While Nintendo's efforts at locking down exploits on the 3DS have been stronger than in past generations, hacks and homebrew have still been possible. Though system updates often shut them off, some have found clever ways to get around hardware limitations, and a recent web browser exploit raises a particularly thorny issue - Virtual Console support.
The 3DS Virtual Console has come under some criticism for the slow rate of new Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, in particular, while Pokémon fans often bemoan the fact that the IP's past-gen classics are seemingly a no-go zone on the platform. Fans have found a way around it, however.
Late last week we became aware of a 3DS web browser exploit that allows players to hack the latest 'mon games by loading in pre-prepared pocket monsters, but we opted not to report on it. That same exploit, or a variation of it, has now gone in an intriguing new direction.

As you can see in the video below, by utilising the web browser when suspended from a Game Boy Color Virtual Console game, it's possible to visit a url and load a GBC ROM onto the system, successfully emulating it on the hardware. This same exploit doesn't work fully with original Game Boy titles, however.
The workaround, as it's used for loading Pokémon Yellow (which had GBC enhancements), works right up to the current firmware version - 9.0-9.4 - but does not work on the New Nintendo 3DS which uses an updated web browser. Workarounds like this are often shut down in 'stability' firmware tweaks, however, and those that have come up with it evidently expect the avenue to be closed in future.
It raises that interesting question, again, of how slowly the Virtual Console is updated. Nintendo naturally does more than running standard ROMS, as it adds localised manuals, save state functionality and applies ratings. That said, workarounds like this only highlight how keen some are to access more content - even if it's illegal - on their portables.
What do you think of this workaround, and the topic of Nintendo's current Virtual Console output? As always we welcome your views, but do keep in mind our updated Community Rules and stay on topic, while avoiding posting any direct links to ROM, homebrew or hacking sites.
Thanks to RupeeClock for the heads up.
Comments 95
So... basically, Nintendo could release games faster? Because if it's that easy...
My, doesn't that sounds convenient. I will try it soon.
this is awesome xD
Well I don't expect to much damage for this method. This will only benefit people who want to try it, but they won't really use the VC that much. The majority of people owning a 3ds don't know how, and can't follow the basic steps for this method (not blaming the users.... because I own 2 of them and a new3ds...whoohoo) but do you really see this exploding?
Problem is the browser. Recently the region hack and now VC injection. Off course Nintendo is going to patch this.
edit: On the plus side. They need to own a virtualconsole title. thus Nintendo can earn some buck for selling some forgotten VC
That's one way to get my retro DQ fix..
Well, thanks to those jerks, Nintendo now has a reason to shoot down the region-free exploit. Just great - we lose an important feature just so that some pathetic cheapskates can play their goddamn ROMs wherever the hell they want...
As I see it, we all payed our 200 or so Dollars on our 3DS's, it's a free Country, let them play Roms on a Handheld that they payed for with there own Money. Unless you brought it for said person, then you could have the right to tell them not too play Roms on it.
Honestly, this seems kind of awesome!.. I know Nintendo will shut it down, (and I'm not going to try it, just to be sure nothing harms my system) but it's still a very interesting thing nonetheless.
To bad Yellow will not be on the Eshop. Still as fun as Yellow was I would only play it if I could buy it.
It's a web browser exploit, it has nothing to do with region free games.
Actually, the same web browser exploit has been used to achieve region free game loading, and also achieve certain other things like alternative homebrew loading.
Because of the nature of being able to modify and inject into the memory of a suspended game, there is actually a LOT that could go wrong.
I mean, how long until we start seeing things posted on Miiverse that should never be posted? What if any 3DS game can have its memory modified to perform a simple image display command?
If only they'd release the donkey Kong lands in NA. OR even add button customization or color choices for old GB games.
I still believe in Valve's stance on piracy. It's a very simple concept, if you offer a better service than the pirates can, people won't do it. Maybe if Nintendo actually started to up their Virtual Console game, people wouldn't turn to this stuff in desperation. Take this example, people want to play the old school pokemon games on their 3DS; if Nintendo won't provide that service, then people will find their own way.
Damn, these things never work on the New 3DS! You'd think the updated browser would be better.
That's actually pretty clever. Shame really that the web browser should be easy to patch.
Now Nintendo and the hackers can play a nice game of cat and mouse. I recommend Cat Trap for an example of how things may play out. It's in the eShop...
Well if you could do all those things before this Gameboy exploit was discovered, it was still only going to be a matter of time before Nintendo tried to block it.
Maybe Nintendo will finally realize that, yes, people do want the old Pokemon games on the Virtual Console. Why they aren't making them officially available is a mystery. It's like they don't like money or something.
@GeminiSaint It's because of the connectivity. Game Boy emulation cuases issues when it comes to using the Link Cable. And since that's a large part of Pokemon, there wouldn't be much point.
Take it from someone who knows. Playing Pokemon without a Link Cable to trade with is no fun.
People will complain if they can't link-up to others. Perhaps they are waiting to develop a working system that can link-up GB games to another user.
Didn't they already accomplish link play with NES Virtual Console?
Whoa calm down a bit there
It's not illegal if you dump the ROM yourself. People are just too lazy to do it, that's all.
Actually, emulation of proprietary hardware is illegal.
cool. if nintendo is so amazingly slow and lazy releasing games for virtual console, this is totally legitimate.
They did that with Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros. It was another web browser exploit that allowed posting to Miiverse of practically anything.
@ZenTurtle @Hyperstar96
Whichever it is, downloading the GBC rom to play on your 3DS is illegal.
Dumping the 3DS rom by yourself, then playing it on the 3DS may or may not be illegal?
If emulation of proprietary hardware is illegal then things like the Retron5 wouldn't be for sale so easily.
Oh, Nintendo... You don't know how tempted I am to use this. There is no reason not to hurry up and release as many games as possible if it's truly that easy. Especially games that have been out in other regions for months, like... I don't know... Game & Watch Gallery 3? I won't do it, but damn is it tempting.
@RupeeClock: Hold on a tick, I know you. You were BrawlinRupee on BrawlSnapshots, weren't you?
That's not true about connectivity. It is (relatively) simple to emulate the transfer cable, it's just data output by the program. The virtual console Zelda Oracle games, for example, allow communication to trade save file data.
Yessiree, oh such fond memories of BrawlSnapshots, it's a shame that it didn't last, but many fun snapshots were had and shared.
It's not as necessary these days when Nintendo already readily has screenshot sharing services.
The difference between the Retron 5 and widely available emulation software is that the Retron 5 does not support ROM files. That is why it has not been taken off the market (yet). It does not directly facilitate piracy so legally Nintendo have little ground to remove it. In general, however, emulation of proprietary hardware is illegal.
What you really mean is that the device rather than loading ROMs off a removable storage, will read the ROM stored on a legitimate game cartridge.
Can I see a source on emulation of proprietary hardware being illegal? I understand that is the case if you have to make use of official BIOS or DSP files, but emulators will usually make use of substitute homebrew BIOS/DSP files and encourage you to use those instead, or alternatively dump your own BIOS/BSP for use.
doesn't seem to work for me
This is cool but, I'll won't use it.
@EvisceratorX I totally agree with you. Nintendo this gen has disappoint in many ways imo. From virtual console lack of games to amiibo lack of stock. Not to mention the non availability of the New 3DS with faceplates on NA and the limited stock on 3DS Majora's Mask collectors edition etc.
It's clever and I can't say I blame anyone for wanting to try it. Extra functionality out of a device you have paid for, it's no different to the many emulators on people's phones
Ugh, Nintendo.
Why won't they release at least 5 gameboy and gameboy colour games a week. I've totally lost interest in the VC since about 2013, and so in turn they have lost a couple hundred euro from me. May not sound much with just me but when you multiply that by at least 1 million potential 3ds owners guaranteed to buy VC games, it shows how much Nintendo just don't care to put in the small amount of effort to make these game available to buy. They are sitting on a massive goldmine of games the we idiots will buy time and time again, and they just don't care. I know they owe us nothing at all, but keep the money rolling in, ya know?
Why won't they release at least 5 gameboy and gameboy colour games a week
Nintendo can only publish Nintendo games. Other companies are responsible for publishing their own games. If they don't submit a game to be published, then Nintendo can't do anything about it. It costs money to get games rated to be published so I imagine they're not bothered about releasing many old GB games.
@Yorumi yeah, I used to collect carts and stuff, but for me it's space and the fact that Ninty don't get my money. Sure it's awesome to have the cart, even the box too, but, I'd rather have them on my 3d. To play. Not so much on the WiiU for some reason.
I just dont get Nintendo most of the time now, very strange out look on their very rich video game past.
They need a shake up in NOJ, but I'm hoping that's happening at the moment with club Ninty closing this year, a new 'club Nintendo' coming in September or there after and a stronger 3ds coming out in 2 weeks That could run practically GameCube games now. We'll have to wait and see.
Does this work for any of you guys plus when you save the game or savestate does it actually save the game or not.
I would love pokemon to come to vc on 3ds and to use the infered to connect to people as i have mario land 2 and that uses infared to connect to people.
@TheHumbleFellow I've never once used the link cable to play Pokemon & I enjoy them immensely. I've been playing Fire Red & Emerald alot on the Retron 5, they're still fun without that feature.
@Bass_X0 rubbish, I'm sure they can cut deals to get ten, twenty, games rated at a time at a reduced cost. Anyway, they have BILLIONS of €¥£$¢, I'm pretty sure it would be nothing to them over all.
And there is a lot of 3rd party companies still going from the gameboy/colour era that would be interested in rereleasing their games. To me, it's Nintendo that just don't want to bother. it's a pretty sad service tbh now. Either do it or don't at all.
That's a good point. Still, I'm pretty sure many fans of the old gens won't mind.
Not gonna bother with hacks anymore until Nintendo abandons the 3DS in 1-2 years.
This would be nice for those GBC games you know will never come out. Nintendo is taking way too darn long to trot these out. Their future handheld running the NintendOS would probably look to solve the issues for porting with speed.
This is actually really neat, how this works. I hope this lights a fire under Nintendo's metaphorical bums to get moving on the VC. One of the reasons I got a DSi originally was because of my hopes for a GB VC, and while it didn't actually happen until the 3DS it's still woefully understocked.
@RupeeClock: So you're really him, huh. Funny running into you here! I was Doore1337 on that site, I think we've talked a few times- I was embarrassingly young at the time, but still, I can't help but wonder if you remember seeing me around at all. We should find a place to catch up.
@BaffleBlend I'm afraid it's been such a long dang time that I don't remember, not just you but anyone there really, I remember the screenshots though.
This'll probably get patched eventually. But I do hope this actually gets their butts in gear - Virtual Console just isn't as good on 3DS or Wii U since they take forever and a day to release games. Don't get me wrong - I love Virtual Console, period. It just seems like they're just not caring as much about it this time around, that's all.
If Nintendo actually cared about their VC service this kind of thing wouldn't be as much of a problem. Cant blame anyone for using this system - it's emulating 20 year old games that Nintendo themselves don't see fit to release on their service.
I still do not get why Nintendo does not release more things on VC, or even try offering games from other systems, like Virtual Boy on 3DS....
Im gonna try this with my NES VC on other NES ROMS and see if this works!
Let me know when this works with SNES games. They would shine on the 3DS if they were actually for sale.
@Kaze_Memaryu - Funny that you somehow blame these people for this and not say, Nintendo, who's actually responsible for region locking?
@Geonjaha That's nonsense and you know it. The previous exploit did exactly what people wanted: bypass region-locking. Everything was cool. But no, some jerkfaces just can't get enough and have to resort to the illegal way YET AGAIN!
Besides, GBC ROM's have nothing to with region-locking to begin with, it's just plain stupidity at its finest. "We finally have what we wanted all this time! Let's ruin it with ROM playback!"
@Kaze_Memaryu whoa calm down there edgemaster
This sounds really neat, I wonder if it works for other systems?
i'd try this on my 3DS, but i've already transferred all of my 3DS Games, and VC Games to my New 3DS XL, and this won't work on the new 3DS Hmmm....Annoying!!
@Kaze_Memaryu You make it sound like Nintendo doesn't think that circumventing the region-lock is a big deal. Face it region-lock circumvention was going to be patched away sooner or later anyway. If they didn't think region-lock was important it wouldn't have been here in the first place.
@Robo-Knight Ilegal copies are ilegal, man. There is no gray area about this.
If they're of Games that are on the Eshop already, then yes, that would be illegal.
But if it's a Game that's never going too come out like the original Duck Tails Game or the old Pokemon Games, then go ahead, no one's going too put it out on the Eshop, find your own way to go get it yourself.
For those with problems: Clear your Internet Browser's history and cookies.
that looks pretty cool
Time to play Crystalis.
Oh my arceus, seriously Nintendo?
The only problem is that VC is not enough of a money spinner for Nintendo. Nobody is going to buy a 3DS or Wii U just so they can play a bunch of particular VC games (except for maybe those for whom Earthbound was the clincher).
Nintendo only have a limited amout of programmers, and we can't have 100 VC games a year AND great games like Splatoon AND new Zelda AND new Metroid. Also, if Nintendo do too many VC games then most of them don't get any purchases, they get lost in the deluge. However, it would be nice if they could prioritise their VC release schedule to ensure that the games people want to buy are released before games nobody really cares about.
From what I understand, you can only play games that are 1MB or less, so there are a significant amount of games unplayable, including all Gen 2 Pokemon games.
This is incorrect because look what i did. it depends on the file size. i used wario land 3 Because its a bigger file than zelda so this shows that it works with pokemon crystal the biggest of them all.
Man, I wish that Nintendo could just release the emulator separately with DLC of the different games. Of course that probably wouldn't work out too well, it could have some good effects, like that Nintendo could just release the code for the games and include the rating that it got when it was originally released. That way, the manual may be hard to get around but some steps could be skipped, like having to plug all of the stuff into the emulator and release it separately.
I'm glad they did a work around. I'm kinda surprised they didn't just remove the browser off the system. Usually abuse by the few causes pain and headache to the majority with Nintendo. Swapnote was a perfect example. I would still use that if it were still working via internet.
If you own Harvest Moon 2, you can play Pokemon Gold. I would have tried Crystal, but I do own a physical copy of that game that I use for Stadium 2, so I didn't want to run into something like an awesome shiny in that version instead of Gold, which I wouldn't really need IRL since I own Crystal...it's complicated.
@ShanaUnite That's completely besides the point. This isn't about what Nintendo implements/enforces, but about what we make of such exploits.
Just look at this: we had a region-unlock in our hands! Regardless of what Nintendo might think of it, we had the chance to prove that we can support that, and show clear interest in imported games.
But look at it now: all these people are doing is showing how utterly pathetic they are in their greedy aspirations! We lost an entire argument because of this, and NOBODY can hold it against Nintendo that they're patching this! It's just plain sickening how people fawn over this, even here in the comments, and they're even proud of this!
We had a great opportunity to prove a point, but instead these morons committed murder in court.
@babbeltje Where did you find that? i've been trying to make this happen with any game, just to see if i could do it, but it won't work. i think i need to find a rom file outside the .zip, but i can't find it. i can't get the trick to work, and i would really love to see MGS on the 3ds!
I suspect this is gonna be patched quickly, People are already posting screens from other GBC games on Miiverse -_-;
Thing I notice from looking at these things is that the dumped game seems to support all the features of the Virtual Console Emulator just fine. The save state, suspension upon quitting, will reset completely on Reset, can be put into sleep during sleep mode...makes me honestly wonder why more Game Boy Color games (Pokemon aside, I'd say the Game Boy is sorted) aren't on the eShop.
JACKPOT! Finally, I can play Pokemon Crystal Kaizo on the 3DS! And yes, I own the Crystal cartridge, so I do own the game. There actually was another method of GBC emulation uncovered last year, but it required using a special device which begins with an R and ends with a four. I have no interest in pirating, so I definitely wasn't going to shell out money for that. With this, now there's an alternative!
It seems like there are some glitches, though. (For example, Pikachu didn't call out it's name) Also, many combos of VC titles and ROMs crash the 3DS. If you're worried about your 3DS being crashed or even bricked, do not try this exploit.
It seems like a large enough amount of memory is needed in the VC title for the process to work. For example, Wario Land 2 or 3 is a good candidate, but Super Mario Land wouldn't pull off what Link's Awakening DX did in the video. Also, Link's Awakening DX failed to boot into several other tested titles, including several regular GB titles. You should pair a GB title with GB VC, or a GBC title with GBC VC.
This is definitely still a work in progress, but it works on the latest firmware. People shouldn't get up in arms over this, because it's not as easy nor as reliable as the video makes the process look. Very much still not 100% reliable, so don't expect any miracles.
I cant think of any game to play in the GBC library.
No really. I cant remember any memorable game in there. (other than the obvious choices)
Personally, I'm pretty ashamed of the Miiverse community. I expected much more creativity to abound during this situation, and I checked every GB and GBC game page, and only saw a few posts about the eploit, and even fewer that were creative. I also love how people think Link's Awakening DX and Pokemon Yellow are the only games that work with this.
@EmmatheBest That's because the exploit is a work in progress. Not all possible working combos and ideal setups are known yet. This really started getting underway just this week. (People probably also don't want to risk getting banned from Miiverse or drawing too much unwanted attention.)
@KodyDawg You will not lose the VC title. If you power down the 3DS after you're done, you can get back to the VC title after powering the 3DS back on.
"That's completely besides the point. This isn't about what Nintendo implements/enforces, but about what we make of such exploits.
Just look at this: we had a region-unlock in our hands! Regardless of what Nintendo might think of it, we had the chance to prove that we can support that, and show clear interest in imported games
But look at it now: all these people are doing is showing how utterly pathetic they are in their greedy aspirations! We lost an entire argument because of this, and NOBODY can hold it against Nintendo that they're patching this! It's just plain sickening how people fawn over this, even here in the comments, and they're even proud of this!
We had a great opportunity to prove a point, but instead these morons committed murder in court"
I've got a hypothesis... This exploit might be a result of a firmware bug that is causing my 3DS to freeze. I haven't tried this but it a hunch.
Its funny cuz i have official copy's of all the games so please cry me a river.
The game works fine except your savefile will be removed if you save with the other game. Because it replaces the save file with the save of the game on the sd card. So i cannot save with wario land 3. But if you save with wario land 3, the save will be fixed.
@Kaze_Memaryu - You really are in complete denial. Nintendo would have gotten rid of the region-lock bypass anyway, and if they wouldn't, why wouldn't they just stop region locking your consoles?
Nintendo are the ones who region lock their console. They are the reason that we cant play games from other regions. You act as if Nintendo wants to give us a region-lock bypass but cant. It is in their complete control. I swear, the amount of blame you're trying to shift away from the company actually responsible for this system is astounding. The amount of mental gymnastics needed to blame a random person for region locking rather than the company that is implementing it is just saddening.
Kids, the kids on GBATemp already did the number crunchies for you:
Your best bets for a base game is Shantae or Super Mario Land 2 or Mega Man V, as they're the largest in their respective colours.
You can't load a ROM larger than the ROM of the game in your VC, which is sensible, after all.
So if you're after MGS, go get Shantae. Or get Shantae in any case, it's good gaming.
As for the region-free thing: Nintendo mentioned maybe doing it, but isn't doing it. We all know WHY they aren't doing it (it would blow up their currently existing restrictions on which limited editions are on sale in which country, for example; then there's the rating boards issue to work with, as ESRB is more lenient than the Australian and German rating boards, which means games that will get banned for those countries will get censored or not released at all for Europe, etc), the question is are they willing to step over that or not.
For now, having an exploit that allows region-free but not piracy is actually their BEST bet. Maybe they leave another security hole like it so the N3DS can make use of it as well, and just... leave it alone.
@MasterBlaster I do, point invalidated.
@babbeltje That matters how?
@Geonjaha Do I have to draw you a damn picture?!
If Nintendo blocked a region-bypass method that was just that, there would've been a massive outrage, and they would experience immense pressure. We lost that opportunity for nothing. If we complain about this getting patched out now, Nintendo will just point at this stupid ROM load trick and call it a day.
It doesn't matter why Nintendo committed themselves to region-locking: it's still a suicidal move for them to block a method that bypasses region-checking without enraging those affected by it, and many supporters in general.
@Kaze_Memaryu - If Nintendo blocked something on their system that was breaking the rules of their system then people would riot? Er, no, they wouldn't. People have had their 3DS' with region lock for a long time until this came out. You're assuming something would have happened with no evidence, no prior cases of it happening in the past, and a flimsy excuse for giving up.
Nintendo is already feeling the pressure of people telling them to get rid of region locking, and if you care about it this much, then fricking do something about it. Contact Nintendo. Sign petitions. Don't sit here grumpy because you seem to think your only opportunity is down the drain.
@Kaze_Memaryu Let me draw the picture: they don't care. They were going to block it either way, and this exploit won't change anything because of that.
@readyletsgo Can you provide a reason for them doing this other than "because I want them!"?
@KodyDawg - Yes, it does reset, but all you have to do is type in that same page in your internet browser again, along with possibly quickly deleting cookies/browsing history beforehand. You'll still have any data you saved from the time before, however. That still works.
Thanks Nintendo Life. This tipped me off to being able to edit my pokemon in ORAS using the browser trick. Finally got my dream team!
@KodyDawg Yeah, only save states work. Saving within a game such as Pokemon will actually erase any saves in your VC game, such as Link's Awakening DX or Shantae. Of course, this means you can't use save states in your VC game... Yeah, this isn't quite straight emulation, but it's something.
@babbeltje Yeah it's awesome, Thing is if you notice the time you set at the beginning of the game will never change(No internal clock) and if try train/catch in the tall grass (at night) there will be times when it will change to day for a battle or two.
I'm pretty sure I could make Game Boy games to work in the Nintendo 3DS browser anyway. Just without sound. I also hope the update wont affect PainiteGames.com and the Nintendo 3DS browser games there people will soon discover.
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