Level-5 has just revealed that the sequel to the 3DS title Fantasy Life is coming to smartphones, ignoring Nintendo's handheld entirely.
Fantasy Life 2: Two Moons And The Village of God will contain all the usual character-building RPG goodness - with a focus on exploring different "lives" or jobs - but the catch this time around is that it will all take place on your Android or iOS smartphone, rather than the 3DS system.
12 "lives" will be available, and there's a stronger focus on building your village this time, including a mode where you collect townspeople to populate it.
The game is expected to launch this year. Were you hoping to see the sequel hit the 3DS? Let us know by posting a comment.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 142
Well, that's a shame. No sale to me.
Are you kidding me? Indeed, that's a shame.
Still haven't played the first one, so not too bothered for me. It's the kind of game you can play for a long time over the years so maybe they'll bring a proper sequel to the 3DS (or NX) in a few years.
My 'fantasy life' definitely does not take place on a smart phone.
Sounds good. Agreed.
The next Professor Layton game is also mobile.
... Wat.
I'm cool with this as long as they find a good control scheme, I need a good game for my mobile and I don't really care if Fantasy Life gets a sequel
The Sorcery! franchise is the only set of games I have seen anyone purchase on mobile devices. I'm not including microtransactions. Personally, I wouldn't go to mobile for an RPG; it just doesn't work.
What a joke. After not hearing a single word about any upcoming 3DS games that I am interested in, one that I actually would be is not even coming to something that I even own.
(Sarcasm) "How totally awesome!"
This is your Destiny.
This looks more like FL + in-game purchases than a real sequel, so I can't care less. The first one was already full fo content.
I don't play games on my phone coz they drain the battery & my phone gets quite hot. This is not good. Would be much better on the 3DS.
To be fair, the original game Fantasy Life was based off, Professor Layton's London Life, started on phones and moved its way to DS and 3DS. I'm interested to see how this game goes out, and with Nintendo taking to the mobile market, it's not out of the question for them to publish the next Fantasy Life title.
Well, that's disappointing. Not Breath of Fire 6 disappointing, but disappointing nonetheless.
I'm disappointed.
surprise, surprise
are you f%&(ng kiddin me????
Welp there goes my faith in Level 5. Time to boycott
Wow, that's disappointing. Don't know if I'll get it.
Disappointed. Oh well, the better to look forward to other Level 5 games like Yokai, I guess.
Well this is disapointing. I hope it still has online so me and my girlfriend can play together if it looks worth it
Not a big deal to me the first one was just not that fun I got it cause I really liked Animal Crossing and thought it was sort of the same thing but it got really repetitive and boring to me nice graphics was the only standout to me in the first one but overall I'm not interested in a second title in the series , I would like another Animal Crossing game .
I don't play 'proper' games on my phone at all...not because I think all phone games are awful, but I just don't enjoy the control schemes on them for the most part. I hate touchscreen only controls and they only really work well in a select few games like Ghost Trick. I've really enjoyed the first Fantasy Life on 3DS but if they don't port this game to a proper handheld, they've lost at least one customer here.
Brilliant Idea...
@Will-75 What exactly made you think it was like Animal Crossing ? Both titles have nothing in common, and i think the promotional material made that pretty clear.
It was an action RPG with emphasis on gathering and crafting.
Also, saying a game is repetetive but liking Animal Crossing is an oximoron in my book
Wow... that is sad news, I enjoyed the first one.... WAIT... How much of this game do they have done already? This has not even been out for a half a year....
This is just a crying shame. I love Fantasy Life on the 3DS, why anyone would want to play any game on a phone is beyond my understanding.
@ikki5 Fantasy Life has been out for years in Japan.
@Grumblevolcano really? I like professor Layton games, whn was it anounced it would come to mobile? Plus if it is for mobile i may or may not get it depending on how its like.
I only have one word for this:
i really really hope this game can play on Nevida's Shield Portable ortherwise im not buying
very disappointed to hear, really is
FL was great, a solid game. I'm not even half way done, but there's no way I could play a second one. So I agree with the phones. Let another crowd get a stab at it and maybe level five can swing around to the 3ds with that money and give us something different.
Well that's one way to lose any sales to my family. My daughter and I both play Fantasy Life on our ds's but I'm not getting a sequel on mobile.
Mobile gaming is the end of gaming as we know it, doom, dooom, dooooooooom!
@Wouwter lol, wow. I didn't realize it was 2012 in Japan. I should have figured though, it is the type of game to get released years later in the rest of the world.
Stupid decision. Sale x2 lost in this house (me and the wife)
A 200+ hrs on mobiles? Ok...
Mobile gaming is not for me!
Nooooooooo !!!!!!!
Fantasy Life was literally my favorite sim type game on the 3DS, I invested over 150 hours into this game I was looking forward towards FL2. I marked my calendar once I learned of FL2's potential announcement because I couldn't wait for all the great details on this game, i never expected this game would be for a phone. I have a very nice phone but I can't see myself buying FL2 for it and spending all those same hours playing FL2 on my phone. I am disappointed:(
Well this is pretty heart breaking =(
Fantasy Life was one of my favourite 3DS games. I was REALLY hoping for another 3DS sequel but now I won't touch it. This kind of game just won't work on a mobile.
absolutely friggen stupid
This is beyond disappointing. It's not totally unexpected given how much of a cash grab Level 5 has taken with their franchises as of late. But Fantasy Life 2 on mobile only is a complete nonstarter in this household (me + wife). I was such as huge fan of Level 5 back in the Dark Cloud days but they have steadily started to milk every franchise they have and this is just one more example of that. Oh well, back to Atlus games.
Sucks they choose to go this route but after playing the last one for 195 hours I feel good about my time with it so much so that I don't need another anytime soon.
As long as there aren't any microtransactions, I'm okay with it
Wait, wait, wait... I thought people here were OK with Nintendo and Nintendo related stuff investing more heavily in mobile devices? Didn't the recent polls show at least 40% of respondants being completely OK with that, and 20% more tolerating or accepting it, since, you know, "Nintendo said so, so I'm OK with it"? What did you all expect to happen? Of course that means more games are going to continue moving over to mobile from 3DS. What a vexing community... Changing hearts at the drop of a hat.
@James_mussell98 They announced it in the same stream as Fantasy Life 2 being mobile exclusive.
Good! My kids love FL, now that it is coming to IOS and Android I only have to buy one copy. I am sick and tired of having to buy the same game 2 or 3 times. Also, FL is the perfect kind of game for mobile.
FYI, Mobile just doesn't mean having to play on your phone.
Well, it looks like I won't be playing the sequel. I don't play games on my phone.
As much as I dislike 99% of smartie phone games, the few by large teams based on triple A titles (Phoenix Wright, World Ends with You, XCOM, Civ Rev) have all turned out nicely.
Considering Fantasy Life is in my top 10 of all time, maybe even top 5, I'll be getting this day one.
I really, really hope it allows bluetooth controllers- Gamestop has a $9 Android controller that's identical to a 360 controller
Hry the only problem here is the "2" in the title. If you want so much to play this game you probably has a compatible phone. Why gamers are so annoying?
That's disappointing, though I still need to get round to playing the first one. I might play this at some point, but only if it's free, and only as a time waster. Still, I won't spend any money on this.
Well that's a bummer. Fantasy Life is one of my favorite 3DS games--and holds the longest average playtime of any title.
Most game controllers for phones mimic the X360 controller. Microsoft set the standard for the modern game controller. Even the Wii U Pro controller resembles the X360 pad more than anything else from Nintendo. It just weirdly switched one stick.
@Yai I feel the same way. This announcement by Level 5 was completely disappointing.
@Quorthon Yeah, but not like this one. Rocketfish, RareCandy i think, those cute mario and yoshi wii u gamecube looking controllers for smash bros- they're all similar to an xbox controller, but this one actually FEELS right
I have a best friend who used to go through a controller every few months at my house, so I started just getting the cheaper third party ones. 99% feel like crap. This one is actually really nice
This is tremendously disappointing. What a bummer.
@Ronoh I had the same thought about going back to ATLUS not that I really stopped buying their games. ATLUS is releasing ao many good games on the 3DS in the next couple of months it will be hard not to pick up one of their titles.
Big mistake if you ask me
I'll look into this ohe after I finish the original game.
Many mobile games aren't as bad as most make them out to be.
I wonder how many people know Level-5 is independent from Nintendo
Maybe it is a different game for a different market.
I have not picked up the original yet — and it appears that most people play this game for a while, making it difficult to direct sequel on the same hardware.
I would be okay with this if I could wrap my head around the controls. I can't see myself playing a game that takes hundreds of hours on my phone especially if the controls are awkward. Furthermore if it is a microtransaction laden game I would be discouraged from playing this title. I will be paying attention to reviews for this game and game play footage before I sink money into this game. More than likely I will avoid the game because I have plenty of other games to play right now and I am sure once DeNA and Nintendo announce a couple of mobile games I will be more apt to buy or play those ones.
@UltraLaserTen Sure I guess if you like being nickled and dimed. Even if you aren't spending any money, the constant and overt upselling in-game is off-putting to a lot of people.
You guys can write a very similar story for Layton 7. I really hope that the main series continues in a sensible way.
Thats terribly disappointing. I really enjoyed Fantasy Life but I just don't see the same playability on a smartphone. I may download it providing it's a free game and try it but I'm already turned off.
I don't wanna play a 20 hour+ game on my phone,so I have to skip this until they see sense and port it to 3ds.
I am not against getting it if it is a game where you can pay a normal price for the lot. Microtransactions / Freemium I won't touch though.
(Presuming physical controls on either iOS or Android are supported - Not bothered which).
Guess I'm done with Fantasy Life. How terribly disappointing.
The disappointment: it hurts. I absolutely loved Fantasy Life (150+ hours in the game), and I was hoping if there was a sequel, it'd be on the 3DS. However, if it happened to be on tablets, then I could still play it. On just phones though... Well, I could still play it, it just wouldn't be as good. I would more than likely pick it up though, since I loved the first game so dang much. Still, this is a huge disappointment, though I can understand it with sales and all.
Since it's a phone game, microtransactions would make it even more disappointing. Shameful even.
EDIT: Of course, I say all this with the assumption it comes to western shores. That's not guarantee, I realize.
Hmm I may try it out now
Interesting. Rocketfish is a Best Buy brand. I have some of that stuff because when I worked there, it was the cheapest with the employee discount. But that was in cords and cables and such. I almost never buy 3rd party controllers given the shoddy nature of too many of them.
Is your friend breaking your controllers? No controller should have such a short life expectancy.
So this is on mobiles and is 200+ and a game like Pokemon Shuffle, which is more suited for phones imo is on 3DS... oh this is too much. x.x They should scrap calling it a sequel because almost everyone playing it would more likely be new to it, not playing the 3DS game...
I'll admit that losing this game does suck, but I can't blame Level 5 or any developer for wanting to make Android and iOS games. The potential market for mobile devices is much larger then anything the 3DS or even home consoles could hope to muster.
Let me put it this way, I can't fault Level 5 for moving their games to mobile when Nintendo, a company that has built much of its recent success and fortunes on handheld consoles has been forced to enter the mobile market to some degree.
While Nintendo will likely make another handheld system, the elephant in the room can't be ignored which is that even a company as powerful as Nintendo can't avoid mobile gaming any longer.
I prefer handhelds like the 3DS, and words cannot describe how I loathe the business model of mobile gaming.
But the sad reality is that more and more games will move to mobile devices, especially games from Japanese developers since mobile devices have eclpised handheld systems it sales.
It's how the market is moving, as sad as that sounds.
*Negative response
I haven't finished Fantasy Life yet, but I WAS looking forward to it's sequel. Needless to say I'm not anymore.
@Quorthon During the days of the SNES, he was great with games. He just never mastered analog controls, especially thumbsticks. Rather than a subtle motion to slowly move the crosshairs or drive his vehicle, he always kinda smashes the stick all the way left, than all the way right. In FPS, he always either shoots the floor or the ceiling, and in driving games..well.
Some controllers have last years with him, others...not so much.
A little disappointing, really. I don't want to play that game as touchscreen-only. Still, the first one felt way too much like work to me.
I don't know how you can just buy replacement controllers. I'd be pissed if someone kept wrecking mine. I get pissed enough when I break them! It's strange to me that someone has not adapted to analog sticks in this day and age. At this point, we're on our 4th generation where analog is the primary input method. D-pads only really dominated for two generations (during the NES and SNES years), and were largely replaced during the N64/PS1 era.
Granted, I still have some games I play with D-pads. Mortal Kombat, specifically, works much better, in my opinion, with digital controls rather than analog.
By the way, while I'm disappointed to see this happen--Fantasy Life move to mobile--we should keep in mind that this is going to be happening a lot more over the next few years with Nintendo and gaming as a whole. Nintendo's partnership with DeNA will be pointless if they don't start making bigger games for mobile, and if there's money in it, Nintendo will step up in developing in that space.
@Quorthon Stop, you're making me sad. Frankly, I'm hoping for mobile gaming to blow up sometime soon.
@Quorthon Ehh i don't mind too much. I likely haven't bought a new one in 2-3 years, and i used to work for a game studio so i got a few for free anyway. He's bought at least 3-4 himself, so it's really not too bad. There were a few years there, oh my!
This is seriously disappointing. I got Fantasy Life at launch, and quickly racked up over 100 hours. I just couldn't put the game down. Without physical controls, I can't imagine the sequel being as good. If it's free, or very cheap, and works with my device, I might give it a try, but if the controls aren't good, it will be getting a low score from me on the app store. If there's an overabundance of paid additional content, that score will be even lower.
Nintendo is going to be making games specifically for mobile devices, and they won't be games from their main series. Fantasy Life 2 is a direct sequel to a 3DS game. If Nintendo announced something similar using one of their franchises, the uproar would dwarf the complaints here.
You have GOT to be kidding me.
No, seriously. Belated April Fools, right?
This is the game I was most looking forward to. And now I won't even be able to play it since I don't own a smartphone. This is horrible.
The original was a very strange experience that felt like a smartphone game anyway.
OH GOD NOOOO that's terrible, two rows of sensored text I loved the game, I really can't complain enough to express my disappointment
Sorry; I don't have "SMART" phone; so; I'm out.
Soo where can we leave our official complaints about this?
What evs fantasy life was a shallow experience anyway.in every mechanic...I just want more professor Layton. .that twist in the last game got me!
Depends on the quailty of the final release, but since smartphone games are usually cheap and crappy and meant to be played for five minutes at a time while waiting for a bus or something, I'll probably pass. I wouldn't want only smartphone games and console games. I like handheld games.
@Caryslan Well, it's not like the 3DS is "failing," in fact ironically, it's been extremely successful lately. So I don't get why some are assuming cellphones, and such are going to replace Nintendo systems, or are the "wave of the future." Plus most cellphone games are quite simplistic, short games, while 3DS games are practically console-quality.
Plus, honestly, I don't like gaming on a cellphone, it's easier on a 3DS or PSP.
Pretty cool. Might give it a try if it comes over. My phone is running out of space though (No SD card slot), so I would probably get a new phone first.
Yes I agree with all of you. Mobile games are dumb and I think they will be mistaken on how many people actually want this.
My family bought 3 copies of Fantasy Life and 3 copies of the DLC, so we clearly enjoy the game. I can't say that being on a smartphone automatically makes a game bad, but it makes me a lot more cautious, especially if there is a higher focus on collecting random villagers and less on exploring. They will have to make a really good product to justify me getting the sequel, especially since I am a tiny bit annoyed that they thought it is a great idea to take an IP that only 3DS owners could or would know and take it to mobile where nobody recognizes the IP without showing any love to their previous fan base. I could understand switching to mobile and I can't say they can't use their IP, but it still is a little annoying and disappointing.
Still Gotta pick up the First One.
Fantasy life is one of my favourite 3DS games
I can see this doing well in Japan since they're so mobile-centric. But I don't see it succeeding in the west. Such a huge shame too, I was incredibly excited for a true sequel. Fantasy Life is one of my favorite 3DS games.
Well, I guess this means I won't be buying it. I don't really game on smartphones.
There is 2 scenarios to this,
1. They charge 40 bucks for the game and it fails miserably. Lets face it, no one will pay more than 1.99 for a mobile game.
2. It's free to download and full of micro-transactions. This scenario is the most likely imo.
Come on level-5....For real man?
In similar news, a fan and audience member of the first game instantly becomes alienated. That includes me and many players on this thread. I've tried gaming on my phone, I just can't get into it. Best of luck to that series though, I had a blast with friends on Fantasy Life. It reminded me so much of the classic Seiken Densetsu games...
The first Fantasy Life is my favorite game on 3DS. Not interested in a smartphone version of the game. Really don't think I'll be checking it out with any kind of enthusiasm.
@deKay I know right? I loved fantasy life.
This really sucks. I just beat Fantasy Life a couple days ago and I really enjoyed it. It's a shame because I was looking forward to the sequel, but this pretty much killed any excitement I had for it.
I remember when Suda51 did the same thing and his respective company shut down.
I wish game developers would realize that switching to cellphone gaming doesn't instantly equal success. They put all this time, money, and effort into creating a game on a platform in which people are looking for something simple like scrabble or angry birds. They aren't looking for a battery killing game like Fantasy Life.
But oh well, they put all that money and work into the game, goes out in a platform where it has to compete with ten thousand other games and barely makes any money-- they'll understand how poor their choice was.
It's possible. I didn't quite put that many hours into this but Dragon Coins was consuming my life at one point. I had to uninstall the dang game otherwise I coulda hit 200+ easy.
Am I the only one who skipped this title to wait for a probable never arrival of The final fantasy version??? Also looks too cartoony for me to get into
**sadface** **tears** **betrayal** omg all of the above. This is indeed sad news! Why oh why! One of last years best games opting for next release on smart phones! Say it ain't so......
Level 5...
(Can't believe that took 115 comments to happen...)
Still, while its upsetting...it looks more like Fantasy Life 1.5 than Fantasy Life 2. Still stings...but hey it isn't the end of the world....(yet)
I'm sad!!! Guess I'll just have to be content with the first one. Still, what a letdown! :-/
I've been absolutely addicted to Fantasy Life on my 3DS but I honestly have never put more than 3 hours into a mobile game no matter how much I liked it much less 60+ hours.
I've been waiting to use this on the internet...
Am I gonna get this? MoNOPEoly
Actually, I might consider getting this, but it's a shame it didn't catch the 3DS.
Did you like my monopoly pun?
This is an absolute shame.I loved the first Fantasy Life and was looking forward to the next one,but now I doubt I'll support it even if it gets ported to the 3DS.If that's the way Level-5 wants to go then I want no part of it.Wish them all the best on this decision
LOL hilarious..you won't have to go to jail for that one.
Oh? My pun is good? Good! I thought I WAS going to jail for copyrighting Monopoly.
Or in this case... MoNOPEoly.
I'm pushing my luck...
@Godlygamer Yes... stop while your ahead
Forget it. I don't like playing games on a phone.
I really loved that game, but now I don't want anything to do with this game now it that switch to phones. These companies switch to phones and reduce the value of their games. I hope no one buys it. If they were to put it on the 3ds too then my opinion would be different. Level 5 can eat Turtle Turd.
This sickens me. Instead of a great game, we'd get piecemeal b.s. on a device just not made for gaming (sorry fans of swiping/gesturing for fun and profit - it just isn't). I wonder how much it will cost to progress through the game. Greed has claimed another soul. Suck it, Level 5.
No words. I thought Level-5 was better than this. As someone heavily invested into the first, I was excited beyond measure for the imminent sequel. This is unbelievable. Most disappointing news for me all day.
I am sure someone will start a petition for this.
I haven't even played the first Fantasy Life yet. That being said, I'm not really all that surprised that they decided to move the game to smartphones. Everyone is releasing their games on smartphones lately, and I can guarantee that trend won't be slowing down anytime soon. What boggles my mind is that there are no plans to put it on the Nintendo 3DS at all for the moment. I'm guessing sales were a factor, otherwise they wouldn't bother with the jump to phones in the first place.
That is very disappointing. I have my DS to play certain types of games and this is one. I really enjoy Fantasy Life 1 and was really looking forward to the new one. Now I am mixed... Most of the time RPGs on a phone have awful controls which make it totally un-fun.
Won't bother with the OG game then.
@PlywoodStick You fail to see the issue
1.This is not Nintendo's doing,it's Level-5's decision.Remember,they are not part of Nintendo.You might wanna get the correct facts on your side before trying to sound smart with you're blatant prejudice of the Nintendo fan base
2.They are bringing the SEQUEL to a well liked game with a decent following to a completely different platform
That's like Nintendo announcing that the next F-Zero(or any other well liked IP)game is exclusive to smartphones.Highly anticipated game,but exclusive to a platform that didn't even have past installments and/or a platform you don't like.That's just alienating the fans(or potential fans)of the series who don't have or bother with that other platform
Hopefully you see the issue now
@RaiRiggs On the contrary, I'm a part of the Nintendo fan base, and have been since I was 4 years old. I've stuck with their platforms while others around me gave up. I'm just not a fan of Nintendo's recent decisions, and I call out what I see.
I harbor no ill will towards the fan base. I was just stating the disconnect between these generally negative responses to games on Nintendo platforms moving over to mobile, and the general acceptance, according to responses in recent NintendoLife polls and articles, of Nintendo and their business partners investing more into mobile, and into business tactics popular on mobile platforms.
This migration of companies like Level-5, which have traditionally worked for Nintendo and Sony, is just the beginning of a continuing trend. I've known they are a prominent and trusted third party company for over 10 years now; they've been a company that has felt the pulse of recent trends in the business, from their Dark Cloud 1 & 2 days, to their Professor Layton DS days, to Ni no Kuni on PS3 and their 3DS titles, up to the move to mobile now with Fantasy Life 2. Level 5 is a company that recognizes changes of the times, and adapts to them.
We don't really believe that Nintendo will keep their core franchises away from mobile platforms forever anymore, do we? It's fairly clear from the DeNA deals that we're eventually going to see boundaries be broken. Nintendo already went back on their public words about microtransactions and free to play. I think it's only a matter of time until DeNA gets their end of the capital alliance deal fulfilled.
@Captain_Gonru @TrueWiiMaster We may want Nintendo and their business partners to accept the recent waves of change conditionally, especially on terms which benefit their loyalists (us), but I'm not certain we're the #1 priority here. The writing on the wall is that an unconditional acceptance of the recent shifts in the market is inevitable.
@PlywoodStick Allow me to get this out of the way:This particular decision from Level-5 had nothing to do with Nintendo going in the mobile direction. The polls you referred to regarding the DeNA partnership only mentioned how we felt about Nintendo doing this,not other parties.
I don't think fans were prepared to know,or could even imagine that the next installment wouldn't even be on a Nintendo system and the reaction shown so far was to be expected. I apologize for not properly getting the point across and going as far as assuming your discontent was towards the fans without realizing you are also one.That was kinda rude :l
As for Nintendo and other companies following the trend of putting out games for mobile, I'm simply not sure how to feel about it myself.Skeptical and worrisome if anything.
Many developers are seeing the success of these platforms and obviously want a cut of the cake.However, I don't think it has been done the right way yet and by the looks of things so far(looking at the likes of that Sonic runner and the ridiculous toxic trend of micro transactions),I doubt it'll be done within this year. It leaves me wondering if these companies even know what they're doing anymore.Level-5 not bringing the direct sequel to FL to the 3DS is simply baffling, surely you can see it too
Nintendo did say that they weren't going to have their stronger titles for mobile platforms and that they're still mainly focused on their own hardware(which is why they had to talk about NX at all).The way I took it,the future games that end up on iOS/android will be smaller spin offs(like the obvious Pokemon Shuffle) to promote their main series
Will this work out for Nintendo and the industry? Will Nintendo keep their word on keeping their focus on their platforms?Who knows
@RaiRiggs Okay, that does clarify things. I agree, too, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Bummer! I would genuinely said, I loved Fantasy Life and would really happy to see this game evolve as a franchise. The fact that the sequel doesn't come to 3DS is sad, but what even more saddening is the direction Level 5 took for this series. The game looks like the same game as the first one and seems to only include the village building on top of that. Of course, we have to see more, but from the screenshot alone, it doesn't look convincing.
There, my hope for a full-fledged Fantasy Life sequel is killed. Sorry, Level 5, even though I have an iPad and Android phone, this is one game I won't support from you, ever. I will buy Yokai Watch when it comes here, and I really loved your games, but this is one bad decision from you.
That said, I guess I won't miss much from this sequel. It's just saddening me that we won't see this franchise evolve, even though I really... really loved it.
Ewww not buying the game will probably tank do to the fact smartphone gamers play candy crush and clash of clans bs
@PlywoodStick I never voted in that poll. But anyway, here's my take. The thing is that, I expect Nintendo will do better than to put mainline sequels onto mobile platforms exclusively. They'll be along the lines of Pokemon Shuffle or Pokemon Rumble World. They've been making those spinoff titles as sort of a practice of what type of games they'll put on mobile. If the next mainline Pokemon game or the official sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X or Splatoon were to be announced as a smartphone exclusive, I would completely lose all faith in Nintendo.
I'm sure they'll also be games that wouldn't benefit from having physical controls. Like in Pokemon Shuffle, you don't have to move a character around in the world with a control pad. That's the type of game that will appear on mobile by Nintendo. Here's something that angered me about Square Enix. I'm fine with games like Deadman's Cross and Guardian Cross as mobile exclusives. They're just trading card games with micro transactions, totally suited for mobile. But Final Fantasy Dimensions? Selecting battle commands work fine in it, but the digital control pad sucked so bad I couldn't play it for more than 5 hours before I completely gave up on it. That's money I absolutely wasted as I'll never play FFD ever again. I read in the reviews that it doesn't even support Bluetooth controllers, which is absolutely mandatory to move your character around.
I still haven't had the chance to play the first one, I need to get on that.
Great, pretty sure it's gonna be iOS exclusive for awhile, and even if its not, I'm one of the five idiots who bought into a Windows Phone D:
What where they thinking?
@JoeyJoey95 I completely agree.
3Ds franchises, I've noticed, have this habit where each game is practically a remake with a new world layout & a small amount of changes, so it's not a huge loss if you don't happen to own an Apple or Android-based phone or tablet.
But does download-only software go down in price over the years? I got Fantasy Life for $25 on Amazon, on a nice secure cartridge on a Nintendo console with a very long life expectancy that I can surely play 10 years from now, while phones & tablets rarely last more than 3 years before they brick.
@freaksloan u may have to buy it two times anyways. if they do it online and i think they will they may lock it to each individual phone like other games. Age of ishtaria is a good example, or clash of clans too, which even tho u can install in multiple phones u can only be using it on one of them at a time .
Such a shame. Period.
The Game Is So Awesome
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