We rather like the Nintendo Minute show, which has been a weekly occurrence on Nintendo of America's YouTube channel for quite some time. Hosts Kit & Krysta have quite rightly become rather popular, and they even managed to keep the videos going in the rather quiet spells of 2016.
The duo's latest upload includes some guests as they play 1-2-Switch to celebrate Kit's birthday. We think it's a good video as it reflects the slightly weird nature of the game - if you're not a young child, extrovert or slightly drunk it can be quite awkward to play, as this writer can attest from a relatively recent gathering in which I was pushed into all sorts of shenanigans while playing it with strangers.
With a willingness to laugh, though, the game can work. It just starts off feeling a tad uncomfortable, and embarrassment is always lurking underneath the surface.

Will you be finding likeminded gamers to play this game with, or will you let this one pass you by?
Comments 25
Nintendo is going to make it big in the drunk party market.
"Yo man wanna get wasted and play 1-2 Switch?"
"**** I'm down."
If I too was being paid, I'd love the game too.
@Firelork Hahahhaha
1 2 Switch !
1 2 Yay !
Even require 2 players to play, I can play it Solo (Just let the other Joy Con motionless) or I can ask someone to join in the game.
Saw this on Lamarr's channel a few days ago. So it's not Kit's birthday anymore!
No hate yet? What's going on?
I love Lamarr Wilson!!!
Bum da da da da da da LAMARR WILSON!
@Pikachupwnage 1 2 Switch and Chill
Lamarr Wilson! I saw this on his channel just a few minutes ago! Not this exact video, but it was the same occasion. One of my favorite YouTubers!
You know, normally when I see more of something, I start to like it more. When I see more of this... I start to like it less.
I was planning on buying 1-2-Switch, but this video was actually the last straw for me. I had initially hoped that some of the unrevealed games would be really good, and I was excited to play the Showdown minigame and try the HD rumble, but that's about it, and each new minigame I see just looks terrible one way or another. How on earth do games like Boxing Gym, Runway, and Air Guitar even calculate your score? I don't have any problems looking like an idiot playing a game, as long as I know what I'm doing. I look at Runway and think, "How does the game calculate my score here? How does it decide who makes the best pose? I only have one controller in my hand, so is moving the rest of my body even necessary?"
And then there are games like Treasure Chest and Phone that have as much depth as microgames... The reason minigames are fun in games like Mario Party is because those minigames aren't (usually) the focus, so they offer a nice change of pace, and your performance in those minigames has consequences that affect your progress towards a greater goal. Nobody ever starts up a Mario Party game and says, "Alright, let's pick and choose a bunch of minigames to play!" They either play a party or a minigame tournament, where winning a minigame still helps a player work towards a larger goal. The reason microgames are fun in a game like WarioWare is because those games only last for four to eight seconds, and are constantly changing, and again, your performance in a microgame has consequences that affect your larger goal: getting as many points as possible. I don't get excited for every microgame I beat, I get excited once I get close to and beat the high score.
For $50, all I'd be getting out of this is a duel game and an HD rumble tech demo, and now that so many great looking multiplayer indies have been announced, I don't feel like I need to buy this just to have a multiplayer game anymore. I'd still like to try it out sometime, but I'll wait for a major sale or price drop before I do.
@Firelork money=enjoyment of anything
@WiltonRoots Sligeach is asleep. That's what
This game should be fun to play with the kids. I preordered it for $40. I'd rather have a full Mario Party game, but this will have to do for now.
Everyone says Nintendo doesn't care about high end tech, but Kit and Krysta are so advanced you could almost be fooled into believing they're real people.
What a rotten combination. Nintendo Minute, a tripe fake show that should be cancelled and 1, 2 Switch, a tripe mini game collection.
@Maxz @BiasedSonyFan Ahhh there it is, directly above me!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree with you for the first part, but the second part - only somewhat. If the game was cheaper I would be more inclined to take a punt. By cheaper I mean at £10 to £15 retail.
@FragRed Oh ya, if it was priced like that I could forgive it. Not at a full priced retail game though.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I can see the price being slashed in retail within a couple of months just to get rid of the stock.
Got mine shipped already. Despite the hate my family really enjoyed what the saw for awhile along with my friends. I wouldn't say $50 is worth it considering I got a big discount off it off Amazon but I think $30 is adjusted considering Nintendo land was a great game that was $30. There is an audience for this game as my friends who don't really play game enjoy what they saw of this game.So I can't wait to try it out along with the other games on my pre-order list.
@WiltonRoots Hahahaha. Just as prophecised. I wish I'd gone all in with a prediction. I wouldn't have got it verbatim, but I had the structure down perfectly.
This game is what most morning TV shows are showing when showing the Switch and why? because audiences love laughing at the presenters. So instead of getting 2mins of air time, the switch is getting a 10min slot to embarrass the presenters. I applaud Nintendo for getting the message out there.
I wont be buying this game and I don't really think Nintendo have aimed it at me. As for the party aspect of it, how many parties have you been to where its quiet enough to hear the switch's speakers?
As a game its looks poor.
As an ice breaker at a party it seems impractical.
As a tool to market the console to the masses it seems BRILLIANT!!
I am quite intrigued by this but the price still puts me off
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