In this series of features Nintendo Life contributors will share thoughts on their most memorable games of 2017. This entry by upcoming site editor Dom Roseigh-Lincoln focuses on the high profile port of DOOM to Nintendo Switch.
If you’d have sidled up to me six months ago and whispered in my ear that one of my favourite games of 2017 would be a port of a 2016 shooter I’d have recoiled at that blatant invasion of my personal space, then cracked a wry smile at your fictitious hot take. DOOM? On Switch? In a port that isn’t just good, but great? You’re having a laugh, mate.
Well, let’s just say I’ve put on about a stone of weight with the amount of humble pie I’ve eaten in the last month because Bethesda and Panic Button did something seemingly impossible with that id Software reboot. Not only did they get the entirety of DOOM’s gloriously violent single-player campaign on Switch, they made it look disturbingly good, too. Sure, it’s not going to give PS4 or Xbox One any sleepless nights in the visuals department, but bar a few simplified textures and less dynamic lighting its an impressive feat of developmental alchemy.
It’s hardly been gutted either. Every level, in its full glory, can be enjoyed on Switch, so you snap demon necks and stomp on their heads as Doomguy just as it was originally intended. Sure, not having the map editor does take some of the sheen off an otherwise impressive package, but retaining its two cores modes - including the latter’s full online functionality - cements Switch as a fine place for any shooter to call home.
Then there’s the multiplayer. Oh, the multiplayer! It’s this mode that takes the biggest hit when it comes to graphics, but we knew this would be the case so it’s hardly a killing blow. Much like the classic, sprint-fast days of Unreal Tournament and Quake III Arena, DOOM’s online deathmatches move at such breakneck speeds that there’s no way Switch’s hardware is going to be able to load textures as fast as you’re running and blowing other players into gore with a Super Shotgun.
But here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter. With only the occasional amount of slowdown, that sacrifice is ultimately worth it. Being able to leap into TDM, Warpath or any of its other familiar yet addictive modes from the comfort of your sofa, bed or toilet is a unit-shifting selling point in itself. It’s proof positive that twitch-style shooters can work on Switch without relying on bucket loads of paint and skater boi fashion choices.
Add in a new challenge system for unlocking new armour for your death-dealing avatar - a setup far superior to the one in place on other platforms - and you’ve got one of the best ways to mooch about online in Switch’s current lineup of games. Even if you’re terrible at shooters, you’re still not going to struggle for long. This isn’t about precision - part of DOOM’s grisly charm is its run, gun and run again formula that turns every firefight into a bullet-trading joust.
So yeah, I love this damnable thing a lot, that much is obvious, but I guarantee you’ll only need to spend a few minutes in its mad-eyed company to realise you love it too. As a vanguard for the future of FPS on Switch, DOOM is the perfect candidate for the job. Bold, brutal and baptised in buckets of blood. And on a Nintendo console, no less.
Comments 50
Picking up this game eventually.
This game is phenomenal--but it also highlights for me that, despite how immersive it is, the first person point of view isn't as good as third person for gameplay. In a bit of irony Doom is getting me more hyped for Bayonetta 3, not Wolfenstein.
Got it for christmas, I’m loving it so far
Yep, it's plays brilliantly on the Switch. I stopped playing it for now because of that damn sound bug. By the 5th mission it happens far too frequent and really takes you out the game. . I think it's a really poor show from Panic Button not having this patched by now. They keep saying they will look into and tell us to restart from the checkpoint. Great job! The game's been out for 6 weeks now, it's only an audio glitch,surely that can't be difficult to fix! Since it didn't sell too great it's obviously a low priority for them though.Rocket League received a huge patch after 3 or 4 weeks.
I quit playing DOOM on Switch because there is no option to invert the x-axis controls. After 600+ hours of BotW, I'm very much accustomed to having both x and y-axis controls inverted. I've tried but can't control the pointer in Doom no matter how much I practice. I'm terrible.
I will definitely get DOOM when I am in a position to get my own Switch. I'm totally jealous of my son... Lol
I was hesitant about getting it because of several stataments made here; so glad I went with my gut. Absolutely loving the portable experience. Currently overseas and loving the ability to blast, rip and bludgeon just about anywhere.
I will pick this up before long, it looks so fun for a portable game.
DOOM on the go is, quite simply, amazing.
Handheld FPS games are rare indeed. This is the best one I've ever played. Wolfenstein II will make a great addition as well.
Enjoyed this more than Mario Odyssey. Probably my #3 Switch game behind Breath of the Wild (#1) and NBA 2K18 (#2 - I like GM mode a lot, ok?)
I was sooooo impressed with Doom on Switch. Great buy and now the standard all ports will be held to.
Also...I like Dom! Great writing.
Hey does anyone know how I can take off the lag when moving the cursor (right joystick)? For some reason, if I move the joystick slightly the cursor doesn't move. It's not a lag per say, but a very small bounding box that I can't seem to remove. I'm loving the game but this tiny issue does mess with my experience a bit. I use a pro controller, and have played Skyrim, and it doesn't happen in that game. Any help is greatly appreciate it.
Still can't believe this happened. A jaw-dropping achievement.
Biggest surprise of the year for me, a cracking FPS and campaign was the best since Perfect Dark for me.
It is deffo a game for the big tv with a pro controller though with the incredible soundtrack near breaking my speakers!
Totally agree - just finished the main campaign and really glad they made this happen!
Learning this game was coming was when I realized Bethesda was being for real about the Switch and wasn't playing around. It was also the point where naysayers had to draw back and acknowledge the Switch has something to offer console and pc gamers. Maybe not the best graphics, but serviceable graphics and same gameplay on a portable system.
A brilliant game on Switch.
I play this regularly and can keep playing when my kids walk in thanks to the Switch being portable.
Incredible port that just needs that sound bug fixed.
@crashnnburn check the control options. There is a sensitivity option you can set.
Absolutely loving the game.
I do have a few criticisms though. The game can be a bit too repetitive (I wish they brought back some of the enemies from Doom 3, especially the cherubs) as there are almost no new monsters introduced later in the game, and I wish that the boss monsters were basically treated as regular monsters (as they were in the original DOOM games), instead of isolated/dual-phase bosses with visible health meters. One of the fun things about the original DOOM games is that a Cyberdemon or Spider Mastermind can catch you off-guard in a non-boss stage, and I think that the way that boss monsters were handled in the original games is a lot better than the clichéd manner in which they are handled here.
I'm a little disappointed that the Arachnotrons haven't made a comeback either. Maybe one for Reboot DOOM II?
@OorWullie the bug it really sucks a lot but I experienced it around 5-6 times through the whole campaign (5-6 times in 15 hours is not too much).
Of course is not an excuse, this looks like an "easy" fix.
@bezerker99 I'm a little confused how you ever decided to use a control scheme with both X-axis and Y-axis inverted. I totally understand inverting the Y-axis, I do the same as I used to be a hardcore PC flight sim enthusiast so it's natural for me to pull back to go up, by why would you want to press left to go right and right to go left?
This version of Doom a lot of players have a problem running on PC. Yet it runs perfect on the switch.
The aiming is too sensitive. I'm use to using the mouse. I lowered the X and Y sensitivity to around 10 and the 3rd option (don't recall the name) to 50. Seems better but not perfect. Aiming can be frustrating.
Picked it up today with some of the money I got for Christmas. Was gonna get Skyrim too, but it was out of stock.
@Racthet916 My infatuation with the x-axis inversion primarily comes from the hundreds of hours I've dumped into Monster Hunter Tri, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Monster Hunter 4, and Monster Hunter Generations. For all of those games, I had this as my setting.
So when I got Breath of the Wild, the first thing I did was invert the controls because then it felt more "Monster Hunter-ish" to me.
DOOM does not have this option, unfortunately. It's difficult for me to revert back to the original controls. I'll figure out something, just practice harder I guess.
Really enjoying it, almost done story, and I'm on prestige 3 in multi, my guy looks like
Slightly updated tho.
@Racthet916 X-axis inversion doesn't alter character movement, it alters camera movement. You'll note that when you use only the right stick the character stands still, and only looks around. The same is true in a third person game; when you use only the right stick the camera moves around a character standing still. When you invert the x-axis moving the stick to the right is the same as moving the camera to the right, just as when you invert the y-axis moving the stick up is the same as moving the camera up. I find inverting both to be more natural in third person games, where I want to control where the camera moves, and inverting neither to be more natural in first person games, where I want to control where the character looks. I suspect that if flight sims, where the stick mimics the real thing, never existed, then neither would the option for y-axis inversion in first person games, but since it does I don't see why any developer offering one inversion doesn't offer both.
An awesome game!
I'm still in awe at what Panic Button was able to do and the Switch to be such a fantastic piece of tech able to run this game. I have no problem with the game run at 30fps and sub-HD at times; it looks amazing. Having not played the game last year and for the first time on Switch, I'm very impressed. Awesome game.
Very impressive game. A great addition to my switch library.
I reached the final level this morning...
This game right here got me back into shooters. I got it on Switch and loved it so much I eventually got a cheap PS4 copy for better graphics when I'm at home. I also ended up getting Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, The New Order, and The New Colossus because of Doom. Doom even compelled me to set up a steam profile so I could play Half Life 1 and 2. FPS games really can be some of the best when they just go crazy creative and don't try to trail along behind Call of Duty (a franchise with plenty of its own great games, but I wouldn't want every shooter to be just like it).
I got $50 worth of Amazon gift cards this Christmas, and I'll most likely get Wolfenstein 2 on Switch with them if I like it enough on PS4. Thanks for making awesome single player shooters, Bethesda, in a day when the genre is drifting more and more towards multiplayer.
I absolutely plan on purchasing both Doom and Wolfenstein 2 on Switch though in Doom's case it will only be after a price drop. If Wolfenstien 2 would have been released at the same time as the other versions I would have already bought it since I loved the trial on Xbox One. I hope Bethesda keeps their Switch support up because I am loving it.
Don’t let the haters deter you if you’re still on the fence. It’s a very good port of a great game. It’s up to you if the portability is worth the sacrifices it makes.
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton edition on vita is my favourite handheld FPS, followed by KZ mercenaries, Metroid Prime hunters and then this version of Doom.
There isn't many FPS on handhelds that were any good but i have to give a honorable mention to Doom 2 on GBA, not the best place to play that particular game but it was a great technical achievement
I have a hard time reading the text. That’s the biggest problem I have. It’s not clear due to low resolution. That bothers me more than the sound glitch.
Played through it on Xbox One and loved it, then picked it up on Switch as well and loving it even more, despite the technical compromises. Never thought I'd say that, but here we are.
@crashnnburn It's what we call the deadzone of the joystick. In other words, the zone where a joystick can move all it wants but not register input. Being the twitch shooter that it is, the deadzone on DOOM is way too big, especially for precision shooting demons from afar (god, that challenge with the heavy machine gun and movement impairing took many tries). So far, I could not find any way to change the deadzone, and changing the sensitivity does not fix that for me.
Edit: additional information. The deadzone is used to prevent accidental movement when the joystick jitters.
Got it since release and it's one of my top favourite games on the console.
It's truly amazing and I can't wait to play Wolfenstein next year.
It’s a great game, I thought I hadn’t really played a ‘proper’ 3rd person shooter before, but it reminds me a lot Metroid Prime.
Over the last 2 months or so I've had about £250 in store credit for GAME, and currently have £84.50 in Reward Points, so I bit the bullet the other day and bought DOOM for £40 and Fifa 18 for £50.
I put Fifa in yesterday and played handheld mode and think it plays beautifully. Looking forward to trying it out in docked mode.
Haven't got round to playing DOOM yet but from all the praise it's got, I am looking forward to starting it.
I was really waiting for a price drop with both games as I would not use real money for them as such at those prices, but it seemed they were getting quite difficult to find from actual shops and NOT marketplace sellers who were selling both titles at around £55-£60 each, so I didn't mind using some store credit
Finished the single player over Christmas. I love love loved it. I only own Nintendo platforms (mainly because I don't have time to play all the games I want to on one platform, let alone two or more). But about once a year there's a game I can't play on Nintendo that I really want to. This year it was Cuphead, last year it was DOOM. I grew up a PC gamer, so I have fond memories of the first two DOOM games. When I heard it was coming to Switch I was delighted.
It did not dissapoint. Easily the best portable FPS of all time. The progression system is perfect - enemies that scare the pants off you in the first few levels you will slaughter in waves by the end, as you unlock new weapons, add-on mods for those weapons, higher ammo limits and passive buffs for your character. The environments are varied enough but add up to a really cohesive world. They're not realistic (obviously), but they feel logical in how they are put together and are very well-made which helps the immersion.
Obviously you're not playing with a mouse which can make aiming a challenge but you'll perfect the strafe-shooting as you work through the game.
The throwbacks to the earlier games, the very well-written lore you collect, the secrets, the challenge sub-levels. The varied enemies, their awesome AI, the glory kills. I just ruddy loved it.
There's bugs for sure. I hope they patch them. But bravo Panic Button, id and Bethesda for putting this out and blessing Nintendo fans with this game. I will definitely be checking out Skyrim and Wolfenstein for sure. And plz plz plz give us DOOM 2 in this same wonderful engine with Switch support on day one.
@bezerker99 I can't believe in 2017 there are still games that don't just give you the option of having both inverted and non-inverted controls for both axis. It's not difficult and ensures everyone's happy.
Many older games only have inverted controls without an option for both, but at some point during the 2000's games started changing to non-inverted controls, without an option for both. It infuriated me at the time. I have since conditioned myself to work best with non-inverted controls as that's the standard these days, but it means when I go back to play N64/PS1 games (and even Gamecube games like Mario Sunshine and Zelda WW), I really struggle as the games have inverted controls only.
@GravyThief YES! Zelda WW does have inverted controls.
Motion controls would be ideal for NintenDOOM. Can't believe those aren't there either.
Only thing memorable is how big of a fail it was. It didn't even break the top 20 in the US in November. (Neither did any of the other Nov rehashed games)
Hopefully Bethesda will put the same effort in a new game (not a $60 rehash) most people will buy like Ubisoft did.
Have to agree, it was a major flop, if Skyrim goes the same way, which I think it will, then after wolfenstein i don't think Bethesda will bother with switch
2 good games but on the wrong system, unless it's MH or certain Japanese games then western AAA games will fail on this hardware, if they had any sense they would abandon thoughts of releasing on switch and leave it to Nintendo 1st party and Indies
The switch isn't the place for AAA devs
The Ubisoft game has done OK, only because the fat plumber is showcased, for me it ain't a 3rd party game, it's still Nintendo, only Ubisoft built it, just like Namco with pokken or Smash
@Agramonte you do know digital sales aren't accounted for in those numbers and both Doom and Skyrim were on the switch best sellers list for a least 1-2 weeks. Maybe they aren't sure fire hits like Rocket League, but I wouldn't say either of them flopped. Nintendo is a new platform to them and these are ports of older games with worse graphics. I really don't see how anyone could have expected crazy sales for these games. If anything I think they outperformed there expectations.
@BravelyDavid digital sales are not accounted for any of the games on the list. All of those games were also on top of their respective digital market places. So that argument is a wash.
Well I dont have a problem if you are right and it somehow met expectations. Like I said, I really hope they put the same effort on a new release. I don't see this as a Switch problem - $60 ports of older games do not make any sense anywhere.
@WhistleFish true KB is more like a 1st party game made by Ubisoft. I just Think publishers can do better doing things that fit the Switch and not just trying to fit a Square peg in a round hole. I already played Wolfenstein 2 - Did not see a reason to wait for what will probably be a 600p water down version on Switch like Doom was - but RayMan 3 I would wait for on Switch.
Exactly, Indies like flipping death are great on it - and mid size games like Tales, Disgaea and Cold Steel 4 would be good also. It is a bit concerning how bad Atelier did in Japan - I thought that would Do well on the Switch.
I was hoping wolfenstein would be the #1 FPS on switch but I just found out it don't even have a multiplayer, that ain't good
Doom multiplayer is shallow, basically garbage
It's not even 2018 and wolfenstein not having multiplayer will be my biggest disappointment of said year, it will be a lot of money on switch for a single player game, once campaign mode is finished it will be sold instantly
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