Of all the big Switch exclusives due this year, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 might just be the biggest; Splatoon 2 may be racking up big sales, and Super Mario Odyssey may hold more space in the collective imagination, but there’s no arguing with the vastness of Monolith Soft’s Xenoblade Chronicles series. The Wii original and its Wii U sequel Xenoblade Chronicles X were both excellent JRPGs with enormous worlds and engaging combat, so we were understandably excited when we were able to go hands-on with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at this year’s PAX West, and our demo didn’t disappoint. While we’d definitely need more time to get the most out of its intricate battle system, we loved what we played and can’t wait to see more of this massive adventure.
Our time with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 kicked off in a beautifully terraced area of shallow, subterranean pools. Our Nintendo representative handed us a Pro Controller and we took control of Rex, the game’s spunky protagonist. Two friends — Tora and Mia — rounded out our three-person party, but we were steering a total of six characters thanks to the fact that each party member has an associated ‘Blade’ — a mysterious, Persona-like being that grants its owner (or ’Driver’) combat powers and abilities.
As we roamed around the pools in third-person, two things jumped out at us right away. First, the beloved British voice acting is back, retaining the series’ distinctive, regional-dialect-convention feel; second, that the game looked decidedly low-resolution on the massive TV screen we were playing on. This was far from a final build, however, and the effect looked more to be the result of an unfortunate resolution mismatch than anything else; while the fuzziness is worth noting, we also feel quite confident that it won’t be an issue in the full release. It also failed to distract us from the main dish of our demo: Xenoblade’s unique brand of real-time combat.
Instead of random battles on a separate field, as in many JRPGs, Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s foes roam the land freely and in plain sight; walk close enough to one and you’ll start an encounter right then and there. Enemy levels are displayed above them before you get within range, so you’ll know — or, in our case, have a helpful Nintendo employee tell you — if you’re ready take them on or not before you get in too deep. Once you do decide to challenge an enemy the music shifts, you’ll ready your blade (and Blade), and it’s off to the races.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s combat revolves around a real-time system of build-ups and cool-downs, which rewards timing, positioning, and combos. As soon as you walk up to an enemy with your weapon drawn, you’ll start attacking; in Rex’s case, that means a three-part combo of slow slashes that deal plenty of physical damage. Getting in these ‘normal’ attacks starts to build up meters on each of three ‘Arts’ (special moves) assigned to the face buttons. These Arts are unique to the Blade currently equipped, and each have their own strengths and special uses.
With fire-wielding Pyra as our Blade, for instance, we had access to an Art that would ‘topple’ (i.e. knock down) an enemy, a Sword Bash that dealt extra damage from behind, and a Double Spinning Edge attack that worked best from the side. Once we used a Sword Bash, we’d have to wait for it to recharge before using it again; casting each of these three Arts in turn charged up the meter for our fourth, ‘Special Art’, complete with multiple power levels, quick-timing event triggers, and a show-stopping animation.
That’s quite a move set already, but once we got somewhat comfortable with the basic rhythm of Pyra’s Arts, our Nintendo rep pointed out that we could cycle between Pyra and two other Blades using the D-Pad. Switching Blades is instantaneous, and things started to get pretty crazy once we realized we could chain combos between Blades — using Pyra’s topple Art to knock an enemy down and then switching to another Blade to throw the newly-downed foe into the air, for instance.
Taken all together, these battles reminded us a bit of playing a fighting game in slow-motion. It features friendlier inputs, to be sure — floating diagrams on the HUD clearly show which moves and Blades are mapped to each button at all times — but the rhythm, combos, move buffering and situational decision making were all satisfying in a similar way. It’s also similarly unfriendly for button-mashers; when we started to zone out while listening to an explanation of the game’s lore mid-battle, we Game Over’d spectacularly and had to restart from a save point.
If we’re honest (and we always are!), as exciting and intricate as the combat system in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was, it was also seriously overwhelming. Even by the end of our roughly half-hour hands-on, our grip on the systems and subsystems intertwining to make up the on-screen melees felt tenuous — a feeling driven home when our Nintendo rep asked if we wanted to see him demonstrate a combo we’d failed to pull off several times, and then made it look so easy; there was an entire mechanic (elemental combo trees) that still hadn’t clicked for us. We were told that the demo portion we were playing took place 15 hours into the game, however, and that each individual feature would have been eased into the player’s repertoire one at a time; in other words, it shouldn’t be an issue when playing from the start. And it’s worth reiterating that even without a full grasp of exactly what we were doing, combat never ceased to be fun; we kept wanting to battle more to get better, and that’s a very good sign.
And while the combat left us wanting training wheels, we knew just what to do with the game’s other main focus: exploration. Like its predecessors, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 features a massive world full of multiple Titans — ancient, planet-sized beings with entire ecosystems and civilizations on, around, and inside them — to discover, and the area we were able to experience was jaw-dropping. From crystalline gorges and abalone overhangs to waterfalls feeding bioluminescent pools, we had a wonderful time just walking around, soaking it all in.
Taking in the scenery also triggered a few ‘Landmark’ discoveries — which help fill in the map and add to your knowledge of local geography — as well as one particularly memorable moment, when our friends from Nintendo revealed that the ‘skylights’ we’d been admiring in the distance were actually clear membranes on the skin of the Titan we were currently inside. That revelation led to a bit of a perspective shift, as we began to see just how ‘organic’ the caves and formations around us looked, and to really appreciate the uniqueness of Xenoblade’s once-sentient settings.
There’s a lot to look forward to in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, then, and we’re excited to learn more about this grand adventure ahead of its Holiday 2017 release. In the meantime, even from our brief hands-on, this sequel looks set to continue the series’ staple mix of complex, engaging combat and awe-inspiring exploration. JRPG fans should absolutely keep an eye on this one.
Comments 78
I still hard for me to believe this game is coming this year, honestly.
I am like expecting any day for Nintendo to delay it, but if they release it this year it will be really awesome.
Have we seen any controllable mechas?
To me it sounds like the sort of game that people who liked the first Xenoblade and X (as in Me) would like. Not sure if it's a game for a newcomer to the series- and I'm not sure if it fits as the last Switch game before Christmas (which has traditionally been THE holiday game).
Sounds weird for someone of my age to admit, but things with huge colossal monsters in really give me the creeps. I don't know why. Even Shadow of the Colossus was a hard play for me, (especially the underwater "boss"). This does look great though.
Does anyone else think this doesn't look as good as Xenoblade Chronicles X? Which is a strange thing to say but maybe it's because it's had a shorter development. Some areas look better than others. It still looks great, don't get me wrong and I'll be buying it for sure.
This game was the main reason that I bought a Switch. Also I hope they port Xenoblade Chronicles X to Switch, because I think many Switch owners like me never bought that terrible WII U thing and hence there will be a lot of demand for that one too.
I wonder about the Mechas inside Xenoblade 2...
A piece of art for sure. Cant wait for this one.
I prefer Xenoblade 2 art style than Xenoblade X.
Xenoblade 2 looks more Animesque, similar with Tales of series.
This is the game I'm looking forward to most this year. On a seperate note, I'd love it if the first chronicles and X also came out on switch at some point. Whether on virtual console or a hd port doesn't matter although if they sold the 3 on a cart as some trilogy collection that would be amazing.
characters seem so slow when they swing their weapons :-/
Never played this series but I am very interested in this one.But for now I have more than enough games to keep me going.Will wait on reviews.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Personally I always felt x was built for a more powerful machine than the wiiu and was down graded to run on it. Did you see those early teasers?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the character models look waaay better than X.
I think the discrepancy lies with its anime-esque style vs X's more "realistic" approach, but I know what you mean, some area's look sparse and bland, I do think what they showed off at Gamescom, texture-wise looked better, but performance seemed to be less smooth, we'll have to wait and see what the final build looks like, but I'm always one for performance over style.
As much as I liked X it paled in comparison to the original Xenoblade Chronicles, this one seems to be more in the style of that game which I like.
i'm hoping like with zelda, they will add japanese voice acting later in.
I'm definitely getting this one.
I remember not getting most of the battle system in chronicles on the wii. It could be why I was slow to grind and level and progress. I'm actually hoping for a better introduction into the battle system and really want to understand it better from the start this time so I don't get that again.
Still enjoyed every minute of it though. Looking forward to this one.
Haven't played his genre before and this looks mint ! I'll get it after , or if , I complete Zelda.
I noticed that, too, but I'm not too concerned. They opted for a more simplistic style first of all, and that might be all it comes down to. It still looks beautiful. Day one for me, too.
This is also the heavy-hitter still to follow Odyssey, which you probably forgot about in your other post (I did, too). Otherwise I'm with you about a lack of info on any REAL highlights beyond holiday season (not counting Skyrim and Fifa, though to some degree they might have a little impact). Not too anxious about it, but one must wonder what comes next, beyond year one and until the probably still a ways off Metroids and some such.
Definitely looking forward to this game. I'm playing through X right now, and while it's still a very good game, I'm glad the series is returning to a more fantasy, less sci-fi kind of theme.
Xenoblade Chronicle X was impressive on Wii U but after Zelda: BotW, nothing is impressive anymore. Not just XC 2 but any open world game.
Also, this game's graphic looks really dated, should've got some cell-shaded treatment like Zelda.
Already setting aside several hundred hours for this one.
Also don't worry about being overwhelmed at first, the previous games needed several hours until everything clicked.
I wish I liked JRPGs. Really don't enjoy most of them.
LOVED the first two games in the series and this looks great too, but I'm really not digging the main character's design at all. Looks like a 12 year old version of the tin man from Wizard of Oz.
Back in the day FF VII and Suikoden I and II were revelations for me (focused on story and well-written characters), but I guess they don't make 'em like that anymore... But they got me started into the genre, and I can still enjoy today's JRPGs for what they are, and there are still highlights every now and then.
Amazing, now This is the kind of stuff I got a Switch for. Enough with all the rehashed overpriced ports and Mobil/25 year old games eShop nonsense. Day 1 at any price - Can't wait!!!
Can't wait for this. The fact that you can explore multiple titans this time has me very excited.
To be honest, I never thought I would get into this series. The fact that XC was a few years old and I played it on VC didn't really help. But man did I love it. After playing X for about 200 hours I was definitely a fan. Looking forward to this and hoping it'd be some kind of hybrid of the aforementioned two.
Oh, I didn't mean to say that there aren't any JRPGs woth playing these days, but most don't have the emotional impact I felt with the three examples from the good old days (I forgot to mention Chrono Cross! One of the best JRPGs I've ever played; it may not have had the biggest budget in comparision with the Final Fantasies of the time, but it did have the biggest heart!)... Still, I love XCX, one of my favorites of all time is FF XII (looking forward to the PC HD remake), and I'm one of the few fans of Last Remnant, and this is only the tip of the iceberg...
Not a fan and won't be buying, but it's great to see big games like this on the platform. Anything like this that sells well and helps move a few consoles makes the system more appealing to 3rd party devs, and that's good for everyone.
@JunkRabbit I'm always proud to see love for FF12. Are they actually making a PC port of the recent Zodiac Age version? I haven't heard that.
Haven't played Automate, but liked the original Nier a lot. Most games you mention are in my library, too, and a lot more, don't get me wrong. I was seriously into JRPGs in the past, and this didn't change completely, but there's so many other games of all sorts of genres these days competing for my time and attention, that a game's emotional impact really needs to stand out for me to count as a highlight...
@macaron75 If it's anything like the first. You can upgrade your hits to be faster.
Yeah looking forward to playing Automata. It's on my Steam wishlist, and time's on my side (with too much already to play in the meantime). I'll play it eventually, no doubt.
Hey, a kindred spirit!
When I wrote that comment I was sure I had read that somewhere, but I can't find anything about it for the life of me to confirm it at this time. Probably wishful thinking on my part then. Sorry. Didn't want to start a rumor. I don't think it's completely out of the question though, even if unconfirmed at this point. And if not, all the more reason to get a PS4 some day, if only for that game (though there are a small number of other exclusives I'd be interested in, too).
I really need to get back into some Xenoblade Chronicles! The games are so overwhelming!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I think I understand where you're coming from, Xenoblade Chronicles X was gorgeous to look at. This game has a slightly different art style to both games which I find odd
I'm so excited for this game!
Day mother flipping one!
I don't want to spoil anything so I won't read it - but Xenoblade is my favourite game
@JunkRabbit Also very great JRPGs: The Persona games! Although it takes a while for their storys to REALLY take off, these games are also amazing!
Do we have any info on how big the game is (in time and size)?
Is it the same 80hour and a dozen square miles as the previous 2?
Man....I am going to love this.
I need this game
Not a big fan of the kiddy look of the main character... is there a character creation option or anything? Still will get regardless cuz the xenoblade games are awesome
@Steel76 X's soundtrack took a long long time to grow on me. Its nothing compared to Chronicles beautiful soundtrack but it did become less grating as time went on, for me anyway.
nb4 Treehouse censors the game to death.
I want this game so bad. I don't like the name Rex though...
@Fooligan Hmm...Rex means 'reigning King.'
Interesting, so it has a deep (complex at first?) battle system.
Welp, seems like it's time to pour in over 500 hours in this game :>
@MrGawain Skyrim is being published by Nintendo (Unlike Mario + Rabbids for example) and that has a holiday release window, so Skyrim could end up being the last nintendo release for the year. Surprised to see 2 very large open world games coming out likely in the same month.
Back in my earlier days it was games like this with a steep learning curve that defined you as hardcore gamer and not the platform you gamed on.
I hope they bring the first one to the Switch. I never played it. So I am not wanting to play this one until the first one. I hate to pay $50 for it used. I guess that will be my only option if I want to play this one when it comes out.
I'm soooooo looking forward to this game. It's this and Super Mario Oddyssey that are going to consume the end of my year
Is the game upgarded in the graphics department or is just the same as Wii U?
Pretty much exactly what I've read about the game everywhere else, sounds really good. I hope this is as rewarding as the original, because once you figure out skill links and how to manage your party, it's excellent.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You're not wrong. XCX is a gorgeous game, whereas XC2 is... underwhelming. In appearance, at least. The environments, in particular, are much less interesting than Mira's alien vistas.
Haven't played any of them and not a huge JRPG fan. I'll likely pass.
I'm still curious about this one, though I have yet to play the other two Xenoblade games. The combat system reads like it'll be rewarding, but will take some getting used to.
I'm still not holding my breath, but Nintendo on record has said it's coming this year. I guess it will be November's "hitter"? Either way, I still wouldn't be mad if it got pushed into 2018. Switch is starting to bury my life (thank goodness I'm retiring my 3DS from everyday, active, duty)
I'm still iffy on that story, but I'll give it a fair shake.
Game looks incredible. XCX was and still is one of my favorite JRPGs of all time. And one of my favorite open world games of all time.
This will be a classic, without question.
@Madden87 that song in XCX was my favorite! Only because it was so bad and totally cracked me up every time I heard it...
The Blades sound complex! I hope it all makes more sense then Xenoblade X. That title didn't click with me so far.
"while the fuzziness is worth noting, we also feel quite confident that it won’t be an issue in the full release."
...Because they told you so?
"each of three ‘Arts’ (special moves)"
So you'll only have access to three (plus the super special fourth) Art at a time during combat? That's probably an improvement over the... 8? that the first game had
@FantasiaWHT Because I saw it in all its un-fuzzy glory at E3 =) And since you can switch between three blades on-the-fly, you've actually got 9 Arts (or 12, including specials) you can use at a time!
@gefflt Yes! At least for the dialogue in the area I played, the text that came up was in big speech bubbles in a generously sized font!
"If complaining to people who prefer to have the option for dual audio is such a huge deciding factor for you, then maybe you need a new hobby."
There. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? Just because you think the dub is OK doesn't mean all the others who don't think that way should "find a new hobby". More and more companies have realized that offering gamers options for the voice acting language is a good thing, even Nintendo themselves with the original Xenoblade, which makes the lack of dual audio in their more recent releases even more perplexing.
This is what I'm looking forward to the most for the Switch.
@JJ286 At the moment it's probably the same as XCX. I reckon for the actual release it'll be upgraded to 900p, maybe with improved visuals. Personally, I think the only thing 'wrong' with XCX's graphics was the resolution really. Other than that, it looked incredible. Maybe some anti-aliasing would be welcome.
I will be buying this game right away. But I am sorry, I don't like the new MC's design. It's too... lumpy. Maybe clunky is the word? Please give him an alternate outfit. Or even bring back the ability to change armor like in the Wii game. Please.
I just hope Nintendo Treehouse isn't doing the localization. bring back the brits!
I enjoyed the first one on 3DS, and I really enjoyed X on Wii U. However, I never finished either one—never even got close with X. I also felt like I never truly understood all the complex gameplay dynamics of X. This game sounds like it's even more complex, and I'm not sure I can go any deeper than I did with X. Not sure I can justify buying this one having been so limited in my play-through of X. Maybe, one day when I'm finally done with Breath of the Wild and I get a hankering to explore a big, dynamic open world again, I'll go back to X.
Here's a tip folks: A love for lengthy, complicated JRPGs is not really compatible with having young children.
Really looking forward to this one! Loved both the first game and X! They're both very different games imo so I'd prefer people didn't compare them as if X was supposed to feel the same way Chronicles did. On that note, I'd love to have an X port simply because it's the only game left on WiiU I still wanna play...
One more thing for Morgan. Although "Mia" does seem like a more authentic name, I believe the cat girl's name is supposed to be "Nia" as a bit of a semi pun since it sounds like "nya", the sound a cat makes in the Japanese way of pronouncing it.
@David_Dudeney hmmm, kinda disappointing but I sort of expected that to be the case since they are reusing lots of assests from Xeno X.
@JJ286 I'm fairly certain that assets made for X were designed to take advantage of a more powerful system anyway. When people have made videos on playing X in 4K using CEMU, they noted that things like the moon had a lot more detail than was actually visible when playing on Wii U. Reusing assets is in no way a bad thing. Maybe they'll add things like dynamic lighting, so that you can see the shadows change as the Titans move.
My main annoyance with X's game engine was the dialogue animation things. They felt quite awkward and clunky, like a Wii game. I hope they update that, but I'm not holding my breath for it.
@David_Dudeney I'm sorry but X2 just doesn't look good. Hey, I'm still buying it and if they give us a collector's edition I'll buy that instead BUT it does look kinda dated.
It needs a port. It's an awesome game obscured in the shadows of the Wii U except for those of us who were able to enjoy it.
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