Here's a fun bit of wordplay - GAME said 'Only At Game' for the lovely Fire Emblem Fates Limited Edition in the UK, but then had a bit of small text saying it would also come to What larks, ho ho, marketing sneakiness is such a laugh!
In any case, Nintendo's Official UK Store opened pre-orders for the limited edition - for the same price you not only get the same limited edition - which includes Conquest, Birthright and Revelation on one cartridge, a steelbook case, artbook and double-sided poster - but also a 'Fire Emblem Fates Family Crest Coin' with a velvet case and a 3DS HOME Theme. For the same price as that at GAME - £69.99. Unfortunately in the time we saw the deal (email at 16:15 local time) to the point of near publication (30 minutes later) it sold out.

There are other options, however, which you can view at this page and below (the affiliate links will take you to the relevant product page); they were all still available at the time of publication. [Update: this list was updated at 17:30 local time, 30 minutes after publication, to remove the limited edition hardware and amiibo bundle options - these have also sold out]
Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.
These deals are selling out rather rapidly, so move fast.
Comments 125
@ThomasBW84 Today GAME did the "Only at GAME" thing for Star Fox Zero.
Checked my phone at the right time and saw the email. Managed to pre-order the limited edition. Meanwhile I noticed you can get cashback with quidco through the Nintendo store. Never thought to check before. Oh, the pounds I could have saved with all of these special editions and amiibo packs!!!
The t-shirt bundles had sold out even before they announced it on twitter. Was hoping for a tee with the Limited Edition but seems they are only doing a coin.
Yeah, only just found out, and it's already sold out... so much hatred right now. =(
Good thing I managed to pre-order with GAME. Not bothered by the coin, doubt it'll be any good. Shame they're not doing the t-shirt in the bundle as well
@Grumblevolcano That's incredibly cheeky. GameStop UK still had stock of that first print run last I checked but they were charging more. Naturally the Ninty store sold out quickly.
Luckily it's been one of those days I check my email a lot so managed to snag one.
Although I remember the Project Zero coming back in stock so those who missed out, all I can say is keep checking you may be lucky.
God, I make a video saying it's available so anyone who watches my channel would see it, and it sells out 2 mins after I upload! Got another video ready for Nintendo about it selling out! Nintendo should prepare for my rage!!!
Thankfully preordered within minutes... I don't trust GAME after past experiences, but I hope everyone is able to grab a copy in some way!
@Raiko I agree, it's insane and not fair on people that don't see it immediately. I initially saw the email about 16:30, was writing and double checking (plus listing the alternatives), about to publish at 16:45 and they started selling out; I had to start re-writing and adjusting on the fly. Crazy.
I've come to the conclusion no bonus bit of pre-order/limited edition tat is worth a migraine to me any more. Especially when dealing with Game or the Hut.
The t-shirts are back up! guess they opened more boxes!!
So very very annoying.
@ThomasBW84 All three options out of stock now.
Managed to preorder the Limited Edition with the Amiibo on the Nintendo Store before they ran out of stock. Although it will cost me more, I can just sell off the amiibo. I won't make all the difference back, but honestly, I'm just grateful that I managed to get one.
@ThomasBW84 I have managed to acquire a Star Fox Zero: First Print Edition AND Fire Emblem Fates: Limited Edition on my pre-order list in my account pre-orders section at the Nintendo UK Official Store now.
Ah well, was looking forward to the game. But I'm not about to pay for all 3 games separately. The hype was fun while it lasted, but there are a bunch of other games coming out too.
What a stroke of luck just happened to be on the Nintendo store about 15 minutes ago and thought might as well see if it's on and it was. All stock had sold out though unfortunately except for the one with the Amibo bundle not interested in the amibos but as I've been after this since it was announced decided to pay the extra as it's still cheaper than what people have it on ebay for. Hopefully be able to recoup some of the difference by selling the unwanted amibos.
@Jazzer94 Jeez, I'll update the article.
Game and T shirt bundles are back up for pre order now
@Achoo Despite all that looks at Nintendo UK Official Store account
I have outscalped the scalpers... YET AGAIN... yawns
@Antray1984 Thanks, will update
@Raiko: Same situation for me when the Special Edition went up for preorder here in NA. I feel for you.
Ah, it's one of those eBay exclusive items.
Were the limited edition bundles limited to 1 per person or not?, as i see people have listed them on Ebay with 2+ items.
@NintendoFanBoy16 They will likely have one of their orders cancelled.
@NintendoFanBoy16 No, they ditched the 1 per person rule completely after the amiibo stock shortage was fixed last year.
OK, this is getting ridiculous, I've missed out both times by about 5 minutes! Nintendo store was my last hope, so now it's looking like I'll have to buy them separately
What moron thought that was a good idea?
Surely they know that scalpers will buy multiple copies to put up on Ebay.
@NintendoFanBoy16 Do you... regret... your username choice? heh heh...
Sigh This is getting ridiculous now. I headed into my local game store yesterday to see what was what, and they didn't know. I think they should've had some stock allocated for retail release.
I'm just hoping it comes up on Amazon at some point, else I've missed both chances by very slim margins...
Nintendo UK should really have forseen this, and put it back on one per person...
Just looked on Ebay, and lo and behold, several listings already up there for highly inflated prices. I wouldn't even mind so much if they added a very small amount onto the price, to turn a small profit, but it's just ridiculous how much they're inflating it...
@TheXReturns Amazon's batch went up before GAME and Nintendo UK Online Store.
The way Nintendo have handled things lately, a little yeah lol.
Seriously though, common sense is that you would limit the limited edition bundles to 1 per person as they are going to be hugely popular as they are 'limited' lol.
I'm hoping someone at the Hut Group has the sense to cancel orders with 2+ limited edition bundles.
I will not be conned by Nintendo into buying three individual copies if the special edition does not come back in stock I'll not bother with any of them I've got plenty to play this year between the ps4 wii u and 3ds
This is an absolute disgrace - a lot of very unhappy customers, myself included. I've been checking their website every day for over a month and still can't get it!
Nintendo better recognize the huge demand for special editions and do another run of stock. I'm seriously considering not buying it at all now.
What's the point of hyping up the multiple storylines and then making it impossible to get a hold of?
Someone needs to be fired!
@Grumblevolcano Sigh EDIT: Wait, yes I did. Completely forgot about that as well. Might as well go and preorder one or the other of the normal editions.
Does anybody else remember comics in the 90s? The big publishers releasing variant cover after variant cover- shiny, holographic, guest artists- and the hundreds of crappy "dark and gritty" comics trying to to make the medium "mature", as well as reboots and pointless "first issues" of already established comics? Does anybody remember how speculators thought "collectors editions" would all one day make them a fortune? Does anybody recall how that bubble grew and grew then burst spectacularly leaving the industry a shell of itself for years?
Remind you of anything?
Still unsure whether or not I'll actually pick up a copy come mid May but I preordered Birthright just in case (free shirt & home theme are nice extras anyway)
Not really fussed about the special edition myself with all three routes (just too much FE overload for my liking) but for those that want it (for actual gaming not scalping) I do hope N restocks more of it. Just getting ridiculous otherwise.
@TheXReturns 100000% agreed. I live in such a small area that we get little stock involving popular games when they're up on pre-order. I missed the amazon one and I don't really want to go about the ebay ones because of the price hike. Aaaaah. So not fair.
It's an absolute disgrace couldn't get it on Game as I didn't see it in time was only by chance that I was on the nintendo store and even then only could get the one with the Amibo bundle. Its unfair on the other people is it selling out purely due to demand or simply nintendo not producing enough?.
I don't want any over version, if they don't restock I won't get the game at all.
The thing is I'm not even interested in the coin, the artbook, 3DS theme, poster, steelbook case, the hair of a unicorn and a full size replica of Marth's sword....
...I just want an option to buy the Revelation game on a cartridge, rather than going down the DLC route. We've all seen their plans to shutdown the DSi shop soon, and this will happen to the 3DS in 5-6 years time.
If it's possible to fit all three instalments on the same cartridge, then don't plonk it on a Special Edition that's only limited to a few physical copies.
/rant over
Edit: I've just seen the prices on Ebay. Seriously some of them are more expensive than Panzer Dragoon Saga!
Some may still come back in stock. I preordered one special edition, noticed the cover plates, preordered another special edition with the cover plates (don't get free delivery on the cover plates otherwise), then cancelled my original pre order (I'm not a scalper). Cancellation has already gone through, so that's at least one extra they should have
@wizzgamer It's because of not setting purchase limits. Remember the amiibo stock issue back in 2014-2015, that originated from lack of stock in addition to allowing scalpers to buy several copies and then sell them on Ebay. Then in 2015, lots of stores set a 1 per person limit to reduce the scalping but eventually the amiibo hype died down and by the summer (I think it was late summer) all 1 per person limits were removed.
So Shibata, who lives in Germany, showed off that coin during the European Direct, and now you can only get it in the UK? Thanks a lot.
Bummer too late hopefully more will be stock soon.
This surely can not be it....!!!???they must be able to restock it at some point in the future!!!??? I was lucky that I was online and have been checking their websites, although I did not mange to get the 'regular' limited edition (without the amiibos); however I bought the one with the amiibos. Then I started panicking and also ordered the console bundle. I am not a scalper I was just panicking so I will most likely cancel the amiibo bundle as I wanted to buy this special edition 3ds xl console anyway (besides I do not have a new 3ds xl only the old version). After placing my order(s) I was constantly checking my account homepage and going through my orders as I could not believe that I bought it, especially after seeing that everything is now sold out. Needless to say I am doing the happy dance now and most importantly I can now finally stop chasing after this special edition 24/7 and get a good night sleep
So where are Nintendrones defending and blaming PEOPLE who want to buy it?
@grumblevolcano I agree it's stupid that they didn't set a 1 person limit especially when they knew there would be such a big demand.
Was this sold on a 'one per customer' basis? I'm thinking it wasn't. It should have been
All may not be lost for those that missed out today. According to EB Australia there is a second shipment expected in June.
I'm so salty rn
Absolute farce lol.
The limited edition bundles should have been limited to 1 per person.
After the US fiasco involving the FE: SE, you would think Nintendo Europe would of thought of this.
I hope the disgruntled fans take to twitter, facebook, etc to express their anger.
Why wasn't that shirt available here at America? Would like to get one :<
@Stitches This is what really bothers me - surely Nintendo has the foresight to re-release the all-in-one cartridge on its own down the line, but the fact they're yet to do so in Japan makes me worry that they have no intention of doing so. Heck, if cartridges of it can be pressed, surely they can just release it on the eShop if their worry is that releasing the cartridge without all the special goodies devalues it somehow.
@Kid_Sickarus Look at how poorly a lot of special editions actually -hold- their value. Unless it's either truly limited by print run, or has something people actually -want- to own, the price drops within a couple of months of the game's release, and some older Spec Eds are actually -cheaper- than it is to just buy the game on its own, if not outright worthless. We're already seeing an equivalent to what happened to comics in the 90s, just on a smaller scale.
Europe getting the best Nintendo limited editions as always, but sucks to hear about potential scalpers grabbing everything again.
Nintendo must learn how to produce more Special/Limited edition copies, really it's very annoying. I did went to hell to grab my NA Special Edition.
Been watching my emails like a hawk after missing out on pre ordering at Game. Got my email from Nintendo store at 16:20 and snatched up a pre order like a starving man in burger king! Final Fantasy XV Ultimate edition and Fire Emblem Fates limited edition both in the same week. I am a very very happy man. 2016: The year of the JRPG's.
Ps. Please for the love of all that is decent don't all start messaging me saying Fire Emblem is a SRPG!
@Frank90 Wouldn't making more copies defeat the purpose of calling it "limited edition"?
There have been times when I see 360/PS3 games with "limited edition" copies that promptly end up in the second hand bin within weeks.
I must admit its crazy how it only seems to be with Nintendo that special editions sell out so quick. Why? Because Nintendo is more popular than other devs? Sorry but no. Much as I love the big N they have always created VERY few copies of games to bring a kind of forced hype to what they are trying to sell. Its bonkers and its wrong (imo) but you gotta admit it does work.
@Stitches You should think about sticking the limited edition box and tat on eBay and keeping the game. Someone will want it and you get the full game card having only spent around £35.
Managed to get mine the moment I saw the email.
I agree, and it's always the true fans that miss out.
By making very few limited edition bundles, thus creating hype, this only encourages the scalpers.
If your going to make very few copies, then at least limit it to 1 per person.
At least this way, more people get to buy the game for enjoyment, ie play, rather than stick it straight on Ebay to fleece other people.
This only hurts their reputation in the long run.
Really annoyed about this! I've been waiting months to order it and although I'm set up for email alerts I didn't receive one. F**k you Nintendo!!
Well this is just great. Can someone tell me where the email has come from for this? As far as i'm aware i am signed up for all things nintendo and follow the facebook, i also "registered my interest" in the game on their site but i've not got an email. Had i received one i might have stood a chance.
What really riles me though is that i did receive one email from nintendo customer support this afternoon in response to my complaint about lack of communication when GAME released their stock in the middle of the night which said there were no announcements about this product. Maybe if Nintendo's A.. knew what it's elbow was doing this wouldn't have been such a complete mess. I'll be complaining again later.
That said, i've cancelled around £400 of pre-orders. Nintendo thrive off the loyalty of their fans, if they don't treat their fans with a bit of decency they lose that loyalty. It simple really...
Can I just say that that the UK Nintendo online store just totally kills the US Nintendo Online store? I wish ours would stop relying solely on other vendors and get something up. The UK store has lots of cool offerings. Yes NoA has the World Store, but since I live in nowhere Iowa, not going to affect me.
'Only at Game' for Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition too it says. No, no it's not.
@NintendoFanBoy16 I never realised that you could order more than one copy of a game on their store. I think with standard games: fair enough, fill your basket, but with limited editions, as the name suggests, yeah, it should be limited to one per person.
@Marshi I never see the One Per Customer disclaimer anymore on Nintendo UK Official Store. But I am always wary of them as I tried to order two of one item last year which NEVER said "One Per Customer" and I took a screenshot of it just for my verification.
However Nintendo UK Official Store slapped the disclaimer on after a while and told me that they were going to cancel one of my pre-orders.
Someone told me that I should have gone to Trading Standards when they did that as slapping a disclaimer on should be the FIRST thing that a retailer does...
This probably wouldn't have affected them, but at the time, I decided to screw them completely. I cancelled BOTH of my pre-orders as they weren't getting my cash if I could only have one copy.
Game actually said and I quote:
"only available at selected GAME stores, and" It's right there on the games page.
@james_mueller The UK store is not that great really, it is another vendor (Zavvi i believe) just with a nintendo front end slapped on the front. It's no better or worse really...
I can't believe some people on here are defending Nintendo's policy of releasing such a limited run of collectors editions, suggesting it builds "hype", what utter rubbish. The only people it benefits, especially with the removal of one item per customer policy, is the scalpers.
Do you really think that people who were planning on buying it would be put off by it if there were plenty more copies available? As it stands many potential buyers, as suggested in the comments above, won't be buying any other versions so in fact the only thing Nintendo has achieved is probably a significant loss of sales, including mine.
Managed to get my order in! Pretty happy to see we do actually get that coin after all
i missed the special edition in both game and nintendo store
I wonder how many copies were actually ordered before it became out of stock.
The cover plates look good though but not as good as my favourite - Majoras Mask Skull Kid cover plates.
@blondeandy Thanks! From the outside it appears different, I appreciate the view from someone who interacts with them more.
@MikeTV76 I agree. Their quantities of them tend to be really low, making it not them collector's editions, or fan's editions, but instead a scalper's editions all too often.
@wazlon I can confirm that I managed to snag one.
I have created a petition to have them restock and introduce a one-customer policy. Please sign it, as many of as possible!
I hesitated over the amiibo bundle and missed out 😠
@Ciaran10_0_10 Nintendo is just gonna ignore that petition, you know... They are a massive corporation...
But honestly... Good luck with it.
Nintendo really needs to get their game together with the Special Editions. First Amiibos, then XCX, and now this?
Getting the NA version was terrible. But my local store wised up after the amiibo disaster, and they have the one per customer rule.... And lo and behold, there are STILL special editions available for sale!
It also might have to do that since I don't live in the US, our final prices are more expensive - the SE here is $110...
EDIT: Holy ****! I just saw the prices (converting them to dollar of course) on ebay UK of the special edition. The scalpers are seriously out of control!
@syrupdash Not at all, Square and Atlus generally give us a reasonable quantity of copies, Nintendon't.
Don't worry, they will release a second lot for preorder just like they did in the us, AND here in Australia 2 weeks ago. Turns out everybody wants fire emblem on one cart. Hopefully they won't try digital only part 3 and split part 1&2 again with such a popular game.
@May_Nyan I was of the same opinion for Australian preorder, I managed to get a preorder down on the second offering apparently for a June delivery date, whereas the first lot release in May. If I didn't get a se copy I was going to boycott the game. All 3 on a cart or go away Nintendo, don't actually care about an art book which is all the aus se version has with the cart.
Yeah, I know. I just want to make sure that everyone is aware so that we can all make our voices heard, but you are probably right. Thanks anyway
@Ciaran10_0_10 I could POTENTIALLY pass your comment over to someone I know from Nintendo UK.
Maybe... Not sure right now.
@MikeTV76 Unfortunately I missed out on both GAME's and's pre-orders due to my work ending at 6pm both days.
However you're wrong. If the special editions were provided in a quantity that you could comfortaly just buy it whenever you wanted why would you even pre-order it? To make sure you get something you're certain to get anyway? No one would do that, you'd just buy it later on and you might even get distracted from it by another game. Their fast selling special/limited editions likely gets more sales locked in than normal and drives more attention to the game.
You might not like the fact you couldn't buy the special edition but looking at how the game did in Japan and the US it actually does make the game sell well. Hell in the US the standard editions supposedly sold out shortly after the games launch.
This frustrates me so much. I wanted to get the special edition because of everything on the one cartridge and I wanted to get the artbook too.
If we all try and use customer support soemthing may happen, but they need to:
A) Re-introduce the one-item-per-customer rule for special editions
B) Have more stock of special editions
Nintendo better re-stock this.
I hate buying from GAME - they are obviously a bunch of liars just to get the business!
I do think pre-orders should be taken further in advance so that the vendor has time to order that much stock form Nintendo. . . . then it would be a true pre-order special edition. . .
I can't believe all the scalping going on on Ebay for this. .
@Eintopf Customer Support might just give you a copy/paste reply however...
Man, those are some ugly t-shirts. I'm glad that I'm not missing anything, then.
@Polyaness You can get the other two at half price as in-game DLC, it probably works at cheaper without all the extra stuff
Limited Edition.
As in there's a limit to how many of the particular edition they will produce.
Limited Edition.
I want to get this game, but I haven't played Awakening yet. Does Fates follow on from Awakening at all, or does it not matter which order I play them in?
This is all very disappointing. I didn't find out about these bundles quickly enough, even if I had I would probably need to wait till payday before I could afford the game. Will I now need to pay £100 for all three paths? Madness
@BMORRI oh that's good to know! Thanks!
@Dr_Lugae This situation is different though, the key reason to buy the special edition is not the bonus items like the coin but instead to have all 3 paths on 1 cartridge. That option makes all the other buying choices (i.e. buy 2 paths physically and get revelations as DLC, get 1 path physically and the other 2 as DLC, buy all 3 paths digitally) feel like a scam.
it appears on GAME it was limited to one per customer but do not think this was the restriction on This may mean GAME will have a restock as they cancel orders of people who ordered more than one. This does seem to be a popular pre-order though as GAME still have copies of the Star Fox Zero first print edition which is sold out on
So very nearly missed out! Had my phone charging (after running down the battery playing around with Miitomo) so didn'see the email. My friend Tom had messaged me too to tell me, and fortunately I saw it at 16:30 and went and got my order in immediately! Now I can relax!
Actually Game's order limit is 80. Where did you get it's one per customer from? If it was one per customer it would say one only. What's your source?
I have 2 pre-ordered on Game and they not cancelled either.
@Bsham the product page on the website says one per customer
@Shinnos That was like three minutes after I had pre-ordered it...
I was quite slow to pre-order that item as I managed to pre-order the Star Fox Zero: First Print Edition within two minutes of getting the available email from Nintendo.
@nintyfandavid They added that as soon as the product was sold out and it is just as underhanded as what I mentioned Nintendo did to me a while ago... I have still not forgiven them for it...
"I never see the One Per Customer disclaimer anymore on Nintendo UK Official Store. But I am always wary of them as I tried to order two of one item last year which NEVER said "One Per Customer" and I took a screenshot of it just for my verification.
However Nintendo UK Official Store slapped the disclaimer on after a while and told me that they were going to cancel one of my pre-orders.
Someone told me that I should have gone to Trading Standards when they did that as slapping a disclaimer on should be the FIRST thing that a retailer does...
This probably wouldn't have affected them, but at the time, I decided to screw them completely. I cancelled BOTH of my pre-orders as they weren't getting my cash if I could only have one copy."
Dam, you're right they added one per customer, the sneaky people. Saves me cash I guess. I ordered 2. Atleast the scalpers will get screwed.
I understand that a limited edition means that only a finite amount of copies exist and that it gets people to pre-order and put their money down. However, it perplexes me that they don't keep making limited edition copies until the demand dries out. People here are missing putting down their order less than 15 minutes before they went up for sale.
Why must someone dedicate themselves to finding out exactly when the limited edition is for sale and refresh their browser repeatedly or hang around GAME all day just to get the game? More limited edition copies = less scalpers and more happy customers that want the limited edition. They should keep making them until the demand dries up. If that means the game continues to sell weeks and weeks after, and the limited edition becomes slightly less "limited" then so be it.
I thought Nintendo had learned a lesson with Amiibo, but apparently not.
@BMORRI That isn't the problem though. As many people mentioned, if it's possible to get all 3 on one cartridge then it seems kind of stupid having only 2 physical and 1 DLC, or 1 physical and 2 DLC. It was the same as Project Zero was. I don't mind having an expansion as DLC but if it comes to the whole game then I want the cartridge or the disc. I'd just rather not own it at all than have one or two parts. But hey, that's just me.
@Bsham They are likely going to cancel one of them...
@crazycrazydave I can understand your point. But making the limited editions less "limited" ruins the fun of the hunt.
If Nintendo are selling limited editions of the F.E. Fates game, with other stuff like posters and books that some gamers will want and others wont, cheaper than the three games can be purchased separately, this is poor marketing and unfair to Nintendo gamers.
If you play FE and don't get a Limited Edition, on one cart, vote with your cash and don't buy the games.
Considering the special edition is sold out I was tempted to get a T-shirt bundle... Until I saw the shirts.
Thats so cool! UK always gets better LE/SE's than US. Why...?
@FierceRagnar you're so full of doodie, fates is an awesome game, get over it.
@FierceRagnar Here is something disappointing... As a collector, I may only be able to get ONE copy of this unless I can somehow get a £20.00 to magically appear and it is available at my local store.
I'm in North America but I hate that for you guys over in Europe. The same exact thing happened here, too. I never wanted the Special Edition but TONS of people did and weren't able to secure a copy for themselves. (Somehow, I oddly prefer purchasing a physical cart and then purchasing the other story tract at the digital discount.) Nintendo's absolutely STUPID: they'll never, never learn... Other gaming companies have special editions of hardware/games quite often and while they may not produce as many of these as regular editions, they still manufacture a decent amount to where the things aren't unicorn and customers can generally find a copy with relative ease. Nintendo always has to be "different" (read: "stupid") about stuff like this...
For anyone with an Australian connection, try this:
I managed to get my copy from GameStop Ireland, but they have now sold out...
I also know Spain and Germany's GameStop websites have sold out as well. Good luck guys!
Welp, Nintendo seriously needs to increase the number of Limited Edition copies they intend to sell. It's nearly as bad as online sales on Black Friday.
Thanks for that, just ordered the Star Fox O first print bundle after missing it at the nintendo store!
Sold out all ready in 20mins
Unbelievable. I checked my e-mail around 25 minutes after it was sent and by the time I was able to get online it was gone. I don't want to buy all three games separately. I seriously hope Nintendo decides to put out more of these due to demand.
I'm still angry with this whole pre-order screw up.
I see these things are selling upto £180.00 on Ebay at the minute.
@NintendoFanBoy16 yup, it's rather frustrating. I've had a bit of a moan at them and been told it's been escalated but not expecting much out of it and even though money isn't an issue i'm not paying £180 to a scalper out of principle. I have little time as it is for games so it's pure goodwill on my part that means i buy most nintendo first party stuff day one, technically it's not a great investment so unless they can come back to me with a fair response i'll just buy what i've actually got time to play....
It looks like pre orders opened again this morning at the Nintendo UK store, albeit very briefly. According to stock orders opened at 8.50am only to close again at 9.01am !!
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