In February we brought you news that Monster World IV was finally coming Westward, according to a rating by the Australian OFLC, and there was much rejoicing. Now the European rating board PEGI has got in on the act, rating the game for Virtual Console in Europe.
Naturally there's no specific release date yet, but the fact it's been rated for Virtual Console alone is reason to rejoice, particularly as a recent ESRB rating made no mention of a Wii release.
We'll bring you more news of green-haired adventurers as we get it.
Monster World IV
SEGA Europe Ltd
The content of this game is suitable for persons aged 7 years and over only.
It contains: Non realistic looking violence towards fantasy characters - Non realistic looking violence towards characters which although human are not very detailed
System: Nintendo Wii - Virtual Console
Genre: RPG
Releasedate: 2011-03-30
[source pegi.info]
Comments 38
This was never translated to english. April fools?
PEGI does not go in for April Fool's.
Let's hope it comes to the American VC as well.
@brooks83 Me, I'm sure.
Huh it's weird that the ESRB rated it for PS3/360 and not Wii and PEGI has rated it for Wii but not PS3/360.
360 awesome 60hz HD. I would consider it on WII if 60hz for convenience of setup.
Can't wait for this release.
Ooo sounds like fun~!!!
Looks cool, would like to see a US release.... April Fool's?
Can't wait.
Please please be coming to the U.S. soon! I so want to finally complete my wonderboy VC collection. This looks to possibly be the best in the series. It'll be interesting to see if this gets translated but I doubt it. Sure would make it more playable.
I hope this is true! Though it maens the game must have been translated for a release here in Europe, as it will be un-playable otherwise. Just hope this isn't a April fools joke?
The protagonist looks familiar...
I doubt this has anything to do with April fools. If they wanted to do a VC related April fools joke they'd be saying Earthbound was being released. I'm pretty sure this is real news.
Happy NintendoLife Anniversary!
I thought this was a joke, but it's alright past noon so...I am glad it isn't.
I love this game, but it's nigh unplayable without a guide. I hope they actually include something to get past the tough parts.
This game was never translated in English. So another April Fools? I've never played this though, so I'm not looking forward to anything. Besides picking up my 3DS tomorrow!
A translated VC game?? Is this a thing that is possible? A translated VC Japanese action RPG? Square, are you listening?
Nintendo life I thought it was more than two years!! but Happy Birthday
What (or who) is PEGI?
If this is not, in fact, an April Fool's joke, I hope it reaches the U.S. as well and is translated. I've played a translated version before, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten as far as I had without knowing what the characters were saying ... and I hate having to look at web translations.
PEGI is the European ratings board, last I checked.
@MickeyMac The second sentence of this article agrees!
Not sure why people would think this was an April Fool's joke. But this is a game I will be downloading if and when it hits North America, translated or not.
This article says it's coming to Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, but NOT the Virtual Console
@outrun2sp and @ryanthehedgehog
Yes, it hasn't official been translated into English. There are Japan only releases on the US and EU Wii Virtual Console. Puyo Puyo Tsu (2) being one of them. So I fail to see this as a April Fools Joke.
Holy crap, you're right! And there it might actually be translated! But it's specifically coming to the VC in Europe. Maybe it's coming to all 3, and it might actually be translated.
Maybe they struck a deal with the guys at Demiforce and DeJap who did the Fan Translation? It's not unthinkable, and it's certainly not the first time that home-hackers have been asked to fix something for an official publisher.
MW IV is fairly heavy on text for an action platformer, and you're definitely gonna need to talk to people to get the story. Either that, or they actually managed to translate it themselves, in which case, kudos.
@Clinker that article is based on the ESRB rating which may or may not be wrong. It's just like this NLife article reporting a VC rating. They're just reporting what they're seeing on the ratings board. Joystiq doesn't have any secret inside info confirming it's a PSN and XBLA release and not VC.
These ratings boards are either mixed up or there's a conspiracy going on.
That's great to hear!
Happy Two-Year Anniversary, NintendoLife!!!
If it's coming to Europe's VC then there's no reason it can't be released in America's also. I have a feeling it's going to be translated. Why would they not when it's practically unplayable to people who can't read Japanese? It's not the same as Sin and Punishment which needed no translation but they still did it.
Perhaps the PS3 and Xbox will have additional content or upgraded graphics while the Wii will get the straight port onto the VC. Maybe that is why there are separate listings.
Non realistic looking violence towards characters which although human are not very detailed
This looks like it could be a joke. But, who knows...
crossing fingers
Please come to America, please come to America, please come to America!
I remember playing this on Gametap back when it didn't suck, and had loads of classic games. This game is really cool. Even if I don't understand a lick of it. It's been awhile since we got an import game on the US VC. I sincerely hope that Monster World IV will be the next!
Huh, the ESRB rating is for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. That sounds like they got it wrong. But if this comes to PSN, I'll probably get it there. PSN Genesis games are priced less than on the VC. And, in the case of Gunstar Heroes, include online modes.
A nice. I don't think it will take long before this game arrives on European vc, now that it has a age rating.
It's strange though: Since Hudson is as good as dead, a big wave of Hudson games is arriving on vc. I am not complaining though: I like those games.
This isn't a Hudson game, it's originally developed by Westone.
This is now rated by the ESRB for the Wii
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