The first global mission for Pokèmon Sun & Moon players unfortunately ended with sadness, and the second didn't fare so well either. Last week, Game Freak revealed what the third, hopefully more successful, mission would be oriented around, and now the mission has gone live.
The mission is simple: Pokèmon players around the world must trade 1 million Pokèmon over the GTS within the next two weeks. Your participation in the mission will net you around 2,000 FC if the challenge is completed, but if the quota isn't reached, you'll still be able to receive 200 FC. It's also important to note that if you have an account tied to a Global Link, you'll be able to receive double rewards.
To participate in this event, first go to to the right of the Central Castle and speak to the receptionist at Festival Plaza. Trading up to 5 Pokèmon will net you a complimentary Rare Candy. Also, make sure to remind your fellow trainers to start trading in Pokèmon as well - as each participant will receive a Friend Ball if the quota reaches over two million.
Good luck trainers, and make us proud!
[source serebii.net]
Comments 25
What's a Pokèmon? Never heard of it.
I think this might be possible. As long as the ridiculous trades don't get in the way.
This might be the easiest mission to achieve.
People on reddit are doing a method that involves catching 2 magnemite. depositing one, asking for another magemite.
As well asecond magemite to seek more magemites. I did this for about 10 minutes and I got 5 checked in for a rare candy gift.
This might be possible. Trading is less hidden away in the UI of the game than Island Scan, and players can do it more than once a day.
é, not è!
Did you know you can filter those out now? You can also set filters so you only see trades asking for Pokémon you have.
GTS, eh? It would've been even easier if were Wonder Trades, but we'll see.
Don't upset me with my hat on ..i'm the real gamefreak
Well, that's too bad. Already got Solgaleo, Kartana and Buzzwole for some shiny legendaries I had twice and all I'll do trade-wise is Wonder Trade.
Shame they've not done anything to curtail the number of stupid trades on GTS. Was looking for a Pikachu the other day and every single option was for a level 100 legendary.
Trading on the GTS is such a pain. I know some pokemon are rarer than others, but many are asking for legendaries for simple pokemon - Cutiefly for Celesteela!.
Seeking is an absolute waste of time. Depositing is a safer bet, although you often have to wait a while for any trade to be fulfilled. With this in mind, the target of 1 million is still achievable - especially if people are going to be gaming it like @Dino293 is suggesting.
1 million on the GTS? Sure, this is possible. But if it was Wonder Trade, we'd no doubt be able to hit that number.
Don't care.
RGTS giveaways and the age-old Magnemite chain should take care of this one
Trading starters for starters was almost impossible <_<
hahahahah, a friend ball.
This seems very possible. Even people making dumb outrageous request for powerful legendaries can ruin this. I been breeding some good pokemons to trade especially for this event.
I maybe the only person here to actually use the FCs (or cares). That 4,000 FC can take me far.
Comments here make me wonder if people know you can filter out legendaries...
@Dino293 thanks for that! I was looking for easy straight up trades. Too bad there aren't any bidoofs!
@ultraraichu more like the level 90+ pichu requests for a lv 7 caterpie...
If it was WONDER Trade rather than the GTS, it might've been possible...
I want to join, but it seems like their site is actively working against me. It's annoying.
@Setery10 I got 3 starters (different generations) by starters so far.
I see up to now it's around 2/3 complete, so this time it's very likely to be a success.
Its already double the original goal so big success this time
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