Bethesda has revealed during today's Nintendo Direct that it is bringing Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus to the Nintendo Switch.
The FPS - which is the sequel to the rebooted Wolfenstein - places you in the boots of William "B.J." Blazkowicz as he attempts to trigger a second American revolution in an alternate 1961 where Germany emerged victorious from WW2 and occupies the US.
Were you expecting to see a third-party release of this calibre announced during the Nintendo Direct? Let us know your thoughts with a comment.
Comments 108
OK, this is big news in terms of AAA third party support. Bethesda is actually doing the Switch proud.
Effing awesome.
Quick, everybody unmute all the "no triple AAA games..." and "only ports of old games" accounts.
I just finished the first on PS3, and kept thinking that a PS4 could be nice. Well, thank you Nintendo, I guess !
Where is the Irishman.. this is amazing news. First game was awesome and now I get to play the 2nd game on the go.
Switch version over PS4 all day. Portability over graphics for me.
This and Doom are coming to Switch!? Did Not see that coming at all! I hope they go over well, it will do a lot to shore up the Switch's 3rd party support!
What a day, Bethesda is really getting behind the Switch, this is great 😁
I'll get this and DOOM, especially since I've played older games in each series and loved them.
Honestly I'm blown away on this and Doom. I knew the system could handle it (Vulkan engine here clearly being used from the looks of it) and does it nicely. It's nice to see Bethesda giving its all instead of a generation ago doing some childish jousting game for kids and nothing else. This is a huge welcome 180 in support. Stuff like THIS will make third parties care.
I did get Doom for PC on a discount awhile back, but I'd snap it up for portability sake and to support Bethesda, it feels right to give back if they're going to make a real effort.
great news!
Was NOT expecting this or DOOM.
Awesome third party support Bethesda is certainly growing on me.
Soooo did not see this coming
I'll be revving up my chainsaw in doom and swinging my axe in wolfenstein 2 on the go for sure
Yeeeraaahhhh! Can't wait. I was hoping for Doom and thought it was possible but Wolfenstein?!?! I can't wait. Looks like Bethesda's all in.!
Waiting for a certain account's response to this. Seriously curious.
Of course.
I couldn't get them before because I didn't had a powerful enough PC to play the game smoothly or another console, so definitely buying these games from bethesda.
But, how much extra space on an SD card will it require?
I'm guessing this game just started development on Switch given that it won't come until 2018, but god dang, I did not expect this at all whatsoever.
Bethesda has my support. Well done.
Will definitely get this one, it was on my Switch wishlist. Now just need Fallout 4 and I'll be set for a long while
2018 is going to be a massive year for Switch. By the end the fiscal year we'll be looking at 30 million units sold, mark my words.
Bethesda creeping up my favourite publisher list...
Bethesda taking risks. Love how they not even waiting to see how well skyrim sells.
It's great that Bethesda is giving a lot of support to the Switch, hopefully we see even more
Bethesda are bringing the support to the Switch and other companies should follow as soon as they can.
Exactly what I wanted
Did not Expect Bethesda to give the Switch this much support. Maybe if this and Doom sells well the console can get The Evil Within 2 and Fallout 4.
@Meuz That Odyssey bundle will certainly push some serious sales this holiday. Here's hoping Nintendo can keep up with the demand.
This was one of only 2 new games announced. The other being Doom. I welcome them, even if they are ports. They're good ones at least.
This surprised me as I was not expecting this at all. Still we got some mature games for the switch which is good news
Dreams do come true.
Now I just need to make more money!
Is this better than DOOM or about the same? I'll prob get both either way.
@jswhitfield8 Sorry, Doom is a port. A very good one though. I'm happy about that.
Another big Surprise. Of course everybody who moans about ports will moan about this as well. Otherwise they'd just raging hypocrites. Interesting to see how this and Doom do-certainly didn't expect it to be Bethesda testing the water.
Don't judge me, but this had me chuckling and wondering what the German Direct was like. Mostly out of curiosity due to the "games are children's entertainment" stigma that keeps swastikas out of any video game ever.
Has any Wolfenstein ever seen the light of day in good ol' Deutschland?
It's out on PC/PS4/Xbox on October 27,2
2017 but Switch version is 2018
Well there you go. It seems Bethesda deem the Switch a viable console that they're clearly able to work with. The proof for long term is if these games sell or not. Skyrim is a purchase for me as I didn't bother with the broken mess of the ps3 version and held off the ps4 release once I saw it was coming to Switch. Looking good seeing as all this has come within the first year of the Switch release. Good job Nintendo 👍
I can't honestly tell if you're joking or not.
Bethesda we waited and waited and waited.... And you're finally here . Full circle. Nintendo is now complete. 👏👏👏👏👏👏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶😎😎😎
Never expected nintendo to acknowlidge the existence of nazi's, let alone in a nintendo direct live stream.
Question is, will there be related amiibo?
Half-life 3.. AH! Anyone? No? ..
@AlexSora89 he isn't, some games with nazi's as enemies got cencored in germany where the blood was green or they were just robots, not human beings.
I played the first Wolfenstein and I really liked it.
I wasn't going to buy this until it dropped in price but for Switch? Well that's a different story isn't it. I'll be all up in that for day one
Yep, it does. Sorry.
This was a surprise to me. I'll probably pick these up on PC, but it's nice to see the support for the Switch.
think it could have motion aiming like in Splatoon 2, or would that not work well for first-person?
And with Abradolf Lincler as the villain.
If you want to know where the pic is from, look no further: Rick And Morty, the only adults-only animated show where the irreverent, splatter-heavy, politically incorrect comedy is actually funny and worth watching.
Will either this or Doom have gyro aiming? They'd be silly to not try and incorporate it.
Okay, this is probably the most significant announcement of the entire presentation! This, and Doom, are current generation, which proves what I've been saying for months: the Switch is far more powerful than people give it credit for! Hopefully, this opens the floodgates! I've beaten both of these games, but I'll buy them again for the portability factor and also to lend my support to Bethesda! Now, bring on Fallout 4!
I'll buy them again for the portability factor and also to lend my support to Bethesda!
That's what's up. Standup fan right here. That's showing love to the developers that are plugging us with all these good games.
Me too. Day one and day one. Even if I had played doom already I would still buy it day one. Any great game I can have on Switch, a portable hybrid console... I want it. Plus if they Inc. motion into Skyrim I'm willing to bet they'll incorporated into these as well. That would be incredible
Nice to see another dimension-hopper. No wait, this comment could actually be better.
"Y-y-y'know Morty, there's this universe about the German Wolfenstein Morty, where Hitler was actually a ro-URP-bot. Robot Hitler, Morty, I sh[bleep] you not. I shot at it. It bled green. It was super weird, like, like some guy went out of his way and censor history for some kind of f[bleep]ed up game that nerds play down their basement. I was like, what's next, the swa-URP-stika's a flower now, or something?"
"Oh jeez, was it, Rick?"
"I don't remember Morty, because I was really high at the moment and it's possible I made the whole thing up. But the moral of the story, Morty, is never give Hitler a sample of your own urine, because next thing you know, his blood gets green and he starts needing a plug in order to do the most basic functions."
Tha-URP-ank you sir, I actually did the whole Rickified comment thing before on Nintendolife (I comment a lot on the site so don't expect me to find the exact article) but it never caught on for some reason.
OMG, Bethesda is all in. I love it!! Can't it be real? Can the Switch finally fulfill my dream of not depending of PlayStation to play third parties? Please Nintendo, please!!!
Btw day 1. All third parties today, day 1.
This is the first game Bethesda has made for Nintendo that isn't some outdated port.Switch is finally gaining considerable third party support.
Neat. I wonder how it'll play on the Switch.
I'm mostly familiar with the first Wolfenstein that was on PC. I think I bought it on the iPhone a number of years ago.
How's the robotic life treating you then?
By the way, this thread is now about Rick And Morty analogies.
"Can the Switch finally fulfill my dream of not depending of PlayStation to play third parties? "
This and Doom the only 2 new games? That's not true.
More new games were announced in this Nintendo Direct: Snipperclips Plus, The MOBA "Arena of Valor", Dragon Quest Builders 1, the Japanese Phantasy Star Online 2: Cloud, and 7 Nintendo arcade games. That's at least 13 new announced games for Switch.
Thanks, man! Here's the thing: I'll support any great game, with a few exceptions. I probably won't be purchasing LA Noir because it's a $50 port of a seven year old game that can easily be had for $10 on PS3, and its ten dollars more expensive than the remastered edition that's landing on PS4 and XBO. You could call me a hypocrite, though, because I've decided that I will be picking up Skyrim on Switch, which is cheaper elsewhere.
Honestly, this Direct was the shot in the arm, game wise, that I felt Switch needed! That Project (I can't remember the whole name) that Square Enix is releasing? Honestly, I'm more excited about that than the possibility of Final Fantasy XV! The only frustrating thing for me was, once again, Virtual Console getting the shaft. I've reached the conclusion that Nintendo is quietly killing the service. Six months in, and all we have is a vague outline of a service that will allow you to play select NES games online. Maybe it wasn't as profitable for them as one would imagine, since it seems to be so low priority for them. The ACA announcement was awesome, though!
@SKTTR Phantasy Star Online 2 is likely to stay in Japan, Snipperclips Plus is an expansion, Arena of Valour is a mobile game and the Arcade games? Really? You're going to class them as 7 new games? You're stretching. Doom, Wolfenstein 2 and Dragon Quest Builders were the only real notable new games. MHB is a port of a game already out in Japan and likewise Doom is port.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about the Bethesda announcement.
@AlexSora89 Regarding censorship in Germany. It was really bad in the 80s and 90s but got better and better since then. Not only for games with swastikas and stuff but violence in general. And also for movies.
In the first Half Life they replaced all the solders with robots and the Scientists and security guards couldn't die. Instead if the took damage they sat down on the floor and shook their heads.
Half Life 2 on the other hand was released uncensored just six years later.
Another famous example is the Command and Conquer series. In the first two games they replaced every infantry unit with "Cyborgs". But starting with Red Alert 2 they were uncensored expect for Generals, which was seen as too realistic so the did the Cyborg thing again and also changed all the names of citys and countries.
It is also almost impossible to find uncut versions of most 80s horror movies in German.
But nowadays games and movies are rarely censored. The only exception are swastikas and other Nazi symbols.
Ya, I've concluded their new form of selling back catalog is the NES and SNES classic (and more to follow). And obviously we are now getting these arcade titles and we know for a fact we're getting NES/SNES because they're releasing with the online service, but aside from that I'm not getting my hopes up for anything. I would really really love to have them sell a wide array of virtual console but honestly, if they don't then I'll just get it all when Switch gets home brew. Don't get me wrong- I buy all my games and despite being a huge fan of modded consoles, every game I have on them I've bought at least once, some multiple times. The only exception is virtual console games they never actually released or sold in the west or fan translations, stuff like that. And I would be the first one to line up and buy them if they ever did release in the west.
Anyways, I am buying LA Noire. I never played the game so that right off the bat means it's worth the price to me. But that aside, I really want to support Rockstar for supporting the Switch. I know it costs 10 more dollars but honestly, the fact the game is a console and handheld version in one is enough to offset that for me. I don't like it but, it's not that big of a deal to me really. I'm just happy to see such a great game come to the system, be offered portably, and be on a cartridge. I love my physical releases and stuffing a full AAA game on a cartridge is really impressive to me.
No, you're totally right, and you put it into perspective for me. If anything, I should look at the Switch as a Dream hybrid because it has the potential to be a portable PS3/PS4 (to a degree), the next generation of handhelds, a classic museum, the second coming of Wii, console gaming untethered, and a Nintendo console all rolled into one! I'm really hoping to see Dark Souls pop up at some point! I think that I would shriek!
Loved Wolfenstein New Order on PC. Hesitant switch over to console for this. I'm tempted though. Very tempted. Oh what the heck, this and Doom are instabuys!!
No problem. I just wanted to show you that it was really 13 new Switch games announced in today's Nintendo Directs and not just 2. But thanks for explaining your stance on the other 11 new games.
Looking forward to this game!
So they're putting this on Switch, now what about Wolfenstein: The New Order? Might be asking a bit much of Bethesda right now, but still.
Wow this is huge 3rd party news!! The gate is opening slowly!!
Alright Bethesda, you put up so I'm going to shut up and give you money. (I would love to see the dishonored games as well)
Not a fan of Wolfenstein compare to Doom but if this help Bethesda support for Switch then I'm in, may check the game out come next year.
Besthesda is trying to take home the gold. Awesome support. I am glad they are not intimidated by the cartridge size or that the system is not as powerful as others. This gives me hope for:
Metal Gear Series
Batman Arkham Series
Kingdom Hearts Series
Nintendo continuing to kill it right now. I'm not the biggest fan of this series but getting a version of this game is still huge for Switch and when the price drops a bit I'll be sure to pick it up. Between this and DOOM (great game), it looks like Bethesda is on board. I hope these FPS along with Skyrim all sell great on Switch. The better the sales, the more chances Bethesda sticks around and having third party support like that is extremely important for long term success.
The release may be behind the others, but this is Bethesda releasing a UPCOMING game on Switch. I can't believe it.
I was cheering during this announcement! Then I saw the 2018 date and was like f@*^!! Lol Awesome news though
The way Bethesda is going it won't be long till we see a fallout on switch.
Growing 3rd party and AAA games? Mind blown! Nazis on a Nintendo system? Master D's (AKA Faux Hitler) mind REALLY blown! 😝💣
Just link, and not embed, because exploding 8-bit head. 😎
Oh, that was unexpected. Good news! Hopefully there will be a Retail version.
I will be getting this for PS4, simply because I have the previous game and DLC with platinums BUT, this is just great news. Well done to Nintendo for doing whatever deal they did with Bethesda for this support. Recognisable brands on the shelf is really what the Switch needs. I now have Skyrim and Doom on my Switch list for this year. I need more money...
@JaxonH No need to explain yourself on that first part, heh... totally get you because the Switch really does have a lot of potential from all corners, whether official support or 'fan' support.
And I've only waded in the water on some of these games/series before. I'll likely be buying all 3 Bethesda games and L.A. Noire from Rockstar(not to mention I'm likely also nabbing Wwe and either FIFA or NBA) to show these third parties support and because I'd pretty much be playing the titles not in parenthesis for the first time, so this lil hybrid system is already shooting up the list of favorite consoles thus far.
Whew this has been a lot to take in...
This is the BIG one. This is a AAA that's not even been released on other platforms yet.
This is a massive coup for the big N.
Things really are looking up.
Wow didn't see this coming! Well done Nintendo and Bethesda!
I hope it's not buggy though like most Bethesda games...
Which makes a Wolfenstein game still count.
Doubly hilarious is that Nintendo of Europe's HQ is in Germany IIRC.
I don't think this is gonna happen, due to the engine used. If I remember correctly it uses id Tech 5. Among other things it means that it uses VERY big textures that cover everything like a blanket instead of smaller, repeated textures. The upside is very diverse and natural looking environments, basically the whole level is painted as one huge artwork, the downside is huge file sizes (50GB+)... This is unlikely for Switch due to the Cart sizes. And porting it to a different engine I would deem practically impossible, or very, very hard, time-consuming and cost-intensive. So no, not likely.
@JunkRabbit that sucks. I wonder if they'll at least do something to fill us in on what happened in the first game.
@AlexSora89 While they add to the atmosphere of the game I could live without the swastikas. And as I said they don't censor the violence and gore anymore.
The worst part is, that the German version doesn't include the English voice track. In the first game most of the Nazi characters still spoke German and a lot of characters spoke Polish or French, which was really cool, but on the voice track of the German version everybody spoke German.
@JunkRabbit While it uses a different engine, Doom is even bigger than The New Order with, I think, over 60 GB.
It will be interesting to see if they can shrink the Switch version considerably or if we have to pay for 64 GB Game Modules.
Wow Bethesda!! You surprised me for real. To me this is gold. Thanks guys.
Sounds pretty limited. Who knows, though, maybe they'll add a voice track selection for the Switch edition.
I was actually wondering about that, because I'm in fact not so much into tech details usually (had only read that detail about id Tech 5 by chance), and wasn't aware that these two new games were running on a different engine. Previously just assuming that they're still using id Tech 5 I was very surprised about the announcement (from the little knowledge I have about the engine)...
EDIT: Considering the Digital Foundry assessment of Rayman Legends and their guess that the considerably longer load times have to do with file compression (was it half the size or even more?) and the additional decompression time, I now think it could be possible to fit it onto a 32GB Cart, with the trade-off of longer loading times... Though photorealistic textures cannot be compressed as much as cartoony ones of course...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "They're good ones at least."
Thabks. Your approbation means so much to us.
@Tibob "Thabks. Your approbation means so much to us."
Your avatar might explain your atrocious spelling.
Thank god, between this and Doom, there's hope for Switch gamers that don't fall into the Mario and Kirby crowd.
@electrolite77 yes it can and it will, mark my words.
Depends if you're lucky enough to get the ones you want. Because it isn't going to get everything that PS4 gets. Mark my words.
I don't think they're that bothered about VC. They'll use it to push their online subscription and would rather have users buying new games than spending their money on old Nintendo games again. Not sure I agree with it but that's the thinking.
Agreed it was a really good direct. Didn't expect much beyond more details and dates on 2017 releases but we got some major new announcements, and the rest of 2017 looks really strong.
What is most exciting, is that if these three Bethesda games are coming to Switch, we might expect the new upcoming Elder Scrolls game coming to Switch as well.
Well that's it for me, i have the money but didn't want a switch but Doom was a game i cut my teeth on back in the day, amongst others like Duke nukem, Quake. Certainly buying a switch now but won't be buying any games with a fat plumber in them though. No doubt quake will come now
Wow! All I can say is wow.
My faith in Nintendo is rewarded?
And Doom!
The first one was awesome and I was going to get this on PS4 but I think I might wait.
Here we have ID using Vulkan to bring high end titles to the Switch. This is what I've been saying folks, the Switch can handle most games if the devs are willing to access all its potential.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I thought u don't have a switch? So what well u welcome them on? Well I guess you can always read the articles when released and give us a comment lol
Kickin' butt and takin' names. By the time I get the Nintendo Switch, I'll be buying all three games from Bethesda-- Skyrim: Nintendo Switch Edition, DOOM, and Wolfenstein II (and more from Nintendo, third parties and NINDIES!).
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