Splatoon is coming later this month, and judging from the rapturous reception the Global Testfire has received, there are plenty of Nintendo fans positively gagging to get their hands on the final game.
However, according to Nintendo UK marketing manager Chandra Nair, there are high hopes that the game's appeal will be so intoxicating that it will pull in those Nintendo fans who haven't yet taken the plunge with the Wii U.
Speaking to MCV, Nair said:
We're targeting Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros owners but we're using this opportunity to talk to lapsed Nintendo fans, too. Wii U has a fantastic software line-up and there really is something for everyone. There are a whole load of non-Wii U owning, lapsed Nintendo fans out there who will be tipped over the edge by Splatoon.
Nair - who used to edit the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine and is therefore ideally placed to comment on the desires of gamers - is confident that the title will prove to be a smash with fans of all ages:
Games of this quality and distinction don't come around very often and we'll be shouting from the highest rafters for all to hear. If you own a Wii U, you need this game. And by that I mean everyone. We have TV campaigns for kids, 12 to 25 year-old boys, Nintendo gamers and the wider gaming fraternity.
He also brushes asides concerns that Nintendo doesn't "get" the online shooter - a claim which has been uttered by some industry experts. Nair admits that it's new territory for the company, but insists that Nintendo's core values will shine through:
It is a new genre for Nintendo – it's a shooter – but ultimately Splatoon is what Nintendo does best: multiplayer fun. It feels like a Nintendo game and has all the values that you've come to expect. So fans are going to love it.
Finally, Nair was quick to point out that the online side of Splatoon - the component which has received the most attention so far - is just one part of a much larger package:
Up until very recently we've only talked about the multiplayer because that was the basis for the versions of the game we've showed off so far.
But there will be a satisfying single-player aspect that sees characters taking part in more traditional challenges. Three Amiibo also unlock a further 60 challenges. Splatoon is a game that you can enjoy on your own or with a friend in the same room. But it comes into its own online.
Splatoon launches on May 29th.
[source mcvuk.com]
Comments 163
I am part of a Streetpass group and no one has said they're getting a Wii U for Splatoon. Most do it for Smash Bros or Mario Kart.
Ohh, Nintendo I truly wish you the best...
I do hope this one takes off. The game is a blast and it looks so different. Plus new IP.
Okay, Nintendo fans get splatoon but lapsed gamers will just see it as a watered down shooter at a $60 price point. I'm torn on getting it day 1 at that cost. If it was priced like Captain Toad, I'd be all in day1
Good luck with getting the intrest of lapsed nintendo fans after that 'Squid, kid' commercial.
In the UK it is priced like Captain Toad, if you go to the right etailers.
I'm waiting at least for reviews though. Lack of local 4-player is significant.
More downers in the comments
More downers in the comments
No way I'm buying it without trying it first. The trial period should have lasted longer. I tried to download it on Saturday and it was already too late.
"lapsed nintendo fans"
That's an odd phrase.
If he means the hardcore Ninteod fans, well they are either waiting for Metroid or Zelda, maybe Starfox, or Super Mario Galaxy 3, and seemingly some hardcore are waiting for a new F-Zero.
None of them are buying a Wii U for Splatoon.
If he means the 90 million Wii owners who have yet to upgrade to Wii U from Wii (assuming the 10mil Wii U owners already owned a Wii) then yeah, maybe it has a shot. But I wouldn't call them "lapsed Nintneod fans", I'd call them "casual gamers".
Either way, nobody is buying a Wii U for $299 for Splatoon. Maybe a few high school and college grads might get them as gifts, but that's it.
"It is a new genre for Nintendo – it's a shooter"
I don't agree with Chandra on this. What was Metroid Prime Trilogy? It may've been a Retro Studios game, but Nintendo would've helped the development.
I don't see splatoon as "the reason" to get Wii u, just "another reason" to get one.
I'm sure it'll pull some "lapsed" Nintendo fans but because Splatoon tips the scales.
"We're targeting Mario Kart 8 [...] owners"
He might have just as well said "we're targeting Wii U owners"
Im not buying a Wii U JUST for this one game, unless you bundle it with a few, a Wii U at a reduced cost(like 10-20% off normal cost), amiibos and one bonus game, THEN I'll consider...MAYBE. Until then it's just me and my little Wii.
Edit: that did not come out right...
@MaseSco The Prime trilogy has a lot of exploration and a deep story. Not something you associate with shooters!
If I've finished my backlog I might pick this up at Christmas for the right price. Otherwise not interested.
Yeesh why all the downers. I am sure this could easily tempt a lot of people especially if it reviews well and takes off.
I wonder "how" they hope to hook those not owning a Wii U.
The Global TestFire was good for convince Wii U owners on the fence, but what can catch the attention of those not owning a Wii U? Advertisment? Events? Friends talking about it? Sure these things could work, but they're barely the tip of the iceberg...
I hate to say so since I'm not one of those particularly against Nintendo's policy for youtube, but that's the ground where most shooters grew their audience in the last years and probably also Splatoon would benefit a ton from it, maybe even more than those shooters thanks to its charm and very wide target audience, but we all know why it won't happen >.>;
@Grumblevolcano Fair enough. That's a good enough reason for me! Shooters generally don't have those. Looks at Black Ops 2
Splatoon is not a system seller! not a chance
Meh. I'm too busy humming 'while my 3ds gently weeps...' over and over.
Splatoon themed console + Splatoon + 3 amiibos... bundled for $199.
Not even in dreams!
@LanceHairdo There is another one this weekend (00:00 CET)
@BakaKnight Yeah, Nintendo's YT stance is only hurting them and not the YT crowd.
Splatoon definitely has system seller potential. I think with Smash and MK, the die hard Nintendo fans they were aiming for had already bought a Wii U. To get different people on board, the game needs to be different, and this certainly is.
Haters are gonna hate but....I already own two Wii U's and I just preordered the Best Buy Splatoon Special Wii U along with two preorders of the game on the eshop and three preorders of the amiibo three pack.. Why one might ask? For Splatoon. So my kids and I can play at the same time. Oh...and this is from a 30-something!
If they want to tempt the non Wii U owners, they need to drop the price. Like the PS4 and Xbox are only a few dollars away.
I say the game is worth the $70 price range, despite what ppl say. I think the game will be a big hit, but word of mouth from ppl playing this game will be how this game gets ppl interested in it. I think xenoblade x will be the game ppl buy a wii u for, because it's a huge beautiful looking game, and lets face it, gamers now a days will buy anything as look as it looks realistic and up there in graphics
@MaseSco They were very insistent on calling Metroid Prime a "first person adventure" not shooter.
Those "fans" are the same that'll wait to purchase anything nintendo-related untill the NX comes about, even though they have no idea what it is.
All the discussion of that console is hurting the Wii U's sales because people think its just about to come out.
I'd love to buy a Wii U, though at the moment i can't afford to buy one.
When i do get one, i'm planning to buy: SM3DW, MK8, Sonic Lost World, Zelda Wind Waker HD, Donkey Kong Country: Deep Freeze and Pikmin 3 to name a few, as for Splatoon, it looks fun so i'll try it when i have the chance to
@Peach64.... I agree with you! Woo hoo! But they gotta make a big deal about it, I don't wanna JUST see ads when my kids are watching Disney Jr or something, which is the only time I ever see any Nintendo ads
@AmazonianBeauty if you pick up all those games when you get your own Wii U, you are in for a treat!
@Warbeard Is it even a console?It could be their next handheld,it's about the right time.
@MJKOP I really hope so, I already like playing SM3DL, MK7, Sonic Lost World, DKCR3D and others on my New 3DS XL
@LanceHairdo A new demo is coming this Saturday
This is going to sell extremly well the first week it's out but I feel like most of those sales are only going to be from people who own a Wii U. There will be a small spike in Wii U sales but then I think it will return to normal.
@rjejr I've met and know a few "lapsed Nintendo fans" and I like the term. I don't know how many there are but they actually keep tabs on major Nintendo news, play a game from time to time at a friends house, they undoubtedly know about amiibo and might even be tempted to pick up a couple. They used to play GameCube, or N64, or grew up on SNES and maybe even NES games and loved a few games and experiences, but always pick Playstation or Xbox because it looked like a better proposition or they play COD, Halo or whatever with friends or they preferred mature games to a degree and only had time for one console, or maybe they just love cutting edge graphics. I don't know how common it is, but these people still talk fondly of Nintendo games and characters and even consoles. The Wii let them down and seemed like something their younger siblings or parents liked and never gave it much of a chance.
These are also the people that probably have smart phones and play some games on mobile and Facebook but would never say they were fans of those types of games.
I think Nintendo is banking on this type of person to be a significant number. I honestly have no idea if it is.
I really hope it does well.
@AmazonianBeauty I have all of them except for Wind Waker and Sonic, all top quality in my opinion. It's Tropical Freeze by the way, I just noticed you said Deep Freeze lol 😁
"we'll be shouting from the highest rafters for all to hear"
Of course they will because there is nothing else on the horizon for Wii U after this for most of the summer. They have nothing else to promote!
The game is good, no doubt. But if Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros didn't reel in the "lasped" Nintendo fans, I don't think Splatoon will. New IPs tend to struggle on Nintendo, selling only to their core fanbase - if that (looking at you, Code Name S.T.E.A.M.).
I hope it does well and proves me wrong though. But realistically, I don't see it doing much to move the needle long term.
xD Ooops Deep freeze lol..i even checked the name as i was typing as well xD
Oh, had no idea Chandra was still working with Nintendo post ONM. Nice to see that
@aaronsullivan - If you look at the continuous downward trend of Nintendo home console sales - given that Wii was purchased mostly as "that Sports game" and a lot of those Wii owners wouldn't know what Nitneod was if you asked them, I'd say the total # of lapsed Nitneod fans is about the same as the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.
1983 NES - 62m
1990 SNES - 49m (less 13m, about 25% of the NES fanbase gone)
1996 N64 - 33m (less 16m, about 33% of the SNES fanbase gone)
2001 Gamecube - 22m (less 11m, about 50% of the N64 fanbase gone)
2006 Wii - 102m (Wii Sports in the box, apparently a fluke)
2012 Wii U - 9.5m (less 12m, about 50% of the GC fanbase gone)
If you remove the Wii as the statistical outlier that it is, the Wii U is almost exactly where it should be at 10m sales, half of the GameCube. If it finished at 11m it would be spot on.
Edit - Oops, little problem w/ my percentages, kept going up and then I went down, Wii U should be about 14m when it's done, not 11. And it probably is really on track for that.
I'll just add that owning a Nintendo console doesn't make you a Nintendo fan. Not until the N64 and Gamecube era, that is. I think if you owned the Gamecube or especially Wii U you are much more likely to be an actual fan of Nintendo and its games. I'm not even sure what all that means, really, except that lapsed fans had to have cared enough "back then" in order to be drawn back in now.
System seller right there along with MK8 and SM4SH!
I don't know that I'd use the term "lapsed" to describe those you are trying to woo into purchasing your product. It has some negative connotations that make it seem accusatory, like people have done something wrong. "lapsed fans" to me seems to be saying, "hey you people who said you were fans but then betrayed us by moving away, well look what you're missing." Probably just me. "Win back fans of the golden era" might be better?
Did he say we can enjoy the game with people in the same room? I suppose if we all just wanted to pop balloons together... sigh
I think Splatoon could be a real hit among kids if Nintendo for example made a mini anime series of it and did it right. I am not going to elaborate this for long, but as a person who grew up in the Pokémon generation and seeing much of an impact it have had on me and made me a fan of Nintendo games in general.
We can see the same effect today in Japan with Youkai Watch and the anime made Youkai watch series huge and the same could be said for the 3DS games too.
As for Splatoon in the non-Nintendo 13+ age fan market I am not sure... but I do think if Nintendo do the marketing and everything else right, I think Splatoon could become a bigger hit then what we can imagine now.
Also I noticed something, the Nintendo manger said 12-25 boys as a target group, but girls can be a fan of games like Splatoon too I think.
As for lapsed Nintendo fans I am not sure... but who knows maybe Nintendo can change lapsed Nintendo fans mind with Splatoon and other gamers with their upcoming Digital Event at E3.
@aaronsullivan - "the N64 and Gamecube era"
Well I never had an N64 b/c I wasn't a Ntinedo fan and I thought those blocky 3D graphics looked terrible. I bought a Gamecube to play Starfox Adventures and Luigi's Mansion but I still don't think I was a "Nintnedo" fan b/c I still had no use for all those 2D Mario and DK games. Super Mario Sunshine and Pikmin I think was when I first started realizing Nintendo made good games and I became enough of a fan to buy a Wii at launch.
I still consider myself to be a fan of Nintnedo's games, though not a fanboy, as I am overly critical of almost everything they do and say. I will plan a trip to Universal in a couple of years if they really do a large scale Nintneod makeover. I guess you can say I like the property, but not the property owner. (Nintendo, not Universal.)
Those "lapsed" fans are older now and would be more likely to come back w/ voice chat or a real FPS, not kiddie Splatoon.
The most recent SW trilogy did well, not b/c it brought lapsed fans back to the fold, they mostly hated it, but b/c it added a new generation of kids. Kids are what will get Splatoon popular, if it gets popular, not older gamers.
Nice! Now give voice chat option for Splatoon!
Lapsed fans haven't lapsed because of a lack of games like this (though I'm sure it's part of it), they've lapsed more because Nintendo consoles simply fail to offer the experiences that gamers have come to expect from game hardware, which MS and Sony both deliver. They've lapsed because they're sick of Nintendo's unnecessarily weaker hardware. They've lapsed because they're tired of gimmicks and nonsense being shoe-horned into the games.
Frankly, if Nintendo wanted to get back lapsed fans, the last thing they should've done was make a competitive team-based shooter, and then cut it off at the knees so the competitive aspect is crippled and communication is missing.
Splatoon is a fun game, but I'm not convinced yet that it will be a big system seller.
@rjejr To me this downward trend has less to do with losing relevance and more with Nintendo having to face a much more crowded marketplace and stiffer competition. With NES they didn't really have any more competitors. With SNES they had to contend with Sega who put a relatively good fight. Gamecube never had to deal with two other systems plus smartphones and tablets. From what I have heard kids these days are among the most difficult to attract and work with mainly because of how impressionable they are. A dedicated gaming system is a much tougher sell to a parent when they find they can simply buy several games for their kid on their iPad for only a few dollars. With NX I know it has the capability to do much better provided Nintendo learns from their mistakes with Wii U and plays their cards right
i still think the physical copy of splatoon will be incredibly rare because nintendo sucks at supply and demand.
A surefire way to attract former Nintendo owners who gave up on the brand because they were tired of 'childish games' is to get their attention by releasing a childish online shooter lacking basic online functions (chat, team speak, sending game invites, etc)
@rjejr this analysis you have done is just scary, it's also pretty amazing, considering now that it is less expensive to game on a Nintendo console now than it was in the 80s ,(when adjusted for inflation and take home pay)
I agree with you by the way. also another large problem that I don't see many talk about right now is that all these young people that were born 2000 or after expect everything to be free they don't pay for their cell phones, download all these free games and when they do pay for stuff its on their parents credit card, they have fallen into this everything should be free Bologna.
@Sakura Over analyzing something that really doesn't matter.
@Wolfgabe - " has less to do with losing relevance and more with Nintendo having to face a much more crowded marketplace and stiffer competition. "
Well I never actually said "why" Nintnedo home console sales were falling dramatically each gen, just that they were, I was just giving the numbers. Your reason is as good as any.
@Danrenfroe2016 - " that all these young people that were born 2000 or after expect everything to be free"
Well except the 20mil who bought PS4 for $400 and then spent lots of money of remasters of games they already owned on their PS3.
I think the money is out there, it's just going to other places.
@Quorthon Boom!
"hey've lapsed because they're sick of Nintendo's unnecessarily weaker hardware. They've lapsed because they're tired of gimmicks and nonsense being shoe-horned into the games."
Yes, I started gaming 1987 NES, then shortly after got a game boy. Then SNES, GBA, N64 launch day, GameCube launch day, DS phat. Wii launch day,
After being frustrated with the wii, when the 3ds came out I said no thank you, and then when the Wii U came out I was quite disappointed, and ended up getting one a year late, because of some of the wonderful games coming out for it, but I am still overall disappointed in the Wii U. why such a small low resolution? Why such we card where? Even the new 3ds is very weak compared to todays even budget mobile phones.
Nintendo in my opinion needs new leadership.
Exactly right! I barely was
@ikki5 I could be wrong, but don't the PSBbox systems cost $50 or more than the Wii U with no free game included?
I mean why would I spend more and get NO GAMES INCLUDED???
Wii U for most bundles include 2 games.
Oh and lets not forget all your old Wii CONTROLLERS Work, PSBox don't offer that you gotta buy brand new controllers at like $50 or $60 a pop however much they cost x however many you need, and thats not including the fact that it has backwards compatibility.
Somebody explain to me why you WOULD BUY A PS/Box over a Wii U?
Quorthon. I personally believe that being innovative is important. Good graphics are nice but game consoles should be different than a computer with a controller plugged into it. Wii remotes and wii pads can make the wii and the wii U different from a pc.
@LUIGITORNADO Probably, but probably better than making a comment with the sole intent to insult.
Was it insulting? That was not my intention.
Sort out their digital purchases attached to 1 console and develop an account system. Get a better variety of games on their system and have better cross buy implementation for things like the VC.
@Quorthon did you play the Demo? (Just curious)
I take the lack of response as a No
Sorry. . .and i know people will say not again, But. . . No voice chat turns people away Nintendo. . .. .just allow FRIEND CHAT ,Please. . .
@Quorthon Nintendo can't compete directly with two cutthroat tech giants with their home console systems because Nintendo rely on their hardware and software being self-sustaining.
They don't have a collosal tech giant corporate structure to bail them out of any issues and they can't trades trillions of yen(billions of pounds/dollars) losses wiping out the money made on two of the best selling systems ever for marketshare(e.g. PS3) .
It'd be unreasonable for Nintendo to copy either of Sony's or Microsoft's console business model because Playstation and Xbox at best are inefficient(PS2 making less than the lower selling GBA&GC combined) and worse cases massive anchors(PS3 and Xbox in general) that never sustained Sony or Microsoft.
@CptStone This exactly. I won't be picking it up for this reason alone. Pretty boring having online play without voice chat, especially for a shooter. Would be great to play with my brother in another state, but geez.. There is literally zero fun playing with friends you can't talk to.
I've tried to talk my 13 year old into this game, but he wants no part of online play where he can't speak to other players. That's the consensus among all of his friends. I can't convince nor am I going to try anymore. Maybe he will get to play a downloadable demo and change his mind.
This will be a hit with existing owners who still care to and enjoy using their systems. There is nothing here it offers to bring back lapsed fans or those like myself who got rid of the system due to the lack of releases. NIntendo needs to wise up and realize they need to go in another direction and court third parties with hardware they want if they want to see better sales numbers next time around. That or they need to semi-abandon console and make some handheld/console scaled system where it's one piece of hardware, one set of games, but you can get it portable or not due to scaled (less powerful but still runs the games handheld) parts. They need to be on the same field, or create a new one than the one they're on now.
Man, people are so cheap!!! $300 US/$330 CDN for a Wii U and two games is too much!?!
@rjejr You know, it is interesting when you put these numbers out like this. The Wii was definitely an anomaly looking at that trend. Really, from the looks of it, Nintendo really needs to take a look at what they are doing because this trend really isn't good. It is a good thing Nintendo doesn't rely on their hardware to make them their sales. Though what concerns me is you do need people to buy the hardware to make those sales so what happens when the number of hardware sales reaches it's threshold?
The Wii U in Canada is $329.99 (launched at $349.99), I can get an Xbox One with the The Master Chief Collection, which is technically 3 games for $349.99. I also would not need to buy an external hard drive as this comes with a 500gb one which actually puts the cost of the Wii U more than the Xbox One. Yeah, sure you can use your old controllers and such with the Wii U, but the longevity of the two consoles, it puts the Xbox at the better deal just due to how long of a future it potentially has as well has a larger game library already and larger library to come. The Wii U's end has already been forecasted by Nintendo. In the end, the Xbox is a much more appealing option. if I had to choose between one of them right now.
@tanookisuit 3rd parties might be hard to court here soon enough. Not because of Nintendo, but because of the market. The 3rd parties are starting to scale back, leave, or die. The Japanese ones at the very least. Konami is leaving for mobile, Sega is mobile/PC unless it's an Atlus game or Sonic (Nintendo has those), Capcom is prioritizing HD remasters because that's pretty much all they can afford on their own, and Namco and Tecmo have scaled back. Let's face it - Japanese AAA 3rd parties are shriveling up, and may become a thing of the past. The only one big enough to stay around is Square Enix.
Western 3rd parties I think will soon follow. Will be interesting to see how well Microsoft and Sony can sustain their systems when their AAA 3rd party support shrivels away for the most part. I could see Ubisoft eventually collapsing. EA, Activision, Bethesda, Rockstar, and a maybe a couple others could survive.
AAA gaming is increasingly unsustainable for 3rd parties. Period.
@Uberchu Oh, I don't know... Sheer number of games coming out per month? The ratio of big games coming to Wii U compared to the other two is embarrassing. Xbox One does come bundled with Halo, too, for just $50 more. PS4 is selling so well they don't need a price drop, but they have bundled games as well.
@rjejr to be fair, does anybody know what a Nintnedo, Ntinedo, Nintneod or Nitneod is?
To be fair, I think Nintendo's been wanting this for all of the games and they haven't exactly turned out that way (except for Mario Kart 8, that is).
Who knows, maybe Splatoon will be the breakout success Nintendo will want it to be. I'm not sure about that but I really hope so...
It is really depressing to visit Nintendo Life and notice that right now there are only two retail reviews done in 2015 (MP 10 and Kirby), we will reach the entire first half of the year with a staggering quantity of three adding the upcoming Splatoon review. The games might be good, but relapsed fans that did not got the system in 2014 and 2013 need to see improved support, and so far save the same promises of always and unconfirmed dates that have plagued the system since its very release, the sheer output of games is alarmingly diminishing.
At this rate many of those relapsed fans are going to end up getting the system when it goes on liquidation sales across the globe for a hundred bucks or similar prices, in preparation for the release of the NX.
@ikki5 that is mostly the Canadian governments fault for taxing you and nintendo so high. They have dropped the price. Here it's 300 for a u, 349 for Xbox one, and 400 for a ps4. The taxes are doing you in. At least you get free healthcare.
2013 tech press damaged Wii U beyond repair. People read it sucked and the system overall never made a come back in the media like 3DS. It's a shame.
@faint Funny, PS4 and Xbox prices have not increased lately... And guess what, the taxes are not what increased the price to $329.99. That was Nintendo. $349.99 and $399.99 are still the prices here for the other two systems. If it was the governments fault, then those would have increased too. If not at least the PS4 since it is also manufactured by a company of the same nationality and still not manufactured in either Canada or US so Taxes would apply to both equally. The fact still remains that it is now technically cheaper to buy an Xbox One that a Wii U due to the money you save trying to match the games with it as well as the Hard Drive space. Yeah, you can buy a much more powerful system with a better longevity and more games bundled cheaper, larger Library, both out now and coming than what you would get a Wii U. Face it, the Wii U now is a rip-off. It NEEDS a price cut. It's funny because I often tell myself that I should have waited for the Wii U to drop in price instead of me paying the $349.99 I paid, however, two and a half years later, I would only have paid $20 less so it basically doesn't make a difference, though I would have gotten one more free game than I did.
Playing my brother-in-law's copy of CoD: Ghosts today reminded me how dull and homogonized shooters these days are. Really looking forward to Splatoon.
I'm so excited about this game. I can't wait for it to come out
I'm so excited about this game. I can't wait for it to come out
Sorry I posted twice by accident
@aaronsullivan I know just the kind of lapsed Nintendo fans you are talking about. I too know a good number of them and I'd say there is a significant number of them out there that warrants Nintendo's attention. But I'm sure Nintendo shares our frustration that Nintendo continually represents their past gaming days when still much of the thing they are fond of is still being made by Nintendo today. Nintendo is in a tough spot getting its fans of old back, the ones you and I know. I don't think they will ever do it with a traditional dedicated home console.
@ikki5 so your saying the wiiu is a ripoff everywhere because Canada (a very small piece of Na) has a higher price? If you already have one I don't understand why your complaining in the first place.
@faint It would still be a rip-off in the states as well technically since you still get the Xbox One cheaper for what it gives you between the two. As for why I am complaining? Because something I support has gone full dumb this generation and with them like this, the NX will probably not be in my shopping kart.
@ikki5 Well, yeah, the XBox One may be cheaper, but then you're stuck playing XBox One games.
@ikki5 i disagree. the xbox has a total of 3 retail games i would want to play and one is a mutiplat while the other is not out yet so i would be getting less for my money. currently i have 22 retail games on my shelf and several downloaded retail games on my wiiu. i was abel to get a external hardrive with for 60 and seeing as how i didnt need to pay for online subscription i had the extra laying about. i also have a ton of wii game so i could sell my wii due to the wiiu being backwards compatible and i have quite a few wiimotes and nunchucks from 5 years ago that still work so i didn't need to buy extra controllers. how is the xbox one cheaper?
@ikki5 i decided to not take your word for it and went to amazon Canada
wiiu 279
xbox one 349
ps4 400
you obviously don't know what your talking about.
@Sir_JBizzle - "does anybody know what a Nintnedo, Ntinedo, Nintneod or Nitneod is?"
I do, I do! Oh wait, you meant besides me.
@faint yeah, I saw the 279.99 one until I was at EB Games, they don't have those any more, just the Splatoon ones for 329.99 and the Splatoon ones will be the ones they are getting.
Also, how do you disagree? 3 games vs 2 games, 32 GB hard drive vs 500 gb hard drive so you are pretty much guaranteed to need one unless you don't want to use the E-shop at all or at least limited. all that for an extra $20/$50 spells out to me cheaper.
@ikki5 To be fair, that 500 GB drive doesn't last long since you have to install the game even with the physical copy. A lot of games are several GB these days. The Witcher 3, for example (since that's out tomorrow), is 50 GB.
@ikki5 so you have one but your complaining about the price of a specific bundle and not all the diffrent bundle while only taking a sample size from one store? wut? and which specific xboxone bundle are you talking about. im positive not all of them come with three games. once i know that i will look at individual prices of these games and compare.
Eh i stop caring about this game and Nintendo it's weird.
I'm one of those lapsed Nintendo fans. I grew up on the old Nintendo and Super Nintendo. I have a Wii, but I got out of the habit of playing it. After I saw the Splatoon demo videos, I went to Best Buy to test the Gamepad controller. No other game has motivated me to do that. I pre-ordered the Best Buy Splatoon bundle.
Splatoon is not the only reason for me to get the console. It is the tipping point. I also want Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, 3D Mario, several of the virtual console games, etc.
Not gonna work, sadly.
The only way Nintendo could "get back" a fraction of its lost fans would be to make a system that rivals the next PlayStation or Xbox, have the same games, and get rid of the Nintendo IPs.
While it hurts me to say this, I have to accept that it's how the rest of the gaming world thinks. No one wants to play Nintendo anymore. No one cares about Mario or Samus or Kirby or even Pokemon outside of Nintendo gamers.
If Nintendo wants these fans back without copying the competition point-for-point, they'll have to change how they approach gaming. They'll have to make people want to play Nintendo again...but that's basically a long shot.
Boy, do I love coming to Nintendo Life lately...
"There are a whole load of non-Wii U owning, lapsed Nintendo fans out there who will be tipped over the edge by Splatoon."
Not likely, those people are Sony fanboys now. Former Nintendo fans think the console maker's games only belong on PS4. Not going to get them back.
It just doesn't seem like it's worth the price tag. Maybe after I sort out my disgusting backlog, I'll check it out around Christmas.
Witcher 3 tomorrow! WOOO!
@faint It isn't just the bundle, it is the fact that everything has gone up. I am sitting here now wondering if my copy of Xenoblade which I pre-ordered at $64.99 and paid in full is now going to cost me an extra $5 when I go to pick it up. In fact, I am sure it will because I know a friend who pre-ordered Splatoon with the same story and when he asked about it, they told him yes, he'd need to pay an extra $5. And the fact that this "One" bundle has gone up by that and the game is only $5 more tells me that that ALL bundles are going to be priced like this from now on and anything cheaper is to get rid of the old stock. This bundle doesn't offer any more than what the other bundles did except for what game is in the box. There is no Amiibo with it, no special shirts or anything. So therefore I can only conclude that this is the new norm price.
I also missed your comment about Canada being a small piece, there is still 35 million people here, is that a reason to say "We don't care?" That's a pretty arrogant remark.
@IceClimbers It'll last longer than the 32GB one which really only 25GBs is available to you.
I think they'll be able to get a lot of their games really, The PS4 and Xbox get games that are like them and just as for kids as the Nintendo games. So really, if Nintendo managed to get those games from the 3rd party plus release their own games, they'd be probably doing very well. What they need is a system to actually rival the other two, get the 3rd Party in with them and just give a core gaming experience and not have this gimmicky stuff hoping to have the next Wii. The home console sales have dropped with each generation aside from the Wii anomaly. Like they don't have to exceed them in power, but at least match them. Then they need to actually send people out to get the 3rd party on board and lose this idea that they need to come to them. If they need a little money to entice them, then do it. The other two do it and you see how it affects them, why not Nintendo? If they do what they do now plus what they can to fix it, then they should have no trouble raking in the cash as they manages to do so with less than 10mil consoles sold.
@ikki5 had no need for a a HD with my Wii U. Don't the others require you to download your physical disk onto the system? D:
I own maybe 15 Wii U retail titles, and 2 of them are 3rd party. Never had a Need for a SSD, only had to delete an unused free download or two when pikmin HD shorts came out lol, and maybe for the splatoon demo.
OH and theres a mario bundle which includes the luigi game with NSB. U and some other game so that is 3 games.
The master chief collection, isn't that just remastered games in-staid of new ones? I get that NSB. U is just a rehash, but at least its a new game. and master chief was broken for months with online or something like that 0/5 DO NOT SUPPORT.
@ericwithcheese2 who can actually afford that many? and Wii U already had like 40 highish rated titles compared to the others last i herd.
I hardly use my Wii U as is, and the Wii U is what 2 3 or 4 years old? so I'm quite amazed I have 15 or so games lol.
Also, do Note I really don't care for most 3rd partys since they've BSed people in the past some how, but theres a few exceptions (like MH4 for 3DS) [looking at you Ubisoft and EA, and a few others haha)
@IronMan28 yeah... no. if Nintendo goes PS or Xbox im out. they make you pay for online. IDC how good their bundles are, its crap and I won't stand for it. I hardly ever use online, but I will if I ever get splatoon.
@Uberchu If I recall, Nintendo had a remastered game for a bundle as well so why is it wrong for MS to do it as well? Also, for paying for online from MS and Sony, at least they have an online. What uses the online on the Wii U really? Mario Kart 8, Smash... those are really the only big ones (yes, I know there are other minor games), I guess this game when it comes out later this month. Other than that there isn't a whole lot that is worth it online plus with the PS4 online... don't you get a bunch of free games that pretty much pay for the subscription? It is also not like you need it for other online services such as Netflix and such unless I misunderstood what the PSN+ actually is.
@ikki5 Shhh, I'm trying not to remind myself that my Wii U hard drive is full
PS+ has been mostly indie games on PS4 so far. Injustice was the only retail game. There's been some good indies though (Guacamelee, Transistor, Valiant Hearts, Binding of Isaac, Steamworld Dig, and a few others).
This game won't be a hit and it won't be a system seller. I know because I am a Nintendo Fanboy and I am not hyped, and also because I don't know anyone looking forward to it, most gamers I know don't even know about the game. Even my little cousins who are just about 10 years old don't care, they think it looks lame and childish, which is ironic.
Nintendo needs a plenty of adult gritty games to capture people who outgrew their current IPs.
I am so sorry about this, but Nintendo is really making games that seem to fit better on a smartphone or tablet, like Kirby and the rainbow curse or Captain Toad. Beautiful yet simple and not worth playing on a big HD screen. Same for this one.
@Al_Godoy "Adult" and "gritty." Those two are surely synonymous.
@ikki5 small piece was in reference to the nintendo is ripping everyone off dialog you began.
@faint There can be an everyone in Canada you know. And besides, $50 cheaper is still a rip off for what you get as you get more than $50 in the Xbox One bundle. If you ever need to buy an external hard drive due to enjoying digital games or a combination of both (such as myself), you're already over while the Xbox One's hard drive will keep you going for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox matches the Wii U price by this holiday though at the same time, the cost to produce the Xbox may not allow that. Let's also keep in mind that the Wii U is older than the Xbox One and the prices are this close and with the vast superiority of the hardware in itself, it's a little underwhelming for the price you pay for a Wii U especially when the cost to make the Xbox One more than doubles that of a Wii U and yet, prices are so close.
@ikki5 I don't know which part of Canada you live in, but in Vancouver the PS4 is priced at 449 and Xbone at 399, both are MSRP. Remember sales/discount price doesn't count.
Back on topic, I really hope splatoon does well. Finally a new IP I'm such a long time lol. However I'm not picking it up day 1. At 70 CAD I need to make sure this game is worth that price.
@Hy8ogen The PS4 is priced at 499 where I am but I am talking about the Xbox, the Halo bundle was at 349.99 and it's been there for a little bit (as in longer than your typical sale) when I was at EB games yesterday with the Wii U beside it at $329.99. The Master Chief bundle may not include the Kinect however (not sure if it does or not) but it was still priced only $20 more than a new Wii U with technically 4 games (I thought it was 3 earlier but there are 4 Master Chief games).
@OneBagTravel It probably won't come down in price all that much. might be able to get it for $45 or so in a few months- like after Christmas.
@IronMan28 I disagree. I think there are a lot of people out there who would enjoy the Wii U and what it has to offer- I'm one of them. I just happened to se what the Wii U was about two years ago and bought into it. Hadn't owned a home Nintendo system since the SNES and fell in love with the Wii U. there's more folks out there like me, Nintendo has to find them and explain how much fun a Wii U is.
@Grafeaux Nice! I have two Wii Us also- probably won't get a third for a while, as in when they are phasing out and moving on to the next system. I want to have a spare one for years down the road, as I will still be playing a lot of these games a long time from now. But, I WILL get a third Wii U eventually.
@Quorthon Experiences that Sony & Microsoft USED to deliver.
A lot a gamers buy a second console and the WiiU really fits there nicely. Some of the popular games for PlayStation etc are not at all family friendly. We have a perfect, imho, racer, beat em up and shooter. With hopefully Star Fox, Animal Crossing and Zelda on the way.
I have two WiiU's also and two 3DS's's and PS3's 😃 How did we get in to this mess? I really don't know how. 😅
@Fandabidozi I was torn between getting a Ps4 and the Wind Waker Wii U. My GF at the time- has a six year old son, and he would play the Wii U when he came to my house. So, I figured, I'd go with a second Wii U for when I went over there b/c I had a bunch of games too. If I went Ps4, I'd have to start all over again, and for the most part there really wasn't all that much I wanted to play at the time.
Well the problem is that their is too much war, and too much progressive hate, along with progressive fear, and progressive un-american activities by the US government.
Yeah there's nothing for me on PS4 atm. I'm hoping that a special ed Battlefront 3 PS4 will be out before Xmas. Mass Effect, Uncharted and Street Fighter all on the way too 😍
Taking into account that this website has a very high percentage of nintendo-fanboys who were shouting out their optimism for nearly every announcement Nintendo made, it is interesting to see that the overall tone in the comments section is not that positive for Splatoon. Sure people see the potential but most of them doubt that it will be a big success and rather wait with their purchase. If this comes from the comments section of a community that is overall more likely to speak in favour of Nintendo, I have little hope it will be all that great among players who moved from Nintendo to Sony before.
I personally do not like the style. I do not need gritty but this looks so damn 90s. Everytime I see footage of the game it reminds me of Nickelodeon and Global Gladiators. 20 years ago this would have caught my attention but not today. I am not saying that I do not want to play it because of the style, but I will play it despite the style though (though certainly not day one).
But lacking of voice chat... this is taking away a huge part of the fun for me.
@OneBagTravel But it is a full game why would it be cheaper?
@Heng-Yu I pre ordered it with the amiibo after playing the global test fire. It is really fun and I love the customization aspect. I really like the color and the style but I can understand how art style can decrease your interest in a game for example I can't play Kirby Wii U because the claymation is really offensive to my eyes XD
@MaseSco Metroid Prime was never a shooter. It was a first person adventure game with strong shooting and puzzle elements. The focus is different.
@Hy8ogen there's been plenty of new ip created and launched. Boxboy is possibly the latest
@BLPs - How can they have bought a Wii U for Splatoon, it isn't even out yet. They should have waited for the bundle.
Um, no, they deliver them. Which is why they have sales, and Nintendo does not.
Did I say Nintendo had to copy Sony or Microsoft? No, I explained that their failure to modernize, failure to deliver elements consumers expect, and failure to remain competitive is what has made former fans lapse.
Nintendo does not offer technically powerful hardware.
Nintendo does not offer quality third party libraries.
Nintendo does not offer the extra features and elements of the XBO or PS4--the abundance of streaming services, for instance.
Nintendo does not offer a robust online service, and routinely downplays the importance of things like voice chat.
Nintendo does not offer robust user accounts.
Nintendo saddles the consoles with gimmicks that do not benefit the games. After all this time, the big innovations of the Wii amounted to "terrible waggle-based casual games." The GamePad has by and large amounted to "a smaller screen to play my TV-based game" or "a map" and not innovated or improved actual gaming.
Nintendo is not giving consumers or players what they want in a game console. They are throwing darts at a collage of gimmicks and hoping one makes them a lot of money.
It's not about "copying" Sony or Microsoft, it's about delivering modern concepts and features that consumers are looking for. The rest of your post is a straw man argument at best, or a red herring at worst. None of this has anything to do with Sony or MS being tech giants or anything to that effect. It has everything to do with Nintendo failing to understand the modern industry they once--in the increasingly distant past--helped create.
You could always be mature and take the response as a lack of "I don't live on this site" or "I didn't see your comment." But since you chose the childish route, it doesn't even deserve an answer.
It's nice to see someone else that can follow statistics and observe Nintendo's continued downward trend and isn't afraid to address reality.
If you did this with the portable line, you'd see the exact same trend, remembering to lump Game Boy and GBC together as they were technically the same hardware, in the same way you'd lump DS and DSi together and 3DS and New 3DS.
Game Boy/GBC — 118.69 million
GBA/SP/Micro — 81.51 million
DS (anomaly) — 154 million
3DS — 52.06 million
And to note: The 3DS has been out for just as long as the relevance of the GBA--which was replaced at the 4-year mark, and largely discontinued one year later. Unless the 3DS somehow magically sells 30 million over the next year, it will end out it's cycle behind the GBA. Given that the 3DS has averaged about 13 million per year, I'd say it's going to fall well short.
Nintendo's relevance in this industry, even on the portable side, has been slipping since the NES, and the trend continues. The Wii and DS were fads, anomalies. And I think they gave Nintendo a false sense of success, which they promptly botched with the launches of the 3DS and Wii U.
@BLPs - Splatoon, Smash, and amiibo. Well that makes sense. I bought my Wii U for Pikmin 3, W101 and Pokemon Rumble U (what a bad game) about a week after Pikmin 3 and a month before W101. But the day after the W101 demo released. I kind of actually bought my Wii U to get to play that demo.
Nintendo also previously handled Goldeney 007, Perfect Dark, and Geist. Shooters aren't exactly new to them.
@Quorthon that's a No then
_"The Wii U's end has already been forecasted"
Well...yes. I don't think you've ever said something so bone headed. Everything ends at some point, otherwise nothing would ever get started. I can guarantee Sony and Microsoft are also developing new hardware right now too._
You're completely missing his point. The Wii U has been on a downward trend since 2013, while the XBO and PS4 are constantly increasing. This is in everything--sales, number of announced games, games being released, etc.
The Wii U is already in its twilight. Much like the ill-fated N64 and GameCube, which saw dismal, nearly vacant final years with lengthy stretches with very few releases, the Wii U is there already. On the retail side, there is only a few sparse Nintendo games, and the occasional upcoming third party game for kids--which is just a port of the X360 version. Once publishers start scaling back or stopping the number of those games being made for X360 or PS3, the Wii U will have nothing... basically where it is now.
It's end was forecast the moment third parties walked away and Nintendo had nothing to fill the voids. Saying "oh, well everything ends, so whatever" is an incredibly lame avoidance of a valid point--surely you were aware of that? That's the equivalent of living in squalor because "every time you vacuum, more dust just falls on the floor later." 2015 is the last "good" year for the Wii U, and E3 this year will be showing us only what it has coming up in its final year. Sadly, none of which is likely to sell the console at this point, which is why I sincerely doubt Zelda U will see release on the console. I fully expect it to become Zelda NX.
Childish. What was your point? For once, at least try having one.
Nintendo fans look like raving fanboys when they attempt to dismiss games on other consoles as not being "good quality," just because they are totally ignorant of what is on there or have such limited, specific tastes. Knock off the pathetic weasel words and speak honestly: You can't guarantee that the other consoles won't have the cartoon platformers you want because you are unwilling to research what is offered.
It has nothing to do with quality, and you full well know it. Throwing that around is a grotesque foreplay with weasel words that does not paint any Nintendo fan in a positive light. You may not like quality games like Mass Effect, Doom, Fallout, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Bulletstorm, Uncharted, Last of Us, God of War, Ratchet & Clank, Gears of War, Halo, Resistance, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, GTA, Tomb Raider, Elder Scrolls, Diablo, Resident Evil, etc., but don't act like there isn't anything of quality on those consoles or that you "can't guarantee games of quality" on those consoles. Both the XBO and PS4 have more highly rated games than the Wii U already. So where quality comes in, it's already there.
That you don't have any taste beyond Nintendo's Saturday Morning Cartoon style doesn't mean other consoles lack quality. It means either you lack knowledge, you lack the taste, or you lack the understanding. It has nothing to do with quality. To say so is to employ weasel words.
The trolls are out today I see
@Quorthon - "Nintendo's relevance in this industry, even on the portable side, has been slipping "
I'd say a big difference is, if you looked at Nintendo home console #s compared to Sony and MS they are failing badly, but comparing handhelds to Sony they don't look like they are becoming irrelevant, they basically ARE the handheld gaming industry in the age of smart devices. Even at 50mil.
I think if you could guarantee Nitnedo 50m per handheld device even their stockholders would want them to continue in that market. As long as the $30 game sales are there, and Pokemon and Animal Crossing says they are. I'm not sure anybody is cheering on Sony for a Vita 2, much less a VitaGo. On the home console side, should Nintnedo even bother w/ an NX looking at 7-8mil?
I'd say even at 25mil a handheld is still worth it for at least 1 more gen, 25m still seems like a lot of devices and game sales to me, before we all get chips implanted at birth. Not so sure about NX.
After that Nintneod can "pull a Sega". DeNA deal is their first step whether they admit it or not.
So you never had a point? You were just trolling? Well, at least that's settled.
At this point, I can see Nintendo going full mobile for their portable games. It's possible that they're going to gauge the success of that market over the next two years to see if staying in a portable game system is still worth it. I would not be surprised at all if they were developing an actual phone-based portable. Hell, DeNA isn't even the first step into mobile, it's just the biggest for the company. Previously, they also invested in a company called Dwango. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-11-15/nintendo-rises-after-buying-stake-in-web-content-company-dwango
I agree, 50 million, though still showing their slipping, is pretty damn good. At the same time, though, the 3DS is awash in the same problems as the Wii U, and despite hardware numbers, has fewer games coming to it in 2015 than the Vita. Essentially, it isn't just the Wii U that lost 3rd party support--it's Nintendo. And this could very well end up damaging the future of their portable arms.
The 3DS launch was also a sluggish, dismal affair, and while it did rebound a bit and disprove the naysayers calling it a failure, it has never-the-less still fallen on hard times. Nintendo is clearly not selling the system to new customers anymore, and they know it--or they would've included a charging cable with the New 3DS. They're taking advantage of their loyal fans because they know actual growth has stopped.
It's pretty clear that, despite the sales of the 3DS itself, it is following the same trend as the Wii U. Very limited 3rd party support, massive retail droughts at a time when it should be at its peak, Nintendo no longer trying to sell to new customers. A guy on my team is such a dedicated Nintendo fan, he owns 3 3DS systems. How many other Zelda fanboys also own 2 or 3 Zelda-themed machines? I doubt very much he's the only one.
Nintendo's investors have been pushing hardest for them to get into mobile. I think, even with the sales of the 3DS being overall successful, though brief, they would prefer mobile over another portable system.
I could totally see the "real 3DS sales" number being that low, or lower, even. I once calculated that Microsoft's actual X360 sales numbers may be off by around 4~6 million units due to people rebuying the console during the early RRoD days, which would mean that, realistically, the Xbox 360 may have truly sold below the PS3 globally.
I've considered buying a New 3DS myself, but I hardly play my old one lately. And my 3DS works just fine. But there have been three special Zelda-edition 3DS systems at least. Nintendo and Zelda fans are rebuying them. That Majora's Mask 3DS almost certainly went entirely to people that already owned the system.
Play nicely please
It looks cool but I really don't think it will get many lapsed Nintendo fans to shell out for a Wii U.
@ikki5 that was for WWHD and it came with a LE gamepad though, isn't the MS bundle just the same system but with a game included?
I know MS had several LE xBox's but thats about it. the Zelda bundle was the first real LE bundle and early on in the systems lifespan.
That was also the only bundle Nintendo had with a remaster. I don't think Nintendo is doing a lot of remasters TBH,
Nintendo remastered 3 Zelda games in four years.
The irony in your post is staggering. You don't support 3rd parties, yet you would not support Nintendo when they go third party.
When you aren't supporting 3rd party on Nintendo consoles, you are actually helping the company to go third party. When Nintendo loses revenue and support from 3rd party games because their fans refuse to support 3rd party games, then Nintendo's profits are heavily damaged, and they cannot sustain this forever. They will have to go third party.
@HollywoodHogan They already did with Bayonetta and failed horribly. On a side note, looks like the totally-Nintendo-fans force was out today.
I think Splatoon opens doors for some Xbox / Sony fans to jump aboard give Wii U a try it looks like a New , Unique , Solid Shooter with a Nintendo Twist
@Quorthon Yeah sure; if you like paying full price for previous gen. games with a slight graphical polish to them.
Or paying for online.
Sounds like fun >:/
@Yorumi - "the vita is superior to the 3ds"
You left out 1 very important thing (I think) the Vita has that 3DS doesn't - very expensive proprietary memory cards.
I think that annoyed people so much in the beginning, and even going forward, that it was always just that 1 excuse people needed not to buy 1. When they came out w/ the cheaper non-OLED screen model they should have added in a micro-SD card slot. I bet it would have increased sales, at least a little.
Why Nintneod had to switch to micro-SD for it's new 3DS XL I don't quite understand, but I think that was overshadowed by the lack of smaller faceplate using new 3DS in the US.
All companies make boneheaded mistakes and then wonder why sales are bad.
@Quorthon - "the Vita"
I'm one of those weird "alternate universe" guys, always wondering about the "what it". And while i don't think any 1 single game can make a complete difference, Vita getting MH4 instead of the 3DS may have had a big effect.
I suppose it wouldn't have hurt 3DS too much, 45m or 50m isn't a huge difference, but Vita might have gone from 10m to 15m just for 1 game.
Complaining about the paying for online is pretty much just lame whining at this point. Nintendo's may be free, but there are almost no games to even play online. So how is that better?
And if you're complaining about "full price games with graphical polish" being sold for full price, I sincerely hope you haven't purchased Wind Waker HD, Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D, StarFox 64 3D, Mario 64 DS, Pikmin 2 for Wii, any of the Super Mario Advance games, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Link's Awakening DX, A Link to the Past GBA...
Shall I continue? Because no company spends more time reselling old games than NINTENDO.
I think the memory cards are the biggest thing that hurt the Vita.
@Quorthon @rjejr Vita memory card prices are still outrageous. I see they are still $79.99.
But I also still think that Sony's underpromotion of the Vita - at least in North America - also played a hand in hurting its chances.
@Uberchu "yeah... no. if Nintendo goes PS or Xbox im out. they make you pay for online. IDC how good their bundles are, its crap and I won't stand for it. I hardly ever use online, but I will if I ever get splatoon."
I tend to agree with you, a third-party Nintendo won't be as attractive as people think it will be. That is, unless consoles aren't a thing anymore anyway, but that won't be for a while.
@rockodoodle I'm not saying they don't exist, just that Nintendo is being a little wild with their claims. Let's be honest with ourselves, Nintendo makes awesome consoles, but Sony and MS's ads have convinced people they NEED their respective consoles. Nintendo hasn't done the same thing, unfortunately for fans.
The pricing of Wii U is the cheapest in consoles but we need Wii remote plus and nunchuck bundles as well not just the game pad. Splatoon is cool price for games is acceptable but do advertise Wii U better. Costco sells Xbox one and PS4 why not Wii U? Nintendo market your consoles better, your games will do the magic!
@Quorthon How is it better? aww, simple really. I get what I pay for. It's just another option. Value for money. Generally the more options the better yes?
But yeah you're right about whinging about paying for online. It's a moot point. I brought it up because the 360 & ps3 set the templates for their successors. I tried it out, had an xbox live gold subscription for a year, & it's not worth it.
It's interesting you should mention them hd remasters, because the original n64 carts are more pricey here in aus than the remasters are at retail.
Besides, apart from star fox I didn't play them growing up. Ocarina of time, majora's mask, yeah I remember seeing them all in shops when they first came out, but I never played them. My parents were cheap.
This in turn is a moot point because, prior to the wiiu, the n64 was the last nintendo system I had. So I'm missing out on a full 2 generations worth of nintendo content.
So by all means please continue.
@Quorthon Erm your post makes no sense. most people like me buy Nintendo for first part not 3rd. So I don't see how thats helping them go 3rd party.
I don't even buy every first party game they throw at me, I don't have unlimted funds, so I cut out the stuff I don't 100% really want, and most 3rd partys don't release games on Wii U any way, or they don't offer the type of stuff I want, or if they do they remove features or scrap the dlc. (not that I care, remove the DLC from Wii U? Great I'd be more likely to buy if I actually cared about your game... never mind the game delays or cancellations...)
plus I read an article a while ago that said why 3rd partys don't release on Nintendo, how Powerful would 3rd + 1st party on one system be? I mean why get a PS or xBox if you could have both in 1 system...
and so what if they remastered 3 zeldas how many of them actually got a bundle? 2? I live in the us so the numbers 2 here...
@Quorthon oh and correct me if im wrong but most 3rd party's left Nintendo after the abysmal launch, yet support ps/xbox already.
I bought 2 3rd party games about a month after launch and 1 additonal first party game with my wii u deluxe model. so I started with 4 games.
I was pleasantly surprised in the global test fire; was actually really fun, most certainly a lot more fun than I was expecting. I'm now planning to pick it up next Friday. But I don't see people buying a Wii U just to play it, that's just crazy.
@Kimite Whoa. Why has it never before occurred to me that a Splatoon OVA or mini-series would be really cool?
@Genesaur Yeah ^^. A Splatoon OVA or Mini-series could be really cool as I mentioned before. If Splatoon had an anime running through the summer holiday I think it could potentially make a big hit if Nintendo do it right ^^.
If Splatoon does well enough we might see an anime movie based upon it if not a mini-anime series.
I think a Splatoon Anime/movie could lead to many additional potential buyers that would buy Splatoon or Wii U otherwise .
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