Earlier today we shared the surprising news that Nintendo Europe is offering some Club Nintendo members an ambassador version of the New 3DS; even better, it's available to buy now ahead of being shipped in 3-5 days.
It's hugely exciting for those that got the email and has caused plenty of buzz, so it's with dismay that we see they're already popping up on eBay (thanks, Eurogamer). The units haven't even been shipped, and a number of those lucky enough to order one are already seeking to profit rather than, you know, treasuring their good luck.
A search for "New Ambassador 3DS" on eBay UK, for example, already returns 12 listings at the time of writing. There are "Buy It Now" values of between £250 and £399.99, and even in the early running some have attracted bids above the asking price of £179.99. Some descriptions state that their listings are actually an act of benevolence, due to already having an alternative new system etc, yet that doesn't stop these sellers from happily accepting bids at a nice profit as opposed to selling at their real value plus postage.
Unfortunately this is the reality when limited editions arrive, and was an issue late last year with limited edition PS4 consoles. Rather than special hardware going to the biggest fans as intended, a number go to those that clearly don't care that much, as they'd prefer to make a financial gain rather than have a unique version of the system. These people are perfectly entitled to do this, but that doesn't mean it's not cynical capitalism at its worst.
Do you disagree with our negative portrayal, or do you agree that it's a shame to see highly desired items like this sold above the asking rate by those wanting to make an unearned profit? Let us know.
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Comments 106
Is this what Nintendo has become?
I'm not selling mine!
I have been inundated with people trying to buy my access to it.
I aint to bothered about it as the only difference is to the standard New 3ds (which i have) is the faceplate which will possibly be on ebay soon as well.
Well it sucks for us who really want TO OWN one but haven't received an email. But for those selling, I can't blame them. It sells so why not take advantage of it if you want to profit. Let's be honest, why would you sell it to strangers for a lower price if someone else is willing to pay for much more?
Who are we to judge? Is this any different than taking a hideous sweater from your Nan and trading it for something you want opposed to something she wanted you to have? People do this stuff all the time. It is what it is.
If I'm going to spend a ton of money on a limited edition, I would keep it. I'd love to have one of these, though I'd prefer a GS trade in promo so I can get a New 3DS for less.
Yes, this is completely different.
Funny, I was actually going to comment on the first article about how I hope most of them that are lucky enough to buy now wasn't going to be jerk and resell them for a large profit to those that actually want the handheld.
Awell that is the reality of life. Can't stop it, only frown upon it and not support the act.
On one hand, I understand, why keep it if you don't want/need it? But on the same line of thought, why even get it if you don't want it if not to profit from it?
Scalpers have always been a thing, but it's a darned shame that where fans only had to compete with other fans for nice things, now have to fight against those looking to take said fans to the cleaners. Pretty sure this isn't what the free market was intended for...
Edit: Of course this isn't simply a black and white issue. There's always the matter of pre-owned/used items that one simply doesn't need anymore. And of course, when you're REALLY hurting for money, all kinds of get-rich-quick schemes cross through your mind.
I am privileged to be getting one, I won't be selling it tho I am in 2 minds to sell my 25th zelda anniversary one tbh
I understand that people do this whenever a limited console gets sent in limited numbers as their opportunity for some financial gain.
But that doesn't change the fact that it's a shameless practice that forces discouraged fans to resort to if they really wanted it, just because they weren't lucky enough to receive this offer that they are actually interested in through no fault of their own.
Not really people do it for electronics all the time. After google gave away the Cr-48 you had a ton of people throw them on eBay for a nice penny.
A very disgusting thing to do. Clearly don't buy because they could just be faking it and take your money
exactly what i would be doing
@shingi_70 They do it for electronics all the time yes, but it's a completely different thing from selling a gift you don't want (Like his nana hideous sweater comparison) and going out to buy something you don't want just to sell it on and profit from people that actually do want it but can't buy it themselves.
Not cool, but not much anyone can do about it.
I got the gist of what you're saying but that was a bad example. maybe if nana sold it you and you're the only one who can buy it from her at the time. That would make more sense for the situation.
Whoever does this isn't worthy the limited edition new 3ds anyway
Speaking from an economist's perspective, there's nothing wrong with "scalping" like this. When choosing to keep or sell, you're deciding between having the system and having the money. When choosing to buy or not have, you're deciding between having the system and having the money.
So if you wouldn't buy the system for, say, $300, then that means you'd rather have $300 than the system. Therefore, if you can sell the system for $300, then you should do so.
It's the amiibos all over again...
It is a shame. I have ordered one and going to keep it and use it.
Is it really worth the hassle for selling it for, say £50 more than retail?
Ebay take 10%, paypal then take 3.2 or something.
Might pocket £20 after the hassle.
All I could think was 'hater' when reading this article and proceeding comments....It bothers me when I see people dogging others because of what they chose to do with what is rightfully their own. Let me be clear that I'm not condoning people who go and clear shelves of merchandise specifically to resell, but in this case, these people were just chosen at random; they were not taking anyone's spot here. Also, if I was in a tough spot and this opportunity fell into my lap, I would without a doubt flip that system. I think the problem is everyone visualizes these guys as the greedy little villains whose existence revolves around stealing what we want to own right now and forcing us to pay a marked up price. But the reality in this situation is, they're not hurting anyone: when the system is released on its normal date, what these particular folks are doing will not stop anyone from buying a system at normal retail price on release date. If there were not people out there willing to pay the premium to have their system a little early, this market wouldn't exist. So cut these folks some slack and stop reducing people to the lowest possible status in your mind because of a single action, especially one that isn't even wrong.
EDIT: and I want to add this: Who looks worse here, people who took advantage of an opportunity that was fairly presented to them or people who trash talk them and suggest they be killed (albeit, tongue in cheek...I hope) for these actions?
@hypercoyote Well said good sir, I'm in two minds as whether to accept the offer as it is just a larger 3DS. But I do like to collect things and whether I later realise that I don't want it anymore and sell it or not is my own decision, not there's.
Boy, this is a weird thing to hate people over. We don't know their situation, nor does it matter.
Actually it is not that bad. More publicity for nintendo, fans without the offer can get a hand on the New 3DS, and well... some guys get more money
I want a New 3DS real bad but I would never support scalpers by paying outrageous prices for one. I can wait a few more months.
Wouldn't it be nice if Nintendo was able to filter out the people looking to cash in their products and reward their loyal fanbase instead?
I wonder if this is a cultural issue — and that those in Japan tend not to think like this.
@Spoony_Tech Some guy brought like 500 tickets for The Interview at theaters just to make a profit reselling but the theater took action.
scalpers have sadly become more of a trend not just with Nintendo but anything that might be worth something. They've been doing it for years with concerts and whatnot....
It is unquestiongly exploitative - a seller knows there is high demand and low availablity and they can make some money so they list on Ebay. The issue arises over whether that exploitation is morally okay. No-one is actually forced to buy, but if they want it they must choose whether it's worth it for them. Listing publically is a service to the buyer in one sense since it makes available a product that otherwise would not be.
However, I still feel a little aggrieved when I see these things for sale at outrageous prices when it is clearly about cashing in, no matter how anyone defends it. If sellers were not acting like mercenaries might they not offer to purchase at cost for someone else? Clearly not, because it's listed on Ebay at well over cost.
Come on North America! Offer this! I promise I won't sell!
Very unfortunate. Nintendo needs to figure out who made the listings and not send them the 3DS. Just a shame everything is about the money.
And if anyone says, "don't do limited editions," just stop. It's cool to have something special that not many people have. But you should get it for being a loyal fan, not because you are good at selling drugs to make lots of money and can buy these ebay listings..
You can't stop this...and I do not agree. Nintendo sent those for a reason, and it's not to scalp. I would love to have gotten this same offer.
@FritzFrapp But why? Again, completely separating this situation from people who go clear off store shelves with the intent of reselling, what did they do wrong? How have the hindered anyone else?
On a separate note, I've seen a lot of people complain about the Amiibo situation, but it's difficult to feel too bad about that when preorders in the USA for almost all the Amiibo (except Rosalina) lasted for weeks. That's weeks that people had an opportunity to reserve the figure(s) they wanted. But suddenly we found out there was a shortage, and yes resellers did step in, and now there's people all over the Internet cursing anyone selling an Amiibo above retail price because they didn't get their hands on what they wanted. When there's something I want, regardless of whether I anticipate a shortage or not, I will preorder it if I can. In a situation where preordering is an option, if I don't preorder and I miss out on it, I don't get mad at resellers because it's not really their fault, it's poor planning on my behalf.
Now, having said that, in situations where preording is not an option and literally the only reason you were unable to obtain one was because of resellers.
But regardless of any situation, it's unfair to demonize people because of one action. That's judging the totality of a person's character because they bought a toy and sold it at a higher price to people who were willing to pay for it.
Well I'd keep it and treasure it personally. Something that special isn't worth $200 extra that I could get easily by working my job.
Watching the hobby circling the drain. Resellers or 'scalpers' are truly scum. You can argue the point all you want. Wherever crap like this (and the worthless trash buying up all of the Amiibos and flipping them) it takes the fun out of the hobby and makes people within the hobby look like idiots.
noun: exploitation; plural noun: exploitations
the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
"the exploitation of migrant workers"
synonyms: taking advantage, abuse, misuse, ill-treatment, unfair treatment, oppression
"the exploitation of the poor"
the action of making use of and benefiting from resources.
"the Bronze Age saw exploitation of gold deposits"
synonyms: utilization, use, making use of, making the most of, capitalization on; informal cashing in on
"the exploitation of mineral resources"
the fact of making use of a situation to gain unfair advantage for oneself.
"this administration's exploitation of the fear of crime"
synonyms: taking advantage, abuse, misuse, ill-treatment, unfair treatment, oppression
"the exploitation of the poor"
Greedy douches like this are scum. Period. End of discussion.
More fool anyone who pays that much for one when it will be out in the shops a few months from now for the asking price listed.
I wish Nintendo could force those listings to be taken down unless they're asking for the price they paid for it.
Seems as though, with these and the obnoxiously poor handling of the Amiibo line, Nintendo enjoys releasing things to toy with customers and fans. They're giving resellers an easy way to take advantage of customers.
Then again, Nintendo fans are doing this to themselves by spending ridiculous amounts of money for these things. If Nintendo fans would stop falling prey to this kind of nonsense, then no one would be taking advantage of them. If you didn't want to have to pay $50 for an Amiibo, then you should probably stop spending that much on them.
I really wanted Little Mac, but I'm not giving any reseller the satisfaction. Why the hell are so many of you so eager to be victims?
Meh. I think scalpers suck. It is one thing to sell something to make ends meet, it is another to buy something with the intent of reselling at a higher price to take advantage of limited availability. I always smile when I see scalpers outside of venues that can't offload their tickets. Still not much you can do. There are plenty of people both scalpers and not that see nothing wrong with this behavior. All one person can do is just not buy from them.
The scum only have power if the fans give it to them. And it seems that too many Nintendo fans are all too willing to be taken advantage of. Stop paying ridiculous prices for barely useful plastic toys and you take away their power.
It's definitely a shame that a promotion for fans' happiness clearly ended up also in favor of not-so-eager fans, but the only one to blame is Nintendo's way for pick the lucky ones.
But to be honest there is very little to blame even there, it's not just unlikely, but plain obvious that the data Nintendo has can't really tell which people will treasure the system and who is gonna sell it. Ack...I would be worried (or even scaried) if Nintendo had such deep datas about all of us XD
Anyway this is totally not my problem, I was hoping/worrying I had to choose if buy this system and surely I was going to keep it and enjoy it in such case, BUT the mail never arrived and I have no intention to buy it at an higher price (or at any price, getting the mail was a lucky chance to not waste, I'm not a collectionist needing this new 3DS version no matter what).
I've received the email from Nintendo, I'd love to take advantage of it but I'm really not in a position to splash out. The thought of buying it anyway and making a profit did cross my mind, but I'd rather someone who really wanted it got the chance, so I've reached out to fellow Nintendo fans on Miiverse to see if anyone would like me to get it for them, if we're both comfortable and willing to trust each other.
@hypercoyote - "preorders"
Most people who shop don't rely on "preorders" though. Most people when they see a product advertised expect to be able to go into a store or on Amazon and buy it. The fact that you think people shouldn't be able to purchase a toy because they didn't "preorder" it is a very strange viewpoint.
@XCWarrior - Can't have it both ways - either companies make enough of a product to offer it to everyone which kills scalping, or companies make a limited number and scalpers smell the blood in the water. You can't advertise a limited supply w/o inviting scalpers to the party, just can't be done. And it's not just scalpers, Gamestop sold "used" copies of Xenoblade for $80 b/c they could. Which could be argued was in part Nitnneod's fault for the exclusivity agreement.
My view - as I teach my kids on a nearly daily basis - No, life isn't fair, the sooner you learn that the better.
This is one of the reasons I hate merchandise terms like "limited edtion" and "exclusive"... Here's to capitalism!
I think it's about the same as waiting 20 years and putting a discontinued console or game on the market for well above retail price, or jacking up the cost of Xenoblade or other rare-but-much-wanted Japanese games fairly recently after release.
I intend to get one even though I have already imported one from AUS, simply for the fascia's. I will sell the new New 3DS I receive, as I wont need it and I don't believe that there is any fancy pre installed software on the actual console itself. But I will sell it for the price of £155.99, which is what Nintendo have valued it at. Not trying to rip anybody off, just trying to share the love ❤
any one else stuck on the login screen and nothing happens when you click login
If you're a mega fan and not lucky enough to receive an e-mail than those that are listing the new 3DS are allowing you to get a product that you had no chance of getting before. These people were selected and they gave their money to Nintendo to purchase the system. What they do with it afterwards is up to them and there's clearly a demand for these systems. I am in NA so this situation doesn't apply to me but screaming out for these people to be crucified is ridiculous.
I received the email and I intend to buy the Ambassador New 3DS it for the purpose of selling it (starting bid: the retail price. It would be silly of me to sell it for less, simple economics. Besides, I'm not a charity).
I consider myself a huge fan of Nintendo. Heck, I was born with a NES-controller in my hands (the doctors are still baffled). I have had a total of 20000 stars on Club Nintendo to prove how loyal I am and I always fill in their surveys (and I believe that's how Nintendo measured the loyalty among the winners) plus I visit this site, duh. I just don't care so much for limited editions and I want a New Nintendo 3DS XL, rather than this one.
Am I unthankful? Perhaps, but I consider it to be a shame to let this offer go. As I don't want the actual offer I will be selling it. If someone is willing to pay me more than it cost me, that's his/her choice.
Kinda harsh for not calling me a big o' fan enough. I'm a big fan, but I don't idolize every single product Nintendo makes... Especially when it's just a regular New Nintendo 3DS with a special casing... Geesh...
Besides it's not like I'm preventing other people from getting the item by buying all the available stock (I saw some comparisons made to 'The Interview' cinema tickets and the Amiibo figurines). Heck, I'm making sure someone who wants it, actually gets is, rather than no one getting it at all (Same point @hypercoyote makes. Praise to him)
Every time Nintendo does something special for some of their customers, there always has to be someone that tries to take advantage of the situation. Greedy people these days. Just buy the 3DS and be happy. Stop trying to rip off people for money. 😑
More weird decisions by Nintendo...........................
@Quorthon I agree to a certain extent, but their actions are still douchey and wrong. Nintendo have returned to their former shady 80s self as well. With regard to Amiibos especially. Manufactured shortages to hype product, pulling product to manipulate consumers. Funny thing is, they would be selling a hell of a lot more if they made enough. Instead, the profits are going to resellers. If your look at the number of people bidding or looking for these Amiibos vs how many are for sale, Nintendo has got to be missing out on at LEAST 100 sales for every posted figure. The number is probably way higher, but that's all lost revenue… and at the same time, they take a hit on their reputation and their relationship with retailers. Way to burn your fan base and retailers at the same time. Seems like old times...
@MJKOP Great attitude!
I have no issue with people doing this, as it is their right and prerogative. I do have slight issues with price gouging for stuff like this, however, if these people are lucky enough to find others desperate or dumb enough to pay exorbitant prices, then more power to them. As a buyer, you make a purchasing decision between you and your wallet.
The choice is simple, you want something bad enough you will pay for it; if not, well then like [spoiler alert OMG!] don't buy it. It's not that hard, people.
the real shame is that people who really want the item end up having to pay black market prices to get it from people who are just flogging for profit. but on the other hand, if you really really want it and either missed the opportunity or have no other option, but have the cash to spare, you can get it in the end...
@rjejr You're right, that is a strange viewpoint, but also one that I never made. On your other point though, when you say most people who shop, do you mean for anything? Milk, eggs? I'm specifically talking about items where there's a chance that it may be difficult to find. I assume most users of this site are well versed enough to recognize these kinds of items. Looking at Skylanders, Disney Infinity or any other product similar to Amiibo would tell you that there would be a large chance that they may be difficult to find.
But I don't want to get bogged down on that because that really wasn't the point of my posts. My point was that it was not appropriate how people are so outraged over (and hateful toward) these particular users who have chosen to take what was given to them and resell it. In fact, I imagine that if these users had been given the New 3DS for free (won in a contest or whatever), then they chose to resell it, people would probably have less of a problem with it.
@cfgk24 Yep, I agree. Again, that is their choice.
@FritzFrapp Calm down, mate.
Sure, I think that it is unfair that these 3DS' have reached people who didn't want it and there are some who do want the console but didn't get the e-mail and won't get the console unless they pay a large amount of cash. But, hey, that's life, I guess.
supply and demand, if someone wants to sell it that's up to them. presumably the reason they got offered one in the first place was due to spending a lot of money with the company.
Perhaps ninty needs to come up with a better way of doing things rather than arbitrarily choosing people from lists that they refuse to even talk about how people get on said lists.
But, being ninty, they will continue to do things their way, never giving a thot to how many loyal customers are getting pissed off. Because, y'know, they are nintendo.
I'm a true Nintendo fan and I'm keeping mine when it arrives tomorrow
I really don't think events like these need to be reported as it only gives more people the idea to do it.
Unless you are selling at cost with extra for fees only, then you are cashing in. At least have the balls to admit that. That absolutely is your right. But you can't expect people who would really have liked the deal not to feel a bit annoyed - you have something they would like and you're not even going to keep it, just selling it for profit. Even if someone is happy to buy it at well over cost that still doesn't mean you're not cashing in. Is there no-one who scrutinises their choices and takes responsibility for their actions for what they are? Continually justifying a position makes that position seem rather wobbly in your own mind. I don't care what you do, but I do think you should be self-aware.
This is not Nintendo's fault. They don't hold a moral compass over each and every Club Nintendo member! How would that even be possible? This is nothing to do with being a true fan. It's an arbitrary, random system of choosing a select few members, nothing whatsoever to do with worth or merit.
I ordered mine today! I'm not selling it because I actually want it!
I honestly don't see the problem. It's not a free smash demo or something. This is something you need to pay cold hard cash for to get. So you should do whatever you want with it.
Personally, I hate that people do this. It's less of a problem in this situation (where Nintendo directly offered the system to only these people) than when the resellers actively insert themselves in the process as rent-seeking middlemen (where people who don't want a system buy out pre-orders or retail stock for the sole purpose of increasing the price).
It is, of course, their right to do so. But it is still rent-seeking, and it adds cost to the product without adding value. Again though, it bothers me less when Nintendo offers them something they don't want than when they actively seek out something they don't want just to increase price for those who do. At least here they are providing some value by making the system available to those who otherwise would not have access to it.
It's not just taking advantage of others, the heart of the issue lies in taking advantage of Nintendo's act of goodwill. Nintendo is not offering early access so that fans can scalp other fans for a profit. And doing so makes a mockery of Nintendo's gesture.
On the other hand, unless Nintendo has a certain number of units to be claimed and will continue sending emails until that quota is met, the argument is substantially weakened. Because if it's a "take it or nobody takes it" offer on their part, it's hard to blame someone for taking advantage.
Got my code too guess as we have 6 3ds in our home and 2wii u s that's why ,problem is I got new 3ds XL from oz in November so don't need but prob buy it and hold it for a bit and see if value goes up
@FritzFrapp Whoa there, I agree that it sucks, and I would certainly not do it myself. I'm just making degrees of distinction among the various forms of this behavior. They guy who goes out of his way to profiteer is worse than the guy who happens to find himself in the position to do it.
Either way, I wish they wouldn't, but recognize that it's more or less unavoidable at this point without some kind of change to the laws of western nations that would almost certainly create a whole new set of problems. There is certainly nothing that I can do here in this comment thread beyond expressing my distaste for the behavior.
Hey Nintendo what do you have to do to become part of the ambassadors program - in 2 years I have bought and registered 34 wii u retail games bought enough wii u eshop games to give me back £20 in eshop codes bought 2 3ds xls and 35 3ds retail games and all amiibos most of them from bought on Nintendo official shop including pre orders - I did not get an email for ambassador 3DS. what is going on -are the systems you use to recognise true fans only helping scalpers - you know I am a great coutomer why do you treat me like this?
I don't know what people are really complaining about.
The NEW 3DS Ambassidor model is way cheaper than the original one !
If people are disappointed for not being eligible for 'a limited edition', then that's the whole point of 'limited edition'.
Look, Nintendo games customers and customers game Nintendo.
Its just a game with dollars, not play coins. Don't be upset.
Anyway, an investment in electronics is a bad investment, thanks to rapid obsolescence.
Nintendo will happily sell you a razor to make money on blades. You may even get a haircut in the process.
"These people are perfectly entitled to do this, but that doesn't mean it's not cynical capitalism at its worst."
Uh, a touch overstated. I can think of far worse examples. Instances where, for example, lives are in play.
It's a video game system.
Booooo scalpers! Same goes to the Amiibo hoarding resellers as well...
@kenzo The only customers who game Nintendo are the ones with flashcarts. The rest get either a fair (3D World / Smash Bros) or Unfair (NSMB2) deal.
I don't care about the people who are trying to make a quick cash-grab off this promotion. Gougers gonna gouge. But what I can't stomach is Nintendo's short-sighted mishandling of this PR stunt and their less-than-informative release dates given for the New 3DS. Sorry but "Sometime in 2015" doesn't cut it.
First they bungled (and continue to bungle) the Amiibo launches and now they pull this move.
Thanks, big N.
I can relate to these sellers, actually.
Just look at the "generous" offer: the price for the entire bundle exceeds the price for the system itself, there's no choice given between even colors (but screw the XL, it shouldn't even exist), and the "ambassador" aspect is an extremely forced choice, considering the very limited timeframe, yet a release date for the system in general is still nowhere to be seen.
All of these factors come at a very bad time, since many wallets are still recovering from christmas, making this offer easier to pass up.
@MyBodyIsReggie Agreed.
I see there is no mention of Australia here. What a surprise... Well, not really. When it comes to Nintendo Australia we are usually just grouped with Nintendo of Europe. Then whenever it is convenient for Nintendo, we are not.
I'm an ambassador for this 3DS, how do I become one for the next?
Oh my god, I can't believe they're actually using the "New Nintendo 3DS" name in the west...
Christ, Nintendo, how incompetent can you be?
That's awesome!😄
I live in the US and I was wondering if we ever gonna get this promotion or not. and then I saw a message from Nintendo... saying that my order of a Pikmin card case should arrive soon!! Man, I almost had a stroke!!
I got the email through. But I couldn't afford to buy one in the next 6 days so I had to pass it up. But a friend of mine who was also an original ambassador didn't get the email. So he have me £179.99, no more, and I bought it for him.
I think it is a little exploitative of people to buy and sell at ridiculous prices but it's their choice.
Some people miss out, it's a fact of life.
@Spoony_Tech what are you talking about?
People are seriously defending these guys? I mean really, get over it. If you're "one of the lucky ones" who had the option to buy it and decided you didn't want it? Then don't get it. What do people think Nintendo will do with the left overs? I'm pretty sure they'll find a way to get the rest out to fans. So please don't kid yourself into thinking that they're doing anyone a service.
Secondly even if somehow it was clear Nintendo were only producing as many as were taken up (doubtful) this still isn't being good about it. If their intent was to give the option to fans that weren't picked? Then they'd be selling them at cost plus shipping. If they were doing that then it would be purely altruistic and I'd respect that. But they aren't and so I don't.
Lastly the "grandmas sweater" point. Well for a start we know these aren't unwanted gifts, the people here brought these items with the sole intent of making a quick buck. Also when people do sell "unwanted gifts" on trading sites like this? Usually it's at less than retail and not at a tidy margin above. Mostly because people recognise that even in-box an item resold isn't worth as much as it is on shelves. Again, that's not what's happening here.
So please, don't waste your time defending these scumbags.
I'm not eating popcorn, but... well, I'm still entertained by the amusing yet sound arguments from both sides here.
tbh I think Nintendo is making a bad decision for doing this, as the actual console has been out since October in Australia and Japan. they should really wake up and made it world wide release, it's not as if they couldn't if they really wanted to. this business model is outdated and loses fans, it's early in the year, phones are killing the handheld market, yet Nintendo thinks that holding out etc is the best way forward. we are hardcore fans, but for the others, they really are losing market share badly, if the 3ds is to start failing as well, we may well see Nintendo falling apart, it's not as if their business isn't already frail, didn't the ceo had to bow and apologise last year for poor profit performance. capcom are already releasing games on iOS. this move they have done is one stupid one. ok the European and U.S market isn't their biggest, but it's only gonna get smaller as we forget Nintendo, like my gathering dust wii u. they really are in trouble. imo.
I wonder how mad you get about, you know, actual life and death situations?
I ordered mine with the only intention to use it myself! I can understand why people would get one to resell though. It's a good investment, just like limited editions.
Has it been confirmed that The New 3DS will not launch until June in the EU? Darkhaste is stating that in his/her listing for the Ambassador model on Ebay. As far as I know that's hogwash and a lie used to artificially increase value. If I'm mistaken I apologise, but... where's the proof? And there's no way to report it to Ebay as false because the options are too restricted in the reporting tool.
Nintendo should just have one unified Club Nintendo for whole Europe. This treating other countries better than other countries attitude has to stop.
Scalpers were going to pop up for this no matter what. What makes it lame, is how Nintendo started distribution of their new handheld through exclusivity. If a solid release date was given for Europe and NA before this offer, that's fine. This way though? It seems Nintendo is embracing the exclusive collectors/scalpers market once again after the GC controller adapter and the bungled amiibo line.
I don't like this Nintendo....I don't like that they're more interested in exclusive offers by region without a planned release schedule. For the limited edition PS4, at least normal PS4s were out for the public to buy already. If this is their plan for their product line moving forward, I won't be a part of it.
Suppose that's the way things work, just sucks for everyone that would've loved one but didn't get an email (like me) and would've bought one for personal use not resale.
@DTFaux It's not even about want. I wanted the Smash Bros 3DS demo- and other people wanted to pay me $25 for it. I had 4 copies of the demo, and gave two out to friends. I own 2 3DSs with different accounts- if I had gotten 8 demos, I could easily be looking at an entire month's car payments. Likewise with the 3DS- if someone wants to pay me $400 for a system i paid 180 for, that's their business. I can pick the system up again when its $100.
@MasterBlaster HA! I always think that as well. An associate posted something like "the amiibos have me so mad I am literally shaking".
I replied something like "its a $10 plastic toy that doesn't even bend. If your inability to own one has you shaking and in tears, you have had literally the easiest life in human history."
@skywake Are you 6? Its a $180 system that can be easily sold for $400 or so online. If someone wants to basically buy a $200 bill from me for $400, more power to him. I'll use that $400 to buy 2 more and sell them back for 800. Don't want the system, so don't buy it? Right. Because my mortgage and the food on my kid's plate is paid for with magical unicorn dust.
If I lived in the UK and got one of the invites, I'd buy that system in 5 seconds flat and use the money to pay off the car or knock a few weeks off the mortgage. Same thing with the Amiibos- I stumble across a Little Mac in store that's $9. I list it on eBay for $9. If someone wants to bid $55 for it, that's their choice. It doesn't make anyone a scumbag. When I worked retail a decade ago, we had a lot of buy 1, get one or buy 2, get 1 free deals. CONSTANTLY I had low-income customers say "but i don't need 3 copies" or "but i only need the first two games..." Who cares? Sell the third on eBay. Give it to a friend. Pay your phone bill with it. Anyone who wouldn't be tempted to make money selling something they legally bought (that they don't really need) is either A) A multi millionaire or B) a child with no responsibilities.
See there's this thing that some people don't seem to understand. It's called not being a jerk. Scalpers are basically the same as the guys who go to a concert with an iPad to record the thing, blocking everyone else's view. Or the dude who barges infront of you to get the last item on the shelf. They're ruining the experience for everyone else because they only care about themselves. And worse yet they're smug jerks about it.
So no, I'm not a six year old for being the sort of person who leaves the Amiibos I don't want on the shelf for the next person. Just like I'm not a kid for being the person who stands back and opens the door for the old lady. It's called not being a jerk. If less people were jerks then then maybe the world wouldn't be quite as crap as it sometimes is.
And please don't assume that this is me getting mad of angry about this. Frankly I don't really care that much. I'm just merely pointing out how much of jerk move it is. The fact that you guys are getting so defensive about it maybe shows that you already know what you're doing is pretty pathetic.
Please watch the profanity — TBD
You say you aren't mad about this situation...yet you repeatedly refer to people as 'ducks', 'a-holes' and 'pathetic' throughout your rant. It's quit obvious you have some emotional investment in this issue because people don't get worked up like that over things they supposedly don't care about.
Also, I suggest you check a dictionary and read the description of 'scalper' or 'scalping'.
Scalpers, by definition, sell tickets to events at a higher price. Scalpers do not sell video games/action figures or record concerts on iPads....lol.
My favourite comment so far has been that this is an opportunity out of "Nintendo's good will". Hahaha! Brilliant, and rather heartwarming.
I also enjoyed the comments that say profiting from a commercial Nintendo product is somehow MORE immoral than flogging Nan's lovingly handmade gift!
Sigh. I wish I was young, rich or irresponsible enough to ignore money and just play games, I honestly do.
I wonder if they have the latest Nintendo games and limited edition consoles in communes. If so I'd dump the wife and kids and join one faster than Mario on a coin spree.
There are a lot of things people can do to make some cash. Doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to it purely because they're making cash. It's like those guys who go door to door offering to do some gardening for you at an inflated price. Old ladies get stung by it, are charged through the nose for them to do a half-donkeyed job. Are those people not jerks? Even if "technically" it's not illegal?
Same deal here. Scalpers screw over people who would have otherwise just been able to enjoy the service as it was intended and at the intended price. They're not doing anyone a service. Running a sob story about how people calling them out on this crap are just "rich and irresponsible" doesn't cut it. Try and pull that excuse when you get caught shoplifting, see how far you get.
Please watch the profanity — TBD
I call them jerks because they're jerks. What more is there to say? What they're doing is effectively a scam done in a way that can't be policed. I'm not particularly mad about it because I choose not to be stung by it. However people clearly are being had by these jerks, which is why I felt the need to comment on the matter. Simple as that.
"Also, I suggest you check a dictionary and read the description of 'scalper' or 'scalping'. Scalpers, by definition, sell tickets to events at a higher price. Scalpers do not sell video games/action figures"
Scalp: To resell, especially tickets, usually for an inflated price, often illegally
.... pretty clear cut
Please watch the peofanity — TBD
Shoplifting?! Bless.
You're having a go at capitalism. A perfectly reasonable view but quite an amusingly misplaced one when talking about the latest commercial gadget.
Tell me, do you think it's ok for retailers to profit from demand but not individuals?
Buying a video game or an amiibo and reselling it at a higher price is not illegal though.
Nice try!
P.S If you ever decide to sell your home, I would be interested in buying it. But only if you are asking for the exact same price you paid for it, or slightly less because it's used. If you ask for more than that, you are being an illegal person.
I was lucky enough myself to have gotten the email, I'm more curious about the criteria in which you had to meet to get the offer. The only recent thing I had done was register both Smash Bros for the Wii U and 3DS on Club Nintendo to get the Mewtwo/CD offer. I also downloaded a bunch of free themes and paid for 2 but other than that my recent contributions to Nintendo has been elsewhere. Could it possibly be for owning both a 3DS and a Wii U system? I was an original ambassador for the 3DS although I've seen others say they were and didn't get an email... Maybe it was just a random selection? I will be keeping my ambassador version of the 3DS anyways, I wanted to get a New 3DS XL but I will survive longer with a smaller screen the opportunity just can't be missed out on. I also got a free Zelda calander with a promo code when I bought it!
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