During today's Nintendo Switch live presentation, a wide array of third party titles were shown during a montage clip. Surprisingly, Nintendo didn't make a big fuss about this particular section of the presentation, despite the fact that it contains some interesting reveals.
Games shown include the following:
- Steep
- NBA 2K18
- Just Dance
- Dragonball Xenoverse 2
- Minecraft
- Minecraft: Story Mode
- Super Bomberman R
- LEGO: City Undercover
- Farming Simulator
- Untitled Dragon Ball Game
- Sonic 2017
- Sonic Mania
- Fast RMX
- Ultra Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
- Skylander Imaginators
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
Some of these games, such as NBA and LEGO City Undercover have been shown prior to tonight's event, but other titles such as Steep, Fast RMX, Super Bomberman R were shown for the first time.
What are your thoughts on tonight's third party lineup? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 108
I like it.
Did I see Wipeout? I thought I saw Wipeout? Maybe it was something else
Knew sonic mania was coming to the switch. Day 1 buy
It looks like Super Street Fighter II, but it has 2 vs 1 battles.
I want to know more.
That's probably the launch lineup, sans Zelda
@Nik-Davies it looks like Fast Racing Neo.
@Dakt it says above 'Fast RMX'
Yes please for a portable Minecraft. I know Minecraft for PS Vita is a thing but that's rather limited.
@Dakt @CharlieSmile Guess that's probably what it is then. I'm not very knowledgable on those games
So far the third party support looks as good as it always does before reality sets in.
My only guess is that they want the third parties to have their moments. The Street Fighter shot confused me. I wasn't sure if it was showing VC stuff or is that an all new Street Fighter II? (I do see three fighters at one time).
It's nice to see this kind of support; let's hope it continues.
Puyo Tetris is a killer app for me.... !!
Is that what the puzzle game after Bomberman in the sizzle reel (in the presentation) was?
@CharlieSmile The Alpha games had something like that with Dramatic battles, so maybe those are coming back.
Such a shame though that we get yet another version of Street Fighter II. It's a great game and a timeless classic to be sure, but the Alpha games never get any love.
Decent support at the moment & I think there will be a lot more to come out. I really wish Nintendo dropped maybe another couple of launch titles & said "watch your local Treehouse broadcast for your launch lineup".
Sonic Mania and Fast RMX looks awesome, nice to see Street Fighter making a return even though it's just a port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix with Dramatic Battle added in and I'm glad that Bomberman isn't dead. Hopefully Konami doesn't screw the game up. Now if only Double Dragon 4 were among them....
I want to know more about street fighter II ... a LOT more
Wake me when Takaki announces senran kagura or Valkyrie drive for switch.
I have wished for an HD Street Fighter on a Nintendo system for SO LONG. I sent in mockups of SFIIHDR and Third Strike on DS to Capcom. I'm so happy! . Plus Sonic?! I know where my next paycheck is going.
So I guess no Virtual Console in the presentation after all if SFII is a new game.
I've played a lot of Minecraft pocket edition, but playing it on a bigger screen with a controller is definitely tempting. Depending on the world size I might double dip.
It is decent support at the moment, but what else is there??
Nintendo says there are 80 Switch games in development, and right now we have seen like 30.
That's a terrible lineup.
@Nik-Davies It was probably Fast Racing Neo
Of course Nintendo announces these games as I'm trying to go to bed. Also Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will include Inklings, a SPLATOON stage, and a RE-VAMPED battle mode!
And my desire to see Sonic Mania go portable has come true.
Not on 3DS, but hey, can't win 'em all.
Also LOL at Steep getting on Switch. I guess multiplatform games can become actual multiplatform games after all!
Of course this happens right after I buy Lego City and Minecraft on the Wii U... I might get that DBZ game though. I haven't played one since Tenkaichi 3 on the Wii.
Just to let you guys know, pre-orders are going up and apparently selling out in the US. I just put mine in at Best Buy (the page is up, though without a description), but Walmart already sold out.
Pretty meh, but at least there's Zelda on launch!!
If this is the launch line up not sure it will help attract that many people. Steep out elsewhere, Minecraft's already out, Lego already on Wii U and coming to others, Sonic will be on everything off this I dont see why people would buy it if they already have a console at this price.
It will change by christmas it will have Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, FireEmblem Warriors, Fifa18, Skyrim etc plus a small price drop and will sell like mad
Loads more new still coming in... i'm so tired!!
Bomberman,Puyo Puyo Tetris and Street fighter 2 with online.This is amazing.Proper retro games with a modern twist for the fans.
For me it was a really lackluster presentation. Selling a new console is all about the games, and in an hour they showed like 6 rpgs, which sell in Japan but mildly in the West.
Also, I wasn't that thrilled about Mario. Specially in the Forest and the City "Stages", I thought that the resolution was rather low. But it could be my connection.
I think that for 300 is a kind of a tough sell, specially when online is no longer free. Gonna wait till the Holiday to get me a Switch.
Okay, NOW I'm excited.
Seen some reports that suggest VC ports are going to get new online modes.
I guess SF2 2v1 is one of those?
@Aerona Well the World size has been infinite on Minecraft PE for a while...
I'm hoping we get the full version. While Pocket Edition is catching up quick, it's still a long way away from matching the full PC experience.
Not bad I guess, quite a few arcadey games which I like.
This is not third party support at all. Please take off the fanboy blinders. This is pitiful.
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!! BOMBERMAN!!!!!!!
Sonic Mania was going to my PS4, but coming to Nintendo Switch? I cannot back out on this offer!
Lego City Undercover
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Purdy good lineup, thar! Not even a disappointment, no sirs.
Street fighter. Day one. Bring on that HRAP hori.
@DanteSolablood I'd love an infinite world, even if that's apparently asking a lot on a console even though my crappy phone can handle it. I'd at least want it to be considerably bigger than the ps4 version.
Street Fighter II is still my favorite take on the series so that's a big plus. I know many will write it off but having real versions of Fifa and NBA is probably some of the biggest news. People love to say 'just sports games' but they are massively important to the success of any console.
@Aerona It's not really asking that much of a console, I think the XboxOne & PS4 versions are artifically limited to maintain parity with older versions. Considering the Switch is meant to run on a mobile chipset, it should be more than up to the task.
Double dip for LEGO CITY UNDERCOVER Switch version for sure. (Switch version on March 2017 ?! . )
Probably will take Ultra SF II.
I'm not sure for other titles...
Skyrim isn't coming out until later in the year btw..
@DanteSolablood I hope so! But I doubt Microsoft would let Nintendo have the superior console version.
Also I am shocked that bomberman isn't dead. Getting puyo puyo... been eyeing on play asia for a bit. So glad I can buy it domestic.
If Puyo Puyo Tetris will get a localization then it's pure heaven for me, but seeing how Puyo Puyo Tetris for 3DS went it's unlikely. I was hoping for Puyo Puyo Chronicles, played the japanese version, didn't understand a word, but it was a hell of fun.
Excited for Super Bomberman R it looks exciting and amazing. But nothing can beat the fun of Bomberman Land Touch!
Nice to see a new version of Street Fighter II since we can't get Street Fighter V on Switch due to Sony's involvement.
Nice to see Puyo Puyo Tetris.
@KidRad Good to see,I thought we'd lost ye.
This was all good to me. Just wish launch lineup was more clear.
@cheonsacz It is indeed getting localized.
@eltomo Well that would justify the online sub. XD
Bomberman and Tetris/Puyopuyo has me so excited!
This is no different to the 3rd party support for Wii U: a handful of ports of middling franchises. And rather than spending ages on lengthy skits and redundant demonstrations, why not show us footage reels of all these games? Why completely ignore MK8 Deluxe? Such a poor presentation - 10 minutes of excitement, followed by 50 minutes of micro-disappointments.
@IceClimbers Can I say I love you for this great news even though we are complete strangers? haha XD or at least lemme hug you as thanks :3
@Caryslan I do love Alpha 3 Upper quite a bit
Anybody link to the official Switch game pages yet?
With release dates! Mario Kart in April!
@8itmap_k1d My belief is that Nintendo didn't want to focus on ports, at least not ports they were making for their own system. Even so, catching a brief, sub-3-second snippet of the new Battle Mode got me hyped!
Arms is a full-priced game coming in the Spring $60 USD. 1, 2, Switch is "budget" at $50. There had better be a demo of 1, 2, Switch or something. Arms looked really fun to me and like it could possibly be deep skill-wise but I still didn't expect full retail price like that. :/
I was kinda hoping one or both were packed in at the $300 price, but seeing all the tech crammed into those joy cons helps.
Snipperclips seems priced right. A clever puzzle co-op game about cutting paper characters: $20.
Has anyone mentioned the Special Edition and Master Edition of Zelda yet? Tempting pack-ins.
am i the only one who thinks street fighter 2 would be miserable on a joycon?
@aaronsullivan That HD Rumble, though.
NBA2k also confirmed (September), Arcade Archives (PS4 version: http://www.hamster.co.jp/american_hamster/arcadearchives/title_list_aa.htm ), Bomberman in March so not a long wait for that one. LEGO City and Sonic Mania "Spring". Many dates TBD. A little scary.
@Pac-Fan Yeah but if you're a true fighting game fanatic you'll play the game with a Switch Pro Controller.
Can I just give a round of applause to Take Two for waiting until NBA 2K18 instead of porting 2K17?
2K18 wasn't announced prior to this as far as I know.
@Dakt I don't know. It didn't seem to be Cell shaded from the second I saw it on screen.
detailed presentation of those games would have double the hype but Nintendo is so japan focused... nintendo america would have stressed on each title and people would have end this conference with stars in their eyes
Sonic Mania looks awesome!
Thrilled that Puyo Puyo Tetris is finally getting an English release.
Did Capcom forget that they have other games in the Street Fighter series? It's about time they gave us something other than SF2.
People complaining, but don't forget how launch windows usually look. In the first 10 months of the PS4, only 3-4 really good games launched, the best being a remaster (Last of Us). Here we get Zelda, Splatoon, Mario etc. That's actually really good.
This list will not convince anyone to buy a Switch who isn't generally into Nintendo stuff. Skyrim, FIFA and NBA 2K18 are probably the only games that will tempt people who are interested in PS and Xbox, but they are available on all machines, so the portable aspect will need to sell it. Other than those 3 it sounds like a list of games released for Vita and we saw how well that sold...
Is it me or is Ubisoft absent with Switch support?
Very happy about the new Sonic games and Fast RMX.
Not so much about Street Fighter 2.It's been ported too manu times I want the HD version of Street fighter 3.
Sonic Mania!!! I love it.
Back to the roots
My top 4 of 3rd party support
2 Super Bomberman $
3 Steep
4 Sonic Mania
With special menton to Ultra Street Fighter II: The New Challengers & Puyo Puyo Tetris
I did find it strange that Ubisoft and most of the Indie developers did not get a time to shine but i guessed that what the treehouse is for.
PS Does anyone know how long they be streaming today?
@A01 Dissapointing? I have bashed Nintendo the ENTIRE Wii U gen and even I am screaming "they are back!" I mean, obviously tastes vary but... Breath of the Wild looked incredible, Mario Odyssey somehow even better, Xenoblade 2 was as epic as can be, a new Shin Megami Yensei, FOUR Dragon Quest games ( x, xi, heroes1, and heroes2 ), Octopath Traveler taking Square back to it's roots, sports games with NBA and Fifa, a new Fire Emblem (albeit a Warriors title).. They even had a decent looking new IP in arms.. At some point you have to say, "what more do you need?"
Yeah but this is a mid-gen release. The PS4 is hitting its stride with 50+ million, a constent and strong release schedule, and a sales price consistently cheaper. If the Switch was released 3 years ago to go head to head with the PS4 this would be more impressive. As it stands, I'm not sure there is enough there to convince someone to skip a PS4 and get a Switch.
I'd rather have more at launch and have nba 2k17 initially and 2k18 in 7 months. Also depends how they do it. Madden 13 on the Wii U used the Madden 12 engine with 13 rosters. That really will suck if TT does something similar and the Switch gets an older game engine.
Probably 2v1 like in Street Fighter Alpha 3
From those, some must buy are Steep, both Sonic Games and Lego Undercover.
I'll keep an eye on Bomberman, it looks interesting but I've never played it before.
Disgaea 5 was in there too! I also saw Rayman, but couldn't tell if it was Legends, Origins, or a new one.
Wowza, am I seeing this correctly? Two joycons and a joycon dock for potential 2nd player will run $110? A pro controller will run $70? At these rates online will run $100/year. The $300 was higher than expected but this nickel and dime accessories will hurt Nintendo. I wonder if we can expect games at $60 or if they'll be $70.
They did announce that the Gameplay and most of the games were being saved for the Treehouse
Really was Disgaea in their if so nice as i do enjoy that franchise
@SMW I saw both, actually NISA's US store already has the Collectors Edition of Disgaea 5 Complete for the Switch up for preorder.
So so list.
@aaronsullivan Yes. The joy-cons really softened the blow on the Switch's price. Still, would they be put to good use? I think thatis one of the key points of the Switch success.
Also, another key point to justify the price: will people consider the Switch to be a home console and a handheld, all in one? If people just see it as a home console, they will start to turn their eyes to PS4 a (270, with a game) and Xbox One (250 with a game).
I got all excited about Arms, but I just noticed a total of 5 characters. They need 12 or 14 at least.
@A01 What about the price? I've seen preorders at 279 euros which is not that bad.
Also, think about it: no region locking!!!
Looks good enough for me. The exact release dates though are a little blurry.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, Street Fighters, Bomber Man, PuyoPuyo Tetris, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Zelda Breath of the Wild and freaking Sonic Mania!!! (I knew it had to come to Switch) Now those are some game sellers for me. Quite fun selection of title both first and third party.
@Arnold-Kage Yep. Here is some proof: http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/disgaea-5-complete-switch
Q) What are your thoughts on tonight's third party lineup?
A) Bomberman is back! He's back!
So, aside from the lack of information regarding when these games are coming out, I find myself liking the announced 3rd party game for the Switch.
Super Bomberman R has my attention the most, but I'm also looking forward to Puyo Puyo Tetris and I Am Setsuna. Sonic Mania and the Dragon Quest games shown are maybes, but strong maybes at that, and I'm kind of tempted to double-dip with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (already own it on Xbox One). I guess that will depend of how Miiverse is transferred and incorporated onto the Nintendo Switch.
So yeah, I'd love to know when these games are coming out and which one's I'll be able to pick up at launch.
thanks for the link.
I love how they spent a bunch of time on telling me what a button on the joycon does but then they just slide over the 3rd party reel and say nothing about so many great games.
Fast Racing Neo on WiiU is awesome BTW. It is everybit as good as FZero or Wipeout. Very fun, very fast, and very nice looking. Getting a 1.5 version on Switch is about the best thing we could ask for short of a real F-Zero title
Best announcement in the Switch Direct. Nintendo has revived a great franchise.
Now I want to see Bomberman in SM5SH.
@cleveland124 This isn't about stealing people from PS4. Those who already own a PS4, won't sell it to get the Switch no matter what. Nintendo first need to focus on keeping the 12 million Wii U owners and bring in those that want a second console or are buying their first. When it's established as a home console, it's time to focus on the 60 million 3DS owners. (I would go for Pokemon Sun/Moon HD around christmas.)
So same strategy as always?
@cleveland124 What else would you have them do?
Sonic mania is coming, so that's good.
I'm always amazed when people think a company that as few as 6 years ago was the biggest and most profitable video game company sitting on 10 billion cash can't compete.
However, that's been beaten to death. I think the fatal flaw is once again third parties. It actually seems third parties are genuinly interested in the Switch. But that they didn't get dev kits until recently so they aren't going to have much to support the Switch in the launch window and potentially not much before the holiday. Nintendo is going to have to keep hype up and keep interest up all by themselves this year and I'm not sure they can do it. And they certainly didn't have to do it. For as much as they've delayed this launch it seems rushed. A holiday launch with Zelda, Mario, and 15-20 other games would have given them a better chance.
@cleveland124 Atari and SEGA say hello.
I don't think third party support will be such a big problem this time around, seeing as, according to everyone and their mother, the Switch is much easier to port/develope games for than the Wii U and Wii. That being said, the Switch versions probably won't be able to compete with the Xbox One and PS4 versions when it comes to graphics and power. I don't see myself picking the Switch version ahead of the PS4 version, unless I want the portability, and I think most that own more than one console will think the same way.
Then you end up with a console that people only buy for Nintendo games. That's what the Wii U was. Most people aren't willing to pay Switch prices for Nintendo games only.
@cleveland124 60 millions 3DS owners disagree.
You know there isn't 60 million 3ds owners. I own 3 3ds and a wii u and I'm taking a wait and see on the Switch.
Also, most of those 3ds owners paid less than half of the amount the Switch costs and paid approximately half Switch game costs for their games. It's asking the market alot to come back and pay twice what they have been paying. The 3ds also had a very slow start due in part to price but also to launch lineup. Nintendo has doubled down by increasing price and having fewer launch games.
The market is also changing. The 3ds sold 2/3 less than it's predecessor because tablets and phones have provided competition that in the past Sony has not been able to. So has the dedicated handheld market stabilized or is it going to shrink further as more people choose multimedia alternatives?
@cleveland124 Why do you own 3 3DS consoles? The marker was toughet when the 3DS launched, and the 3DS had a terrible launch window. The fate of the Switch is not clear, but I'm quite confident the sales will be par with that of the Xbox One. When the price drops in a year or two, and Smash Bros. or the first Switch exclusive Pokemon game launches, it will sell like hotcakes.
@cleveland124 (And if there's a new mainline Metroid game, fingers crossed.)
@Aerona It just might get the same features as the Xbox One and PS4. I'm hoping for large worlds with amplified terrain.
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