It might look a little something like this

Mutant Mudds on the 3DS eShop has an obvious retro charm, but you know what’s really retro? Getting your game in a good old, hold-it-in-your-hands box; not magically downloaded from invisible pieces screaming through the ether from all this newfangled alien wireless technology we have these days.

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham wants his game in a box too, and has announced on his blog that he has reached out to Nintendo for more details on this possibility. Watsham said he does not know yet whether Nintendo would permit this method of distribution, or how much it would cost for 3DS cartridges.

If allowed and possible for a reasonable price, Watsham is looking to Kickstarter to fund the manufacturing process. He points toward Diamond Trust of London, an indie DS title that successfully reached its goal to have 1,000 boxed copies created, and has also said the physical copy of Mutant Mudds would be priced at the cost of production.

Would you like to get your hands on a boxed copy of Mutant Mudds? Are there other titles you’d like considered for the same treatment? Let us know.
