Square Enix may have only just released I Am Setsuna for the Nintendo Switch, yet it's already looking at bringing across more games to the console. In conversation with website Trendy, Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda had some positive things to say about the Nintendo Switch; a translation on Siliconera says that "in addition to developing new titles for Switch, he hopes to see more of Square Enix's existing titles get ports wherever it's possible", with the system cited as a priority at present.
It was not clarified whether Matsuda-san was referring to games already released on other consoles or games currently in development. Releasing titles in Japan months before releasing overseas was also touched upon, with Matsuda himself noting the importance of worldwide releases.
Square has already announced a handful of releases for the Switch including Dragon Quest X and Dragon Quest XI, along with the bizarrely named Project Octopath Traveler; franchises like Bravely Default could also potentially be on the agenda. The Final Fantasy series has also been in the rumour mill over the past year.
What Square Enix titles would you like to see headed to the Switch?
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 194
The more square...and for that matter the more of any big 3rd party...the better!
Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. I'll believe it when I see it. I think Square Enix will give us mostly games from their second string of teams or spin-offs.
And halle-firemen's truck-ing-lujah.
Mana trilogy western release please.
Project Octopath Traveler isn't really a bizarre name. There's probably 8 characters that travel the same path with different storylines...kinda like The Legend of Legacy. I would love that.
Another Fortune Street would be great!
Kingdom Hearts 3 ✨✨
Kingdom hearts baby!
Square Enix does do some good titles. I am looking forward to future games by them.
FFXIV would be nice. Playing that on the go (with wifi) would be awesome!
I don't think we'll see a Kingdom Hearts game, to be honest. At least not a mainline entry. And not to be negative, but can the Switch handle FFIV? If I recall, that game was pushing the PS4 to its limits
Wow great new if they bring there history list of games to Switch it's would be heaven finally a Nintendo platform unique and distinctive but popular
Start with bringing Seiken Densetsu Collection to the West PLEASE!!!
I just hope they release some of their old games when the Virtual Console finally launches.
Final Fantasy XV port and VII remake would make my day (year!), but I doubt that would happen
@Falkor While not as powerful as the competition, I'm sure Switch can handle Final Fantasy 4
XV wouldn't be a good Switch candidate. Performance on the game and framerate isn't even great on the PS4.
I will believe that when I see it. They also never said the sold call games would make it to the west and if they do it would probably take 3 to 5 years to get here. Vague statements that's all that is.
"Priority." I like that word.
Dragon Quest Builders would be perfect.
Why are people still begging for Kingdom Hearts? If you want to play the games then buy a PS4. It's really that simple. Kingdom Hearts has always been on PlayStation. It's not an exclusive but all the main games have only been on PlayStation. I'm glad that people have at least finally realized that the FFVII Remake is a PS4 exclusive and so have stopped begging for it.
I really want Nier Automata, the game looks great, but not getting a PS4 for it.
I'd like to see the HD remaster of Final Fantasy 12 make its way to the Switch.
And I don't know who owns Soul Blazer/Illusion of Gaia/Terranigma these days (I think Enix had a hand in publishing), but I'd love to see those again.
And a port of the PSP Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. That remake was too good to leave on PSP, and would probably do well with the Fire Emblem audience.
Looking forward to Project Octopath, less to Dragon Quest.
Anyway pretty good news. I hope that the Nintendo Switch will become the general focus of Square-Enix development, even if Dragon Quest Heroes I-II has achieved miserable sales.
I haven't played a new rpg that I liked in a very long time (on console anyway).
So Square, bring it on.
I could also use some 'Tales of' games.
So if it's not just a fantasy...is it a quest?
We also know that the Dragon Quest Heroes pack should come to the west at some point (hopefully improving on the not so stellar performance, but doubtful) and the Secret of Mana trilogy
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I hardly think Dragon Quest is second string, but I understand your statement, essentially until we see a final final fantasy, everything else seems lower tiered and thus Square doesn't seem as willing. Games that might make the jump, the kingdom hearts bundles, world of final fantasy etc...
Not really sure what I'd expect/want from Square Enix to be honest. Worth remembering that this could mean the likes of Hitman/Tomb Raider/Deus Ex as much as it could Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.
@DeNeo yes i agree , i love that game ☺
@mateq Imagine playing XV on the go! Love that game..
@DeNeo @shazzy If I'm not wrong, Dragon Quest Builders has already been confirmed for Switch.
I'm expecting ports of the kingdom hearts collections or something like that.
A fair share of Final Fantasy games
Dragon Quest Builders port
Mario Sports Mix 2 (not likely, but one can dream right?)
Some enix games on VC would be nice illusion of time et al
I can't see them bringing things like Tomb Raider over... I think we'll get a new Bravely game. Maybe some old VC games whenever Nintendo decide to launch it.
Well, considering Xbox sells like sh*t in Japan but is still getting the Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III it only makes sense to bring those games to a console SE's home market actually likes. Tomb Raider and Deus Ex on Switch also sounds good.
@RoomB31 Remember the big hullabaloo and trumpeting that was done over Dragon Quest coming to Wii? The game never made it outside of Japan. Again, it was ported to Wii U, same story. It seemed a right mess that went on there.
Take even those Dragon Quest Heroes 1 &2 games out now on Switch in Japan. Are they getting a Western release? Not that I'm aware of.
Anyway, that's 1 franchise. We've never had a Kingdom Hearts game on a Nintendo console. Don't think there's been one on handheld either. There hasn't been a mainline Final Fantasy game on a Nintendo console since the SNES. Yet Cloud was allowed in Smash Bros., that really bugs me. They've mostly given us crumbs that have fallen off their proverbial table.
DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS and World of Final Fantasy please!
I have been contemplating buying for the Vita, but would rather have on the bigger Switch screen.
@JHDK to me it seems like many triple A game developers say we are bringing more games but they are their low budget games. They need to bring their big boy games to the table like final fantasy 15 and tomb raider.
They say this but refuse to port or remake Final Fantasy VII-XV for Nintendo system. C'mon Square Enix prove that you're the company of your words by releasing these games exclusively for Switch. Heck maybe a compilation bundle of many of those entries. Also bring the Mana collection and the entire Kingdom Hearts games/collections too otherwise for now you're just bluffing for attention.
The more Square Enix titles the better, I say! My Square x Switch wish list would include the likes of:
Bravely Default
Kingdom Hearts III
Seiken Densetsu Collection
Sleeping Dogs
Tomb Raider
The World Ends With You (Solo Remix)
World of Final Fantasy
Oh and since I haven't played it since the DS version first came out, Chrono Trigger would be nice, too. That's if Nintendo ever launch the Virtual Console, of course!
Positive news yay!... it would be great if final fantasy was back where it belong on a Nintendo console, also would be nice to get i'm a satsuma on cart.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 3DS has seen an incredible amount of Square franchises, the GBA had a pretty good Kingdom Hearts game (Chain of Memories) and 3DS had Dream Drop Distance.
to be fair, they're making more games regardless of region, which as of the Switch is moot since we can now play any game from anywhere, sure there is the boundary of language which for an RPG is probably insurmountable if you don't understand any Japanese.
Should they bring more to the west, yes! and if the portable Nintendo scene is any indication, it's where Square feels more comfortable (at least on Nintendo), considering the Switch is seen by many as a portable, this hopefully spells good news.
Even if Switch is not getting the same third party you see on XB1 and PS4, I think it will do fine as long as it gets decent third party support. If you want the big multiplatform third party games, then you can't only play on Nintendo systems! I am a big Nintendo fan but I have Xbox One as well!
Im not impressed. Not really looking forward to octopath. Played both bravelys and thought they were underwhelming. I am setsuna was garbage. Played dragon quest 8 and thought it was boring and kinda bland. Kingdom hearts i couldnt care anymore after the first which was great. Generally i really dislike squares jrpgs since ff 12 which was already a letdown. No hope for ff 15 being better than mediocre.
Only positive was world ends with you. But i have high hopes for nier 2. The first was pretty good. I think deus ex is actually good. Still i really wish that they return to old form in my eyes.
At a stretch, a rerelease of all prior Kingdom Hearts Games via that recent PS4 package release would be nice but I don't think the sales theorised would cover the costs as most will have already bought it on PS4. A spin-off title is possible as the the GBA, DS and 3DS all had games from the KH series.
The most likely would be some of their non-mainline series like Final Fantasy Tactics, the Bravely Series and others like it.
On I wouldn't mind is an enhanced rerelease of Final Fantasy IX. Its highly regarded, considered a classic and the closest of the later titles to lean towards the early NES & SNES releases.
Chrono Trigger HD remake, please!
I really want to see Bravely on the big screen.
Also, long shot, but Chrono Cross HD would be cool too.
That Project Octopath Traveller game looks really cool! I'm excited for that one. Give me KH3 this year Squenix!
@TruenoGT It was set in stone a while back, they just don't know when it's going to release, probably want to optimize it more.
I would welcome a new couch co-op Crystal Chronicles if you're hiding that anywhere Square. But I'll personally take anything.
Wanna see these :
1. FF III & IV Remake with enhanched graphics from IOs version.
2. FF VIII, FF IX from IOs.
3. FF X/X-2 HD Remaster
4. FF XII The Zodiac Age
5. All Kingdom Hearts games.
6. FF Tactics from IOs.
7. FF Fables Chocobo's Dungeon Wii as VC.
8. Chocobo Racing from PS1.
9. World of Final Fantasy
10. FF XIII (???)
For new IP's:
1. Another collaboration between SquareEnix + Nintendo, more cute games.
2. Spin Off of FF franchise again, targeted young audiences.
3. Final Fantasy meets Animal Crossing style, similar with World of Final Fantasy but Open World, Full of Customazation, Day and Night, Town to create & protect from Enemies, Festivals, Summons, DLC etc.
4. SquareEnix Racing All Stars
5. RPGish Boxing games, based on ARMS ideas.
@LeRaposa FFVII and Kingdom Hearts 3 aren't Playstation exclusives any more than FFXV was. Xbox One is getting both of those games too.
It's great news to hear Square prioritizing Switch so much, and abandoning the cheap mobile game world for more substance even there. Out of any of the "big third parties" I imagine the one that rings the most bells in the Nintendo world is Squeenix, so it's good to hear their interests are aligned with ours, as with 3DS, and perhaps moreso since there's more parity for their bigger games.
@RoomB31 Subtitled text localization costs money, but the costs aren't insurmountable for a company that knows there's an overseas import population interested in a game but not enough to bring a full release and voice localization over. Now that all platforms are region free companies might feel more free to put mediocre english translations in rather than full localizations and just let the imports roll to pick up some overseas niche sales at minimal costs.
@Falkor Looking at FFXV trailers (I have the PS4 version in shrinkwrap and given Switch, P5, and Horizon it will likely stay in shrinkwrap for a long, long, long time unless it comes to switch) I don't really see WHY that game was "pushing PS4 to the limits" it's not even close to the best graphics that system has to offer. If it was that resource intensive it's just brutally optimized code from a 10 year old development heck condemned game. Might not be fixable, but that one's all on Square.
OTOH it DID run on X1, and Switch isn't a big step down from X1, so if they actually wanted to prioritize it, they could probably do it. I imagine Matsuda isn't referring to going back to 6+ month old games though, unless FFXV gets a "GOTY" or "complete" edition for PS4/X1 later, then Switch might be considered.
World of Final Fantasy would be nice, I'd like to be able to take it with me.
And Crystal Chronicles (remaster or new) with local and online co-op
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance was on the 3DS. In fact, the character models from that game were used in the remasters for the PS3.
@kukabuksilaks You mean you didn't buy it for Vita? Vita's very last retail release ever after nobody though it would ever see another? They even moved a row of Uncharted 4 4 inches to the left on a Gamestop shelf just for that special event!
@ballistic90 I'm more concerned about home console. It was more a passing comment about handheld. I don't follow that as closely.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Keep in mind DQ is Squeenix's biggest actual franchise, bigger for them than FF, but they've never given it a proper launch in the West. It's clear with TWO mainline DQ releases in the West on 3DS in the past year that they're coming around to committing to building that franchise in the West. No guarantees, and they've committed nothing, but like with Monster Hunter, there's a community to build around that franchise in the West, and bringing two back to back entries indicates at least a solid interest in seeing what potential it has here moving forward.
If they're highlighting Switch over Scorpio that's a great thing as it means they see a customer base on Nintendo, and it means they're not focusing on just ramping up graphics. I imagine PS4 is still their #1 commitment for the big franchises, but that's only 3 series right now.
Just bring DQ XI out with a simultaneous launch please.
@NEStalgia I've been hearing that Microsoft and more specifically the XBOX brand is dirt in Japan. And sure when you look at their sales there why would Square Enix care about them? And Scorpio is going to be more niche than the main XB1 line, right?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Fair point, although i will say Dream Drop Distance had the most fun gameplay mechanics of any Kingdom Hearts game ive ever played. If they use that as the base for KH3, it'll be a game worth keeping a close eye on.
As for consoles, Square Enix is not easy to predict. They used to heavily favor handhelds for KH spinoffs ( mobile devices, GBa, DS, 3DS, PSP each had one), and now they're doing a bunch of remakes for the PS3/4. I dont anticipate the new game anytime soon anyways, so there's plenty of time for surprises.
@Sinton Lolol whoops!
I would see on Switch many jrps, i hope in that.
Please sign petition to bring Seiken Densetsu Collection to the west.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE for the Scorpio, all signs point to it playing the same games as Xbox One but in a native (or close to it) 4K resolution. There is a chance they'll make games exclusive to the Scorpio, but that's not the intent.
As for the Xbox Brand, Microsoft has made attempts to get it going in Japan with high profile releases made in Japan, but not much results. They're probably just happy to get the big titles from the popular developers and publishers for the moment. Although it's worth noting that console sales in general have been in a slump in Japan.
I'd like to see Sleeping Dogs. Not really family friendly, but so good!
Square Enix should release all of the Kingdom Hearts Remixes (1.5, 2.5, and 2.8) in a Special Edition package for Switch. They should also bring over the Secret of Mana collection for an English localisation (as it's just a Japanese release right now). And they should announce that the Switch will get a port of Kingdom Hearts 3.
...Give me Fortune Street. >.<
I'd like the Kingdom Hearts Remixes please.
FFVII and FFVIII please 😃 and the rest up until X, also Secret of Mana/Evermore
Bring a Taito classic collection to the system. Square Enix barely does anything with Taito at this point.
I still confused with Dream Drop Distance game mechanics. Have bought the game on 3DS 4 years ago bit still Have NOT Finished yet, still on the Beginning chapter. Lol
Any tips ?
@Podoboo I'd be tempted to come back to XIV for that!
I would love to see a Dragon Quest collection released for Switch. I know Japan got one for the Wii a few years ago. On that note, a Final Fantasy collection would be cool too.
Please someone find out if we are actually going to get Dragon Quest Heroes in the west, or will I just have to buy the Japanese release and struggle through with my basic understanding of Japanese?
Kingdom Hearts seems such an obvious match here. Switch is a great target for it. Anyone else suggest that?
@Anti-Matter The biggest mechanics are with movement. You are supposed to bounce off of the environment to move around nore effectively. Is that what you mean? Or are you having issues with combat?
No, I never ended up buying a vita, didn't actually know WoFF was out on Vita..
@SLIGEACH_EIRE To be fair, Dragon Quest is hardly a second-tier franchise.
And Nintendo has pretty much been the home of the series since the DS era.
I'm not looking for any port from Square that i can already play on other platforms. Prefer to see new games released on all platforms at the same time; including Switch.
@Jhena Well only The World Ends with You and Deus Ex can be considered internally developed by Square since Eidos is now owned by Square and TWEWY had some development done by them.
Nier 1 was developed by a studio that's now part of Marvelous and Nier 2 was developed by PlatinumGames.
Square seems more content nowadays to outsource stuff rather than develop their IPs internally.
Port the PC version of Final Fantasy VII, VIII then IX.
Would nice to see final fantasy finally released in the format it was originally started out in development for as a fan gesture. Then virtual console all Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy VI.
One Nintendo console with ALL 1-9 would be awesome.
@LeRaposa Kingdom Hearts III will be on the Xbox One which will be the first time any Kingdom Hearts game has ever been on an Xbox console.
So, I can understand how people feel given the Xbox One never got any versions of Kingdom Hearts I or II, missed the spin-offs, and has no ties to the series.
While Nintendo platforms have gotten spin-off games since the GBA.
@Falkor it could handle IV fine, IV was a SNES game
The combat system on beginning when Sora meets Neku and Rikku meets someone. I have no idea about those Time Limits since I got stuck , couldn't continue the storyline.
Final Fantasy 1 - 9 ?
It will be called Final Fantasy Classics.
I wish Kingdom Hearts 1 - 3 will be on Switch.
@Anti-Matter Well, first, special abilities are gained from fighting with those creatures your create on your party. After fighting with them for a while, check out the creature's leveling menu to see what yoy can spend points on to grant yourself new abilities to help in combat.
As for the Drop meter, that just ticks down at all time and forces you to switch to the other character. I recommend when you see a boss fight coming up, go to a save point, save, and then choose to manually drop to thw other character to reset the meter.
Kingdom Hearts 3 will be using the Unreal Engine 4, isn't it? I hope they port it to the Switch
I would have bought tomb raider day 1 if it was released for switch
@SLIGEACH_EIRE There was a KH on both the DS and 3DS released in the west. 358/2 and Dream Drop Distance.
@eltomo sleeping dogs 2 playable on the go would be awesome.
@Ernest_The_Crab My point was that im not entertained by squares output internally or not. And therefore i am (at least for now) not excited about new stuff from them or backed by them.
@pattybean I second the mana trilogy release. Oh, and give us that rumored collection of 1-9 as well. Maybe throw in a little X action.
@Jhena Well most of the stuff you mentioned liking is stuff that Square did not have full control of (Eidos has little interference on Deus Ex and TWEWY was co-developed).
I prefer the days when Square and Enix were still separate developers.
In fear of sounding old and bitter, I really don't expect much. The last Square Enix game I bought was Crystal Bearers for Wii, and I never actually got around to finishing it.
Hitman? That would be nice to have on the Switch
@NickOfTime90 I've never played the game, so that's the reason why I want it
Final Fantasy XIII Collection, pretty please. And that's only the top of my long port wishlist.
@Varnen Correct! In theory it should be an easy port due to Epic and Nintendo's partnership. FFXV will be the problem child if they attempt to port because it is developed on an in house engine and it is already a pain to work with apparently.
@Ernest_The_Crab Which is not a good point for enix true^^
Yeah those were the days. Even their logo became a joke to me. They had that red triangular that symbolized the all seeing eye for me. Now there are two red lines symbolizing closed eyes. Not to mention the german ehnix part.
@ballistic90 The FFVII Remake is a PS4 exclusive. So far it's been nearly two years since it was announced and no other platform has been announced. As for KH3, in all likelihood the Xbox One version has been or will be scrapped. Kingdom Hearts is a PlayStation centric series. The games have never come to a Nintendo home console. The HD remasters didn't come to Wii U or Switch.
@Stubi Bravely Third: Spiritual Successor would be the perfect name for the franchise
I feel the loop would be closed for Nintendo, Square, and even major 3rd parties in general if a latest, numbered, Final Fantasy graces Switch. It's a long shot hope, and honestly I don't see it happening, but a guy can hope. Truth is stranger than fiction at times...
I don't care which system it's on, but Square needs to breathe life back into the Mana series. That collection on Switch is a nice start
@mateq oh, well, it's great!😂
The remake of FF7.
And some new IP.
Also let them work on GoldenSun would be great (i think)
@LeRaposa The FFVII Remake is a timed exclusive for PS4.
@LeRaposa The FF7 remake was announced at E3 2 years ago at the Sony presentation, but they never said it was to be exclusive. In fact:
Kingdom Hearts 3 was the same way. Square Enix said specifically that it wouldn't be a Playstation exclusive.
I'd love Kingdom Hearts on my switch! Anything else I may provide a mild interest in.
Square Enix at one of my favourite publishers.
A sequel too Mario and the Legend of the Seven Stars!!!
Thanks for a little tips.
@Captain_Gonru "Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles franchise please and thank you."
FFCC:The Crystal Bearer on Wii is one of the worst games I've ever played, everything about it was just bad, story, camera, gameplay. FFX-2 was worse, but just barely, and probably b/c FFX was just so good, leading to so much disappointment. FF has pretty much sucked since. FFXV might have been better if I hadn't played XCX first. Switch needs a 2 pack of XC Remastered and XCX before 2 comes out. I'd replay XC in HD. Well real HD upgrades, not like the barely noticeable improvements in TPHD. Use the XCX engine and I'm there.
@NEStalgia "unless FFXV gets a "GOTY" or "complete" edition for PS4/X1 later, then Switch might be considered."
When they finish the game, still at least more 2 DLC story missions to go, a "complete" version up-ressed to 4k is almost a certainty on PS5. Though if it also came out on PS4/X1 in 2018 I wouldn't' mind seeing Switch get it then as well. Probably a given on PS4/X1, slim-to-none chance on Switch, but there's still a chance.
FFVII Remake is of course the big one. That would be a huge announcement at E3.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE All very true. But it doesn't seem like all that long ago that Squeenix was doing everything they could to "westernize" and were more or less ignoring Japan outside DQ and focus on "western" games (namely the XBox audience, in the late 7th gen.) Eye candy was their thing. So it's still a good statement not just for Switch but for Square's direction in general that they're kind of ignoring the graphics push coming from Scorpio, and to a degree, the western way of doing things in general. Maybe we'll get FFXII sooner than 2027 after all!
@kukabuksilaks "No, I never ended up buying a vita, didn't actually know WoFF was out on Vita.. "
And thus the entire lifecycle of the Vita was summarized in a single sentence.....
Square Enix and Atlus on board, this is looking very very good
@123akis yeah you can't just own one platform if you are a serious gamer. I do prefer nintendo systems however because their 1st party is my favorite type of games.
FF X-2 was like FF Charlie's Angel with "Slumber Party" time (Yuna became an Idol after being a Summoner, YRP met LeBlanc and her gangs, Yuna in disguise as LeBlanc servants & gave a Massage to LeBlanc, Dress Up system was practically like "Fashion Time", Easier Bosses on Main plot but thougher for Optional Bosses)
FF X-2 was fun, girly , quicker than FF X but awful in storyline at the same time.
It would be awesome if SquareEnix cracked open it's Super Famicom library of games that have yet to be brought to western shores.
I don't think KH 1 + 2 HD is an unreasonable speculation.
@rjejr If you thought FF started to suck AFTER FFX you need to hand over your gamer card.
4, 6, 7, 8, my favorite 9 were all phenomenal games. 10 was where they started to lose the narrative in a big way. 12 was entirely directionless and bland, and 13 was where they demonstrated they don't know what an RPG is at all.
In part it seems they never learned how to handle the PS2 level graphics and budget properly, FF was its best on NES, SNES, and ultimately the pinnacle on PS1. It fell apart after that.
The other part, is, of course, nearly everyone that was involved in making FF what it was broke off and formed Monolith and makes Xenoblade and Zelda now.... Well except for the one that broke off, went indie, and is making Ever Oasis. FF is like Rare. A brand name run by someone else that doesn't know what it's for. And 80% the real FF people work for Nintendo now (or Nintendo exclusives at their own companies.)
I'll second the need for an XC/XCX Switch port. I'd double dip for sure! Never got fully into it on the WiiU, and the hybrid is where a game like X that would shine! Besides they barely made back their money on that. It NEEDS a second print to turn a profit.
PS5? You seriously think Squeenix would take a game that's already 6 months old on an HD console and turn it around for a more powerful console for an upscaled rerelease three YEARS later? You are SERIOUSLY overestimating Squeenix's development times They'll announce it at the PS5 launch and deliver it 1.5 years into the PS7. At the earliest. Upscaling is hard!
It's kind of sad when an emo remake of FFVII is a "bigger" announcement than the brand new FFXV. But, such is the reality of FF these days
Also TP:HD was a significant improvement. If you actually look at the versions side by side the older one looks unplayably blurred. (And of course the controls actually work vs the Wii version, so there's that...)
@Captain_Gonru I'm still not sure how the original Gamecube game that worked w/ the 4 Gameboys never got ported to Wii U and 3DS w/ their WiFi connection. Guess that's on Squenix though, not Ntinedo.
Switch does seem like the perfect console for a FFCC type game, or any game w/ drop-in drop-out co-op multiplayer. Well if they can get it to work w/ the 2 Joycon. Reading that LCU finally added co-op multiplayer but you can't do it w/ the 2 Joycon, you need to buy a Pro, kind of put me off the whole thing. And where's the Wii U update? I was looking at the Smoochy puppy amiibo in Gamestop yesterday thinking - man, Nintendo couldnt' add those levels in to the Wii U version while porting the game to 3DS? That's nto fair now is it? I'd pay $5 for it. Or better yet let the Smoochy amiibo unlock him. Oh well. Zelda U is still getting patched and updated, so there's that.
Well, I'm sure any big releases would sell better on Switch than on Xbox One. Because you know, the Xbox One userbase loves Japanese RPGs!
@NEStalgia "Also TP:HD was a significant improvement. If you actually look at the versions side by side the older one looks unplayably blurred."
The original TP looked great on my 36" SD CRT. Only on my 52" 1080p TV did it turn into a brown blurry mess that I coudlnt' bear the site of. So I'm guessing you are comparing TP HD to the original TP on an HD TV. If you compared the original on an SD CRT that it was made for, the HD version isn't really all that much of an improvement. It only looks like an improvement b/c any Wii game on an HD TV looks like dreck. Except SSBB and SMG 1 & 2. Only those 3 games were still ok on my new TV, I coudlnt 'play any other Wii games after that. My sons play them on my old 32" 720p HD tv and they aren't that dreadful, but going up from 32" to 52" changes everything.
If Nintneod wanted to update TP HD they should have really done so w/ the BotW engine. Watch those 2 side by side then tell me how good TPHD looks.
It was an improvement, but not nearly enough to get me to double dip, it's too similar to the original game. Maybe if they made Link more Emo?
I thought FFX was really good, all except bliztball, which I hated and only played what I had to. I liked the 3D look and voice acting, it was a huge jump up from FF9 on the PS1. 12 was an ok game once I got the lame story over with then spent 100 hours hunting monsters but I've never considered it an FF game any more than FFCCTCB. 11 and 14 were online so I never played them. 13 was so bad I never played 13-2 or 13-3. 15 was just, well I'm still not sure what it was other than an ad for camping.
I really gave up on Squenix awhile back when Level 5 made several good games, Rogue Galaxy being a stand out. Then they decided to focus on mobile app games, leaving a whole in my heart. Ni No Kuni was good though, and NNK2 looks even better. Nintnedo shoudl try to get that on Switch along w/ a port of the first, NNK2 will be better than FFXV. FF7 is still FF7 though, getting that is more of a symbolic victory than anything else.
Well they never remade FFV or VI in the same style as III and IV for DS. I'd love them.
Well you might get Hitman Go and Deus Ex Go, you can forget world of final fantasy and dragon quest builders and adventures of Mana, can't see it happening. Switch will probably get another chronicles game. Don't think all square games for switch will make a western translation release, should be happy with what you get really. I would like to see some new ip and lots of them, fed up of square constantly churning out remakes, giving us something new
I just want me some Dragon Quest Heroes... and physical, please!
I don't know if Square will notice, but I know that I and quite a few others have imported the physical version of I Am Setsuna. I mean, why not? It has the full English translation on the card.
There are so many great SquareEnix titles I'd love to see on Switch:
Bravely Default/Bravely Second HD combo release
Bravely Third
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Kingdom Hearts 3
Plus re-releases of all their classic RPGs on the virtual console
More Deus Ex would be nice too. Human Revolution Directors Cut was fantastic.
they should still put VI on the N3DS VC darnit I'm just ready to give this money away but no
more releases is good though square, you do that, and then don't cancel them "unexpectedly"
I'd rather the spinoffs like Bravely Default get featured on Switch than boring emo teen fantasy. I'd still welcome Final Fantasy of course, just not buy it.
Some Tomb Raider love would be sweet!
While I don't really care about their modern JRPG output, they own so many IPs at this point that they'd be an asset to the Switch.
-Crystal Chronicles 1.49mil global (GCN)
-Ring of Fates 0.66mil global (DS)
-Echoes of Time 0.25mil global (Wii) +0.47mil (DS) global
-Crystal Bearers 0.39mil global (Wii).
Unfortunately, as much as I have loved the first game, none of the main games have really sold very well.
EDIT: Made it easier to see the data
Naoki Yoshida said they are considering bringing FFXIV to the switch and I really truly hope that happens, FFXIV: Heavensward is by far my favorite story and soundtrack in any FF game ever (and i've played them all), to see the game hit a nintendo console would be a dream come true for me.
I honestly want: DQ Collection, the already announce DQ games, DQ Joker, Nier Automata, all KH serie and Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
I've never done FFVII so I'd love the remake on my Switch !
@rjejr Well that's kind of the whole point of SD vs HD is SD always looked fine on CRTs
The problem is by the time TP came out a LOT of people were switching to HDTVs because the government kind of forced us to by around that year It would have been fine as a CRT game which is how it was designed. Still doesn't mean the HD remake didn't include tremendous improvement in turning the blurry mess into a good looking game
By the time TP landed, my last CRT had blown the light gun magnet, in a blaze of glory involving a loud bag, and a deafening shrieking noise with a thin white line across the screen. It still would have produced a better image than TP Wii on an HDTV though
I and many others spent the whole of the Wii era using it on an HDTV...which is a lot of where the Wii reputation comes from But considering the port took a game that looked terrible on HDTVs and made it look fantastic on HDTVs, it really was a big improvement, despite it looking great on an ancient CRT.
I didn't watch side by side but I did just finish up TPHD back in Feburary before starting BotW in March and both look great. Sure BotW looks better, it's like 9 years newer than the original HD, but it was a remaster not an all out remake so that's expected. The level geometry in TPHD was all still the same. Like Ocarina 3D that's not likely to change much in the future unless they go FFVII on it. Maybe they can make it emo too (No, better save that for SS:HD, the emo comes built in ) Still I dont' know where the reputation comes in. It's a remastered edition, not a remake, it did a lot of improvement without changing the base geometry. I think just remembering back to how it "was" on TVs you haven't been able to buy on a decade clouds the vision of if you were to load your WiiU up in Wii Mode and play the original version versus the HD version back to back. No way the first is playable!
LOL at your FF assessment. X is the one that started the decline to 13. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good old FF either. The voice acting and graphics is what they promoted, and what sold it, but not the gameplay. The story was interesting enough. But still so much more linear than what came before. When you look at them side by side, X and XIII play very similarly, which is why Square didn't understand XIII's backlash. They thought X was loved, XIII was more of the same and should be loved. It's really the other. XIII was hated, and X was more of the same and should be hated. It's just that XIII took everything bad about X and XII and distilled it only into the worst parts
XII was kind of Monster Hunter as an FF game. XIII tried repeating that formula mixed with the linearity of X. Technically so is XBCX MH as an FF. But that one doesn't suck at it (quest lock aside.)
Yeah Level 5 really depresses me. A great studio reduced to competing with King for how low they can go.
And FF VII remake....I'm not letting myself get excited. I hope it's great. But it could be like the Ghost Busters remake...
@NEStalgia that's an interesting take - to me, X was the last one where I really felt like I was playing a "Final Fantasy" game as opposed to a game that just happened to be called that (looking at you XIII and if we're being honest, 8 ).
I am not really a big fan of Square games but anyone supporting the Switch is good.
Just hope it's not all talk.
Funny that I was only recently reading about the falling out of Nintendo and Square that happened a couple decades or so back.
Then again, who didn't Nintendo fall out with back in the day?
I wanna see Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III
@ap0001 I kind of agree. X was the last one that did feel like FF, but it was also the first one on the path that you can see it was clearly heading away from being FF. It was the beginning of the end, but also I guess had enough core to it to also be the end of the beginning.
8...I've never been a big fan of 8 myself, but I've known enough people that still think it's the best one! And the gameplay mechanics and exploration were still more FF than not...and arguably more than X.
The only square game I've played in years is dues ex. More 3rd parties the better, but I want dark souls...
@Falkor I think you mean XV because I'm sure the Switch could handle any versions of IV
Give me Dragon Quest and I'll be happy.
Hence why I am happy.
If I am Setsuna was out here on cartridge I'd already have my second Switch game next to Zelda.
Project Octopath was one of my favourite games from the early Switch presentation.
I'd kill for the Secret of Mana Collection. Would a Chrono Trigger and SoulBlazer/Illusion of Gaia/Terranigma trilogy also be possible?
I'm also in for the Dragon Quest games. DQ XI looks like a true next gen RPG, and DQ Heroes I&II has RPG content for months.
And after that how about some Final Fantasy for Switch?
Or bringing back some SNES classics like ActRaiser, E.V.O. - Serach for Eden, and Live-A-Life.
I love my 3DS, but I never got around to Bravely Default. If they bring it to the Switch, that would be a day-one purchase for me.
@rjejr Crystal Bearers was a terrible game, but the rest of the Crystal Chronicles series is actually pretty decent. Especially if they do a return to local multiplayer like the original.
FFVII remake and the new FF games. They included Cloud in Smash, cmon don't tease us and not deliver on VII for Nintendo after that
Say what you want, but Crystal Bearers is somewhere in my top 10 of Wii games with best graphics and music. Some of the landscapes, environments and atmosphere was pretty intense. One main story playthrough was enough for me though. There's still so much stuff to do and unlock that I kinda want to revisit, but the gameplay was a bit too convoluted for my tastes. Also, I would have liked it more if there was a useful map.
@Caryslan I didn't say it was. Apart from that, what have they done from their major franchises? And as I say, DQ hasn't come West on a console.
Final Fantasy Tactics plz.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nintendo has had 4 Kingdom Hearts games on handheld. Chain of Memories for the GBA, 358/2 Days for the DS, Re:Coded for the DS and the excellent Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS.
@LeRaposa Except that every Kingdom Hearts game is a main game, even the mobile ones
@SKTTR Most of my problems with the game stem from the controls. Gravity was a neat concept, but it was terrible in execution. For what it's worth I did beat and enjoy the game, but it was a far departure from what I wanted in a Crystal Chronicles game.
NS is the next big thing in Japan. SE and other Japanese companies will be forced to bring their new titles to the NS. They would be making an enormously stupid mistake to not do so. I wouldn't be surprised if the NS becomes the second coming of the PS2 for Japanese titles. ...Just not for another year at least.
i would love to see mushroom kingdom hearts that would be awesome.
@SKTTR The Quintet Gaia trilogy will likely never be remade. Same for other SNES titles you mentioned, and there's a great translation patch for Live A Live anyways. (Live A Live is awesome, I would have loved to play it back when it was new!) and Chrono Trigger already got a rerelease on DS. The closest thing to a remake was the fanmade Chrono Trigger Resurrection, and SE nuked it preemptively. (It basically looked like CT with DQ8 graphics, and would have gotten a fanmade orchestral style soundtrack with a reworked translation.) They'll never make a true remake of their own.
SquareEnix still exists?
(That was sarcasm btw)
Make my dream come true Square;
A triple pack with Chrono Trigger, Treasure of the Rudra and Live-A-Live, the latter two with sumptuous English translations. You have the power!
DQ Heroes I-II sold decently in Japan, so I hope that encourages more support.
Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15. Enough said there.
Wow..'considering'. How non-committal. Who cares? Just semantics right? Lets just get really excited about this anyway!!!...pfft.
I hope the 3ds dragon quest remakes get ported.
@abbyhitter Orrrr just one traveler that travels 8 different paths, so there can be 8 different stories? That'd be pretty cool.
Wooooo! Bring world of final fantasy and FFXII remake, ffx-2 remake, nier automata, and ffIX!
Hm... FF impressions ?
My opinions :
FF 3 = Good, simple story, simple gameplay, tricky Turn based, quite easy to get money.
FF 4 = Good story but Hard gameplay. Quite frustrating.
FF 7 = Boring.... too much exposure about ff 7, from prequel and sequel of ff 7. Knights of the Round kinda cool but the storyline and character's limit break was quite meh for me.
FF 8 = Wonderful character design, Perfect music, so majestic, Love the Junction system. But the storyline was not really good. Level up enemies kinda driving me crazy.
FF 9 = Great gameplay, great music, great storyline, but poor character design. Not so photogenic as FF 8. Gameplay was simple and understandable. No crazy damages or HP on FF 9 , though.
FF 10 = Um.... not really good. Kinda flat. Voice acting was pretty horrible, too many copycat abilities. I don't like Blitzball at all, a torture for me to play it one time during storyline. Gameplay kinda quite interesting but I don't like Dark Aeon concept, kinda didn't make a sense.
FF 10-2 = Slumber Party Time ! Cheerful, so girlie , Enhanced ATB system but the Storyline was completely disaster. Despite of those flaws, still fun to play for me.
FF 12 = The Best FF on ps2 in my opinion. Wonderful Dynamic camera angle, Semi Real combat with ATB, Great Gambit system. But, the storyline is completely FLAT, Hard to understand since a lot of Politician (Judges) talked with hard / unusual English vocabularies. Summons was Great but quite Useless. Second best FF for me.
FF 13 = BLAH, Boring, Too linear, despite have some good musics and Unusual Eidolons. Never finished this game once I got frustrated for first Barthandelus battle.
Oopsie, sorry for too much comments.
Brand new proper Front Mission games.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE most main entry dragon quest games have been released west on home consoles.
I've seen that heroes has the worst slow down frame rate issues on the Japanese release so they need to work on fixing that before talking about what else they can port. I don't want broken or shoody ports.
I've accepted that nobody in their right mind would want to start work on a game that went through years of development hell, so FF15 is out.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is an obvious choice.
FF7 Remake. Nothing more, nothing less...
It would be conmercial failure if they didnt release more products on an available marketplace.... why is this news?
Mana trilogy and I'll be a happy bunny.
The first thing though is just to make sure there are no more Japan only releases. Games like Nioh & Nier show that there is an appitite for Japanese style of games in the West.
Sounds good, they are usually bringing pretty good stuff. Personally I think Persona 5 or FF15 would probably be pretty cool on the system or something brand new.
@faint Just not on Nintendo's home consoles.
@xxAcesHighxx ooh i hope so , thanks ☺
Some portable Tomb-raiding would be great. Get it made Square-Enix.
@NinjaWaddleDee amen to that brother!
Oh my gosh. If Kingdom Hearts 3 or KH 1.5+2.5 came to Switch, I think I would cry of happiness. I would be able to play Kingdom Hearts 2, my favorite game of all time, any where and any time Is want in at least 720p at 60FPS.
FF4, FF6, Chrono Trigger & Secret of Mana would all be great! Also if Nintendo would merge our accounts and honor our past digital purchases from Wii, Wii U & 3DS, I'd get all of these games on my Switch for free!
Sigh, yeah right, that'll be the day...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE like dragon warrior 1 through 4?
The first 6 Final Fantasy games are already on ios/Android so those should be no brainers
@Anti-Matter I never played 3, but actually liked 4 a lot. 6 is fantastic! If you've never played that one, try to locate it. For the contrarians who never loved 7, it's partly because 6 is the absolute favorite!
7, for me is a mixed bag. I feel it's been overrated, in a lot of ways like Ocarina. It was great in its day, but people remember it for how amazing it was in its own time rather than the objective game. But in my mind where it succeeded was story telling and characters. Particularly AFTER you leave Midgard. It had a lot of memorable moments and a lot of varied places to go.
8: For me that's the kind of forgettable one. The gameplay was great, as were the characters, but something always felt "wrong" about that one and I'm not sure what. The bland biodome story start kind of set the pace for me. But it was still a true "FF".
I will forever love FF9 The world, the artwork, the locales, the mood, Vivi and gameplay that was one of the most balanced gameplay systems in any FF. It was a pleasure from start to finish and one of the ONLY FF games I could actually tolerate at the endgame until the credits rolled.
10, 12, 13, I agree completely. A lot of people praise 10 and condemn 13, which I don't understand, they're part of a similar problem. I think it's just because the characters in 10 were unique and interesting, and the characters in 13 were...well...not. It's a shame the world in 13 could have been interesting. But they did nothing with it.
@Captain_Gonru "Any modern game ported to Switch is almost guaranteed to need two sticks."
Which is great, I'm a big fan of camera control. I don't even like playing games w/o camera control, it really bugs me, but when Switch is selling w/ 2 Joycon and a multiplayer game comes along it kind of annoys me that you can't play 2 player as is. Deceptive advertising or some such.
kingdom hearts please ....i'd die
@Samuel-Flutter "Crystal Bearers was a terrible game,
Just my luck, it's the only 1 I ever played. Well unless you want to include the tower defense game Crystal Defenders, which I don't.
Please port all the PS4 Kingdom hearts games to Switch!
Make a new Final Fantasy Tactics for Switch also!
Yaaaaawwwn there is nothing I want from the corpse puppet that is modern squeanix. All the talent fled and formed other studios and it shows.
Theonly thing they have are hostages, ie ip licenses.
Modern squenix you really want to make great games for the switch? Give the chrono trigger license to monolithsoft, and then walk away, and let REAL golden age squaresoft show you how its done.
final fantasy seven remake pls
please Nier: Automata please
Well I be glad with any game we get as Square enix does not really have any ips that I hate. Still I hope for a port of kh or any of the ff titles from ff7 and up.
Yeah think Square needs to bring some more games over before Atlus steal the spotlight. Like Atlus is making a new Shinigami Tensei game in Unreal engine 4. Let's just say they would also bring over Persona 5.
Think square done pretty well so far by giving us I am Setsuna on the release day. Great game to compliment Zelda but think they need to keep up the pace now when they have some attention and throw in one or two more bigger games.
And yeah anything from Square Enix is always welcome. Most of their games are pretty good after all.
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