Some reports are doing the rounds from Game Creators Conference 2017 out of Japan, which are interesting if not necessarily ironclad in detail. Twitter user @aizen76 attended a talk held by Masaru Mitsuyoshi from Nintendo and Capcom's Masaru Ijuin - and tweeted some remarks from the presentation. One key detail has been followed up by the Japanese affiliate of GamesIndustry.biz, which certainly lends it some extra weight.
The detail that's consistent across the tweets and the report by GamesIndustry.biz relates to a low cost for Switch development kits of 'around 50,000 Yen' - that currently converts to roughly $450 / €420 / £360. Even if that's just for a basic kit it's certainly a welcoming entry point, with the system's support for the likes of Unity and Unreal Engine 4 also helping matters. Interested developers need to sign up on the Nintendo Developer Portal.
The tweets by @aizen76 touch upon some other topics, which are intriguing if not necessarily to be taken as 100% translations of what was said. For example Ijuin-san spoke about Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers utilising Capcom's MT Framework, an engine that was also supported on the 3DS and Wii U. The process of porting it to Switch was apparently relatively easy, with a small team completing the initial work quicker than they could on Wii U and 3DS. Capcom seemed to work quite closely with Nintendo during the early development of the hardware in terms of providing feedback on technical aspects; initially the Joy-Con controllers weren't even a part of official documents about the console, apparently.
The tweets also suggest that Capcom is pleased with the resources offered by the NVIDIA GeForce-based technology in Switch, in terms of developing through PC software tools / emulation, and the flexibility it offers in high power performance when docked and lower power consumption in the handheld / tabletop modes. Capcom reportedly raised early concerns in the past related to the amount of memory available in the system for running applications, which was then addressed by Nintendo in subsequent builds. This isn't unprecedented - there were once reports that the Circle Pad Pro for 3DS was only developed in order to appease Capcom ahead of the portable's first Monster Hunter title in Japan.
According to these tweets, there's also an intention to adopt the RE Engine for Switch - this is Capcom's resource used for Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, a title that's been in the rumour mill for a while in terms of a version on Nintendo's console. There's no guarantee it'll happen, but it would certainly be welcome if major Capcom releases using the engine could come to Nintendo's console.
Some interesting information, certainly, especially as multiple sources reference an affordable price for development kits. The more third-party support Nintendo can attract to the Switch, the better.
[source jp.gamesindustry.biz, via twitter.com, nintendo-insider.com]
Comments 84
That's dirt cheap for a dev kit! I wonder how much the total cost (fees and other things) of putting out a game is.
I am glad that switch dev units are affordable because that means more indies will make/port games and there will be more exclusives which means more ppl will buy switches which means bigger games. The cycle repeats.
@Fbigabig hopefully. I want this to end up doing well. It's weird how big Western companies are so afraid of it right now.
I don't know about costs for dev kits, but its good that major third parties are happy with the dev kits and development process - that was one of the major points that lead to the Wii U death.
Capcom isn't a charity, but I hope that good feedback leads them to port the RE Engine (and RE7) to Switch. Its also good to hear that Nintendo has been open to feedback and suggestions!
With MT Framework up and running so quickly, I hope they port some of their major titles over soon. UMvC3, DMC4, RE5, the entire Ace Attorney series, etc. all run on MT Framework. I'd buy a lot of them in a heartbeat.
". there's also an intention to adopt the RE Engine for Switch."
Rumors swirled prior to the Switch Preaentation that REVII would be ported to the Switch, so this is probably the origin of thar rumor.
Good stuff. Nintendo is not joking around with the Switch. I saw eight commercials for the Switch over the last two or three days, and seeing how the company has been working close with developers when it comes to hardware and software development instills a confidence in me that I hoped to have.
Great news!
"The tweets also suggest that Capcom is pleased with the resources offered by the NVIDIA GeForce-based technology in Switch"
Ok then, start releasing more games other than Street Fighter, I'd love for a release of the Resident Evil 2 remake on Switch.
Viwetiful Joe and Zak & Wiki sequels on Switch needs to happen Capcom, stop sitting on IP's and not using the damn things!
So it's easy AND cheap to develop for the Switch. Now it's time for people much smarter than me to make use of it!
That's really cheap, I might buy one for myself.
Don't know the other details, but that Dev Kit price means studios will buy multiple and indies will find it hard to resist.
If I had the time right now...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE finally someone will be able to make a game that you'll enjoy.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm curious to see what you would release on the switch
Capcom and Nintendo have a great thing going right now. Monster Hunter is one of Capcom's most lucrative franchises, and it's been a Nintendo exclusive for a while now. Hell, the 3DS got an original Resident Evil game (and it was actually received better critically than the main entries at the time). I'm hoping for an Okami HD port at some point
@aaronsullivan I would if it was available. -.-
It's good to see some strong support for the system early on, RE engine if it happens would be great news and i'd definitely buy the RE titles.
Great prices for dev kits.
Considering Capcom seemingly knew how to optimize for the 3DS better than Nintendo did, this can only mean good things.
This better mean we're getting a Monster Hunter title for the sytem.
Capcom ?
Oh, please bring Rhythm games from Capcom on Switch !
And of course... Naoki Maeda should be create some songs for that game.
If Capcom happy with very cheap dev kits, i'm sure the other developers will be happy too.
I can't really see things not going well for Nintendo at this point. Definitely looks hopeful, at the very least. All we need is some more AAA third party games announced. I hope we see a lot of those at E3, alongside some big first party titles. If that all falls into place, I'd say we have a success on our hands for sure.
Also, please give us a great Monster Hunter, Capcom. The last one I played was Tri, and that game was one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played.
That's really cheap... I'm tempted to try and get myself one!
(Currently studying game industry related stuff. It would be great to become a Nintendo dev - gasp!)
BOOST THE SALAMANDER for Switch! If I can get the $450, I can release both of my games on the system! YUSS!
Said it took 5 devs 3 months to port this tool on Wii U.
Said it took 4 devs 4 months on 3DS.
But for Switch? Only 2 devs.... (wait for it)... 1 month.
That's 800% faster/less manpower, or in just 12.5% of the time
This bodes extremely well. We've all heard about Switch being easier to port to. It would seem that's an understatement. Even hearing how Nintendo doubled the memory after Capcom told them it initially wasn't enough... Nintendo is listening... and not just listening, but responding to 3rd party developers.
Square Enix is talking about bringing Final Fantasy XIV now. Which I've been longing to try, and this would be the perfect excuse.
That's good to know. Imo Capcom can keep that RE7 to themselves. Hm. Maybe I shouldn't say that. How about I'll pass it up since it doesn't appeal to me if it even gets ported to the Switch.
Do you have a source for Square Enix considering porting Final Fantasy XIV to the Switch?
Great! Can't wait for RCMADIAX to get his hands on one and clutter the Switch eShop with all his garbage.
@JaxonH It's certainly very interesting to hear how Nintendo have listened very closely to what Capcom has said.
Hey, under "consideration" no matter how unlikely is a lot better than "not happening"; right? Looking forward to see what comes out of this.
Ya. And it seems they tweeted of their own accord, as opposed to as a response from a fan asking or something.
Which, I don't think they'd go out of their way announcing this of their own accord if they weren't seriously considering it
RE7 on Switch please! I would double dip on that game so hard!
All that really matters from capcom is monster hunter. Give me a really good looking, vast, rich and brilliant online monster hunter.
Hopefully the people on here on about getting a dev kit actually have some skills. We don't need to see any more RCDMADIAX or Meme Run level stuff on Nintendo systems. Most indie games make less than $500 any way.
I remember trying to get my hands on a developer kit for the DSi, with TV output. It was roughly 10,000 at first then it dropped down quickly to 5,000 and finally got an used one for 2,000 bucks.
Sshh, my wife knows nothing about it!
I'm interested in developing for Switch and it seems that the dev kit price won't be a hindrance this time. I doubt I'll get to make a game for it anyway but I'm keeping up the hope. I'm not sure how easy it is for a single guy to get a game published and what kind of costs that brings.
@JaxonH I hope SEGA bring Phantasy Star Online 2 out on the Switch. I'd buy one to play that.
@maceng Interesting insight. Did you release anything/make much money on the DSi?
Going forward the Switch will potentially be the most expensive dev kit, not sure how much a PS4 one is, but it's probably similar to the Xbox One (you can get two free dev kits if you qualify, and use a retail machine as a dev kit).
I already have RE 7 Capcom, how about an exclusive like MH switch?
I'd take a Monster Hunter game and maybe a Devil May Cry game (never played one) and a Resident Evil game (haven't played one of them since 4), but I'd really like to see a Tatsunoko Vs Capcom for Switch.
Capcom showed great support on the GameCube with RE 4 being initially an exclusive. Then they released RE 0 through to Code Veronica. I hope we see something similar with the Switch. I'm not sure how 5 and 6 faired, but I'd love to play RE Revelations 2 on the Switch.
@gb_nes_gamer I said something similar in the forum earlier. 5/6 and Revelations 2 are the only ones I've never played. I'm not interested in 6 at all but would love to play 5.I didn't particularly enjoy Revelations 1 but if 2 comes I'm sure I'll give it a go. If we get all the remasters the other consoles I'll buy the lot.Except for 6,I want nothing to do with it
i would buy any and all of the res evil games that came to switch. probably just look at their cases occasionally as i payed splatoon, but i would still buy them
Some of you need to watch this.
@OorWullie I'd also buy other remasters if released. I loved Revelations 1. I liked the story and the characters. A great entry for Jil and Chris. I like how the sequel features ties to these characters with Claire and I think Barry Burton's daughter is in it.
During the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival in Europe earlier today, Square Enix commented on a possible version of the game for Switch. It’s under “consideration”, the company said.
When it comes to what you let in your platform, you have two options:
Super-open, and use algorithm driven store front to push the best stuff to the fore.
Highly curated / restrictive, with the platform holder picking only the best.
Nintendo got caught half way between with WiiU, and it totally failed. Too restrictive & expensive for most indies, but not enough to stop more determined trolls.
Seems like they're going for the super open approach this time, (as much as is possible given this is Nintendo we're talking about). It could work fantastic for them, but only if the Switch eShop is rock solid. Compare & contrast to Steam, which IMO is only part of the way there towards having a good algorithmic storefront. Will be very interesting to see how much Steam Direct is. More than $500 and Switch dev suddenly becomes cheaper than Steam dev...
Edit: also, I was on the fence about whether to dev for Switch or not, but at $500 for a devkit, I absolutely will!
@Yasume I bet she's one of those moms who wants their kid to be first at everything. It's not easy having that kind of parent. ):
Is that cheap for a development kit? Seems so... But I have no idea. How much do these things usually cost?
Dang that is really cheap. I'd love to get one but unfortunately I can't justify shelling out the extra money after spending so much on a retail unit. I had a lot of ideas for how to use the Joycons in interesting and fun ways too.
@GamePerson19 I googled Boost the Salamder and found no mention of it...
@samuelvictor I'd actually be rather interested in seeing what sort of games you might make, I'm guessing maybe a British gangster game given what you've said about your history as an actor? I'd definitely like to see something like that, with full voice acting of course.
Speaking of your history in British gangster films, were you in Green Street as the guy in the cafe who tells a guy to shut his girlfriend up and then beats him up when he fails to do so? I think he was the head of one of the firm's come to think of it, but that's the scene that stuck in my mind for the actor you remind me of. I haven't seen the film in ages, but I have a feeling that may have been you. Great performance if so.
@JamesCoote I assumed Switch development would be a shoe-in for you given your history with the Wii U!
Extremely tempted, but having 2 Switches on pre-order (me and my Niece) I can't exactly afford it right now.
Maybe in a month or two.
Then... Many Spikes may have to be Disliked...
@Switch81tch The Heist for PSVR did it exceptionally well, also there was the Getaway games.
Well I'm certainly happy to hear that. While I'm not supposed to talk about it, I will say that Wii U kits were MUCH more expensive.
@Tarvaax I also heard them say that in the future to expect even more triple aaa titles. Right now Monster Hunter is just that. Imagine HD rumble + feeling a seregios's scales or HD rumble + feeling a Rajang's punch etc.
Here's the entire list of things that happened and were communicated between Nintendo and Capcom:
All good. They seem to have really tried to make the Switch welcoming for developers.
Okami would be day 1. Add viewtiful joe to that too. The kit being well recoeved is great news, and I would love to see capcom flood the Switch. Street fighter I don't care about(unless it's marvel vs capcom I rarely see paying full retail for fighters) but there are so many titles I would love ports/original entries into.
I think people will be surprised with the third party support in 2018. I don't see the Switch becoming the new AAA destination, but lots of support, and maybe a AAA franchise or 2.
As long as @RCMADIAX doesn't get a dev kit, I'll be happy
(starts brainstorming)...
@SeriousSam Didn't make a red cent. I'm something of a collector of add-ons and accessories as well as for handhelds consoles. Just used to plug it to my TV and play some game son the big screens but it was rather awkward 'cos you have to look at the DS screen all the time, when the second screen gets a lot of use.
@ThatNyteDaez Thanks for the headsup!
Hopefully there will be some filter for the quality of certain games this time. I'd rather not see games like The Letter, Meme Run, and Zombie Brigade on the Switch eShop. Then again, no one is forcing me to buy them, either.
@SeriousSam It's a game I'm working on. As well as a Sci-Fi Western game. Hopefully I can get the dev kit to get it running on the switch
I also considered purchasing a dev kit for a few seconds, but only because of the black joy cons, not to develop for it. I wouldn't have a clue. Anyway, I decided it's not that important for me, but it's great news that the kits are so affordable and easy to use. True, we may get some low-quality content, but we also might get more decent third party and I'd take that trade-off.
Wait that's it?!?!
Looks like I oughta save me $450 and learn how to use Unity because I WANT IN
@PanurgeJr I've just had a browse through your recent comment history. Seems most of your comments are, to varying extents, antagonistic towards other users. Proud of that?
Please try to improve your tolerance and attitude towards the other users here - we won't accept you continually trying to confront and put people down.
Quick question: Can a dev kit also run retail games? If so, then I might just hold off on a retail switch and save the extra $100 to $150 for a dev kit. Either way I'm taking Unity classes this March so I can prototype Boost the Slamander!
Now bring an awesome 2D megaman in the smashbros (megaman) style.
@KirbyTheVampire I just wish we get like 6-8 AAA, third party titles this year, in the same vein as RE7 or FIFA18.
@PanurgeJr Feel free to have whatever attitude makes you happy, it's your behaviour on this site that I'm referring to.
If there's a problem with another user's posts you can report them, and you can ignore them. Unless they are directing comments towards you, repeatedly referring to them on your comments could be deemed as harassment. Taking them up on it isn't going to achieve anything other than a messy comments section for the rest of us.
Please use the contact form if you want to feedback about our moderating, not the article comments sections, thanks.
@Brubbles that's true I guess
@KidRad Of course not.
@00Wyvern Ah man, can't wait for the immersive terror aspect of HD rumble + Monster Hunter.
It's a great read. The Nintendolife coverage missed the most interesting revelations, one of which is how closely Capcom worked with Nintendo on the OS and SDK (software development kit and library), particularly how to wrangle the GPU within the battery and power constraints.
Also, the made pretty clear the man-hours it takes to port engines is ridiculously low. This should settle a ton of the uneducated speculation and punditry going on in forums and comment sections the past few months.
Capcom seems all-in, but really what does that mean past Monster Hunter? E3 and TGS should be interesting.
@idrawrobots Western companies are so risk-averse and conservative, but they make enough money on cash cows to hedge their bets with strong PR and marketing.
I think if this Japanese renaissance continues, and their Western counterparts (e.g. Sega of Europe, NiS America etc.) continue the trend of being responsive, flexible, fan-focused, Western support won't matter as much as it did in the PS3/360 era.
It'll come with hardware success, or we'll get a rad Nintendo/Vita/PS4 B-tier software into the 2020s.
@GamePerson19 Yes, but you still have to apply and be approved.
@SeriousSam I hope so. Somehow these things are never quite as easy as they ought to be. Nintendo made the getting set up part of the development process much easier with NDI. They've also upgraded a bunch of backend publishing tools to make the bit at the end (lotcheck etc) easier. Though it's still a total mission to get a game through certification on any console.
If only there was some magic way to make the middle bit - actually making the game - a bit easier
@samuelvictor Sounds good, maybe if these games do well enough then you can make that British gangster game!
Now that's a white pill..........with the recent reports about Nint doubling production me thinks we might see RE on it, hopefully at any rate
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