Nintendo's first smart device app, Miitomo, isn't necessarily what many people expected. The general anticipation was for a game that would utilise a major franchise; while those will still happen, Nintendo is instead releasing a social app driven by the Mii brand. In addition it'll launch alongside the new Nintendo Accounts programme - with its 'My Nintendo' profiles - in March 2016.
We've already provided a breakdown of early details around how Miitomo will work, so this is a gallery of the slides that were shown in the President's Presentation. Hopefully they'll provide a handy visual overview of what this app is all about.
Check them out below.

Comments 39
@A01 Yeah, exactly. These apps should be used as leverage for their actual games.
There should be Miiverse integration. I thought the whole point of these mobile games was to drive hardware sales. Nintendo newcomers on Miitomo should be able to see the activities in Miiverse communities and get interested in console Nintendo games.
This will be huge in Japan, I somehow doubt we're that shy with our friends in Europe and the Americas.
However, the idea of getting casual users to make Miis is a brilliantly simple way to draw them into the nintendo universe. Hopefully we'll see more Mii in more places.
Also I wonder how this will feed into Miiverse as a whole, especially the personal likes/dislikes stuff
With this game being linked to the Nintendo Account, I wonder whether the miis will be communicating what game they are playing. Can't imagine they won't add that in somewhere. It is an app rather than a game, and as such, I can't say that I'm overly excited, but I'm not absolutely turned off either. The Nintendo Account (excluding the name) sounds rather interesting if it delievers in a consumer-friendly way.
I would've liked to see an actual game, but as @A01 said, I guess it makes sense.
Ok. But could they give us some updated mii customization options? It's time.
Pokemon Go!! is the actual game that will likely get investors and others back on board. Still feeling a bit "meh" about everything though. Anyone know if an account is needed to play Miitomo? That would make sense and might help with StreetPass hits via mobile. We might actually then begin to make some headway. That would make this whole thing much more useful to those not all that bothered by the smartphone presence.
To me, this looks more like a means for Nintendo to survey its demographic and act as a marketing platform.
I doubt this'll serve much interest as a chat tool, Nintendo are historically very restrictive of communication so you probably won't be allowed to make direct statements but instead communicate through preset words and phrases.
There have been literally hundreds of millions of Mii created since the Wii era so there's that, people will recognise those little guys
real games will come soon enough
S*** game! Pokemon go or gtfoh Reggie you hack!
At least it isn't horrible. I'm not big into social media stuff so doubt it would much for me even if/when the states get it.
So it's like Tomodachi Life, but not Tomodachi Life. Got it.
Underwhelming Miiverse app. Are Nintendo finally going to take the kid gloves off and just let players chat directly to one another outside of gaming communities? Probably not...
This is stupid.
It reminds me of the quasi-chat feature in the StreetPass games app. If the smartphone app managed to turn the device into a StreetPass hotspot (it looks like it uses passive communication between devices anyway, ala the 3DS), that would be amazing. Otherwise...well I don't blame investors for being a bit peeved.
@A01 According to the report, it says that there are going to be no restrictions on IPs used and that any IP may be used. It also says that they plan on releasing all games worldwide, but will make the decision on a case-by-case basis.
@A01 While I agree that this makes sense, I don't think that other IP won't show up. Animal Crossing and Pokemon can easily fit in. Fire Emblem can too but really.....i wish it didn't because of how they can easily ruin the experience.
This is probably a good start for branching out into other mobile games. I can see this being very popular in Japan and having little interest beyond but that is ok. I'm guessing the next game will use this one as a connection to all things Nintendo and will be more of a game then a social app
It's worse than I thought. Japan already has LINE and other social chat apps. And unlike Miitomo, there are GAMES linked to their LINE accounts that they can do stuff with.
Instead of being unique or being the revolution in mobile gaming that they were making themselves sound to be , it's just them trying to get a slice of social pie.
Apparently the other games will be paid premium games, which makes them no different from the console game ports or the other high quality paid mobile games (that most Nintendrones ignore the existence of, because they aren't on Nintendo systems).
Soo..will you be able to meet new people there? 'cause non of my friends have smartphones (yes, that's possible.)
@tysonfury "I somehow doubt we're that shy with our friends in Europe and the Americas."
I know I am, lol. But I guess most people aren't.
Looks like it is going to be a huge fail. Might work for Japan though. Better Nintendo think about a quick little free game with a lot of creativity, using their IPs, as a bait to make people become interested in Nintendo mobile games, and then use it to make people buy new games. But wait, who did these slides??? Looks like a sixth grade presentation. Maybe they were in a rush??
This will be a disaster! With all the free games already on mobile devices you need to ask what is the hook that will keep bring you back? Aimed at shy people - some may not even like telling their phone what they like etc
If Nintendo should have started with a key character (Mario, Zelda etc) for their first game to get people interested. It will be great in Japan but this is Nintendo's biggest issue - I honestly do not think they believe there are any other countries outside of Japan. Take street pass, where I live I am lucky to get a couple a month!
I really hope their venture into the mobile market works but not with titles like this. :/
I'm actually sorta excited about this...mii meets texting? This should be fun, intuitive and non intrusive. Still hoping for a app to tie club nintendo, miiverse and nnid together though.
@Acein210 Breathe dude. You know Reggie is not watching these comments right?
what if it was like an online social version of Tomodachi life... where instead of pre-scripted programmed dialogue... It takes responses from your friends and uses that instead... and if it Talks in the weird voices? ... 10/10
I'm In if it's online tomodachi life
I'm not sure this was the best app to start with. It sounds.... Interesting, but once again it's another example of Nintendo being too Japanese for their own good. I can't really see this being a mainstream success in America.
This app sounds like a Facebook middle man.
People who want to share their life with others already do that on Facebook, this app just does the same thing, but with Miis gossiping about you instead with said information.
Hopefully, as development progresses, there will be at least a little more to do within the app than just making conversation. A more direct feature that leads users to the greater Nintendo universe would be splendid, and as others have said, that should probably start with Miiverse integration (which is probably pretty likely, anyway).
I don't know, this has SOME potential and I will download it to see what it does. I don't expect it to be very big in the States. But using the Miis in the first game (app) was smart. Everybody has a Mii or is at least familiar with the concept. I don't know that we should have expected anything else. The other four are going to actually cost money so that's where your real games are. The only thing that really has me peeved about this is the delay until March. I think that's what got the investors in a twist and as an investor myself I know I'm upset about what has happened to the stock value. Everything else was generally good news or at least, "Steady as she goes!"
It's the first game, on the first reveal when it's not even out for a few months and already everyone is committing suicide. Lets face it, you were a fool if you expected Mario or Zelda. There was no way that was ever going to happen. It's rare they use their big two in guinea pig experiments. Miitomo... I keep wanting to call it Miimoto (Miyamoto almost)
I'm scared...
A01 wrote:
Exactly what I was thinking. I can't see this app being popular in America at all. Though, I do think it's a fun little app.
Wasn't expecting that. But its not a bad idea at all.
This quirky idea seems kinda neat, though I doubt many people will care for it. It's free and all but it doesn't look like something that'll drive people to use it outside of giving it a quick try.
It's a shame though, it sounds like a nice twist on the simple comment-based social media we have today.
When I first played Tomodachi Collection, I always felt that it would make a great smartphone app. Miitomo is hitting very close to that realization, so I am looking forward to it. Maybe I'll have a non-windows phone by then.
I just noticed when typing it... Mii*tomo* and *Tomo*dachi Life.
At first I thought I don't have enough friends for an app like this to work. Then I realized that we all have mobile phone. If this has compatibility with Wii U, 3DS, and hopefully Miiverse I can see myself actually getting some mileage out of this.
(followed by sounds of crickets)
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