Image: WSJ

Nintendo will be revealing more about its next console this year, but ahead of any official announcement we've been inundated with rumours, speculation and some reports that seem to suggest that NX will be with us before the close of 2016.

More fuel has been added to that particular fire thanks to GameStop, which has published a survey which asks its customers if they intend to buy NX - or whatever it ends up being called - in the next 12 months. As common sense would indicate, you can't buy something that isn't out in the next 12 months, so this could be seen as reasonably solid evidence that Nintendo is launching new hardware this year.

Image: GoNintendo
Image: GoNintendo

Given GameStop's standing in the games retail sector, you'd hope the company was basing this question on information it has recieved from Nintendo, but there's still the chance that the firm is taking a guess based on the aforementioned rumours we've been hearing over the past few months.

What do you think? Do you trust GameStop or do you feel that a new console in 2016 is too much to expect? To you think that NX will see two launches, with the handheld arriving this year and the home console coming in 2017? Let us know by posting a comment below.
