The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is rife with content. So rife in fact we've managed to find and source 66 references to characters, locations, and other elements from previous games in The Legend of Zelda series, but given just how many there are we're certain there are others we've missed.
Check out the video above to see all of the locations without the hassle of scrolling, and glance over the list below with a brief description of each one we discovered.
Link's Awakening
- Tal Tal Peak - Tal Tal Heights
- Ulria Grotto - Ulrira, the telephone guy
- Ukuku Plains - Ukuku Prarie
- Peak of Awakening - Game's title
- Malin Bay - Marin
- Gopongo Island - Gopungo Swamp
- Toronbo Beach - Toronbo Shores
- Koholit Rock - Koholint Island
- Mabe Village Ruins - Mabe Village
- Martha's Landing - Martha Bay
- Torin Wetland - Tarin
- Mount Taran - Tarin
- Taran Pass - Tarin
- Kanalet Ridge - Kanalet Castle
- Rok Woods - Roc's Feather
- Tabahl Woods - Tabahl Wasteland

Ocarina of Time
- Mido Swamp - Mido
- Lake Saria - Saria
- Mount Nabooru - Nabooru
- Darunia Lake - Darunia
- Ruto Mountain - Princess Ruto
- Ruto Lake - Princess Ruto
- Ruto Precipice - Princess Ruto
- Inogo Bridge - Ingo
- Ja'Abu Ridge - Lord Jabu Jabu
- Rauru Hillside - Rauru, Sage of Light
- Rauru Settlement Ruins - Rauru, Sage of Light
- Kaepora - Kaepora Gaebora
- Bonooru's Stand - Bonooru the scarecrow
- Pierre Plateau - Pierre the scarecrow
The Wind Waker
- Mekar Island - Makar, Sage of Wind
- Lake Mekar - Makar, Sage of Wind
- Tingel Island - Tingle
- Ankel Island - Ankle (Tingle's brother)
- Knuckel Island - Knuckle (Tingle's brother)
- Davdi Island - David (someone Tingle roped into essentially slave labour)
- Ja'Abu Ridge - Lord Jabun
- Mount Daphnes - Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule, a.k.a. The King of Red Lions
Phantom Hourglass
- Linebeck Island - Linebeck
- Mercay Island - Mercy Island
- Zuaz Island - Zuaz the Smith
- Bannan Island - Bannan Island
- Molida Island - Molida Island
- Lake Siela - A fairy who accompanies Link
Majora's Mask
- Mikau Lake - Mikau
- Lulu Lake - Lulu
- Lake Darman - Darmani
- Romani Plains - Romani
- Gero Pond - Don Gero, the Goron frog conductor
Oracle of Ages & Seasons
- Horon Lagoon - Horon Village, Seasons
- Tarm Point - Tarm Ruins, Seasons
- Lodrum Headland - Holodrum, the overworld in Seasons
- Talus Plateau - Talus Peaks, Ages
- Brynna Plain - Labrynna the overworld in Ages
Twilight Princess
- Rutala Dam - Queen Rutela
- Ralis Pond - Prince Ralis
- Faron Woods - Faron Woods
- Bridge of Eldin - Bridge of Elfin
Skyward Sword
- Gorko Lake - Gorko
- Pillars of Levia - Levias the leviathan
- Gortram Cliff - Gorko
Minish Cap
- Minshi Woods - The Minish race
- Pico Pond - The Picori, the Hylian name for the Minish
Link to the Past
- Sahasra - Sahasrahla
Link Between Worlds
- Oren Bridge - Queen Oren, Sage of Water
Tri Force Heroes
- Tuft Mountain – King Tuft of Hytopia
Are there any we've missed? Of course there are, because it's Breath of the Wild; let us know of any others you've found in the comments.
Comments 62
What about a Xenoblade X reference?
I've not counted them but they seem to be everywhere. Not including other references like a nod to the late Satoru Iwata.
Link is also called Link, like Link in the other games. And Zelda too, actually.
Odd that.
You guys got waaay too much time on your hands.
Can't beat a bit of nostalgia, especially when zelda is involved
@Yasume Did you beat Zelda?
An abundance of Link's Awakening ones, huh. GOOD.
Aren't the Rauru settlement ruins a reference to Rauru Town, from Zelda II? I assumed they are the ruins of that town.
Don't forget Lake Saria over by the Lost Woods for Saria from OoT
Inogo Bridge - Ingo
I thought that was a reference to the Indigo-Go's from Majora's Mask?
When I saw Toronbo Beach and Koholit Rock I got excited and thought there would be a giant egg on top. Missed opportunity
@Yasume They literally do this for a living, so I would hardly call that idle time.
@Yasume lol you can talk, coming here solely to troll every opportunity. Talk about an abundance of time on your hands...
Ja'Abu Ridge could also reference Lord Jabu Jabu from OOT, but I think he's related to Jabun anyway.
You're late, Alex, GameXplain is way ahead of you. -w-
Two locations away from a 100% completion! Two mere locations! After hours of comparing my ingame map with Zeldadungeon's, I simply can't find them. And I'm not talking just the game's 100% but everything else, too! It's pretty infuriating, though, I will return to look for them at a later date.
You have Tingel Island correctly listed as a reference to Tingle, and It's obvious the other islands are named for his brothers who first appeared in Wind Waker. However, Tingle's first appearance was Majora's Mask, making Tingel Island a Majora's Mask reference.
The Divine beasts are all named after past characters too:
Vah Medoh = Medlii
Vah Rudania = Darunia
Vah Ruta = Rito
Vah Nabooris = Nabooru
All these references are obviously deliberate but they point to one simple fact: Breath of the Wild takes place after every other Zelda game and the place names are all historical within the context of the game.
Without getting all timey-wimey at some point the split timelines must have converged back together.
That should be the next game: 3 different links from parallel dimensions team up against a triumvirate of Ganons who team up to resurrect Demise. Each Link could be a different graphical style: 16-bit, Cel and Modern. They could even mix play styles, with an open world for modern link but top down dungeons for 16-bit.
Well BOTW is kinda supposed to be a reboot of the first NES game so seeing references would only make sense no?
@RadioHedgeFund I feel like the 10000 years ago battle functioned as a "Warp in the West" scenario.
That's a lot of references....
No Ilia reference? For shame!
@Ryu_Niiyama remind me, it's been a while since I played Elder Scrolls 2
One of the stone tablets around Zora's Domain states that Vah Ruta was named after Princess Ruto from OoT.
I thought most of them are referencing other games/media:
Pico Pond = Reference Pico from F-Zero.
Knuckel Island = Reference to Knuckles and Angel Island from Sonic 3.
Breath of the Wild subtitle is a reference to both Breath of Fire and The Call of the Wild.
Lulu Lake = Reference to Final Fantasy X.
Pillars of Levia = Final Fantasy reference.
@Agent721 It's Zelda II, the game that Nintendo fanboys like to pretend it doesn't exist because it makes aounuma cry. So of course they won't even mention it.
I saw somewhere else that all of the bridges in Central Hyrule are names of Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 bosses.
@RadioHedgeFund hey at least you knew what I was talking about. I thought about editing after I posted that. Anyway the warp in the west was a type of dragon break meaning that a period of "un-time (not-time? I can't remember how bethesda words it)" where a single timeline breaks into multiples and then all the possible timelines happen successfully and then converge meaning they all some how happened in one unified timeline. Also known as a Deus Ex butt pull.
Many are. Some are references to other games (like the ones named after Skyloftian Academy teachers), and some don't seem to be references to anything, but are new words or ideas to this game.
Strange how few nods there are to Twilight Princess compared to Wind Waker when in game dialogue basically confirms that this takes place in the child era. "The hero who has saved us through the sky, time and twilight" I believe the quote is
Twilight Princess:
Several Lanayrus
Some Eldins
Some Farons
Darb Pond (Darbus?)
Skyward Sword:
Owlan Bridge
Horwell Bridge
Eagus Bridge
Batrea Lake (Batreaux)
Link Between Worlds:
Rabia Plain (Ravio)
Also, "Bridge of Eldin - Bridge of Elfin". Those should both say Eldin.
@Yasume It's their job.
Is yours being a rude, snarky pessimist? Because that would explain a lot.
@Yasume What a rude comment!!
I'm sure there's more References on the Map itself. But I don't know my Zelda, as prefer to play it more than learn everything else about it.
You should do another references video of actual locations, people, etc. For past games or other related Nintendo stuff.
I love how the map references the ol games it makes me reminisce about those places. I feel like playing Link's Awakening and Minish Cap again now
@Baker1000 That would of been really cool! I freaked out when I got on Eventide Island and it took all my things so I reloaded an older save lol
I love that song(remix) at the end of the video! Where did it come from?
Toto Lake near Zora's Domain comes from Toto, the manager of the Indigo-Go's from Majora's Mask.
There's also Digdogg Suspension Bridge, from Digdogger, Manhala Bridge from Manhandla, Aquame Bridge from Aquamentus, and Gleeok Bridge from Gleeok
Check out GameXplain. They have three videos listing references, including a whole lot you missed. In addition to this, you also missed that Mido Swamp is a reference to both the Kokiri Mido from OOT and the location Midoro Swamp from AOL.
Also, depending on how you pronounce and accentuate it, Akkala rhymes with Squadala. Just sayin'
Incoming Game Theory:
Breath of the Wild...... it was all a dream!
(See also: Super Mario Bros 2)
You missed Goponga Village Ruins, from Goponga Swamp of Link's Awakening.
Wouldn't Tingle be from Majora's Mask, since that was his first appearance?
Also Seres Scablands - A Link Between Worlds
I would also like to express my disappointment that there is no small little area named Grooseland anywhere in the game. Total missed opportunity there.
@RadioHedgeFund Ruto, not Rito. The Rito are the bird people. Ruto was the princess of the Zora.
I'm surprised no one else has pointed out the similarities between the map in Link to the Past and the Breath of the Wild overworld map. Look at the two side by side....
@RadioHedgeFund You haven't played Hyrule Warriors, that's more or less exactly what it is. Just different style of game play
I think this game comes right next to Skyward Swords in the timeline.
@ZurapiiYohane I didn't notice until I was humming along with it, LOL. Cool throwback!
In the next zelda i want the same kinda open world thing same with the voice acting but a better combat system (no moe breaking weapons stuff. Ley us keep the weapons or trow it away when we have stronger weapons or upgrades etc.
I miss the oldscool master sword, charging it and release it with alot of force.
Also i want link to have more magical powers like the Dins Fire from ocarina of time or the masks transformations from Majoras mask something like that.
I truly loved breath of the wild more than any zelda ever created. But in the next i want more lol.
Without watching the video or reading the article (because spoilers): So cool that there are so many references in the names of landmarks. I already found quite a bunch, but I will find more. Even the names of the monks, they all seem to have meaning. This game is chock-full of secrets!!
@Jessica286 No, it comes much later - and Link's first recovered memory places it firmly in the timeline.
the temple of time from OOT still exists in BOTW, and is separate from BOTW's temple of time.
it's now named the "hyrule cathedral", but it's in worse shape than the new temple of time.
@JohnSReid it is all speculation and I stand by my opinion. Why? Because of the name of the places in the world map that alone makes BotW the root not the branch.
@AlternateButtons Please tell me what this BOTW early Prototype looks like to you.
@Jessica286 I like your thinking.
I don't agree but I see where you're coming from.
@Alshain01 In WW, Tingle has his own island called "Tingle Island" so therefore "Tingel Island" is a reference to WW.
@JohnSReid lol we will see I just hope Nintendo clarifies this soon.
I love the references, but I'm pretty sure "Rok Woods - Roc's Feather" is completely wrong. Rok Woods is filled with OctoROKs. I'm sure there's also probably a KoROK or two in there.
@NintendoVideoGa I'm aware of that, but it's a reference to the character, Tingle, who first appeared in Majora's Mask, so his island would be a reference to MM.
It can't be that early. There are story line elements that make reference to the OOT sages. After defeating the divine beasts, some of the spirits mention that they are specifically named after the sages of old. (Urbosa not only mentions Nabooru, but also mentions that Ganon was once a Gerudo). One of the Zora stone tablets mentions Ruto. So simply put, we KNOW it comes after OOT, it's not entirely clear which timeline though (I still haven't finished the game though, I have all 4 beasts, unless the final battle reveals something that makes it more clear where in the timeline it is... please don't spoil it for me).
@Alshain01 hmm ok u might be on to something.
Death Mountain music is from the original game
What about the Koukot Plateau? I'm pretty sure it's a reference to Koume and Kotake from OoT/MM
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