Nintendo is expected to announce more details about its mysterious NX platform early this year, and there are signs that the console could launch before Christmas comes around. We actually know very little about the system so far, but that hasn't stopped our video guru Alex from putting together a tantalising wishlist.
What do you want to see? Robust third party support? An achievement system? A hybrid console which covers both domestic and portable entertainment? Or perhaps you want to be totally surprised with NX? Give the video a watch, leave a comment below and be sure to subscribe to the Nintendo Life YouTube channel for more exclusive video content.
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It's a video this time though :v
A separate optical out for audio and Dolby Digital please - and a decent CPU this time. Don't be tight Nintendo.
Al I really want is a relatively powerful console that will also attract the third parties, and a unified avcount system that will allow me to take my eshop downloads from this gen to the next after that i'm not particularly bothered.
Mostly agree with Alex. Still, what I really want is:
1.- What Morph said regarding the CPU and guts.
2.- Some backwards compatibility with the WiiU and Wii.
3.- A more powerful OS experience, specially regarding the eShop.
4.- A pro controller included withe every system.
5.- A machine capable of playing DVD's and BR, with also strong ties with the Apple and Android stores.
For both portable and home console possibilities:
5. a decent spec upgrade but not so much that it's unaffordable
4. traditional controls augmented with tilt
3. remote play (either to or from the NX)
2. long battery life (portable or controller)
1. lots of content out of the gate
Region free please.
Surprise me Nintendo
just 5? btw that's a great view of what i presume is the u.k. eshop. there is a button there that doesn't exist in the north american eshop, and it's absence is a source of frustration for me: the 'Browse All Wii U Games' button.
Lmao if the NX doesn't release this year I'll almost be disapointed becuase I love my Wii U but every time I come on the Internet the NX is always being talked about when there's no information to go on. If it doesn't release this year this will just go on for longer
You know, in all truthfulness, outside of my idea for a NX hybrid system, I think I'd actually want it to be a VR system—in fact, I want to be VR even more than my hybrid idea because a VR system could ultimately do everything my hybrid idea can and more*—but that's just not gonna happen.
So, I have this gut feeling that unless Nintendo does something that just blows the roof off and catches us all off guard, in a good way, it's not really going to matter what it does, for me personally. I probably won't care at this point. That's the damage that the last few generations of Nintendo consoles has slowly done to me. Yes, it still makes some great games and experiences, but there's just so much disappointing crap wrapped around them (in terms of the hardware and services), and the third party support on Nintendo consoles has been abysmal for a long time now.
Nintendo is close to losing me entirely.
I'm excited about VR because that really feels like a whole new gaming category that's about to be born, and one that's going to do far more for gaming than anything else has done since we went full 3D in the N64 era (graphics and controls). I think VR is going to be where we see some true videogame and entertainment magic, and where we recapture that feeling of being like a kid again:
I mean listen to these dudes wax lyrical about it:
It's really going to be hard for Nintendo to get me that excited about NX, and evangelise it like I'm doing for VR:
So, the question is: What does Nintendo have up its sleeve that's going to make NX matter to anyone outside of a few million remaining diehard Nintendo fans?
*I mean Virtual Console gaming across every single one of Nintendo's old systems would be a snap on a properly realised VR device: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIh2MraniZg
@Peterjr1 the lack of knowledge about the nx makes it a palceholder for all our nintendo hopes and dreams. speculation of it however is taking on chuck norris, vin diesel, and batman proportions. like the other day, i heard the nx stared into the sun and it was the sun that went blind. i heard the nx will only be available in black because all the other colors ran away. death almost had a near-nx experience. the nx will not have an adjustable clock because the nx decides what time it is.
@Judgedean I keep seeing people upset that the newest consoles dont support optical, but I don't understand why. You realize HDMI supports higher resolution audio formats, right? What am I missing here...
I just want a console with average 2D platformers & awful party games, is that too much to ask?!!
5. Better online/user features: Achievements, cloud features, new eShop/VC.
4. 2 separately sold devices: the 'NX Console' and the 'NX Portable'.
3. They're easy to develop for/ port multiplats to; perhaps x86 based.
2. Universal OS; all Portable/some Console software runs across all devices.
1. The 'NX Console' is >= power of PS4; controller doesn't restrict 3rd parties.
I want it to be red and not too shiny. After that, I'm happy to see what they throw at us......although I'll approach this with a great deal of trepidation after the Wii u fiasco!
@ULTRA-64 Yeah, Nintendo red would be cool, but like this:
or this
I'm more curious about price and how it will compare to the PS4 & XB1.
@Kirk as great as VR would be, I don't think Nintendo can afford to try it. Most analyst are in agreement that VR is not going to be mainstreamed with game systems especially considering the price point Occulus came in at. They are saying VR will be arelatively small niche.
Nintendo can't afford to deliver a system that has that potential. If they had not already tried it with 3D or tablet gaming, I'd say go for it. However, the expense those two experiments built into their systems have backed them into s corner.
I think there will be innovation in the NX, but I think it will most likely be innovation in an area that is not as cost prohibitive.
I agree on everything, especially the physical controls.
Here's my million dollar idea on how they can sell a boatload of NX's...offer a NES color scheme version at launch. It doesn't need to be any more retro than the paint, but that alone would have people gobbling it up like crazy.
This site really starts to sound like a broken record! If there really is no news, then don't post a article (but yeah, I understand they need to keep the people on the site)!
I honestly don't know why people want optical audio out. Unless you have a fairly old TV you should be able to pass HDMI audio through the optical out on your TV. And unless you have a fairly old receiver everything is going to be handled by HDMI anyways. Same with the people begging for DVD/Blu-Ray playback. This isn't 2006, you don't need it. If you care that much about it odds are you already have the gear. If not, why not?
Among the other things I'd like to have the possibility to still use the gamepad of my Wii U for occasional off screen gaming sessions and to play games like a Xenoblade Chronicles X sequel. It would be a kind idea from Nintendo to all the players who have supported Wii U despite everything.
"pain in the potentially portly posterior"
Ahaha, I love it! Alex's dialogue cracks me up! Would it be stereotypical to assume most people from the UK talk like this?
1. 60fps
2. Even better VC
3. No shortage of supplies like being sold out and having only option to get on Gamestop waiting list to buy $600 bundle with too many contollers and games you will never play.
1. Technology/Software >= 2005
2. Games
3. Games
4. Games
5. Games
1. Good games, it's a gaming console what else are gonna do with it? (Although I do use my PS4 to watch blu-rays, too).
2. More space to store digital games. Like 1 TB at least and I am very willing to pay extra for that.
3. A simple controller. I don't need motion controls, I don't need some touchscreen that shows me a map 80% of the time. Just a simple controller with button, analog sticks and so on.
4. That connects to point 3 but oh well - compability with Wiimotes and Gamepad, 3DS, GameCube controller (just like with Wii) and Wii accessories (Wii Balance Board). I don't wanna throw the possibility of using motion controls in other games or the release of Wii and WiiU games on NX VC so you need to be able to use those.
5. If it is a hybrid, I need cross-buy and safe data share between handheld and home console. And I want Nintendo to try and get every NX game on both, handheld and home console. If it's impossible for whatever reason, I understand perfectly fine but at least a majority of NX games should support that as it probably is the main selling point of the console.
@skywake yeah i def don't want DVD playback. I think I've bought maybe 2 DVDs in the last 5 years, i can't imagine buying anymore. You can get a good DVD player for $9...
This is getting silly.
@daveh30 yeah I know that but I want to run my HDMI cable straight from the console to the TV's HDMI. If I want 5.1 surround sound, I have to run it through another device (A/V etc.) first. Also some audio equipment (like Logitech) don't have HDMI input (those were great speakers btw). Unless you have very high-end speakers, you won't notice the different in audio quality between HDMI and optical. My ideal setup would be the NX to have 2 HDMI outputs I guess.
My main hopes:
1. Traditional controller with analogue triggers
2. Power comparable to PS4/Xbox One
3. Same architecture as PS4/Xbox One so we get multi-format games
4. A return to the semi-adult tone of the GameCube era - Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, F-Zero etc. Big, 3D games that make full use of the hardware. If there is a Zelda similar to the 2011 demo, gamers will go crazy for it.
Alex, you are The Man, but I was underwhelmed by that list.
1. Backwards compatibility? We'll still have our Wii U's; they are not going anywhere.
2. Automatic connectivity? Maybe as an option, but I do not want my NX eating up bandwidth unnecessarily.
3. Physical controls? We'll sure, but taking a step back, how about a truly portable component of the NX (i.e., untethered gamepad)?
I am really hoping for a physical games, but I have a bad feeling the NX will be download only.
And really important--continued free internet access. Please no subscription service like XBox Live. Just sucks money away from gaming budget.
Good idea picture at the top, a new Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers game would be great on NX.
Gamecube was widely mocked and known for being a kiddy and "casual" console devoid of all "hardcore" and adult content.
I want something truly new and refreshing, not something that is the same old thing with a new coat of graphics.
1) Use next gen haptic feedback. I love this on my Steam controller
2) Consider using touchpad or a touchpad accessory so we can get full mouse style support.
3) Quit with the new IPs, because everyone has been complaining about the abandonment of staple IPs. This is why the press has been running these articles for 4 long years.
4) Accept the fact that "hardcore"/real gamers have never bought a Nintendo system and will never do so. So quit trying to cater to them.
5) You need to open a port studio, that will do all the porting for 3rd parties free of charge. This is the only way NX gets Western 3rd parties.
Also if Nintendo does a huge 1st party heavy launch, it will kill 3rd party sales and drive 3rd parties away from NX.
PS4 launched on the back of nothing but Western multiplats and is the best selling console with the best 3rd party support.
Sony is purposely keeping 1st party releases to a bare minimum.
@Xenocity - I know, but there was no real justification for it back then. Nowadays they might actually have a point.
Nothing is going to change in how Nintendo is viewed as long as the continue to use bright colors and make games for everyone!
Region free.
@Xenocity Trouble is though is that the main strength of Nintendo is in its IPs, and nostalgia for them especially. Without things like Mario, Zelda Pokémon and in fact even some new ones like Splatoon Nintendo would probably not exist right now. (Well, they might be okay without Splatoon, but... you see my point.) Then again, the combination of good third parties with Nintendo IPs would probably make the NX the best console of its generation.
I don't want backward compatibility in the NX. It would require some of the Wii U architecture in the console and they already said it won't be the next Wii. After all, the Wii U is a very powered up Gamecube.
@Kirk you nailed it with the first pic dude
My favourite look of any Nintendo hardware is always coloured translucent plastic, N64 style!!
I simply won't buy white as it looks like used toilet paper after a few days gaming....I had to wait a while for the Wii to come in black before i got one!
But heavy 1st party releases kills 3rd party sales.
3rd parties do not want to compete against an onslaught of 1st party software.
That is why Microsoft and Sony release very few 1st party games each year.
No one has been able to get full 3rd party support and full 1st part support starting with PS1.
@fortius54 Yeah, that's the problem: Right now it's just too expensive for Nintendo jump on board VR, as Nintendo has always been about trying to create relatively cheap and affordable consoles. Still, that's what I wish for in my wildest dreams.
we need powerful system with nice graphics ...
3rd part support !
trophy system and achievments
something like ps plus or xbox gold ( free games every months )
game prices goes down every month like 3$ or something until it reaches 19$ ( like ps4 and xbox )
lots of exclusive games at day one launch
stop with the amiibo madness !!
1. Don't pull a Wii U, actually explain what the NX is
2. Discontinue use of Amiibo as physical DLC or any type of exclusive unlockable
3. Return to GameCube era level of third party support, if not SNES era level
4. Make sure the account system is at least as easy to work with as Steam, Humble Bundle, etc, if not more so; don't limit it to what PSN and XBL do
5. Treat your flagship properties as flagships, don't neglect them or turn them into dime a dozen junk this time around
Us Nintendo fans are probably screwed!
To those who want a system as powerful as the Xbox One or the PS 4:
Keep in mind that these systems are already more than two years on the market, that their specs are even older.
A system on par with the consoles would already be outdated right now, many mo tbs before its release. This would only create the same situation the Wii U suffers from: being too weak for actual projects and even more too weak for projects whose development has just started or is just announced to be started.
There has to be significiantly more power tied to the NX so that developers do not start working on NX software only to realise that the console is to weak even for todays standards.
The NX has to be more oriented in the direction of PCs that are suited for gaming on graphical high settings (which means at least 1080p60). So the GPU must be considerably stronger than those in the MS/Sony systems. CPU and (video) memory must match the needs to create immersive worlds that can be found in PC games without the necessity to cut back the games' features (not only regarding the visuals).
Look at the XBox One and the PS 4:
How many games/game engines have to be cut back to run smooth (at least most of the time) on those machines. This should not happen with the NX or else interested developers would leave ship once again, sooner than later.
There is no need for a third console that is just on par with their two years old co petition.
Btw, @Kirk
VR may be (the) a future for gaming but for now it's need of power resources that even a high end PC is runni g at its limits. No chance to see a really good VR system including the needed computing hardware for the same price as a console alone.
If I can transfer all Wii VC and WiiWare games on top of all Wii U eShop games, I'd buy NX day one.
.I. Same with the people begging for DVD/Blu-Ray playback. This isn't 2006, you don't need it. If you care that much about it odds are you already have the gear. If not, why not?
I have a PS3 for both occasional gaming and BR/DVD watching. If Big N had offered this on the WiiU, I wouldn't have bought the PS3.
Having DVD/BR functionality saves space, digital providers notwithstanding, as: Netflix offers a very little library that can't cater to everyone, Apple Store won't serve enough movies with subtitles and others just don't offer service in like 80% of the world, outside US, Europe and Japan. Also, it costs very little, like 10 bucks per console, so, why not?
The NX should be at least as powerful as the XBox One and the PS4, or, if it can be done, 20-33% more powerful. Both these consoles have 3-4 years till the next generation and 5.5-6.5 years in terms of relevance, so the NX could piggyback on them and get away with a same or modest increase of power, if it launches this year.
We need 20+ titles at launch. If the next Black Ops/FIFA/Madden/NFS launches in time with the NX, then they should be ported to the console, as well as any major title coming out AT THE SAME TIME (you hear Nintendo?), as well as:
1) A revamped Smash, the same as the WiiU but with added content and nicer graphics.
2) Splatoon 2. Nuff'said.
3) Super Mario World.
4) Animal Crossing: Branch.
5) The new Zelda
6) Paper Mario: Falafel (or wahtever its name was) Returns.
7) Fire Emblem 3DS games ported to the NX.
8) A couple of CO-OP games.
Agree with all points. Still, I don't see Nintendo lowering their prices like Sony or Microsoft. I still want a copy of the Wii Sports Mix, but it still retails for more than 60 bucks, new.
@Peterjr1 It definitely won't be released in 2016, but I second you, I also don't get why everyone is talking about it prematurely instead of just wait until there's official news.
Sometimes I wish Iwata hadn't said anything but then the posts and news articles would like this: Nintendo is abandoning dedicated consoles!
@Morph: I highly doubt that computing power will attract more third party developers. That already didn't work with the Gamecube. They avoided the Wii U because of the small userbase (which was a self-fullfilling prophecy), Ubisoft said so themselves.
@SteamedOddish Region-free is actually something that seems likely since Nintendo mentioned it themselves.
Would be nice if the NX had a few good games to go with all the hardware everyone seems to focus on.
An NX Handheld and an NX Console that play the same games. Improve the online services, and how about some great games to go along with that?
Sounds good to me. Won't buy at launch though - want to flesh out my libraries for my Wii U, 3DS, and PS4.
@Ambermoon Yeah, I know. That's why I know Nintendo ain't gonna do it. I can dream though. . . .
The Gamecube had lots of support from third party. It failed to connect with gamers because of the lack of media playback, like CD's or DVD's, while the PS2 could. Also, it was considered too much of a toy, no online support, and had a very scarce lineup at launch.
Still, it was far from a commercial failure (21MM sold), but was a disappointing endeavor compared to the PS2.
I'm sure Nintendo will surprise us but the best surprise for me would be a standard controller that's actually decent. I'm not overly keen on the positioning of the buttons on the pro controller. The thought of the touch screen controller mentioned in the video would put me off.
I mentioned this once already, and I know it's a super-duper long shot, but play along for a moment.
The NX is a Steam machine, and the only Steam machine that plays Nintendo games.
That would solve all third-party support problems. You'd get your entire library of Steam games, friends, etc. But in order to play a Nintendo game, you'd have to have that console. So you couldn't play the next Mario on PC even though the next Mario would be a on sort-of-PC.
I know I know, don't hold your breath and all that. But man... How awesome would this be?
@Xenocity As for your fourth point: Nintendo actually was once considered to be hardcore, although back then the word wasn't used in that context yet, but they also catered to a much wider range of gamers back in the 8- and 16bit days and because of their stranglehold on the market they had considerable third party support.
As we older gamers know, the only real competitor was Sega, but there were some other platforms as well and nearly all the same (type of) games came out on multiple competing platforms, so effectively, there was no division between gamer demographics such as we have nowadays.
Maybe only a distinction between people playing a lot and people playing less, and all games were more or less considered to be a pass time for kids, but other than that the difference was negligible.
Kiddy, casual and hardcore were terms that first started to become mainstream with the introduction of the N64 and PS1, in large part thanks to all the aggressive marketing from Sony, which was often way more abrasive than anything that Sega had ever done.
The two biggest things in my opinion:
1) Be a Region-Free console
2) Be backwards compatible
@shani no they avoided the wii u in the first instance because it was a pain in the you know what to port games directly over to because of the system architecture. If nintendo get a more generic internal setup this time around with a decent level of power I think we'll more efforts made to port games over, unique games might be more of a challenge but one step at a time. As for the gamecube point I'd argue that it worked for the snes but they are both in the past so really it means nothing.
@Xenocity 'Tis true. Nintendo could definitely cut down on the first party releases. Especially things like MT: Ultra Smash and AC: amiibo Festival.
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