Just recently we saw speculation around the NX potentially being 'compatible' with the PS4 and PC - via a tweet from Takashi Mochizuki - and decided it was a stretch too far, at least without seeing the original report it's citing. That report in question is from Macquarie Capital Securities in Japan, and is the same document that was cited as a prompt for a major upturn in Nintendo's share value this week; those shares have since dropped again courtesy of worldwide economic chaos, but we can't win them all.
In any case, our buddies at Push Square dug up that report and, somewhat unsurprisingly, the section that references compatibility with PC and PS4 is based solely on conjecture. That same section raises the possibility of Nintendo NX being compatible with smart device games, and based on the patents being referenced - one of which is this one on cloud computing - we're highly dubious of the suggestion that Nintendo's system will 'work with' a PS4 beyond cross-platform play that developers potentially implement, which is a separate process and also extremely rare in this generation.
That section of the report is the most speculative, but there is some analysis that we think is both interesting and entirely feasible. Macquarie is bringing forward its estimated NX release date from November 2017 (yikes!) to November 2016, based on the same reports and rumours of dev kits and manufacturing that we've been following closely. Like many rumours - including fresh survey-based ones from today - and logical speculation, Macquarie is also of the belief that NX will comprise of both a portable and console element.
The report gets interesting with its assertion that the portable aspect of NX will come first, in that November window, and be competitively priced at around $200, with Nintendo having learnt from the error of its launch 3DS price in 2011. It then expects a 'console partner device' in 2017, and points to potential AR features based - again - on patents. We're unsure of the AR assertion, but talk of a split release and a competitively priced portable seem entirely logical, especially with manufacturing challenges, the importance of the portable market in Japan and a potential tight turnaround in mind.
In terms of what drove investor confidence from this report, Macquarie upgraded its status on Nintendo from Neutral to Outperform, based on the belief that the current share value reflects investor confidence minus the potential impact of smart device apps from Nintendo. The belief is that a reveal of subsequent apps after Miitomo that utilise major IP could spark an upturn in market confidence.
So, let's consider the feasible aspects of the report - portable NX this year in the $200 range, with a console element in 2017. Let us know what you think of those prospects in the comments.
Comments 62
a new handheld is exactly what i want form nintendo right now
This year's gonna be good
I think it will be switched in the west, especially in North America - NX Console first in November 2016, then the NX Handheld in Spring 2017.
@IceClimbers Just what NA needs... 😛
@A01 but the average consumer doesnt buy more than one console anyway. a hybrid doesnt mean you HAVE to have both parts of it. they work by themselfs but they have additional features when being combined
@6ch6ris6 loving the sarcasm 😂😂😂
@A01 The difference is that this is one platform that plays the same games, not two separate platforms that have some communication.
I can't see them waiting on a console. Wii U already has a foot in the grave. I think if there is any chance of a hybrid working they've got to be in the same box, otherwise you drastically split consumer base right out of the gate.
Well, I could see this happening since I've heard variations of this rumor. In spite of a lot of the internet wishing the death of the Wii U, it seems relatively likely rumors with a split device are true. Regardless, I hope it's true so I can play all of the legacy and upcoming handheld games on my tv. Handheld gaming isn't practical for me.
Dude, if it is this "hybrid split console/handheld" thing and they release it like this, I think they could ease some of the fears of the thing launching to soon. If they release a handheld NX this year, well it's been already 5 years with the 3ds and we've had TONS of great games on the thing, so it's about time for a hand held. And then they release the console portion next year, that will kind of help it to smoothly transfer into that system.
I'm alright with this, but the cartridge? Maybe the home console has a disk and you can download digitally on the portable. I personally prefer handhelds even when I'm at home, that's why I love the WiiU so much. This is all just speculation and to be honest. I don't mind waiting another year or 2 for a home console. The problem is I have a PS4 also and I still use my 360 every now and then. Not to mention I already know I'm buying 10 new games this year from Nintendo. I will probably buy 2 -3 game from Sony and there is always a great RPG for Vita. So I don't think I will have much time. I do know . I do know I will buy that knew portable on day 1 if it comes out this year.
This could easily release Nintendo of the stress of having to make 2 games for 2 different consoles and you get your Pokemon in your living room.
I'm sort of anticipating the Cartridge slot could actually be an SD card slot... allowing for exactly that... (download to portable)
@IceClimbers That would make more sense to me...for all regions though, especially since they keep saying that they will continue to support the 3DS.
'compatibility' can mean many things. it could jsut be video post-processing. in that case, it's compatibility is with the video signal. with so many of the triple-a games for ps4, xbox one, and even pc at 30 fps, and less than 1080p, an nx untethered to it's portable unit could frame interpolate to 60fps and up-rez to 1080p with less lag than even the most powerful smart tv.
@A01 HUH?
I was specifically referring to that patent where the controller had a card slot built in... and of course it COULD make sense for a console to have physical media and a hand held to only be download... who knows if they would do that though ... but that's not what I was talking about either haha
Wasn't there a patent a while back from Nintendo to use external hardware to boost the power of a console? I bet the "console" part of this patent is the NX handheld and the "external" part is the NX home console. They could put the core game data and some lower quality graphics on the portable NX and have the home NX automatically grab the HD graphics for any game added to your Nintendo account. The only other thing would be to make it so that the core game data could be passed back and forth between the two so the complement each other but don't rely on each other and everyone wins. The only big sticking point would be how to get that core game data to players in the first place. Download is an obvious option. For people like me it's ideal. I've only gotten one game physically since download became an option and that was for a preorder bonus. Digital doesn't work for everyone though so there would need to be another option.
Either way I'm excited to see this thing come E3 should they still be on track to show it off then. Hopefully Monster Hunter sticks with Nintendo (The Big N has been good to the series so I don't see why they wouldn't) because the NX could potentially make everyone happy if these rumors pan out. Portable for those that like the game on the go and home console for those that want the game in full HD glory.
@Maggots- I know, but it might turn some people off. If they go Cartridge all the way, will they get 3rd Parties?
@A01 but if they sell the NX as a portable first. They would have the cartridge because there are a lot of people who prefer physical. I totally prefer digital except when I splurge on a limited edition. There is the backward compatibility factor.
@Maggots "I'm sort of anticipating the Cartridge slot could actually be an SD card slot... allowing for exactly that... (download to portable)"
I can totally see that.
I dont want it to happen either haha... but nintendo has done CRAZIER things
Now if they were really clever they'd release Pokemon Z as a launch title on the [portable] NX. That would get lots of day one purchases I reckon.
I'm having a hard time giving this any credence when there are so many crazy speculative statements surrounding it.
Still the idea of a separate staggered release is one way I originally imagined it going if there was to be a handheld and then a closely related console.
As has been hashed out a bit here there are many unknowns and the whole idea has little precedent to go on.
We know that the hardware teams were combined for this NX project. We know there is a console involved through a couple of apparent slip ups from higher ups. From those admissions it seems like the console is coming first and with the stagnant nature of Wii U (outside Japan) it seems natural but really, the portable version of the pair could still come first.
As far as the digital vs. physical thing, it is probably too early for Nintendo to go digital only, but amiibo gives Nintendo a way to maintain a larger retail space even with no physical games on the shelves. Then there are boxed codes. The new account system is very likely to hold all of your save data in the cloud and if Nintendo manages to let you download any games you own on demand, it could reduce the necessary storage space (with an option for expansion for the hard core).
At the very least we are getting a Nintendo portable and a console that will have very few games completely exclusive to one or the other. This is true even if it is some sort of hybrid. If they are separate I can imagine plenty of games on the console that might not be able to work on the portable, but it seems to me that the days of Nintendo published games that are on the portable only are going away. Again, even if that means the console is the portable.
Currently, I still think we'll be getting two devices that are highly integrated myself.
Have no idea how it will work but i am intrigued
Makes sense, release the portable this year with 900p, 60fps and cloud gaming. Then keep working on the main hardware and have 1080p, 60fps gameplay.
That actually makes quite a bit of sense since when it comes to new hardware with Nintendo typically the handheld releases first and the console second
And this is the reason I haven't upgraded to a New Nintendo 3DS.
Then why have the console part at all? If they try to pull a 3DSXL, they're risking everything.
Hard to know what Nintendo is going to do as I doubt even they know what they are going to do. For example -
PS4 camera was going to be bundled until a week or 2 before E3
Xbox One wasn't going to play used games
Wii U had dual Game pad games in development
Wii U was going to have GameCube VC
Wii U TVii never happened in the EU
Not saying Nintendo can make major changes, but some things are still probably up in the air.
And download only has been done before, PSPgo. I think it's telling Sony sold many million PSP, then PSPGO didn't sell very well, then Vita had games on cards again, and ridiculously overpriced memory cards. I think, well I hope anyway, that NX works w/ some standard SD card format.
Bigger question - is the world ready for digital? I'm not sure parents who buy their kids 3DS and Wii U games are ready for an all digital world. Sure, they download everything on their phones and tablets, but how many of those things are $40 or $60 and are 20GB? Has there ever been a 20GB smartphone game?
If NX was a Wii U 2 with the hardware in the Gamepad, I can imagine games on disc downloaded to the Gamepad for portability. But if they are separate, and expense likely dictates they will be, how do portable owners get their gsmes? Is the world ready now for PSPgo? Those 2 months the PSN was down the PSPgo had no way to get new games. Are people ready now to spend $200 for all digital handhelds? I didn't see it then, and I don't see it now.
Interesting times ahead.
Can't wait! May have to delay one of my plans to 2017 so that I can get a dev kit.
@aaronsullivan While there may be few exclusives, bigger question, will there be games like Splatoon that require both the Home and Away? Maybe somewhere down the road? Is it a Wii U w/ the Gamepad sold separately scenario? Or is there a cheaper separate NX Controller w/ a screen? Is the portable 1 screen or DS style? Or 2DS style? Could they make a floating rotating screen, like people use tablets, so we can play 1 screen horizontally and split screen vertically?
Oops, battery in tablet at 5%, screen going dark, gotta go, like now
Also, will the Away require the Home for TV out? I think that's a given, even if hackers find a way to solder in wires for TV out, it won't work out of the box. Just wondering get your view.
Nah too early.
2017 for portable NX please.
Get the portable out this year, so that I can get the eventual revision that fixes at least half of the issues with the launch version sooner (2017-2018?). I'm probably not going to bother with their next home console unless it goes below $200.
In the meantime my gaming money will probably go towards the GPD Win and JXD S192 or Shield Portable 2.
@Maggots I think the SD card could be a likely scenario. Considering these cards can be as large as 128gb, I don't see an issue.
@A01 SD-type cards can hold much more info than a disc and have faster read speeds. A return to cards/carts would make a world of difference. No more need for massive day one DLC. Much larger games can fit on the cards and wouldn't require a partial install for performance.
If Zelda U will be available on both the WiiU and NX, I can easily believe that the home console will only launch in 2017 in order to shift as many copies of the game on the WiiU as possible.
With the NX home console launching in 2017, it will also give the illusion that the WiiU has been out for 5 years and WiiU owners are less likely to feel burned.
Anyways, It will be interesting to see what the Big N is up to.
One thing is for sure. Nintendo is managing to keep there name in front of people.
Eheh, loving all this speculation, then wait for Nintendo to release something else entirely: NX, The Interactive Waffle Maker.
I hope their is an AR aspect. And I think this approach of releasing the elements seperately could really work.
@ThomasBW84: Why is NL participating so heavily in that baseless rumour stuff right now? Everyone with a clear mind should be able to see that it won't be released this year and that all the speculation is just unfounded or even fantasised. Compatible to the PS4? Why are you even writing about this nonsense and taking part in the rumour spreading? I don't get it.
But would it be a hybrid if the two parts were released seperately? For me, no, it's not, no matter how much cross-buy-and-play, safe file sharing, game library sharing and all that good stuff there is. For me, a hybrid console comes in one package.
But I guess it all depends on how you define "hybrid". Also I do understand where the idea of seperate releases is coming from but uniting both branches shouldn't make us pay like 600€ for both a handheld and home console. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pay that price but I am certainly in the minority there so I think it needs to be cheaper than that, even with both portions sold as one. Also please do note, that I'd take the two seperately, too, but then I wouldn't think of a hybrid console.
You forgot there was the Super Gameboy for the SNES aswell, to be able to play your gameboy games on your tv with colorlike colors of the gameboy color =)
@shani Do you know something everyone doesn't? Stop ignoring the facts and your head out of the sand dude, NX, in some shape, is coming this year.
@Mogster I'm ignoring the facts?
The facts are: Nothing's announced yet, there isn't even a name for the console yet. It's totally nonsensical to announce and release the console in the same year (you do realise that they have to produce the console units first, right?) and Nintendo has never done that before:
N64: Console design publicly revealed in late Q2 1994, fully revealed on November 24, 1995, released in June/September 1996/ March 1997
Gamecube: Unveiled as Project Dolphin in May 1999, officially announced on August 24, 2000, released on September 14/November 18/May 3/17 2002
Wii: First official statement during E3 2004, unveiled during E3 2005, released in November 2006
Wii U: First official statement on April 25 2011, revealed at E3 2011, released in November 2012
Codename NX: Revealed on March 17 2015, surely earlier than originally planned, while announcing mobile games with DeNA and assuring everone that Nintendo continues producing home consoles. That was the sole reason for the early mentioning of codename NX.
Official announcement probably some time in 2016, release some time in 2017. Maybe Japan gets it in December 2016, I don't know, I'm not a clairvoyant, I'm just interpreting the facts at hand and they all indicate something very different than what you're proposing.
it's all taken from Wikipedia. There weren't comparable dates for the 2D consoles, though.
Get your facts straight and stop the unfounded rumoring.
@A01 SNES also, in a way, interacted with the Gameboy, through the SuperGameboy!
These analysts end up doing more damage than good half the time.
Going back to carts would be a great idea. Have you seen the cost of SD Cards these days?
It will be interesting to see what form the new Hand Held will take. The great thing about the DS Handhelds and GBA SP was screen protection when in pocket. Wonder if they will keep the Clamshell type design?
I'd be on board for separate timed releases for the console/handheld components assuming one would not necessitate the other and it keeps costs down. That being said, I don't want to see this turn into another N64DD situation. I cannot wait for E3 though, Nintendo has me on the edge of my seat with this new console.
I have little interest in the handheld version, though would probably get for my step son so that we can play together when the home version comes. The home console is the one that I'm really interested in so it looks like I have a bit of a wait. Oh and please Nintendo get rid of Wii controllers
@Ootfan98 I think Nintendo will stick with the clamshell design and that's part of the reason why it's sold much better than the PS Vita - despite the Vita being a much better console on a technical level.
@shani For starters, we ignored the PS4 thing earlier in the day and then I mentioned it to only suggest that it's extremely unlikely within a broader article. Lots will have read articles based on the tweet, so it was a chance to clarify our view on that 'rumour'.
Secondly, a major report from a capital investment firm that helped prompt a sharp increase in Nintendo share value (which is a big deal) is worth considering. Once the PS guys found the doc and I could actually read it, THEN I decided to report on it. It's not your average rumour.
Some aspects of the report seemed feasible, some less so, and views on that were shared in the article. I'm also not sure why you're so confident NX won't be released this year. You may be right, but many (including me) think Nintendo will try to push it out for the Holiday season this year, out of necessity above all else. We'll see, but there's plenty of respectable evidence (including the assessment of Macqaurie) that points to a 2016 arrival in some form.
Finally, we're not reporting all of the rumours, as that would be crazy. Yet we're reporting those from sources we know, those that are worth teasing and those that are feasibly real. So the 'survey' article was a real survey, but the details within it may not be. We also used a lot of salt as the lead image, so had some fun with it.
I know we can't please everyone, and haven't pleased you in this case, but we're always looking for the right balance in what rumours to report and ignore.
@ThomasBW84 Wow, I didn't expect such a detailed response, thanks for taking the time and explaining the process in detail! That's what I call transparency.
Well for me all the facts that we know of + the reveal-announce-release cycles of the previous consoles (see my reply to Mogster above) all hint to a 2017 release. For me, the most convincing of them is that Iwata mentioned NX during the DeNA announcement, just to assure everyone (especially share holders) that there will be more home consoles. It seemed obvious to me that he'd prefered not to talk about NX yet, but had to mention it to prevent mobile-only rumours from boiling up. Because that's what everyone would be talking about right now if he hadn't mentioned it. So he mentioned NX although it was too early to talk about it usually.
A lot of stock market exchange is based on rumours and expectations, so when a capital investment firm spreads these rumours, they're goal surely is to increase the share value to profit more. In that regard, the successful sharp increase in Nintendo share value helped by that investment firm (I didn''t know about that) actually confirms my suspicions.
In my opinion the internet is full of these unfounded rumors and many people online are believing them. I read a lot of comments that take these rumours as facts and even a friend of mine (a Wii U owner) - although he doesn't read so much articles about Nintendo stuff - was suddenly convinced that the new console will come this year, that the new Zelda won't be released on Wii U but instead on NX and so he was really angered that Nintendo will do all that. Although there is no fact, no official statement that backs this.
I'm just getting tired and annoyed by this rumour culture because once it starts, it perpetuates until the share holders believe those rumours and eventually they put pressure on Nintendo to release the NX earlier, to release the next Zelda on NX etc.
One could even see the delay of Zelda U and the addition of Twilight Princess HD as a hint that the nervous share holders finally got to Nintendo, now that Iwata isn't there anymore to stand against them. So far, everything that Tatsumi Kimishima has stated publicly - like wanting to quadruple Nintendo's profits instead of passionately talking about the consoles and games - plus his background as a banker suggests that he is more in the vein of the share holders than someone with the passion and understanding that Iwata had.
So at this point, it wouldn't even surprise me if the constant rumouring finally got to Kimishima and that he gave in to the shareholders to release the console earlier than planned. If that happens, the rumours become a self-fullfilling prophecy.
What I would wish from one of the biggest Nintendo-related news sites like NL is not to participate in this rumour spreading and instead either ignore it or even actively go against it, to stop this self-fullfilling prophecy from happening. But I'm also aware that NL has to keep readers coming and NX-related rumours always generate a lot of clicks. I'm not even holding that against NL, I can understand that and I know that what I'm demanding is a lot to ask.
But I seriously see the danger of these rumours and their consequences eventually ruining Nintendo. Because if they start to give in to outsiders (=the internet and shareholders) instead of following their own path, Nintendo's identity will eventually wash away and then Big N will be completely meaningless in the process.
I can see this happening. Sell the portable separately, and have two skus for the console, one with and one without the portable (with a big sticker on the cheaper sku, noting that you have to have the portable). Or, sell the portable, only have one console skus that also includes a portable, and tell people that they now have two usable controllers for the NX (I'm assuming that the portable portion will act as a Gamepad style controller, and that the NX will support at least 2 (probably 5)).
@IceClimbers I agree with you. Especially if there's little to no work to port from one to the other. That way they can get each geographic location the device they want the most first and not have supply constraints, but not have to develop extra games to do so just launch the same games in each territory. Plus we haven't had new 3DS as long and I'm still hoping for more games that take advantage of the better hardware (like Xenoblade and Hyrule Warriors I was able to justify the double dip for Xenoblade, but not HW)
Great thinking.
This is pretty much what I'm expecting at this point. I'd be fine with waiting until next year for new hardware, but I think releasing both at the same time would be a death sentence. A year at least between them would give some breathing room and lead to a built-in consumer base for the home console counterpart.
I'd really just like some solid information. The rumours are interesting, but it's been nearly a year since that early leak, with guesses now based on previous guesses. Be nice if Nintendo announced something when they implement the new account system.
Ugh, my head... I honestly don't know WHAT to expect from Nintendo. For now, the hype is killing my psyche until E3. Until I hear something more tangible, I'm going to get off the hype train and just play all these games for Wii U/3DS that are out/coming out for now lol.
This is the only way it makes sense to release the platforms. No one is going to buy both the handheld and console if they released simultaneously, especially if they're gonna play the same games. 3DS is older, so it gets replaced first, then Wii U a year later.
The handheld will have a much easier time selling since it has virtually no competition and Nintendo always dominated the market. Selling the console will be much harder, so releasing it first could poison the handheld's chances if it underperformed.
Either way, the games will be the same, so as long as one of them is successful, the other platform is also guaranteed to have a constant stream of new games.
That is exactly what I thought - handheld in 2016, console in 2017
Patents suggest that the console could help the portable with processing through wireless transmission. It's interesting, but doesn't necessarily help answer all those questions.
I'm ready for something official from Nintendo. But Nintendo is not ready. Here's my guess:
We get Twilight Princess HD, and then Star Fox and Pokken Tournament for sure before any NX hints are officially given. In that mix, the My Nintendo thing (the online account system) begins to unroll worldwide (gotta beta test on Wii U and 3DS. ). Not sure on mobile game rollout, but my guess is the miitomo launch comes with two things: announcement of next mobile game, NX tease, and new Paper Mario for Wii U. Perfect time to put a vote of confidence in dedicated gaming hardware and Wii U. Right?
Anyway, that's my long way of not answering because there's just too little to go on and speculate further! At least for me right now. I'm sure I'll jump on every little rumor until then.
@aaronsullivan I've been saying for awhile now news conference in May about hardware, games at E3, sort of like what Sony did w/ PS4. Of course it depends on current game release dates. I would like to see a Nintneod Direct next week about stuff we know, and My Nintneod, and whatever the late May game will be, if there is one.
I'd really really like NX news soon, but I think we have to wait awhile more.
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