One of the more significant Nindie games to be announced for the Nintendo Switch was that of SteamWorld Dig 2. Promised to be the "Super Metroid" to the original game, Image & Form looks set to pack this one full of all the ideas that couldn't be implemented in the original release. It's expected to release sometime this summer, and while it's currently a digital only game, that could possibly change before release.
The developers over at Image & Form recently did an AMA on Reddit focused around the impending release, and one of the questions asked was whether the game would be receiving a physical release. While there isn't any current confirmation, the developers are in talks with distributors now, and something could materialize over the next few months. Here's what was said:

No word on a physical release yet. We're in the talks with distributors, but have nothing to announce at this moment. BUT SteamWorld Collection did REALLY well for us, so physical makes a lot of sense.
What do you think? Would you buy a physical copy for Switch? What are you most looking forward to about Steamworld Dig 2? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 28
I hope so. I'd rather get physical games as often as possible.
I'd love to have a nice cover art for the game.
And retail game are less expensive than eshop in Switzerland so yeah. That, also.
I'd love an updated collection with all three games on one cartridge for the switch.
Wonder how the cartridge would taste ?
It would taste BURNING...!! XD
I prefer physical all the way.
I'd like to keep my Switch fit by doing a very physical regime.
I'll definitely opt for physical if there's a physical version for its initial release.
For the 3DS I preferred digital for indie games (and multiplayer games) as they didn't usually take up too much space and I meant I could just carry my 3DS around in my pocket without needing to always take a bunch of games with me.
With the Switch though, I've taken the approach of always going physical where possible to conserve my digital storage for download exclusives. I can't carry around my Switch in my pocket and need a bag for it anyway so bringing my games with me isn't any extra inconvenience.
I would buy the physical version for sure.
I download certain indie games but physical is a much better option
I'd say it probably will. I hope that if Nintendo helps publish some Indie games again this generation that they don't put their ugly "Nintendo Selects" branding on them. It ruined the cover of my SteamWorld Collection.
The Switch needs as many games as possible to be made in physical editions as well as digital, otherwise it will look like a real weak line up in stores. So I hope this does get a physical release.
Im less interested in the physical as all this does it seems is push the prices up.
Holding out for a physical copy of Shovel Knight. I would definitely prefer physical over digital in most cases on this system.
I'd buy a Steamworld collection with all 4 games on, but already having Dig 1 on 3DS and Wii U, I likely wouldn't buy it again seperately.
I don't know if Dig 2 will be big enough of a game to justify having it on a card all by itself? If they were to put Heist on there, all the DLC would be a nice touch as I never bothered with it.
That makes it sound like the game will be considerably bigger than the first Dig. Which is somewhat exciting.
Hoping for some interesting change-ups to the formula as well. Dig didn't exactly reinvent the cogs of the genre.
Aww crap!! Here comes another price hike for a game due to the manufacturing costs of the cartridges.
I truly hope this doesn't mean it will cost more. Other than that, super excited for this one.
I'll get it physical, even if it's more expensive. Just shut up and take my money.
Fantastic news. In an ideal world we should have the choice between physical and digital games for everything that's released.
I really wish they would re-think the pricing models. it seems crazy to price a download the same as a physical as theres no shop, no packaging etc the saving should get passed on to the customer. This is why I don't really want these Nindies going physical as it just pushes prices up.
If the price is the same I'll pick up retail. If there's a 10$ difference then I will go digital. Can't see the file taking up too much memory.
See...this is actually bad news for me. Because I bought Dig digitally only for them to release a physical version. So if they are even talking about it but it won't come out at launch I'll sit on dig 2 until the physical version does release.
This is one of those types of games that I would actually prefer to buy digital, to always have on the system, despite what's in the cartridge slot.
An updated collection with Dig, Heist, and Dig 2, however, would be a brilliant physical release!
That being said... Dig and Heist are both games that play best on the 3DS, in my opinion.
Hell yesssssssss!!! Instant buy if they do! Loved Steamworld Dig.
Ohhh, Steamworld physical?! Yes!! Somehow Switch is becoming this awesome machine where more and more small studios that have been banished to the cesspool of digital distribution are producing physical copies and becoming "real games"! That alone makes Switch a wonderful thing. If it comes out physical, and can do it at/near release, that turns Dig 2 from "might buy if nothing else is going on" to "preorder day 1!" for me.
@Ryu_Niiyama Yeah, there's that, too.... I may do the same for Yooka-Laylee too. That's a game that NEEDS physical.
Cool why not,I would say the more the merrier,if u don't like it then trade it
It would be awesome if they added an updated version of their DSi title to the the cart .
The cartridge would taste like a fistful of dirt.
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