If you feel your day could use some footage of Masked Pikachu getting all luchadorable up on opponents more than twice her size in Pokkén Tournament, it proves a very important fact: you are alive. Who wouldn't want to see that?
Bandai Namco Japan recently released a video to fill that cosplaying thundermouse-shaped hole in your life, which you can view below. It's filled with plenty of sparks, back-breaking suplexes, and underhanded seductive tactics (?!).
If the video has made you desperate for some wrasslin' and you're in the New York City area, you'll likely be in luck. The sports bar/arcade franchise Dave & Buster's, which previously revealed would be carrying Pokkén Tournament in various locations, announced over Twitter that the game would be hitting its Times Square location next week.
If you get a chance to play, let us know how it goes!
[source youtube.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 22
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin would be proud.
I love Pikachu Libre, but the one thing that bugs me so much is that they used her electricity to basically increase her grab range. Like, obviously she can't suplex all those Pokemon without looking goofy, so they just used her lightning to get around that. They could have just used another Pokemon at that point. Like Hawlucha.
Still looks fun though. Pikachu doing the Stone Cold Stunner. What a time to be alive.
Is it just me, or do her "pikas" and "chus" sound like 50% cuter than usual?
@DiscoGentleman At least with Pikachu, you can tell by the tail. Females have it with this weird heart-shaped end.
Cosplay pikachu is female 100% of the time, too. (the black part of the tail is unique to this particular pikachu).
I only just started playing Pokémon X, which is why I noticed this : female Pikachu have a heart-shaped pattern at the end of their tails, like the one in the video. The more you know! 🌈✨
@Morphee I think they made her voice higher because she's female, so that may explain it.
@Aromaiden huh I guess that's it. It's kinda funny though.
I can't help but be in awe in both cuteness and the moves being shown from pika-libre.
Hee hee, that "come over here lover boy" taunt is freaking adorable. And just a little strange.
@DiscoGentleman eh don't worry, being able to tell the gender of a Pokemon is not exactly a useful skill. Not even in Pokemon games.
@DiscoGentleman @Morpheel There was an animé episode that used the difference to hilarious effect. Ash needed to get into a girls only (both trainer and Pokémon) battling club to battle this really bratty trainer with his female Snivy, so he and Cilan dressed in drag, while Pikachu had a yellow paper heart taped to the end of his tail!
Clever girl...
@DiscoGentleman To be honest, most of the pokemon don't have glaringly obvious differences between both genders. If anything, Pikachu's is the most obvious you'll get. Also, X/Y were made for those adept/overly familiar with Pokemon as it takes out a lot of the help/shortcuts that are usually added in. Like the usual tutorial for catching or battling Pokemon you always find at the beginning of the adventure, for example. Er... this was supposed to be an uplifting message but I... think I lost the plot along the way? What I'm trying to say is: don't worry about it.
Lemme know when it hits Greenville, SC.
@DarkKirby If I could upvote your comment, I would.
0_0 Dude, those Pokemon got suplexed and REKT into oblivion.
That stone cold stunner !
@Shiryu Imagine JR calling this, "Pikachu with the stunner! Stunner! Stunner! Baw gawd he nearly broke him in half with that tail!"
@Chubblings “Good Miyamoto almighty, good Miyamoto almighty, that killed him…as Miyamoto as my witness he is broken in half!”
I am shocked to discover, after all these years, that there is more than one Pikachu. I'm obviously not a big pokemon fan, but always liked Pikachu, and am very disconcerted at this revelation.
@beingvasey for future reference, "Pikachu" is actually a species, not necessarily an individual (like Toad or Yoshi). Same goes for every other kind of pokemon. Even if the anime or games may say otherwise for some of them.
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