Capcom and Nintendo have portrayed a close working relationship over recent years, from Capcom influencing the development of the 3DS Circle Pad Pro to accommodate Resident Evil Revelations and various Monster Hunter titles, to the two companies holding a joint expo talk to discuss the Switch hardware.
Despite Capcom insisting to the contrary, there have been question marks over whether the working relationship remains strong. We've had Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers on Switch, which seemed rather over-priced and arguably low-effort (but has sold numbers beyond expectations), we've had no localisation news yet with regards to Monster Hunter XX, and then there was the E3 reveal of Monster Hunter: World for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The ambitious title looks on the surface to be a step-up for the franchise to court the Western market, yet as a 'main' series entry it seems a blow to Nintendo to miss out after various lucrative and successful 3DS releases.
Capcom did say a couple of times through Spring that it is working on Switch support, however, and now Takashi Mochizuki of the Wall Street Journal has reported that the company is still looking into multiple titles for Nintendo's system.
Even if this doesn't include Monster Hunter: World it could refer to some of the Resident Evil franchise re-releases, or the likes of Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 / Disney Afternoon Collection.
Do you expect to see plenty of Capcom support for the Switch, or are you doubtful that the company will come through?
Thanks to all that sent this in.
Comments 233
Double cross!
For the love of all humanity PLEASE give us double cross!!! 😢
So... after making a lot of money with SF2, they're probably thinking they can get away with it again.
More 20+ year old games with £40+ price tags incoming!
Or maybe they'll surprise us all with some Monster Hunter and Resident Evil. Fingers double crossed.
Crossing my fingers for MH Switch.
Im holding my breath he lied.
Dunno but lets be real...theyve got the idea re releases sell. Damned if we did buy it and damned if we didnt
Lets hope it amounts to more than just the Megaman and Disney collections. Both of those should have already been confirmed for Switch at the same as the other consoles.
Just give us a localized Monster Hunter already.
Resi 5, 6 and 7 please.
I do not have a problem with Capcom and I must be one of the few that is not angry that we are not getting a Switch port for MH World. I am a little sad and a little sour over XX but I still have faith that we are going to get a MH title eventually As for ports, I say GO FOR IT CAPCOM!!! but do not expect my money for it though. There are people that do want it but I am not forking out one cent for a port of a game I have played before.
If capcom wants lots of success on the Switch, here's a little hint ... Last word "MAN" , first word "MEGA"
Does this mean the Switch will get a full Mega Man Legacy Collection compilation?
Looking forward to Resident Evil 5, 6, 7, revelations... Pretty much anything with the word Evil.
@Kalmaro as badly as I want it, I wouldn't hold my breath. When recently asked again about localizing it, they said they're putting all their effort into bringing the Monster Hunter World for the West. I mean it's possible they're hiding it but I doubt it, I think MHW is the only thing in the series in the works for us right now... and that's unlikely to reach a Nintendo platform anytime soon. :-/
Only series I care about from them (aside from Ace Attorney which I doubt they're referring to) is Monster Hunter, and clearly they aren't referring to that, as they've made it pretty clear they are putting all those resources into MHW which we're not getting (and they've basically confirmed it's a mainline entry too so I suppose the days of that series on Nintendo are over, back to Sony for that)...
Mega Man Legacy Collection Deluxe containing all 10 games in one package and MHXX would be nice.
Since they see that Nintendo gamers love their Street Fighting enough to pay a premium (yes, I got my copy on release day), I'm hoping for more past entries that Nintendo systems missed over the years. How about a Street Fighter III collection, Alpha collection, and/or continuing the Ultra theme with Ultra SF IV! Those would nicely fill the post-SF II gap in series entries for Ninty gamers' SF collections. We didn't see any version of SF III. A nice bonus would be the inclusion of the original Street Fighter, celebrating the game's upcoming 30th anniversary! HADOKEN!!! 😄👊🏻💪🏻
Dear Capcom,
Resident Evil, or GTFO.
@ShadJV I don't mind waiting, if I have to. As long as we are getting it.
I'm hoping for some kind of Monster Hunter on Switch. I don't expect MHW but that could be cool, however downgraded. But I bet we'll get XX. Although they have plenty of other IP I'd be interested to see on Switch. RE4 would be amazing. Just make it rain Capcom.
Disney Afternoon Collection Incoming!
Mega man collection 2 and maybe monster hunter or resident evil.
Capcom gets around a lot.
Uh huh. So, what else you got up for Switch Capcom? More enhanced retro ports? Shovelware? Original no/low effort IP(s)? Sorry for being so pessimistic, but Capcom hasn't shown me anything significant yet. I guess when it comes to software, Capcom works with success/failure standards that none of us can comprehend.
@Kalmaro well I imagine chances aren't super high we'll get it after either as they may have moved on. If MHW bombs Capcom may think the series has been milked too much and give it a break. Yet if it succeeds they may decide to stick with those platforms. It's certainly possible they'll come back to XX but as of right now, when asked about MH5, they said that MHW is the next generation of the series, idk if they'll choose to go back a generation.
Mega Man Legacy collection or Disney Afternoon for Switch would be evidence enough for me.
Please let one be a resident evil title. 🤞
@ShadJV The insiders who predicted MHWorld months in advance have said that they're also working on a title for the Switch.
Consider basic sales data: the PS4 took years to outdo the Wii U in Japan, and the Switch sales in the region are comparable to handhelds (meaning, once Apple gets their 10th anniversary Iphone out or whatever and smooths out the parts situation the Switch will blow past the PS4). XX Switch is already a thing coming in less than a month.
There will be a "traditional" MH game on the Switch, likely released sometime in 2019-- the question should be whether or not they localize it.
I'll believe it when I see it. Maybe we could see the return of Viewtiful Joe?
Well...I can at least dream.
Some sort of monster hunting game would be great.
Sadly I kinda doubt it, but would love to see it.
We need a Power Stone 3 on the Switch. It would be perfect for local, pick-up-and-play gaming. Someone make it happen!
We want Dragons Dogma on Switch. Thank you
Monster Hunter XX is all I want, you can keep all your other trash capcom.
Eat crow, CynicLife users
Anyways, UMvC3 and DMC4 please!
I hope they will release a Switch port of Dragon's Dogma, it's a very fun game. I'm not a big fan of Monster hunter and Resident evil, I don't care about them. I would like a Capcom retrogames collection too, with games like Demon's Crest and King of Dragons (I am still hoping to see King of dragons in the 3DS virtual console!)
@Landlord probs wanna grab another system if that's what you're after.
If the Switch does end up getting World, they better not take freakin' forever to release it. Already bad enough that I gotta wait a bit longer for the PC version. lol
@BLP_Software Old ports is the majority of what they put out in general these days, so it'd be par for the course.
Ghosts n goblins , ghouls and ghosts and ultimate ghouls and ghost compilation would be nice
I would like a good game, thanks.
CAPCOM and Ubisoft announcing there will be more announcements, now I am getting annoyed.
Resident evil switch. That's all that needs to be said
Capcom give us a new Viewtifal Joe, Megaman, and Power Stone game!!!
Viewtiful Joe and Power Stone world be perfect for Nintendo Switch.
No reason for the following to not get Switch ports: RE0, REmake, RE4, RE5, RE6, RE Revelations 1 & 2, RE Code Veronica, DmC, DMC4, USFIV, UMvC3, Dragon's Dogma, Disney Afternoon Collection, Mega Man Legacy Collection, Ace Attorney 1-6.
I'd certainly pick up Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 and/or Disney Afternoon Collection if they were to come to Switch. Ditto Resident Evil 7 Biohazard for that matter.
All I care about right now is MHXX. I seriously doubt that MH World will be doable on the Switch so I'm just kinda waiting for either MHXX or whatever comes after to hit the Switch.
Ports of Street Fighter 3 and Resident Evil 4. And they may port XX in the West now, and we're supposed to be grateful. Even though it's mostly ready from the 3DS version.
You know what else would be funny, except it wouldn't really be funny. If they ported Revelations 2 to Switch. That would be a swift kick in the nether region after the backstabbery they pulled with the sequel after Revelations was given life and massive success thanks to a Nintendo platform.
I expect loads of capcom support just be patient
@ShadJV Rumors say that two different teams are under monster hunter. One is working in worlds and another is handling stories. It could be that that XX gets ported later and we just haven't heard about it since Worlds is their main focus. Assuming the rumor is true, naturally.
Megaman please.
Bet they do that Monster Hunter kids game coming to the 3DS. Stories or something.
Also a Breath of Fire game and Powerstone collection, Strider, and a new Final Fight with all the whistle and bells for the modern era of scrolling beat em ups
Yep SF3, had myself some of that on dreamcast, bloody ace, actually so was dreamcast
Give me a Mega Man collection of all 10 games (along with Mega Man and Bass) and a full Mega Man X collection.
My poor poor bank account...I hardly knew ye. As long as Capcom brings the fighters they can have my money. Need that HRAP...
Yeah, just give me MM Legacy 1 & 2, and Disney Afternoon, and I'm happy.
Thank you those who bought Street Fighter. If Capcom releases something I'm interested in, I'll consider it.
Mega Man Legacy and Disney Afternoon collections are no-brainer and hella-easy Switch ports. Ports of Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, Revelations 1 + 2, and maybe even 7 may follow soon after.
If Capcom was smart, they would be preparing a Monster Hunter World Portable version for a mid/late 2018 release on Switch, especially once the base game inevitably underperforms in sales on PS4/XBO/PC like pretty much every single game that Capcom has released over the last 5+ years outside of the mainline 3DS Monster Hunter games prior to MHXX.
Monster Hunter XX has already been ported to the Switch. It hasn't been confirmed for a localization though.
I'll buy Revelations 1 if it happens. But I'm not holding my breathe.
@gatorboi352 I have all the other systems, but I'm really wanting Nintendo to succeed. I also want a good dark game to be released. Would love to play Dead Space 1, 2, and 3 on the Switch. Everything is just dreams right now. I'm currently buying the new games released for the other systems that I really want to play that are not currently being released for Switch.
MH World G on Switch and everything will be fine.
I would be VERY happy with Disney Afternoon Collection, the Mega Man Legacy Collections, UMvC3, and some older RE games. And a MHXX localization, of course, but I have no hope for that.
Monster Hunter was born to be a Switch game. Being able to hunt on a big TV or on the go is best suited for this game.
If they don't bring MH to the Switch, it will be a opportunity for Capcom.
Glad that Capcom plans to support the Switch!
I didn't think much of USFII, (particularly don't like the look of the eyes, though the environments and whatnot look great). Motion/animation also didn't look very fluid. But I'm also not much of a SF fan. I'm very much a fan of some of their other IP though, so hoping they bring some of that over (Mega Man, Phoenix Wright)
Ultra Street Fighter 1: The Good Edition
Ultra Street Fighter III: Actually It's The 4th Strike That Counts
Ultra Ultra Street Fighter IV: We Swear To Akuma These Are The Final Challengers, Honest!
Zack and Wiki 2 please!!!!!!!!
Yes please more monster hunter. I'd also take Okami, any RE game, or a DMC game
@Ryu_Niiyama dawn of the third day: 72 hours remain.
@cmk8 don't you mean resi 1-7
strokes beard Sceptical until announced, with release date, and no back-paddeling.
When speaking of MHXX, the representative at the time said outright no, and I've no reason to believe that Capcom "clarifying" it at the time is anything more than PR talk.
I'd love to see Resident Evil on the Switch. Revelations 2 and 7 will do. I'm not sure how well 5 and 6 were received.
I don't care about ancient retro ports. Resident Evil, the franchise, has gone stalled. RE 6 was subpar, and way too more-of-the-same. Revelations 2 was also more of the same. Please no old resident evil ports. Those games have little replay value. RE 7, while original, was too dark and depressive for me.
Monster hunter is stalled too, at least for me. I would like Capcom to try something new. Maybe something similar to pokemon, but with a different concept. An rpg on a modern setting. The safe thing that they should do is port SFV, as the franchise already proved itself on switch.
It will most likely be Disney Afternoon Collection and Megaman Legacy collections. No way is Monster Hunter World coming to the Switch. I love my Switch, but it is not powerful enough to run that game. They would have to majorly gimp it.
You got one job Capcom and that is to make games for the Nintendo Switch, do that and I'm sure the money will come.
How about... Resident Evil 2 remake, exclusive for the Switch!
Capcom better localize Monster Hunter XX, port Monster Hunter World, Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, and Disney Afternoon Collection, including a Resident Evil on Switch
This is the moment to dazzle us with great games Capcom. Don't cheap out on us now.
@NEStalgia I still don't have a release date showing on Amazon...even though I preordered the day the preorders went live. So I'm a little nervous but I've seen Amazon come through for me before so here's hoping.
Would love to see a HD remakes of Final Fight, Ghouls n Ghosts & Dungeons & Dragons. Real HD remakes like they did with this release of SF. The last D&D "remake" were just filters put on the existing sprites. I would pay full retail ($59) for an HD collection of classic Capcom Arcade games lovingly recreated with new HD sprites.
There gonna take the Switch for a ride! A go go baby!
Now keep it stylish!
....Charge shot!
@westman98 That's what I'm talking about.
Resident Evil 4 with motion please. XX. Mega Man the Complete Legacy. Disney Afternoon. Mega Man cartoon tie-in game by Initicreates. Ghost 'n Goblins collection with a remaster of Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins. But most of all....a new game FOR the system updating a classic. My god, a new Demon Crest/Gargoyle's Quest game and I'd be in heaven.
@Tyranexx one would hope. Fingers crossed🤞
Disney Aftetnoon Collection.
Resident Evil Origins.
My wallet is ready.
I just want RE4, DRAGON'S DOGMA, and DISNEY AFTERNOON COLLECTION. Make it happen Capcom!
@edgedino I was trying not to be too greedy! Already think I'm asking too much with 5-7.
@Ryu_Niiyama hard and fast rule with Amazon: if it has no status and you expect it on the 2nd you'll get it on the first. If it says you'll get it on the 2nd expect it on the 3rd
12 different versions of 5 different Monster Hunter games confirmed.
Megaman Legends 3 confirmed.
Would LOVE to have the Disney Collection on Switch.
No. I believe that by not putting MH World on the Switch, they've... wait for it...
Double-crossed us.
So this news amounts to: Capcom is bringing something, no idea what...Great article.
Resident Evil 4 here we come!
Just give me some way to play Mega Man 9 on the go and I'm set.
Monster Hunter World for Switch.
Then, English version of Monster Hunter XX.
Third, Street Fighter Alpha 3 / Street Fighter III 3rd Strike / Pocket Fighter, please.
Last, any cute games from Capcom. Should be has Chibi form and not fighting games again (example Magical Tetris feat. Disney, Chip n Dale 2 NES, etc)
I could totally go for some RE.
At this point, I don't care if they localize MHXX or not. I'm buying the game come August 25th, and nothing is gonna stop me from getting in some play on my dream game (classic hunting, HD, on Switch... what more could you ask for).
Follow up with a new Monster Hunter on Switch and I'm good. Anything else they bring is a bonus.
I'll see when I believe it.
I am going to be cynical and guess Resident Evil 4 HD, Bionic Commando DX, Lost Planet DX and Street Fighter 4 Deluxe. (Although, I think I would be ok with this!)
XX is a dead cert, they just don't want to hype it until MHW is out/the one person they have localising it all by themself gas finished
@Tyranexx 1 through X let's hope
BTW Capcom forecasts that they want to sell 2 million copies of REVII this fiscal year (April 2017 - March 2018). In the last 3 months (aka the first quarter of their fiscal year), they have sold 200,000 copies of REVII.
This means Capcom has only achieved 10% of their REVII sales forecasts for this year thus far. So either:
1) Capcom is terrible at making sales forecasts
2) Capcom is launching a Nintendo Switch version of the REVII, which will almost certainly get them to their sales target
Monster Hunter is all that matters.
REmake and Zero HD inbound then.
@westman98 Nice speculation dude!
Resident Evil 7
Double cross outside Japan
Monster Hunter World Port(Switch is a lot easier to do long hunting sessions on.)
That's what I want. I wouldn't start no to a good RE4 port.
Give me Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, Disney Afternoon Collection, Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 and you'll get a deal.
I don't trust Capcom anymore. Never going to buy a single product of them ever again.
If you are a shareholder @ namco right now you ask the question why no tekken 7 on switch as there is a viable market.
Same if you are @ WB interactive. You ask why no switch version of injustice 2
Resident evil 5 and 6 with cross play support please with xbox and steam. To be able to play these 2 on the go is a dream.
I know it's a long shot but hd ports of onimusha 1-3 would be very nice indeed for the switch.
@Starbuster they literally announced this at a shareholders meeting this morning. Nobody knows yet everyone is writing about it. Chill
I can go for another Ace Attorney game.
Monster Hunter XX or World for Switch would be a dream come true. I'd take a Resident Evil game, too.
Can't wait to see which Super Nintendo games with frivolous additions they plan on demanding $40 for this time.
Has to be an RE title. Has to be.
interesting how many people are saying Megaman Man Collection 2 but not 1, how can you skip the first half of the collection and best half IMO
Capcom can bugger off after the Monster Hunter World debacle.
Their consistant lack of loyalty with their branding just comes off as being arrogant and self serving. I would love to invest in Capcom as a publisher, but they currently don't put any value in fanbase loyalty. I don't much appreciate being used as a disposable asset.
Looks like they're heading on down to Konami town.
@Beedrill4Smash Omg, a new Viewtiful Joe would be such a good fit for the switch - not to mention just a good idea all around. Those were such gems!!
Does that include Link: The Faces of Evil on the CD-i?
PS4 and XBox can keep their press x not to die version of monster hunter. World looks like classic capcom reinvent it to sell to a new audience meanwhile itll completely alienate the core fans. Like the did with RE, DMC, and SF5.
I'm really hoping for Disney Afternoon Collection!
It's no use. Capcom is a backstabber. They'll just give us pathetic ports of crappy games. How sad.
@cmk8 well you should atleast aim for 4 cause that one was even on the wii.
@Moon personally I'd rather have the old games. Resi VII is never gonna run on Switch (Plus I have it for my PSProVR combo) and I don't like Monster Hunter. So give me an updated PSP port of the 3 Capcom arcade collections and I'll be over the moon.
4p Captain Commando on a current gen home console is my wet dream right now, lol
Oh please Mh series on switch!
Real mh not those side mh game.
@westman98 Capcom sales forecasts haven't been even slightly in the realm of reality for at least a decade.
Guess that lazy and overpriced port was good for something... Now bring the cool stuff!
Yep. Which is why I doubt REVII is coming to the Switch as of right now.
@Obito_Sigma from my chats with Monster Hunter groups, the Japanese players are watching the World trailers with one eyebrow firmly lodge in the upward postion. Things like being able to change your weapons and armour mid-mission are being seen as pointless additions to lure in "soft" gamers. They seem to think after World launches you'll see a return of the Portable/Freedom series. So the "World" games will continue on X1/PC/PS4 whilst Portable/Freedom will be on Switch
Capcom could have some big easy wins if they just announced Disney Afternoon Collection, Mega Man Collection, Resident Evil 1 & 2 Remakes and Monster Hunter localisation. None of these require the development of a new game, but a press conference announcing fairly imminent releases of four of them with Resi 2 coming later would surely get them a load of hype. Maybe teasing a new game to come out next year at the same time, if they really want to knock it out of the park.
Breath of Fire, and make it good.
@edgedino that's the thing. I've got RE4 at least 3 separate times. 5-7 have never been on Ninty systems so it'd be vaguely fresh.
A port of Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 would be enough for me, given that while the greater Capcom Vs. franchise did appear on Nintendo consoles (Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom), its Marvel iteration didn't.
Wow, 460K for USF2 is amazing. I'm betting we'll get the Disney Afternoon Collection announced in the coming months and then they'll keep silent while pushing more MHWorld videos.
If Capcom wants to make cash, MHXX will be announced for the west in early-to-mid 2018.
I would love to see resident evil on the switch ! We need more horror titles . Shame vaccine wasn't that great as i want to play a horror game on the switch
Considering the new rumors about Capcom releasing a new Street Fighter compilation on Xbox one and PS4 with no switch version. Capcom are off to a great start! Fcuk them again!
@Vegeta937 IMO Capcom is sitting on a gold mine of unused IP if there on Switch or otherwise. Okami, Power Stone, Ghosts'n Goblins, the aforementioned Viewtiful Joe, and (Maybe) Breath of Fire.
I want Viewtiful Joe 3 and an hd re-release of 1/2.
Also all the games metion by @Beedrill4Smash on comment #155.
@AugustusOxy You really haven't seen any gameplay besides the terrible announcement trailer, have you?
World is pretty clearly monster hunter; same weapon mechanics and controls, same health and stamina system, new attacks for weapons taking from arts and styles... there's certain little things that definitely raise an eyebrow, but World by and large looks like what it is: Monster Hunter 5.
Do some fact checking before embarrassing yourself further.
Also, you're completely ignoring that SFV was pandering to the core at the exclusion of everyone else and that RE4 received mass acclaim and respectable sales, with only RE5 and 6 going downhill in quality.
@abe_hikura The vast majority of Japanese players are positive and onboard with the game. A few people are just cherry-picking replies from Zerochan ( aka Japanese 4chan) to try and fit a narrative.
In all seriousness, Capcom are probably doing a Nintendo and have planned to spread releases out periodically.
Although it's hard when they have nothing to announce, it makes good business sense for them, as evidenced by USF. This was a launch title and it wasn't competing with other Capcom titles; so they heavily promoted it.
They cold easily do the same for Disney A.C. or Resident Evil - spread them out, promote them well, and where possible offer console-only features.
It wouldn't even surprise me if Capcom are waiting for Resident Evil 2 Remake to be released before pulling the trigger on Origins. This way, they would release 0, 1 and 2 in the same package and charge a standard RRP.
@CrazedCavalier And for any myriad of different reasons we shan't be seeing it on the Switch, probably tech related, probably install-base related, possibly whatever else one wishes to think of related.
Course, it won't stop people from either degrading it or wanting it on Switch anyway. I'll keep my expectations at freezing level and avoid disappointment the way one avoids a pointy stick.
@BraveFencerZan Question is: Will the West even care by then? An "expansion" upon Generations vs spruced up, built from the ground up MH5? It's Switch something or nothing at all in the West, that I understand, but still.
Monster hunter XX or gtfo
@Beedrill4Smash Completely agree! I would really love some of those IPs to make it to the switch one way or another. I was just in awe at myself for forgetting Viewtiful Joe more than anything, lol. I LOVED those games.
@Kalmaro Can you imagine XX being brought over late in 2018, then Capcom complaining about sales being less than MHW? Sounds like something they'd do.
If I get Disney afternoon collection.
Well that's it. I don't need anything else from Capcom.
That'll be all. Thank you.
edit: Well actually that was completely wrong.
I still want new Okami, new Viewtiful Joe and Ace Attorney.
I just don't need Monster Hunter, personally.
I still would love everyone who likes the series to get it.
@Grudgebearer Ha, sad but true.
@Kalmaro Rumours did say XX was to tide over Japan until the real Switch MH (built from the ground up) was to show it's face (and hopefully that includes us poor sods in the West as well, eh Capcom?). But there's 2 problems with that 1. When would it be ready? and 2. How will the environment be by then? For all we know, MHW might be what every Nintendo owner has abided by getting on another platform instead. I know I'll be getting that on PC, and it'll depend on how that is on whether I'll bother with anything MH Switch related.
I honestly have trouble gauging Capcom. But I do know that, after I found out about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capcom_Five I'm not so keen on them any-more.
@Grudgebearer Well thanks, I didn't hi k my opinion of Capcom could drop any lower but you've changed my mind
A new dino crisis for the switch please or a remaster of Onimusha!
@Kalmaro My genuine apologies, it was not my intention to have happen, I assure you. Merely sharing information that could be relatable.
I mean they did support MH on Nintendo's consoles until now, and still do. It's just that us Western people are getting the shaft, which is not cool to say the least.
It may have to do with this: http://nintendoeverything.com/capcom-wants-to-expand-monster-hunter-sales-in-west/ and I quote: "Chairman Kenzo Tsujimoto stated that while the series has been finding success on handhelds in Japan, they do not sell as well in the US, citing handheld gaming being only 10% of gaming." Course the article was 2nd of November 2016, and the Switch has been on a swift rise, so Capcom's current doings have me scratch my head.
@Grudgebearer The Switch is a fantastic success that is limited purely by it's stock. Why Capcom isn't capitalizing on this I will never know.
@Alucard83 Yes!!
@Kalmaro True, but in terms of some games one has to consider 2 big things: 1. Specs 2. Cartridge space. If either of those aren't properly met, then nvm the Switch as being a thing.
@ShadJV Seems to me that MHW is the way forward, and that way forward does not include the Nintendo Switch, sad as it is.
@Grudgebearer Both if those are limited only by their will to scale things back. However, they have expressed that they have been wanting to make an HD game so there is truth in your statement. Does not explain is not getting XX though.
Would be good if they tried something different but i know it's going to be some kind of megaman collection.
@Kalmaro I've heard of a couple of different reasons for this. 1. XX is just to tide Japan over until the real MH Switch comes, and they estimated that we of the West can wait I guess. 2. It'd compromise the success of MHW in the West and 3. It may yet be coming, but Capcom is keeping their mouth shut. I've also heard people say that the English translation should be about done now, so there's that.
I've just adopted a general stance of "I'll see what comes to the Switch, and make do with that" So if it doesn't come, there's always Nine Parchments as a seemingly good co-op title (it isn't out yet), and maybe the guys from Dauntless are willing to put their game on the Switch. There's other ways around it, and if Capcom doesn't want our money, then why should we be so eager to give it to them anyway?
I would personally like another port of Okami, preferably one with optional motion controls. I liked the motion controls for drawing in the Wii port, that was excellent, but performing some of those combo attacks was nigh impossible.
But I don't expect that to happen.
@Grudgebearer Nine Parchmants sounds familiar...
I'd totally port XX if we could get a translation going.
@Kalmaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOEKESOFOI0
Just rumours on account of that translation. I know I'd rather award those who try with my money, than those who are inclined to jump ship at a moments notice. (Capcom)
@Grudgebearer That's fair. My policy is, if a game is good I'll likely buy it. Unless the developer's are just pure lying skum. Capcom is close to that but not just yet, and I do love MH.
@Kalmaro I do to, and I'd buy XX in a heartbeat, but that clear-cut "No" that was said during the interview, and then asap afterwards clarified by what is a PR response... It doesn't inspire confidence.
Article in question: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-capcom-not-bringing-switch-version-of-mons/1100-6450954/
@Grudgebearer Yeah I heard that too. I only hope it is because they really do have plans.
@CrazedCavalier "Also, you're completely ignoring that SFV was pandering to the core at the exclusion of everyone else "
I don't know where did you hear that but literally the opposite happened and Capcom never hid it:
But there's nothing wrong with Monster Hunter pandering to the AAA audience. It's a much bigger audience than the Monster Hunter community that is mainly concentrated in Japan.
@Kalmaro I'd keep your expectations low to be honest. PR talk usually amounts to very little. Just look at Reggie, the PR king for evidence
@Grudgebearer Love him or hate him, Reggie is a master of making anything sound positive.
I don't expect much from this beyond ports of smaller titles and collections. This can be both good and bad. Honestly I hope this just triggers a ps4 port of sf2 to ps4. I have no interest in getting it on switch.
@Kalmaro Tis true. But when you think about Capcom's intervention after the no, let's go over it with some logic.
Them holding the doors open either means they've something planned, or they just don't want to tick people off. But why would they want to hide XX coming? People in the West WANT this game, badly even! What would they gain holding back it's announcement? Unless Nintendo orchestrated it's silence, but then I do not understand what they're to gain from it.
It doesn't make much sense does it? Unless it's that whole "We bring it to the West X amount of time later" as was the case with Generations: Japan - November 28, 2015 North America - July 15, 2016 Europe - July 15, 2016 and most other MH games, but then MHW was never looming over any of the previous entries.
Id get behind the following, Devil May Cry 4, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 or 3, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Viewtiful Joe and Resident Evil.
come on capcom get the party started
XX or bust!
@NicolausCamp How about... Resident Evil 2 remake, exclusive for the Switch!
Yes Please!!
MHW, RE:Trilogy, and RE:2 remake would be great. Any one of those and I will be on board with the Switch real quick.
@cmk8 Don't forget 4
@luchacomics I didn't please see comment 149.
Portable RE4 would be pretty sweet.
@kobashi100 With this news of USFII exceeding expectations, and Capcom supposedly bringing more games to Switch as a result, it'd be a bit of a kick in the teeth if they confirm this rumored new Street Fighter Collection only for PS4 & Xbone. I'd get it on day one for PS4, being a Street Fighter fan since playing SFII: Champion Edition for the first time, but my first choice is always to get the Nintendo version of a 3rd party game. The bitter irony of it would be that USFII over-performed on Switch, while Street Fighter V has under-performed since its PS4 release.
It'd be nice for Nintendo gamers to get some reward for their support, instead of running into the same ancient "for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC" brick wall. We'll see in the coming days, maybe.
@bitleman Capcom went full PvP and tourney focused. Lowering the skill gap is them trying to get more people into the tourney scene.
And Monster Hunter isn't "chasing the AAA scene"-- it's by and large the same.
@Grudgebearer The game started development in early 2014. Switch dev kits weren't coming out until 2016-- the console was likely only a concept at that point. Graphically, World definitely doesn't look too intensive (looks more like a last gen port with better lighting)-- plus, it's on the series' main engine (MT Framework) which has been ported to the Switch for XX and USFII.
@CrazedCavalier Well, fair enough then. We'll see what happens in the future.
@Grudgebearer As I said earlier in the comments, insiders and basic logic point towards a more traditional game on the system. I'm just concerned that it won't get localized at this point.
@CrazedCavalier But Capcom didn't exclude anyone. They wanted everyone to play the game competitively. The fact it didn't work doesn't change the fact they wanted to target a larger audience.
And no the Monster Hunter fanbase isn't the AAA audience. Or it wouldn't have been low budget games exclusively released on handhelds since years. The AAA audience don't play on handhelds. That's why the 3DS and the Vita sold badly in the west. But it's a great thing for Capcom to target this audience with Monster Hunter. The AAA market is much larger than the handhelds market and they can make more sales.
@CrazedCavalier Heh, well we are talking Capcom, so that's a valid concern. But if there's one thing I've accepted as a Switch owner, it's to take what you can get, and not look for things that don't come.
@bitleman Doesn't make it any less sh!tty that the Switch is the casualty in this transition. Many people who play MH on 3DS/Nintendo consoles, suddenly get dropped out of a line. I don't know anyone that wouldn't AT LEAST look at Capcom funny for that.
@Grudgebearer Well the guy who predicted Monster Hunter World before E3 also said Sony funded the project to not be released on a Nintendo system. Nintendo fans have to accept Sony is taking the control of the industry with the success of the PS4. I doubt a dwarf company like Nintendo can do anything to counter that.
@bitleman Oh, I see what type of person I'm talking to. Case rested.
I'm most interested in World or another fifth gen Monster Hunter with new monsters coming to Switch. And World seems pretty doable on the platform, especially since it's still using MT Framework, the engine Capcom ported to Switch in a couple of months.
Okami HD please.
@IceClimbers Yes, Please UMvC3. Of all the games just please release this one.
@Haru17 If they don't then I'd personally take this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_93VP4Q0d0 as substitute.
@Grudgebearer Lol no thanks, that indie game has less weapons than World even if that rumor about fewer weapons had been correct.
@Haru17 shrugs Better than nothing, on which I'm banking that's what us Western Switch owners get: nothing.
@Grudgebearer Dauntless isn't announced for the platform either. Monster Hunter XX is nearly released in Japanese, meaning work has been put into its development. Your comments are illogical.
@Haru17 How so? We've nothing to go on that MH-XX will be localised nor MHW be brought to Switch. I've e-mailed the Dauntless guys, and they've said they're focusing on PC first, which is understandable. This is far from Capcom's first outright "No" and then pathetic rush to door to keep it open attempt.
I can see the Dauntless guys bring their game to the Switch after the PC version is ready and works-well. I can't see Capcom do anything, because they're Capcom, and they're as likely to localise MH-XX, or port MHW, as they are to turn into Daffy Duck and hoot their way to the bank.
@Grudgebearer For starters, you're lying. Capcom didn't say no, it was a mistranslated interview that then got spread around by terrible reporting that they had to correct. Monster Hunter XX is on Switch in one territory, Dauntless isn't anywhere. Capcom is objectively supporting the platform with more action games. Maybe you should try to be wiser than your username.
I would love for there to be a 30th anniversary Street Fighter collection, where I can play Third Strike and the Alpha games on the go on the Switch
@Haru17 https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-capcom-not-bringing-switch-version-of-mons/1100-6450954/ cough I quote: "Originally, when asked, "Are there any plans to bring Monster Hunter XX, the Switch version, over here?" to which a representative for the company clearly replied, "No."'
You disappoint me. Also objectively supporting it with more action games? They've supported it with USF2 and are "readying" reportedly more Switch "versions". Those could be any games.
German retailer lists Street Fighter Anniversary Collection for PS4, Xbox One
New collection in celebration of 30th anniversary seemingly incoming.
So much for Capcom's supposed Switch support if this is true.
I wouldn't mind an exclusive Revelations 3, but would prefer RE7, (5 and 6 were a step down for the franchise imo)
Most likely just ports and remasters if SNES and PS1 era games. Those seem to do well on Switch.
@Grudgebearer You can keep dreaming but Sony perfectly know how dangerous Nintendo can be with Capcom on their side. They learned with the 3DS. I doubt they will let this situation happen again.
@Grudgebearer still no guarantee whether MHW will take off though, it's currently fairly divisive in the fan base. Honestly, the only reason it bugs me is because I won't be able to play it on the go, I have a PS4 so I can get it. MH has had much better sales on handhelds than consoles so it's definitely not a sure success.
Hopefully Capcom realizes now that, at the very least Nintendo gamers will buy games that cater to the Nintendo audience SF being a prime example. Why they didn't release the Disney collection or MML2 on Switch(yet) is baffling.
Aside from those, I'm hoping for Resident Evil in some vein and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.
Ace Attorney ports, let's hope. They've got 'em on mobile, another touch device should be a breeze.
Not expecting much more than a few ports and retro collections. Cautiously optimistic, though I expect it'll be 2018 before we see anything. Likes a lot of other third-party publishers they seem to have expected another Wii U disaster and have been caught out by Switch selling well.
@bitleman you lost me when you said the 3DS sold badly. Not hitting DS numbers doesn't = flop. The Vita sold badly, how you can put the 3DS in that same bracket I will never know
We Better Get Localized MHXX ! I'll Never Forgive Capcom If This Isnt A Thing ~
@ShadJV True, but it's never been across 3 major platforms in the West before. It'll sell if it has good ratings on Steam, it'll probably sell to the Sony lads due to them wanting it, so only Xbox will lag behind. Honestly, I'll be surprised if it sells less than ANY Nintendo MH.
It's a case of building recognition, getting people invested and mouth-to-mouth will lend a hand. That said, we've only seen single-player footage so far, and if they've done something stupid with the MP, which is the heart of MH as far as I'm concerned, then I'll start giving them my look of disappointment.
But honestly, this will probably be MH's way forward, and It seems to be that we (Western Nintendo Switch/3DS owners) are but casualties in this. People that are to accept that we're to buy MHW, or not play MH for the unforeseeable future.
@kobashi100 "Well the guy who predicted Monster Hunter World before E3 also said Sony funded the project to not be released on a Nintendo system. Nintendo fans have to accept Sony is taking the control of the industry with the success of the PS4. I doubt a dwarf company like Nintendo can do anything to counter that."
That's his previous comment, and he lost me at the "dwarf" part. Unless Dwarves have growth spurts that can have a giant piss their pants.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Wouldn't surprise me. For all we know, these "Switch versions" could just be Capcom pulling another 5, except they're not exclusive because they're ports instead xD
@bitleman The 3DS sold pretty well overall-- the series still sold over a million in the West. Both 4U and Gen sold around 4 million total-- I doubt World will sell near that much, due to the Japanese sales being capped at about a million and trying to triple their audience in the West.
@Grudgebearer once again that's fairly presumptuous. Like it or not, it's a niche title, most people who try it end up not liking it due to the steeper learning curve, necessity for grinding, a lot of RNG item drops, etc. Theoretically they could remove any of these traits but we've yet to see evidence of such and shouldn't assume they are (not to mention many fans like it the way it is). A niche title like that doesn't do well on ratings alone (and has a decent change of poor ratings anyways because like it or not reviews are subjective and many reviewers could simply not like it). Assuming it's only multiple platforms doesn't take that away either, yes there's a large install base but that doesn't mean a thing, PS2 had a huge install base and the game had fairly low sales there because, once again, it's a niche title. Half the reason it's gotten a decent following is the number of releases manage to gradually build the player base (something they can rely on less when excluding much of the audience that have played it for the past 6 entries), while many current fans are refusing it because they don't want to be tied to a tv with a game like this that many players put hundreds (sometime thousands) of hours in. Am I saying it was a bad move? Nope, just a gamble, it could pay off but the potential of it selling poorly still exists, even multi platform titles can bomb. Not to mention the factor that the genre has expanded so there's way more fantasy hunting games out now, many of which address the traits that the average player dislike about MH.
Don't get me wrong, I love the series, plan on buying it, and hope it does well (Capcom has a tendency to bury franchises they feel stop profiting instead returning to their roots), I'm just stating one shouldn't act like this will definitely be any more successful than their recent titles.
@ShadJV I'm realising how much of a gamble it is after seeing this: https://www.pcgamesn.com/resident-evil-7/resident-evil-7-sells-poorly
Considering that RE is far more well-known in the West, and yet sold like this, I'm beginning to worry...
Adding this: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/10/28/monster-hunter-generations-tops-4-1-million-sales-2-million-expected-mhxx/ to that, and considering that 4.1 is on 3DS alone, wow. Imagine what XX would do if it does get localised.
@Grudgebearer well yeah. The safe thing Capcom could've done was keep to the Nintendo handhelds and only make small tweaks to the series (the first being bigger than the second), of course then we wouldn't have such an increase in graphics. They had a steady demographic. It's a gamble. It could pay off in spades, it's hard to know for sure. But the other thing to keep in mind is MH sells best in Japan. Nintendo has a good hold of the market in Japan while PS4 has had its struggles. They're taking a huge blow in that market but MHW is an attempt to expand in the West. We could see more MH on 3DS or Switch as it does well in Japan (who knows if they'll bother localizing that though) while MHW focuses on appealing to the West. We'll just have to see. But yeah, it could easily go either way. I'm just glad I invested in a PS4 last year so I won't miss MHW.
@ShadJV I'll buy it on PC, but honestly, they've already made 1 HUGE mistake, that being Cross-platform play isn't in the game. So if the prediction miniscule Xbox One playerbase becomes a thing, then it won't increase at all either, since there's barely anyone to play with.
And one thing I also forgot, is that those who know of MH, will probably not like some of the changes to get new players in. And if new players don't care, then I'd guess Capcom assumes either of these 2: 1. MH's home is on Nintendo systems as that's where it sells. Or 2. MH doesn't, sell in the West, no matter what, so F it.
Since we're talking Capcom, I'm guessing 2.
@Grudgebearer exactly. A lot of the existing fan base is hesitant to changes - said players would still likely buy anyway if it's on a platform they own but buying a new console for them is less likely if they're not sold on the changes. I didn't realize cross-platform play isn't in this, that IS a huge blow because they're segmenting an audience that they don't even know the size of yet for a game that is built for multiplayer.
And yeah, as I've said, that's my biggest worry, that this game failing will make Capcom think there's no demand on the series (something I've brought up numerous times to people saying they're gonna boycott this one). Last thing we need is this going the way of Megaman...
@ShadJV We'll make sure XX is imported here. The Switch is region-free, let's make use of it I say
As for the cross-platform play, let me give a link with that: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2017/06/14/new-monster-hunter-world-gameplay-details-revealed/#As0EoPtkZuyIJJd7.99
But surely even Capcom can see Generations' 4.1 sales, the Switch's incredible rise, and draw a line? Let's hope they can.
I am confident the team that developed Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Generations, and XX will bring a Monster Hunter game to Switch in mid/late 2018 while the team that developed the original Monster Hunter 4 works on Monster Hunter World.
Capcom may be in bed with Sony and have an unhealthy obsessesion with the western market, but I doubt they're suicidal enough to abandon the massive Monster Hunter fanbase in Japan that gobbled up the PSP and 3DS entries of the franchise but dont have a PS4.
@westman98 They don't abandon said fanbase in Japan, hence why XX is a thing. Doesn't change the Western Nintendo consumerbase' predicament of not getting MH though.
While MHXX Switch Version will sell, it is an HD port of a 3DS game, which itself was an enhanced version of MHX, a game originally released in 2015. Thus, MHXX's sales potential on Switch is quite limited in Japan.
If Capcom wants MHXX to be localized, they'll probably ask Nintendo to step in and help, because I doubt they'll do it themselves.
@westman98 Probably, but it'd go a loooooooooong way for them to say that outright. Then people know they're to contact Nintendo if they want it.
And even if they don't want to localise it, and want to do the Switch justice with a game from the ground up, by all that is holy, just SAY something then Capcom! sigh
MHXX for Switch in Japan, MH Stories for 3DS in the west, and MH World for non-Nintendo platforms for all regions will all be released within the next 9 months. No need to announce a new MH game on Switch.
A localization of MHXX for Switch is what should happen in the short term, but this is Capcom, so I doubt it.
@westman98 Are you serious? Stories isn't even the same game as the core MH games. It's a spin-off turn-based....
I can't take you seriously anymore after that one.
I am well aware that MH Stories is a spin-off and nothing like the mainline MH games.
At most, Capcom may officially confirm that a mainline new MH game is in development for Switch after the release of MHXX in Japan and that's it, much like how TPC confirmed that a mainline Pokémon RPG was coming to the Switch at E3 but showed nothing else.
@westman98 And even that is already a ton better than radio silence. Nintendo got a ton of hype flowing just announcing that Metroid Prime 4 is in the works. That proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that it works.
@grudgebear Of course the West would care, it'll be a portable MH with local and online play. Nevermind that it still follows traditional MH mechanics. XX clearly won't beat out MHW (it's releasing on 3 platforms afterall) sales but chances are it'll still make money.
If they skip XX and release a lower resolution MHW on Switch, then it could get cross-platform play with XBO/PC owners and that would be awesome.
Hope we get a un squadron sequel.
A remastered Mega Man X collection would go down a treat, Capcom. Make it so.
Resident Evil 1-3 compilation, as they were the best ones by far
I'd like to see a Resident Evil Collection or something. Residen Evil: Umbrella Chronicles would be interesting to see on the Switch in my opinion.
All old and sub-par stuff, of course. No Resi 7.
@Kalmaro Then make it a double platform release. -_-
Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2
Project X Zone 3
Please port Marvel Vs Capcom 3 to Switch, Capcom!
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