Based on the award-winning animated television show produced by Hasbro Studios, Transformers Prime lets you play as your favourite Autobot character and embark on an action-packed adventure to save the earth from the evil Megatron and his new secret weapon. Get a preview glimpse of the Wii U version in the video below, which shows Megatron exercising threats of conquest and acts of opression with the threat of a new weapon, Dark Energon. Character appearances include Megatron, Optimus Prime, Knock Out and Bumblebee.
As well as a new trailer, some light has been shed as to when we can expect Transformers Prime in stores. The game will be released across the UK on the 2nd November for the Nintendo Wii, 3DS and DS, with the Wii U version arriving November 30th. This means it will be on the list of launch titles for the new home console next month.
Will Transformers Prime be on your 'to buy' list?
Comments 13
I've got Fall of Cybertron to last me awhile, so pass.
hm. I like Transformers but I don't know about this new cartoon series...seems a little more kiddish...i've only watched like one episode online though. I don't get that channel.
I am intrigued. I like the idea of a fighting game with big robots that turn into cards, hits that nostalgic 90s child in me. But I'd have to be getting a Wii U first and it's not going to happen till next year for me.
Game could be great but the visuals tell me this was an afterthought for the wii u.
Tjeezz...such a fail. This is a direct port from the Wii. Its actually the Wii version but then in HD.
SO AWESOME!!! I love Transformers Prime the animated series (Even my Dad thinks it's awesome) and now the official game is coming to Wii U! This is one of the launch games I'm looking most forward to. Oh yeah nothing is cooler (This is still credit, but I'm also serious) than Transformers!!!
I like transformers and transformer games, but i don't like transformer games based on the cartoon series. They should keep making the realistic transformer games.
I love Tidalwave.
I would have preferred Fall of Cybertron to this! So I will pass!
I dont care for that new show, Fall of Cybertron would have been an instant buy if it were on Wii U, but this is actually starting to look pretty pleasing...
I'm Prime and ready not to buy this game.
NO not KNOW.
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