Nintendo has declined to clarify how it selected Club Nintendo members for this promotion, providing the following statement to Eurogamer.
The New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador offer is by email invitation only for selected Club Nintendo members in Europe only who fulfil a certain criteria.
We are unable to disclose such business information, however we would like to reassure you that we are continually looking at different promotional offerings we can bring to consumers at various times throughout the year.
The terms and conditions for such promotional activities are individual to each promotion,but we will endeavour to bring you more promotional activities in the future, which we hope you will be able to take advantage of.
Have you been lucky enough to receive an email?
Original Article:
Nintendo Europe is giving loyal fans the chance to purchase a New Nintendo 3DS before the official launch of the system.
Emails are being sent out to some Club Nintendo members in the UK right now -- you may have already had one -- which offer the chance to purchase a special Ambassador Edition bundle for £179.99. According to Nintendo, the consoles are ready to ship within 3-5 days.
This special bundle includes:
- New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle system in White - Value of £155.99
- An exclusive Ambassador Edition Cover Plate (Back)
- An exclusive Ambassador Edition Cover Plate (Front) - Value of £7.67
- New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle stylus
- 4 GB microSDHC memory card
- A set of AR Cards
- A Quick-Start Guide
- An Operations Manual
- A set of front and back Super Smash Bros. cover plates - Value of £7.67
- A charging cradle for the console in White - Value of £7.67
Have you had an email and taken the plunge? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
Comments 382
I got this e-mail but I'm torn about whether to get or wait for the XL version
I didn't get the email. Nintendo hates me.
Seems rather pointless. Just release the console instead.
Got the email but I already have the australian import
Assuming its only for the people with a original 3DS in the ambassador programme
Just got mail. Am tempted. No charger included tho' which is a bit annoying. Is the price reasonable?
@thepeterwright Is it just a link or something to a product page? I don't need one, just curious.
I've bought one - would prefer the XL but figure I can always sell it on if I don't get on with the slightly smaller screen.
Edit: btw looks like it ships within 24 hours, so immediately available.
@NauticalCrimes It does some with a charger
@Obvisamy It comes with a charging cradle but no charger. see:
"New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle: This system requires an AC adapter (WAP-002(UKV) for the UK, Ireland and Malta. WAP-002 (EUR) for the EEA, Switzerland and Russia) sold separately. Adapters provided with the Nintendo 3DS, 2DS, DSi and DSi XL systems are compatible."
"New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle charging cradle: Only for the New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle system. This accessory requires an AC adapter (WAP-002(UKV) for the UK, Ireland and Malta. WAP-002 (EUR) for the EEA, Switzerland and Russia) sold separately. Adapters provided with the Nintendo 3DS, 2DS, DSi and DSi XL systems are compatible."
@Teenchampion yes it has a link but you need to login first
@llamareborn Actually it's not, I received the email and I'm not a 3DS Ambassador. Maybe it's stars related so like how select people got the special Smash 3DS demo a few months ago.
@Hippojay Maybe this has something to do with that rumoured Nintendo Direct on 7th January (tomorrow).
I did receive the email (I'm not a 3DS Ambassador) and I'm trying to buy one but the login page seems dead, it doesn't do anything. Is anybody having the same problem?
Neat special edition. Too bad I live in the US. I'll take this as a sign that the new models should be in Europe in a couple months.
Got the email, but I really want the XL instead of the regular one.
@dequesi Yeah, the site won't let me log in either. (Belgium here)
Got an import XL version for 180 from UK company
Too bad I'm getting an XL, never had an XL and see now as my opportunity. Unless they also add an XL edition, the only way to get me to own this is to send it for free, which ain't gonna happen.
Got the e-mail but the website won't log me in. By the way, I wasn't 3DS Ambassador.
Anyone knows whether this is UK only or not? Because I'm an Italian ambassador but I didn't receive any emails
Is this only for the UK or will people in other eu countries get the chance?
I got the email, very very cool.
I already have the metallic blue New 3DS XL I imported from Australia via 365games.co.uk, but I'm very tempted to pick this up.
Then there's my brother who hasn't opted to import, but might be very interested in this offer, if he did get the offer at least.
Ah well, I went for it. Will see how I feel in a few days but I like these exclusive editions.
@clvr @Ungravitify it's not only UK. I'm from NL and got one
@llamareborn Nope, I didn't have it and I got the email
@Damo You're not alone Harumph!
That explains why I couldn't get into NoA's CN last night
I'm tempted, but...what if they then announce a really nice Majora's Mask limited edition New 3DS XL a few weeks down the line?
I was originally thinking I'd either get the black one and cross my fingers for a Korg faceplate, or just wait for a nice looking XL.
Just read the email and ordered one after thinking for 2 minutes.
I was originally confused with getting this version or the XL but my minds been made up for me.
Its a late Christmas present to myself.
@iLeronM Thank you friend im also from NL by any chance would you mind telling me how much stars you have on your club nintendo account Im wondering if this promotion has anything to do with the amount of stars on your account.
Ordered!!!!! OMG! I can't wait
NOOOOOO! I don't get paid 'till the 7th! I need this!
@iLeronM i see, thanks for your reply I hope I'll receive it since I was an ambassador and I plan on buying a N3DS, and I'd be really upset if Nintendo skipped me
Yeah yeah. The rest of us outside UK don't have a way to get one.
Relax, they're taking orders until the 12th!
I just got paid today actually, fortunate for me.
I've got the email from Nintendo and I live in Italy. I've never been in the ambassador program before.
Unfortunately I'm not going to buy it, I'm so old and half-blind and the screens on the handheld are so tiny, so I'll have to wait for the XL model. ;______;
Omg I live in the Philipines and I swear if they do this for north america i will die inside because I won't be able get it. Can anyone tell me why Club Nintendo Asia exists?
My total amount is 64830, current one 8150, and I got the email.
@RupeeClock I know, but if they're shipping now, I might get mine a day later, which is fine for most people. But I run a channel that could really benefit from an unboxing, 'specially on day one!
I just ordered mine, i have an XL at the moment so will sell it on if i don't like the smaller screen.
Wow, just checked my email account and I've got the email, I'm probably not in a position to get it for myself, but I'd consider helping anyone out who's desperate for it, if possible?
@Cesco non sai quanto ti invidio
Oh man, I got the email but want a XL (bummer).
2 standard 3DS and no XL is a cruelty!
@meppi Well I only got 1750 so i might not be eligible. Thanks for the info though.
I've just ordered it and got a 64gb micro sd card from Amazon as well
I've had 14000 stars over the last year and I haven't received an email so don't think it is on stars alone.
Lucky sob! why didn't I get one! I want the regular size one and will wait for a limited edition XL!
Didn't get an email but wouldn't have ordered anyway as I want an XL model and other places will be cheaper.
from what I have gathered it all depends if you have turned on receiving promotional emails from nintendo in your account. I've it set so I receive everything and I got the smash bros demo code and now this
I have just ordered a 32gb micro sd card too. I have been using my free month of amazon prime, so it will be here tomorrow ready.
I didn't get an email and yet I have an Ambassador 3ds.
this is the break down of costs at the bottom of the page. does this mean that the normal new 3ds will cost £155.99?
New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle system in White - Value of £155.99
An exclusive Ambassador Edition Cover Plate (Back)
An exclusive Ambassador Edition Cover Plate (Front) - Value of £7.67
New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle stylus
4 GB microSDHC memory card
A set of AR Cards
A Quick-Start Guide
An Operations Manual
A set of front and back Super Smash Bros. cover plates - Value of £7.67
A charging cradle for the console in White - Value of £7.67
@clvr Io invece sono tristissimo. Volevo aspettare il giorno in cui sarebbe uscito il modello XL ma questa email mi ha messo addosso un sacco di dubbi ;____;
I'm really sad. I was prepared to wait for the white XL edition, but now this email got me into troubles. I don't know what to do anymore ;_____;
Only UK, huh. I guess the rest of us don't matter in the whole that is "Europe".
@LinkSword I live in Italy and got the email from the local headquarters of NOE and in some guys got it in Netherlands, so I can assure you that it's not an UK-only offer
To be honest I'd be happier if the offer was "Claim your FREE Gamecube Controller Adapter now!" seeing as I should've had mine in November.
It's not UK only, got the mail in germany as well.
I got the email as well. Although I can't login to the Ambassador-site. Perhaps it's overloaded with visitors now.
It has nothing to do with the 3DS Ambassador-program prior to this one. It has to do with your loyalty to Nintendo (amount of registered games / Club Nintendo Stars), at least, that's what I assume.
I live in The Netherlands by the way...
Imported an Aussie console, but still want to be chosen for this, for collector's purposes.
My wallet hurts
I WOULD be interested but there's not a single game I've wanted to play on 3DS for months, and still now not until Majora's Mask in a few months. It's just gathering dust while my Wii U gets daily play on continuous great games.
Damn. If I got an email I'd buy one right away.
@Grumblevolcano where did you hear there might be a direct tomorrow?
I'm broke after Xmas so I'm not getting it.
I'm gonna go with the snes button one, but I'll hold off for a special Zelda or Xenoblade one. No rush in getting one just yet since my xl works fine atm. And I'm broke
Oh and I don't think this has anything to do with the previous 3DS Ambassador Program.
By buying one early you become an "ambassador" for the New Nintendo 3DS, so you can answer questions about it and clear up the inevitable confusion that arises whenever Nintendo launch a product prior to the actual launch.
I've already been asked by friends and family about the New 3DS.
@thepeterwright The Australian import, is it just 100% same as UK version? I know it's PAL but does everything work fine, charger, Wi-Fi, E-Shop, online, street pass, update and patches?
@tekken179 yep been using mine for about a month now no problem as we share same region. I got mine from play asia which came really quickly and cheaper than what they are looking to sell it for in uk.
@Grumblevolcano Rumored direct?
No email for me . Pity, would have bought it immediately.
Wonder if there was any criteria. I was an early adopter but I bought little from the eShop (and almost everything when it was on sale). Oh well, disappointed but can't have everything in life.
Oh I hope this comes to the US and I get that email. I'd snag it immediately.
First person to upload a vid about the New 3DS Ambassador edition DDDD so psyched!!! I am actually on top of the news for once!
Anyone managed to login to the site?
@thepeterwright What does the e-mail say ? can you transfer it to someone else ?
@Nassov Yeah, works fine for me, Scotland UK
@Tekken179 It's exactly like a UK one. I even did my System Transfer just fine and everything. The only weird thin, though, is that my new 3DS connects to all Wi-Fi connections except one in another room. My old 3DS connects to it fine but my new 3DS said it's encrypted with TKIP which is not supported somehow. Other than that, it's exactly the same.
@SilentShuriken not sure if you will be able to see the email but here the link http://mailing.nintendo-europe.com/public/read_message.jsp;jsessionid=0;apw12?sigreq=1166444131 you have to login to your club nintendo account in order to buy the New 3DS
This looks like a great offer!!! I bought my new 3DS w/ cover plates in Nov as I live in Australia...still kept my standard 3DS XL which I only upgraded to from my old 3DS this time last year...I will eventually upgrade my XL to the new one later this year(hoping for a spec edition XL of Majora's mask or Xenoblade chronicles). I will prob then give the new 3DS w/ cover plates to my daughter & sell her old pink 3DS & my old XL and then she can buy some animal crossing plates to customize it....shame you can't get points for the new 3DS systems on club nintendo though
@thepeterwright dont look like the email will show it basically gives you a link to go to where you enter your club nintendo details to unlock it for purchase
here :
@thepeterwright dang I'd have thought that the amount of money ive spent with them id have been able to get it
be quick I think that on ebay it will be more than 199€ after the stock is Out ;p
@lebad it says this club Nintendo account Is not eligble
@SilentShuriken never know you may be able to get a friend to login and then you can order it to your self
for me it works (but I've received the email) it's in my cart and 6€ shipping costs bad
Got my email this morning! Very happy although a little torn as imported one from AUS in November. Still might bite though. Wasn't an ambassador originally so not sure what the terms are though. Have spent a shed load of money on Nintendo products over the course of my life so far though...
@lebad I know nobody on here who would trust me to do it
...aaaaand I've caved in. Was supposed to be taking it easy on my bank balance post-Christmas too; darn you Nintendo!
I have to assume the New 3DS won't be eligible for the free game promotion though, even if we receive it by the 12th.
I will get a New 3DS XL when there is stuff available I can't play on my normal 3DS XL.
But you have to question if were going to get a Ninty Direct sometime between now and the 12th? I can't believe they'll just soft launch the thing without some fanfare.
Bam. If anyone wants to see an unboxing and review etc, please show some support and I will definitely buy it and do a day one unboxing! I might even get it out before the promotion ends!
I'm guessing the 'Ambassador' term is only being used in the sense of early adopters of the new 3DS, not the older one. Shame as I'm eagerly waiting for this email that won't likely ever show up...
Unreal. Even those of you that got the email are complaining! People it's a promotion thing to get people to start talking about New 3DS! It's actually a great marketing move because it talks about New 3DS and Club Nintendo.
People we have got to stop being so negative all the time.
And as for who is getting this, I"m guessing it's the 50 people in Europe that bought a WiiU and registered on Club Nintendo. Cause that's about how many people have purchased a system thus far.
Doubt this will come to NA, we are a way bigger market.
I got the email looks nice but I want the xl
@gspro15198 I don't think SDXC is supported. http://www.slashgear.com/new-nintendo-3ds-limits-detailed-wifi-backup-pc-only-no-sdxc-29343412/
How to breed resentment among your loyal fanbase lesson one!
Speaking of New 3ds, where's my NA version of it?
@thepeterwright I know nobody on here who would trust me to do it
But how much long in advance we will have it ? what is the european launch Date ? It says that it will take 7 F...... days to come (the last time I've commanded a SuperMarioGalaxy CD it took 8 weeks !!!)
did not get an email but i do not want to buy the new 3ds anyway^^
@SilentShuriken from where are you from ?
@lebad Grimsby in Lincolnshire
I also received an email , but i want the xl too , they should have given us a choice.
Gotta check my mail! Even if I end up not liking it, I can easily sell it - and since it's apparently very limited, it's probably gonna fetch an insane price on ebay.
What the hell? Where's my invite?
Yeah, I'm moaning too. I got an email but just in two minds now. Not only do I want an xl model I also wouldn't want a white one. Seems odd there is no choice. Am I right in thinking that with the introduction of faceplates there is no such thing as a limited edition model? Will probably just wait it out and I hope I don't get a black mark for not being enough of an ambassador....
Yes! Just ordered mine. I love my old Aqua 3DS but the Circle Pad is getting a little sticky, so this will be a lovely replacement The site lists them as in stock and the order itself shows "awaiting stock pick", so I assume ready to ship? I paid the extra £3.95 for next day delivery so no idea if it will ship today or not
@RedDevilAde "What the hell" xD
Lucky ducks. I hope they announce the New 3DS soon for the rest of the world. I want one so bad that I'm starting to save up for it.
If this comes to America I would probably just resell the console as I want an XL. Too bad that's not an option.
@AndyCarolan Your circle pad - The rubber cover can be replaced and probably the moving mechanism just needs a vacuum and a drop of lube. . .
Thank you, I will look into that. It's just the rubber cover that is sticky, not the mechanism. I don't intend to part with it, so will replace the pad cover at some point
@lebad Damn! I tried to log in here but my account is not 'Eligible for the promotion' . .DAmn! - I'm gonna ring Nintendo!
It looks so good, but I would want an XL. Maybe they will do the same thing in the states. I'm gonna be torn.
For all that is holy, NoA, please let our offers (or release) be right around the corner. XL or not, I wanna get my New 3DS NYAO! :U
I got the e-mail and I'm trying to log in now for two hours or something How did some of you guys manage to log in?
Was going to get jealous but it looks like it's just a white New 3DS with limited edition cover plates. I've already had my new 3DS for a month and I prefer my cover plates.
Ordered with next day delivery...would ideally have had an XL, but at least the New 3DS screen is halfway between the 3DS and the 3DS XL...plus the limited edition faceplates swayed me slightly...
I'm in Germany and I got an Email. Unfortunately I can't login. I tried for one hour now...
@SilentShuriken I could possibly help never know it may work? you on twitter?
For God's sake, Nintendo, stop with this and release the dam console around the world already! I want my New XL!!
£180!!!! What a rip off!!!
Now they are already selling new 3DS Ambassador bundles on eBay... MAN!
Has someone not from UK or DE managed to actually order one? The payment thing either errors out completely, or refuse my VISA card with no explanation. Weird.
@andyg1971 Lets remember what happened last time a 3DS price could be considered a ripoff. Those people who bought it got 10 exclusive GBA games that would never be released to purchase on the eshop
@thepeterwright yeah its @silentshuriken
I cant pay for this New 3DS on german site
the site keeps freezing for me, it only gives me an error if I log in with the wrong password but does absolutely nothing otherwise. Anyone else have this problem?
Got the e-mail! I am ambassador of the original 3DS and I have bought tons of VC games and retail releases from the e-shop or via GAME e-shop codes.
3DS for the most part, Wii VC and Wii U VC also.
However I am out of money and wanted an XL model since I find the screens in my original model small. The problem though is mostly that the quality is not that good. Long game sessions in the original 3DS give me a soft pain in the hand, another reason to get the XL model. Also 230 euros for very outdated hardware is a little too much.
Also I don't live in the UK. I buy from UK since Nintendo is not really popular here. GAME codes made buying games easy for me. Although I can pay I am not sure if they ship to South Europe.
I'm wondering what the box will be like cause I want to keep it
@thepeterwright I didn't get the email I'd so buy this instantly.. So sad right now.. I was an ambassador for the original ds as well as the 3ds early adopter ambassadors.. I've spent countless on Nintendo.. Sooooooo sad right now
Also, I bought like 5 wii u games for christmas and I have a few 3ds games. Bought a handful of eshop games too
Would rather get an Ice white old 3ds with MK7 brand new £90 thanks!
@Damo Nintendo loves you and you know it ; )
I hope they do this in the US. I can not wait to get a new upgraded 3ds.
@MrYuzhai feel for you, they are available on play asia for a pal version of your in uk they work fine with all existing games etc...
Didn't get the message unfortunatel - but if anyone did who doesn't want it let me know and I'll take the offer.
Pah! I've not received the email, which is probably a good thing as I've had my sights on the new XL, so I'd be pretty torn right now.
Was someone able to order this New 3DS?
All my cards are not working...
@AndyCarolan, thanks, I managed to get a little further, but it still failed, and now it's back to the earlier error. I guess it's not really reliable...
I got the email too! I think it is because I have like 8000 stars piling up in my account. I got the Smash 3DS Demo early too, and I am a 3DS Ambassador too. It may be any of those reasons but I think it is about the stars. I ordered this in a heartbeat, and it said, and I quote "The product shall deliver in around 2-3 days" it probably depends of what part of the UK, you live in.
I got the email, but what is it worth? Nothing! They won't accept my credit card and the customer support tells me to try it again later. Thanks.
@AndyCarolan - Yes, they are just silicon which degrades slightly over time and form acid from your hands lol They had whole packs of 6 for sale in Akihabara in Japan - I guess you can just get them from eBay. .
I've got an email, but I can't login on the page/url the sent me..
Do you think they will include a free download game for registering it during the winter promotion?
@AndyCarolan I did the same thing with delivery I need this in my life lol, I had a phone call which I accidently hung up so not sure if it was the delivery company phoning seemed a bit random as soon as I clicked buy a few minutes later got a call...
Called Nintendo Benelux. They told me a lot of people in Europe are having issues with the login page at this moment. They asked me to contact them by e-mail.
@thepeterwright hi, I'm desperately after one of these but didn't get the email. If I pay you the money for the console through PayPal or something. Would you be able to buy it for me please? I'd be eternally grateful!
@andyg1971 how?? it comes with a load of extras and your getting it earlier than other people in Europe. It's not much more expensive than when the 3DS XL was first released
@ROBLOGNICK the card I chose can be formatted to fat32 and according to websites that'll make a 64gb it work.
Ice white 3ds £79.99 Tesco Direct right now, why would anyone pay £100 more for a slight upgrade, absolute rip off!
@deanwig hi, if I pay you the money through PayPal or whatever would order this for me? I'd be eternally grateful!
I can see it now, if this comes to NA, I never get selected for anything for Club Nintendo however this they will selected me for when I have no money and therefore can't use it.... lol
Ordered and confirmation email received, would have prefered the xl but im a sucker for a new nintendo console even if its just an update, wonder if it will be eligable for the winter free game promotion, fingers crossed.
Haha, their website mixed my oreder with someone else's. It asked me to confirm some spanish number while my bank indeed send me a text message with a code (of course, it didn't match the expected code).
@lebad - I've been able to log in! Thanks for posting the link. I've not had an email, but I've had trouble getting emails from Nintendo recently.
@ashmanmosh Dude just order it from Play Asia the Australian version works fine in UK as we share same region code. PS its also cheaper http://www.play-asia.com/new-nintendo-3ds-white-paOS-13-49-en-70-87hn.html
@Aryon same thing happened to me 3 times: NL and two France confirmation
Trying to pay since I got the email this morning... Nintendo, why don't you want my money?
I'm in Italy BTW
@thepeterwright I really want the ambassador version though haha I'll even pay a bit extra for your troubles
Are people just joining this site now so they can ask to buy one and put it on eBay
@andyg1971 It's price reduced because they are old deprecated stock to be cleared off shelves.
The New 3DS actually does have features that warrant purchasing one over the old system, like NFC/Amiibo support, better processing power for enhanced games, HTML5 ready web browser, cameras that work better in dim lighting.
I can definitely see lots of people buying these just to resell on eBay, they'll go for lots since they're only for sale to select individuals.
I hope NoA does a similar promo.
@deanwig I have just joined but have absolutely no intention of selling it
Live in Australia and already got the XL so maybe not. Still It's be pretty sweet to have one, even though I don't really see any major changes. They're great by the way. Best $250 (150 pound) i've ever spent
Very happy with my 3ds xl Fire Emblem limited edition that came with FE Awakening pre installed, cost me £160 brand new and Nintendo want £20 more for this without a £40 game!
Hello all!! I'd buy one too...i am in Italy so if someone received the email but is not interested PLEASE let me know!! Thanks!!
@deanwig seems that way
@andyg1971????? This is for the NEW 3DS, as in the more powerful version with redesigned screens and extra control stick.
I'm wanting an XL though
To everyone who DID get one, but is still complaining: I'd love to have one, but I didn't get a code. So thank your luck and stop complaining.
@RainbowGazelle couldn't agree more. I want one so much I'm willing to offer someone extra to order it for me!
To anyone who has purchased it, do you see if it comes in a special box?
@MrGawain I agree, or atleast I hope there is a Nintendo Direct! Maybe they done it out of the blue, to create excitement. And the sense that Nintendo can 'break the rules'
I almost certainly meet Nintendo's criteria for this, but I've received no email. Pity, even though I'm more interested in the New XL.
@Cesco Thanks, that's good to know.
Why can't America have these goodies? And unlike you blokes in PAL land, we can't import the Aussie model because it's region locked...
Nintendo won't release in America because it hasn't reached market saturation. Oh, Poppycock!
@Damo Don't feel bad, at least you guys have a release date for the system.
@andyg1971 But on the other hand you won't be able to play the exclusive games.
Slightly more powerful, amiibo compatible (with one game but not yet), a camera stick, one exclusive game (xc) I already own, it's a no from me I'm afraid.
Got my email but cant decide if i want the standard or wait for the xl, really i wanted to see both side by side first. Tough decision
@cfgk24 eaw lolol - I will look on eBay
This is incredible! They weren't kidding when they said all that about rewarding loyal gamers. I mean, you still have to buy it, but it's very interesting.
It's possible you did not receive the email if it went to spam or you didn't enable promotion emails on your Club Nintendo account.
It's possible you are eligible, if you try going to the purchase page and entering your Club Nintendo login.
@andyg1971 Being an early adopter of the New 3DS I can certainty say there are good reasons to buy the new one, the 3d is amazing and is hard to break, games load quicker, has amiibo support, additional control buttons.
Funny thing is I sold my old 3DS XL on ebay for £135 and only paid £145 for the new one so it was a no brainer for me to upgrade.
Each to their own though.
I can't log in either... Hope they fix it soon, cause I really want this edition!
It really stinks being an American Nintendo fan. I can't see why NoA just can't do this.
Like many others, im torn on this.
Sure, as a collector, such an exclusive edition is highly irresistable.
But im pretty much set on a new XL. This however, is a regular N3DS.
It all comes down to when exactly the N3DS XL will arrive. If it comes later than the original version, ill go for it, if both arrive simultaniously, ill wait for the official release and go for a XL.
There is no point in paying 200€ and 250€ later for the device i actually wanted if there are only a handfull of months in between.
I have been trying to log in for a while now... It is still not working!
got an email for when I click login nothing at all happens
@ashmanmosh Same here.
@Genesaur I don't find this so incredible. I have multiple 3DS devices and a library of over hundred physical retail 3DS games, let alone countless eShop purchases. No email so far, and none to be expected as it's UK only apparently. A big thanks Nintendo !
@SeVok Have you read the comments section here? It's not UK only.
Finally managed to pay and complete the order, can't wait to receive it!!
Here is the link to log in, if people's links don't work on their email https://new-nintendo-3ds-ambassador-offer.nintendo-europe.com/user/login
@RainbowGazelle euh no, I didn't read 196 comment posts...
BE CAREFUL for links to direct Nintendo websites such as the one above. They could be counterfeit to steal your log-in data.
@Damo Nintendo hates me too #nintendohatesme
I'll admit I've bought 5 3dses. Is that not loyal enough?
Will it come to North America? Does it come with the ambassador games?
If anyone got the email and doesn't intend to purchase the console, I'd love to be able to get it soon (and with the cradle and faceplates included).
If anyone is happy to pass the invite along, throw me an email [email protected]
@SeVok, trust me it isn't. I am not a horrible person like that! Plus if you click on the link, look in the searchbar and it will say https, which means it is secure.
@RupeeClock Good call! I tried it to no avail, but it was worth a shot!
This is totally awesome! Congrats to anyone who was picked. I wish NOA would hook some of us super fans up like this.
Never mind then, looks like you haven't been selected yet, maybe there's still a chance?
I decided to take up the offer and ordered my ambassador New 3DS!
@RupeeClock It appears that my money isn't good enough for Nintendo! Enjoy your shiny New 3DS though, I'll just continue to wait ...
It's been 3 hours now and I still haven't been able to login... Does it have anything to do with the browser I'm using or perhaps AdBlock, or is it just the site that's broken / flooded...? Bah! :S
Well, I'm eligible, I can log in, but it shows me prices in Euros (I'm in England) and the checkout page won't let me change my delivery country from Ireland.
If I log in to my Club Ninty account, I see my country as "UK/Ireland" but I cannot change it. Not sure if either is related.
@Dark-Chespin I never said you were a horrible person nor the creator of the link, you could have just linked a false page without knowing and by yourself a victim.
@SensationalSean Now that I've purchased it, upon revisiting the purchase page with my Club Nintendo account the Buy button has been removed. One per customer it seems!
@SeVok Okay. But this is the link I used to get mine!
I also have the email
Is the link for UK customers different to the one posted above?
@SanderEvers @thepeterwright Could you guys tell me if it's true that with the new 3ds browser you can watch flash videos? I read somewhere they updated it.
I haven't received the email, should have though as I've purchased every console in the handheld family (some two of) and was an original ambassador. So I am incredibly annoyed and kinda desperate to get one. So if any members received the email and doesn't actually want it then please let me know and I'll gladly pay for you to order me it and even chuck some extra in for helping! thanks in advance
But of course the website doesn't work. Great.
Aaaaah I got the e-mail too but it won't let me log in either! I'm going crazy. ;~;
@Kirby_Fan_DL3 Hey, NoA has it's moments. They just kinda pale in comparison for the times when it really matters (See: every time NA is excluded while Japan and EU get's the good stuff).
And it might be a bit optimistic, but I wonder if offers will start circulating around NA around 9AM PST/12PM EST? That seems to be about the time in Europe folks on NeoGAF were reporting about the special email they received.
@andrea987 find me a link with a flash video and i will check.
Well this sucks, I've no chance of this in Finland. It sucks being a Nintendo fan as we get absolutely F*@!k all here. No Club Nintendo; nothing. Happy for those of you that do though. Have fun with it when you get it.
Could we assume that this means a European and North American release are coming sooner than expected?
Anyone who has a spare code to buy one of them, could you send it my way? I really want to get one of these and didn't get an email, send it through twitter @connicron
This has to be Nintendo's most screwball console release ever.
@connicron Sorry to say, but this doesn't come with a code. Either your Club Nintendo account is eligible for this promotion or not. So if you didn't get an e-mail, I'm afraid you'll miss out on this, unless somebody would want to order it FOR you.
@yosher @connicron - I didn't get the email but I am eligible. However, it seems to think I am in Ireland so I can't put my proper address in (or pay in UK currency).
Holy poopoodoodoocacapoopledoople, I got the mail! ... Too bad I don't have the money for it... ):
I got the email earlier today and I just ordered mine! XD
would love it, but I got no money.... T.T
I think the New3DSes will be released around February since GameStop Italy is selling Limited edition 3DS XL this whole January for 160€ (normally 200-230€). I was tempted to get the Zelda XL but this news tells me again to wait for the New3DS for the nth time. I want the ambassador N3DS though then wait for an awesome Limited Edition N3DS XL.
@ImDiggerDan How did you figure that out then? Did somebody e-mail you the link to the log-in page for this?
Damn you Nintendo - I'm totally broke after Christmas otherwise I'd be all about this.
@Yosher - It is listed above several times. Here:
If it works for you, let me know if you are in the £zone and if you can order in UK £.
@ImDiggerDan Oh, I didn't see it was posted. Sorry, my bad there!
But, no, I'm in the €zone (the Netherlands), but even if I was in the £zone, I can't log-in via that page either so I can't even TRY to order it.
Aww. I didn't get the email... not that I'm in a position to get the N3DS if I did get the email... I always got every promotional email Club Nintendo sent me...
@thepeterwright lucky you, i want it so bad but it doesnt look like im gonna get the email :[
@thepeterwright I just noticed your username, I take it that's not a reference to Peter Wright the Darts player, is it?
Woah - mines just shipped! Expected delivery is 9th.
Sigh. I wish Club Nintendo was for everyone.
@Yosher Nope couldn't even begin to understand that sport if its even a sport.
Yes, the link that UK members received was specifically for Nintendo's official UK store, instead of the Nintendo-Europe.com based purchase page.
Can't get past "Verified by Visa", it probably times out, or mixes up orders like the time I was asked some spanish dude's code.
@C-Olimar Isn't the 3DS region-locked? Don't all you guys who import Australian consoles have to import Australian games?
@ObviouslySheik Australia shares same region code as UK
So has there been anyone from germany or another € country who managed to buy a new 3ds? Tried it several times over the last few hours but no luck so far with the payment processor.
Once again, I find myself jealous of my European brethren.
@tomcat18 No chance.. Tried many times. Doesn't accept my card. (though 3 times it let me put in the TAN -> Error!)
Why doesn't NOA do this? Oh yeah- NOA doesn't like us.
That's a sweet looking system. I'd be torn, though. I prefer the larger screens so I'd probably wait for an XL system. Does this mean the N3DS is going to be released soon?
Can someone from the UK who got an invite please post the store link for me? I'm eligible - the EU link above lets me log in - but it locks me to Euros/Ireland.
@RupeeClock Thanks for the info. Do you have the UK link, by chance?
I would pass on this, its XL or nothing. I own 3 DSi Xl's and 2 3DS XL's and I have sold 2 regular DS's and 1 regular 3DS. It's just not me, my kids 10 and 12 only want the bigger screens.
But it doesn't matter, we are in the States.
@Shinji1670 What kind of card? Mine doesn't went through either.
@ImDiggerDan Yes,it's https://store.nintendo.co.uk/ninint/nintendoLogin.account?returnTo=http%3A%2F%2Fstore.nintendo.co.uk%2Fninint%2Fnew-nintendo-3ds-console%2Fnew-nintendo-3ds-ambassador-edition-bundle%2F11054445.html
Northern Ireland has a separate link, the same you have been using.
@Teenchampion I know right?! Who likes getting rare, special editions of games and consoles before anyone else?
Oh wait, everyone.
@defdef666: It's a Visa card. 95% of the time it just shows an error message (something like: "Try another card or change the payment method") =/ lame.
@Shinji1670 heard paypal works fine
There is no Paypal option, at least for me
@RupeeClock that works, thanks! Now I need to decide if I want one yet...
Well it took me four hours but I caved and bought one
@thepeterwright: In Germany, Nintendo only accepts credit card payment, for whatever reason.
Friend of mine that has a 3DSXL having bought just about five 3DS games did receive the mail. Where does that leave me with over hundred 3DS retail games, multiple 3DS devices, etc. Good thing I already have a New 3DS XL imported, but still 'most loyal customer', it stings...
@Shinji1670 Yeah i also got a VISA Card from amazon. In 15 tries i got to the TAN page 3 times and everytime i got the error message after filling in the TAN. Also tried a Mastercard but also no luck.
@123akis How did you sign in?
I decided to get one, so did my brother who had yet to buy a New 3DS himself!
Ah, didn't get one. Oh well, I've just got my 3DS recently so it would be bad to get another one so soon.
Does Europe have a release date for the New 3DS, or are they releasing this without even a release date for everyone? That's bold, for sure.
North American here, so I'm super jealous. I'd be curious to know to what extent the people who got this email are the same people who got the Smash Bros. 3DS download codes. I got one of those emails, which gives me hope that I will be among those who would get a New 3DS ambassador offer. I would snag it up pretty quickly, since I was going to get the white one anyway. I love the white Smash faceplate on the white system. It will be a struggle to keep it clean, but it's worth the effort.
@JeffreyG It took me to a page on the Nintendo UK Store website. It asked me to enter my Club Nintendo login details so I did, it then gave me access to the page for the bundle.
@earthboundlink No, Europe does not have a New 3DS release date.
@Grumblevolcano Wow. Then they're just dropping it on folks out of nowhere. I guess that means a European release is probably pretty soon. I'm going to guess February or very early March.
I guess Euro gamers have to wait for a lot of things we don't here in the U.S., so I shouldn't complain, but man, I really, really want this for NA.
@ZenTurtle Maybe exclusive games which will never be released on eshop? (See the GBA example for standard 3DS)
@earthboundlink I think Europe has had it much better than the US for a while now. Sure Smash Wii U came out a week later but on the other hand the DKC trilogy is now up to at least a 3 month delay (and many other huge VC titles have been similar)
@Grumblevolcano True. Plus, Europe sometimes gets cool physical rewards for Club nintendo that we don't get in NA.
Hmmm, why do I need to have a creditcard nintendo?... Why no paypal or something?
It's not to do with being signed up to all promotional emails. I am and did not get an email. It's not lots of stars/points either because I have loads of those too. And it's not being an ambassador because I am that. It must be something else.
@Damo Feeling your pain. I am crushed not to be considered worthy. Someone else ordered it for me via their account so I'll get it anyway, but still :/
The EU/US saga is still shambolic. Nintendo does not have a worldwide policy for promotions/releases/Club Nintendo etc and it isn't fair for consumers. They don't seem to want to address it though. However, I can't see this not coming to the US. Anyway really, it's just the faceplates that are unique, nothing else is special, so I expect you'll be able to buy those on Ebay pretty soon.
Anybody know what the Japanese says?
I got an email, but am waiting for the xl version.
If I was having the smaller version, I'm not sure I would want the bundle.
I am pretty jealous of anyone who got an e-mail right now. When were they sent out? I have an extremely faint dream that I may have deleted mine by accident...
@Bigtime About 10am UK time.
Got an email!
Didn't get an email previously for Pokemon demo though so I'm not sure what criteria they used.
Mine got shipped at 2pm.
Says i should have it by friday. Im looking forward to testing out some games i never got round to finishing like Metal Gear Snake eater with the new c stick.
@Bigtime try the links posted above. If you are eligible, they will work - regardless of whether you received the email or not. I got no email but have just ordered mine.
Gutted I haven't got the email
I don't get it, why called this a bundle when they can't even give us a damn game with it? All those stuffs in this so called special bundle could had just came with the actual launch package instead.
I wanted a XL and might still get one of those as well, but just couldn't resist buying this now.. So I did!
Just now the order went through without the need of a TAN.... whaaat?!
@Jonny I'm in the US, but was just thinking that would be my immediate dilemma. I really want only XL going forward. Those swapable face plates are inviting though...and then there is the whole getting it before anyone else thing.
I'd bet it is quite tempting!
I have an original launch 3DS. I didn't think that the GBA games were a particularly great 'reward' for being an early adopter, it has taught me never to buy things when they first arrive: you don't know exactly what you will get. There's no confirmation of anything 'exclusive' whatsoever so there's little enough reason to buy it now. In addition to that, I don't think Nintendo want to repeat such a 'promotion' again, as it was bad press to drop the price so rapidly (although it practically saved the 3DS).
Yay! I have a friend who would like to pay for it! I have to pay him back of course, but he wanted to have my old 3DS instead ^^ Good deal!
@defdef666: Same for me. Hope you have fun with your new... New3DS!
I just got an account here even if I read NL everyday 😂😂
Hey folks! I managed to order right now, it said my card was not a credit card thus I couldn't purchase it.
I tried again and now everything went good, I have an Italian Club Nintendo account.
I'm so glad about this! I hope you'll enjoy it soon..
Thanks Nintendolife for noticing me and Nintendo for the great shot they gave me!!
I have the email! BUT, I've been trying to buy the bundle for hours and I hadn't any luck completing my order. I'll try again tomorrow :<
@xavierepm Same here in France. Went through order without TAN verification and no confirmation by mail. A bit worried about all my failed attempts.
still stuck on the login page when I click login nothing happens. it like it just a static page
Didn't get the email, tried the link to the store and after entering my Club Nintendo details got this message -"This Club Nintendo account is not eligible to take part in this promotion"
And as a loyal customer, I'm gutted.
@AdelbertSteiner: It did take a while, but I got a conformaton mail. I can't login anymore now.
Got the email and like others I am torn. I have a XL and would most likely wait for a new one to come out and get that....but as a collectible it could be worth having.
@AdelbertSteiner: it took about 20 minutes. You could always try to order again if you don't get an e-mail.
I'm pretty annoyed that I never got an email, especially when my brother did. People "who fulfil a certain criteria" just sounds pretty unfair to me. I've had my account over 10 years now and I've registered tons of games, so if they sent emails to people who've only been a member for a couple of year I will be gutted.
What annoys me more though is no solid release date, so rather than being able to think "ah well, only another month or two anyway" we're left in limbo. I'm sure it will be out around March but why, oh why they've got units ready to shift NOW is beyond me. All I know is, I better be on the next selective promotion because I missed out on the Smash Bros codes too.
Club Nintendo Europe outdoes North America once again!
I'm going for it!
I'm so used to the bigger screen of the 3DS XL, but I play the 3DS so much, I'm sure I'll get used to it.
So sad no email
Imported a new 3ds xl last month from Australia and works perfectly due to it being a PAL system. Seems a bit pointless.
same for me, if the ambassador one was an XL version. it would be mine
but normal version ....
I got the email, but not buying. I have an XL, so not going to downgrade, and wouldn't want to pay extra for all the bits and pieces inside either.
Nintendo UK, maybe even Nintendo Europe as a whole did the same thing back with the DS, offering it at the start of the year when it officially released in March.
Having trouble - do I need to register with the store.nintendo site as well? It isn't recognising my login details.
I wonder if this will come to North America too.
@Jonny I'm in the same boat. I would like to buy one but I really want the XL
Oh my. NoA disappoints yet again! Well, they still have a chance to do this for us I suppose :S
I'm still pretty disappointed I didn't get one, to be honest. I've bought a ton of games this year and I've been a member for almost a decade now. Altogether I've gathered over 30,000 stars in Nintendo products.
Meh, I guess I'll have to let go.
I would be interested, but it's probs region locked so none of my games would work ;(
Pretty slick looking system though!
Maybe if it comes out in US it will be an XL version... That would rock my socks right off!
@AdelbertSteiner Oh no you guys should try again, I have the confirmation mail.. I think that orders of yours were just a kind of bug in the payment website
@Georges_Grouin try again ordering and check your account whether they have charged you or not!
I have confirmation by mail but no specs about when I'll be receiving it
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Nintendo sets off on another mission to annoy loyal customers. Not long after the Captain Toad Release date farce and the ongoing Amiibo comedy either, it's a productive period for the "this'll really push their buttons" department
@Grumblevolcano Where did you hear about this rumor? I can't find anything about it.
@VIIIAxel: This rumor was just a joke on Dec. 28th, which seems to be a day where you trick people (kinda like April Fools) in some Spanish speaking countries.
Got the special offer in the mail... woot! I will certainly buy it, even though i don't really have the money. It's an instant collectable and i will keep it sealed for my collection.
BTW: NoE did a similar thing when the DS was launched, the DS VIP program and i took part in that as well
It's cool that Nintendo is doing this but if I got an e-mail here in NA, I think I would buy one and sell it as well since I want an XL for sure.
Does anybody know if the prices are cheaper than normal or is it simply early with a few extra goodies?
Also, does EU have a solid release date for the masses yet? If not, we can conclude that it is darn close and that means that we here in NA will be getting it soon too. NOICE!
And this is the first I've heard of the rumored Nintendo Direct tomorrow. If that is true...I think we will soon have the answers to all my questions.
@Peach64 I'm the same. I have the XL better for my hands as the smaller version just gave me cramp in my hands.
Having got the email I emailed the customer support email address and asked if I could upgrade the offer to an XL version - If you don't ask you don't get!
However I haven't had a reply back nor do I expect one.
I considered buying it and then selling it on via ebay but then theres the hassle of doing it and the risk of someone scamming you, so I'm happy to wait for the general release of the new 3DSXL, you never know they may offer the same promotion for the new 3DS XL in the future. (I live in hope)
Didn't get an email... but I was planning on waiting for the XL anyway. Also, I hope Nintendo hurry up and actually release the New 3DS in the UK/US soon.
Got the email but might wait and see if they make a Codename S.T.E.A.M special edition.
I got the loyal customer email and ordered mine a few hours ago. Just had a dispatch email confirming delivery for tomorrow! Woop!
@Jonny I would say go for it! and if you don't like it you can always sell it for the 3DS XL version
No email for me
(also 22 on ebay already wtf)
@Shinji1670 Oh, alright. Thanks! Knew I shouldn't get my hopes up until I see actual information about it.
@Shinji1670 Oh, alright. Thanks! Knew I shouldn't get my hopes up until I see actual information about it.
I didn't receive the email and I've been a club member since 2004. I have a ridiculous amount of stars registered, I'm an Ambassador and promotional emails are turned on. Boo! I guess Nintendo doesn't want my money.
@SensationalSean why do you definitely meet their criteria?
Ordered! Dispatching tomorrow, and arriving 2-5 working days after that!
I got the email, and I want to order it, but for some reason I can't log onto the page. It keeps telling me my password is wrong, despite it being the one I used to log in to the normal Club Nintendo page.
@earthboundlink North America NEW ads Release date is February 21st - you can tell me later if I am wrong - please save this Message. . .Put an alarm on your phone and then se me back here. .. BWahahahaha
Oh, and who will trade in their Ambassador White New 3ds for the Purple Majoras Mask Special Editon console bundle. .
Bought it! Why not!! Will be odd as currently have an XL.
Every intention of keeping it, but if I can't get used to the smaller screen (the performance may be a worthwhile trade off) guess I can always sell it.
For those mentioning log in doesn't work - I had the same issue. Effectively re registered under my usual email address/password and all worked fine.
So, my payment service screwed up. Now I have to wait for them to send the money back to my bank account so I can give that money to someone else with a normal credit card. This is gonna be a long week waiting for it...
I bet some people are gonna make quite a few bucks off these then.
@DESS-M-8 Because I've bought and registered just about every device and first party again shortly after release! I meant to write "almost definitely" though!
@cfgk24 So, IF NA/EU dates are the same, this would give people a a little over a month headstart with a system, that nobody really wants because pretty much everyone shoots for an XL ?
Thats basically what i feared. Im so on the edge of buying my Ambassador offer, but thats 200€ and another 250€ a month later for the system i initially wanted...
To be fair, collectors item or not, the larger screen is, at least for me, much more important and not worth additional 200€ for an exclusive dust collector afterwards,
Because lets be honest, you wont get anything fancy out of the system until it launches properly, since no game that takes advantage of it will be released and its still in the dark if the now build in second stick can act as a CPP on older games.
Thus, limiting the "new" experience to download speed (which i cant test because of the systems purchase), Video player and the new 3D technology, which is nice, but the old one works just fine for me.
@Jonny same situation... there honstly suld have been a Option for the standerd And XL...
@__efac Tried to make a new account but it told me THAT password was incorrect too. Kind of annoying...
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed this!
anyone find a solution to problem of not being able to login yet
Hey does anyone know what the text on the faceplate says? Thanks in advance
It's letting me log onto the Irish page, but not the UK page. The only country available to choose is Ireland, but it lets me put my normal address in. Does anyone now if it would be worth trying to order from the Irish page instead?
Congrats you won the right to pay £185 lol much rather get the XL new 3DS i have a feeling this will be the last year of 3DS though or 2016.
I cant log in the irsh page at all
For those having difficulties logging in I had the same issue but realised it requested my club nintendo log in and not my nintendo store log in!! It worked for me let me know it it works for you........
@Luna-Harmony Well said, finally someone else who shares my opinion while so many idiots scramble to throw all their cash at Nintendo!
@jos Yeah, don't be a sucker and turn your computer off!
Wow this is cool use of CN, but stuff like this really should be for all regions.
Same thing was for a 20th ps4 here in the uk they got people to scramble like idiots only to win the chance to pay £499 for a console lol make that's where nintendo got the idea. I wonder if it's just special plates and the same 3ds inside that everyone else would get if bought.
@hopfolla I got VIP console as well !! still have the tshirt but sold the ds when the Lite was released, It was an probably the most ugly console ever and felt like playing with a brick do wish I kept it now though.
the ebay thing kind of disappointing actually, it might discourage NoA from doing a similar promo, and NoE from doing any similar promo offers in the future
having said that, if this was available in NA I would probably jump on it. I prefer the portability of the regular 3DS over the slightly bigger screen of the XL
Doesn't look all that special. They probably just want to make people feel special for being selected so they'll buy it, lol.
I really hope that they have this deal in North America! Please Nintendo!!!
@Einherjar Well, I imported my Australian PAL NEW 3ds and I love it! I don't see the need for the XL screen size as now the standard NEW 3ds screen seems perfect! But I am a total Fan - so that's what I did lol! - The Ambassador Cover plates are a good idea but I wold have liked them to be a bit more interesting.. Also - I think Ninety should have sent this email to ALL the original 3ds Ambassadors - after all - there aren't really that many of us...
I got the e-mail and I've bought it and paid for next day delivery it's going to arrive tomorrow despite me ordering it at 7pm! What I will say is if you got the email and you want one get in soon as it said whilst stocks last so there may be a limited number even to those who were emailed. To add in I have 11250 stars since first registration and have registered the DS, Wii, WiiU, 3DSxl & 2DS so I don't know if that has any reason for getting the email or not..?
Hey Nintendo what do you have to do to become part of the ambassadors program - in 2 years I have bought and registered 34 wii u retail games bought enough wii u eshop games to give me back £20 in eshop codes bought 2 3ds xls and 35 3ds retail games and all amiibos most of them from bought on Nintendo official shop including pre orders - I did not get an email for ambassador 3DS. what is going on -are the systems you use to recognise true fans only helping scalpers - you know I am a great coutomer why do you treat me like this.
I love seeing people take it personal that they didn't get the super special invite.
I am not to bothered just wanted to check if Nintendo reads these things and if they do, do they know how to recognise their true customers. I am more interested in new 3ds xl
yup, thought my clubnintendo and NNID were the same password.
you think the site would have said wrong password or something like that.
funny how they can sell to all of EU for this offer but the Nintendo store is UK only
Who wants to bet there won't be any such promotion in NA?! woop woop! Not only that, but when they do release it in NA in 2072, they'll grossly undersupply it and it'll sell out everywhere on day one, and we won't see any or hear of any new shipments for several months afterwards! YEAH!
@Kman389 It's simple really. You're not the only loyal customer. I've been one for over 20 years and I've gotten little to nothing from them.
Why do you hate the US now TT_TT
So apparently I can't log on to the UK site because my Club Nintendo account lists me as living in Ireland, even though I live in Wales, and there's no option to change it...
@TheMagus I know right?
I'd be right on this if it came to America. Does this stuff normally come to America?
@ThistleAndWeeds I think by limited stock they mean first come, first serve. Luckily I've ordered mine
@Inkling yeah just thought I would warn people trying to make their mind up.. Me too and I admit I paid next day delivery should be with me today I'm really hoping it has a number on it to signify its part of limited stock. Etched under the faceplate or something.
@Inkling Looks like I probably stand no chance then, don't get paid until Saturday
@GrizzlyArctos It sounds like you are going through all the pain I went through. Mine is ordered and shipping today.
You are probably using the link for the EU store. That is no good for UK customers. You need this one:
Don't use a mobile browser. Once you enter your Club Ninty details it takes you to the storefront, not the Ambassador Offer page.
The first Club Ninty "login" is not really logging you in, it is just verifying that you are eligible. When you go to checkout, it asks you to login again, but this is a login for the Nintendo UK Store, if you've never created an account, you'll have to create one now - no other logins with Nintendo work here.
@cfgk24 Nah, i really dont want to backpaddel in screen sice here.
To be honest, the promotion is pretty bad overall.
Its directed at a handfull of dedicated "hardcore" fans, maybe even handpicked. And im pretty sure that those are also the people who already got an XL out of brand loyality and interest in these system.
Why exactly they only offer the small N3DS is beyond me.
An option for an XL would have made the deal perfect for me.
Now, i sadly have to pass. I save that money for launch day, to get myself the N3DS XL i wanted from the beginning
@Einherjar Good point though there could worse implications of this such as maybe the XL is being delayed a few months or so in Europe. Wouldn't be surprised if NA gets the console last too.
@AdelbertSteiner i got the confirmation mail just after i placed the order. Do you get a mail if the ds is shipped?
Ugh. Everytime I get my heart set on an XL Nintendo shows how great the face plates are. Darn my poor vision...
@defdef666 I got confirmation mails of shipping and estimated delivery (today for me).
I now have estimated delivery time, which is in about 3 hours.
Just got an email from the courier service to say my N3DS is out for delivery today. Unfortunately I'm out of the country so it's going to be sat in it's box for now. I'm considering just keeping it that way as a collector's item as I ordered an Australian XL the day before I got the mail. Any thoughts on whether this is worth doing? Seems like it's just s single set of faceplates that makes this unique but then again it's probably going to be quite rare. Anyone know if it comes in special packaging?
@JellySplat I have a follower / friend on Miiverse who has already expressed their interest and they actually live in Northern Ireland like myself, but hopefully you'll get your chance!
I am really happy with Nintendo. (i know not everyone that wanted an email got one)
I didn't know this version existed 11am 6th January.
Now under 24 hours later it was delivered and i have it. Didn't pay extra for delivery either.
Looks great. Going to use it and i want to be careful with the faceplates as they are one of a kind.
@Achoo I would do glady, but how do i upload pics on here????
@Achoo i just tweeted them if you want to look?
The ambassador covers look absolutely the ugliest New 3DS covers I have seen to this date. The Smash Bros covers look nice.
Really horrified about the ripoff European prices. In Japan N3DS costs 109€, in Europe we have to pay £156 / 196€. Really fair pricing. Even more underlines the idea that the region lock in 3DS is so pointless.
I am too afraid to even imagine how much will the XL version cost here.
Once again feels like part of Nintendo's fans are second rate fans since this offer is only for Club Nintendo which is only in a few European countries.
@Grumblevolcano Sure, and i already contacted Nintendo (germany) about it, voicing the same concerns.
The result: Even they dont know exactly whats going on at the moment.
No one has any intel on release dates or at least the release window of said consoles.
And our german branch usually is very customer friendly. Even if they cant hand out details, they try to get info across in a roundabout way.
As it stands, no one knows when the system arrives and if both versions hit the market at the same time this time around.
This promotion is targeted at new adopters and yet, its exclusive to a select few hardcore fans. Most of them dont want to downgrade in screensize, me included, as im still heavily on the fence of getting the ambassador deal...
Again, its Nintendos usual communications problem.
With an estimated release date (even early, mid, late this year) would have given fans more incentive to get this promotional headstart, but not for roughly a month and a system that no one really wanted, since pretty much everyone i know of has their eyes set on the XL, as usual.
@Kolzig I'm in the UK, and decided to convert the prices of the New 3DS in different places into USD. Here's the results.
Australia: $170
Japan: $150
Europe: $271
@Einherjar @Grumblevolcano @cfgk24 I emailed Nintendo UK yesterday to ask about the likelihood of the ambassador program including the 3DS XL model on another promotion. Well I got my reply from Nintendo about an XL version of the Ambassador offer:
Ref: 375016
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for contacting regarding the New Nintendo 3DS.
The New Nintendo 3DS used for the Ambassador Programme is the standard sized console and there are currently no plans to release an XL console edition for the Ambassador Programme.
The New Nintendo 3DS XL will available later in 2015 upon the official launch of the New Nintendo 3DS range,
If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Scott Smith at
Your Nintendo UK Team
0345 60 50 247
Fax: 0203 166 4136
Email: [email protected]
Visit: www.nintendoservicecentre.co.uk
This GameFAQs user is claiming they can now log into the order page.
How about you?
Nope! Perhaps they've sent out a second wave of emails/that person encountered a lucky glitch? Thanks for the heads up though!
Back in the day you could actually WIN a DS...as in Free! Now you actually have to pay for the New 3DS. Greedy Nintendo!
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