Viewtiful Joe and its sequel were among some of the best games released on the GameCube. This side scrolling beat 'em up had impressive cel-shaded graphics for its time and unique slo-mo fighting mechanics which made it lots of fun to replay time and time again.
PlatinumGames' Hideki Kamiya often likes to reminisce about his own Capcom era; Kamiya-san and many of the early PlatinumGames staff had moved on from the Japanese giant to start their own company. Speaking to Dengeki PlayStation, he spoke about some games he would love to remake if only Capcom would allow it:
I want to work on a Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe remake, or a true sequel for Okami. A cooperation with Dante (from Devil May Cry) and Bayonetta might also be fun. Dear Capcom, if it’s okay with someone like me, I will help anytime. Best regards. Everyone, bow down your heads together with me!
We have no idea what is going on with Capcom, but a Viewtiful Joe remake for Switch would be most welcome. Okami would also be a great fit for the Switch too - it's missing out on the recent 'HD' re-release - and we wouldn't say no to Devil May Cry either.
C'mon Capcom, make our dreams - and Kamiya's - come true.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 44
Oh god yes please!
Hehe better late then never NL.
Nerds for the win!
I’d love to see capcom give some attention to some neglected IPs. New one of this or an Onimusha would be an instant buy for me. Hell a onimusha HD collection even would be nice
Had alot of fun playing that game. That damn shark boss was a pain!
Still very quiet on the Platinum+Switch front though, isn't it? We know their working on something for the console, and we know Bayonetta 3 is in planning, and we know they love to troll us on pretty much everything. Maybe we'll learn something in the new year?
that would be appreciated as i've missed out on the gcn era
Yes please!!! Was just thinking of this game.
To this day my friend maintains that i borrowed and never gave back his PS2 copy of this game. LIES
I would absolutely LOVE it if Capcom would let Kamiya work on his old franchises. New Viewtiful Joe, DMC, and a true Okami sequel would be fantastic. It's up to Capcom though and unfortunately I don't think they're interested. 2 out of 3 of those series are fairly niche (okami and viewtiful joe).
Would prefer the proper third episode "Return of the Joe". Anyway, those games were certainly from a golden age of the industry, Capcom should wise up before it turns into the next Konami.
Reading the quote, I'm much more into the sequel for okami.
A new viewtiful joe would be great, but between a redo and a new okami? I'm picking okami.
@Oat Viewtiful Joe and Okami seem recognizable to fans and Capcom knows it. Both were in MvC3, Joe was in Tatsunoko vs Capcom and there was a Okami sequel on DS and now currently an HD remaster to (hopefully) Hague interest
I'd love nothing more to see a new VJ and Okami, but considering the state of Capcom...I'll believe when I see it, and I have a feeling I won't see it for some time if at all. Hopefully we can at least get Okami HD on the Switch, as I'm interested, but I've no interest if it is on PS4 only.
Stop with those remakes already, just focus on a sequel. Something new
The first VJ and Okami probably both rank in my top 10-15 favorite games ever list. Would instantly buy either or both, remakes or sequels.
With Viewtiful Joe it's hard to see how the game could be improved, outside of some more variety for the final boss-rush.
It still looks great and plays phenomenally.
I've been waiting for VJ3 for the longest time. VJ2 was so good...
Never heard of this game before. It could be cool, but the picture for it looks kinda weird.
Capcom stop making ports and remasters and give this guy the go ahead to make some new games.
as the good doctor says in Sealab 2021, "Do It...Do it now!"
Rarely does a picture sum up a franchise so well
I would by buy this day one if it were to come out on virtual console.
This is why I love Kamiya/P* and similar developers. They really know what the gaming community would love to see make a resurgence. Sadly, these big publishers are too busy trying to line-up "games as a service" so we'll sooner see a Viewtiful Joe...character add-on for SFV. Or we'll encounter Amaterasu...as something to hunt in Monster Hunter World.
If we want any of this to come true, one of the Big3 would have to throw around their weight and champion the idea.
Okami on Switch seems like a no-brainer especially since the HD version is being re-released on PS4/XB next month. A real sequel would be awesome as would Viewtiful Joe since I never played it.
It would be awesome. Capcom could license the IPs if they are afraid of funding.
That sounds too humble for Kamiya. He really loves his creations and it is hard to blame him.
I have never played Viewtiful Joe, but Okami needs more love period. Rather have a sequel, but I would take a bargain remake for the Switch.
Killer 8? Oh, Mad World 2...
When you pause the game in Viewtiful Joe, it says "Don't forget to wash your hands." It seems like this game was made for Switch 15 years ago.
VJ Remake would be great. Game could use some light QOL touches, along with an HD coat of paint and some improved lighting. Minor touchups, but I think I'd trust P* over Capcom to do it right any day.
I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than an Okami sequel. Knowing Capcom it wouldn’t come to Switch, though.
If only this is the same Capcom that we know and love in the GameCube era then we could only hope. For now it's just wishful thinking but damn would that be great to have a modern day Viewtiful Joe 3 in HD.
Let this man make any game he wants. I'll buy whatever it is.
Viewtiful Joe is one of my favorite games ever. A remake would make me very happy.
@Pod Having the game in HD is the only improvement it needs.
These can just join the insanely huge long list of games that would feel at home on the Switch.
Not sure how Crapcom hasn't made an HD remake of Viewtiful Joe yet. They like porting Mega Man to everything... Also disappointed that Okami HD never got a Wii U port. What a missed opportunity.
@Malcrash you're absolutely right, but despite all of that, I can't help but worry not enough people will care about the characters. Okami and joe both showed up in mvc3 but the last viewtiful joe game was over a decade ago and okamiden cam out in 2010 in the twilight years of the ds. I'm not sure if enough people will care. I can only hope that the ps4/xbone/pc re release of okami will spark some interest again
Well, I would be all for a remake, but how about a completely new game in the series, in Full HD, on a cartridge, and a Deluxe Edition with the original 3 games either on a second cartridge or as a download.
And that Okami sequel sounds good too, although considering the source material, and it only being one story/legend, that has already been completely covered in the first game, I can't help but imagine that it would run the risk of being a lesser experience altogether.
So, in that particular case, an HD re-imagining might be better. Perhaps with some additional stuff, to flesh the story out even more.
I must not have actually woken up this morning and still be dreaming. Remakes or new ones I will buy either way. Love love love these games Okami is a Luke warm one for me but DMC or VJ please make it happen Capcom, please...
All 3 of these sound pretty cool.
Even an HD Okami.
Why does Viewtiful Joe need to be remade? The cel-shaded graphics still hold up well today, as does the gameplay. Just do an HD remaster on current gen systems with a few bonuses, and we're good.
And if he does I'll play it.
Want it need it gotta have it
Henshin a go-go
Ebony n ivory
Woof woof
Capcom stop being a female dog already and let the man make our ACTUAL dreams come true
I rather have a totally new Viewtiful Joe. A totally new Okami would be cool too.
Never played the original because of college :-. Would love a remaster, with 2 player options :-X if that's possible....
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