
We're still reeling from the news that Star Fox Zero will be missing its Holiday 2015 launch, but this delay to Q1 2016 might end up making the game worthy of doing a barrel roll after all. In a recent interview with GameSpot, Platinum Games' Yusuke Hashimoto reiterated that Star Fox Zero is still running at an impressive 60 FPS on both the main screen and also on the Wii U GamePad screen, which was the target it met in its E3 demo. It's clear that this is a priority throughout the entire game.

Over to Hashimoto-san:

Those two screens, you can't find that anywhere else. When we were doing Bayonetta 2, we just used that screen as a touch pad. With Star Fox, Miyamoto originally had the idea that he wanted to create a shooting game that used both of these screens, and then we said, okay, how can we combine this with Star Fox? Just having to use those two screens makes things interesting.

We've got them both moving at 60 fps, which is big for a lot of people, I think. But I think that it's kind of a milestone in gaming, in a way. It's not something that we have done ourselves before at Platinum, and it's just not even something that has been done in gaming before. So it's a lot of new challenges.

It seems that one of the biggest challenges in the development of Star Fox Zero has been ensuring that both screens are used in fun and interesting ways, while also feeling natural at the same time. Thankfully Platinum's experience in developing action games has given it some insight, but there is still a bit of a learning curve:

We've been working with action games long enough. We understand how the players play an action game, how they respond to an action game, how they'll move, what they'll do in the situational stuff. What we're making here now, it's totally a new learning experience for us, which is kind of fun to find out.

Rounding things off Hashimoto reiterated that the game was simply delayed so it would be a quality release and have the trademark "Platinum feel" to it:

We want to make it feel as great as possible. It's easy to say [it was delayed] to increase its quality, or whatever, but that entails a lot, whether it be visuals, or controls.

Do you think the delay on Star Fox Zero will pay off? As always, let us know with a comment below, while you can always catch up with our E3 hand-on video and our various written opinions on that demo.
