This past weekend saw the release of FIFA 15 around the world, and unsurprisingly it's dominated the latest chart results for the UK. According to Chart-Track the EA title "accounts for 80% of all entertainment software units this week and a whopping 87% of revenue". That's crazy, though Nintendo did get a very small slice of the pie — the Wii version, despite the likelihood of it being little more than a roster and kit update, secured 23rd place in the individual format top 40; the 3DS iteration didn't chart.
Moving on to more Nintendo-centric priorities, Level-5 and Brownie Brown's Fantasy Life charted in 8th place (all format) in its first week, also scoring 10th in the single format results. The outcome is a little less pleasing for Hyrule Warriors after a strong début last week; it fell ten places to 13th in the all-format charts and eleven places to 15th in the single format charts.
There are some other Nintendo exclusives or notable releases in the top 40, summarised below.
- Tomodachi Life — 16th (all format) / 17th (single format)
- Mario Kart 8 — 26th (all format) / 26th (single format)
- Frozen: Olaf's Quest on DS — 30th (single format)
- Pokemon White — 36th (all format)
- Pokemon Black — 38th (all format)
A notable absentee, unfortunately, is Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call, which has fallen out of the top 40 in both the all and single format stakes.
A solid start for Fantasy Life, certainly, while Nintendo will at least hope to see Hyrule Warriors hold firm in the lower positions. This week, meanwhile, brings us Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - will it overthrow FIFA, even if only in the single format chart? We'll find out soon.
Comments 33
I think Hyrule Warriors will continue to sell better as the holidays approach.
Gooo Tomodachi Life!
"Hyrule Warriors" would have sold tons over here if there was enough stock to go around. Lots of people still don't have their retail copies of the game because local stores didn't have enough stock for everyone.
The drop for Hyrule Warriors probably isn't that drasticin terms of numbers, considering there have got to be at least 5 SKUs of Fifa above it.
@AJWolfTill Only one FIFA is listed in the all-format results (but yes, you're right in terms of the single format positions). A shame that Hyrule Warriors has fallen below a fair few older releases already.
Nice to see a new IP doing well. Hopefully it can sustain its momentum.
@ThomasBW84 Brownie Brown are now known as 1UP Studio.
@C-Olimar I know, but they were Brownie Brown when they made this I don't always put in the 'now known as 1UP Studio' every time, admittedly!
@ThomasBW84 Ah, of course. It's easy to forget how long ago this game was released in Japan!
UK charts are the world's most baffling. You have the typical Guns 'n' Sports dominance that America has, but then there's all these oddities. What are Pokemon B/W doing there lol?
Still suprised by how well Tomadachi life was doing.
I'm afraid I can't add to HW sales total just yet as the B2 first edition copy and Smash 3DS have consumed my budget. Perhaps in Nov or Dec.
Though I am terrible grateful I'm not one of 80% that follow the Fifa "rinse the public" bandwagon. Bahhhhhhhhhhh
Hyrule Warriors I expect to sell a bit better once there's more stock available. Good debut for Fantasy Life, it's absolutely brilliant. I've hardly been able to put it down since last Friday
FIFA, I've got no interest in whatsoever. In fact, the last football game I bought was World Cup 98 on the N64. I won't criticise the lemmings that do pick it up though as I do exactly the same with the WWE games every year
I pick up NHL titles every 3-5 years, and haven't done so since the last multi-plat 2K version, but those who pay full price for yearly upgrades baffle me.
It's like paying money to watch Nascar.
If Hyrule Warriors was a better game, maybe it would have sold via word of mouth, but it's not a good game.
Given the choice between DW8 on a more capable system, I'd still choose nothing, but when it's an option for fans of the series, there's no question.
Even Samurai Warriors 4 is a better choice.
Let's face it, in Japan, the US, the UK and everywhere else, the only hope for the Wii U is Smash.
With the PS4 not showing signs of slowing and older PS3/360 titles dominating the western markets, I don't think Smash Wii U will even sell 500k units this calendar year. Maybe fiscal year.
My prediction? Nintendo sells less than half of the initially projected units for this calendar year and loses 2-8 million dollars through the fiscal year.
Iwata will not last until E3.
I don't get how FIFA can sell over and over, every year...
I should clarify, less than half of the projected HARDWARE units.
And only as far as Wii U is concerned. 3DS is a good idea, and if the New 3DS were more powerful, they could just drop the Wii U altogether.
Look, I own a Wii U and if it worked properly, I'd sell it for cash and get out of gaming. I guess I'd like it to succeed, but the only game I have interest in in the next eight months is Bayonetta 2 and it's tepid anticipation at best.
FIFA is actually a good game. It's by far the best reviewed sports game on metacritic. The only people that have anything bad to say about it are those that don't play it. It's certainly reviewed far better than Hyrule Warriors and Fantasy Life.
I think Smash has a great chance at being no 1 in the single format chart. Game sales are hugely front loaded. FIFA will drop by 80% or more next week, while loads will be picking up Smash on friday.
The scores it received may have made some reconsider getting it, it did me.
I just can't get into the gameplay with Hyrule Warriors. It's way too jerky and just doesn't appeal to me. Makes sense since I didn't really take to Dynasty Warriors either ^_^
@Captain_Gonru Yet if you want to believe all the media and sales figures, the Wii U is a failure on all accounts... some really "X-Files" style misinformation going around. If this is the situation with "Hyrule Warriors", it's not too far fetch to imagine the same thing happening with "Bayonetta 2" and even "Smash Bros Wii U" in the next few months.
If Smash Bros doesnt surpass the yearly FIFA game in sales next week, I'll lose all my hopes on the UK gaming community.
Not surprised at all, theres isnt a huge number of WiiU owners on UK to begin with, add that amost everyone that wanted Hyrule Warriors bought between this and last week and you can see why it fell off so fast
I sense that Smash Bros WiiU is the only WiiU game that would hold up quite well, i sense that Bayonetta 2 will face the same situation as Hyrule Warriors
People at college ask me if I've gotten FIFA last weekend and packs to go with it and to them I say no. Its a scam at this point. Loving playing Hyrule Warriors. UK baffle me but I'm content in knowing the quality on Wii U is assured for this holiday season and onwards as a small minority.
I'm also set on Bayonetta 1 and 2 to support it here in the UK. Smash 3ds isn't really my thing. Portability isn't important to me but I'm definitely getting Smash Wii U this holiday season. Got to support the more obscure titles that deserve more than anything else on the market like Destiny or FIFA.
There goes another Wii U game in the UK, It's like they don't like Nintendo anymore on purpose... Or maybe just the Wii U console itself??
While I don't want Nintendo to bend over and kiss EA's behind, this does show a clear problem. Namely, the fact that the Wii U needs games like Fifa and Madden.
People can scoff at that comment all they want, but Football and Soccer are big sports and the games based of them sell millions of copies.
Think about this, if Madden and Fifa were on the Wii U, it would make it more attractive to consumers(especially given its lower price), and that in turn might help other games.
Like EA and their games or not, these are major titles that sell tons of copies each year and Nintendo's newest console is not getting a cut of the pie.
If nothing else, why does Nintendo not make their own exclusive sports that are not based on Mario or the Wii series? They did it back on the SNES and N64, and Sony sells millions of MLB: The Show each year, so the market is there.
Sports games sell millions of copies across numerous leagues and are some of the major titles on platforms each year. People can bash Fifa all they want and act like the people who but those games are idiots.
But they sell well and are on Playstation & Xbox. Not having Fifa on the Wii U is hurting the system. When people go into stores and see Madden on everything but the Wii U, how does that look to consumers? Not getting Destiny is one thing, not getting yearly sports games like Madden and Fifa just makes it look bad to casual consumers.
I don't care what anyone says, the Wii U needs Madden and Fifa.
@AdanVC Umm, the UK has never been big on Nintendo. Unless I'm wrong its pretty much been Playstation land over there since the PS1, and before that Sega and computers like the Amiga were real big.
Nintendo has always struggled in the UK. I think their handhelds tend to do well, but their home consoles struggle in that market.
Can anyone else add anything to this? Am I right or wrong about this?
I just always heard that Sega, Sony, and computers like the Amiga were big in the UK and Europe and Nintendo's always had trouble over there.
I do know Europe was one of the few regions where the Master System beat the NES.
Well it looks more kawaii
In my opinion, Hyrule Warriors deserves more love. I'm loving it thusfar and I barely scratched the surface of character and weapon unlocks. Plus the DLC pack. I will surpass 100 hours on it.
I am in Texas. And I went to target and they were sold out. Had to buy at GameStop, i got the second to last copy. This was on Sunday afternoon. I love the game! I have never played a game like this, really enjoyable.
@Caryslan The NES and SNES weren't that big in the UK because Nintendo hardly made any effort, as they didn't consider it a major market. They didn't even put the NES out themselves, but licensed it to Mattel who barely pushed it at all (they made the current level of Wii U advertising look like a media onslaught). It was only when they saw the Playstation take off did they try and make a serious effort, but they over-priced everything and there were long delays compared to releases in Japan and North America, and without the Nintendo nostalgia, people just went for the Playstation. The Wii WAS the biggest seller in the UK from last gen until it recently got surpassed by the 360 (just like it did in the States), and Mario Kart Wii is still the highest selling console game. The UK market generally doesn't play favourites but will go for the console that's most appealing, which is why all 3 console makers have had their place at number one.
I've said this over and over on here, but people always refer to the Wii U doing bad in the UK, but it's done no better in the States. Most big games have charted higher in the UK than they have in the States, that's for sure. Mario Kart was 2nd behind Watch Dogs in both regions, while in the US, the only other game to get in the top 10 was DK: Tropical Freeze, while in the UK, Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate have all been top 10.
The U.K video game charts are the most predictable charts ever. It would be nice to see some thing decent In there for a change instead of the same recycled football and FPS games. The U.K videpgame chart is such a joke.
D*mn you UK! Hyrule Warriors deserves so much better. I can't believe how many people dismiss it cause its no core Zelda game. WTH if you love Zelda games and skip this...whats wrong with you? Especially if you've never played a Musou game before, that means it'll be a fresh and exciting experience. (like it was for me)
And EA sells way too many copies of FIFA...especially since its a lazy upgrade and far from what current gen can achieve. (I mean for such a big and valuable franchise)
Relax Hyrule Warriors will sell about a million copies by the end of the year. Japan 100000 +, Europe 300000+, the States 600000+ it's not bad. (Just a prediction) Plus or minus .You all need to relax. Hyrule is a great game and I'm sure people will buy it. It was sold out at Gamestop, and Target, but I found it at a Walmart and I live in Miami. So if a game is sold out at retailers that's a good thing.
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