The download details for Europe arrived a little later than usual this week, possibly because it's a rather lengthy release list. We have high profile retail games on Wii U and 3DS, along with some interesting download-only options and discounts both permanent and temporary. There's plenty to choose from, so let's get on with it.
Wii U eShop
Wii Sports Club (Nintendo, €1.99 / £1.79 for a day pass, €9.99 / £8.99 for individual sports) — There will be a free initial 24-hour day pass for the available sports, which can also be purchased in full, detailed below. This is the updated HD re-release of the classic Wii Sports, which also includes online play, Miiverse functionality and MotionPlus Controls. Remaining sports will be added in the coming months, and we'll review each download item of DLC individually.
Wii Sports Club: Tennis — €9.99 / £8.99
Wii Sports Club: Bowling — €9.99 / £8.99
Toki Tori (Two Tribes, €1.99 / £1.79, will be €3.99 / £3.59 from 6th December) — The first of three Two Tribes Classics coming to the Wii U eShop, this is the HD offering (with additional content) that's based on the PC release. Unlike its sequel, this title focuses on single screen fixed puzzles, some of which are exceptionally fiendish in later stages. We'll have a review for you when it launches, and until then you can check out our Toki Tori WiiWare review and our hands on impressions of the new release.
Wii U Retail Download
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games (Nintendo, €49.99 / £39.99) — The popular series returns as a Wii U exclusive, incorporating the GamePad and MotionPlus controls into the standard fare that the series offers. In some senses this title is a success, but doesn't hit all of its marks or reach its potential, as we explained in our Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games review. Available from 8th November.
Batman: Arkham Origins (WB Games, €59.99 / £49.99) — Arriving late (in Europe) and at a premium price, this is the latest in the popular Rocksteady revival of the Dark Knight, though this was developed in-house by WB Games. The Wii U version lacks the new online multiplayer mode, while critical opinion has been mixed. We're current 'being Batman' to swoop in with a review, soon.
Pikmin 3 (Nintendo) — Battle Enemies! Stages 7-10, €1.99 / £1.79.
Wii U eShop Temporary Discount
Toki Tori 2+ (Two Tribes) — There are two separate promotions for this title.
Standalone purchase — €8.99 / £7.79 until 14th November, normally €14.99 / £12.99
With Toki Tori purchased first on the Wii U eShop — €5.99 / £5.19 until 14th November, normally €14.99 / £12.99
Wii U eShop Retail Permanent Discounts
Assassin's Creed III (Ubisoft, €19.99 / £15.99, was €69.99 / £54.99)
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth (Ubisoft, €19.99 / £15.99, was €29.99 / £23.99)
ZombiU (Ubisoft, €19.99 / £15.99, was €29.99 / £23.99)
Rabbids Land (Ubisoft, €19.99 / £15.99, was €29.99 / £23.99)
Sports Connection (Ubisoft, €19.99 / £15.99, was €29.99 / £23.99)
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 (Ubisoft, €19.99 / £15.99, was €29.99 / £23.99)
3DS eShop
KORG M01D (DETUNE, €24.99 / £19.99) — This is an app that may have been eagerly anticipated by musicians that fancy a decent creation / composition tool on the go, even if it does come at a premium price. This is an expanded version of a DS title, with 342 "unique sounds" among other features. We'll get our groove on and let you know what we think.
Brunch Panic (CIRCLE Entertainment, €3.99 / £3.35) — A challenging resource-management title that sees you frantically preparing meals for customers, this is simple, pick-up-and-play gaming with cute presentation. On that level it works quite well, as we argued in our Brunch Panic review.
Arcade Classics 3D (Enjoy Gaming, €2.99 / £2.50, will be €3.99 / £3.30 from 29th November) — We're often cautious of collections that offer multiple 'classics' for the price of one, as they often do poor jobs of multiple games as opposed to one excellent experience. Our review will be live soon, but we will say it's not exactly full of praise...
3DS Retail Downloads
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (Nintendo, €44.99 / £39.99) — Available from 8th November, this is supposed to be the last adventure in the series starring the tea-drinking Professor of Archaeology, and if it is a finale then it's a fitting one. Incorporating the simplicity of the DS titles with some 3DS flourishes, this earned 9/10 in our Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy review.
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (WB Games, €39.99 / £34.99) — Developed by Armature Studios, this is a 2.5D take on the popular franchise, and serves as a continuation of the storyline in the console version. We'll bring you our opinion on it as soon as possible.
Regular Show: Mordecai & Rigby in 8-Bit Land (NAMCO BANDAI Games, €34.99 / £28.49) — Available from 8th November.
My Little Baby 3D (Treva Entertainment, €29.99 / £24.99)
Plenty of choice this week, European gamers. Let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.
What will you be downloading first this week? (236 votes)
- Wii Sports Club: Tennis (Wii U eShop)
- Wii Sports Club: Bowling (Wii U eShop)
- Toki Tori (Wii U eShop)
- Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games (Wii U retail download)0.4%
- Batman: Arkham Origins (Wii U eShop)0.4%
- Pikmin 3 "Battle Enemies! Stages 7-10" (Wii U DLC)
- Toki Tori 2+ (Wii U eShop temporary discount)
- Assassin's Creed III (Wii U retail download permanent discount)0.9%
- Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth (Wii U retail download permanent discount)0%
- ZombiU (Wii U retail download permanent discount)0%
- Rabbids Land (Wii U retail download permanent discount)0.4%
- Sports Connection (Wii U retail download permanent discount)0%
- Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 20130%
- KORG M01D (3DS eShop)
- Brunch Panic (3DS eShop)0.4%
- Arcade Classics 3D (3DS eShop)0.9%
- Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (3DS retail download)
- Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (3DS retail download)0.9%
- Regular Show: Mordecai & Rigby in 8-Bit Land (3DS retail download)0.4%
- My Little Baby 3D (3DS retail download)0.9%
- Just the free 24-hour Wii Sports Club pass for me
- Nothing for me this week
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 95
What no Ghosts?
Professor Layton! But not as a download.
The free 24h pass for the wii sports titles... are they referring to the individual first start or the normal release day?
Wow! ... Nothing!
No VC this week! What a joke.
The great xmas games rush has begun
There's so much out this year it's insane! Wish Arkham Origins had launched the same time as the other here (like it did in the states) so there could be one less thing on my "need to get" list this week.
@dew12333 they never seem to release COD games as downloadables (on release date at least). Would've liked a download version of it, but I'm guessing it would've been a silly money purchase over the pyshical version.
Activision said it'll be retail only like Black Ops II.
More Pikmin 3 stages YES! GOTY just got better again I can't wait to tackle the Platinums and see the crazy stage layouts
New Pikmin DLC! I don't think I'll get them because I've lost interest in Pikmin 3, but it's good to know they're there.
This seems pretty packed to be honest. I'm impressed. Of course, with 10K systems out there this last quarter I don't know it's doing much good...
@Nintendo/Nintendo Life
Hate to say it, but, only option you seem to need every single week in your poll is "Nothing for me this week" because every single f,ing week that's what I have to choose, so disappointing once again, the VC continues to be an utter waste of space/time on the Wii U, why is it even there, pointless.
Ouch! That KORG M01D price is much higher than i hoped... that's a lot of money.
The reason VC is pointless comes down to only having 2 crappy systems the NES & SNES with their catalogue of rubbish games... 3DS VC will be saved by SEGA again soon
Looks like I will get both Wii Sports and wait for the Batman review... I will just keep playing Deus Ex instead.
I hope you all enjoy Layton, over there in Europe.
; ~ ;
Yay, Toki Tori is out this week. Also have been extremely looking forward to Arkham Origins. Although I have found out on IGN, it has quite a few bugs on it with one being unable to progress in the story. I hope the delay had the time to include fixes with the game.
Where the HELL is Call of Duty????? Why is it not in the eshop?
And what happened to batman being cheaper as it lacks the multiplayer????
It's £35 on ps3 on the high street. £40 on day one. It's £50 on psn. If this was suppose to be cheaper as it lacks multiplayer why is now the same price or more expensive????
But more importantly, why the hell is CoD not on eshop????
@cookiex did yet give any actual bloody reason? I won't be buying it unless it comes to eshop
I was up for CoD and batman this week, expecting to spend £90. Now due to one studio being greedy and lying while the other just can't be arsed, that is now £90 not bein spent.
@DESS-M-8 Because the eShop engine can't run it properly
They never said why. Maybe they don't think eShop is a viable platform? None of Activision's other titles were released there either.
Batman or Professor Layton... what to buy, what to buy...
@DESS-M-8 Calm yer titties.
So much anger and CAPS in here. Sheesh.
I'll wait for a price drop of "Prof Layton" so nothing for me this week.
By the way, I would have bought a couple of VC games if there was a few !
Too bad...
Permanent Price Drop for ZombiU? Hoooha!
So, Wii Sports Club is free, but yet it's not? Someone please explain this to me.
mmm...maybe korg and i'll wait ur Batman Origins Review to go DD
uh...toki tori for sure at that price!
Very good week for me. I will get Wii Sports Tennis, Toki Tori, Pikmin 3 DLC and Korg M01D.
Again no VC games...disappointing.
I'm greatly looking forward to Wii Sports Club Tennis & Bowling Can't wait to play them online! Also looking forward to Toki Tori 1 & the Pikmin 3 DLC. Great download week given how much monies I'm putting out this month Might buy Mario & Sonic Sochi Olympics too.
Pretty damn decent price drops for the Ubisoft games.
And I really hope they don't make these "day pass" thing a thing.
It's as bad as microtranslations
Tennis, bowling and toki tori 1 good week for me!
@FishieFish dont see anything wrong with the day pass when there's the option to buy the game outright, thats my issue with karaoke because there isnt with that
Will buy Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy , but not as a download.
So Ubisoft made a "week only special offer" for then keep anyway the prices down permanently? @.@;
Not sure if feel tricked or not XD
I admit I downloaded a couple of games at 15€ even after seeing them in stores for 20€, but if I knew they were going to copy the stores' prices on the eShop after this week... not sure I would have made both those downloads.
Well played Ubisoft, well played >.>;;;
@BakaKnight They were slightly cheaper in the temporary discount than the permanent equivalents, so you still win
Still no Picross? sigh
So it is cheaper to buy Toki Tori and Toki Tori+ combined, instead of only Toki Tori+? Do I get this right? oO
wow.... No VC titles... I hope NA isn't like this....
So it's cheaper to buy both Toki Tori at £1.79 and Toki Tori 2+ at £5.19 than buy Toki Tori 2+ at the discountred price of £7.79
That Korg-app is quite pricy :-/
@Gold - Since it's announcement Wii sports Club has been known to be free for 24 hours after you fist launch it, then you can buy each sport for $9.99 or rent each one for 24 hours for $1.99 (for when you have a party).
Its actually 1 one of the very few times I can recall that Nintendo announced all the relevant info at the same time they announced a new game.
@ThomasBW84 -"They were slightly cheaper in the temporary discount than the permanent equivalents, so you still win "
Well played. I'm still impressed by all the permanent discounts, Nintendo Selects / Players Choice games in less than 1 year.
If the EU and US stores both update on Thur why do we always get the EU stuff days earlier - always on Mondays maybe? - but the US stuff Thur morning? My kid is really excited for the Pikmin levels, he's not big on treasure hunting.
It's Reggie's fault isn't it?
Lol someone actually said the nes an snes are rubbish systems, seriously?the only problem with those games is that we already have them.... many times over
Wii sports tennis an toki tory for me this week i think
£39.99 each for Layton & Winter Olympics? What a f*cking joke! I'll stick to the physical copies for £29.86 and £29.99. I had high hopes of going all digital this generation, but the pricing policy prevents me from justifying the download. Get it sorted Nintendo! I'll only be downloading Wii Sports Tennis, at least that has a palatable price.
@Boxmonkey It can wait! We got VC every Monday for years on the Wii. I'm fine with a little toss up, haha
yeaah korg!
-Toki Tori & Toki Tori 2+ for £6.98? Sweet
-Wii Sports Club Tennis & Bowling
Aaaand I'll trade in some old games for Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Great week.
I bought Arkham Origins on PS3 at the weekend (yes, £35 retail), I'm really enjoying the game even though I gave up on Arkham City. I think I like the representation of the city at Christmas...
As I don't have a Wii U, just not interested enough by the games to invest in the console, I'm just waiting for the SEGA classics on 3DS at the moment.
Maybe the lack of VC on both systems means we have a Direct coming this week announcing new systems for both consoles. Calling it!
On a more realistic note, getting Toki Tori to give it a spin, since I don't have it in any of its other forms.
Wow no Grinsia again? Maybe next week unless hopefully NA gets it this week. No 3DS discounts?
It would be good to know if the new Korg is worth an upgrade if you already own the DS original.
"Some new sounds" isn't that great an addition considering it's a synthesizer...
Oh crap, is COD only physical in NA as well?
Senran Kagura... WHEN ?
Plenty of content to get these days, starting to get a backlog of games!
@CliffordB I just assumed that people complained so mush they skipped a week. I would.
Am I reading this right? I could download Toki Tori 2+ for £7.79, or buy the original as well as Toki Tori 2+ for £6.98?
@ThomasBW84 any word on that deus ex review?? Was hoping to have seen one by now =(
@ULTRA-64 I believe it's getting much closer, so hopefully not long now.
I'll try the updated Wii Sports for free but won't purchase any sports until they are for sale (hopefully that happens). I have the original Wii Sports and I'm not that interested in online features.
I'll also get both Toki Tori games. More interested in the classic but it was nice of them to offer 2+ for less if you buy the classic.
The Toki Tori deal really is great.
This is one of the first times (since Wii U launch) that I can honestly say there are more than 2 things I want to download in a single week.
@ULTRA-64 My Deus Ex review: 9/10 -PROS only £24, really good RPG shooter, loads of stuff to do, uses the gamepad as well as ZombiU, CONS loading times
I don't have a Wii U, so nothing for me. I would buy the Toki Tori bundle if I did, though.
It would be nice if Nintendo's sports games would interface with Wii Fit series save data. You would think that would be logical conclusion but yet it hasn't happened.
@ThomasBW84 Deus EX is the best 3rd party game on Wii U right now IMO.
I was going to get Ghosts but i'm really not feeling it on Wii U, Treyarch have been very cagey regarding details and recent info on the game doesn't fill me with confidence. We shall see...
10 euros would be a high price for games as simple as the Wii Sports titles even if they weren't just enhanced re-releases.
What a bad week for you guys in EU. I hope NA gets River City Ransom or City Connection on the 3DS VC this week.
@Alshain01 You could wear your Fit Meter while playing Sports, then zap in the activity... ta-da!
Yay, I can play Wii Sports in HD for 24 hours. Not gonna put my money for that of course.
Agree Deus EX very strong reboot of a great 2 year old game, but for my money AC4 is the best 3rd party game on WiiU....it is technically nealry flawless....Better textures, lighting, effects, and framerate than ps360 versions, get this quick load times (I think the 1.1gb update on first boot is a core component install), all extra functions like uplay, comapnion app, and online are working and its an awesome game. Right now GOTY considered IMO. Ubi really deserves credit for making this great on WiiU so please support it...worlds better than AC3 both as a game and as a well executed game!
Definitly getting Bowling
But wasnt Batman supposed top be a tad cheaper on WiiU because of the missing features ? And not it costs more than your regular Nintendo game (wich mostly peak at 49,95 € over here) or am i mixing it up with another game ?
On a completely different note: I passed up Dragons Crown because i beleave that i read somewhere, that a WiiU version was considered...Was it a rumor, is it on its way or is my mind playing tricks on me on this one ?
The Toki Tori deal is a good one, and ZombiU is worth that price, IMO.
I also know KORG is a wanted one, too, even if it's expensive. It looks like a good week in the UK, to me.
Are these permanent discounts a sign of Ubisoft cutting its losses and moving to pastures new?
Also, after yesterday's revelation I was kind of expecting (hoping?) to see Super Mario Bros 3 on the Virtual Console this week...
Toki Tori shall be mine! ALL MINE!
I would get Bowling, but I don't have Wii Motion Plus.
@MadAussieBloke You mean to tell me that the NES and SNES libraries are rubbish? You've got to be kidding me. The SNES alone has dozens of fantastic games, never mind the many gems on the NES.
The real problem is Nintendo refuses to release their big classic titles at more than a trickle. They could flood the Virtual Console with excellent NES and SNES titles, but they seem content to push out their lackluster back catalog one or two painful games at a time while ignoring games like Link to the Past, Yoshi's Island, Starfox, Mario 3 and Mario RPG.
Getting Toki Tori and maybe Toki Tori 2+ as well, I'll try Wii Sport Club on the weekend to see if its worth £8.99 a sport (from what I've seen so far on youtube I feel £5 would have been more reasonable).
Is North America getting the Pikmin 3 battle enemies DLC as well?
@rjejr Does it require to play, even if it's just you playing?
I sure hope Toki Tori is released in the NA eShop this week as well! I like the original's gameplay and mechanics better than 2, but 2 is still good.
Toki Tori and Pikmin 3 DLC for me this week. It says 'Battle enemies stages 7-10' though - does this mean stage 6 is free again?
I might also get Brunch Panic.
I wish Nintendo would take a leaf out of Ubisoft's book and decrease the price of download titles as their retail equivalents become cheaper.
@thesilverbrick You can already get the best of NES & SNES through the WiiShop anyway and I have already played those to death... Earthbound was a surprise but in the end after all the hoopla it really was just a very easy mediocre game
Wii Sports Club - £8.99 per event. Really, Nintendo? It's initial success in the west (leading to the Wii itself being successful) with all ages was partly due to the fact that it was free. This is just greed.
I'll stick to playing Wii Sports Resort offline.
@Mk_II It's worth EVERY Penny! Trust me
Do I smell a new trend: Temporarily reducing the price of a game, then 1 week later a permanent reduction! It happened with Myst, and now it happens with the Wii u Ubisoft games! If they plan a permanent price-reduction in such a small timeframe, they shouldn't do a temporarily one!!
I thought the Mario & Sonic series was published outside Japan by SEGA, as some sort of mutual something-or-other between both companies.
@SanderEvers I never said Wii Sports Resort was free, but I'll stick with it because it has a damn sight more content than the orignal Wii Sports does....just porting the original game in bits and pieces is pretty lazy IMHO even if they have been updated to use Motionplus (bowling & golf were already updated for Motionplus in Wii Sports Resort anyway, only with tennis being replaced by table tennis.)
As for the original Wii Sports, I specified that it was free in the West as it was always a separate title in Japan, Even though technically it wasn't 'free', it was the pack in game included with all Wii consoles sold in the West from launch day and for an extremely long time afterwards, you couldn't buy a Wii and not get Wii Sports with it, or buy Wii Sports separately. So it will have been considered a 'free' game with the Wii by millions of people who bought the console, especially the casual market.
Given that most people with a Wii (especially in the West) will also have a copy of Wii Sports, I can't see Nintendo managing to attract many of these gamers to download Wii Sports Club at £8.99 a time for individual events, when the Wii U is backward compatible and will run the original Wii version of Wii Sports just fine.
@SanderEvers: 200€ + ~20% VAT = 240€
@LittleIrves That will work to some degree but it wouldn't be quite as accurate. Some of the events in past editions (which I hope make it to Club eventually) have not really had much leg movement but still are an excellent source of cardio (Wakeboarding, Frisbee, Golf, Swordplay, Rowing, Boxing). Since the Wii Fit Meter is primarily a pedometer, it's not going to register for these activities. Some of these are actually in Wii Fit U too so it's not as big a deal (Rowing, Boxing) but still it would be nice. (It would also be nice if Wakeboarding could optionally use the balance board)
@ToxieDogg @SanderEvers - Wii Sports was free enough. Wii was $250 at launch including sports, PS3 was $499 or $599, Xbox360 was $499, neither of those other 2 included games, so it LOOKED free, thats how peoples brains work.
The kicker is though, when they took Sports out of the box it was $19.99 for all 5 Sports, so selling them for $9.99 each now isn't cool, even w/ online. But - and this is what Nitnedo has going for it now - the only people who currently own a Wii U will pay $9.99 each, the people who bought a Wii for Sports haven't upgraded yet. Maybe this Christmas, and they may buy it then but probably not as Wii Sports players don't DL games. (Generalization but true enough.)
Nice discounts on the retail games and Toki Tori!
The screenshots for Batman Origins Blackgate look quite weird in the 3DS eshop, with 3D enabled only a stamp in the top right corner is in 3D mode.
No proper screenshots, no video, no demo.
No purchase.
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