six months is sad. Kirby is being made by HAL and Mario Tennis is being done by Camelot (which doesn’t even belong to Nintendo). Nintendo’s most internal studios aren’t developing anything for release in the next six months, and their many other studios have gone quiet as well. Just saying, if Nintendo expects to sell 20 million Switches this year, putting out two new titles in half that year is pretty counter intuitive.
Not cared about Yoshi in ages.
Fire Emblem, Metroid or some good new 3rd party announcement (not more old stuff) is what I'm waiting for.
I have Ys8 for the summer, but next 3 months are "Meh" on the Switch. Nintendo needs to get the ball rolling.
@IceClimbers Nintendo doesn’t own Bayonetta as an IP by any stretch of the imagination. They have exclusive publishing rights to Bayonetta 2. Bayonetta as a property belongs to Sega, and they are free to develop Bayonetta games for anyone they please (though Bayonetta 2 will remain a Nintendo exclusive). It’s in no way a first-party IP.
Last year Nintendo had a major release nearly every month from the Switch’s launch onward. There will be no first party retail releases from early December last year (Xenoblade) until mid-March of this year (Kirby). The biggest draw to Nintendo's consoles is their own proprietary IPs. Far and away, Nintendo’s games outsell everything else on the Switch and need to keep coming at a regular rate if they expect to sell 20 million units this year.
@thesilverbrick Bad because you already played them on Wii U or bad because they don't interest you?
@zionich Both. They don’t interest me because I played them to death already years ago. Great games, but nothing to get excited over.
@thesilverbrick I think that's going to be the big divide. I still think Nintendo is playing it smart by now getting newcomers to buy these games. I'll double dip on Bayonetta for sure.
It will be harder for those that heavily supported the Wii U.
Dark Souls Remastered is my possible GOTY for Switch so far lol.
@zionich I am all for giving the best Wii U games a second chance to reach a larger audience, but they aren’t a good replacement for new games. Spread out the remasters and give us some compelling new games. And I know Dark Souls is a great game, but a five year old remake shouldn’t be game of the year on a new console.
@Bolt_Strike Donkey Kong Country most certainly is not niche. Returns and Returns 3D sold millions. On an actually popular platform that isn't suffering from 2D platformer fatigue or bitter fans, Tropical Freeze will do very well.
Hyrule Warriors sold over a million on Wii U. It's no more niche than ARMS, Pokken, FE Warriors, or Xenoblade 2. You know, the other half of the first party lineup last year.
Mario Tennis looks to actually have at least some effort put into it (unlike Open and Ultra Smash), so it should at least do decently.
@IceClimbers Even by that logic, you're still looking at 8 for 4 on 2017 vs. 2018. So again, let me know when we see some of the IPs I mentioned and then we'll talk. They really need at least 1 or 2 IPs of that caliber to drive this year's lineup, and more if they're serious about 20 million by the end of the year.
@thesilverbrick They don't own the IP, no, but they do own the copyright to Bayonetta 2, as well as the game's code.
They expect to sell 20 million units next fiscal year, which runs from April 2018 through March 2019. The Mini Direct only covered the first two months of that period.
@ShadJV I’m a huge fan of Nintendo platformers. Loved them ever since I got my hands on an NES in 86. So it’s an insta-buy for me, especially since I loved Wooly World so much. Can’t wait for it! But not everyone feels the same way, and I respect that.
@IceClimbers Nintendo simply owns publishing rights. Nothing more. Regardless, my point was Bayonetta isn’t a first-party property. That’s all.
A couple of the games in the Direct were scheduled for a summer release.
@thesilverbrick I thought it was pretty clear that they have a big system seller on the way even if we don’t know what it is. What I get out of the 20 million is either Pokemon or animal crossing.
@faint I highly doubt we’ll see Pokémon this year. And I’m entirely aware that Nintendo likely has big plans post-E3, but I just feel they dropped the ball on the first-party front with this most recent Direct. That’s all.
@thesilverbrick Just my GOTY =P
I get what your saying. I just think as far as reasonable expectations go, this isn't too bad. Even if it is a bit disappointing to some.
I have never been too big on the Yoshi games. I don't know why, but they have always just slipped under the radar for me. I don't dislike them, they just usually fail to catch my attention.
I hope it is realesed around summer time. I don't think Yoshi could be a good December title for selling new Switch consoles. Something like Pokemon would be best for that.
@thesilverbrick Well if this rumour is true and Yoshi releases in June then we'll have had 3 non port Nintendo games in the first 6 months of the year. You're also assuming that this will be all we get. It was a 15 minute mini-Direct in the first half of January,that's not going to be all we get until E3.Plus they've got this online membership to launch, I find it hard to believe its just going to launch on its own without a big game to go with it.
@OorWullie I’m not sure how many of my posts you’ve read since the Direct, but I’m entirely aware more games could be on the way. I’m more so arguing that presenting a Mini Direct instead of a full-fledged one was a terrible choice at this particular juncture and Nintendo needs to pull out all the stops to build enthusiasm for the year.
@NintyNate I can. The Yoshi games are great. I know slot of folks say try are to easy. And they are. But I love them, maybe it's cuteness overload, but I love it.
NoA better release this simultaneously with NoE. I was hyped for Woolly World, by the time it was released here, it was already out for several months everywhere else, and my hype for the game had died out. I ended up not playing it. Maybe it'll be like Hyrule Warriors, where a definitive edition comes to the Switch, no doubt at some point after the new game is released.
@Danrenfroe2016 I did Yoshi woolly world and I thought the later levels were tough, I like the Yoshi games but ahh I duno something about them that doesn't scream out to me of I must own it
Nintendo's current release schedule will help build.momebtum and enthusiasm. Most of them properly they're selling switch to didn't have a Wii U. So they are evening promised a highly-rated Donkey Kong that's new to them, a highly-rated Zelda spin-off that's new to them, a chance to play the much-lauded Bayonetta 2 (and prequel), plus new Kirby, Yoshi and Mario Tennis. Just because the lineup doesn't appeal to you personally doesn't mean it has no appeal.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE it's also a game nobody asked for.
I was hoping this would be a spring release. When it wasn't even mentioned in the mini-Direct I got the suspicion we were looking at a summer release in time to have it at E3. I'm looking forward to it because I know it will be a good fun game to play with my wife, but I do hope and trust Nintendo will have a better game to headline their E3 this year. Don't want to lose any momentum after a great first year of the Switch.
@gatorboi352 what do you mean by nobody
I hoped we would see it this Spring. But seeing as the Switch sales aren't slowing down (and Nintendo has already 2 sidescrollers in the form of Kirby and the DKC port), I could see Nintendo stalling this game. The game may already be ready, they just keep it in their vault until the summer!
This is one game that I am looking forward to playing. I love Yoshi (although I have never played any of the “Wooly World” games, as I gave away my 3DS [to a relative of mine] ages ago and never had the Wii U). I used to play “Yoshi’s Story” on the N64 (back in the day) all the time though. This is actually one of the FEW games that has my attention at the moment. Nintendo has not really announced any other games that I have seen or that have caught my attention at the moment (except for maybe Kirby). Hope there are some announcements that I like the look of in the not too distant future.
Awesome I love Yoshi!
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