Snake Pass is a real gem in the early Switch library, it's a fresh experience that will keep you engaged until the very end. Solid visuals, unconventional gameplay, a memorable soundtrack and a decent amount of replay value make this well worth your time. The development team over at Sumo Digital did a fantastic job and we absolutely loved the game in our review.
It seems as if everyone else loved the game too, until the fateful day on the 21st June when the stellar game was updated to add a time trial mode. You may have noticed that the Switch menu icon changed from this inoffensive and pleasant icon: this shovelware smartphone app style abomination:
Since this update there has been a barrage of demands from players to revert back to the old icon:
That is just a small selection of comments along these lines, some even use naughty words.
Now there is also a NeoGAF thread entitled "Snake Pass, and how a bad home menu icon drags down my enjoyment of a game", it predictably features lots of comments from folks saying how much they hate the icon too and some suggestions for alternatives which could be fun...
So with all these protests you might imagine that the lovely folks over at Sumo Digital would quickly attempt to rectify this egregious decision, but they are sticking to their guns. This menu icon is going to stay, suck it up chumps:
We love you guys, we really do but for the love of everything that is holy please change it back.
Comments 158
Yeah it looks stupid but so do others games, I'm just so glad I bought the U.K Zelda, the U.S one looks awful IMO.
Who knew that of all the changes a dev team could make to a game, people are getting upset over something that doesn't show up while playing the game.
And I thought I was overreacting about it.
It seems like such a trivial thing but i really do agree that they need to change it back, the first one was so much better lol
"Mister Shifty" latest update also changed the icon...but for the better.
Lol, first world problems. That said, yep, the new icon is indeed a step backwards. I don't understand why they would feel the need to change it, the first one was perfectly fine.
Looks entirely inoffensive to me. Some people are hyper-impressionable, holy cow.
Deleting it is excessive, but I have to agree that it does look ugly.
All I can think of for any reason to change it is that they somehow lost the rights to the background.
I actually like it noodle looks silly
Still have the old icon on my Switch. Maybe because I've never launched the game since the update. It's really not a big deal though.
Wow, talk about first world problems. Cue someone posting a link to a petition in 3,2,1.....
Looks like an app icon from my ipod, but if it doesn't effect the game play? First world problems indeed
I personaly don't mind the new icon, but I only see it like 10 seconds a day, I will be in a game almost immediately, so I don't see the problem.
I wonder why they're so adamant on keeping the icon as it is. It really does look like some generic smartphone app. I don't see it as a big deal, but it is pretty ugly.
Slow news day NL?
Yeah... that second icon looks exactly like a mobile game. Mobile games can be awesome, yes. But let's keep that pig in its own pen and away from this tiger of a console.
Wow. Some people need to chill
The original looked like a Switch icon... this one just looks like a generic icon like you'd get on something like a smartphone, and sticks out like a sore thumb as a result.
The most puzzling thing isn't people's responses to it... it's the fact that they changed it in the first place.
Icon needs more Chris Christie, maybe something like this.
I'll admit, that's pretty in-yo-face and unpleasant considering the size of the game tiles on Switch.
It might fly for an iOS or Android app.
I love it when loads of people loose their sh*t over seemingly small, everyday design changes.
Same thing happened when Ikea stopped using Futura as their type face and replaced it Verdana - (because it tied in better with their online stuff).
Shows that people really do care about graphic design.
It is a rubbish icon, they should definitely change it to the Ariana Grande one!
Is it that icon elsewhere?
Never knew the original because I just downloaded last week and kinda wasnt happy. But now that I know I want the old asap!
Why can't they keep it to what it was before? I doubt it requires that much programming.
People. Have. Too. Much. Time.
I prefer the original icon, the new one does make it look like a mobile game but it doesn't really upset me. I have been known to display OCD tendencies when arranging the game icons on my Vita though. Some of them just clash when you put them next to each other. I'm kind of grateful that Switch doesn't let you arrange the icons... In other news SNES minis at Tesco Direct in the UK. Go! Go! Go!
Maybe they're planning a free to play mobile app and they want to tie the two together.
It does look oddly cheap amongst the others - but it stands out (hideous white boarder screams executive committee move) and has garnered them press.
My bet is the snake will be winking on the next update.
Wow! Really such a big deal? I don't see a problem with the new icon. And even if I did, I wouldn't lose any sleep over something you see a fraction of the time compared to how long you play it.
BTW, Twitter "AcesHigh" /= Nintendolife "AcesHigh"
Now the game is completely unplayable!
Haha! I personally love this one myself.
These are the days I really love the internet.
First World Problems.
It's just an icon, people need to grow up.
Are they stupid? I mean why would you downgrade the icon like that?
These people need to rethink their lives.
Tailor Swift with Snake ??
Goodness people. All of that whining over an icon? Over thinking things a bit I think.
I downloaded it when it was on sale and I wondered why the devs had chosen that icon when it sticks out like a sore thumb next to everything. It's not the new graphic which pains me but the fact that it is the only icon on my home screen that does not show the title of the game on it. Yes it is very much OCD but I don't care.
They went from a lovely icon to a sh*tty smartphone app icon.
I guess it's not worth all this fuss but it seems far less attractive this way.
The old logo was better as it included the name of the game and a taste of what the game is about. This is just plain ugly...
I prefer the previous more detailed picture myself, but it gets literally cropped to the protagonist's head and magically becomes ugly because... protagonist face icons are abundant on some different platform (and not just "shovelware" - Google Play is full of these in general because apart from faces and logos, there's little of informative value you can comfortably fit in a mobile game icon). You know, even as someone with admitted zero respect for any fans, there are limits to the moronic arrogance I expect from them... but real life truly is stranger than fiction. /)_-)
I'd cheer for the old icon returning in theory, but if Sumo Digital are sticking with it, so be it. If would be effed up to see it changed back on no other basis than perverse fan judgement, so the developers' polite but firm dismissal is the one good part of these news. Opinions have been voiced, feedback has been heard, everyone aesthetically offended may continue to delete the game if they so wish. But lobbying creators, especially about a trivial matter with epithets it fails to warrant, is an attitude no kind of game icon could ever compete with in terms of ugliness.
Just remove the white border and make the head smaller. Easily way better.
At least demote white border guy. He has abused power most obnoxiously. The thought of him going home to a family proud of his work is unsettling...
@Xaldin To me this is the only important thing to the whole story. Like, why purposely keep the icon when it'd be a two minute "fix" to change it back?
"Hey guys, thanks for literally being the only reasons for our successes by having purchased our (questionably decent) game! We're actually going to ignore you now that we have your money and keep the icon the way we want it."
@Kayfios Your latest played game shows up in front of the menu!
This new icon is just completely out of place and way too much in your face!
The original icon was right and fits with the rest of the icons of other games.
Now it looks like those horrible mobile phone icons! /facepalm
It's literally just a zoomed in picture of the snake's head. Who cares?
Good god, people will complain about anything.
Oh! I didn't know it was new, I just thought it looked really bad.
I agree, the old one looks way better.
@Curlynob Thanks dude - informed a few friends and family. They're gone now.
It looks fine. Why are people whining about it? If they change it back that'll be stupid.
I totally get what they're trying to do with the new logo--make it something very hard to miss at a quick glance so think "Oh, yeah, Snake Pass; I'll give it quick go"--but it does feel a bit like it's stepping too close to App icon territory. I really hope other Switch developers don't decide to copy this approach.
I might be "exaggerating" with the following, but deleting an entire game based solely on its new icon is a new pinnacle of stupidity.
Yes, I don't like the new Treasure Trove icon for Shovel Knight on 3DS, either. But I'm not deleting that little gem over such a little detail.
Agree the old one looks completely out of place, but I'd like to hear the reason why for the change.
I don't get it. I found it kind of jumped in my face at first because of how much different it looked. Honestly it won't affect my enjoyment of the game, but the old one was much better.
OVER EXAGGERATE: verb (used with object), exaggerated, exaggerating. >>> to magnify beyond the limits of truth; overstate; represent disproportionately
@nhSnork A lot of words there, but seeing as it's on 'my' screen and I can't change it - and it was already perfectly fine, I feel like I
have the right to voice my opinion on changes to something that I see, that I paid money for.... the current icon is very tacky and changing it back to something due to popular demand would both be perfectly acceptable, and reasonable... nothing ugly about finding an image tacky or ugly.
Ummm who cares?
I guess those ladies are here to advertise a certain snake... Not Trouser the Snake, though. That would have been a better mix up
I guess some gamers still have a visceral reaction to mobile games... That used to be the general consensus here, too.
It's not overreacting. An icon is like a book cover. Would you buy a copy of Sherlock Holmes with a full cover magnifying glass with a giant eye in it? I sure wouldn't.
I see it as being pretty inoffensive, but you know, opinions and the sort. I do agree that the white border makes it stick out in a weird way on Switch, but as noted above, it has literally zero impact on gameplay, so I'm not sure why anyone cares quite that much about it. Bad box art never ruined a game for me if the content itself was good, so I fail to see why an icon would be any different. A bad first impression? Maybe. Ruining the game and causing someone to delete it? Yeah, that's a bit extreme.
I actually think this may be why I decided to try out Fast RMX and Graceful Explosion Machine first when I bought my Switch a week ago. Trying to finish them before trying out Snake Pass.
Bleh. That'll make a purchase a lot less tempting from me. I'll always judge a book by its cover. Presentation of your product is important, and as far as I can't hide it's ugliness in a folder on my switch I don't want it in my menu.
...I don't get it.
I mean they just made the snake's head more prominent. Why are people just now crying "UGLY"? I never found the character too appealing myself, but is this really something to to get outraged over?
I think I might actually agree with the others who say "slow news day" for once.
I just recently bought the game when it was on sale, the right joycon vibrates like crazy. I know there was a patch that fixed that problem when the game came out, anybody else got this problem?
I find it perplexing that Nintendolife decided to report this silly controversy, instead of the news actually relevant to everybody's enjoyment of the game: THEY JUST FIXED THE PROBLEM WITH HD RUMBLE.
@SonOfVon Update the game and try playing. They just released a fix for this problem, but Nintendolife decided to report this silly controversy about the icon instead.
Arghghgr!!!! People are privileged and spoiled! Back in my day, we didn't have menu icons (in my best kranky Kong impersonation)
That's funny I downloaded this yesterday and thought to my self. "what a stupid ass icon" woke up to this feeling less crazy
This is what happens when you fix something that ain't broke.
@SonOfVon Yes I have the latest version and the vibrate is dangerously high - feels like it could damage the switch. I won't play this game until they fix the vibrate properly. Sumo need to look to Shantae to see a very fine use of HD rumble. That game has great subtle variations of the rumble and never gets over strong. Snake Pass has far less variety of rumble and is always too strong!
The new icon is iOS style - not suitable for a home console and it is ugly on the switch - like it's trying to cheaply dominate over the other icons. I have no issue with mobile gaming and I'm really looking forward to the Implosion port - but keep smartphone icons on smartphones please.
To be honest, despite the core game being seriously good, Snake pass has MANY problems to sort. For instance, If we can have a game like Fast RMX look so sharp at crazy speeds, then why is Snake Pass a seriously fuzzy mess of pixels (especially in portable mode). These guys need to get of their booties and do some optimisations - yep I'm calling dev. laziness and we deserve better.
@Kochambra It's not fixed - and It's still REALLY bad.
@PAHTK No matter where you buy your games you get the icon that matches the selected region of your Switch (unless the game isn't sold in your region of course). If you change your consoles region to the US the American TLoZ icon will be displayed.
@Kochambra I'm on the latest version and it's not fixed.
It's an icon. Sure, maybe the older was "nicer" but the game is the same one, which, y'know, should be the important part here.
First World Problems, really.
Needs more Ted Cruz, maybe something like this.
In before First world prob... Augh, too late.
That said, the new icon is indeed a step backwards, but it doesn't break the game for me, so... /shrug/
Sure, the old icon looked better. But really, have we come to the point where THIS is something we get genuinely upset about? I could see someone who doesn't know anything about the game passing it up if the icon looks too generic but if you have already bought the game and know that it's good then this change should be a microscopic annoyance at worst.
I did like the old one better but I'm fine with the new one. It's the developer's decision what the icon looks like and I doubt there would be any complaining if the icon was like that to start with.
On a side note I bought Snake Pass full price and hated it with bad controllers and puzzles so a bad icon fits for a bad game. Nevermind ignore this last part because I know people will be like "no it's a good game" and all that
@brunojenso On version 1.2.0 I had this problem you mention: It vibrated to high on portable mode and the console made an ugly sound. One instance where this happened was at the very start of each level, when Noodle appears.
Yesterday, my game updated to version 1.2.1 and that fixed the problem for me.
Are you on version 1.2.1 too? European or american?
Who cares
5 minutes of works time lost... hope you're happy.
"some even use naughty words" No $#!#, who cares?
People are getting worked up over a menu icon seriously?
@Kochambra ok thanks, maybe I haven't got v1.2.1 - I'll check later.
People are just going uninstall it over an updated icon? 😂 😂.
this is a whole new level of overreacting.
sure the icon could been more better, but don't delete it over a Silly icon. as long as the game is good, it shouldnt matter.
I can see why it looks unappealing and ugly, and I fail to see the point of why they did that when there was nothing wrong with the old one, but the backlash over it as a little much. It still plays the same.
That icon honestly does look really really awful. I think I'll avoid updating the game at this point. I'm a bit anal, but browsing through the icons on a system, I expect uniformity of design structure. Switch games have an image, and a title. iOS apps have a border, and a prominent drop-showed character icon. I don't want iOS design aesthetic on Switch an I don't want Switch design aesthetic randomly on an iOS device. One icon shouldn't starkly stand out from all the others. It's the visual version of a commercial that's louder than all others. This is a pretty gross decision that they feel it's important to stick to it. The game has no logo, no title in the icon now, and honestly, just as a shoddy storefront makes one think less of a store, seeing that icon makes me uninterested in launching the game.
You can say "first world problems" but who's idea was it to intentionally break visual continuity of design, that they already had in place, for the environment they were putting it in. This is a marketing trick to make it stand out, likely to kids, at the cost of breaking the flow of appearance of the game in the library. The old icon encapsulated the feel of the environment of the world. The one one is an over-emphasized drop shadowed gimmick of a cartoon character that doesn't signify the game feel at all. If they don't like the old one, fine, make a new one. Without a border, and with a title. Like every other visual design among Switch icons.
Edit: Actually just drop the white border and add the title. That would keep the visual language in line with the standard. The border is the most jarring part, the lack of title second (it's a library, titles are important.) But the cheap marketing for children gimmick makes me think a bit less of Sumo, that's for sure.
...we are at a point that we are critiquing software ICONS? Ok that's it, I'm done. I've had enough internet for the day. See y'all tomorrow.
Hey, I'm no artist or visual designer, but breaking the design language is just plain criminal! Bet your bottom dollar Jonny Ives would agree
@Ryu_Niiyama Agreed. Feel like I've gone through the looking glass here.
I don't blame them. The Switch is everyones' shiny new toy. They want it to look nice. And personally, the icon is definitely something that affects my downloads on mobile.
Just change the icon back Sumo.
While I think deleting the game is excessive, i completely understand why people are appalled by the new logo. It looks like mobile shovelware, and it's just all around badly designed. Whoever made it should question his or her mental state as the decision to choose this over the old logo was made. The old logo made the game look great. The new one makes it look like mobile trash. Which nobody wants (to pay for).
No idea why they would change it, having an icon without the title in it looks so odd, the old thumbnail worked just fine. On the other hand, Mr. Shifty changed their pic too, but improved on it instead.
And my friends wonder why I'm embarrassed to be a gamer. This is just one of the reasons why. I really don't want to be associated with my fellow gamers when they always feel as if x (game, designer, creator, etc) had personally killed their family and their pet dog.
Please Understand
I felt this way about the Instagram icon update, so I totally understand the rage to the Snake Pass thing! XD
Yeesh, it looks like it came straight from the Google Play store....back in 2009.
Never underestimate the constant whining of graphics snobs. Waah waah waah!
Seriously there's nothing wrong with it.
I'm not going to delete it or anything, but yeah, it's really ugly and stands out horribly - which, of course, is exactly why they did it.
Graphics Snobs don't care about videogames they just care about trying to make themselves look as snooty and dumb as possible.
It's literally the same art. As in the icon looked exactly as bad to start, just smaller.
People have to much time on their hands. People who hate the new logo basically hate Noodle, since the icon shows the exact same character!
Bad icon is just too nicely described. I hate it all the time the update taked space on my switch
A big reason why it's staying & not going back to the original icon is that the old one caused the rumble issuse & they couldn't fix it. In order to fix it they had to change the icon with new coding ect. They should have came out & told us that.
@MoonKnight7 Those memes helped me get thru the weekend since my Mets couldnt' get it done.
I don't have a Switch yet, but I will someday, and when that time comes, this changes my view of the game from "something I'd like to get" to "something I'd like to get, but..."
Not sure why the devs feel compelled to use guerrilla warfare to try to get you to click their icon, when they've already got your money. Is this game riddled with microtransactions, or are the game icons maybe tied to their store icons on the Switch?
Now my eewy Zelda icon has got company, by yet another fugly icon..
(Yup, EU Link looks impeded)
I concur, change it back is damn ugly. I was going to delete the game too but then came to my senses. But it is ugly.
The old one looks better, but if I wanna learn how to overreact, I will try to learn from these guys.
Who cares, it's only a bloody icon. Have to say what's the point in posting a crap article like this
It wouldn't bother me as much if the other games were styled like this. But instead, all the other games have vibrant, detailed illustrations as icons. Making this look like it would blend in next to F2P games on my phone makes it look ugly and cheap compared to the rest of the games.
I just really don't understand some people it doesn't look that bad and how does it really effect your every day life ?
Yes yes yes it's a first world problem - thank you for pointing that out. Guess what? - almost all of the things we are concerned with are trivial compared to the real problems of the world. But why do I get the impression that most people using this term are abusing it in order to dismiss things that they are not personal bothered about. If you check you'll probably find you are interested in something equally trivial - at least from another persons point of view - which you deeply care about. So cut the crap please. We know there are very serious issues in our world, but allow us our areas of interest. Yes it's just an icon, we get it, and yes it's mostly unimportant but some of us are passionate about design. Maybe, for an example, you'd be upset because your very particular Rwandan coffee import isn't roasted quite as well as the pervious batch - I couldn't give a damn because I dislike all coffee, but I respect that other people value good beans. If you are genuinely concerned about big issues that's awesome, but if your just being a jerk, please refrain.
I agree. The new icon does look like a phone app and subsequently gets a thumbs downs from me. Change it back
While the icon is ugly and all, it would probably bother people a lot less if the Switch itself had some much-needed menu features like manual sorting, folders, and icon resizing.
@JasmineDragon Exactly. People are acting like people just dislike the art and are complaining about nothing. The real story here is that Sumo is burning good faith as a quality game developer by resorting to a very obvious, very cheap marketing gimick, presumably so children will identify with it more quickly. It doesn't detract from the game itself, but it detracts mightily from the perception of the company behind it. They intentionally made something that breaks the visual language of the system it's on purely for a marketing advantage.
Which brings us back to "it looks like shovelware because they're employing it for the same reasons shovelware does"
And and presentation is everything in the perception of value. If Rolex came in a blister pack with badly hand drawn artwork on the back, people would certainly not approach it as the expensive item it is. An iPad in a cardboard headered poly bag would be seen as the low cost tablet it is
@NEStalgia I like my iPad, but otherwise great point
I hadn't even noticed it upon reading the article. Usually I couldn't care less about optics (and more about what's inside).
But in this case I really have to agree: the new icon looks cheap and tacky - like a smartphone app.
I actually didn't like Snake Pass and regret buying it, but at least it always looked good on the menu. The old icon was pleasing to the eye and somehow inviting/enticing to play the game.
Now I know for sure which game I will delete first whenever I might need more space (haven't bought a microSD yet).
@NEStalgia That's a good point which pretty neatly sums up why this new icon was such a bad coice. 👍
@BezBot No I actually agree with you. I bought it a few months ago on my first Switch (which I didn't keep) and I didn't like it all. The controls felt wonky and imprecise and the whole game is too slow for me. I re-downloaded it when I bought a Switch again prior to the ARMS release, but haven't played it since then.
@TJM Haha yeah, at least it's comforting to see people reacting that way and to know that some do care about design.
And I think it's a safe bet that they're planning to release it on mobile platforms and therefore changed the icon on all releases. That was also my first thought upon seeing it.
@DarthNocturnal 😆
@Curlynob Haha I know what you mean. I spent so much time just rearranging and restructuring my games, apps and folders on the Wii U Gamepad! ^^
We should only be critical of very serious things on a large scale. Aesthetics should not be an issue in the first world because we all have it so good. Marginalising people's criticisms with self-righteous shout downs helps put things into perspective.
One other take-away from this is: Nintendo needs to have an icon design document for Switch that needs to be enforced as part of licensing the same way they do for use of Nintendo characters and logos. Allowing a non-standardized format like this is ultimately up to Nintendo to disallow as it breaks the uniformity of their walled garden.
Though they also no doubt didn't imagine their commercial partners particularly on the large-ish scale of Sumo to quite go the phone app icon route...
@TJM The icon would imply they intend to go mobile...but....the controls of this game are actually remarkably complex. I can't begin to imagine how it could possibly be played on a touch screen. At times it feels like it really needs a THIRD thumbstick...
@Spiders Haha, people threatening to uninstall a game they already paid for is not "being critical" it's being a crybaby. I have zero problems with constructive criticism, but this isn't it.
Sorry you can't take a joke, or realize how petty it is. The article states that as well, AND finds a way to give some constructive criticism.
The best way I can describe the issue, is by adding a border, removing the name/logo, and removing the world imagery is, while every single other game in the Switch library features a square tile that acts as box art for physical games, which includes all the same design elements as physical box art (or cabinet art for arcade cabinets) which conveys, at a glance, the concept and feel for the game, as well as the name, this is merely an icon. It's box art with no name that conveys nothing about the game. Just an icon, like a sticker placed on top.
Someone posted this on GAF which drives the point home more:
Yikes, talk about blowing something out of proportion. I mean yeah, the old icon looks better but is this new icon enough for you to delete the game? And how does it affect your enjoyment of the game?! (Picard facepalm for you NeoGaf)
Looking at the comparison pictures in the article, I'm more appalled about the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire icon being replaced by the Oceanhorn icon. 😉
All kidding aside, I think the new Snakepass icon looks a lot worse than the old one but people are really overreacting.
I think the rest of the internet agrees to disagree.
An icon? Really? THAT'S the definition of first world problems.
Honestly, I don't think it's that ugly. I think the main problem is that it's a completely different style from like, every other Switch game icon, so it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Also, what's really dumb is that they refuse to change it back. Surely it didn't cost them very much to design a blue tile and slap existing artwork of Noodle onto it, right?
Slow news day I suppose.
Does look horrible.
Icon should be like a box art. At least have the name of the game shown.
I actually prefer the new icon over the old one. In the new one Noodle's cuddly face jumps out the screen at you. Cute and eye catching.
But it is only a icon, the people who are deleting or not updating are just cutting their nose off to spite their face.
And the talk in the comments about Nintendo needing to regulate this sort of logo - ridiculous.
Looks worse, definitely. But hey, all publicity is good publicity, eh? Sumo Digital know this.
See, this is what happens when we've all run out of things to do waiting for the SNES preorders to open up in the us Nintendo!
@xxAcesHighxx Personally, if my dedication to a fake self-diagnosis I got from Tumblr required me to delete a game that had an ugly icon, one that in all other aspects I enjoyed, I'd consider dropping the act. At least for this one instance
If you legitimately have OCD, it's so extreme I recommend getting professional help
Lol, Neogaf.
I actually will admit that yeah, I really dislike the menu icon for Snake Pass. Sitting next to Binding of Isaac and GoNNER's gorgeous artwork the Snake Pass icon just looks like some freemium mobile game, and the overly-childish eyes don't help.
It's not a huge deal, but it would be worth changing to something more aesthetically pleasing. Especially because I quite like the game.
From what I've seen, the game looks gorgeous and a ton of fun but I can't stand the cheapo mobile shovelware-like icon. It makes the game look bad which is undeserving even for any other game.
Why does the icon matter. Book cover = judged.
Well, it's not like the internet to get up in arms over something so trivial.
People crack me up. I hate the icon but I can ignore it. Seriously, what kind of threat is uninstalling the game, they already have your money so why do they care?
It doesnt fit in with the style and character of every other switch title graphic. I agree its totally nasty.
I think the game sucks anyway though, the ugly tile just rounds it out!
It's literally the same image of the Snake but with a swapped background and closer up. People will find ANYTHING to make a [removed] deal out of like somebody bombed a school.
@TheBoldman67 Please watch your language - Octane
Honestly, it REALLY doesn't match the other Switch game icons. It looks more like a Smartphone/Android app to me.
I don't know what's worse-
The fact that I'm commenting on this
The fact that so many others have commented on it
The fact that people honestly care
Please get a life and focus on things that actually matter. 😂
I don't have any reason to get up arms about this. The old icon looked legendary to some.
There's no denying it looks like shovelware now but there's no need to fire their designer. They could always look to the global community for better ideas, you know remix the design, master their craft, FAST!
Oh yeah, uninstall a game you've already paid for. That'll learn them.
It's not that big a deal, but the developers really should change it back to the original for the fans. It wouldn't be that hard.
Well, these reactions are blown WAY out of the water.
But they have one thing in common: That icon is just horrible...
Has someone else lags in the starting sequences (Sumo digital clip and unreal engine clip)? On my switch it does not go through the clips fluently - there are stutters at the beginning of the sumo clip and the unreal clip stops before it's finished - and I wonder if it's the game or my switch is defective?
People are pitiful. It's just an icon.
@silentium Mine does this since the last update.
@whitemaskedhero I bought the CE guide and it's the same cover as the American Switch cover, it looks ok, but the EU one looks a lot more like the game does.
Bright, colourful, lush greenery etc...
They have a point - the old one looks much better!
I wonder why they changed it, and why are they so seemingly reluctant to change it back?
I don't like the icon...but people deleting the game because of it...can you say TRIGGERED?
I don't like the new Icon, but couldn't remember what the old Icon looked like until now. I still like the old one over the new one.
The icon is so ugly I had to remove the SD card from my Switch, burn it and then fire the ashes into the sun. I will next crash the sun into a black hole to totally destroy any trace of the icon.
This dev's attitude stinks. They didnt add vita controls for remote play either. I asked then about it and they werent bothered changing that either.
That new icon is kind of outrageous actually. After all, you are looking at the Switch home menu everytime you start up the console and don't want to be greeted by this ugly duck.
The new icon also doesn't follow Nintendo's design recommendations which clearly state the game's logo should be included in the icon.
Seriously. I would be more concerned that the game is crap.
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